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Showing 226 through 250 of 96,450 results

22/11/63: A Novel

by Stephen King

El 22 de noviembre de 1963, tres disparos resonaron en Dallas. Murió el presidente Kennedy, y el mundo cambió. ¿Qué harías tú si pudieras impedirlo? Jake Epping es un profesor de ingles en una preparatoria en Lisbon Falls, Maine, quien además complementa su salario dando clases nocturnas para adultos. Un día, Jake recibe un ensayo escrito por uno de sus estudiantesuna aterradora historia sobre una noche de hace cincuenta años, en la que el padre de Harry Dunning asesino a su esposa y a dos de sus hijos con un martillo. Harry, quien escribe el ensayo, logro escapar con solo una herida en la pierna, que hasta ese dia le causa problemas al caminar. Poco después, Al, el propietario de un restaurante local y amigo de Jake, le cuenta un secreto: el almacén del restaurante es un portal a 1958. Así es como Jake se encuentra en medio de la aventura mas arriesgada de su vida: impedir el asesinato del presidente John F. Kennedy. En esta nueva vida, Jakeahora George Ambersonemprende la búsqueda del solitario Lee Harvey Oswald entre canciones de Elvis, autos de moda y humo de cigarrillos, ayudado por una bella bibliotecaria llamada Sadie Dunhill, quien se convertirá en el amor de su vida.

22 Ideas to Fix the World: Conversations with the World's Foremost Thinkers

by Richard Sakwa Piotr Dutkiewicz

The aftershocks of the 2008 financial crisis still reverberate throughout the globe. Markets are down, unemployment is up, and nations from Greece to Ireland find their very infrastructure on the brink of collapse. There is also a crisis in the management of global affairs, with the institutions of global governance challenged as never before, accompanied by conflicts ranging from Syria, to Iran, to Mali. Domestically, the bases for democratic legitimacy, social sustainability, and environmental adaptability are also changing. In this unique volume from the World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilizations and the Social Science Research Council, some of the world's greatest minds--from Nobel Prize winners to long-time activists--explore what the prolonged instability of the so-called Great Recession means for our traditional understanding of how governments can and should function. Through interviews that are sure to spark lively debate, 22 Ideas to Fix the World presents both analysis of past geopolitical events and possible solutions and predictions for the future. The book surveys issues relevant to the U.S., Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Speaking from a variety of perspectives, including economic, social, developmental, and political, the discussions here increase our understanding of what's wrong with the world and how to get it right. Interviewees explore topics like the Arab Spring, the influence of international financial organizations, the possibilities for the growth of democracy, the acceleration of global warming, and how to develop enforceable standards for market and social regulation. These inspiring exchanges from some of our most sophisticated thinkers on world policy are honest, brief, and easily understood, presenting thought-provoking ideas in a clear and accessible manner that cuts through the academic jargon that too often obscures more than it reveals. 22 Ideas to Fix the World is living history in the finest sense--a lasting chronicle of the state of the global community today. Interviews with: Zygmunt Bauman, Shimshon Bichler & Jonathan Nitzan, Craig Calhoun, Ha-Joon Chang, Fred Dallmayr, Mike Davis, Bob Deacon, Kemal Dervis, Jiemian Yang, Peter J. Katzenstein, Ivan Krastev, Will Kymlicka, Manuel F. Montes, José Antonio Ocampo, Vladimir Popov, Jospeh Stiglitz, Olzhas Suleimenov, Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Immanuel Wallerstein, Paul Watson, Vladimir Yakunin, Muhammad Yunus

