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2,000 Mules: They Thought We'd Never Find Out. They Were Wrong.

by Dinesh D'Souza

At last, bestselling author Dinesh D'Souza exposes the powerful evidence of voting fraud that you were told didn't exist. Also, a major motion picture documentary.THE FIX WAS IN The 2020 presidential election was rife with fraud orchestrated by the Democratic Party. That&’s not just an accusation; it&’s now, thanks to bestselling author and investigative journalist Dinesh D&’Souza, an established fact. With eyewitness testimony and the pinpoint precision and analytic sophistication of the forensic technique of geotracking, D&’Souza demonstrates how an already corrupt system put in place by Democratic Party hacks and &“community organizers&” was taken over and supercharged by national-level operatives to jeopardize the integrity of the election. The key figure: the mule. A paid cut-out. A criminal deliveryman. The stooge found at the intersection where election cheating and double-dealing hit the road. The mule is the crook who physically takes a sack of ballots provided by shady NGOs and political machines—the &“community activist organizations&” made famous by former President Obama, for instance—and dumps those ballots in collection boxes throughout a voting district. Do enough of this, and you have planted voter fraud across a nation. Documentary filmmaker extraordinaire and bestselling author of America, Death of a Nation, and United States of Socialism, Dinesh D'Souza exposes powerful evidence of the colossal voting racketeering that you were told didn&’t exist. Here you will find the receipts—the transcripts and confirmatory details—for the facts establishing 2020 election fraud presented in D&’Souza&’s major motion picture documentary, 2,000 Mules. D&’Souza makes a powerful argument that 2020 was a stolen election. More important, D&’Souza proves it.

$2.50 A Gallon: Why Obama Is Wrong and Cheap Gas Is Possible

by Newt Gingrich

New York Times bestselling author, former Speaker of the House, and Fox News political analyst and Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has a plan for slashing gas prices and reducing our long-term dependence on foreign oil.Gingrich is famous for taking big, visionary ideas and boiling them down into practical solutions for the American people and in his new book, $2.50 A Gallon: Why Obama Is Wrong and Cheap Gas Is Possible, Gingrich tackles America's energy crisis.Dealing not only with spiraling gas prices, but with all aspects of energy policy, Gingrich shows how we can safely reap the benefits of America's own natural resources and technology in gas, oil, coal, wind, solar, biofuels and nuclear energy.Gingrich argues that the pinch Americans are feeling at the pump is not a blip in the economy but a looming crisis--affecting not only the price of gas, but the price of food, the strength of our economy, and our national security.To meet this crisis, Gingrich lays out a national strategy that will tap America's scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs, and require Congress to unlock our oil reserves and remove all the impediments and disincentives that unnecessary government regulation has put in the way of American energy independence.The energy crisis is solvable, as Newt Gingrich's plan makes clear. His handbook, $2.50 A Gallon: Why Obama Is Wrong and Cheap Gas Is Possible, is sure to become the talk of the presidential campaign season.

