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Guerra sin cuartel: Terminar con la inseguridad en la Argentina

by Patricia Bullrich

Patricia Bullrich, ministra de Seguridad del gobierno de Mauricio Macri, cuenta en primera persona los desafíos más importantes que enfrentó en su gestión y brinda su visión sobre la seguridad en la Argentina al tiempo que defiende a la ley y el orden, y a los encargados de hacerla cumplir y mantenerlo, como reaseguros de la democracia. El 10 de diciembre de 2015 Patricia Bullrich, por entonces reconocida por sus posiciones firmes contra la delincuencia, se hizo cargo del Ministerio de Seguridad de la Nación por pedido del presidente electo Mauricio Macri. Ya en funciones, su lucha frontal contra el crimen organizado y su tenaz defensa del papel institucional de las fuerzas de seguridad federales, le valieron el reconocimiento de amplios sectores de la población y, al mismo tiempo, el embate de núcleos radicalizados de organizaciones de derechos humanos y de sectores de opinión autodenominados garantistas. En este libro, Bullrich presenta por primera vez al gran público los desafíos que tuvo que enfrentar en su gestión, y lo hace desde dos perspectivas aunadas: una, estratégica, asociada a la ejecución de política pública propia de su función; la otra, más personal y humana, expresada en infinidad de anécdotas cotidianas. En ese doble registro, estas páginas se ocupan de problemas que van del narcotráfico y el terrorismo a casos como el de la muerte de Santiago Maldonado y la seguridad de la Cumbre del G-20, pasando por las fronteras "calientes" de nuestro país, la presencia policial en las calles y el protocolo de uso de armas por parte de las fuerzas de seguridad. Testimonio indispensable en tiempos en que millones de argentinos claman por seguridad, Guerra sin cuartel es también una defensa valiente y apasionada del valor de la ley y el orden en democracia. «Como ministra de Seguridad de la República Argentina he debido librar una guerra contra el crimen organizado y sus cómplices en la política y en ciertas organizaciones de la sociedad civil; 'sin cuartel' porque no tuve un solo día de tregua y también porque los ataques provenían de los más diversos ángulos, sin una trinchera visible. A pesar de todo, estoy convencida de haber contribuido a devolver el respeto a la ley y a quienes están a cargo de hacerla cumplir en la Argentina».Patricia Bullrich

La Guerra y La Paz: Paz Para El Mundo

by André Cronje

LA GUERRA Y LA PAZ Presenta más de 500 citas sobre la belleza de la paz mundial, la paz interior y la paz con Dios en medio de las cenizas de la guerra, los puentes quemados y las promesas incumplidas.

Guerra y Paz en Irlanda del Norte

by Jacobo Celnik

En 2023 se cumplen 25 años del Proceso de Paz de Irlanda del Norte. Un libro que rememora una época oscura en las voces de quienes lo vivieron El 22 de mayo de 1998, los irlandeses del Norte, sin importar su religión, le dijeron sí a la paz. Ese 71,2?% que refrendó el Acuerdo de Viernes Santo le dio la oportunidad a la provincia del Úlster de dejar atrás treinta años de violencia sectaria para encarar un futuro esperanzador. Perfecta o imperfecta, la paz en Irlanda del Norte ha sido estable, inspiradora y ejemplo para muchas sociedades inmersas en conflictos sociales, políticos, religiosos y territoriales. Guerra y Paz en Irlanda del Norte es una investigación que reconstruye gran parte de la historia de dicho territorio -desde los tiempos de la Conquista británica, pasando por los intentos de independencia delpoder colonial a inicios del siglo XX y por el surgimiento de fuerzas paramilitares que lucharon férreamente por sus intereses, hasta la partición que dio origen a dos países: Irlanda del Norte y la República de Irlanda-, con énfasis en la violencia sectaria de finales de los años sesenta y el proceso de paz. El autor sustenta su investigación con testimonios exclusivos de diversos actores del conflicto norirlandés, como exmiembros del IRA, de los Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) y del Ejército Británico, además de políticos, periodistas, diplomáticos, académicos, artistas y ciudadanos del común, quienes ofrecen su visión y sus recuerdos de una historia que no tiene una única verdad.

