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Letters to Yesenin

by Jim Harrison

"The way Harrison has embedded his entire vision of our predicament implicitly in the particulars of two poetic lives, his own and Yesenin's, is what makes the poem not only his best but one of the best in the past twenty-five years of American writing."--Hayden Carruth, Sulfur"Harrison inhabits the problems of our age as if they were beasts into which he had crawled, and Letters to Yesenin is a kind of imaginative taxidermy that refuses to stay in place up on the trophy room wall, but insists on walking into the dining room."--The American Poetry ReviewJim Harrison's gorgeous, desperate, and harrowing "correspondence" with Sergei Yesenin--a Russian poet who committed suicide after writing his final poem in his own blood--is considered an American masterwork.In the early 1970s, Harrison was living in poverty on a hardscrabble farm, suffering from depression and suicidal tendencies. In response he began to write daily prose-poem letters to Yesenin. Through this one-sided correspondence, Harrison unloads to this unlikely hero, ranting and raving about politics, drinking problems, family concerns, farm life, and a full range of daily occurrences. The rope remains ever present.Yet sometime through these letters there is a significant shift. Rather than feeling inextricably linked to Yesenin's inevitable path, Harrison becomes furious, arguing about their imagined relationship: "I'm beginning to doubt whether we ever would have been friends."In the end, Harrison listened to his own poems: "My year-old daughter's red robe hangs from the doorknob shouting Stop."

Letters Written and Not Sent: Poems

by William Louis-Dreyfus

This culmination of a life of poetry, art, and social justice “has the freshness of an opening argument and the majesty of a man’s last words” (Molly Peacock, author of The Analyst).Like paperweights, his lyrics are both small and hefty. His subjects range from race relations to trees, from secrets to parenthood, from ideas of god to kissing, from sons and mothers to fate, and of course, to poetry itself. Never afraid of the big questions of why human beings are alive, and what hope and justice are for, Louis-Dreyfus could take decades to finish a poem. A perfectionist, a thinker, and always inspired by visual art, he fought with himself over how to say what he wanted to say best. Like the French-Uruguayan businessman poet Jules Supervielle, whom Louis-Dreyfus translated, he felt the tug of the financial world against the pull of the lyricism of poetry, and the division marked his life and sparked ideas for his finest poems. As the heart condition that seized him made it absolutely imperative, finishing Letters Written and Not Sent literally became a life-or-death matter. This is the book that he wished to send into the world.“There’s rock-bottom integrity, a dignified modesty, and a quizzical, persistent quest for meaning in this collection. It’s a final bequest to the living from an intensely generous man.” —Rosanna Warren, author of So Forth: Poems“The poems of William Louis-Dreyfus testify to an inner life of great richness, but one that freely slipped across the border of the self into the world beyond . . . a fine collection of his work, and it is good to have it at last.” —Charles Martin, author of Future Perfect

Letters Written by Walt Whitman to his Mother, 1866-1872 (American Biography Ser.)

by Walt Whitman

Leva-me ao mar

by Mois Benarroch Maria Olinda Reis

Leva-me ao mar, qual uma longa e dolorosa viagem do poeta até ao início do mundo, ao seu nascimento, ao tão desejado reencontro com a mãe, dentro do seu útero (La mère et la mer), onde se buscam as forças para as outras viagens (Faz-te à estrada): aquela que encetou há 2000 anos (2000 anos, ainda e ainda e ainda; Mãe), aquela que nos guia até à pátria tão almejada (As andorinhas; Pátria), aquela que nos leva a revisitar a nossa cidade natal (Um país longínquo), a que nos conduz ao exílio (Em terra de imigrantes), algures e em toda a parte (O lar do estrangeiro), mas também aquela nos transporta nos trilhos infindáveis da saudade eterna deixada pelo desaparecimento de entes queridos (Pai). Sem, porém, esquecer a contínua viagem que o poeta empreende, movido pela ânsia de sobrevivência, quer através da glória quer do reconhecimento (O café literário; Ser uma minoria étnica; Autocrítica).

Leviathan: A Poem

by Michael Shewmaker

Leviathan, the highly anticipated second collection by Michael Shewmaker, offers an innovative reimagining of the book of Job. Set in the landscape of modern East Texas, the poem unfolds in four cycles of interchanging monologues, each compounding the difficulties of a faith placed in a distant God. With an accomplished music wholly its own, Shewmaker’s verse shifts effortlessly between song and story, unearthing beauty from the deep well of loss and doubt.