2 A.M. in Little America: A Novel

by Ken Kalfus

As Americans flee widespread civil conflict, one young refugee ekes out a living in a suspenseful, darkly comic novel: “An important writer in every sense.” —David Foster WallaceAn Esquire “Best Book of Spring 2022” A Literary Hub “Most Anticipated Book of 2022” A San Francisco Chronicle “Most Anticipated Novel of 2022”In the future, sweeping civil disorder has forced America’s young people to flee its borders into an unwelcoming world. One such American is Ron Patterson, who finds himself on distant shores, working as a repairman and sharing a room with other refugees. In an unnamed city wedged between ocean and lush mountainous forest, Ron can almost imagine a stable life for himself. Especially when he makes the first friend he’s had in years—a mysterious migrant named Marlise, who bears a striking resemblance to a onetime classmate.Nearly a decade later—after anti-migrant sentiment has put their whirlwind intimacy and asylum to an end—Ron is living in “Little America,” an enclave of migrants in one of the few countries still willing to accept them. Here, among reminders of his past life, he again begins to feel that he may have found a home. He adopts a stray dog, observes his neighbors, and lands a new repairman job that allows him to move through the city quietly. But this newfound security, too, is quickly jeopardized, as resurgent political divisions threaten the fabric of Little America. Tapped as an informant against the rise of militant gangs and contending with the appearance of a strangely familiar woman, Ron is suddenly on dangerous and uncertain ground.Brimming with mystery, suspense, and Ken Kalfus’s distinctive comic irony, 2 A.M. in Little America poses questions vital to the current moment: What happens when privilege is reversed? Who is watching and why? How do tribalized politics disrupt our ability to distinguish what is true and what is not? This is a story for our time—gripping, unsettling, prescient—by an acclaimed National Book Award finalist.“My favorite book by one of America’s great living writers.” —Jonathan Safran Foer“A provocative dystopian story . . . takes hold of the reader.” —Publishers Weekly“A highly readable, taut novel.” —The New York Times Book Review“One of contemporary literature’s best-kept secrets.” —Esquire

2 Million Children: Success for All

by Robert E. Slavin Dr Nancy A Madden Margaret E. Chambers Barbara Haxby

Based on a program that has benefited over 2 million children, this updated edition outlines steps for school reform and achievement through prevention, intervention, and assessment to promote reading.

20 de diciembre de 1973. Asesinato de Carrero Blanco

by Antonio Rivera

Nueva entrega de una colección única que cuenta nuestro largo siglo XX en 7 libros para 7 fechas clave. Solemos abordar la historia a partir de arcos de tiempo dilatados. Pero ¿qué sucede si, por una vez, centramos la atención en los instantes concretos que más han marcado nuestro pasado colectivo? Los protagonistas, sus acciones, sus emociones, sus deseos, sus dudas y sus errores pasan al centro del relato, irrumpen con la fuerza de la imprevisibilidad, y los revivimos como si fuera la primera vez. En esta novedosa colección, algunos de los mejores historiadores nos muestran que nada puede darse por sentado, y cómo ciertos acontecimientos pueden dejar un rastro profundo en un país. El éxito de la Operación Ogro, organizada para asesinar a Luis Carrero Blanco, proyectó a ETA (nacional e internacionalmente) en una senda de prestigio iniciada tres años antes con las protestas contra el juicio de Burgos y las condenas a muerte. La organización, cuya primera intención era superar al nacionalismo tradicional, al que acusaba de pasividad, apareció como referencia principal del antifranquismo al obstaculizar su continuidad. A la vez, la violencia política se legitimó como recurso y se mantuvo en el tiempo. Gracias al éxito del atentado, acabado el franquismo, lo más problemático que nos quedó de él fue precisamente la continuidad de ETA.

20 Enjeux Mondiaux: Un Manuel

by Shahid Hussain Raja

Global Issues : A handbook comprising 20 dissertations on varius activities to assist him.

20 Years of G20: From Global Cooperation to Building Consensus

by Rajat Kathuria Prateek Kukreja

The book discusses contemporary issues such as global financial architecture and regulatory practices, trade, investment and the multilateral process, the future of work, the role of technology for adaptation and mitigation of climate change, and financing infrastructure for sustainable development. With increasing global connectivity, events in one part of the world immediately affect or spread to the other parts. In this context, G20 has proved to be an effective forum, particularly after the Asian financial crises. Furthermore, over recent decades, G20 has been instrumental in managing financial crises and international conflicts by deploying global cooperation as a functional tool. As a body responding to crises, the G20 has played a central role in providing the political momentum for the strong international cooperation that ensured greater policy coherence and helped ease situations that could otherwise have been decidedly worse. The G20’s agendas have encompassed short-term but critical issues of economic recovery, the sovereign crisis of Europe, high unemployment and financial sector regulation. But since moderate stabilization in the global economic environment, the focus of the group has also embraced long-term areas of governance and development. For emerging economies, such as India, the G20 has been an important platform framework to promote an inclusive global economic architecture that seeks to achieve equitable outcomes. This book reviews the past 20 years of the G20, since it was conceptualized as a replacement for the G-7. While issues such as global financial order have been a constant area of discussion, one of the failures has been not recognizing and acknowledging the importance of issues like trade, climate change and future of work. Featuring academic papers by experts in the area, this book provides a platform for the necessary discourse on these issues.

