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Showing 376 through 400 of 98,120 results

A.G. Gaston Motel in Birmingham, The: A Civil Rights Landmark (American Heritage)

by Marie A. Sutton

Traveling throughout the South during the 1950s was hazardous for African Americans. There were precious few hotels and restaurants that opened their doors to minorities, and fewer still had accommodations above the bare minimum, to say nothing of the racism and violence that followed. But in Birmingham, black entrepreneur and eventual millionaire A.G. Gaston created a first-class motel and lounge for African Americans that became a symbol of pride of his community. It served as the headquarters for Birmingham's civil rights movement and became a revolving door for famous entertainers, activists, politicians and other pillars of the national black community. Author Marie Sutton chronicles the fascinating story of the motel and how it became a refuge during a time when African Americans could find none.

A.K. Chesterton and the Evolution of Britain’s Extreme Right, 1933-1973 (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right)

by Luke LeCras

Arthur Kenneth (A.K.) Chesterton was a soldier, journalist and activist whose involvement with fascist and extreme right-wing politics in Britain spanned four decades. Beginning with his recruitment to Oswald Mosley’s ‘Blackshirts’ in the 1930s, Chesterton’s ideological relationship with fascism, nationalism and anti-Semitism would persist far beyond the collapse of the interwar movements, culminating in his role as a founder of the National Front in 1967. This study examines Chesterton’s significance as a bridging figure between two eras of extreme right activity in Britain, and considers the ideological and organizational continuity that existed across the interwar and post-war periods. It further uses Chesterton's life as a means to explore the persistence of racism and anti-Semitism within British society, as well as examining the political conflicts and tactical disputes that shaped the extreme right as it attempted to move ‘from the margins to the mainstream’. This book will appeal to students and researchers with an interest in fascism studies, British political history, extremism and anti-Semitism.

À la défense d'un idéal contesté: Le principe de mérite et la Commission de la fonction publique, 1908-2008 (Collection Gouvernance)

by Luc Juillet Ken Rasmussen

En 1908, afin de lutter contre le favoritisme qui mine autant l’efficacité de l’administration publique que la démocratie, le Parlement canadien décrète que les fonctionnaires de l’État seront dorénavant nommés selon le principe du mérite, en fonction de processus administrés par un organisme indépendant : la Commission de la fonction publique du Canada. Publié à l’occasion du centenaire de la commission, ce livre retrace l’histoire de ce principe et de cette institution, nés dans la controverse et, depuis, le sujet d’inlassables débats. Il permet de mieux comprendre la résilience exceptionnelle et la contribution unique de la commission à l’édification d’une administration publique indépendante, qui constitue un pilier important de la démocratie parlementaire canadienne. On y découvre également comment la commission a contribué, au fil des ans, à trouver un équilibre sans cesse renouvelé entre trois objectifs, reliés mais parfois contradictoires, associés à la dotation de l’administration publique d’une démocratie libérale : la neutralité politique de l’administration, l’égalité démocratique et l’efficacité en matière de gestion.

À la frontière des mondes: Jeunesse étudiante, Action catholique et changement social en Acadie (1900-1970) (Amérique française)