22 Murders: Investigating the Massacres, Cover-up and Obstacles to Justice in Nova Scotia

by Paul Palango

A shocking exposé of the deadliest killing spree in Canadian history, and how police tragically failed its victims and survivors.As news broke of a killer rampaging across the tiny community of Portapique, Nova Scotia, late on April 18, 2020, details were oddly hard to come by. Who was the killer? Why was he not apprehended? What were police doing? How many were dead? And why was the gunman still on the loose the next morning and killing again? The RCMP was largely silent then, and continued to obscure the actions of denturist Gabriel Wortman after an officer shot and killed him at a gas station during a chance encounter. Though retired as an investigative journalist and author, Paul Palango spent much of his career reporting on Canada&’s troubled national police force. Watching the RCMP stumble through the Portapique massacre, only a few hours from his Nova Scotia home, Palango knew the story behind the headlines was more complicated and damning than anyone was willing to admit. With the COVID-19 lockdown sealing off the Maritimes, no journalist in the province knew the RCMP better than Palango did. Within a month, he was back in print and on the radio, peeling away the layers of this murderous episode as only he could, and unearthing the collision of failure and malfeasance that cost a quiet community 22 innocent lives.

23/7: Pelican Bay Prison and the Rise of Long-Term Solitary Confinement

by Keramet Reiter

How America’s prisons turned a “brutal and inhumane” practice into standard procedure Originally meant to be brief and exceptional, solitary confinement in U.S. prisons has become long-term and common. Prisoners spend twenty-three hours a day in featureless cells, with no visitors or human contact for years on end, and they are held entirely at administrators’ discretion. Keramet Reiter tells the history of one “supermax,” California’s Pelican Bay State Prison, whose extreme conditions recently sparked a statewide hunger strike by 30,000 prisoners. This book describes how Pelican Bay was created without legislative oversight, in fearful response to 1970s radicals; how easily prisoners slip into solitary; and the mental havoc and social costs of years and decades in isolation. The product of fifteen years of research in and about prisons, this book provides essential background to a subject now drawing national attention.

23 cosas que no te cuentan sobre el capitalismo

by Ha-Joon Chang

¿Cómo no vimos venir el colapso económico en que nos hallamos? Ha-Joon Chang tiene la respuesta: no preguntamos qué era lo que no nos contaban sobre el capitalismo. Este es un libro ameno con una intención muy seria, cuestionar las premisas que sostienen el dogma y la propaganda que la escuela dominante de economistas neoliberales ?los apóstoles del libre mercado ? ha lanzado desde los tiempos de Reagan.Chang, premiado autor de varios libros, es uno de los economistas más respetados del mundo, una voz de cordura e inteligencia en la tradición de John Kenneth Galbraith y Joseph Stiglitz. 23 cosas que no te cuentan sobre el capitalismo permite entender cómo funciona el capitalismo global? y cómo no lo hace. En ?Cómo reconstruir la economía mundial?, la conclusión final, Chang explica cómo podemos modelar el capitalismo para humanizarlo, en vez de convertirnos en esclavos del mercado."Una magistral refutación de algunos mitos del capitalismo. Ingenioso, heterodoxo y lleno de sentido común, este libro esimprescindible." (Observer )"Importante y convincente. Una clara argumentación en defensa de una etapa más cauta y preocupada por la gente."(Financial Times )"Chang, profesor de Economía en Cambridge, resulta inteligente y apasionado sin necesidad de subir los decibelios."?Time "Chang ofrece un iluminador resumen del pensamiento económico moderno, y de todos los casos en que no ha funcionado, animándonos a actuar para reconstruir por completo la economía mundial."?Publishers Weekly "Un libro esencial para todos los que quieran entender el capitalism no como lo cuentan los economistas o los políticos, sino como funciona en realidad."?John Gray"Un libro entretenido, accesible y provocador."?Sunday Times (UK)

23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism

by Ha-Joon Chang

One of the world's most respected economists and author of the international bestseller "Bad Samaritans" equips readers with an understanding of how global capitalism works--and doesn't.