Guerras del siglo XXI: El imperio contra Irak

by Ignacio Ramonet

Un valiente análisis de las amenazas y miedos que provienen de la mundialización y del desequilibrio entre las naciones tras el 11 de septiembre de 2001. Ignacio Ramonet presenta un retrato del nuevo mundo tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre: la ofensiva de Estados Unidos contra el terrorismo internacional, el recrudecimiento del conflicto israelí-palestino y el ascenso de la ultraderecha en el paisaje electoral europeo. Este nuevo orden viene condicionado por otro fenómeno central, la globalización, cuyos protagonistas no son estados colonizadores, sino empresas y multinacionales privadas dispuestas a dominar el planeta invadiendo mercados en lugar de países. Lo que se traduce en un agravamiento de las desigualdades y en la reiterada destrucción de la naturaleza. Ante esta situación, los ciudadanos reclaman nuevos derechos colectivos que defiendan un medio ambiente a salvo de la contaminación, una ciudad humana, una información no manipulada, así como la paz y el desarrollo de los pueblos. Las sociedades civiles deben reclamar su protagonismo en las grandes negociaciones internacionales. Para cambiar este mundo, hay que soñar un futuro diferente. Reseña:«Junto a la gran cantidad de información que proporciona esta obra en su análisis de la realidad más actual, Ramonet crea, como en las utopías, horizontes inesperados.»Bernabé Sarabia, El Cultural de El Mundo

Las guerras inmigratorias

by Clint Bolick Jeb Bush

Del antiguo gobernador republicano de Florida y uno de los litigantes constitucionales principales llega una mirada oportuna y provocativa de uno de los temas más divisivos que enfrenta la nación hoy en día: la inmigración. No hay un tema de política pública que divida más estridentemente a los americanos que la inmigración. Los argumentos principales han permanecido constantes durante más de dos siglos, sin llegar nunca a un común acuerdo. Ahora, en Las guerras inmigratorias, Jeb Bush y uno de los litigantes constitucionales principales, Clint Bolick, presentan una solución integral basada en dos principios centrales: la inmigración es esencial para el futuro de Estados Unidos, alimentando su crecimiento, vitalidad y creatividad; pero cualquier solución perdurable debe seguir las leyes de Estados Unidos. Somos, claramente, una nación de inmigrantes. Más que cualquier otro país, nuestra identidad nacional se basa en un conjunto de ideales que son enriquecidos y revigorizados por los inmigrantes, la mayoría de los cuales se adhieren más fervorosamente a los valores estadounidenses. Sin embargo, a través de las décadas pasadas, un gran porcentaje de inmigrantes ha entrado y permanecido en el país ilegalmente. Para eficazmente abordar este problema, primero debemos revisar nuestro proceso inmigratorio gravemente quebrantado. Una obra importante y necesaria, Las guerras inmigratorias ofrece una mirada compasiva acerca de la inmigración y las medidas realistas para reformar la política --sin la retórica divisiva--y una guía para el futuro de nuestro país.

Las guerras ocultas del narco

by Juan Alberto Cedillo

Hasta hoy, lo peor de la "guerra antinarco" ha permanecido casi en el silencio o en el terreno del rumor: el grado real de brutalidad, la lógica de los pactos, la crónica de las masacres, la explicación de los ataques... Mediante una investigación documental profundísima y un reporteo riguroso, Juan Alberto Cedillo ofrece una investigación inaudita que trae luz sobre estos fenómenos y aclara preguntas fundamentales de la lucha que desgarra, con saña particular, el norte de México. La base de estas historias son los propios testimonios de los capos, ofrecidos en México y Estados Unidos. Sus relatos explican una de las mayores heridas del país, al tiempo que desmontan algunos de los mitos más arraigados en torno al narcotráfico y los cárteles. "Gracias a que no serían juzgados por los asesinatos que cometieron en México, cuando los capos tuvieron la oportunidad de narrar sus andanzas, se explayaron al grado que los fiscales los tenían que callar..."