by Philippe Volpé

L’Acadie contemporaine est souvent interprétée sous l’angle de la rupture et synthétisée par le découpage binaire tradition-modernité. Cette lecture statique et manichéenne oppose, en définitive, le catholicisme prétendument régressif de la première moitié du 20e siècle au libéralisme progressiste des années 1960. Pourtant, le changement social n’est-il pas un long processus ? Est-ce fantaisiste de penser, de façon continue, que le religieux omniprésent du début du siècle n’a pas été monolithique et qu’ont pu y germer les fondements idéologiques des mobilisations acadiennes ? Partant d’une étude fouillée et détaillée des mouvements étudiants et d’Action catholique en Acadie, paradoxalement méconnus, et tenant compte de leur importance, Philippe Volpé nous invite à réfléchir à ces questions. De l’Association catholique de la jeunesse acadienne aux syndicats étudiants des années 1960, en passant par la Jeunesse étudiante catholique, l’auteur nous fait découvrir des acteurs et des mouvements qui, pendant un demi-siècle, ont contribué au développement de la petite société acadienne. Entre la jeunesse et la vie adulte, l’Action catholique et l’Action nationale, le social et le politique, l’universalisme et le nationalisme, l’enceinte collégiale et la société civile, l’Acadie et le Canada français, cette étude nous mène « à la frontière des mondes », soit au carrefour de tensions et de débats qui rendent compte des itinéraires, des idées et des programmes ; bref, des intentions primordiales qui ont animé de nombreux acteurs sociaux en Acadie durant la première moitié du 20e siècle. Il en découle un récit original qui propose une relecture étonnante des paramètres de compréhension de l’Acadie contemporaine. Publié en français.

À L’avant-garde du progrès: L’Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada 1920–2020

by Jason Russell

Le 6 février 1920, un petit groupe d’employés de la fonction publique se réunit pour la première fois afin de former une association professionnelle. Un siècle plus tard, l’Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada (IPFPC) est un agent négociateur représentant près de 60 000 travailleurs du secteur public dont les efforts pour le bien collectif améliorent la vie de chaque Canadien. Publié à l’occasion du 100e anniversaire de fondation de l’IPFPC, À l’avant-garde du progrès dresse le portrait complet de son évolution, de 1920 à aujourd’hui, et lève le voile sur un pan souvent négligé de l’histoire syndicale nord-américaine. L’auteur, Jason Russell, s’appuie sur une abondante collection de sources, dont des documents d’archives et des témoignages de dizaines de membres actuels et passés de l’IPFPC. Marquée par des réussites et semée d’embûches, l’histoire est complexe et racontée avec clarté et modération. Après des décennies de changements démographiques et générationnels, de booms et de crises économiques et de bouleversements politiques, les membres de l’IPFPC entament les cent prochaines années guidés par la même mission importante que celle qui les a inspirés jusqu’à présent : militer pour une justice sociale et économique pour le bien de tous les Canadiens et Canadiennes.

A. Lincoln: A Biography

by Ronald C. White Jr.

In this important new biography, Ronald C. White, Jr. offers a fresh and fascinating definition of Lincoln as a man of integrity--what today's commentators are calling "authenticity"--whose internal moral compass is the key to understanding his life. Through meticulous research, utilizing recently discovered Lincoln letters, legal papers, and photographs, White depicts Lincoln as a person of intellectual curiosity, comfortable with ambiguity, and capable of changing his mind. The reader is treated to an exploration of Lincoln's compelling words, his changing ideas on slavery, the shaping of the modern role of Commander-in-Chief, and his surprising religious odyssey. A. Lincoln, so titled for the way Lincoln signed his name, sheds an innovative and profound light on our nation's most beloved leader for a new generation of Americans. "Ronald C. White's A. LINCOLN is the best biography of Lincoln since David Donald's LINCOLN (1995)... Amid all the books on Lincoln that will be published during the coming year, this one will stand out as one of the best." - James M. McPherson, author of Battle Cry of Freedom, and winner of the Pulitzer Prize.

