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Alan Clark: A Life in his Own Words

by Alan Clark

Some of the most talked about books of recent years, Alan Clark's diaries provide a witty and irreverant insider's account of political life in Britain. Now in one volume.'From the moment the first scabrous and brilliant volume was published, people wanted more. Now they have it and they will not be disappointed... These diaries are not wonderful simply because they show a politician unafraid to say what he thinks, and refusing to suck up to those whom he represents. They are great because they show all sides of a man who was, within his complex personality, arrogant, sensitive, loyal, unfaithful, patriotic, selfish, selfless, and - at all times - completely Technicolour' Simon Heffner, DAILY MAIL

Alaska Native Tribes,ANCSA Corporations, and Other Organizations: Origins, Purposes, and Relationships

by Lydia Hays

Learn about Alaska's unique indigenous people who have lived thousands of years in a subsistence economy and unconquered. See how today's Alaska Native people exhibit remarkable resilience and adaptability despite the arrival of foreigners to Alaska in the mid-1700s, who sought natural resources and brought death and disease that claimed many indigenous lives. Clear descriptions, facts, charts, lists, and maps tell about the 230 Alaska Native tribes and more than 350 Alaska Native-owned for profit and nonprofit organizations that have emerged over the past 65 years. A stunning 25,000 year timeline depicts archeological sites which helped provide the basis for aboriginal land rights in the historic Alaska Native Land Claims Settlement in 1971. Today, Alaska Native people comprise about 20 percent of Alaska's population and their institutions are a major player in Alaska's diverse economy. Easy to read, you will gain an essential understanding about these modern institutions that have been successfully integrated with traditional subsistence values and are improving the lives of Alaska Native people and all of Alaska.

Alaska Politics and Public Policy: The Dynamics of Beliefs, Institutions, Personalities, and Power

by Clive S. Thomas

Politics in Alaska have changed significantly since the last major book on the subject was published more than twenty years ago, with the rise and fall of Sarah Palin and the rise and fall of oil prices being but two of the many developments to alter the political landscape. This book, the most comprehensive on the subject to date, focuses on the question of how beliefs, institutions, personalities, and power interact to shape Alaska politics and public policy. Drawing on these interactions, the contributors explain how and why certain issues get dealt with successfully and others unsuccessfully, and why some issues are taken up quickly while others are not addressed at all. This comprehensive guide to the political climate of Alaska will be essential to anyone studying the politics of America’s largest—and in some ways most unusual—state.

Alaskan Resources Development: Issues Of The 1980s

by Thomas A. Morehouse

Many U.S. citizens and policymakers look to Alaska as a resource storehouse for the remaining years of 1980s and beyond. This book examines the federal and state policies, economic and political constraints, and social consequences of Alaskan resources development during two decades.


by Neil Olsen

The Albania Country Profile skillfully unravels the historical and political background to the present situation in Albania. Despite the advent of democracy in 1992, Albanians have found it hard to participate fully in the building of a new society. The volatility of regional politics in the Balkans, and the absence of a democratic culture, have hindered economic and social progress. Much of this Country Profile is told in the voices of Albanians themselves: people imprisoned under the communist regime of Enver Hoxha; students who took part in political protests in the 1990s; villagers who have held on to traditional identities, and women active in setting up social-action groups.

Albania In Transition: The Rocky Road To Democracy

by Elez Biberaj

This book focuses on the trials and tribulations of Albania's efforts to create a democratic political order. It assesses the degree and significance of changes since the early 1990s, providing a detailed account of the transition from Communist Party rule to multiparty competition.

