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Showing 201 through 225 of 96,378 results

2048: Humanity's Agreement to Live Together

by John Kirk Boyd

Creating an enforceable international guarantee of basic human rights Outlines the basics of a universally acceptable agreement Shows what everyone can do to make this agreement a reality In 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a deeply inspiring document that has been translated into over 300 languages and dialects. But because its provisions are not enforceable, its promise has not been fulfilled. Human rights violations continue in every corner of the globe, the cause of countless individual tragedies as well as large-scale disasters like war, poverty and environmental ruin. It’s time to take the next step. 2048 sets out a visionary, audacious, but, Kirk Boyd insists, achievable goal: drafting an enforceable international agreement that will allow the people of the world to create a social order based upon human rights and the rule of law. Boyd and the 2048 Project aim to have this agreement, the International Convention on Human Rights, in place by the 100th anniversary of the Universal Declaration. Written documents have always played a key role in advancing human rights: the Code of Hammurabi, the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence. The express purpose of the International Convention is to safeguard what Boyd calls the Five Freedoms, adding freedom for the environment to Franklin Roosevelt’s famous Four Freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Boyd skillfully anticipates objections to the notion of a universal and enforceable written agreement—that it would be culturally insensitive, too expensive, unacceptably limit national sovereignty—and convincingly answers them. In fact some promising first steps have already been taken. He describes existing transnational agreements with effective compliance mechanisms that can serve as models. But Boyd wants to inspire more than argue. In 2048 he urges everyone to participate in the drafting of the agreement via the 2048 website and describes specific actions people can take to help make it a reality. “What you do with what you read” Boyd writes, “is as important as what this book says.” Little by little, working together creatively with the tools now available, we can take the next step forward in the evolution of human rights.

2050 China: Becoming a Great Modern Socialist Country (Understanding Xi Jinping’s Governance)

by Angang Hu Yilong Yan Xiao Tang Shenglong Liu

This book is open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.This book is arranged and developed around the theme of “2050 China,” it analyzes the factors and advantages of the Chinese road to socialist modernization, explores and summarizes the development goal and the basic logic of the socialist modernization of China, and further shows the general basis of the primary stage of socialism. According to the report delivered at the 19th Party Congress, and according to the “two-stage” strategic plan, this book looks ahead in detail to the overarching objective and sub-objectives of essentially achieving socialist modernization by 2035, discusses the building of a great modern socialist country in all respects from the perspective of the Party’s six-sphere integrated plan of economic, political, cultural, social, ecological civilization, and national defense construction, and provides policy proposals. This book also analyzes the influence and the effect of the socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics on the world and it further presents the third centenary goal. In conclusion, this book is an elaboration of the work of the Institute for Contemporary China Studies, Tsinghua University. It reflects the intellectual innovation in the authors’ research on contemporary China, as well as the authors’ foresight and predictions about China’s future development.

2054: A Novel

by Elliot Ackerman Admiral James Stavridis

From the acclaimed authors of the runaway New York Times bestseller 2034 comes another explosive work of speculative fiction set twenty years further in the future, at a moment when a radical leap forward in artificial intelligence combines with America&’s violent partisan divide to create an existential threat to the country, and the worldIt is twenty years after the catastrophic war between the United States and China that brought down the old American political order. A new party has emerged in the US, one that&’s held power for over a decade. Efforts to cement its grip have resulted in mounting violent resistance. The American president has control of the media, but he is beginning to lose control of the streets. Many fear he&’ll stop at nothing to remain in the White House. Suddenly, he collapses in the middle of an address to the nation. After an initial flurry of misinformation, the administration reluctantly announces his death. A cover-up ensues, conspiracy theories abound, and the country descends into a new type of civil war.A handful of elite actors from the worlds of computer science, intelligence, and business have a fairly good idea what happened. All signs point to a profound breakthrough in AI, of which the remote assassination of an American president is hardly the most game-changing ramification. The trail leads to an outpost in the Amazon rainforest, the last known whereabouts of the tech visionary who predicted this breakthrough. As some of the world&’s great powers, old and new, state and nonstate alike, struggle to outmaneuver one another in this new Great Game of scientific discovery, the outcome becomes entangled with the fate of American democracy.Combining a deep understanding of AI, biotech, and the possibility of a coming Singularity, along with their signature geopolitical sophistication, Elliot Ackerman and Admiral James Stavridis have once again written a visionary work. 2054 is a novel that reads like a thriller even as it demands that we consider the trajectory of our society and its potentially calamitous destination.

