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90 poemas
by Gonzalo RojasAntología esencial del poeta y Premio Cervantes. Los 90 poemas de Gonzalo Rojas que integran este libro -seleccionados y dispuestos en una secuencia especial por Elvira Hernández- buscan abrir y renovar lecturas sobre la obra de un poeta que ya ostenta el rango de clásico de la literatura hispanoamericana. Recorriendo el medio siglo de creación poética de Rojas, esta antología deja ver los movimientos, las variaciones y los acentos con los que el poeta, Premio Cervantes de Literatura, supo inventar nuevos ritmos y respiraciones para que la palabra escrita suene a dicha, sea dicha. "Me ha tomado mucho, me ha removido y me deja algo parecido al deslumbramiento de lo muy original, de lo realmente inédito". GABRIELA MISTRAL
99 Poems: New & Selected
by Dana GioiaSo much of what we live goes on inside—The diaries of grief, the tongue-tied achesOf unacknowledged love are no less realFor having passed unsaid. What we concealIs always more than what we dare confide.Think of the letters that we write our dead.—from “Unsaid”Dana Gioia has long been celebrated as a poet of sharp intelligence and brooding emotion with an ingenious command of his craft. 99 Poems: New & Selected gathers for the first time work from across his career, including many remarkable new poems. Gioia has not arranged this selection chronologically but instead has organized it by theme in seven sections: Mystery, Place, Remembrance, Imagination, Stories, Songs, and Love. The result is a book that reveals and renews the pleasures, consolations, and sense of wonder that poetry bestows.
A Draft of Shadows and other Poems`
by Elizabeth Bishop Mark Strand Octavio Paz translations by Eliot WeinbergerThis book is a bilingual collection of Paz's poems. Throughout this book the poet's abiding concern for language as a living force is revealed.
A. E. Housman: The Critical Heritage (Routledge Revivals)
by Philip GardnerFirst published in 1992, A. E. Housman: The Critical Heritage brings together the most important and significant critical response to the poetry of A.E. Housman from the time of his writing to 1951. It contains ninety-four items—articles, reviews, and comments which provide an accurate picture of how Housman the poet was seen during his lifetime and for some years beyond it. The picture which emerges is of a poet not only of popular appeal, but of great literary distinction, who was admired by the majority of reviewers and critics who discussed his work. Among those quoted are J.B. Priestley, Edmund Gosse, Cyril Connolly, T.S. Eliot, George Orwell, Cleanth Brooke, Stephen Spender, John Sparrow, and E.M. Forster.
A.E. Housman: The Collected Poems Of A. E. Housman
by A.E. HousmanA. E. Housman, being one of the most famous and widely read poets of the early twentieth century, is certainly worthy of praise. His 'Collected Poems' are therefore a valuable read because they allow readers to gain an impression of the author's mind, opinions and lifestyle. Furthermore, they simultaneously depict a man who was deeply pessimistic and obsessed with death, and, on the other hand, illustrate a man who was also very much concerned with love, youth, life and the fleetingness of the these concepts.It is easy to understand why Housman's sensitive and sympathetic depictions of heroic English soldiers influenced and affected his readers, as his poetry is often written in an uncomplicated, yet sensitive style, which allows readers to feel as if they are witnessing events almost as the poet writes them down. These poems are also intriguing to read if you are a Shakespeare fan, as it is possible to spot many Shakespeare references in Housman's writing. A glossary or footnotes at the back of this book would be appreciated in any further editions, in order to allow readers to gain more understanding of the other poets and authors that Housman was influenced by. In brief, this collection presents the literary highlights of Housman's career, and this will be most appreciated by readers new to Housman's poetry.
A la vida, ganas; a los sueños, alas
by Alejandro OrdóñezOjalá que el miedo que a veces sientes al enfrentar la vida se transforme en alas con las que puedas volar alto, que las estaciones son para vivirlas y amarlas. Que la vida es demasiado valiosa como para no tomarse el tiempo de disfrutarla. Aunque seamos siempre jóvenes de corazón, envejecemos. Todo sigue el flujo natural del paso del tiempo: fuimos niños jugando en el parque, seremosancianos tomando una taza de café... y en medio se extiende un puente de experiencias, de corazones rotos y lecciones aprendidas que nos han convertido en las personas que hoy somos y en quienes llegaremos a ser mañana. Este es un libro narrado por una voz que reflexiona sobre las diferentes etapas y vivencias que nos traspasan a través de las estaciones de la vida. En A la vida, ganas; a los sueños, alas, Alejandro Ordóñez nos llevará de la mano por la primavera de las posibilidades y el ardor de la adolescencia, por el verano de la plenitud y el encuentro con el amor... hasta el otoño de los desafíos y la estabilidad y el invierno del fin del camino y las oportunidades pasadas. Un libro de prosa poética inspirado en las estaciones, que explora el amor, la vida y la muerte según la interpretación de los diversos ciclos de la naturaleza.