200 Years of Friedrich Engels: A Critical Assessment of His Life and Scholarship (The European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences #25)

by Jürgen Georg Backhaus Günther Chaloupek Hans A. Frambach

This edited volume discusses the life and scholarship of Friedrich Engels. Written to commemorate the two-hundred-year anniversary of Engels’ birth, the contributions take a look into his research from a variety of viewpoints, trace the influence of his predecessors, and critically evaluate his place within 19th century scholarship. In addition, specific topics are taken up, such as his (mis)assessment of American capitalism, his influence on the Italian labor movement, the thematization of social problems and the relevance of his thought in a global economy. Providing a fresh look at the co-founder of scientific socialism, this volume will be of interest to researchers and students of contemporary political, social and economic systems, the history of economic thought, and political history.

200 Years of Peace: New Perspectives on Modern Swedish Foreign Policy

by Nevra Biltekin, Leos Müller Magnus Petersson

Since 1814 Sweden has avoided involvement in armed conflicts and carried out policies of non-alignment in peacetime and neutrality during war. Even though the Swedish government often describes Sweden as a ‘nation of peace’, in 2004 the 200-year anniversary of that peace passed by with barely any attention. Despite its extraordinary longevity, research about the Swedish experience of enduring peace is underdeveloped. 200 Years of Peace places this long period of peace in broader academic and public discussions surrounding claimed Swedish exceptionality as it is represented in the nation’s social policies, expansive welfare state, eugenics, gender equality programs, and peace.

200 Years of Ricardian Trade Theory: Challenges of Globalization

by Ronald W. Jones Rolf Weder

This book offers a comprehensive and insightful reflection on David Ricardo's ingenious theory of international trade. Divided into three parts, Part I presents the "birthday boy", his concept and the many applications and insights that have been derived from it, particularly in modern times. Part II explores in depth important aspects of the Ricardian trade theory through the eyes and experience of leading experts on international trade theory, taking into account the latest research in the field. Lastly, Part III discusses critique and shortcomings of the existing trade theory and proposes future developments in the light of the current globalization challenges.

The 2000 Presidential Election (Cornerstones of Freedom, 2nd Series)

by Elaine Landau

Explores the people and events surrounding the 2000 Presidential Election.

2001 - 2021. La historia no contada de la gran crisis - Cómo acordar un camino para el desarrollo argentino

by José Ignacio de Mendiguren

2001: la historia no contada de la gran crisis, la debacle de la convertibilidad y la lucha contra el impulso dolarizador que puso en peligro la soberanía nacional.2021: veinte años después, la revalorización del presente y un llamado a acordar el camino al desarrollo y al progreso argentinos. Este libro revela la historia no contada del proceso que desemboca y estalla en la gran crisis de 2001. Protagonista insoslayable de aquellos días, José Ignacio de Mendiguren, por entonces presidente de la Unión Industrial Argentina, y al poco tiempo primer ministro de Producción de la Nación, traza aquí la crónica de una muerte anunciada mucho antes que lo había encontrado batallando primero contra el modelo de la convertibilidad de los 90 y después contra la fenomenal presión en favor de la dolarización del 2000. Releer el 2001 a la luz de su mirada sirve para completar la comprensión del drama pasado, pero sobre todo para revalorizar el potencial del presente y plantear los desafíos del futuro. En efecto, a veinte años de ese punto de inflexión en la historia argentina contemporánea, Mendiguren propone consensuar un rumbo que permita al país reencontrar su destino soberano y encaminarse al desarrollo inclusivo por el que ha venido bregando a lo largo de su dilatada trayectoria tanto en el ámbito privado como en el público.