Alberdi: Repensando libertad y equidad en la nación argentina

by Juan Pablo Lichtmajer

Una lectura lúcida, reflexiva y rigurosa de la historia y actualidad de Alberdi para comprender cómo nació y se fue construyendo la identidad de la nación argentina y debatir el presente pensando quiénes fuimos, quiénes somos y quiénes queremos ser. Juan Bautista Alberdi y su obra son el objeto manifiesto de este libro cuyas páginas revelan bien pronto, desde una perspectiva absolutamente original, una ambición mayor: discutir el presente. En efecto, el recorrido de la historia de nuestro país desde el fin de la colonia hasta la organización nacional que Juan Pablo Lichtmajer traza siguiendo el devenir de la figura tal vez más importante de la Generación del 37 -nada menos que el autor intelectual de la Constitución de 1853- construye una lúcida lectura del pasado que interpela al hoy para señalar sus desafíos. En esa relación que establece con el tiempo actual se hace evidente uno de los propósitos más nítidos y una de las mayores fortalezas de este trabajo: releer a Alberdi para pensar la Argentina contemporánea. La empresa resulta exitosa porque entre sus muchos méritos propone ejes conceptuales en torno de los cuales nuclea los tópicos que despliega; uno de ellos, el de la identidad de la nación argentina. Historiográficamente riguroso, filosóficamente reflexivo y políticamente necesario, puede decirse de Alberdi: la noble igualdad que tiene deliberada vocación de indispensable.

Albert Camus as Political Thinker

by Samantha Novello

An intense genealogical reconstruction of Camus's political thinking challenging the philosophical import of his writings as providing an alternative, aesthetic understanding of politics, political action and freedom outside and against the nihilistic categories of modern political philosophy and the contemporary politics of contempt and terrorisms

Albert Einstein: Scientist of the 20th Century

by Catherine Reef

A biography of physicist Albert Einstein, the man who put forth the general theory of relativity.

Albert Gore, Sr.: A Political Life (Politics and Culture in Modern America)

by Anthony J. Badger

In chronicling the life and career of Albert Gore, Sr., historian Anthony J. Badger seeks not just to explore the successes and failures of an important political figure who spent more than three decades in the national eye—and whose son would become Vice President of the United States—but also to explain the dramatic changes in the South that led to national political realignment.Born on a small farm in the hills of Tennessee, Gore served in Congress from 1938 to 1970, first in the House of Representatives and then in the Senate. During that time, the United States became a global superpower and the South a two party desegregated region. Gore, whom Badger describes as a policy-oriented liberal, saw the federal government as the answer to the South's problems. He held a resilient faith, according to Badger, in the federal government to regulate wages and prices in World War II, to further social welfare through the New Deal and the Great Society, and to promote economic growth and transform the infrastructure of the South.Gore worked to make Tennessee the "atomic capital" of the nation and to protect the Tennessee Valley Authority, while at the same time cosponsoring legislation to create the national highway system. He was more cautious in his approach to civil rights; though bolder than his moderate Southern peers, he struggled to adjust to the shifting political ground of the 1960s. His career was defined by his relationship with Lyndon Johnson, whose Vietnam policies Gore bitterly opposed. The injection of Christian perspectives into the state's politics ultimately distanced Gore's worldview from that of his constituents. Altogether, Gore's political rise and fall, Badger argues, illuminates the significance of race, religion, and class in the creation of the modern South.

Albert Taylor Bledsoe: Defender of the Old South and Architect of the Lost Cause (Southern Biography Series)

by Terry A. Barnhart

Albert Taylor Bledsoe (1809--1877), a principal architect of the South's "Lost Cause" mythology, remains one of the Civil War generation's most controversial intellectuals. In Albert Taylor Bledsoe: Defender of the Old South and Architect of the Lost Cause, Terry A. Barnhart sheds new light on this provocative figure.Bledsoe gained a respectable reputation in the 1840s and 1850s as a metaphysician and speculative theologian. His two major works, An Examination of President Edwards' Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will (1845) and A Theodicy; Or, Vindication of the Divine Glory, As Manifested in the Constitution and Government of the Moral World (1853), grapple with perplexing problems connected with causality, Christian theology, and moral philosophy. His fervent defense of slavery and the constitutional right of secession, however, solidified Bledsoe as one of the chief proponents of the idea of the Old South. In An Essay on Liberty and Slavery (1856), he assailed egalitarianism and promoted the institution of slavery as a positive good. A decade later, he continued to devote himself to fashioning the "Lost Cause" narrative as the editor and proprietor of the Southern Review from 1867 until his death in 1877. He carried on a literary tradition aimed to reconcile white southerners to what he and they viewed as the indignity of their defeat by sanctifying their lost cause. Those who fought for the Confederacy, he argued, were not traitors but honorable men who sacrificed for noble reasons.This biography skillfully weaves Bledsoe's extraordinary life history into a narrative that illustrates the events that shaped his opinions and influenced his writings. Barnhart demonstrates how Bledsoe still speaks directly, and sometimes eloquently, to the core issues that divided the nation in the 1860s and continue to haunt it today.

