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Althusser, The Infinite Farewell

by Emilio De Ípola Gavin Arnall Étienne Balibar

In Althusser, The Infinite Farewell—originally published in Spanish and appearing here in English for the first time—Emilio de Ípola contends that Althusser’s oeuvre is divided between two fundamentally different and at times contradictory projects. The first is the familiar Althusser, that of For Marx and Reading Capital. Symptomatically reading these canonical texts alongside Althusser’s lesser-known writings, de Ípola reveals a second, subterranean current of thought that flows throughout Althusser’s classic formulations and which only gains explicit expression in his later works. This subterranean current leads Althusser to move toward an aleatory materialism, or a materialism of the encounter. By explicating this key aspect of Althusser’s theoretical practice, de Ípola revitalizes classic debates concerning major theoretico-political topics, including the relationship between Marxism, structuralism, and psychoanalysis; the difference between ideology, philosophy, and science; and the role of contingency and subjectivity in political encounters and social transformation. In so doing, he underscores Althusser’s continuing importance to political theory and Marxist and post-Marxist thought.

Altruism and Self-Interest in Democracies

by Richard Jankowski

Individuals have little incentive to vote, acquire political information or contribute campaign funds, because their vote has very little chance of affecting the outcome of an election. Jankowski offers an explanation and evidence for political participation based on the assumption that most individuals are weakly altruistic. Other proposed explanations of political participation (civic duty and expressive behavior) are not supported by the evidence, or fail to explain the many different forms of political participation, such as the acquisition of political information. Evidence is presented that liberals and conservatives are equally altruistic. Therefore, an explanation of why liberals and conservatives differ in their support of various government programs to help the needy is presented. Jankowski's analysis examines both the electoral and post-electoral phases of representative democracy.

The Altruistic Imagination

by John H. Ehrenreich

Social work and social policy in the United States have always had a complex and troubled relationship. In The Altruistic Imagination, John H. Ehrenreich offers a critical interpretation of their intertwined histories, seeking to understand the problems that face these two vital institutions in American society. Ehrenreich demonstrates that the emphasis of social work has always vacillated between individual treatment and social reform. Tracing this ever-changing focus from the Progressive Era, through the development of the welfare state, the New Deal, and the affluent 1950s and 1960s, into the administration of Ronald Reagan, he places the evolution of social work in the context of political, cultural, and ideological trends, noting the paradoxes inherent in the attempt to provide essential services and reflect at the same time the intentions of the state. He concludes by examining the turning point faced by the social work profession in the 1980s, indicated by a return to casework and a withdrawal from social policy concerns.


by Adwoa Badoe

University life is better than Charlotte ever dreamed, but her exposure to new ideas in 1981 Ghana will be an exciting and dangerous adventure. For eighteen-year-old Charlotte, university life is better than she’d ever dreamed — a sophisticated and generous roommate, the camaraderie of dorm living, parties, clubs and boyfriends. Most of all, Charlotte is exposed to new ideas, and in 1981 Ghana, this may be the most exciting – and most dangerous — adventure of all. At first Charlotte basks in her wonderful new freedom, especially being out of the watchful eye of her controlling and opinionated father. She suddenly finds herself with no shortage of male attention, including her charismatic political science professor, fellow student activist Banahene, and Asare, a wealthy oil broker who invites Charlotte to travel with him and showers her with expensive gifts, including a coveted passport. But Ghana is fraught with a history of conflict. And in the middle of her freshman year, the government is overthrown, and three judges are abducted and murdered. As political forces try to mobilize students to advance their own agendas, Charlotte is drawn into the world of student politics. She’s good at it, she’s impassioned, and she’s in love with Banahene. “The struggle continues! Aluta! Aluta continua!” she shouts, rallying the crowd with the slogan of the oppressed. But her love of the spotlight puts her in the public eye. And when Asare entrusts her with a mysterious package of documents, she suddenly realizes she may be in real danger. But it’s too late. As she is on her way to a meeting, Charlotte is picked up by national security, and her worst nightmares come true. And in the end, she must make a difficult and complicated decision about whether to leave her education, and her beloved Ghana, behind. A heartfelt story told with uncompromising honesty, about what happens when youthful idealism meets the harsh realities of power. Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.3 Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.6 Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.