Li Bai Rides a Celestial Dolphin Home (The Alaska Literary Series)

by Tom Sexton

“On the night Li Bai tried to embrace the moon / in its fullness on the surface of the Yangtze River, / blossoms scented the air, and beyond the moon / pale stars powdered the sky. That faint shiver / of white near the surface was a dolphin rising. / I carry a book of his poems whenever I travel, / poems that touch the heart like a gentle snow. / Look, over there in that marsh, a snowy egret rising.” ​The day after their wedding, Tom and Sharyn Sexton set off on the more than 4,500-mile journey from Massachusetts to Alaska. Now, more than fifty years later, Tom Sexton is retracing those steps through his exceptional poetry. He describes the communities they passed through and ruminates on the changes, good and bad, that have taken place in the decades since. He still finds hope in the country and draws transformative hope from the land that connects all of us. Appropriate for a journey that moves from east to west, the Sexton’s real-life voyage is embedded in the imaginary journey of the ancient Chinese poet, Li Bai, from Broad Pass to Polychrome Pass in the Alaska Range.

Li Fu: Un poeta campesino

by Pietro Grieco

Un libro sui generis, evocativo y provocativo, a la vez profundo y elemental, que revoluciona nuestra noción de la originalidad y de nuestra propia realidad. El silencio de la naturaleza y las voces del alma sirven de fuente de inspiración a Li Fu, un poeta chino cuyo legado perdura más allá de la desmemoria de los anales. <P><P>Nacido en las postrimerías de la dinastía Tang y educado para aprobar el Shi Ching y convertirse en funcionario imperial, el talentoso Li renuncia a su ambición gubernativa y se convierte en un poeta campesino, ermitaño, aunque rodeado de discípulos. La visita de un viejo amigo le traerá de vuelta las fragancias indestructibles de la infancia y, con ellas, la añoranza de tantos instantes que el poema nunca acaba de atrapar. Ya cerca de la muerte, Li Fu tomará una decisión: seguirá el destino de la poesía pura y entregará su cadáver a las llamas. <P><P>El fuego se encenderá con los papeles de seda de sus delicados epigramas. Con inspirado pulso poético y un profundo conocimiento de la poesía y la sensibilidad chinas, Pietro Grieco nos adentra en este mundo de espejos e incesantes cadencias que, siempre por instantes, nos revelan la belleza en su elusivo pasar. La presentación de la poesía china que antecede la propia obra sitúa y enriquece esta aventura poética que interroga el intelecto y deleita los sentidos y la imaginación.

Li Shangyin (Nyrb Poets Ser.)

by Li Shangyin Chloe Garcia Roberts A. C. Graham Lucas Klein

A one-of-a-kind collection of work by little-known Late Tang poetic master Li Shangyin.Li Shangyin is one of the foremost poets of the late Tang, but until now he has rarely been translated into English, perhaps because the esotericism and sensuality of his work set him apart from the austere masters of the Chinese literary canon. Li favored allusiveness over directness, and his poems unfurl through mysterious images before coalescing into an emotional whole. Combining hedonistic aestheticism with stark fatalism, Li’s poetry is an intoxicating mixture of pleasure and grief, desire and loss, everywhere imbued with a singular nostalgia for the present moment.This pioneering, bilingual edition presents Chloe Garcia Roberts’s translations of a wide selection of Li’s verse in the company of other versions by the prominent sinologist A. C. Graham and the scholar-poet Lucas Klein.


by Lynn Crosbie

At once casting aside and reinventing the confessional mode, Liar is a booklength monument to love found, betrayed, renounced, and ultimately accepted as transformative. The white-hot immediacy of detail and scorching emotional honesty of Liar make for a compelling tour through one lover's accounting for her own actions and those of her beloved. From the delusion of ownership to the pain of estrangement, Crosbie's surgical intelligence exposes what romantics so often refuse to acknowledge: the lover's own complicity in her joy and suffering. Swinging between the grotesque and the beautiful, Crosbie's depiction of the lover adrift alters how we think of the love poem -- indeed, how we think of passion itself.