Alberta: A Health System Profile (Provincial and Territorial Health System Profiles)

by John Church Neale Smith

Alberta: A Health System Profile provides the first detailed description of Alberta’s health care system and the underpinning political and social forces that have shaped it. Drawing on significant wealth from government revenues generated through the energy sector, Alberta has been able to develop an extensive public health and health care infrastructure. Alberta has used its financial resources to attract health professionals by offering the highest levels of financial compensation in Canada. However, although it spends more per capita than other Canadian jurisdictions, Alberta’s health care system costs and health outcomes are mediocre compared to those of many other Canadian jurisdictions. This unexpected outcome is the consequence of the unique interplay of economic and political forces within Alberta’s political economy. Through an examination of Alberta’s political and economic history, and using research on the structures and services provided, Alberta: A Health Systems Profile provides a detailed description of the programs and services that constitute Alberta’s health care system.

Alberta Oil and the Decline of Democracy in Canada

by Bob Barnetson Gabrielle Slowey Jason Foster Josh Evans Joy Fraser Karen Wall Lorna Stefanick Manijeh Mannani Meenal Shrivastava Paul Kellogg Peter Jay Smith Ricardo Acuna Sara Dorow Trevor Harrison

Prior to May 2015, the oil-rich jurisdiction of Alberta had, for over four decades, been a one-party state. During that time, the rule of the Progressive Conservatives essentially went unchallenged, with critiques of government policy falling on deaf ears and Alberta ranking behind other provinces in voter turnout. Given the province’s economic reliance on oil revenues, a symbiotic relationship also developed between government and the oil industry. Cross-national studies have detected a correlation between oil-dependent economies and authoritarian rule, a pattern particularly evident in Africa and the Middle East. Alberta Oil and the Decline of Democracy in Canada sets out to test the “oil inhibits democracy” hypothesis in the context of an industrialized nation in the Global North. In probing the impact of Alberta’s powerful oil lobby on the health of democracy in the province, contributors to the volume engage with an ongoing discussion of the erosion of political liberalism in the West. In addition to examining energy policy and issues of government accountability in Alberta, they explore the ramifications of oil dependence in areas such as Aboriginal rights, environmental policy, labour law, women’s equity, urban social policy, and the arts. If, as they argue, reliance on oil has weakened democratic structures in Alberta, then what of Canada as whole, where the short-term priorities of the oil industry continue to shape federal policy? In Alberta, the New Democratic Party is in a position to reverse the democratic deficit that is presently fuelling political and economic inequality. The findings in this book suggest that, to revitalize democracy, provincial and federal leaders alike must find the courage to curb the influence of the oil industry on governance.

Alberta's Day Care Controversy: From 1908 to 2009 and Beyond

by Tom Langford

Day care in Alberta has had a remarkably durable history as a controversial issue. Since the late 1950s, disputes over day care programs, policies, and funding have been a recurring feature of political life in the province. Alberta’s Day Care Controversy traces the development of day care policies and programs in Alberta, with particular emphasis on policy decisions and program initiatives that have provoked considerable debate and struggle among citizens. For most of Alberta’s first fifty years as a province, day care was treated as a private rather than a public issue. Beginning in the late 1950s, however, debates about day care began to appear regularly on the public record. Dr. Tom Langford brings to light the public controversies that occurred during the last four decades of the twentieth century and the first decade of the new millennium, placing contemporary issues in historical context and anticipating the elements of future policy struggles.