Alutiiq Villages Under Russian and U. S. Rule

by Sonja Luehrmann S. Luehrmann

Sonja Luehrmann’s volume examines Alutiiq history within the larger context of Russian and American expansionism. The author uses source material in both English and Russian in order to create a work focused on the intersection of the two colonial perspectives—throwing light on our understanding of the differences in the way each society incorporated the Alutiiq community, both as a labor force and a social entity. In a series of map essays, Luehrmann examines the changing patterns of settlement and demography among the Alutiiq as the population responded to the conditions they encountered: economic exploitation, new cultural influences, intermarriage, disease, and the eruption of Novarupta. The addition of Russian source material fills an important blank in this unique history and makes Alutiiq Villages Under Russian and U.S. Rule a major resource for anyone working on Alutiiq history or the region’s history in the Russian colonial period.

El aluvión: Del Piquete al Gobierno: Los movimientos sociales y el Kirchnerismo

by Christian Boyanovsky Bazán

Investigación periodística acerca de las organizaciones socialeskirchneristas: su historia y la de sus líderes, su funcionamiento,estrategias y alianzas. Boyanovsky Bazán analiza cómo accedieron arecursos económicos, cargos ejecutivos y legislativos, y adquirieron unaentidad hasta entonces inédita en el escenario político nacional. El título del libro remite a la expresión discriminatoria del diputadoradical Ernesto Sanmartino: "El aluvión zoológico del 24 de febrero(1946) parece haber arrojado a algún diputado a su banca, para que desdeella maúlle a los astros por una dieta de 2.500 pesos. Que sigamaullando, que a mí no me molesta".Christian Boyanovsky Bazán se interna en la FTV de Luis D´Elía; elMovimiento Evita, encabezado por Emilio Pérsico; el Frente Transversal,de Edgardo Depetri, el hoy alejado Movimiento Libres del Sur, conducidopor Humberto Tumini.¿Quiénes son los piqueteros? ¿Son un invento de Duhalde, la fuerza dechoque del kirchnerismo para aterrorizar a las clases medias, a lospolíticos opositores y a los empresarios encrespados? ¿Son un resabiomontonero, la forma en que nuevos y viejos actores sociales seincorporan o regresan a la política? ¿Se trata de núcleos nostálgicos dela experiencia guerrillera, o son grupos de contención y encauzamientode la protesta social en un país que no ha superado altísimos niveles demiseria y exclusión? ¿D Elía es un energúmeno o el héroe que paró ungolpe de Estado con un trompazo propinado en Plaza de Mayo?

Alva Myrdal: A Pioneer in Nuclear Disarmament (Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice #31)

by Peter Wallensteen Armend Bekaj

This book is about the importance of nuclear disarmament and the work pursued by Alva Myrdal, a pioneering social activist, diplomat, cabinet minister, and disarmament negotiator. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1982 together with Alfonso García Robles "for their work for disarmament and nuclear and weapon-free zones". Prominent academics, politicians and practitioners have contributed reflections on Myrdal’s achievements and their impact on the world today. Furthermore, a sample of Myrdal’s own writings on nuclear disarmament are included, as well as significant speeches and a bibliography of her publications on nuclear matters. Alva Myrdal was born in Uppsala, Sweden, in 1902, graduated from college in Stockholm in 1924, and continued higher education at Uppsala University in the 1930s. She was a prolific author and reformer, specializing in social affairs, women’s roles and nuclear disarmament. She was Sweden’s Ambassador to India in the 1950s, for Nuclear Disarmament in the 1960s and 1970s, and a member of the Cabinet 1967-1973. Her most well-known works are "The Game of Disarmament" (1976), "Nation and Family" (1941), and "Women's Two Roles" (1956, with Viola Klein). Her book "The Game of Disarmament" (1976) is a key work in disarmament. The Alva Myrdal Centre for Nuclear Disarmament was set up at Uppsala University in 2021 to contribute new ideas and concrete measures towards the elimination of nuclear weapons. Both editors are associated with the Centre, Professor Peter Wallensteen as a member of the board and leader of one of its working groups, and Dr. Armend Bekaj as a researcher. - This book is relevant for students of international relations and policy-makers on issues of peace and conflict. - It provides background documentation on the difficulties in achieving disarmament. - It illustrates the significant role women can play to infuse new ideas into a men’s world. - It displays the importance of persistence, rationality, ingenuity and knowledge in furthering nuclear disarmament. - It shows that Alva Myrdal’s efforts can be an inspiration for new generations.