2084: The End of the World

by Sansal Boualem

WINNER OF THE FRENCH ACADEMY GRAND PRIXA tribute to George Orwell's 1984 and a cry of protest against totalitarianism of all kinds, Sansal's 2084 tells the story of a near future in which religious extremists have established an oppressive caliphate where autonomus thought is forbidden.It is the year 2084. In the kingdom of Abistan—named after the prophet Abi, earthly messenger of the god Yolah—citizens submit to a single god, demonstrating their devotion by kneeling in prayer nine times a day. Autonomous thought has been banned, remembering is forbidden, and an omnipresent surveillance system instantly informs the authorities of every deviant act, thought, or idea. The kingdom is blessed and its citizens are happy, filled with a sense of purpose and piety. Those who are not—the heretics—are put to death by stoning or beheading in city squares. But Ati has met people who think differently; in ghettos and caves, hidden from the authorities, exist the last living heretics and free-thinkers of Abistan. Under their influence, Ati begins to doubt. He begins to think. Now, he will have to defend his thoughts with his life. "[In 2084] Sansal dared to go much further than I did," said Michel Houellebecq, the controversial novelist most recently of Submission. 2084 is a cry of freedom, a call to rebellion, a gripping satirical novel of ideas, and an indictment of the religious fundamentalism that, with its hypocrisy and closed-mindedness, threatens our modern democracies and the ideals on which they are founded.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The 20th-Century American City: Problem, Promise & Reality (The American Moment)

by Jon C. Teaford

An updated edition of the essential text from “a respected urban historian” (Annals of Iowa).Throughout the twentieth century, the city was deemed a problematic space, one that Americans urgently needed to improve. Although cities from New York to Los Angeles served as grand monuments to wealth and enterprise, they also reflected the social and economic fragmentation of the nation. Race, ethnicity, and class splintered the metropolis both literally and figuratively, thwarting efforts to create a harmonious whole. The urban landscape revealed what was right—and wrong—with both the country and its citizens’ way of life.In this thoroughly revised edition of his highly acclaimed book, Jon C. Teaford updates the story of urban America by expanding his discussion to cover the end of the twentieth century and the first years of the next millennium. A new chapter on urban revival initiatives at the close of the century focuses on the fight over suburban sprawl as well as the mixed success of reimagining historic urban cores as hip new residential and cultural hubs. The book also explores the effects of the late-century immigration boom from Latin America and Asia, which has complicated the metropolitan ethnic portrait.Drawing on wide-ranging primary and secondary sources, Teaford describes the complex social, political, economic, and physical development of US urban areas over the course of the long twentieth century. Touching on aging central cities, technoburbs, and the ongoing conflict between inner-city poverty and urban boosterism, The Twentieth-Century American City offers a broad, accessible overview of America’s persistent struggle for a better city.