Albie Sachs and Transformation in South Africa: From Revolutionary Activist to Constitutional Court Judge (Birkbeck Law Press)

by Albie Sachs Drucilla Cornell Karin van Marle

Many critical theorists talk and write about the day after the revolution, but few have actually participated in the constitution of a revolutionary government. Emeritus Justice Albie Sachs was a freedom fighter for most of his life. He then played a major role in the negotiating committee for the new constitution of South Africa, and was subsequently appointed to the new Constitutional Court of South Africa. Therefore, the question of what it means to make the transition from a freedom fighter to a participant in a revolutionary government is not abstract, in Hegel’s sense of the word, it is an actual journey that Albie Sachs undertook. The essays in this book raise the complex question of what it actually means to make this transition without selling out to the demands of realism. In addition, the preface written by Emeritus Justice Albie Sachs and his interview with Drucilla Cornell and Karin van Marle, further address key questions about revolution in the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries: from armed struggle to the organization of a nation state committed to ethical transformation in the name of justice. Albie Sachs and transformation in South Africa: from revolutionary activist to constitutional court judge illuminates the theoretical and practical experiences of revolution and its political aftermath. With first-hand accounts alongside academic interrogation, this unique book will intrigue anyone interested in the intersection of Law and Politics.

Alchemical Belief: Occultism in the Religious Culture of Early Modern England (Magic in History)

by Bruce Janacek

What did it mean to believe in alchemy in early modern England? In this book, Bruce Janacek considers alchemical beliefs in the context of the writings of Thomas Tymme, Robert Fludd, Francis Bacon, Sir Kenelm Digby, and Elias Ashmole. Rather than examine alchemy from a scientific or medical perspective, Janacek presents it as integrated into the broader political, philosophical, and religious upheavals of the first half of the seventeenth century, arguing that the interest of these elite figures in alchemy was part of an understanding that supported their national—and in some cases royalist—loyalty and theological orthodoxy. Janacek investigates how and why individuals who supported or were actually placed at the traditional center of power in England’s church and state believed in the relevance of alchemy at a time when their society, their government, their careers, and, in some cases, their very lives were at stake.

Alchemical Belief: Occultism in the Religious Culture of Early Modern England (Magic in History)

by Bruce Janacek

What did it mean to believe in alchemy in early modern England? In this book, Bruce Janacek considers alchemical beliefs in the context of the writings of Thomas Tymme, Robert Fludd, Francis Bacon, Sir Kenelm Digby, and Elias Ashmole. Rather than examine alchemy from a scientific or medical perspective, Janacek presents it as integrated into the broader political, philosophical, and religious upheavals of the first half of the seventeenth century, arguing that the interest of these elite figures in alchemy was part of an understanding that supported their national—and in some cases royalist—loyalty and theological orthodoxy. Janacek investigates how and why individuals who supported or were actually placed at the traditional center of power in England’s church and state believed in the relevance of alchemy at a time when their society, their government, their careers, and, in some cases, their very lives were at stake.

The Alchemy of Empire: Abject Materials and the Technologies of Colonialism

by Rajani Sudan

The Alchemy of Empire unravels the non-European origins of Enlightenment science. Focusing on the abject materials of empire-building, this study traces the genealogies of substances like mud, mortar, ice, and paper, as well as forms of knowledge like inoculation. Showing how East India Company employees deployed the paradigm of alchemy in order to make sense of the new worlds they confronted, Rajani Sudan argues that the Enlightenment was born largely out of Europe’s (and Britain’s) sense of insecurity and inferiority in the early modern world. Plumbing the depths of the imperial archive, Sudan uncovers the history of the British Enlightenment in the literary artifacts of the long eighteenth century, from the correspondence of the East India Company and the papers of the Royal Society to the poetry of Alexander Pope and the novels of Jane Austen.