Álvaro: Su vida y su siglo

by Juan Constain

Por el centenario del nacimiento de Álvaro Gómez Hurtado, una de las figuras políticas más importantes del país, Juan Esteban Constaín ha escrito una extraordinaria biografía suya que es mucho más que eso: es, sobre todo, una rigurosa, analítica y apasionante historia de la Colombia del siglo XX Con el objetivo de hacer el examen más justo y equilibrado posible de una de las figuras más emblemáticas del siglo XX en Colombia, el autor es consciente de que no se lo puede comprender sin asomarse al fondo de su siglo. Álvaro Gómez Hurtado fue determinado por el ambiente político en el que nació y creció, por la virulencia de los odios que enemistaron a sus correligionarios y a los políticos liberales y por la imponente figura de su padre, el máximo líder conservador de la primera mitad del siglo XX y uno de los hombres más satanizados y peor comprendidos de la historia patria. De modo que esta biografía es, primero, la radiografía de todo un siglo, una mirada atenta de los hechos y personajes más sobresalientes del siglo XX en Colombia, un examen agudo del declive de la clase política del país, y en contraste con todo esto es posible comprender, redescubrir, reivindicar, la figura del político excepcional que fue asesinado en noviembre de 1995. "Hay que explicar su figura, narrarla con sus luces y sus sombras, como las tiene todo el mundo. Porque además en ella, a través de ella, de manera privilegiada, se revela también una historia del siglo xx colombiano y mundial: un destino que convive con los hechos capitales que marcaron la historia contemporánea aquí y en todas partes. Pero un destino a contracorriente, eso es lo interesante, eso es lo mejor, un alma que se forjó en el combate y en la lucha por sus ideas y creencias, la mayoría de las cuales cuestionaban hasta lo más profundo muchos de los dogmas imperantes, muchas de las verdades no comprobadas que envolvían, como un halo, los proyectos triunfantes de la modernidad". El autor

Alvin Hansen: Seeking a Suitable Stabilization - An Academic Biography (Great Thinkers in Economics)

by Robert J. Bigg

This book examines the academic life of Alvin Hansen and his contribution to modern economics. Through tracing the development of his early work and pre-Keynesian ideas, the influence of Keynes and the 1937-8 recession on the direction of his work is explored, particularly in relation to his theoretical backing of the New Deal and subsequent American policy. The subsequent chapters focus on his later work on secular stagnation, savings and investment, American Keynesianism, managing the post-war mixed economy and the often overlooked contributions to global questions and wider aspects of political economy and public policy. This book aims to highlight the intellectual influence and academic value of Alvin Hansen’s work. It will be relevant to students and researchers interested in economic policy, political economy, and the history of economic thought.

Always a Marine: The Return to Civvy Street

by Steven Preece

In Amongst the Marines, Steven Preece vividly depicted his excessive, violent lifestyle as an elite Royal Marine Commando. Now Always a Marine covers the author's struggle to leave that lifestyle behind following his departure from the service. Back on civvy street for the first time in over seven years, Preece finds it extremely difficult to adapt and struggles to shake off the belligerent mentality he developed while in the Marines. Despite these difficulties, he marries and starts a family, but this positive change is not enough to turn his life around. Preece soon discovers that his tendency towards violence will not be tolerated in the civilian workplace and, after finding himself blacklisted by many companies in his area, he is forced to look for employment abroad. This quest for work takes Preece to France, where he is caught up in a hotel fire; Germany, where he is double-crossed out of his job and later teams up with an ex-SAS trooper; Morocco, where an incident lands him in jail and he is later shot at by border police; and Thailand, where he fights in a boxing ring with a former French Legionnaire and gets caught up in a business scam.Having settled back in the UK, Preece's behaviour remains excessive. He severely injures his head and suffers minor brain damage after a heavy-drinking session. Upon recovering, he looks for something else to believe in and begins training in ninjutsu, the martial art of the ninjas, who view aggression as a sign of weakness. This, combined with the love of his family, finally enables him to put his past behind him. Always a Marine is the action-packed, often shocking account of one ex-Marine's 13-year struggle to control the aggression he learnt as a serviceman in order to become a respectable civilian.