20th Century Russia: A Century of Upheaval

by Heather Maisner

1917 saw one of the most dramatic revolutions in world history when the workers of Russia united to throw out their tsar and aristocracy, and formed the first communist state. A century later, this book reflects on the reasons for this revolution, key people, events and its legacy.Illustrated with archive photography, posters and artefacts, and supported by eyewitness accounts, this book explores Russia's century of upheaval. It considers how change affected not only people such as Lenin, Stalin and Tsar Nicholas II, but also the ordinary Russians. It explores the roles of the Bolsheviks, the Mensheviks and the secret police, and it also looks at the arts, education, family life, sport, and the revolution's impact on global politics and cultural attitudes. The twentieth century was also dramatic in terms of world politics and this book examines all of this change within the context of the First World War, the Second Word War, the Civil War between the Reds and the Whites and the Cold War. It explores Perestroika and Glasnost and how 21st-century Russia emerged from the collapse of the Soviet Union. For children aged 12+, this book is especially aimed at history students who are studying the Russian Revolution and Russian history. The author, Heather Maisner, studied Comparative Studies, English and Russian at university and has translated books from the Russian. The highly respected Russian historian, academic and author of many books on the subject, Geoffrey Hosking, has acted as consultant. He is the Emeritus Professor of Russian History at UCL, and has published a number of best-selling books on Russia.

The 21 Biggest Lies about Donald Trump (and you!)

by Kurt Schlichter

Has any president been more unjustly vilified than Donald Trump? Yes, he&’s brash. Yes, he has an ego. Yes, his ad-libbing sometimes gets him into trouble. But the fact is Donald Trump is the most effective conservative president in decades. That&’s why the media hate him. That&’s why they lie about him. And there&’s something else. When they lie about him, they&’re really lying about you, because to the media, anyone who supports Donald Trump is deplorable. But here, at last, is the counterpunch we&’ve been waiting for. Columnist and bestselling author Kurt Schlichter provides a fact-filled—and frequently hilarious—takedown of some of the media&’s most pernicious lies about the president. In The 21 Biggest Lies about Donald Trump (and you!), you&’ll learn: Why liberals cry &“racism&” at any argument they don&’t like—when the real racists of American history have all been the Democrats How Trump &“the warmonger&” has actually given America a more realistic—and safer—foreign policy than any of his immediate predecessors Why the media refuses to understand the difference between legal and illegal immigrants (here&’s a clue: Trump&’s mother was a legal immigrant—and so is his wife) Why Trump and his supporters are infinitely more intelligent than a media that have gotten every major story of the Trump presidency wrong Trump&’s great virtues (that too many Republicans lack): realism, courage, common sense, and an unapologetic determination to win conservative victories Tired of media and leftwing lies about Donald Trump? Then you&’ll love this book.

21 lecciones para el siglo XXI

by Yuval Noah Harari

Vuelve Harari Autor de Sapiens, bestseller del momento con más de diez millones de copias vendidas en todo el mundo. Sapiens es un recorrido por nuestro pasado. Homo Deus, una mirada a nuestro futuro. 21 lecciones para el siglo XXI es una exploración de nuestro presente. ¿Cómo podemos protegernos de las guerras nucleares, los cataclismos ecológicos o las tecnologías disruptivas? ¿Qué podemos hacer contra la propagación de la posverdad o la amenaza del terrorismo? ¿Qué debemos enseñar a nuestros hijos? Con la misma prosa inteligente, fresca y provocadora, Harari vuelve a librerías con un nuevo título, 21 lecciones para el siglo XXI, en el que examina algunas de las cuestiones más urgentes de nuestro presente. El hilo dorado que recorre este estimulante nuevo libro es el desafío de mantener nuestro enfoque colectivo e individual frente al constante y desorientador cambio que estamos viviendo. ¿Somos aún capaces de entender el mundo que hemos creado?