Guerrilla Auditors: The Politics of Transparency in Neoliberal Paraguay

by Kregg Hetherington

Guerrilla Auditors is an ethnographic account of the rise of information, transparency, and good governance in the post-Cold War era, and the effects of these concepts on Paraguay's transition to democracy. Kregg Hetherington shows that the ideal of transparent information, meant to depoliticize bureaucratic procedures, has become a battleground for a new kind of politics centered on legal interpretation and the manipulation of official documents. In late-twentieth-century Paraguay, peasant land politics moved unexpectedly from the roads and fields into the documentary recesses of state bureaucracy. When peasants, bureaucrats, and development experts encountered one another in state archives, conflicts ensued about how bureaucracy ought to function, what documents are for, and who gets to narrate the past and the future of the nation. Hetherington argues that Paraguay's neoliberal democracy is predicated, at least in part, on an exclusionary distinction between model citizens and peasants. Despite this, peasant activists have found ways to circumvent their exclusion and in so doing question the conceptual foundations of international development orthodoxy.

Guerrilla Discovery

by Ashley Lipson

Guerrilla Discovery Most litigation and settlement outcomes are determined in quarrelsome discovery fights. Coercion and confrontation are usually necessary to obtain evidence on the hotly-contested issues. To help you win more of these important discovery skirmishes, Ashley Lipson's Guerrilla Discovery offers dozens of clever strategies, novel arguments, direct answers, cautionary instructions, helpful timelines, tactically-annotated rules, and innovative forms that will help you handle even the most defiant deponents. In addition, Guerrilla Discovery: * Offers answers and solid principles on how to propose and oppose virtually every form of evidence. * Provides instant access to cases, statutes and checklists that will help you lay solid foundations, make accurate objections, and effectively examine. * Divides the universe of evidence into four categories -- testimonial, documentary, real and demonstrative -- providing extreme detail in a concise, organized manner.

Guerrilla Ecologies: Green Capital, Nature, and the Politics of Catastrophe (Routledge Studies in Environmental Justice)

by John Maerhofer

This book intervenes in contemporary debates about climate activism, militancy, and strategy that have been gathering force in radical ecological circles. It responds to some of the urgent questions about utilizing militancy as part of the overall effort to foster an ecosocialist society. Building upon the crucial work of scholars and activists from the 1970s to the present, such as Carolyn Merchant, Ursula Heise, Raj Patel, Joan Martinez Alier, Neil Smith, and Mark Dowie, this book discusses and regenerates key principles of guerrilla ecology. It presents a significant critique of green capital and its impact on the shape of environmental and climate justice movements. From car manufacturers dedicating profits to reforestation, to big oil conglomerates funneling money into universities that are developing techno-fixes which may stave off ecological disaster, green capital has become the mainstay of contemporary cultural, political, and economic reproduction – aiming to fuse profitability and sustainability. The book brings together discussion on key topics in a range of contexts including biopiracy and biocolonialism, indigenous resistance, extractivism, anti-imperialism, ecotage, and eco-militancy. It will attract scholarly readers from diverse spaces in the environmental humanities, environmental and climate justice, radical ecology, and philosophy.