Always at War: British Public Narratives of War

by Thomas Colley

Compelling narratives are integral to successful foreign policy, military strategy, and international relations. Yet often narrative is conceived so broadly it can be hard to identify. The formation of strategic narratives is informed by the stories governments think their people tell, rather than those they actually tell. This book examines the stories told by a broad cross-section of British society about their country’s past, present, and future role in war, using in-depth interviews with 67 diverse citizens. It brings to the fore the voices of ordinary people in ways typically absent in public opinion research. Always at War complements a significant body of quantitative research into British attitudes to war, and presents an alternative case in a field dominated by US public opinion research. Rather than perceiving distinct periods between war and peace, British citizens see their nation as so frequently involved in conflict that they consider the country to be continuously at war. At present, public opinion appears to be a stronger constraint on Western defense policy than ever.

Always By My Side: Losing the love of my life and the fight to honour his memory

by Christina Schmid

A LOVE LOST.A LIFE CUT SHORT.'From the moment I set eyes on him I adored him. The connection between us was so strong it went beyond everything else. His job, my job, his lifestyle, my lifestyle. All that fell away.'And then one earth-shattering day Christina's worst nightmare came true when Oz was killed on his final day of duty before flying home to his family.This is Christina and Oz's story: a story about love and loss, hope and despair and of living in constant fear. Christina's extraordinary bravery and composure is an inspiration to anyone who has ever lost someone they love.

Always Faithful (Support and Defend)

by Patrick Jones

Having a parent return from military duty is a dream come true. But sometimes, coming home comes with problems. For Rosie, life is nearly perfect. She has the perfect ROTC boyfriend and perfect grades. Her ex-Marine Corps father still barks orders like he's in uniform, but he's finally home for good—until he announces that he's going to re-enlist. Rosie's angry at the news. Really angry. Her behavior spins out of control, causing problems at school, at home, with her boyfriend, and even with law enforcement. Can she face her father and check her anger in time to get her life back on track?

Always Faithful: A Story of the War in Afghanistan, the Fall of Kabul, and the Unshakable Bond Between a Marine and an Interpreter

by Thomas Schueman Zainullah Zaki

Band of Brothers meets Argo in this dramatic and heartfelt dual memoir of the war in Afghanistan told by two men from opposite worlds. Always Faithful entwines the stories of Marine Major Tom Schueman, and his friend and Afghan interpreter, Zainullah “Zak” Zaki, as they describe their parallel lives, converging paths, and unbreakable bond in the face of overwhelming danger, culminating in Zak and his family’s harrowing escape from Kabul. In August of 2021, just days shy of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, America ended its longest war. The speed of the Afghanistan’s fall was so stunning that thousands of Afghan citizens who had helped American forces over the course of two decades—and had been promised visas in return—were suddenly stranded, in extreme, imminent danger. As the world watched the shocking scenes of desperation at the Kabul airport in the final two weeks of August, Maj. Tom Schueman fought—both behind the scenes and through a social media campaign—to get his friend and former Afghan interpreter, Zak, out of Afghanistan before he and his family were discovered by the Taliban. When Zak and his family finally took off from the airport mere days before the US left the country, the years-long effort to get Zak to America culminated in two simple words on Instagram: “Wheels up.”Now in Always Faithful, Tom and Zak tell the full story of the divergent paths that led them to Afghanistan, the dangerous road they walked together in service to America, and how their commitment to each other ended up saving them both. Brilliantly told in Tom’s and Zak’s alternating first person voices, Always Faithful tracks the parallel lives of these two men who each spent their childhoods in fear, peril, and poverty, and turned to war in attempt to build a meaningful future. On an inevitable course towards each other, their lives dovetail in Afghanistan’s deadly Helmand Valley, where they formed a brotherhood that transcends even the most overwhelming of odds, eventually culminating in Zak’s harrowing, eleventh-hour rescue.The end result is an intensely personal and uniquely ground-level account of Tom and Zak’s experience, Always Faithful gives readers a 360-degree view of the war. At once provocative and heart pounding, their stories together form a microcosm of the complicated and lasting effects of America’s longest war. Through their eyes and their experiences, they challenge readers to explore the legacy of the war for American and Afghan citizens alike, as we all collectively seek to understand whether twenty years of war was worth the price.

Always Forward (The Bregdan Chronicles Ser. #9)

by Ginny Dye

Book number 9 of The Bregdan Chronicles, Always Forward, continues the sweeping historical saga of the Reconstruction. During this historical period, violence and hatred runs rampant throughout the country as America tries to come to grips with 2,000,000 formerly enslaved people. As far as the fictional characters are concerned, Carrie and Robert's dreams of his horse business thriving and her becoming pregnant come true. However, is Carrie strong enough to survive what follows? Next, Rose's school comes under attack by vigilantes. Finally, Abby chooses to go to Kansas to fight for Woman Suffrage and almost dies.