2002 Assessment of the Office of Naval Research's Air and Surface Weapons Technology Program

by Committee for the Review of ONR's Air Surface Weapons Technology Program

The 2002 Assessment of the Office of Naval Research's Air and Surface Weapons Technology Program

2007-2008 Assessment of the Army Research Laboratory

by National Research Council of the National Academies

This volume is the latest in a series of biennial assessments of the scientific and technical quality of the Army Research Laboratory (ARL). The current report summarizes findings for the 2007-2008 period, during which 95 volunteer experts in fields of science and engineering participated in the following activities: visiting ARL annually, receiving formal presentations of technical work, examining facilities, engaging in technical discussions with ARL staff, and reviewing ARL technical materials. The overall quality of ARL's technical staff and their work continues to be impressive, as well as the relevance of their work to Army needs. ARL continues to exhibit a clear, passionate concern for the end user of its technology--the soldier in the field. While two directorates have large program-support missions, there is considerable customer-support work across the directorates, which universally demonstrate mindfulness of the importance of transitioning technology to support immediate and near-term Army needs. ARL staff also continue to expand their involvement with the wider scientific and engineering community. This involvement includes monitoring relevant developments elsewhere, engaging in significant collaborative work (including the Collaborative Technology Alliances), and sharing work through peer reviews. In general, ARL is working very well within an appropriate research and development niche and has been demonstrating significant accomplishments.

2009-2010 Assessment of the Army Research Laboratory

by National Research Council of the National Academies

The charge of the Army Research Laboratory Technical Assessment Board (ARLTAB) is to provide biannual assessments of the scientific and technical quality of the research, development, and analysis programs at the Army Research Laboratory (ARL). The advice provided in this report focuses on technical rather than programmatic considerations. The Board is assisted by six National Research Council (NRC) panels, each of which focuses on the portion of the ARL program conducted by one of ARL's six directorates. When requested to do so by ARL, the Board also examines work that cuts across the directorates. The Board has been performing assessments of ARL since 1996. The current report summarizes its finding for the 2009-2010 period, during which 96 volunteer experts in fields of science and engineering participated in the following activities: visiting ARL annually, receiving formal presentations of technical work, examining facilities, engaging in technical discussions with ARL staff, and reviewing ARL technical materials. The Board continues to be impressed by the overall quality of ARL's technical staff and their work and applauds ARL for its clear, passionate concern for the end user of its technology--the soldier in the field--and for ARL's demonstrated mindfulness of the importance of transitioning technology to support immediate and longer-term Army needs. ARL staff also continue to expand their involvement with the wider scientific and engineering community. In general, ARL is working very well within an appropriate research and development (R&D) niche and has been demonstrating significant accomplishments.

The 2009 Elections to the European Parliament

by Juliet Lodge

The 2009 Elections to the European Parliamentlooks at the electionsin each of the 27 member states of the newly enlarged European Union, and is an assessment of the European Parliament in 2004-2009. It asks whether the elections were irrelevant and inconsequential. Thirty years after the first Euro elections in 1979, what efforts were made to mobilize the electorate? Was the European Commission's Communicating Europe strategy, which includedblogs, targeting young voters using digital media, and MEPs on Europarl TV, a waste of time? Did the Dutch and French negative referendums on a new EU constitution affect the results? The contributors to this volume examine the Euro elections in each member state, criticising some commonly held assumptions. Common themes and the overall results are analyzed, along with the role of the European Parliament's party groups, and that of the transnational party federations. "

2010: A Battle Plan

by Dick Morris Eileen Mcgann

This book call to arms for concerned Americans-a timely and important book that takes aim at Obama's health care debacle, unemployment, the exploding deficit, Democratic-controlled Congress that would tear down our freedoms while building up a Socialist state.