by John Mccullough

For eight seasons between 2001 and 2010, Fox's 24 garnered critical accolades and became one of the most watched and discussed shows in primetime. In an innovative premise, the show's hour-long episodes were meant to represent a real-time hour of the story, so that each twenty-four-episode season depicts a single day in the life of its characters. Influential as a popular hit, 24 was also closely linked with the "culture of fear" that dominated the post-9/11 period. In this insightful study, author John McCullough demonstrates that the series was not only unique and trendsetting, but also a complex creative response to its historical context. In three chapters, McCullough looks at 24's form, style, and overarching themes and meanings. He argues that although the series is driven by the political and cultural shifts brought on by the War on Terror, it is routinely out of step with real history. Using Linda Williams's distinction between the melodramatic mode and melodrama as a genre, McCullough explores 24's use of the action-adventure and spy thriller forms with particular attention paid to the series' hero, Jack Bauer, who is depicted as a tragic hero perpetually in search of a return to innocence. Ultimately, McCullough finds that the series' distinction lies less in its faithful re-creation of the history of the WOT than in its evocation of the sense of crises and paranoia that defined the period. McCullough also analyzes 24 as a response to television culture in the "post-network" age, characterized by reality TV's populist appeal and visceral content, on the one hand, and sophisticated boutique cable programming ("quality TV"), on the other. McCullough demonstrates that 24 engaged not only with the most pressing issues of world history and the geopolitics of its time, including terrrorism, neoliberalism, and the state of exception, but, on the strength of its form and style, also represents significant global trends in television culture. Fans of the show and media history scholars will appreciate this thorough study.

24/7 Politics: Cable Television and the Fragmenting of America from Watergate to Fox News (Politics and Society in Modern America #148)

by Kathryn Cramer Brownell

How cable television upended American political life in the pursuit of profits and influenceAs television began to overtake the political landscape in the 1960s, network broadcast companies, bolstered by powerful lobbying interests, dominated screens across the nation. Yet over the next three decades, the expansion of a different technology, cable, changed all of this. 24/7 Politics tells the story of how the cable industry worked with political leaders to create an entirely new approach to television, one that tethered politics to profits and divided and distracted Americans by feeding their appetite for entertainment—frequently at the expense of fostering responsible citizenship.In this timely and provocative book, Kathryn Cramer Brownell argues that cable television itself is not to blame for today’s rampant polarization and scandal politics—the intentional restructuring of television as a political institution is. She describes how cable innovations—from C-SPAN coverage of congressional debates in the 1980s to MTV’s foray into presidential politics in the 1990s—took on network broadcasting using market forces, giving rise to a more decentralized media world. Brownell shows how cable became an unstoppable medium for political communication that prioritized cult followings and loyalty to individual brands, fundamentally reshaped party politics, and, in the process, sowed the seeds of democratic upheaval.24/7 Politics reveals how cable TV created new possibilities for antiestablishment voices and opened a pathway to political prominence for seemingly unlikely figures like Donald Trump by playing to narrow audiences and cultivating division instead of common ground.

24 Akbar Road [Revised and Updated]: A Short History of the People Behind the Fall and Rise of the Congress

by Rasheed Kidwai

Now updated with a new chapter on Rahul Gandhi The Congress party has always stayed one step ahead of the opposition by constantly reinventing and re-aligning itself to stay in sync with the political realities of the day. Its president, Sonia Gandhi, pulled off a master-coup in 2004 by declining the prime-ministership, while the incumbent Congress Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh is the first prime minister since Nehru to lead the party into two Union government terms. In 2013, Rahul Gandhi was elevated to the post of Congress vice-president amid much fanfare and optimism. Tasked with reviving the grand old party, the young politician remains, in the minds of many, the best hope to lead the Congress into the next century, marking a new moment in the Congress?s concept of `continuity with change?. In his bestselling book 24 Akbar Road, seasoned journalist and veteran Congress watcher Rasheed Kidwai puts together an incisive and engaging account of the Congress?s shape-shifting nature and its tenuous hold at the Centre, providing a dispassionate observer?s glance at affairs within the Congress. Kidwai brilliantly tracks the story of the contemporary Congress in the years after the Emergency, using the Congress seat of power at 24 Akbar Road as his vantage to draw a compelling account of the Congress leadership from Indira, Sanjay and Rajiv Gandhi to Narasimha Rao and Sitaram Kesri, to the present- day trinity of Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh and Rahul Gandhi. In this revised and updated edition, Kidwai analyses Rahul Gandhi?s appointment to assess what the Congress needs to do to remain India?s nerve of power in the coming years, and whether the new vice- president can rally the party to a third consecutive victory at the Centre.'