21 lecciones para el siglo XXI

by Yuval Noah Harari

Vuelve Harari Autor de Sapiens, best seller del momento con más de diez millones de copias vendidas en todo el mundo. Sapiens es un recorrido por nuestro pasado. Homo Deus, una mirada a nuestro futuro. 21 lecciones para el siglo XXI es una exploración de nuestro presente. ¿Cómo podemos protegernos de las guerras nucleares, los cataclismos ecológicos o las tecnologías disruptivas? ¿Qué podemos hacer contra la propagación de la posverdad o la amenaza del terrorismo? ¿Qué debemos enseñar a nuestros hijos? Con la misma prosa inteligente, fresca y provocadora, Harari vuelve a librerías con un nuevo título, 21 lecciones para elsiglo XXI, en el que examina algunas de las cuestiones más urgentes de nuestro presente. El hilo dorado que recorre este estimulante nuevo libro es el desafío de mantener nuestro enfoque colectivo e individual frente al constante y desorientador cambio que estamos viviendo. ¿Somos aún capaces de entender el mundo que hemos creado? Reseñas:«Me maravilló la manera en la que Yuval Noah Harari indagó en el pasado de nuestra especie en Sapiens, al igual que lo hicieron sus predicciones para el futuro con Homo Deus. Pero su cautivadora narrativa y sus fascinantes análisis de la actualidad en 21 lecciones para el siglo XXI dan absolutamente en el clavo.»Sir Richard Branson «El formato del libro contribuye al gancho comercial de Harari, que es ni más ni menos que la ambición y la gran amplitud de su obra, en la que reúne ideas que uno no se espera pero que se traducen en observaciones brillantes.»Helen Lewis, The Guardian «Este libro es un testimonio a su genialidad, con un gran potencial para atrapar a las mentes curiosas.»Moises Naim, The Washington Post «No es importante que en este libro Harari sea más discursivo y tangencial que en sus anteriores obras por la sencilla razón de que se muestra igualmente inteligente, cautivador, cultivado e instructivo.»Fintan O'Toole, The Irish Times «Harari entabla en esta obra, tan cautivadora como irrebatible, la conversación definitiva sobre cómo abordar a escala global los problemas del siglo XXI.»Bill Gates, The New York Times «El gran pensador de nuestra era.»The Times «Estimulante a más no poder y de una actualidad rabiosa. El gancho comercial de Harari radica en la ambición y la amplitud de su obra, que fusiona ideas sorprendentes y reflexiones brillantes.»The Guardian «Una perspectiva firme y aleccionadora sobre un panorama nuevo y desconcertante.»Booklist «Harari brinda una combinación magistral de perspectiva histórica, científica, política y filosófica, explorando los veintiún mayores desafíos que la actualidad presenta a su entender. [...] aborda una gran diversidad de cuestiones urgentes, entre ellas la democracia liberal, el nacionalismo, la inmigración y la religión. 21 lecciones para el siglo XXI es una obra minuciosa y rigurosamente documentada, escrita para ser disfrutada y comentada por mucho tiempo.»Publishers Weekly «Una exploración verdaderamente instructiva de los grandes temas de nuestro presente, así como del futuro inmediato de la sociedad. [...] A lo largo de veintiún ensayos que dan justo en el clavo, el autor opina hacia dónde evoluciona nuestro mundo en plena era de la posverdad. [...] La mayor parte de los lectores encontrará en su narrativa una sensatez deliciosa [...]. Otra obra maestra de Harari.»Kirkus Reviews «Est

21 Lessons for the 21st Century

by Yuval Noah Harari

With Sapiens and Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari first explored the past, then the future of humankind, garnering the praise of no less than Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg, to name a few, and selling millions of copies in the over 30 countries it was published. In 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, he devotes himself to the present.21 Lessons For the 21st Century provides a kind of instruction manual for the present day to help readers find their way around the 21st century, to understand it, and to focus on the really important questions of life. Once again, Harari presents this in the distinctive, informal, and entertaining style that already characterized his previous books. The topics Harari examines in this way include major challenges such as international terrorism, fake news, and migration, as well as turning to more personal, individual concerns, such as our time for leisure or how much pressure and stress we can take. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century answers the overarching question: What is happening in the world today, what is the deeper meaning of these events, and how can we individually steer our way through them? The questions include what the rise of Trump signifies, whether or not God is back, and whether nationalism can help solve problems like global warming. Few writers of non-fiction have captured the imagination of millions of people in quite the astonishing way Yuval Noah Harari has managed, and in such a short space of time. His unique ability to look at where we have come from and where we are going has gained him fans from every corner of the globe. There is an immediacy to this new book which makes it essential reading for anyone interested in the world today and how to navigate its turbulent waters.