Always on Strike

by Arnold Stead

Though widely recognized as one of the Industrial Workers of the World's leading members and one of its most prominent militants, this is the first book-length biography of Frank Little. Little's life offers innumerable lessons for working class people facing many of the same economic injustices in today's world. Arnold Stead, PhD, is a poet, fiction writer, historian, playwright, and jazz and film critic. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with his wife and family.

Am Gov

by Joseph Losco Ralph Baker

AMGOV brings clarity to the story of people’s relationship to government and the importance of an active and informed citizenry. Its design provides a cutting-edge approach to American Politics, and its technology components offer an active learning environment, making the study of democracy meaningful.

Am Gov 2017-2018 (Fifth Edition)

by Ralph Baker Joseph Losco

Designed with today's students in mind, AM GOV is a concise, magazine style program that teaches students how to think critically, and politically. With an emphasis on current events, AM GOV engages its readers through approachable content and digital tools that are proven to help students better understand and connect with the concepts and language used in the AM GOV course.

Am I A Murderer?: Testament Of A Jewish Ghetto Policeman

by Calel Perechodnik

In this moving memoir, a young Polish Jew chronicles his life under the Nazis. In the vain hope of protecting himself and his family, Calel Perechodnik made the wrenching decision to become a ghetto policeman in a small town near Warsaw. The true tragedy of his choice becomes clear when during the Aktion he must witness his own wife and child forced to board a train to the Treblinka extermination camp. Filled with loathing for the Germans, the Poles, his Jewish brethren, and himself, Perechodnik fled the ghetto to shelter with a Polish woman in Warsaw. In the course of 105 terror-filled days in hiding, he poured out his poignant story. Written while Nazi boots pounded the streets of the neighborhood and while his tortured memory was painfully fresh, this memoir has a rare immediacy and raw power. Shortly before his death in 1944, he entrusted the precious diary to a Polish friend. The document was eventually deposited in the Yad Vashem Archives in Jerusalem. Left nearly forgotten for half a century, it was finally published in Poland in 1993. We owe a great debt to historian Frank Fox for bringing us this sensitive translation, which reminds us anew of the power and truth of historical memory.

Am Rande des Kollapses: Stand und Perspektiven nuklearer Abrüstung, Rüstungskontrolle und Nichtverbreitung (Edition ZfAS)

by Hakan Akbulut

Die Autorinnen und Autoren des Bandes zeichnen die manifeste Krise der nuklearen Rüstungskontrolle, Abrüstung und Nichtverbreitung in ihren unterschiedlichen Facetten nach, arbeiten die Ursachen für diese Krise heraus und diskutieren mögliche Entwicklungsszenarien in den genannten Bereichen. Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den einzelnen Teilbereichen der nuklearen Ordnung, die Implikationen von globalen Machtverschiebungen, technologischen Entwicklungen und Nuklearstrategien sowie die Positionierung von unterschiedlichen Akteuren und die sich daraus ergebenden Konsequenzen werden in den einzelnen Beiträgen vertiefend diskutiert. Während die nukleare Rüstungspolitik insbesondere der USA, aber auch Russlands, in den Analysen einen zentralen Platz einnehmen, werden auch die Rolle von internationalen Organisationen und die Positionierung von ausgewählten Akteuren wie etwa Deutschland in spezifischen Fragen herausgearbeitet. Der Band schließt mit Analysen zu rezenten Entwicklungen in den Fällen Nordkorea und Iran ab.

Amado líder

by Diego Fonseca

El populismo, desde inicios del siglo XX, ha conseguido sintonizar con el descontento popular hablándole no a la razón sino a la iracundia, el deseo, la frustración, la expectativa de venganza o revancha, a través de una figura carismática: el Amado Líder, un oído dispuesto y la única voz posible. Improvisadores con grandes eslóganes pero planes diminutos. Amado líder explora las experiencias de varias naciones y las peculiaridades de sus populismos, la caída en desgracia de los sistemas representativos, la crisis de los partidos políticos, la emergencia de las redes sociales como herramientas de organización y expresión y los mercados electorales atacados por la manipulación tecnológica. Desde Trump a AMLO, de Daniel Ortega a Cristina Kirchner, de Nicolás Maduro a Evo Morales, de Rafael Correa al Brasil de Jair Bolsonaro.BELOVED LEADERPopulism, since the beginning of the 20th century, has managed to tune in to popular discontent speaking not to reason but to anger, desire, frustration, the expectation of revenge or revenge, through a charismatic figure: Beloved Leader, a willing ear and the only possible voice. Improvisers with big slogans but little plans.Beloved Leader explores the experiences of various nations and the peculiarities of their populisms, the fall from grace of representative systems, the crisis of political parties, the emergence of social networks as tools of organization and expression, and the electoral markets attacked by technological manipulation. From Trump to AMLO, from Daniel Ortega to Cristina Kirchner, from Nicolás Maduro to Evo Morales, from Rafael Correa to Brazil from Jair Bolsonaro.