24 de agosto: Cambiemos en 2019: De las paso a las calles

by Nicolás Roibás Miguel Velarde

La crónica íntima del período más difícil en la historia de Juntos por el Cambio: desde los días posteriores a las PASO del 11 de agosto de 2019, cuando la coalición de gobierno sufrió una derrota que no esperaba, hasta la movilización autoconvocada el sábado 24, en que una parte de la sociedad salió a las calles para expresar su apoyo a Mauricio Macri. *Prólogo de Mauricio Macri* Este libro es la crónica íntima del período más difícil en la historia de Juntos por el Cambio: desde los días posteriores a las elecciones primarias, abiertas, simultáneas y obligatorias (PASO) del 11 de agosto de 2019, cuando la coalición de gobierno sufrió una derrota que no esperaba, hasta la movilización autoconvocada el sábado 24, en que una parte de la sociedad salió a las calles para expresar su apoyo a Mauricio Macri. A partir del testimonio y análisis de más de cuarenta protagonistas directos, los consultores políticos Nicolás Roibás y Miguel Velarde reconstruyen, con pulso ágil y vibrante y detalles nunca antes revelados, los agónicos trece días transcurridos entre el revés en las urnas ante el Frente de Todos y el 24A: para algunos, el 17 de Octubre de Cambiemos. Sin dudas, un capítulo de la historia reciente que hoy cobra relevancia debido al impacto de esas elecciones y de las próximas en el tablero del poder y a la centralidad de la participación ciudadana en los procesos políticos de nuestra época. Con testimonios de: Juan Acosta, Sabrina Ajmechet, Laura Alonso, Pablo Avelluto, Osvaldo Bazán, Marcelo Birmajer, Luis Brandoni, Esteban Bullrich, Patricia Bullrich, Eugenio Burzaco, Juan José Campanella, Fernando de Andreis, Guillermo Dietrich, Nicolás Dujovne, Jorge Faurie, Gonzalo Garcés, Fernando Iglesias, Mora Jozami, Santiago Kovadloff, Hernán Lacunza, Lucas Llach, Hernán Lombardi, María Corina Machado, Mauricio Macri, Darío Nieto, Gabriel Palumbo, Fabián Perechodnik, Félix Piacentini, Federico Pinedo, Guido Sandleris, Dante Sica, Carolina Stanley, Martín Tetaz, María Eugenia Vidal, Loris Zanatta. «Ese 24, la gente y sólo la gente fue la dueña de esta historia. Aquella manifestación fue un enorme llamado de atención. Mi celular estallaba. Amigos y funcionarios me enviaban mensajes contándome lo que estaba sucediendo… Fue un punto de inflexión. La sociedad era la que estaba tomando la posta. Eran los ciudadanos los que iban a comenzar a movilizarse para defender las conquistas de nuestro gobierno, los cambios y el futuro».Mauricio Macri «La misma ciudadanía decía que no nos podíamos rendir y le estaba pidiendo a su presidente: 'No te rindas'. Había que luchar, y no se podía luchar desde el afiche tradicional, sino desde la convicción de un sentimiento profundo de que nosotros estábamos defendiendo un conjunto de ideas de lo que queríamos para el país».Patricia Bullrich

24-Hour Cities: Real Investment Performance, Not Just Promises

by Hugh F. Kelly

Winner of the Gold Award in the Tenth Annual Robert Bruss Real Estate Book Competition 24 Hour Cities is the very first full length book about America’s cities that never sleep. Over the last fifty years, the nation’s top live-work-play cities have proven themselves more than just vibrant urban environments for the elite. They are attracting a cross-section of the population from across the U.S. and are preferred destinations for immigrants of all income strata. This is creating a virtuous circle wherein economic growth enhances property values, stronger real estate markets sustain more reliable tax bases, and solid municipal revenues pay for better services that further attract businesses and talented individuals. Yet, just a generation ago, cities like New York, Boston, Washington, San Francisco, and Miami were broke (financially and physically), scarred by violence, and prime examples of urban dysfunction. How did the turnaround happen? And why are other cities still stuck with the hollow downtowns and sprawling suburbs that make for a 9-to-5 urban configuration? Hugh Kelly’s cross-disciplinary research identifies the ingredients of success, and the recipe that puts them together.