21 Lessons for the 21st Century: Ren Lei Ming Yun Da Yi Ti = 21 Lessons For The 21st Century

by Yuval Noah Harari

New York Times BestsellerNational BestsellerWith Sapiens and Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari first explored the past, then the future of humankind, garnering the praise of no less than Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg, to name a few, and selling millions of copies in the over 30 countries it was published. In 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, he devotes himself to the present.21 Lessons For the 21st Century provides a kind of instruction manual for the present day to help readers find their way around the 21st century, to understand it, and to focus on the really important questions of life. Once again, Harari presents this in the distinctive, informal, and entertaining style that already characterized his previous books. The topics Harari examines in this way include major challenges such as international terrorism, fake news, and migration, as well as turning to more personal, individual concerns, such as our time for leisure or how much pressure and stress we can take. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century answers the overarching question: What is happening in the world today, what is the deeper meaning of these events, and how can we individually steer our way through them? The questions include what the rise of Trump signifies, whether or not God is back, and whether nationalism can help solve problems like global warming. Few writers of non-fiction have captured the imagination of millions of people in quite the astonishing way Yuval Noah Harari has managed, and in such a short space of time. His unique ability to look at where we have come from and where we are going has gained him fans from every corner of the globe. There is an immediacy to this new book which makes it essential reading for anyone interested in the world today and how to navigate its turbulent waters.

21D: Las claves de la crisis catalana en 21 artículos

by Agenda Pública

<P>Lúcido e inteligente análisis sobre el procés. <P>Referéndum no pactado, incumplimiento de las leyes, proporcionalidad policial, luces y sombras de la aplicación del artículo 155, debilitamiento de la izquierda española, presos políticos, el papel de la Unión Europea, fuga de empresas, democratización y exhibición de identidad española, crisis constitucional y autonómica... <P>De la mano de Agenda Pública (, tenemos aquí un lúcido y necesario repaso sobre el procés en Cataluña.

The 21st Century: Geopolitics, Democracy and Peace

by Balmiki Prasad Singh

This book examines a wide range of issues that are expected to play a dominant role in shaping the 21st century. Delineating key concerns in geopolitics, democracy and peace, it studies the functions and influences of educational institutions, progressive religious and social groups, communities, international institutions such as the United Nations, and forums promoting inter-faith dialogue. The author underscores how the century may be forged by a pluralist ethos: multiple and diverse nation states, centres of power, faiths, cultures, economies, and languages. He stresses the need to nurture moral strength and enlightened leadership for a life of compassion, peace and holistic development. Lucid and engaging, this book will interest scholars and researchers of political studies, international relations, public policy, governance and development studies.

The 21st Century at Work: Forces Shaping the Future Workforce and Workplace in the United States

by Constantijn Panis Lynn A. Karoly

What are the forces that will continue to shape the U.S. workforce and workplace over the next 10 to 15 years? With its eye on forming sound policy and helping stakeholders in the private and public sectors make informed decisions, the U.S. Department of Labor asked RAND to look at the future of work. The authors analyze trends in and the implications of shifting demographic patterns, the pace of technological change, and the path of economic globalization.

21st Century Cooperation: Regional Public Goods, Global Governance, and Sustainable Development

by Antoni Estevadeordal Louis W. Goodman

This edited volume explains the importance of regional public goods (RPGs) for sustainable development and shows why they are particularly important in the context of 21st-century international relations. By presenting a new and original data set and by presenting original essays by renowned scholars, this book lays the foundation for what will become an increasingly important focus for both economic development and international relations as well as for their intersection. The volume contains four parts. The first introduces the core issues and concepts that are explored throughout the book as well as a new and original data set on RPGs. The second part further develops specific concepts important for understanding 21st-century RPGs: regional leadership, alliances, networks, and outcomes. The third examines how cooperation takes place worldwide for a range of important RPGs. Finally, the fourth part discusses how public goods are produced in specific regions, stressing that each region has a distinct context and that these contexts overlap in a decentered "multiplex" manner. Global economic cooperation will be different in the 21st century, and this volume will be of interest to students and scholars of global governance, economic development, international political economy, sustainable development, and comparative regionalism.