A. Lincoln: A Biography

by Ronald C. White

"If you read one book about Lincoln, make it A. Lincoln."--USA TodayNAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BYThe Washington Post * The Philadelphia Inquirer * The Christian Science Monitor * St. Louis Post-Dispatch. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERWINNER OF THE CHRISTOPHER AWARDEveryone wants to define the man who signed his name "A. Lincoln." In his lifetime and ever since, friend and foe have taken it upon themselves to characterize Lincoln according to their own label or libel. In this magnificent book, Ronald C. White, Jr., offers a fresh and compelling definition of Lincoln as a man of integrity-what today's commentators would call "authenticity"-whose moral compass holds the key to understanding his life. Through meticulous research of the newly completed Lincoln Legal Papers, as well as of recently discovered letters and photographs, White provides a portrait of Lincoln's personal, political, and moral evolution. White shows us Lincoln as a man who would leave a trail of thoughts in his wake, jotting ideas on scraps of paper and filing them in his top hat or the bottom drawer of his desk; a country lawyer who asked questions in order to figure out his own thinking on an issue, as much as to argue the case; a hands-on commander in chief who, as soldiers and sailors watched in amazement, commandeered a boat and ordered an attack on Confederate shore batteries at the tip of the Virginia peninsula; a man who struggled with the immorality of slavery and as president acted publicly and privately to outlaw it forever; and finally, a president involved in a religious odyssey who wrote, for his own eyes only, a profound meditation on "the will of God" in the Civil War that would become the basis of his finest address. Most enlightening, the Abraham Lincoln who comes into focus in this stellar narrative is a person of intellectual curiosity, comfortable with ambiguity, unafraid to "think anew and act anew." A transcendent, sweeping, passionately written biography that greatly expands our knowledge and understanding of its subject, A. Lincoln will engage a whole new generation of Americans. It is poised to shed a profound light on our greatest president just as America commemorates the bicentennial of his birth. From the Hardcover edition.

A los que vienen: Democracia, desigualdad, justicia, educación, ecología, sexualidad, felicidad explicadas a los jóvenes

by Manuela Carmena

El primer testimonio escrito de Manuela Carmena después de ser alcaldesa de Madrid. Sus palabras más personales e inspiradoras dirigidas a las generaciones venideras y a la sociedad en general. Un libro para ti, que eres joven. Para ti, porque puedes cambiar las cosas. Manuela Carmena, exalcaldesa de Madrid y jueza durante más de 30 años, es mujer, de izquierdas, progresista, feminista, ecologista, demócrata, patriota (si la patria lo es en positivo), agnóstica, madre y abuela, entre otras muchas cosas. Pero ante todo es una ciudadana, una persona como cualquier otra que ha demostrado que se puede hacer política de otra manera, que los pequeños gestos y hechos importan, que nuestros intereses, los de la gente, pueden ser llevados a las instituciones, defendidos y puestos en valor. Que, en definitiva, el pueblo puede y tiene que ser escuchado. En este libro Manuela quiere recoger los principales temas y preocupaciones que ya ha puesto de relevancia en su alcaldía y que ahora quiere compartir de otra manera, desde la vida civil, con las nuevas generaciones que vienen con fuerza y que quizás puedan necesitar algunas cariñosas y valiosas palabras de una de las más queridas figuras públicas que nos han gobernado en las últimas décadas. Gracias, Manuela.

A paso de cangrejo

by Umberto Eco

A paso de cangrejo -es decir, hacia atrás- es como parece caminar la historia en este nuevo milenio. Todos los avances científicos y los progresos democráticos que auguraban un espléndido futuro se han convertido en conflictos e insatisfacciones. El mundo no va bien.Contra esta inquietante situación lanza Umberto Eco sus afilados dardos, sus reflexiones. Tras el 11 de septiembre, la humanidad ha entrado en una peligrosa regresión. Vuelven los viejos conflictos territoriales, las guerras medievales con denominación de «cruzada», la nostalgia por los totalitarismos, el antisemitismo y otras formas múltiples de racismo. En muchos lugares del mundo, algunos siguen empeñados en combatir las tesis evolutivas de Darwin. Partiendo de la actitud del gran jurista y politólogo italiano Norberto Bobbio, que enunció los deberes del sabio -«El deber de los hombres de cultura es hoy más que nunca sembrar dudas, no ya recoger certezas»-, Eco arremete, entre otros asuntos, contra la forma de vida contemporánea, las guerras, la política internacional y el consumo en las grandes superficies como único espacio de ocio posible, sin olvidar el nefasto papel de los medios de comunicación, empeñados en construir una imagen del mundo basada en el espectáculo y la manipulación. El resultado es un libro intenso y combativo cargado de lúcidos análisis sobre el escenario que nos rodea. Una invitación de Eco a pensar sobre el presente y el futuro.