by Mark Ludwig Ha Jin

An exploration of freedom by some of the world's most celebrated poets, published for the seventieth anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi camps The year 2015 marks the seventieth anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps and the conclusion of the Second World War. But around the world, oppressed and imprisoned people are still longing for freedom and asking, "What does it mean to be free?" This collection of poems explores that question.In honor of this anniversary, some of the world's top contemporary voices--including Rita Dove, Robert Pinsky, Jay Parini, Yusef Komunyakaa, Agi Mishol, Tsering Woeser, Han Dong, Ernesto Santana, and Richard Blanco--have written poems on the theme of liberation as it inspires them personally and creatively. Nearly all of their poems are published for the first time in this volume.The result is an artistic representation of the universal yearning for freedom from twenty-five countries--and countless stories of oppression, imprisonment, and liberation. Here are Afghan women writing in secret, Tibetan and Cuban dissidents, memories and hopes inspired by topics from Fergusson to the Middle East, from illness to spirituality to joy in nature. This collection demonstrates the power of art to heal and to bring attention to freedom as a universal human right.Lyrical, uplifting, contemplative, sometimes angry, sometimes hopeful, always masterful, these are enduring poems to enrich and inspire.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Liberation of Jerusalem (Oxford World's Classics)

by Torquato Tasso Max Wickert

In The Liberation of Jerusalem (1581), Torquato Tasso set out to write an epic to rival the Iliad and the Aeneid. Unlike his predecessors, he took his subject not from myth but from history: the Christian capture of Jerusalem during the First Crusade. The siege of the city is played out alongside a magical romance of love and sacrifice, in which the Christian knight Rinaldo succumbs to the charms of the pagan sorceress Armida, and the warrior maiden Clorinda inspires a fatal passion in the Christian Tancred. Tasso's masterpiece left its mark on writers from Spenser and Milton to Goethe and Byron, and inspired countless painters and composers. This is the first English translation in modern times that faithfully reflects both the sense and the verse form of the original. Max Wickert's fine rendering is introduced by Mark Davie, who places Tasso's poem in its troubled historical context and sheds light on its narrative framework and historical accuracy as well as its reception and influence.

El libertar de mis pensamientos

by Jacira Félix

La joven poeta angoleña Jacira Félix reúne en este libro un conjunto de poesías de gran intensidad emotiva. El lector empatizará con la autora porque su verso es transparente, nos traslada de forma natural a su mundo, a sus experiencias cotidianas, a sus íntimos anhelos y a sus proyecciones sociales. Es el autorretrato de un yo pintado en el lienzo de la comunidad a la que está íntimamente arraigado.

A Library

by Nikki Giovanni

In this lyrical picture book, world-renowned poet, New York Times bestselling author, and Coretta Scott King Honor winner Nikki Giovanni and fine artist Erin Robinson craft an ode to the magic of a library as a place not only for knowledge but also for imagination, exploration, and escape.In what other place can a child "sail their dreams" and "surf the rainbow" without ever leaving the room? This ode to libraries is a celebration for everyone who loves stories, from seasoned readers to those just learning to love words, and it will have kids and parents alike imagining where their library can take them.This inspiring read-aloud includes stunning illustrations and a note from Nikki Giovanni about the importance of libraries in her own childhood.

The Library

by Sarah Stewart David Small

<p>Meet an unforgettable bibliophile <p>Elizabeth Brown doesn't like to play with dolls and she doesnt like to skate. What she does like to do is read books. Lots of books. The only problem is that her library has gotten so big she can't even use her front door anymore. What should Elizabeth Brown do? Start her own public library, of course! With charming verse and watercolors Sarah Stewart and David Small celebrate one of America's oldest and finest institutions. <p>The Library is a 1995 New York Times Book Review Notable Children's Book of the Year and Outstanding Book of the Year.</p>

El libro de arena

by Jorge Luis Borges

«Me dijo que su libro se llamaba El libro de arena, porque ni el libro ni la arena tienen ni principio ni fin.»El primero de los cuentos reunidos aquí retoma el tema del doble: los protagonistas de «El otro» son lo bastante distintos para ser dos y lo bastante parecidos para ser uno. «Ulrica» es la historia de un amor efímero. «El Congreso» describe una empresa tan vasta que se confunde con el cosmos y con la suma de los días. «Undr» y «El espejo y la máscara» son relatos sobre literaturas seculares que constan de una sola palabra, mientras que otras piezas imaginan objetos inconcebibles como un libro de infinitas páginas; un volumen impredecible y a la vez monstruoso: el libro de arena.

Libro de la erudición poética

by Luis Carrillo y Sotomayor

El Libro de erudición poética is the text that describes the principles of the occult. According to Carrillo, thorough readers should interpret, with extreme patience, references and metaphors of the text through re-reading. While his work was obscure, its perceived "darkness" was due in large part to its depth.