The Amaranth Enchantment

by Julie Berry

IT ONLY TAKES ONE MAGICAL MOMENT ... Lucinda Chapdelaine was orphaned as a young child when her parents left for a royal ball and never returned. Ever since, she has toiled away in her uncle's lonely jewelry shop under the cruel hand of her step-aunt. But now, all at once, Lucinda's lot is about to change. A mysterious woman, a handsome young gentleman, and an unusual gem all enter the shop on the very same day. The woman is none other than the dreaded Amaranth Witch, and she has a daring task to offer. If Lucinda succeeds, she will not only reclaim all that is rightfully hers, but she will discover a true friend ... and perhaps a true love. Family secrets, magical surprises, and another royal ball will test her, but Lucinda is determined to find her own happily ever after.

The Amateur: Barack Obama In The White House

by Edward Klein

Think you know the real Barack Obama? You don’t—not until you’ve read The Amateur. In this stunning exposé, bestselling author Edward Klein—a contributing editor to Vanity Fair, former foreign editor of Newsweek, and former editor-in-chief of the New York Times Magazine—pulls back the curtain on one of the most secretive White Houses in history. He reveals a callow, thin-skinned, arrogant president with messianic dreams of grandeur supported by a cast of true-believers, all of them united by leftist politics and an amateurish understanding of executive leadership.

The Amateur: Barack Obama In The White House

by Edward Klein

It's amateur hour at the White House. So says New York Times bestselling author Edward Klein in his new political exposé The Amateur. Tapping into the public's growing sentiment that President Obama is in over his head, The Amateur argues that Obama's toxic combination of incompetence and arrogance have run our nation and his presidency off the rails. "Obama was both completely inexperienced and ideologically far to the left of Americans when he entered the White House," says Klein. "And he was so arrogant that he didn't even know what he didn't know." Klein, who is known for getting the inside scoop on everyone from the Kennedys to the Clintons, reveals never-before-published details about the Obama administration's political inner workings and about Barack and Michelle's personal lives, including:The inordinate influence Michelle wields over Barack and her feud with a high-profile celebrityThe real reason Rahm Emmanuel left the White House (it wasn't for family reasons)Why Valerie Jarrett's role is closer to that of Rasputin than impartial senior advisorObama's problems with American JewsHow Obama has purposefully forgotten and ignored those that put him in power, including the Kennedys, and the Jewish and African American communities in ChicagoFrom Obama's conceited and detached demeanor, to his detrimental reliance on Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett's advice, to the Obamas' extravagant and out-of-touch lifestyle, The Amateur reveals a president whose blatant ignorance and incompetence is sabotaging himself, his presidency, and America.

The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House

by Edward Klein

Think you know the real Barack Obama? You don't---not until you've read The Amateur. In this stunning expose, bestselling author Edward Klein (a contributing editor to Vanity Fair) former foreign editor of Newsweek, and former editor-in-chief of the New York Times Magazine pulls back the curtain on one of the most secretive White Houses in history. He reveals a callow, thin-skinned, arrogant president with messianic dreams of grandeur supported by a cast of true-believers, all of them united by leftist politics and an amateurish understanding of executive leadership. In The Amateur you'll discover: Why the so-called centrist Obama is actually in revolt against the values of the society he was elected to lead. Why Bill Clinton loathes Barack Obama and tried to get Hillary to run against him in 2012. The spiteful rivalry between Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey. How Obama split the Kennedy family. How Obama has taken more of a personal role in making foreign policy than any president since Richard Nixon---with disastrous results. How Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett are the real powers behind the White House throne. The Amateur is a reporter's book, buttressed by nearly 200 interviews, many of them with the insiders who know Obama best. The result is the most important political book of the year. You will never look at Barack Obama the same way again.

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