A. Philip Randolph: Union Leader and Civil Rights Crusader

by Catherine Reef

Biography of the African-American union leader.

¿A quién escuchan los candidatos?: Los cuartos de guerra en la lucha por el poder

by José Pérez-Espino

Este libro ofrece las principales claves para descifrar cómo se construyeron las candidaturas de Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Enrique Peña Nieto y Josefina Vázquez Mota. También revisa las estrategias que utilizan sus principales operadores. ¿Quién les aconseja? ¿A quién escuchan? ¿Cómo definen sus objetivos estratégicos? ¿Cuáles son los secretos detrás de quienes aspiran a la presidencia de la República? ¿Cuáles son sus fortalezas y debilidades desde la óptica de un cuarto de guerra? ¿Cómo se construyó a la persona que nos gobernará los próximos seis años? La campaña presidencial dura noventa días, pero la imagen de los principales protagonistas se ha forjado durante años. Las biografías de Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Enrique Peña Nieto, Josefina Vázquez Mota y de Gabriel Quadri pueden representar un activo mayor, pero también un lado frágil. Este libro es una radiografía de sus cuartos de guerra, cuyos integrantes son quienes definen el rumbo de las campañas: consultores políticos, expertos en el manejo de la agenda pública y situaciones de crisis, operadores electorales, publicistas, investigadores de opinión pública, creadores de lemas y diseño de discursos. Sin precedentes en su enfoque, esta obra revela las claves para comprender las estrategias de las campañas presidenciales a partir de las decisiones que toman los principales asesores. ¿Quién les habla al oído? ¿A quién escuchan?

A sus órdenes, mi general: El caso Cienfuegos y la sumisión de AMLO ante el poder militar

by J. Jesús Esquivel

«En Nueva York, en la Corte del Distrito Este, hay un caso muy delicado que tiene que ver con tu país. SE TRATA DE UN GENERAL DE LAS FUERZAS ARMADAS METIDO CON EL NARCOTRÁFICO. Hablo de un general muy importante. La DEA lo ha investigado y tiene pruebas en su contra… CREO QUE LE DICEN EL PADRINO.» El 15 de octubre de 2020, el arresto del general Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles, California, sacudió las estructuras del poder militar en México. El Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos lo acusaba de usar su rango para ofrecer protección al Cártel de Sinaloa, así como de recibir sobornos millonarios y estar coludido con dicha organización criminal para el trasiego de drogas. La denominada “Operación Padrino” era la investigación internacional más sólida y contundente sobre un militar mexicano relacionado directamente con el narcotráfico. Pese a esto, nadie en el gobierno deMéxico supo de lo que las autoridades estadounidenses tenían entre manos hasta la detención del general. J. Jesús Esquivel —corresponsal en Washington, D. C. de la revista Proceso— fue el primer reportero en tener pistas sobre esta operación meses antes del arresto, cuando un fiscal federal de distrito —a quien conoció durante el juicio de Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán en Nueva York— le dio el pitazo. En este libro relata aquel encuentro y todo lo que pudo recabar sobre la operación, desde los antecedentes, que datan de 2015, hasta la reacción del gobierno mexicano a la detención, así como las consecuencias en la relación con Estados Unidos luego de que México hubiera optado por la liberación de Cienfuegos. A sus órdenes, mi general traza una línea para entender todas las concesiones que han existido para el ejército durante el gobierno de López Obrador y demuestra la fuerza perdurable de esta institución en México

Å Vokse opp med Liraen

by Eirik Zahl Claudio Ruggeri

Et møte mellom to venner en ettermiddag om sommeren, der den yngre av dem hører på anekdoter og historier om en svunnen verden som muligens ikke lenger eksisterer, en der du ofte kunne høre frasen: «Jeg har ingen lire...»

