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America is Under Attack: The Day the Towers Fell - September 11, 2001

by Don Brown

<P><P>On the ten year anniversary of the September 11 tragedy, a straightforward and sensitive book for a generation of readers too young to remember that terrible day. <P><P> The events of September 11, 2001 changed the world forever. In the fourth installment of the Actual Times series, Don Brown narrates the events of the day in a way that is both accessible and understandable for young readers. <P><P>Straightforward and honest, this account moves chronologically through the morning, from the terrorist's plane hijackings to the crashes at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Pennsylvania; from the rescue operations at the WTC site in New York City to the collapse of the buildings.

America Last: The Right's Century-Long Romance with Foreign Dictators

by Jacob Heilbrunn

A leading journalist and public intellectual explains the long, disturbing history behind the American Right’s embrace of foreign dictators, from Kaiser Wilhelm and Mussolini to Putin and Orban. Why do Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and much of the far Right so explicitly admire the murderous and incompetent Russian dictator Vladimir Putin? Why is Ron DeSantis drawing from Victor Orbán’s illiberal politics for his own policies as governor of Florida—a single American state that has more than twice the population of Orbán’s entire nation, Hungary? In America Last, Jacob Heilbrunn, a highly respected observer of the American Right, demonstrates that the infatuation of American conservatives with foreign dictators—though a striking and seemingly inexplicable fact of our current moment—is not a new phenomenon. It dates to the First World War, when some conservatives, enthralled with Kaiser Wilhelm II, openly rooted for him to defeat the forces of democracy. In the 1920s and 1930s, this affinity became even more pronounced as Hitler and Mussolini attracted a variety of American admirers. Throughout the Cold War, the Right evinced a fondness for autocrats such as Francisco Franco and Augusto Pinochet, while some conservatives wrote apologias for the Third Reich and for apartheid South Africa. The habit of mind is not really about foreign policy, however. As Heilbrunn argues, the Right is drawn to what it perceives as the impressive strength of foreign dictators, precisely because it sees them as models of how to fight against liberalism and progressivism domestically. America Last is a guide for the perplexed, identifying and tracing a persuasion—or what one might call the “illiberal imagination”—that has animated conservative politics for a century now. Since the 1940s, the Right has railed against communist fellow travelers in America. Heilbrunn finally corrects the record, showing that dictator worship is an unignorable tradition within modern American conservatism—and what it means for us today.

America Latina. Entre Trump y China: El cambio esperado

by Luis Alberto Lacalle

La segunda entrega de la saga de Gabriel Keller, un asesino serial montevideano y gris. Otra magnífica novela negra de Hugo Burel. El Uruguay, junto con sus vecinos latinoamericanos, está siendo testigo de una particular e interesante coyuntura histórica: mientras asiste al derrumbamiento de los gobiernos populistas de izquierda, los vecinos del norte eligen un presidente polémico y altisonante, que propone estrategias de repliegue y foco en la producción interna.En este especial contexto, las fuerzas dormidas de China avanzan para expandir su influencia en América Latina, eligiendo al Uruguay como estratégica puerta de entrada. ¿Qué implicancias tendrá para nuestra región este avance? ¿Representa una oportunidad o una amenaza? ¿Qué actitud debería asumir el gobierno y la diplomacia al respecto? El Dr. Luis Alberto Lacalle, apelando a su amplia experiencia como gobernante y líder político, y haciendo gala de un agudo sentido analítico, reflexiona sobre las motivaciones de estos movimientos y aventura propuestas para el mejor futuro del país y la región.

América Latina y el mundo que viene: Columnas del Diario Clarin de España

by Ricardo Lagos

Las crónicas de actualidad del ex presidente de Chile publicadas en el diario argentino Clarín. Desde fines de 2006, el ex presidente de Chile Ricardo Lagos ha escrito una columna mensual en el diario Clarín, de Buenos Aires, sobre la situación de América Latina. Muchos de estos artículos nacieron motivados por la contingencia -la asunción de Barack Obama, la crisis económica internacional, el quiebre de la democracia en Honduras, el cambio climático, entre otros-, pero sobre todo siempre con la idea de perfilar nuevos desafíos para este joven continente. América Latina y el mundo que viene, un libro revelador en todas sus aristas, descubre un continente que ha tenido un sinfín de dificultades, que incluso en ocasiones ha sido omitido del mapa mundial, pero que no obstante ha logrado construir sólidas democracias, economías pujantes y un consenso en torno al desarrollo como una meta común. Así, Ricardo Lagos vaticina un futuro lleno de oportunidades: «En diez años más esperemos saber que América Latina siguió avanzando con buena marcha, con sociedades más sólidas y la pobreza en franca retirada. Las lecciones de la década que termina nos ilustran por dónde ir.»