A Longing for the Light
by Vicente Aleixandre Lewis HydeVicente Aleixandre presents a collection of poems in English and Spanish.
A los niños les encantan las canciones infantiles
by Bernard LevineAquí encontrarás una colección de canciones infantiles favoritas para que se las lea a sus hijos. Todas estas preciosas y queridas canciones de cuna se han transmitido de madre a hija y de padre a hijo a lo largo de los siglos. Los más pequeños adorarán y se divertirán aprendiendo y recitando estas rimas atemporales. Este es un libro que los niños atesorarán y mirarán una y otra vez.
A.M. Klein: Original Poems 1937-1955 and Poetry Translations
by A. M. Klein Zailig PollockIt is for his poetry that A.M. Klein is best known and most warmly remembered. This collection includes all Klein's poetry, both original works and translations from Hebrew, Yiddish, Aramaic, and Latin. Many of them, coming from all periods of his careers, have never been published.The poems are arranged chronologically according to date of composition. This makes possible, for the first time, an appreciation of Klein's poetic development. The editor's introduction places this development in the perspective of Klein's life and time, and in particular explores Klein's lifelong struggle to reconcile his dual vocations as both a Jewish and a modernist writer.The textual apparatus identifies all authoritative versions for each poem and lists all emendations and all substative variants in both published and mauscript versions. The explanatory notes gloss obscure terms and references. They also provide a rich context for appreciation and interpretation by drawing connections with Klein's life, his wide reading, and his work as a whole. Wherever possible, Klein's own numerous, but scattered, comments on his poems have been cited.
A mi alma gemela
by Ernesto SalvatierraLa poesía es un puente áureo que une los corazones. La poesía es un río donde fluye el ansia del hombre, prisionero del tiempo. Es el bálsamo del amor que nos convierte en dioses, haciéndonos soñar con nuestra Alma Gemela. Convierte lo grande en pequeño; y en pequeño lo que es grande. Es el aliento de la vida y las alas de los ángeles caídos. La poesía es la música del alma, y un «no sé qué» que se halla por ventura. La poesía es el manantial de las ideas puras... ¡La puerta que nos abre a otros cielos!
A Movie in My Pillow / Una película en mi almohada: Una Película En Me Almohada
by Jorge ArguetaBilingual English/Spanish. Young Jorgito has come to live in the Mission District of San Francisco, but he hasn't forgotten the unique beauty of El Salvador.Young Jorgito has come to live in the Mission District of San Francisco, but he hasn't forgotten the unique beauty of El Salvador. In his first collection of poems for children, poet Jorge Argueta evokes the wonder of his childhood in rural El Salvador, a touching relationship with a caring father, and his confusion and delight in his new urban home. We glimpse the richness of Jorgito's inner world and dreams-the movie in his pillow. Artist Elizabeth Gómez perfectly captures the indigenous beauty of El Salvador, the sadness of the war, and the joy of family reunion in San Francisco. Her paintings, with their brilliant colors and striking details, fill every page with authenticity and charm.
¡A recoger manzanas! (LEYENDO A PASOS (Step into Reading))
by Candice RansomCelebra el otoño con este divertido álbum ilustrado en español lleno de manzanas. ¡Es perfecto para pequeños que comienzan a leer solos!Una hermana y un hermano le dan la bienvenida al otoño con una actividad clásica: ¡recogiendo manzanas! Pasean alegremente por un huerto de manzanas, y se apuran para escoger las mejores antes que otros niños se las ganen. La historia de este divertido día está llena de acción. Sus versos con rima son fáciles de entender, lo que asegura una experiencia de lectura exitosa. Este libro es perfecto para el otoño, y para leer en clase o antes de dormir. LEYENDO A PASOS es una línea de Step into Reading que ofrece ediciones en español de libros nivelados. Los libros Paso 1 tienen letra grande y palabras fáciles. Son ideales para niños que conocen el abecedario y que quieren comenzar a leer. Su ritmo, rima y pistas visuales contribuyen a la comprensión del texto. Celebrate fall with this Spanish-language Step 1 reader filled with apples! A sister and brother welcome fall with a classic activity--apple picking! They bound with glee through the apple orchard, and race against other children to pick the most and the best apples. The story of their day is fun and full of light action. It's told in easy-to-follow rhyme, ensuring a successful reading experience. This Spanish edition of Apple Picking Day!, by the author of Pumpkin Day!, is ripe for early fall and classroom or bedtime sharing. Step 1 Readers feature big type and easy words for children who know the alphabet and are eager to begin reading. Rhyme and rhythmic text paired with picture clues help children decode the story. LEYENDO A PASOS is a Spanish-language line of Step into Reading.