The A-Z of Wonder Women

by Yvonne Lin

Celebrate historic and contemporary Wonder Women from around the world, from Ada Lovelace to Zaha Hadid!Highlighting notable and inspiring women from across the globe and throughout time, The A-Z of Wonder Women features biographies of trailblazers and groundbreakers, including Ada Lovelace, Oprah Winfrey, Ruth Ginsberg, and Wajeha al-Huwaider.This empowering alphabet-style book celebrates a wide range of skills and masteries in the arts, politics and activism, STEM, and more, providing accessible facts about these heroic women--and inspiring young readers to make the change they want to see in the world.

AAP and Down: The Rise and Fall of the Aam Aadmi Party

by Mayank Gandhi

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

The Aarhus Convention: Towards Environmental Solidarisation (Environmental Politics and Theory)

by Duncan Weaver

The Aarhus Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters has been celebrated as a pioneering international environmental agreement. Given that a quarter-century has passed since Aarhus was opened for signature, now is an opportune moment to revisit it from a fresh perspective. Marking this anniversary, this book explores Aarhus from the vista of the English School of International Relations, an ethically-minded perspective used to gauge the prevalence of state-oriented and human-oriented progress from the Convention's rationales and realities. It firstly considers Aarhus' propagation, investigating the legal, diplomatic and geopolitical contexts enabling its emergence. It secondly investigates Aarhus' germination, with reference to its trinity of procedural rights. Thirdly, the book examines the Convention's growth, in terms of the development of its organisational infrastructure. The chief finding is that Aarhus demonstrates, in environmental contexts, the feasibility and benefit of fostering 'humankind' solidarist progress, rooted in moral cosmopolitanism, within the existing power arrangements of a sovereignty-based pluralism. Pluralist concerns for diversity and international order are found to be a precondition for more ethically ambitious solidarist endeavours. These observations reinforce the logic of solidarisation, an English School innovation that presents sovereignty as (a) being ethically matured by solidarism whilst (b) delimiting solidarism within the threshold of states' tolerance.

Aatank: आतंक

by Jack Straw

“आतंक” जैक स्ट्रॉ द्वारा लिखी गई एक रहस्य और रोमांच से भरपूर कहानी है, जो पाठकों को सस्पेंस और जटिल पात्रों के जाल में बांधे रखती है। कहानी की शुरुआत जेम्स मेरेडिथ नामक व्यक्ति के साथ होती है, जिसे फर्डिनेंड बुलफोर्ड की हत्या का दोषी ठहराया जाता है। मेरेडिथ को एक ईर्ष्यालु प्रेमी के रूप में पेश किया जाता है, जिसने अपने प्रतिद्वंद्वी को मौत के घाट उतार दिया। हालांकि, अदालती साक्ष्य और गवाहों के बावजूद, यह पूरी तरह स्पष्ट नहीं होता कि असली अपराधी कौन है। कहानी में जेम्स की मंगेतर जीन ब्रिगेरलैंड की भूमिका भी महत्वपूर्ण है, जो कहानी में रहस्य और जटिलता जोड़ती है। जीन एक ऐसी महिला के रूप में चित्रित की गई है जो मेरेडिथ के लिए अपने प्रेम का दावा करती है, लेकिन उसके इरादे संदिग्ध हैं। जीन के प्रति जैक ग्लोवर, जो कि मेरेडिथ का वकील है, बेहद सतर्क रहता है। ग्लोवर को संदेह है कि जीन इस साजिश का असली मास्टरमाइंड हो सकती है, और वह मेरेडिथ को बचाने के लिए किसी भी हद तक जाने को तैयार है। कहानी के केंद्र में यह प्रश्न है कि क्या वास्तव में मेरेडिथ अपराधी है, या फिर वह एक गहरी साजिश का शिकार हुआ है? जैक स्ट्रॉ ने इस उपन्यास के माध्यम से धोखा, प्रेम, ईर्ष्या, और विश्वासघात के जटिल पहलुओं को बखूबी उकेरा है। कहानी का हर मोड़ पाठक को चौंकाता है और अंत तक सस्पेंस बनाए रखता है। यह उपन्यास उन परिस्थितियों की पड़ताल करता है जहां सच्चाई और झूठ के बीच की रेखा धुंधली हो जाती है। "आतंक" एक ऐसी कहानी है जो न्याय और अन्याय के बीच की जटिलताओं को समझने का प्रयास करती है, और पाठकों को अंत तक सस्पेंस में डूबा रखती है।