América Latina y el mundo que viene

by Ricardo Lagos

Desde fines de 2006, el ex presidente de Chile Ricardo Lagos ha escrito una columna mensual en el diario Clarín, de Buenos Aires, sobre la situación de América Latina. Muchos de estos artículos nacieron motivados por la contingencia ?la asunción de Barack Obama, la crisis económica internacional, el quiebre de la democracia en Honduras, el cambio climático, entre otros?, pero sobre todo siempre con la idea de perfilar nuevos desafíos para este joven continente. América Latina y el mundo que viene, un libro revelador en todas sus aristas, descubre un continente que ha tenido un sinfín de dificultades, que incluso en ocasiones ha sido omitido del mapa mundial, pero que no obstante ha logrado construir sólidas democracias, economías pujantes y un consenso en torno al desarrollo como una meta común. Así, Ricardo Lagos vaticina un futuro lleno de oportunidades: «En diez años más esperemos saber que América Latina siguió avanzando con buena marcha, con sociedades más sólidas y la pobreza en franca retirada. Las lecciones de la década que termina nos ilustran por dónde ir.»


by David Gelernter

America-Lite (where we all live) is just like America, only turned into an amusement park or a video game or a supersized Pinkberry, where the past and future are blank and there is only a big NOW. How did we come to expect no virtue and so much cynicism from our culture, our leaders--and each other?In this refreshingly judgmental book, David Gelernter connects the historical dots to reveal a stealth revolution carried out by post-religious globalist intellectuals who, by and large, "can't run their own universities or scholarly fields, but are very sure they can run you." These imperial academics have deployed their students into the top echelon of professions once monopolized by staid and steady WASPs. In this simple way, they have installed themselves as the new designated drivers of American culture.Imperial academics live in a world of theory; they preach disdain for mere facts and for old-fashioned fact-based judgments like true or false. Schoolchildren are routinely taught theories about history instead of actual history--they learn, for example, that all nations are equally nice except for America, which is nearly always nasty.With academic experts to do our thinking for us, we've politely shut up and let second-raters take the wheel. In fact, we have handed the keys to the star pupil and teacher's pet of the post-religious globalist intellectuals, whose election to the presidency of the United States constituted the ultimate global group hug.How do we finally face the truth and get back into the driver's seat? America-Lite ends with a one-point plan.

America Needs America's Energy: Creating Together the People's Energy Plan (America Needs America's Energy Ser.)

by Mark A. Stansberry

An oil & gas industry expert breaks down America’s energy situation and how Americans can get involved to help develop an energy plan.It’s time for an energy revolution! Gasoline prices have been rising, and oil supply disruptions are in question. This is old news, yet nothing has been done to change it. That is because it takes people like you stepping up and getting involved, and Mark A. Stansberry is here to show you how.In his latest book, America Needs America’s Energy, Stansberry offers a frank discussion of the issues at hand, as well as realistic, achievable solutions. America cannot move forward without your involvement and your commitment to develop an energy plan. Presented in direct, no-nonsense language and containing a glossary, sample forms, and other resources on things you need to know about America’s energy situation, America Needs America’s Energy is both a great go-to guide for learning about energy solutions and a wonderful launchpad for how to move forward together in creating the People’s Energy Plan.Praise for Mark A. Stansberry and America Needs America’s Energy“Through his many years of experience, Mark Stansberry successfully challenges us toward developing a comprehensive American energy plan.” —Bill Anoatubby, Governor, the Chickasaw Nation“As Mark states, “The time has come for all of us, the people, to take control of our energy future here in America.” He and I have discussed the importance of moving inevitably toward a hydrogen economy. I believe, after reviewing all the energy options presented in his book, it should move us closer to achieving that possibility. The future is now for us and our children. We cannot wait any longer.” —Woodrow W. Clark II, MA, PhD; Qualitative economist, Clark Strategic Partners; Corecipient of the Nobel Peace Prize“America’s energy policy cannot simply be cheap energy. Mark Stansberry tells us how to break out and assume an energy-secure and dynamic future economy.” —Frank Keating, Governor of Oklahoma, 1995-2003; President, American Bankers Association