2010: Take Back America

by Dick Morris Eileen Mcgann

Casting your vote in the november 2010 election may be the single most important thing you do all year. Because these elections Will be the critical turning point for america's future. They're our chance to take back america. We stand at the crossroads of ideals and policies: freedom versus socialism; sovereignty versus international subservience; economic liberty versus debt slavery; quality medical care versus government-sponsored euthanasia; and private property versus confiscatory taxation. All this depends on the answer to one question: Will Obama maintain his control of Congress? To prepare us for this battle, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann have written 2010: Take Back America, their most important book yet. In Fleeced, they warned of the dangers of an Obama administration. In Catastrophe, they predicted his campaign to promote a socialist economy. And now, in this book, they offer a battle plan to take back America. Morris and McGann explain the stakes -- permanent unemployment, rampaging inflation, international control of our economy, collapse of our manufacturing industry, European-style taxation levels, and a nation without quality medical care at any price. They point out the targets -- the incumbent Democrats who are most vulnerable. They identify the races we must win and offer ammunition to do so. They examine the records of Harry Reid, Blanche Lincoln, Arlen Specter, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Barbara Boxer -- the key incumbent targets for 2010. And they tell you all the secrets these incumbents hope you won't find out. They outline a strategy for victory -- explaining the pitfalls and walking us through a path to winning control of Congress. And then they tell us what we can do as individuals to defeat Obama -- how to go beyond the traditional work of donating, local campaigning, and voting, and build our own electronic precincts to get people engaged and spread the word between now and Election Day. Today politics is no longer a spectator sport; Morris and McGann explain how to get off the bleachers and get out on the field, using everything from e-mail to blogs, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to get the message out. The battle is coming. 2010: Take Back America is the basic training manual you need to win.

2011-2012 Assessment of the Army Research Laboratory

by Army Research Laboratory Technical Assessment Board National Research Council Laboratory Assessments Board Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences

The charge of the Army Research Laboratory Technical Assessment Board (ARLTAB) is to provide biennial assessments of the scientific and technical quality of the research, development, and analysis programs at the Army Research Laboratory (ARL). The ARLTAB is assisted by six panels, each of which focuses on the portion of the ARL program conducted by one of ARL's six directorates1. When requested to do so by ARL, the ARLTAB also examines work that cuts across the directorates. For example, during 2011-2012, ARL requested that the ARLTAB examine crosscutting work in the areas of autonomous systems and network science. The overall quality of ARL's technical staff and their work continues to be impressive. Staff continue to demonstrate clear, passionate mindfulness of the importance of transitioning technology to support immediate and longer-term Army needs. Their involvement with the wider scientific and engineering community continues to expand. Such continued involvement and collaboration are fundamentally important for ARL's scientific and technical activities and need to include the essential elements of peer review and interaction through publications and travel to attend professional meetings, including international professional meetings. In general, ARL is working very well within an appropriate research and development niche and has been demonstrating significant accomplishments, as exemplified in the following discussion, which also addresses opportunities and challenges.

The 2011 Libyan Uprisings and the Struggle for the Post-Qadhafi Future

by Jason Pack

The 2011 Libyan Uprisings is a thematic investigation of how pre-existing social, regional, tribal, and religious fissures influenced the trajectory of the 2011 Libyan Uprisings and an analysis of what this means for the post-Qadhafi future.

2012: Dos conversaciones

by Ana Paula Ordorica

2012: Los punteros. Dos conversaciones responde a preguntas fundamentales que Ana Paula Ordorica realizó a Enrique Peña Nieto y Josefina Vázquez Mota rumbo a la elección presidencial de México ese año. Sin duda, las elecciones presidenciales representan el acontecimiento más significativo de la vida nacional en 2012. No obstante, señala Ana Paula Ordorica, para un gran número de mexicanos los comicios «se realizarán con las narices tapadas». Desde hace ya varios años la mercadotecnia ha sustituido el auténtico debate de ideas, incrementando el hartazgo de la población hacia la clase política. A contracorriente de las campañas electorales vacías de contenido, este libro nos ofrece dos conversaciones decisivas que hacen a un lado la imagen y privilegian la sustancia de las propuestas de los candidatos que encabezan las preferencias: Josefina Vázquez Mota y Enrique Peña Nieto. A fin de cuentas, lo fundamental es que el ciudadano esté informado y su voto le dé sentido a la democracia. Por lo demás, la autora también explica las razones por las que aquí no se incluyen ni a Andrés Manuel López Obrador ni a Gabriel Quadri.