AAUP Policy Documents and Reports (9th edition)

by B. Robert Kreiser

For eighty-five years the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) has been engaged in developing standards for sound academic practice and in working for the acceptance of these standards by the community of higher education. The Association has long been viewed as the authoritative voice of the academic profession in this regard. The AAUP's Policy Documents and Reports (widely known as The Redbook because of the color of its cover) presents in convenient format a wide range of policies, formulated at times in cooperation with other organizations. The current edition, the ninth (the first was published in 1968), includes basic statements on academic freedom, tenure, and due process; professional ethics; research and teaching; discrimination; academic governance; collective bargaining; students' rights and freedoms; and accreditation. Among the new documents not found in previous editions are statements on post-tenure review; tenure in the medical school; access to university records; the assignment of course grades and student appeals thereof; institutional responsibility for legal demands on faculty; distance education; intellectual property; and collegiality as a criterion for faculty evaluation. An appendix lists selected judicial decisions and scholarly writings that refer to AAUP standards. The documents in The Redbook offer guidance to all components of the academic community--trustees, administrators, faculty, and students--for the development of institutional policy and for the resolution of concrete issues as they arise.

Abahn Sabana David

by Marguerite Duras Kazim Ali

"Duras's language and writing shine like crystals."--The New Yorker"A spectacular success. . . . Duras is at the height of her powers."--Edmund WhiteAvailable for the first time in English, Abahn Sabana David is a late-career masterpiece from one of France's greatest writers.Late one evening, David and Sabana--members of a communist group--arrive at a country house where they meet Abahn, the man they've been sent to guard and eventually kill for his perceived transgressions. A fourth man arrives (also named Abahn), and throughout the night these four characters discuss existential ideas of understanding, capitalism, violence, revolution, and dogs, while a gun lurks in the background the entire time.Suspenseful and thought-provoking, Duras's novel calls to mind the plays of Samuel Beckett in the way it explores human existence and suffering in the confusing contemporary world.Marguerite Duras wrote dozens of plays, film scripts, and novels, including The Ravishing of Lol Stein, The Sea Wall, and Hiroshima, Mon Amour. She's most well-known for The Lover, which received the Goncourt Prize in 1984 and was made into a film in 1992. This is her third book to be published by Open Letter. Kazim Ali is a poet, essayist, and novelist, and has published a translation of Water's Footfall by Sohrab Sepehri in addition to co-translating Duras's L'Amour. He teaches at Oberlin College and the University of Southern Maine.

Abandoned to Ourselves

by Peter Alexander Meyers

In this extraordinary work, Peter Alexander Meyers shows how the centerpiece of the Enlightenment--society as the symbol of collective human life and as the fundamental domain of human practice--was primarily composed and animated by its most ambivalent figure: Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Displaying this new society as an evolving field of interdependence, Abandoned to Ourselves traces the emergence and moral significance of dependence itself within Rousseau's encounters with a variety of discourses of order, including theology, natural philosophy, and music. Underpinning this whole scene we discover a modernizing conception of the human Will, one that runs far deeper than Rousseau's most famous trope, the "general Will." As Abandoned to Ourselves weaves together historical acuity with theoretical insight, readers will find here elements for a reconstructed sociology inclusive of things and persons and, as a consequence, a new foundation for contemporary political theory.

Abandoning American Neutrality: Woodrow Wilson and the Beginning of the Great War, August 1914-December 1915

by M. Ryan Floyd

During the first 18 months of World War I, Woodrow Wilson sought to maintain American neutrality, but as this carefully argued study shows, it was ultimately an unsustainable stance. The tension between Wilson's idealism and pragmatism ultimately drove him to abandon neutrality, paving the way for America's entrance into the war in 1917.