24 Hours in Charlottesville: An Oral History of the Stand Against White Supremacy

by Nora Neus

A gripping oral history of the white nationalist riots that shook the nation and signaled the arrival of a galvanizing new era, told from the perspective of the anti-racist activists who fought backOn August 11 and 12, 2017, armed neo-Nazi demonstrators descended on the University of Virginia campus and downtown Charlottesville. When they assaulted antiracist counterprotesters, the police failed to intervene, and events culminated in the murder of counterprotestor Heather Heyer.In this book, Emmy-nominated CNN journalist and former Charlottesville resident Nora Neus crafts an extraordinary account from the voices of the students, faith leaders, politicians, and community members who were there. Through a vivid collage of original interviews, new statements from Charlottesville mayor Mike Signer and Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, social media posts, court testimony, and government reports, this book portrays the arrival of white supremacist demonstrators, the interfaith service held in response, the tiki torch march on the university campus, the protests and counterprotests in downtown Charlottesville the next day, and the deadly car attack. 24 Hours in Charlottesville will also feature never-before-disclosed information from activists and city government leaders, including Charlottesville mayor Mike Signer.

The 25 Issues that Shape American Politics: Debates, Differences, and Divisions

by Michael Kryzanek Ann K. Karreth

<p>This book is organized to examine the major subjects taught in American politics through the lens of twenty-five hot button issues affecting American politics and policy today. These key issues reflect the ideas, principles, concerns, fears, morals, and hopes of the American people. The authors argue that these issues are the heart and soul of the American political system, serving as the basis for the disagreements that drive citizens, public servants, and elected officials into action. <p>Features of this Innovative Text: <li>Examines 25 issues in light of the 2016 presidential election and beyond. <li>Up-to-date chapters reflect important developments in the arenas of immigration, health care, race relations and civil rights, gun control, gay rights, and money and politics, in particular. <li>Includes international coverage with recent and ongoing events surrounding Iran, Syria, Israel and Palestine, and China. <li>A chapter on Russia puts recent developments in Syria, Ukraine, Crimea, and the "near abroad" in context with US foreign policy.</li></p>

25 Love Poems for the NSA

by Iain S. Thomas

Warning. Every poem in this book has one or more words in it that have been taken from the NSA&’s watch list. A full list of the words appears at the back of this book. By transmitting this book via email or other means, you are liable to be tracked by the NSA as a potential terrorist threat. This book is dedicated to how ridiculous that is.

25 Years of 22 Minutes: An Unauthorized Oral History of This Hour Has 22 Minutes, As Told by Cast Members, Staff, and Guests

by Angela Mombourquette

&“A great read for anyone who is a fan of the long-running Canadian comedy series—or just TV comedy in general.&” — The final chaotic season of Codco had just wrapped when Mary Walsh sat down at a Toronto bistro with George Anthony, then creative head of CBC TV&’s arts programming. She&’d been thinking about a news-based comedy show—did he think that would fly? He did. That was the early &‘90s. Twenty-five seasons later, hundreds of thousands of Canadians continue to tune in weekly to This Hour Has 22 Minutes for its unashamedly Canadian, biting satirical take on politics and power. 25 Years of 22 Minutes takes readers backstage to hear first-hand accounts of the show&’s key moments—in the words of the writers, producers and cast members who were there. Readers will have a front-row seat to the birth of the show—including a crisis that had producers scrambling in the very first episode—and offer an insider&’s take on the highs, the lows, and the daily grind behind the scenes at 22 Minutes. &“A book that stands as a shining testament to the many &‘behind-the scenes&’ figures who&’ve made the show tick for 25 years.&” —Halifax Examiner &“The book includes unvarnished accounts of cast rivalries, off-air pranks, fast food with prime ministers and satirical moments that influenced the real Canadian news cycle . . . an inside look at the people, characters and moments they&’ve come to know intimately through their screens.&” —Atlantic Books Today