2012: Los punteros, dos conversaciones

by Ana Paula Ordorica

Sin duda, las elecciones presidenciales representan el acontecimiento más significativo de la vida nacional en 2012. No obstante, señala Ana Paula Ordorica, para un gran número de mexicanos los comicios «se realizarán con las narices tapadas». Desde hace ya varios años la mercadotecnia ha sustituido el auténtico debate de ideas, incrementando el hartazgo de la población hacia la clase política. A contracorriente de las campañas electorales vacías de contenido, este libro nos ofrece dos conversaciones decisivas que hacen a un lado la imagen y privilegian la sustancia de las propuestas de los candidatos que encabezan las preferencias: Josefina Vázquez Mota y Enrique Peña Nieto. A fin de cuentas, lo fundamental es que el ciudadano esté informado y su voto le dé sentido a la democracia. Por lo demás, la autora también explica las razones por las que aquí no se incluyen ni a Andrés Manuel López Obrador ni a Gabriel Quadri.

The 2012 Biblical Guide to Voting: What the Bible Says About 22 Key Political Issues for 2012

by FrontLine Books

What Issues Matter to You?Who Should You Vote For? How Can You Know You Are Choosing Well? The 2012 election promises to be one of the most critically important of our lifetime and will be highly debated in both public and private settings, with deeply divisive opinions on all sides. Our choices today will likely influence the direction of our nation for decades to come. Make Your Vote Count explains today&’s major issues in a style that is easy to access and understand. This anthology of present-day issues will fortify you with the biblical perspective on which to base your decisions. With the Bible as the ultimate source of answers, you can be sure that your decisions will be grounded in faithful stewardship and godly obedience. This book is not about being a Republican or Democrat; it&’s not about endorsing candidates or telling you how to cast your vote. It simply provides a biblical foundation upon which to make voting decisions that will both honor God and best serve our country in 2012 and beyond.

The 2012 Campaign and the Timeline of Presidential Elections (Chicago Shorts)

by Robert S. Erikson

Do voters cast ballots for the candidates whose positions best match their own? Or does the race for president come down to who runs the most effective campaign? In their book, The Timeline of Presidential Elections, published in 2012, Erikson and Wlezien documented how both factors come into play. Having amassed data from national polls covering presidential elections from 1952 to 2008, they could track how outcomes take shape over the course of an election year. But they wanted to know whether Barak Obama’s historic 2012 campaign would follow the same pattern. This e-book both presents the central arguments from Timeline and updates the statistical analysis to include data from 2012. The authors also use the 2012 presidential campaign as a test of the empirical patterns they found in the previous fifteen elections. They show that Obama’s campaign conforms to their projections, and they confirm that it is through campaigns that voters are made aware of--or not made aware of--fundamental factors like candidates’ policy positions that determine which ticket will get their votes. In other words, fundamentals matter, but only because of campaigns. The 2012 Campaign and the Timeline of Presidential Elections will be useful in courses on the election process.

The 2012 French Election

by Pascal Perrineau

This edited volume is based on a highly original survey carried out between November 2011 and June 2012 among a panel of 6,000 voters. The panel was interviewed on 12 separate occasions about how and why they made their voting choices. The book focuses on how electoral choices are made and how these choices evolve during the short time-span of an election campaign. The analysis of the 2012 electoral result shows more than ever that voting choices are the fruit of interweaving timelines: the long term period that characterizes voters' predispositions and their predictions of a possible scenario; the shorter period of time during which the campaign unfolds where those predispositions are either confirmed, called into question, or undo≠ and the moment when the final choice is made. This is the first time the electoral decision-making process during a French Presidential election has been systematically studied.

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