Guerrilla Girls: The Art of Behaving Badly

by Guerrilla Girls

Guerrilla Girls: The Art of Behaving Badly is the first book to catalog the entire career of the Guerrilla Girls from 1985 to present.The Guerrilla girls are a collective of political feminist artists who expose discrimination and corruption in art, film, politics, and pop culture all around the world.This book explores all their provocative street campaigns, unforgettable media appearances, and large-scale exhibitions.• Captions by the Guerrilla Girls themselves contextualize the visuals.• Explores their well-researched, intersectional takedown of the patriarchyIn 1985, a group of masked feminist avengers—known as the Guerrilla Girls—papered downtown Manhattan with posters calling out the Museum of Modern Art for its lack of representation of female artists.They quickly became a global phenomenon, and the fearless activists have produced hundreds of posters, stickers, and billboards ever since.• More than a monograph, this book is a call to arms.• This career-spanning volume is published to coincide with their 35th anniversary.• Perfect for artists, art lovers, feminists, fans of the Guerrilla Girls, students, and activists• You'll love this book if you love books like Wall and Piece by Banksy, Why We March: Signs of Protest and Hope by Artisan, and Graffiti Women: Street Art from Five Continents by Nicholas Ganz

Guerrilla Kindness & Other Acts of Creative Resistance: Making A Better World Through Craftivism

by Sayraphim Lothian

# 1 Best Seller in Crafts & Hobbies, Stenciling - Resistance CraftsCraftivism can be your voice of resistance: Craftivism is a non-threatening form of activism that gives people a voice when they feel voiceless and power where they feel powerless. It is an international movement for our time and noted Craftivism expert Sayraphim Lothian has put together the first-ever tutorial book on craftivism.In Guerilla Kindness: artist, scholar, activist, and YouTube art teacher Sayraphim Lothian gives you an introduction to the art of craftivism, and provides a brief history of creative resistance. This master craftivist shows you how to make and use various crafts for political and protest purposes including:EmbroideryCross stitchKnittingStencilingDecoupageStampingand much moreJoin us in the Craftivism movement: Craftivism is a growing worldwide movement in which hand crafted works are being used to highlight political issues, creatively engage in activism, and encourage change in the world. Craftivists employ their works to open a space for people to be introduced to issues and to broaden the discussion surrounding them. While it might seem that this most colorful movement began recently, creative resistance has been with us for centuries around the globe, and craftivism and makers stating their mind through the medium of art is here to stay.

Guerrilla Prince: the Untold Story of Fidel Castro

by Georgie Anne Geyer

A flashy, gossipy journalistic biography for those as interested in Castro's paramours as his policies.

La guerrilla recurrente

by Carlos Montemayor

La guerrilla recurrente es una revisión de Carlos Montemayor en torno a la guerrilla, los movimientos sociales, el ejército y la forma en que el gobierno ha enfrentado a la movilización social, incluyendo los sucesos de 1968 y 1971. El eje medular del libro es la clandestinidad. La guerrilla recurrente compila una serie de ensayos en los que Carlos Montemayor plantea, de manera lúcida y esclarecedora, el carácter recurrente que determina la lógica del conflicto político, al tiempo que desentraña el contenido, las motivaciones y la evolución de la guerra. En el corazón de las luchas sociales, asegura el autor, hay similitudes que deben servir para la reconstrucción y la comprensión de los procesos históricos. Libro fundamental para entender el México actual, desde las luchas estudiantiles y las guerrillas campesinas -donde el EPR, al que Montemayor ha estudiado desde hace tiempo, juega un papel de primer orden- hasta la represión estatal, el narcotráfico y la evolución del ejército y de los órganos de seguridad nacional. La guerrilla recurrente retira el velo que cubre el discurso del poder y el de quienes se enfrentan a éste, desnudando y evaluando la compleja red de versiones políticas, económicas, religiosas y culturales que se contraponen entre sí y que pugnan por imponerse como verdad única. «Son los temas de los que me he ocupado durante largo tiempo: los movimientos armados campesinos y su interpretación militar o política; la seguridad nacional como actividad policial o como interpretación social para asegurar la continuidad del Estado; la guerra sucia en México; la masacre de Tlatelolco; el proceso de militarización en la lucha contra el crimen organizado desde una perspectiva nacional y hemisférica; la transformación de la organización y concepción militar posterior a la Guerra Fría, y la evolución del concepto terrorismo en los contextos del conflicto israelí y palestino y de la invasión estadunidense a Afganistán e Irak» Carlos Montemayor