Abandonment Of Illusions: Zionist Political Attitudes Toward Palestinian Arab Nationalism, 1936-1939

by Yehoyada Haim

Since the late nineteenth century and especially in times of great tension in the Middle East, observers have asked whether the longstanding Arab-Jewish conflict could have been avoided. The early Zionists did not feel that Arab nationalism would evolve as a reaction to Jewish settlement and the pursuit of Jewish statehood; to the Zionists it seeme

The Abandonment of the West: The History of an Idea in American Foreign Policy

by Michael Kimmage

This definitive portrait of American diplomacy reveals how the concept of the West drove twentieth-century foreign policy, how it fell from favor, and why it is worth saving.Throughout the twentieth century, many Americans saw themselves as part of Western civilization, and Western ideals of liberty and self-government guided American diplomacy. But today, other ideas fill this role: on one side, a technocratic "liberal international order," and on the other, the illiberal nationalism of "America First."In The Abandonment of the West, historian Michael Kimmage shows how the West became the dominant idea in US foreign policy in the first half of the twentieth century -- and how that consensus has unraveled. We must revive the West, he argues, to counter authoritarian challenges from Russia and China. This is an urgent portrait of modern America's complicated origins, its emergence as a superpower, and the crossroads at which it now stands.

Abba Eban: A Biography

by Asaf Siniver

The definitive biography of Abba Eban, an Israeli diplomat often revered by every nation except the one he represented. The book draws from a wide range of primary sources to create a complex portrait of a man who left an indelible mark on the quest for peace in the Middle East. A skilled debater, a master of language, and a passionate defender of Israel, Abba Eban’s diplomatic presence was in many ways a contradiction unlike any the world has seen since. While he was celebrated internationally for his exceptional wit and his moderate, reasoned worldview, these same qualities painted him as elitist and foreign in his home country. The disparity in perception of Eban at home and abroad was such that both his critics and his friends agreed that he would have been a wonderful prime minister—in any country but Israel. In Abba Eban, Asaf Siniver paints a nuanced and complete portrait of one of the most complex figures in twentieth-century foreign affairs. We see Eban growing up and coming into his own as part of the Cambridge Union, and watch him steadily become known as “The Voice of Israel.” Siniver draws on a vast amount of interviews, writings, and other newly available material to show that, in his unceasing quest for stability and peace for Israel, Eban’s primary opposition often came from the homeland he was fighting for; no matter how many allies he gained abroad, the man never understood his own domestic politics well enough to be as effective in his pursuits as he hoped. The first examination of Eban in nearly forty years, Abba Eban is a fascinating look at a life that still offers a valuable perspective on Israel even today.

The ABC of the OPT: A Legal Lexicon Of The Israeli Control Over The Occupied Palestinian Territory

by Michael Sfard Hedi Viterbo Orna Ben-Naftali

Israel's half-a-century long rule over the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and some of its surrounding legal issues, have been the subject of extensive academic literature. Yet, to date, there has been no comprehensive, theoretically-informed, and empirically-based academic study of the role of various legal mechanisms, norms, and concepts in shaping, legitimizing, and responding to the Israeli control regime. <P><P>This book seeks to fill this gap, while shedding new light on the subject. Through the format of an A-Z legal lexicon, it critically reflects on, challenges, and redefines the language, knowledge, and practices surrounding the Israeli control regime. Taken together, the entries illuminate the relation between global and local forces - legal, political, and cultural - in Israel and Palestine. The study of the terms involved provides insights that are relevant to other situations elsewhere in the world, particularly with regard to belligerent occupation, the law's role in relation to state violence, and justice.<P> Offers a case study relevant to other examples of occupation, such as Iraq and Crimea.<P> Uses a lexicon format to analyze key legal and political concepts relating to Israel's control over the West Bank and Gaza Strip.<P> Aimed at academics and practitioners in the fields of international law, jurisprudence, and political science.

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