America Needs Talent: Attracting, Educating & Deploying the 21st-Century Workforce

by Jamie Merisotis

The author of Human Work in the Age of Smart Machines presents &“a sharp, timely blueprint for unleashing the potential of millions of Americans&” (Bruce Kats, Founding Director oof the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program).The president and CEO of Lumina Foundation, Jamie Merisotis is a leading voice in philanthropy, higher education, and public policy. In America Needs Talent, he explains the choices that must be made on all levels—in government, education, and the private sector, as well as by individuals—to usher in a new era of success and innovation in America. What if you paid for education based on what you actually learned, instead of the time you spent in class? What if visa applicants were treated like potential assets to our nation&’s talent pool, rather than potential threats monitored by Homeland Security? Merisotis proposes bold ideas to successfully deploy the world&’s most talented people, revitalize urban hubs, encourage private sector innovation, and power America&’s knowledge economy in the 21st century.

América no es libre: Lo que su gobierno no quiere que sepan

by Mike Donovan

América no es libre representa un llamado ferviente a los americanos que aman la libertad a fin de recuperar nuestras libertades constitucionales y escapar de lo que él define como «nuestra relación abusiva con el gobierno». El innovador trabajo de Mike Donovan a favor de las libertades personales lo ha convertido en un objeto de fascinación tanto para la derecha como la izquierda.En este revelador libro, Mike Donovan, CEO de Nexus Services, planta cara a las élites políticas de ambos partidos, que ejercen el poder en nuestro país, no solo a nivel federal, sino de todos los estados, condados, ciudades y pueblos. América no es libre representa un llamado ferviente a los americanos que aman la libertad a fin de recuperar nuestras libertades constitucionales y escapar de lo que él define como «nuestra relación abusiva con el gobierno». Donovan detalla cómo esta «trituración integral de la Carta de Derechos» comenzó mucho antes de la presente crisis de la COVID-19 y las manifestaciones y violencia desatadas tras el asesinato de George Floyd. América no es libre nos muestra que las fuerzas de nuestros gobiernos locales, estatales y federal aprovecharon estos eventos, pero llevaban décadas atropellando sistemáticamente nuestros derechos. Mike nos recuerda que es Dios quien concede estos derechos, y que la Constitución, la Carta de Derechos y la Decimocuarta Enmienda los garantizan. Mike pastorea actualmente la Primera Iglesia Cristiana Universalista de Harrisonburg, Virginia, pero no se parece en nada al típico clérigo tranquilo y campestre: es un guerrero feroz con el espíritu de Dios y la piel gruesa de un legislador que ha dedicado su vida a proteger la libertad, preservar los derechos individuales, servir a los necesitados y ministrar a los olvidados de nuestra fallida sociedad. De hecho, varios aspectos de su pasado y presente lo convierten en un blanco fácil para juzgarlo desde todas direcciones. Pero Mike Donovan no esconde nada, sino que abraza abiertamente los errores de su pasado y dedica su presente a crear un futuro que ayuda a los demás a superar los infortunios de su pasado. Nacido en una familia pobre en el condado de Page, Virginia, a temprana edad fue condenado por emitir cheques sin fondos, lo que le acarreó múltiples delitos graves por los que pasó siete meses en la cárcel del condado. El tiempo encerrado, lejos de hundirlo, lo convirtió en el hombre que es hoy: un hombre de ley y un hombre de Dios que cree de todo corazón y con toda el alma en la posibilidad de redención y el poder de resarcirse de los errores del pasado. También terminó esa experiencia sabiendo que necesitaba marcar la diferencia para otras personas que se encontraban donde él había estado. Obras son amores y no buenas razones, por eso Mike Donovan sigue los pasos del Jesús que dijo: «Estuve en la cárcel y me visitasteis … En cuanto lo hicisteis a estos, a mí lo hicisteis». América no es libre muestra cómo hacer todo eso por América y por nuestros hijos. El libro finaliza con una promesa de preservar la libertad americana a modo de compromiso para que los lectores declaren que solo votarán a los legisladores que estén dispuestos a proteger los derechos y libertades garantizados por la Carta de Derechos y la Decimocuarta Enmienda.

America Out of the Ashes

by The Editors at Honor Books

On September 11, 2001, our nation experienced the horrific acts of terrorism through the tragic events in New York City, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania. However, the devastating effects were not just confined to these areas as the entire world felt the impact of this attack on freedom and the loss of innocent lives. America Out of the Ashes depicts true stories of courage, hope, and inspiration accompanied by prayers to renew our souls and heal our hearts, to bring us from recovery to restoration. These inspiring stories of heroism and the prayers for god's comfort and provision reveal that with God's help America is rising up out the ashes, stronger and healthier than before.