Guerrilla Warfare: Authoritative, Revised, New Edition (The Che Guevara Library)

by Ernesto Che Guevara

Che Guevara&’s classic text on revolutionary tactics and strategy.Since Guerrilla Warfare was first published in 1961, it has joined the canon of classic military literature, consulted by revolutionaries and counterrevolutionaries alike. In this book, Che Guevara outlines the lessons he learned as a guerrilla soldier in the Cuban revolution and explains how a small group of dedicated fighters grew in strength with the support of the Cuban people, overcoming the odds to vanquish the US-backed dictator&’s army and overthrow the dictatorship. Guerrilla Warfare is both an insightful account of one of the decisive revolutionary movements of the twentieth century and a timeless resource for freedom fighters the world over. This edition includes Che&’s corrections and his suggestions for further revisions to the text—revisions his murder in 1967 prevented him from making.

Guerrilla Warfare: A Historical and Critical Study

by Walter Laqueur

As the author makes clear, every book has a history; Guerrilla Warfare is no exception. Together with its sequel Terrorism (and two companion readers) it was part of a wider study: to give a critical interpretation of guerrilla and terrorism theory and practice throughout history. It did not aim at providing a general theory of political violence, nor did it give instructions on how to conduct guerrilla warfare and terrorist operations. Its aim remains to bring about greater semantic and analytic clarity, and to do so at psychological as well as political levels.While the word guerrilla has been very popular, much less attention has been given to guerrilla warfare than to terrorism - even though the former has been politically more successful. The reasons for the lack of detailed attention are obvious: guerrilla operations take place far from big cities, in the countryside, in remote regions of a nation. In such areas there are no film cameras or recorders.In his probing new introduction, Laqueur points out that a review of strategies and the fate of guerrilla movements during the last two decades show certain common features. Both mainly concerned nationalists fighting for independence either against foreign occupants or against other ethnic groups within their own country. But despite the many attempts, only in two placesAfghanistan and Chechnya were the guerrillas successful.According to Laqueur historical experience demonstrates that guerrilla movements have prevailed over incumbents only in specific conditions. Due to a constellation of factors, ranging from modern means of observation to increase in firepower. The author suggests that we may witness a combination of political warfare, propaganda, guerrilla operations and terrorism. In such cases, this could be a potent strategy for unsponsored revolutionary change. But either as social history or military strategy this work remains a crucial work of our times.

Guerrilla Warfare

by Harry Pombo" Villegas Ernesto Che Guevara

Featuring a new preface by his guerrilla compañero in Bolivia and Africa, Harry "Pombo" Villegas, this new, expanded and revised edition of a bestselling Che Guevara classic reviews a crucial period of Latin American political history.

Guerrillas: Journeys in the Insurgent World

by Jon Lee Anderson

Prior to gaining international renown for his definitive biography of Che Guevara and his firsthand reports on the war in Iraq in the acclaimed THE FALL OF BAGHDAD, Jon Lee Anderson wrote GUERRILLAS, a daring on-the-ground account of five diverse insurgent movements around the world: the mujahedin of Afghanistan, the FMLN of El Salvador, the Karen of Burma, the Polisario of Western Sahara, and a group of young Palestines fighting against Israel in the Gaza Strip. Making the most of unprecedented, direct access to his subjects, Anderson combines powerful storytelling with a balanced, penetrating analysis of each situation. A work of phenomenal range, analytical acuity, and human empathy, GUERRILLAS amply demonstrates why Jon Lee Anderson is one of our most important chroniclers of societies in crisis.