The Alchemy of Noise: A Novel

by Lorraine Devon Wilke

2023 Indie Author Project Regional Contest Winner in California2019 Readers' Favorite Awards Gold Medal Winner in Fiction (Literary)2019 Best Book Awards Finalist in Fiction (Literary)2019 International Book Awards, Finalist, Fiction (Multicultural)2020 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award Fiction Finalist in Multicultural2019 Foreword Indie Finalist in Adult Fiction: Multicultural2019 Nautilus Book Awards Silver Winner in Fiction“Infused with beauty, humor, and pain, The Alchemy of Noise is a modern American love story that asks if love can bridge the distance between two Americas.”—Laura Nicole Diamond, author of Shelter Us and Deliver MeIn a world so full of lonely people and broken hearts, Chris Hawkins, a black sound engineer from Chicago’s south side, and Sidonie Frame—white, suburban-raised, the head manager of one of the city’s most elite venues—meet by work-related happenstance and fall quickly in love, convinced that by that act alone they can inspire peace, joy, and happiness in the world around them. The world, however, has other ideas.Their meeting is serendipitous. Chris, who owns and runs his company, largely spends his time surrounded by members of his own community; Sidonie, conversely, is rarely outside the environs of work and its predominantly white staff and clientele. But when the club’s sound manager goes AWOL on the night of a big event and Chris is hired to come in as a last-minute replacement, their destinies collide.Immediately drawn to each other, they fall quickly into an unexpected and thrilling relationship, inspiring myriad reactions amongst family and friends on both sides of the racial divide. But even as their love story evolves, day-to-day tensions, police disruptions, and the microaggressions Chris constantly encounters as a black man in the gritty environs of Chicago become a cultural flashpoint, challenging Sidonie’s privileged worldview and Chris’s ability to translate the unfolding events. After a random and gut-wrenching series of police encounters shakes their resilience, it’s the shattering circumstance of a violent arrest—one in which Chris is identified as a serial vandal and potential rapist—that sends their world into free fall.He claims his innocence; she believes him. But the forces pushing against them are many and oppressive. With a looming trial, the dissipating loyalties of key allies, and unforeseen twists triggering doubt and suspicion, Sidonie and Chris are driven to question what they really know of each other and just whom to trust, leading to a powerful and emotional conclusion.Lorraine Devon Wilke’s third novel, The Alchemy of Noise, ventures beyond the humor and pathos of family drama explored so cleverly in her first two novels to dig deep into the politics of contemporary culture. At its heart a love story, it explores the complexity of race in a suspenseful drama driven by issues of privilege, prejudice, police profiling and legal entanglements, and the disparities in how those provocative themes impact the various and diverse characters involved.

The Alchemy of Race and Rights

by Patricia J. Williams

The Alchemy of Race and Rights is an autobiographical essay in which the author reflects on the intersection of race, gender, and class. Using the tools of critical literary and legal theory, she sets out her views of contemporary popular culture and current events, from Howard Beach to homelessness, from Tawana Brawley to the law-school classrom, from civil rights to Oprah Winfrey, from Bernhard Goetz to Marth Beth Whitehead.


by P. J. Rhodes

While the Americans were fighting in Vietnam, a struggle of even greater strategic significance was taking place in the Middle East: the Sultanate of Oman guards the entrance to the Arabian Gulf, and thus controls the movement of oil from that region. In the 1960s and 70s, the Communists tried to seize this artery and, had they succeeded, the consequences for the West and for the Middle East would have been disastrous — and yet, few people have ever heard of this geo-political drama at the height of the Cold War.In the Service of the Sultan tells, first-hand, the largely unknown story of a small number of British officers who led Muslim soldiers in this hard-fought anti-insurgency war which has shaped todays Gulf. After outlining the historical, geographical and political background, the book describes military action in a stark and mountainous environment, including operations with irregular forces and the SAS as well as action in the air and at sea. The book gives a gripping, moving, funny account of all these and paints a powerful and illuminating picture of the realities of war.It will appeal to all who are interested in the Cold War and relationships between the Western and the Arab worlds. Politics, history, irregular warfare, religion, international affairs: all are ingredients in this absorbing, informative read. In the light of the current insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is also timely to be reminded how a rare victory was won over Communist guerrillas.