a thin line between
by Wanda PraamsmaIn what can be described as a verse-novel for its lyricism and rhythmic structure, Wanda Praamsma crafts a story that transcends geographic boundaries and time periods, by weaving together lives from her own family's past, including her poet-grandfather and sculptor-uncle. Subtle in its life lessons, a thin line between works at 'peeling away the I's' to explore concepts of self and family in flux. What emerges is a poignant, and at times humorous, portrait of a Dutch-Canadian family and a close look into a young woman's exploration of her own being and creative life.
A título de inventario
by Mario BenedettiEdición en un solo volumen que reúne todos los poemas de Mario Benedetti publicados entre 1950 y 2001, testimonios de la propia existencia del autor, engendrados con la sencillez y claridad que tanto le caracterizan. Amar, luchar, trabajar, morir, todo es motivo de poesía para Mario Benedetti. Cada pequeña situación del vivir cotidiano merece una canción, una celebración a la constante sorpresa de existir. Para él, la poesía no tiene sentido si no se comparte, si no se reproduce, si no fecunda. Como es habitual en las recopilaciones de la poesía de Benedetti, cada volumen se abre con la producción más reciente y concluye con la más antigua, quizá con la secreta esperanza de que el lector, al tener acceso a su obra por la puerta más nueva y más cercana, se vea luego tentado a ir abriendo otras puertas, «a beneficio de inventario». Inventario 1 integra todos los poemas publicados en libro entre 1950 y 1985:Sólo mientras tanto (1950), Poemas de la oficina (1956), Poemas del hoyporhoy (1961), Noción de patria (1963), Próximo prójimo (1965), Contra los puentes levadizos (1966), A ras de sueño (1967), Quemar las naves (1969), Letras de emergencia (1973), Poemas de otros (1974), La casa y el ladrillo (1977), Cotidianas (1979), Viento del exilio (1981) y Geografías (1984). Inventario 2 reúne todos los poemas publicados en libro entre 1986 y 1991: Preguntas al azar (1986), Yesterday y mañana (1988), Despistes y franquezas (1990) y Las soledades de Babel (1991). Inventario 3 contiene todos los poemas publicados en libro entre 1995 y 2001: El olvido está lleno de memoria (1995), La vida ese paréntesis (1998), Rincón de Haikus (1999) y El mundo que respiro (2001). Miguel García-Posada dijosobre Benedetti...«Tenía Benedetti el instinto de la palabra creadora, la capacidad de pellizcar el alma que solo poseen los poetas mayores.» «Benedetti era, aunque algunos se escandalicen, un machadiano del verso, que sabía que la poesía se produce en el tiempo o está abocada a la nada.» «Benedetti, hay que afirmarlo de entrada, y sus versos tenían, tienen, la garra de los genuinos poetas populares.»
A todo lo no amado
by Clara Janés NadalA todo lo no amado es un canto al verso desnudo, a la poesía rigurosa, directa y honesta. Premio de Poesía Ciudad de Torrevieja 2010. Lo no amado fue y de ello nacieron ramas unas deformes todas inocentes en la complejidad de un tiempo recorrido en el universo.
A-Z Great Modern Writers (A-Z Great Modern series)
by Caroline TaggartA-Z Great Modern Writers is an essential reference guide to the world's most important contemporary writers, boldly illustrated by Andy Tuohy.Artist and graphic designer Andy Tuohy turns his hand to the world of modern literature in this new instalment of the A-Z series. Rendered in his distinctive style, this new book features portraits of 52 key modern writers significant for their contribution to literature, with a whole host of names from across the world including:-Simone de Beauvoir-F. Scott Fitzgerald-Kazuo Ishiguro-Doris Lessing-Salman Rushdie-Vladimir NabokovBest-selling author Caroline Taggart provides a crib sheet of everything you need to know about each author: why they are important in the field of literature, a list of their must-read books, and a surprising fact or two about them. Alongside Andy's portraits, the book features additional imagery, including book covers and author photographs.A fun, easy guide to some of the best writers of modern times, this is a great gift for anyone who wants to broaden their literary horizons.