El libro de la Yoruba

by Iván Segarra Báez

Poesía afrocaribeña El libro de la Yoruba (2015) es mi conexión con las voces ancestrales que hay en mi cabeza entre la esclavitud africana, el Caribe y la religión Yoruba. <P><P>Además de la religión es un proceso de sanación entre los dolores negros que viajan por mi cuerpo. <P>El Caribe multicultural y profano, lluvia de cenizas en el tiempo de las cosas. Yemayá y salitre del Congo, Camerún, Managua, tierra del quimbombó, azufre y malanga, gandul y chorizo, mezcla de mezclas, raíz y espada, negros que brincan sobre el fuego fatuo de las cosas en una ceremonia a media noche. <P>Las bellas Antillas tropicales: Cuba, Haití, Jamaica, República Dominicana, Puerto Rico, San Tomás o San Tomé, Dominica, Guadalupe y Martinica.

Libro de poemas, libro de palabras

by Paqui Gómez Prieto

Las historias que he vivido, las historias que me han contado convertidas en poesías Estos poemas los he estado escribiendo desde los dieciséis, diecisiete años hasta ahora que casi lo he dejado. <P><P>Faltan poemas, faltan poemas a mi familia, a la hermosa naturaleza, a los sirios que están muriendo y pocos hacen algo por ellos. Falta el poema a mis amigos actuales, y a mi perra Nana que es adorable, y cariñosa, única y buena perra. <P>Y no sé si falta pero me gustaría dedicar un poema a la paz que siento, a los instantes que vivo. Faltan poemas, poemas actuales que ya no escribo, por ejemplo falta un poema, que sería precioso, a los maestros, los profesores que actualmente me están enseñando a conseguir algo más que un título de la ESO, los que me están enseñando el bachillerato, los que me han enseñado cursillos o cursos porque son buena gente y se les nota que quieren enseñar, sin palos, sin La letra con sangre entra, para que todos seamos mejores personas. <P>Y a los compañeros con los que estudio que me ayudan mucho también les escribiría un poema. Pero estoy en paz, aunque no siempre, y no necesito escribir más, a veces me sale alguno, puede que incluso llene otro libro de poemas con el tiempo, ¿quién sabe lo que puede pasar en el futuro?

Libro de poemas | Primeras canciones | Canciones (Poesía completa #1)

by Federico García Lorca

Libro de poemas | Primeras canciones | Canciones es el primer volumen de la Biblioteca Federico García Lorca y el primero que compila su «Poesía completa». La figura de Federico García Lorca abarca, tanto en España como en el exterior, mucho más que su literatura. Su poesía, traducida a infinidad de lenguas, recorre paisajes, hurga en tradiciones y denuncia injusticias con la maestría de quien ha sabido utilizar la pluma como pocos, y sus libros continúan leyéndose sin atender al paso del tiempo ni a las arbitrariedades de la moda. En este libro el lector podrá acercarse al joven Lorca, en cuya poesía germinan ya las grandes obras que lo erigieron en un maestro indiscutible, como el Libro de poemas, las Canciones, el Juego y teoría del duende o las Suites. La edición y los prólogos, a cargo de Miguel García-Posada, permiten al lector acercarse a la complejidad de su obra y disfrutar, a lo largo de los siete volúmenes que componen esta Biblioteca Federico García Lorca, de uno de los autores españoles más relevantes del siglo XX. Luis Buñuel dijo...«La obra maestra era él. Me parece, incluso, difícil encontrar a alguien semejante. Podía leer cualquier cosa, y la belleza brotaba siempre de sus labios. Tenía pasión, alegría, juventud. Era como una llama.» --------------------------------------------------------------------------BIBLIOTECA FEDERICO GARCÍA LORCA Poesía competa:1. Libro de poemas | Primeras canciones | Canciones2. Romancero gitano | Poema del cante jondo3. Poeta en Nueva York | Sonetos Teatro completo:4. La zapatera prodigiosa | Mariana Pineda5. El público | Así que pasen cinco años6. Bodas de sangre | Yerma7. La casa de Bernarda Alba | Doña Rosita la soltera--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Libro del anhelo