America, The Owner's Manual: Making Government Work for You

by Bob Graham Chris Hand

Watch Senator Graham on The Colbert Report! The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30cShe Said, CIA Said - Bob Grahamcolbertnation. com Click here to preview chapter 1. Professors: Order your exam copy today by clicking on the &BAD:"Request an Exam Copy&BAD:" link above. Would you teach someone to play basketball using just chalkboard diagrams? Or would you get them on the court and have them play? In basketball, the answer is easy&BAD:—you do both. So why teach politics only as a spectator sport?Senator Bob Graham believes that students should expand on their classroom learning about the political system: he spurs them to hit the court and actually play the game. If students work on an issue they care about, politics will become a meaningful and positive experience. This short, how-to guide takes students out of theoretical discussions of policy and into a world where they can affect change. Graham&BAD:’s goal is to have students identify a problem, and then walk them through each step from researching the issue, to getting others involved, to engaging the media. Each chapter starts with a real case, showing citizens tackling a step in the process, and ends with a summary checklist and a series of questions that help students put Graham&BAD:’s game plan in action. By offering students concrete guidance, an array of resources, and advice for troubleshooting and overcoming barriers, this compact user&BAD:’s guide gets students way beyond textbook learning. Thirty-five years ago, as a member of the Florida Legislature, Bob Graham took on the challenge of civic education for eighteen weeks at a Miami-area high school. His time as both a governor and a senator has only strengthened his resolve to pique students&BAD:’ curiosity about politics and teach them to get what they want from government.

America, Pakistan, And The India Factor

by Nirode Mohanty

This book is not just an update to studies of Middle Eastern policy and diplomacy, but an in-depth analysis that covers the United States' foreign and strategic policy from the days of President Roosevelt to President Obama and Pakistan's security and strategic planning since its inception to 2011, under the shadow of India and Afghanistan.

America Responds to Terrorism: Conflict Resolution Strategies of Clinton, Bush, and Obama (The Evolving American Presidency)

by Karen A. Feste

Feste develops a framework of terrorism termination dynamics constructed from empirical cases and applies it to the current al Qaeda problem to offer a new method for tracking development of terrorist episodes with implications for U. S. foreign policy.

America, Russia, and the Cold War 1945-2002 (Updated Ninth Edition)

by Walter Lafeber

Professor LaFeber explains the course of the Cold War as it moved from periods of intense crisis and confrontation to times of relative stability.

America Second: How America's Elites Are Making China Stronger

by Isaac Stone Fish

A timely, provocative exposé of American political and business leadership&’s deep ties to China: a network of people who believe they are doing the right thing—at a profound and often hidden cost to U.S. interests.The past few years have seen relations between China and the United States shift, from enthusiastic economic partners, to wary frenemies, to open rivals. Americans have been slow to wake up to the challenges posed by the Chinese Communist Party. Why did this happen? And what can we do about it? In America Second, Isaac Stone Fish traces the evolution of the Party&’s influence in America. He shows how America&’s leaders initially welcomed China&’s entry into the U.S. economy, believing that trade and engagement would lead to a more democratic China. And he explains how—although this belief has proved misguided--many of our businesspeople and politicians have become too dependent on China to challenge it. America Second exposes a deep network of Beijing&’s influence in America, built quietly over the years through prominent figures like former secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright, Disney chairman Bob Iger, and members of the Bush family. And it shows how to fight that influence–without being paranoid, xenophobic, or racist. This is an authoritative and important story of corruption and good intentions gone wrong, with serious implications not only for the future of the United States, but for the world at large.

America, September 11: The Triumph of the Human Spirit (Call to Action Books)

by Jackie Waldman

Every tragedy has its heroes, and there were many in the attacks on New York and Washington, D. C. Jackie Waldman has collected the stories of some of the firefighters, rescue workers, police, medics, relatives of missing loved ones, and strangers who, in the face of horror, sprung into action to save lives and help their communities.