21st Century Democracy Promotion in the Americas: Standing up for the Polity (Global Institutions)

by Jorge Heine Brigitte Weiffen

This volume examines the promotion and defense of democracy in the Americas. Taking the Inter-American Democratic Charter (IADC) of 2001 as a baseline, it charts the evolution of the issue over the past decade. Although it considers historical antecedents, the main focus of the book is on key instances of promotion and defense of democracy in the Western hemisphere since the adoption of the IADC. It analyzes democratic norms, norm enforcement mechanisms and how they work in practice. Special attention is paid to the 2009 Honduras coup, the issues raised by it and the debates that surrounded it, as this was the first instance in which a member state was suspended in accordance with the IADC. Three central themes guide the analysis: the nature of challenges to democracy in Latin America; the role of regional organizations as democracy promoters; and the transformation of Inter-American relations. The book unveils the key achievements and limitations of the OAS in the field and will be of great interest to students and scholars of democratization, US-Latin American relations, international relations of Latin-America and international organizations.

21st Century Manufacturing

by Committee on 21st Century Manufacturing: The Role of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program of the National Institute of Standards and Technology National Research Council Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy Charles W. Wessner

The Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) - a program of the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology - has sought for more than two decades to strengthen American manufacturing. It is a national network of affiliated manufacturing extension centers and field offices located throughout all fifty states and Puerto Rico. Funding for MEP Centers comes from a combination of federal, state, local and private resources. Centers work directly with manufacturing firms in their state or sub-state region. MEP Centers provide expertise, services and assistance directed toward improving growth, supply chain positioning, leveraging emerging technologies, improving manufacturing processes, work force training, and the application and implementation of information in client companies through direct assistance provided by Center staff and from partner organizations and third party consultants. 21st Century Manufacturing seeks to generate a better understanding of the operation, achievements, and challenges of the MEP program in its mission to support, strengthen, and grow U.S. manufacturing. This report identifies and reviews similar national programs from abroad in order to draw on foreign practices, funding levels, and accomplishments as a point of reference and discusses current needs and initiatives in light of the global focus on advanced manufacturing,

The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Challenges and Opportunities for Asia and Europe (Contemporary Issues in the South China Sea)

by Keyuan Zou Shicun Wu Qiang Ye

This book explores the opportunities and challenges that both Europe and Asia face under the framework of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative. The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative (MSR Initiative), put forward by the Chinese government together with the Silk Road Economic Belt, reflects China’s ambition and vision to shape the global economic and political order. The first step and priority under the MSR Initiative, according to documents issued by China, is to build three ‘Blue Economic Passages’ linking China with the rest of the world at sea, two of which will connect China with Europe. This initiative, however, still faces enormous challenges of geopolitical suspicion and security risks. This book seeks to assess these risks and their causes for the cooperation between the Eurasian countries under the framework of MSR and puts forward suggestions to deal with these risks in the interdisciplinary perspectives of international relations and international law. Featuring a global team of contributors, this book will be of much interest to students of Asian politics, maritime security, international law and international relations.

21st Century Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve From The Great Inflation To Covid-19

by Ben S. Bernanke

21st Century Monetary Policy takes readers inside the Federal Reserve, explaining what it does and why. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve deployed an extraordinary range of policy tools that helped prevent the collapse of the financial system and the U.S. economy. Chair Jerome Powell and his colleagues lent directly to U.S. businesses, purchased trillions of dollars of government securities, pumped dollars into the international financial system, and crafted a new framework for monetary policy that emphasized job creation. These strategies would have astonished Powell’s late-20th-century predecessors, from William McChesney Martin to Alan Greenspan, and the advent of these tools raises new questions about the future landscape of economic policy. In 21st Century Monetary Policy, Ben S. Bernanke—former chair of the Federal Reserve and one of the world’s leading economists—explains the Fed’s evolution and speculates on its future. Taking a fresh look at the bank’s policymaking over the past seventy years, including his own time as chair, Bernanke shows how changes in the economy have driven the Fed’s innovations. He also lays out new challenges confronting the Fed, including the return of inflation, cryptocurrencies, increased risks of financial instability, and threats to its independence. Beyond explaining the central bank’s new policymaking tools, Bernanke also captures the drama of moments when so much hung on the Fed’s decisions, as well as the personalities and philosophies of those who led the institution.