Guerrillas and Combative Mothers: Women and the Armed Struggle in South Africa

by Siphokazi Magadla

Guerrillas and Combative Mothers is a narrative of women participating in the armed struggle against apartheid from 1961 to 1994 and their lives in a democratic South Africa. Focusing on their agency, commitment, beliefs and actions, it describes how women got politicised and the decisions and circumstances that led them to join the armed struggle in South Africa and exile. Siphokazi Magadla discusses the forms of military training they received, the combat activities and their transformation as women and soldiers. Magadla also talks about their participation in the South African National Defence Force-led demobilisation process and their contributions to the democratic revolution of the SANDF. By illuminating the different eras and arenas of their participation, this book shows the broadness of the armed struggle against apartheid as a historical truth and as a matter of gender equality and justice for an inclusive and more democratic future.

Las guerrillas en Colombia

by Dario Villamizar Herrera

Este libro forma parte de la memoria histórica de las guerrillas en Colombia. Cuenta y analiza los casi setenta años de este conflicto político armado contemporáneo, aún en proceso de resolución Presenciamos hoy el final del ciclo guerrillero en América Latina y el Caribe. Conocer y entender ese pasado, nos ayuda a explicarnos el presente. <P><P>Este trabajo es el trabajo más completo sobre el surgimiento, desarrollo y proceso final de las organizaciones guerrilleras en Colombia entre 1950 y la actualidad. Registra la existencia de más de treinta grupos diferentes entre sí en cuanto a lineamientos y objetivos políticos e ideológicos, composición social, número de combatientes, presencia territorial, nexos con movimientos sociales, dimensiones y tiempo de persistencia en el accionar político-militar.


by Chris McGeorge

ONE ROOM. FIVE SUSPECTS. THREE HOURS TO FIND A KILLER.'An impressive debut' James Oswald**************GUESS WHO A waitress. A cleaner. An actress. A lawyer. A student. Everyone is a suspect.WHERE In a locked room - with no escape, and no idea how they got there. WHAT In the bathtub, the body of a man they all knew. Someone murdered him. Someone in this room. WHY They have three hours to find out. Or they all die. THE RULES ARE SIMPLE. THE GAME IS NOT Imagine Agatha Christie had created an interactive Escape the Room game, and GUESS WHO would be the result. For fans of the DI Helen Grace series by MJ Arlidge, The Lucky Ones by Mark Edwards, Ragdoll by Daniel Cole, and From the Dead by Mark Billingham.**************What readers are saying about this gripping thriller from the new king of the locked room mystery, Chris McGeorge:'Guess Who boils with claustrophobic intensity. Packed with gripping twists and turns, Guess Who is an inventive, entertaining locked room mystery that kept me utterly hooked.' Adam Hamdy, author of Pendulum'Aningenious twisty mystery in a totally unique setting.' Claire McGowan, author of The Lost'An impressive debut and a sign of great things to come.' James Oswald, author of Natural Causes'Chris McGeorge's Guess Who is a fresh take on the locked room murder mystery. The plotting is intricate, the characters well drawn, and the pace never lets up as it drives headlong to the surprising end.' David C. Taylor, Edgar-nominated, Nero Wolfe Award-winning author of Night Life'Guess Who is an incredibly satisfying, intelligent thriller running at break-neck pace right until it's closing pages. A marvellous debut.' Francesca Dorricott, author of After the Eclipse'To say that I found ithard to put down would be an understatement indeed. And when we got to the reveal, I was gobsmacked! Well done that author, take a bow. Not only is it a wholly satisfying, cracking read but, for a debut, it is also very brave and indeed impressive.' Amazon reviewer, 5 stars'The story is incredibly well-written; it's one of those books that once started, can't be put down. The plot is solid and character development is good. A perfect, modern-day Agatha Christie-esque novel.' Amazon reviewer, 5 stars'I must admit I am somewhat daunted at the prospect of writing a review for this book - it was so fantastic that I am not sure I can encapsulate just good it was in this review.' Amazon reviewer, 5 stars