The America Syndrome: Apocalypse, War, and Our Call to Greatness

by Betsy Hartmann

Has apocalyptic thinking contributed to some of our nation's biggest problems—inequality, permanent war, and the despoiling of our natural resources? From the Puritans to the present, historian and public policy advocate Betsy Hartmann sheds light on a pervasive but—until now—invisible theme shaping the American mindset: apocalyptic thinking, or the belief that the end of the world is nigh. Hartmann makes a compelling case that apocalyptic fears are deeply intertwined with the American ethos, to our detriment. In The America Syndrome, she seeks to reclaim human agency and, in so doing, revise the national narrative. By changing the way we think, we just might change the world.

America, Technology and Strategic Culture: A Clausewitzian Assessment (Strategy And History Ser. #Vol. 23)

by Brice Harris

This book analyses the American way of war within the context of Clausewitzian theory. In doing so, it draws conclusions about the origins, viability, and technical feasibility of America‘s current strategic approach.The author argues that the situation in which America has found itself in Iraq is the direct result of a culturally predisposed incli

America the Beautiful: Together We Stand (Into Reading, Read Aloud Module 6 #1)

by Katharine Bates

NIMAC-sourced textbook

America the Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great

by Ben Carson

What is America becoming? Or, more importantly, what can she be if we reclaim a vision for the things that made her great in the first place? In the Zondervan ebook, America the Beautiful, Dr. Ben Carson helps us learn from our past in order to chart a better course for our future. From his personal ascent from inner-city poverty to international medical and humanitarian acclaim, Carson shares experiential insights that help us understand … what is good about America … where we have gone astray … which fundamental beliefs have guided America from her founding into preeminence among nations Written by a man who has experienced America’s best and worst firsthand, America the Beautiful is at once alarming, convicting, and inspiring. You’ll gain new perspectives on our nation’s origins, our Judeo-Christian heritage, our educational system, capitalism versus socialism, our moral fabric, healthcare, and much more. An incisive manifesto of the values that shaped America’s past and must shape her future, America the Beautiful calls us all to use our God-given talents to improve our lives, our communities, our nation, and our world.

America the Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great

by Ben Carson Candy Carson

What is America becoming? Or, more importantly, what can she be if we reclaim a vision for the things that made her great in the first place? In America the Beautiful, Dr. Ben Carson helps us learn from our past in order to chart a better course for our future. From his personal ascent from inner-city poverty to international medical and humanitarian acclaim, Carson shares experiential insights that help us understand. . . what is good about America. . . where we have gone astray. . . which fundamental beliefs have guided America from her founding into preeminence among nations. Written by a man who has experienced America's best and worst firsthand, America the Beautiful is at once alarming, convicting, and inspiring. You'll gain new perspectives on our nation's origins, our Judeo-Christian heritage, our educational system, capitalism versus socialism, our moral fabric, healthcare, and much more. An incisive manifesto of the values that shaped America's past and must shape her future, America the Beautiful calls us all to use our God-given talents to improve our lives, our communities, our nation, and our world.

America the Broke

by Gerald J. Swanson

“One day soon, our government will suddenly run out of cash, unable to meet its payments, leaving the United States as bankrupt as any banana republic. We are far more vulnerable than most Americans realize. . . With a debt of $7. 3 trillion, if interest rates were to hit the levels we saw 20 years ago, it would take every nickel collected in income taxes just to pay the interest on our existing debt. There would be no money left for defense, or homeland security, or education, or Social Security. This scenario is hardly fiction. That the United States of America can literally go broke is no longer a fantasy but likelihood—unless we stop the train now speeding us to Armageddon. If we do not get our financial house in order, and soon, our great nation will collapse under the weight of its financial obligations. I believe we can prevent the catastrophe. But time is short. In the final reckoning, it’s up to us to do what’s needed to save America’s future. ”—fromAmerica the BrokeThe dirty little secret that neither George W. Bush nor Congress are willing to confront—that America’s reckless spending, disastrous deficits, and exploding debt are speeding our great nation to financial ruin. Imagine a world in which you lose your job because your company goes under, your retirement money disappears, the value of your home tumbles overnight, your bank stops allowing cash withdrawals, and your ATM card is canceled. The price of groceries has risen so fast that you don’t have the money to pay for them at the check-out counter . . . and the country is bankrupt. That is exactly the future that economist Gerald J. Swanson sees America hurtling toward—unless we rein in our country’s reckless spending. InAmerica the Broke, Swanson, coauthor of the runawayNew York TimesbestsellerBankruptcy 1995, argues that the United States is on the brink of financial collapse. Thanks to George W. Bush’s two tax cuts, the White House and Congress’ escalation of domestic spending, two wars, and an economic recession, what was a $200 billion annual surplus three years ago under Bill Clinton has become a river of red ink. The White House’s official projected deficit for 2004 is $521 billion—the largest deficit in U. S. history. With a national debt spiraling upward of $7. 3 trillion, a huge trade deficit, and personal debt at an all-time high, we are standing at the edge of a financial abyss that could undermine the financial security of our families and our children’s children. “Deficits don’t matter,” claim Vice President Dick Cheney and other members of the Bush Administration. But the facts revealed inAmerica the Brokepaint an alarming picture. Next year’s projected deficit will exceed the amount all our cities spend on police, fire protection, medical care, and every other civil service in an entire year. It is more than we could save from abolishing Medicare and Medicaid completely. Therealdeficit—the deficit the government doesn’t want you to know about—including the hidden funds we “borrow” from Social Security is nearly $1trillion. Rising interest rates alone could trigger staggering payments on our skyrocketing debt, soaking up every dollar the government takes in, leaving America bankrupt. What does this mean for you and me? If the dollar goes into free fall, banks could close, businesses go bankrupt, real estate values crumble, and middle-class families could lose everything they own. But there is hope. We can save ourselves—ifwe demand that our political leaders act now to eliminate the deficit and reduce the debt. In a year of deficit de