21st Century Political Science: A Reference Handbook

by John T. Ishiyama Marijke Breuning

Request a free trial of SAGE Knowledge to sample this title and many more! Via 99 entries or "mini-chapters," the SAGE 21st Century Reference Series volumes on political science highlight the most important topics, issues, questions, and debates any student obtaining a degree in this field ought to have mastered for effectiveness in the 21st century. 21st Century Political Science: A Reference Handbook serves as an authoritative reference source that meets students' research needs with more detailed information than encyclopedia entries but not so much jargon, detail, or density as a journal article or a research handbook chapter. An editorial advisory board comprised of eminent scholars from various subfields, many of whom are also award-winning teachers, selected the most important general topics in the discipline. The two volumes are divided into six major parts: 1) General Approaches of Political Science; 2) Comparative Politics; 3) International Relations; 4) Political Science Methodology; 5) Political Thought; and 6) American Politics. A section on identity politics includes chapters on topics such as Race, Ethnicity, and Politics; Gender and Politics; Religion and Politics; and LGBT Issues/ Queer Theory. This two-volume resource makes fairly complex approaches in political science accessible to advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students.

21st Century Populism

by George Serafeim David Freiberg

While the first decade of the 21st century saw a massive financial crisis that led to significant economic downturn, the second decade saw the rise of political leaders, who built their support upon a political message that championed the common person against the collective enemy—the political and economic elite. Historically, waves of populism were infrequent and occurred almost exclusively in developing nations. However, not seen since the pre-World War II years had populist leaders gained such a following throughout the developed world—in countries with the strongest democracies. Driven heavily by growing inequality and degrading trust in institutions, populist leaders took global elections by storm. Populist movements raised the fundamental question of the role of business in the development of the conditions for the genesis of these movements, especially in relation to inequality, and how business would respond to subsequent government interventions that reduced the freedom of markets.

21st Century Prometheus: Managing CBRN Safety and Security Affected by Cutting-Edge Technologies

by Maurizio Martellini Ralf Trapp

This book describes the evolving CBRN risk landscape and highlights advances in the “core” CBRN technologies, including when combined with (improvised) explosive devices (CBRNe threats). It analyses how associated technologies create new safety and security risks, challenging certain assumptions that underlie current control regimes. The book also shows how technologies can be enablers for more effective strategies to mitigate these risks.21st-century safety and security risks emanating from chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials – whether resulting from natural events, accidents or malevolent use - are increasingly shaped by technologies that enable their development, production or use in ways that differ from the past. Artificial intelligence, the use of cyberspace, the revolution in the life sciences, new manufacturing methods, new platforms and equipment for agent delivery, hypersonic weapons systems, information tools utilised in hybrid warfare – these and other technologies are reshaping the global security environment and CBRN landscape. They are leading to a growing potential for highly targeted violence, and they can lead to greater instability and vulnerability worldwide. At the same time, technology offers solutions to manage CBRN risks. Examples are faster detection, more accurate characterisation of the nature and origin of CBRN agents, new forensic investigation methods, or new medical treatments for victims of CBRN incidents. New educational concepts help to foster a culture of responsibility in science and technology and strengthen governance. New training methods help develop practical skills to manage CBRN risks more effectively.The book concludes that there is a growing need for a holistic framework towards CBRN risk mitigation. Traditional arms control mechanisms such as global, regional or bilateral treaties and export controls are still needed, as they provide a necessary legal and institutional framework. But laws and technology denial alone will not suffice, and institutional mechanisms can at times be weak. Given the pace of technological progress and the diffusion of critical knowledge, tools and materials, policymakers must accept that CBRN risks cannot be eliminated altogether. Instead, society has to learn to manage these risks and develop resilience against them. This requires a “softer”, broadly based multi-stakeholder approach involving governments, industry, the research and development communities, educators, and civil society. Furthermore, educating policymakers that cutting-edge technologies may seriously affect global strategic stability could create incentives for developing a more creative and contemporary arms control strategy that fosters cooperation rather than incremental polarisation.