by Chris McGeorge

At eleven years old, Morgan Sheppard solved the murder of his Maths teacher when everyone else believed it to be a suicide.Twenty-five years later...Morgan Sheppard wakes up handcuffed to a bed in an unfamiliar hotel room, with five strangers waking up around him. In the bathroom - a corpse. One of the people in the room is the killer and Sheppard has three hours to solve the murder. If he doesn't find the killer, they all die. As everyone in the room panics, Sheppard starts to unravel an impossible case, where the real mystery might stretch all the way back to his childhood.Read by Tom Lawrence(p) Orion Publishing Group 2018

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Now?

by Angela D. Dillard

Looks at conservatism among minorities

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Now?: Multicultural Conservatism in America (American History and Culture #12)

by Angela D Dillard

The first comparative analysis of minority conservatismIn Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Now? Angela Dillard offers the first comparative analysis of a conservatism which today cuts across the boundaries of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. To be an African-American and a conservative, or a Latino who is also a conservative and a homosexual, is to occupy an awkward and contested political position. Dillard explores the philosophies, politics, and motivation of minority conservatives such as Ward Connerly, Glenn Loury, Linda Chavez, Clarence Thomas, and Bruce Bawer, as well as their tepid reception by both the Left and Right. Welcomed cautiously by the conservative movement, they have also frequently been excoriated by those African Americans, Latinos, women, and homosexuals who view their conservatism as betrayal. Dillard's comprehensive study, among the first to take the history and political implications of multicultural conservatism seriously, is a vital source for understanding contemporary American conservatism in all its forms.

Guest Editor'S Introduction Es V40#1: J.KOZOL'S SAVAGE INEQUALAIT.

by Sue Books Amy McAninch

First published in 2006. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Guest House for Young Widows: Among the Women of ISIS

by Azadeh Moaveni

A gripping account of thirteen women who joined, endured, and, in some cases, escaped life in the Islamic State—based on years of immersive reporting by a Pulitzer Prize finalist. Among the many books trying to understand the terrifying rise of ISIS, none has given voice to the women in the organization; but women were essential to the establishment of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s caliphate. Responding to promises of female empowerment and social justice, and calls to aid the plight of fellow Muslims in Syria, thousands of women emigrated from the United States and Europe, Russia and Central Asia, from across North Africa and the rest of the Middle East to join the Islamic State. These were the educated daughters of diplomats, trainee doctors, teenagers with straight-A averages, as well as working-class drifters and desolate housewives, and they set up makeshift clinics and schools for the Islamic homeland they envisioned. Guest House for Young Widows charts the different ways women were recruited, inspired, or compelled to join the militants. Emma from Hamburg, Sharmeena and three high school friends from London, Nour, a religious dropout from Tunis: all found rebellion or community in political Islam and fell prey to sophisticated propaganda that promised them a cosmopolitan adventure and a chance to forge an ideal Islamic community where they could live devoutly without fear of stigma or repression. It wasn’t long before the militants exposed themselves as little more than violent criminals, more obsessed with power than the tenets of Islam, and the women of ISIS were stripped of any agency, perpetually widowed and remarried, and ultimately trapped in a brutal, lawless society. The fall of the caliphate only brought new challenges to women no state wanted to reclaim. Moaveni’s exquisite sensitivity and rigorous reporting makes these forgotten women indelible and illuminates the turbulent politics that set them on their paths.Advance praise for Guest House for Young Widows“In this searing investigation, Moaveni explores the phenomenon of Muslim women—many of them educated, successful, and outwardly Westernized—choosing to travel to Syria in support of jihad. . . . In concise, visceral vignettes, Moaveni immerses her readers in a milieu saturated with the romantic appeal of violence. The result is a journalistic tour de force that lays bare the inner lives, motivations, and aspirations of her subjects.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

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