The 267 Stupidest Things Republicans Ever Said & The 267 Stupidest Things Democrats Ever Said

by Ted Rueter

A hilarious bipartisan collection of rants, malapropisms, doublespeak, and just plain idiocy from lifelong politicians and Washington wannabes. Whether it's a Republican mayor on crime -- "The streets are safe in Philadelphia. It's only the people who make them unsafe (Frank Rizzo) -- or his Democratic counterpart on the same subject -- "Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country" (Marion Barry) -- political discourse is often off-course, not to mention unintentionally hilarious. Wickedly funny when read from either direction, this book presents both Republican stupidity ("Approximately 80 percent of our air pollution stems from vegetation"-- Ronald Reagan) and matching head-slappers from Democrats ("For those who died [in the San Francisco earthquake], their lives will never be the same again" -- Barbara Boxer). The 267 Stupidest Things. . is the perfect antidote to election-year bombast.

27 Articles

by David Rhodes John Hulsman T. E. Lawrence

27 Articles is Lawrence of Arabia’s classic set of guidelines on military leadership in the Middle East. The 100th anniversary edition features a new introduction by foreign policy expert John Hulsman and a new afterword from CBS News President David Rhodes, addressing the articles’ lasting lessons.In 1916, T.E. Lawrence was deployed to the Arabian Peninsula to aid with the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire. It was the middle of World War I and the British command was throwing its weight behind the long-rebellious southern territories of the Ottoman Empire. Lawrence had extraordinary success fighting alongside the coalition of Arab revolutionaries, and his story has since become legend. Worried that Lawrence would die on the battlefield and that his knowledge would vanish with him, British command asked Lawrence to write out a series of guidelines on his own tactics and teachings. 27 Articles, the text of Lawrence’s guidelines, has become required reading for military leaders. Lawrence’s deployment was the West’s first modern involvement in war in the Middle East, and his campaign held myriad lessons for future generations. Despite being a century old, the articles are deeply prescient on the challenges America has faced in its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Terse and to the point, Lawrence’s articles begin on the battlefield but their value extends well beyond, into the fields of management, leadership, and business. On the 100th anniversary of 27 Articles’ original publication, foreign policy John Hulsman and CBS News President David Rhodes now speak to the articles’ ongoing importance, outlining the wisdom they hold for political, military, and business leaders on into the future.

The 2nd International Forum on Biosecurity: Summary of an International Meeting Budapest, Hungary March 30 to April 2, 2008

by National Research Council of the National Academies

The 2nd International Forum on Biosecurity, held in Budapest, Hungary on March 30 - April 2, 2008, represents the efforts of a number of individuals and organizations, over the last five years, to engage the international community of life scientists in addressing how to reduce the risk that the results of their work could be used for hostile purposes by terrorists and states. The participants who gathered in Budapest were already engaged in this challenging task, and, therefore, the focus of the meeting was on what had been accomplished and what challenges remained. There was no attempt to achieve consensus, since there exist real and important differences among those involved concerning the appropriate policies and actions to be undertaken. But there was a serious effort to identify a range of potential next steps, and also an effort to identify opportunities where international scientific organizations could make substantive contributions and offer their advice and expertise to policy discussions. The Forum's presentations, discussions, and results are summarized in this book.