21st-Century Smallholder: From Window Boxes To Allotments: How To Go Back To The Land Without Leaving Home

by Paul Waddington

Achieving genuine self-sufficiency of the kind described in John Seymour's classic guide is sadly beyond the vast reach of the urban majority today. Few have the space, and for those few there are comprehensive guidebooks. But where do the rest of us look for the answers to questions like how much effort does it really take to grow your own food? Is beekeeping difficult? Is solar power really worth the bother?From a small terraced house in the middle of a big city, Paul Waddington has made it his business to find out, and while trying it himself, has created a practical and absorbing guidebook along the way. It includes easy-to-read lists, tables, personal anecdote, and stunning illustrations, and more importantly demystifies the subject with practical tips that get to the heart of the matter to show you how you can enjoy the fulfilling aspects of the smallholding life without the hassle and expense of 'going all the way'. If you want to go back to the land without leaving home, this is the perfect guide.

22/11/63: A Novel

by Stephen King

El 22 de noviembre de 1963, tres disparos resonaron en Dallas. Murió el presidente Kennedy, y el mundo cambió. ¿Qué harías tú si pudieras impedirlo? Jake Epping es un profesor de ingles en una preparatoria en Lisbon Falls, Maine, quien además complementa su salario dando clases nocturnas para adultos. Un día, Jake recibe un ensayo escrito por uno de sus estudiantes—una aterradora historia sobre una noche de hace cincuenta años, en la que el padre de Harry Dunning asesino a su esposa y a dos de sus hijos con un martillo. Harry, quien escribe el ensayo, logro escapar con solo una herida en la pierna, que hasta ese dia le causa problemas al caminar. Poco después, Al, el propietario de un restaurante local y amigo de Jake, le cuenta un secreto: el almacén del restaurante es un portal a 1958. Así es como Jake se encuentra en medio de la aventura mas arriesgada de su vida: impedir el asesinato del presidente John F. Kennedy. En esta nueva vida, Jake—ahora George Amberson—emprende la búsqueda del solitario Lee Harvey Oswald entre canciones de Elvis, autos de moda y humo de cigarrillos, ayudado por una bella bibliotecaria llamada Sadie Dunhill, quien se convertirá en el amor de su vida.

22/11/63: A Novel

by Stephen King

El 22 de noviembre de 1963, tres disparos resonaron en Dallas. Murió el presidente Kennedy, y el mundo cambió. ¿Qué harías tú si pudieras impedirlo? Jake Epping es un profesor de ingles en una preparatoria en Lisbon Falls, Maine, quien además complementa su salario dando clases nocturnas para adultos. Un día, Jake recibe un ensayo escrito por uno de sus estudiantesuna aterradora historia sobre una noche de hace cincuenta años, en la que el padre de Harry Dunning asesino a su esposa y a dos de sus hijos con un martillo. Harry, quien escribe el ensayo, logro escapar con solo una herida en la pierna, que hasta ese dia le causa problemas al caminar. Poco después, Al, el propietario de un restaurante local y amigo de Jake, le cuenta un secreto: el almacén del restaurante es un portal a 1958. Así es como Jake se encuentra en medio de la aventura mas arriesgada de su vida: impedir el asesinato del presidente John F. Kennedy. En esta nueva vida, Jakeahora George Ambersonemprende la búsqueda del solitario Lee Harvey Oswald entre canciones de Elvis, autos de moda y humo de cigarrillos, ayudado por una bella bibliotecaria llamada Sadie Dunhill, quien se convertirá en el amor de su vida.

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