by Leonard Cohen

Un poemario «excepcional. Austero y sensual, cósmico e íntimo, pícaro y profundo» (The New York Times), por el ganador del Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras «Cohen ha creado un imaginario sentimental en el que la poesía y la música se funden en un valor inalterable.» Jurado del Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras 2011«Siempre he pensado que soy un escritor menor. Mi territorio es limitado, pero les aseguro que lo exploro paso a paso y muy a fondo», comentaba Leonard Cohen, el hombre que era y seguirá siendo una de las figuras más fascinantes de nuestro tiempo. Su voz rota ha cantado todas las miserias y grandezas de la condición humana y sus palabras están más vivas que nunca. Muchas veces se le ha calificado como uno de los mejores poetas del siglo, gracias, en gran medida, a que su talento musical ha ido siempre acompañado de una asombrosa destreza verbal. Cohen trabajó en este poemario durante más de veinte años. En él volcó su emoción, sus dudas, sus miedos, sus consideraciones en torno al amor, la vejez, el mundo que nos rodea y, finalmente, la muerte. Los poemas aquí reunidosvienen además acompañados por dibujos del autor, lo que hace de este Libro del anhelo un complemento imprescindible a su obra. Reseñas:«En estas páginas se nos regala la oportunidad de asistir al proceso de construcción de la escritura de Cohen, casi como si entráramos en el taller de su talento.» Ray Loriga «Excepcional. Austero y sensual, cósmico e íntimo, pícaro y profundo.» The New York Times«Sobrecogedor […]. Cohen emerge como el místico irónico y sensual que sus seguidores siempre han sabido que era.» Sunday Telegraph «Deslumbrante.» Sunday Herald «Travieso, colorido, erótico […]. Brillante y afilado como el pedernal.»Big Issue «Cohen cartografía este páramo del corazón con humor, y a veces con rabia.» The Independent «Hay poca, poquísima gente que pueda ocupar el lugar que habita Cohen. Es nuestra Mary Shelley, nuestro lord Byron.» Bono«Leonard Cohen es tres escritores diferentes que son el mismo poeta; sus obras pueden estar en verso, en prosa o dentro de una canción, pero siempre logran lo que consigue un buen poema: transformar las palabras en un encantamiento.» Benjamín Prado, El Mundo «Un escritor de gran energía y color.»The Observer

Libro Uno: (Uno y Verso)

by Sonia Logan B

Puedes venir a caminar con las que surgen de dentro afuera y que son tuyas verdaderas, porque las palabras te hacen fuerte. Y como dice Platón: andar nos ayuda a pensar, la forma mejor de reconocerte en las palabras es pensar muy bien lo que dices. <P><P> «¿Es aquí el alma? ¿Necesitas ayuda? Chatea con uno de nuestros agentes.» De este modo, una serie de poemas van sucediéndose unos a otros a modo de diálogo entre la poeta y el saber universal. <P>A veces se le presta oídos a una hoja; a veces se ve por los ojos recién abiertos de un rosal. La interrelación entre quien habla y aquello de lo que se habla puede producir un efecto trampantojo; como un juego de espejos, la realidad se realiza en su multiplicidad.

The Lichtenberg Figures

by Ben Lerner

Winner of the Hayden Carruth Award uses "broken sonnets" to explore complex juxtapositions of contemporary culture.

The Lichtenberg Figures

by Ben Lerner

The Lichtenberg Figures, winner of the Hayden Carruth Award, is an unconventional sonnet sequence that interrogates the relationship between language and memory, violence and form. "Lichtenberg figures" are fern-like electrical patterns that can appear on (and quickly fade from) the bodies of people struck by lightning.Throughout this playful and elegiac debut--with its flashes of autobiography, intellection, comedy, and critique--the vocabulary of academic theory collides with American slang and the idiom of the Old Testament meets the jargon of the Internet to display an eclectic sensibility.Ben Lerner, the youngest poet ever published by Copper Canyon Press, is co-founder of No: a journal of the arts. He earned an MFA from Brown University and is currently a Fulbright scholar in Spain.

The Life (Penguin Poets)

by Carrie Fountain

An acclaimed poet deepens her exploration of the domestic in a new collection of playful and wise poemsThe poems in Carrie Fountain's third collection, The Life, exist somewhere, as Rilke says, between "our daily life" and "the great work"--an interstitial space where sidelong glances live alongside shouts to heaven. In elegant, colloquial language, Fountain observes her children dressing themselves in fledgling layers of personhood, creating their own private worlds and personalities, and makes room for genuine marvels in the midst of routine. Attuned to the delicate, fleeting moments that together comprise a life, these poems offer a guide by which to navigate the signs and symbols, and to pilot if not the perfect life, the only life, the life we are given.

Life and Beyond: Poems and Appropriations

by Lawrence Salander

Life and Beyond is a collaboration between the prize-winning film director Jonah L. Salander, who is responsible for the beautiful and profound photographs in this volume, and his father, the artist and poet Lawrence Salander. This book is the result of Jonah Salander’s habit of walking the streets of New York City , where for various reasons—including his love for the city and his profound regard and empathy for the people who live there, and as a tool for his work as a film director—he photographs those vignettes he discovers. These photographs inspired the photographer’s father Lawrence to write the accompanying poems. Lawrence Salander is also the author of Art as I See It, published by Austin Macauley in 2019.

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