Alcohol and Liver Cirrhosis in Twentieth-Century Britain (Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in Modern History)

by Ryosuke Yokoe

The relationship between alcohol consumption and liver cirrhosis has long been contested by doctors and medical professionals, creating numerous implications for the public reputation of alcohol in Britain. Despite this, it was not until the 1970s that cirrhosis came to be understood as an ‘alcoholic disease’. This book contextualises developments in this debate through the twentieth century by examining the significant influence that medical expertise had on policy responses to alcohol misuse, as well as the social reputation of alcohol consumption. It demonstrates how the degree to which drinking was seen to be responsible for liver disease directly shaped how different groups, such as the temperance movement and the drinks industry, exaggerated or downplayed the destructive properties of alcohol. Covering a series of themes including the science of disease causation, the social standing of medical expertise, and alcohol and public health policy, this book argues that in order to properly understand the trajectory of debates around drinking we need to consider the twentieth-century ‘alcohol problem’ as primarily a medical issue. Contrary to the tendency by existing works to disassociate perceptions and responses to alcohol use from the objective knowledge of its effects on the body, this book shows that medical understandings of liver disease influenced how alcohol was conceptualised in relation to its harms. Offering a fresh perspective on the interaction between scientific knowledge and policy during the twentieth century, this book provides insights for those researching the social, political and cultural history of modern Britain, as well as historians of medicine and health.

Alcohol Fuels: Policies, Production, And Potential

by Doann Houghton-alico

Since the 1973 OPEC oil crisis, the rise of imported crude oil prices, and the questionable availability of petroleum supplies, the United States has been forced to investigate liquid-fuel alternatives. Alcohol fuels, including methanol and ethanol, offer the most realistic near-term potential as gasoline extenders or substitutes. This book is the

Alcohol in the Maghreb and the Middle East since the Nineteenth Century: Disputes, Policies and Practices (St Antony's Series)

by Elife Biçer-Deveci Philippe Bourmaud

This book explores the significance of alcohol in the Middle East and Maghreb as a powerful catalyst of social and political division. It shows that the solidarities and polarities created by disputes over alcohol are built on arguments far more complex than oppositions on religion or consumption alone. In a region in which alcohol is banned by Islamic rules, yet allows its production and consumption, alcohol has always been contentious. However, this volume examines the different forms of social authority – religious, cultural and political – to offer a new understanding of drinking behaviours in the Middle East and North Africa. It suggests that alcohol, being at the same time an import and product of local industry, epitomises the tensions inherent to the conforming of Islamic societies to global trends, which seek to redefine political communities, social hierarchies and gender roles. The chapters challenge common misconceptions about alcohol in this region, arguing instead that medical discourses on alcohol dependency hide stances on national independence in an imperialist context; that the focus on religion also tends to conceal disputes on alcohol as a social struggle; and that disputes on inebriation are more about masculinity than judging private leisure. In doing so, the volume presents alcohol as a way of grasping the power relations that structure the societies of the Middle East and Maghreb.

Alcohol Problems and Alcohol Control in Europe (Routledge Library Editions: Alcohol and Alcoholism)

by Phil Davies Dermot Walsh

The nature of alcohol problems is very diverse and the strategies adopted for minimising these vary even more. Thinking in the study of alcohol problems in the 1970s and early 1980s had focused on the public health perspective, seeking not only to lessen alcohol problems by controlling the availability of alcohol, but also to promote moderate drinking practices and to preserve the positive advantages of alcohol use. Originally published in 1983, a detailed review of public health issues in this field at the time opens the book. This is followed by an examination of alcohol-related problems and policies for their control in sixteen different European countries. The chapters on individual countries provide a source of information and data on alcohol policies, consumption and problems with which it is possible to examine from a cross-cultural and comparative basis the claims of a public health perspective. The final chapter draws together the cross-national data and discusses their implications for a public health response to alcohol problems. This book should now be a historical reference source for all interested in health policy in general and alcohol problems in particular.

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