3.11: Disaster and Change in Japan

by Richard J. Samuels

On March 11, 2011, Japan was struck by the shockwaves of a 9. 0 magnitude undersea earthquake originating less than 50 miles off its eastern coastline. The most powerful earthquake to have hit Japan in recorded history, it produced a devastating tsunami with waves reaching heights of over 130 feet that in turn caused an unprecedented multireactor meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. This triple catastrophe claimed almost 20,000 lives, destroyed whole towns, and will ultimately cost hundreds of billions of dollars for reconstruction. In 3. 11, Richard Samuels offers the first broad scholarly assessment of the disaster's impact on Japan's government and society. The events of March 2011 occurred after two decades of social and economic malaise-as well as considerable political and administrative dysfunction at both the national and local levels-and resulted in national soul-searching. Political reformers saw in the tragedy cause for hope: an opportunity for Japan to remake itself. Samuels explores Japan's post-earthquake actions in three key sectors: national security, energy policy, and local governance. For some reformers, 3. 11 was a warning for Japan to overhaul its priorities and political processes. For others, it was a once-in-a-millennium event; they cautioned that while national policy could be improved, dramatic changes would be counterproductive. Still others declared that the catastrophe demonstrated the need to return to an idealized past and rebuild what has been lost to modernity and globalization. Samuels chronicles the battles among these perspectives and analyzes various attempts to mobilize popular support by political entrepreneurs who repeatedly invoked three powerfully affective themes: leadership, community, and vulnerability. Assessing reformers' successes and failures as they used the catastrophe to push their particular agendas-and by examining the earthquake and its aftermath alongside prior disasters in Japan, China, and the United States-Samuels outlines Japan's rhetoric of crisis and shows how it has come to define post-3. 11 politics and public policy.

3 Commando: Helmand Assault

by Ewen Southby-Tailyour

When the Royal Marines Commandos returned to a chaotic Helmand in the winter of 2008, they realised that to stand any chance of success they would need to pursue an increasingly determined Taliban harder than ever before. This time they were going to hunt them down from the air. With the support of Chinooks, Apaches, Lynx, Sea Kings and Harriers, the Commandos became a deadly mobile unit, able to swoop at a moments notice into the most hostile territory.From huge operations like the gruelling Red Dagger, when 3 Commando Brigade fought in Somme-like mud to successfully clear the area around the capital of Helmand, Lashkar Gar, of encroaching enemy forces, to the daily acts of unsupported, close-quarters 360-degree combat and the breath-taking, rapid helicopter night assaults behind enemy lines - this was kind of battle that brought Commando qualities to the fore. As with the Sunday Times bestselling 3 Commando Brigade, ex-Marine Lieutenant Colonel Ewen Southby-Tailyour brings unparalleled access to the troops, a soldier's understanding of the conflict and a visceral sense of the combat experience. This is the real war in Afghanistan as told to him by a hand-picked band of young fellow marines as they encounter the daily rigours of life on the ground in the world's most intense war zone.

30 Years of Matt: The best of the best - brilliant cartoons from the genius, award-winning Matt.

by Matt Pritchett

From all-day opening hours to President Trump; from the first Red Nose Day to Brexit...The last 30 years has seen some momentous - and not so momentous - events. 6 Prime Ministers, 7 General Elections, from Thatcher to New Labour, Cameron's Coalition to May's Minority. 1 Brexit, 1 hung Parliament, 1 Queen, 3 Popes and the first black US President. And chronicling the entire three decades is Matt, beloved, award-winning cartoonist - and the very best there is. Whether it's beleaguered commuters, political surprises, national absurdities, Royal babies or the weather, Matt always encapsulates the moment with the perfect cartoon.'Matt is the Don Bradman of daily cartoonists - so much greater than his nearest rivals it's almost embarrassing' Stephen Fry

30 Years of Matt: The best of the best - brilliant cartoons from the genius, award-winning Matt.

by Matt Pritchett

From all-day opening hours to President Trump; from the first Red Nose Day to Brexit...The last 30 years has seen some momentous - and not so momentous - events. 6 Prime Ministers, 7 General Elections, from Thatcher to New Labour, Cameron's Coalition to May's Minority. 1 Brexit, 1 hung Parliament, 1 Queen, 3 Popes and the first black US President. And chronicling the entire three decades is Matt, beloved, award-winning cartoonist - and the very best there is. Whether it's beleaguered commuters, political surprises, national absurdities, Royal babies or the weather, Matt always encapsulates the moment with the perfect cartoon.'Matt is the Don Bradman of daily cartoonists - so much greater than his nearest rivals it's almost embarrassing' Stephen Fry