America, the EU and Strategic Culture: Renegotiating the Transatlantic Bargain (Contemporary Security Studies)

by Asle Toje

This book provides a provocative analysis of relations between Europe and America during the tempestuous years 1998-2004. Analysing EU foreign policy, it concludes that the lessons learnt in interacting with America have been crucial in shaping the emerging EU strategic culture.The book challenges established orthodoxy regarding the sui generis nat

America the Fair: Using Brain Science to Create a More Just Nation

by Dan Meegan

What makes a person liberal or conservative? Why does the Democratic Party scare off so many possible supporters? When does our "injustice trigger" get pulled, and how can fairness overcome our human need to look for a zero-sum outcome to our political battles?Tapping into a pop culture zeitgeist linking Bugs Bunny, Taylor Swift, and John Belushi; through popular science and the human brain; to our political predilections, arguments, and distrusts, Daniel Meegan suggests that fairness and equality are key elements missing in today's society. Having crossed the border to take up residency in Canada, Meegan, an American citizen, has seen first-hand how people enjoy as rights what Americans view as privileges. Fascinated with this tension, he suggests that American liberals are just missing the point. If progressives want to win the vote, they need to change strategy completely and champion government benefits for everyone, not just those of lower income. If everyone has access to inexpensive quality health care, open and extensive parental leave, and free postsecondary education, then everyone will be happier and society will be fair. The Left will also overcome an argument of the Right that successfully, though incongruously, appeals to the middle- and upper-middle classes: that policies that help the economically disadvantaged are inherently bad for others. Making society fair and equal, Meegan argues, would strengthen the moral and political position of the Democratic Party and place it in a position to revive American civic life. Fairness, he writes, should be selfishly enjoyed by everyone.

America, the Owner's Manual: You Can Fight City Hall—and Win

by Senator Bob Graham Mr Chris Hand

In 2016, Americans fed up with the political process vented that frustration with their votes. Republicans nominated for president a wealthy businessman and former reality show host best known on the campaign trail for his sharp rhetoric against immigration and foreign trade. Democrats nearly selected a self-described socialist who ran on a populist platform against the influence of big money in politics. While it is not surprising that Americans would channel their frustrations into votes for contenders who pledge to end business as usual, the truth is that we don’t have to pin our hopes for greater participation on any one candidate. All of us have a say—if we learn, master and practice the skills of effective citizenship. One of the biggest roadblocks to participation in democracy is the perception that privileged citizens and special interests command the levers of power and that everyday Americans can’t fight City Hall. That perception is undoubtedly why a 2015 Pew Charitable Trusts survey found that 74 percent of those Americans surveyed believed that most elected officials didn't care what people like them thought. Graham and Hand intend to change that conventional wisdom by showing citizens how to flex their citizenship muscles. They describe effective citizenship skills and provide tips from civic experts. Even more importantly, they offer numerous examples of everyday Americans who have used their skills to make democracy respond. The reader will see themselves in these examples of citizens who chose to be victorious participants rather than tranquil spectators in the arena of democracy. By the end of the book, you will have new confidence that citizen participation is the lifeblood of America -- and will be ready to make governments work for you, not the other way around.

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