Aai Mere Man
by Chandra DattThe collection of poems written by Narendra Bhanawat have been composed when he was little. Whenever he got up in the night and found time, he would write whatever came into his mind. The poems have been dedicated to his family members and are related to his illness.
Aakul Antar
by Harivansh Rai BachchanAakul Antar is a collection of poems written by the famous poet. The poems have shadowism as their characteristics. Signs of romanticism and decorative language can clearly be seen in the poems.
Aaron Space
by Brian FlocaAaron Space is an astronaut! Young children will love this poem where they'll see him get to do all sorts of cool stuff in space. Being an astronaut is a lot of work, but Aaron loves his job!
Aasmaan Bahut Dur Hau
by Ramola Ruth LalPoetry that touches the land of romantic poetry. The poems of Ramola are signs of new age poetry. Her usage of words indicates the deepness of sensation. The style of writing of the poet changes quite frequently in the collection which facilitates her aims in the poems.
Aawaz Ek Tik-Tik
by Tulsi MishrThe book indicates the emptiness in life in the poetess's life. Between the happiness and the sorrows the poetess searches the meaning of life. In the loneliness of life she finds that the beginning and end of life all converges in the sound of tik tik.
La abadía de Tintern
by William WordsworthLos mejores poemas breves de William Wordsworth Wordsworth es el poeta romántico inglés por antonomasia. Junto a Coleridge, sentó las bases del movimiento que revolucionó la poesía inglesa del XIX y abrió un camino con el que todavía están en deuda muchos poetas del siglo XX. A pesar de su importancia, la obra de este autor no ha conocido en nuestra lengua la difusión que le corresponde. Gonzalo Torné, con excelente criterio, ha llevado a cabo una selección de los grandes poemas breves de Wordsworth -algunos nunca hasta ahora traducidos al castellano-, entre los que se cuentan algunas de las obras maestras de la poesía universal, como «La abadía de Tintern» o «Insinuaciones de inmortalidad en recuerdos de temprana infancia».
Abandoned Poems
by Stanley MossStanley Moss is ninety-three years old, still kicking sixty-two-yard field goals through the uprights of American poetry. His Abandoned Poems (Paul Valery wrote, "A poem is never finished, only abandoned") consists of 120 pages of new work written since his 2016 prize-winning book, Almost Complete Poems. The truth is Moss has a unique voice in the history of American poetry. He honors the English language. This book is full of invisible life-giving discoveries the reader has almost seen, and you might say Moss has discovered a new continent, a new planet or two--or simply it's fun. There is a final section, "Apocrypha and Long Abandoned Poems," which includes early misplaced work never published, and new versions of previously published poems. Bingo.
The Abandoned Settlements
by James SheardShortlisted for the 2017 T. S. Eliot PrizePBS Autumn RecommendationThe poems in James Sheard’s remarkable third book are about love and leaving, of how the rift of departure brings on a kind of haunting – of the people involved and the places where they lived – an emotional trace of departed lives and loves. This is what these poems are: the scars of separation, the spoors of desire. Sheard writes powerfully about loss, about how the vestiges of significance, of sensual heat, are retained by structures – in ghost towns, war-zones, deserted villages or resorts – but also by the human body and memory: ‘for love exists, and then is ruined, and then persists.’These are poems about permanence and fragility, of being uncertain whether the house you live in is a shell, or if you have become a shell by living there – whether emptiness means loss and abandonment or a clean start and a new beginning. But these are also poems full of the ache of desire, the tart, lingering smell of sex: poems shaped by longing.James Sheard is one of Britain’s most assured and precise lyric poets, and his third collection brings all his considerable strengths to poems as accurate and strange as thermal images.
The Abbotsford Mysteries
by Patricia SykesThe Abbotsford Convent becomes more than the setting of this poetry collection; it emerges as presence, intimate and familiar as well as constraining and forbidding. But, it is childhood itself that becomes the subterranean geography and pulse of this compilation as the poems explore what it means to grow up in an orphanage. Subject to the rules of lay and religious adults, the voices herein create multiple pathways through memory and time as they map and navigate the many-stranded mysteries of their institutionalized lives.