30 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Turns and Twists in Economies, Politics, and Societies in the Post-Communist Countries (Palgrave Studies in Economic History)

by Alexandr Akimov Gennadi Kazakevitch

The year 2019 marks 30 years since the fall of the Berlin wall. This symbolic event led to German unification and the collapse of communist party rule in countries of the Soviet-led Eastern bloc. Since then, the post-communist countries of Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe have tied their post-communist transition to deep integration into the West, including EU accession. Most of the states in Central and Eastern Europe have been able to relatively successfully transform their previous communist political and economic systems. In contrast, the non-Baltic post-Soviet states have generally been less successful in doing so. This book, with an internationally respected list of contributors, seeks to address and compare those diverse developments in communist and post-communist countries and their relationship with the West from various angles. The book has three parts. The first part addresses the progress of post-communist transition in comparative terms, including regional focus on Eastern and South Eastern Europe, CIS and Central Asia. The second focuses on Russia and its foreign relationship, and internal politics. The third explores in detail economies and societies in Central Asia. The final part of the book draws some historical comparisons of recent issues in post-communism with the past experiences.

31 Days: Gerald Ford, the Nixon Pardon, and a Government in Crisis

by Barry Werth

In 31 Days, acclaimed historian Barry Werth takes readers inside the White House during the tumultuous days of August 1974, following Richard Nixon's resignation and the swearing-in of America's "accidental president," Gerald Ford. The Watergate scandal had torn the country apart. In a dramatic, day-by-day account of the new administration's inner workings, Werth shows how Ford, caught between political expedience, the country's demands for justice, and his own moral compass, struggled valiantly to restore the nation's tarnished faith in its leadership. With deft and refreshing analysis Werth illuminates how this unprecedented political upheaval produced new fissures and battle lines, as well as new opportunities for political advancement for ambitious young men such as Donald Rumsfeld, who had been Nixon's ambassador to NATO, and Dick Cheney, already coolly efficient as Rumsfeld's former deputy. A superbly crafted presidential history with all of the twists and turns of a thriller, 31 Days sheds new light on the key players and political dilemmas that reverberate in today's headlines.

33 Artists in 3 Acts

by Sarah Thornton

This compelling narrative goes behind the scenes with the world's most important living artists to humanize and demystify contemporary art. The best-selling author of Seven Days in the Art World now tells the story of the artists themselves--how they move through the world, command credibility, and create iconic works. 33 Artists in 3 Acts offers unprecedented access to a dazzling range of artists, from international superstars to unheralded art teachers. Sarah Thornton's beautifully paced, fly-on-the-wall narratives include visits with Ai Weiwei before and after his imprisonment and Jeff Koons as he woos new customers in London, Frankfurt, and Abu Dhabi. Thornton meets Yayoi Kusama in her studio around the corner from the Tokyo asylum that she calls home. She snoops in Cindy Sherman's closet, hears about Andrea Fraser's psychotherapist, and spends quality time with Laurie Simmons, Carroll Dunham, and their daughters Lena and Grace. Through these intimate scenes, 33 Artists in 3 Acts explores what it means to be a real artist in the real world. Divided into three cinematic "acts"--politics, kinship, and craft--it investigates artists' psyches, personas, politics, and social networks. Witnessing their crises and triumphs, Thornton turns a wry, analytical eye on their different answers to the question "What is an artist?" 33 Artists in 3 Acts reveals the habits and attributes of successful artists, offering insight into the way these driven and inventive people play their game. In a time when more and more artists oversee the production of their work, rather than make it themselves, Thornton shows how an artist's radical vision and personal confidence can create audiences for their work, and examines the elevated role that artists occupy as essential figures in our culture.

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