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Showing 45,851 through 45,875 of 97,934 results

The Iraqi Aggression Against Kuwait: Strategic Lessons And Implications For Europe

by Charles Tripp Wolfgang F. Danspeckgruber

The war for the liberation of Kuwait following the Iraqi invasion in 1990 rekindled the international community's geopolitical interest in the Gulf and helped define a new regional order. This book analyzes the political, strategic, and economic dimensions of the second Gulf War, with particular focus on military aspects. An international roster of experts treats issues of strategy, weapons technology, arms transfers, and the impact on the Arab state system. Of special interest is the exploration of the implications of the war for Japan, Germany, Russia, and Europe.

Iraqi Arab Nationalism: Authoritarian, Totalitarian and Pro-Fascist Inclinations, 1932–1941 (SOAS/Routledge Studies on the Middle East)

by Peter Wien

Peter Wien presents a provocative discussion on the history of Iraq and the growth of nationalism during the 1930s and early 1940s. He deconstructs the established view that a large proportion of the nationalist movement in Iraq during this period was heavily influenced by Nazi Germany, arguing that the admiration for Germany was highly nuanced, and only rarely translated into admiration for Nazism. National unity and patriotism were important, but models of leadership were overwhelmingly based on Iraqis and not Hitler. Analyzing the activities of the Iraqi youth and Jewish Iraqis, Iraqi Arab Nationalism gives an understanding of Iraqis from diverse backgrounds. It incorporates source material not previously used in discussions of Iraq and nationalism and contains autobiographical and biographical material from officers, intellectuals and politicians, along with contemporary journalistic writings, which sheds new light on Iraqi nationalism.

Iraqi Federalism and the Kurds: Learning to Live Together (Federalism Studies)

by Alex Danilovich

Iraq today faces a whole gamut of problems associated with post-war recovery and state-rebuilding compounded by age old mistrust and suspicion. The situation in Iraq resembles a huge experiment in which social scientists can observe the consequences of actions taken across an entire country. Can Western ideas take route and flourish in non-western societies? Can constitutionalism take hold and work in a traditional religious and deeply divided society? Is Iraqi federalism a solution to the country’s severe disunity or a temporary fix? Iraqi Federalism and the Kurds: Learning to Live Together addresses these important questions and focuses on the role of federalism as a viable solution to Iraq's many problems and the efforts the Kurdish government has deployed to adjust to new federal relations that entail not only gains, but also concessions and compromises. The author's direct experience of living and working within this embattled country allows a unique reflection on the successes and failures of federalism and the positive developments the introduction of federal relationships have brought.

The Iraqi Federation: Origin, Operation and Significance (Exeter Studies in Ethno Politics)

by Farah Shakir

Political instability has characterised the modern history of Iraq, which has proven itself as a complex state to govern. However, the creation of a federal system in 2005 offers the potential for change and a deviation from a past characterised by authoritarian government, brutality and war. The Iraqi Federation explores why and how Iraq became a federal state, and analyses how the process of formation impacts on the operation of the Iraqi federal system. It argues that the different approaches taken by various federal theorists in the past, particularly William H. Riker’s bargain theory, are insufficient to explain the formation of the Iraqi federation completely. The process of the establishment of a federal Iraq must be understood in the context of its unique history and cultural specificity, as well as in the context of the other new federal models that have appeared since the end of the Cold War, including Belgium, the Russian Federation, Ethiopia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Nigeria. Drawing on interviews with contemporary political players in Iraq, this book helps to deepen our understanding of how one of the newest federal states operates in a practical sense. By linking the new federal models to the classic federal theory, it also provides a unique contribution to theories on federal state formation. It will therefore be of great interest to students and scholars of Middle East Politics, as well as those studying Federalism.

Iraqi Kurdistan: Political Development and Emergent Democracy (Routledge Advances in Middle East and Islamic Studies #No.1)

by Gareth R. Stansfield

The Iraqi Kurds have enjoyed de facto statehood in the north of Iraq for over a decade but Intra-Kurdish fighting, military incursions by Turkey and Iran and the constant threat posed by Saddam Hussein have plagued this 'democratic experiment'. In this book, Stansfield explores the development of the Kurdish political system since 1991. He examines the difficult and often violent relations between the two dominant powers, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), and their relationship with the Kurdish Regional Government in order to understand the current state of Iraqi Kurdish politics and the operation of the state.This topical in-depth study identifies the main dynamics of Iraqi Kurdish politics, analyzes the record and potential of the 'Kurdish democratic experiment', and identifies the present and future Kurdish leaders.

Iraqi Kurdistan in Middle Eastern Politics

by Alex Danilovich

The changes brought by the Arab Spring and ensuing developments in the Middle East have made the Kurds an important force in the region. Tel-Aviv and Washington place high hopes on Erbil to facilitate their dealings with Baghdad, Damascus, Teheran and Ankara. Kurds living in Turkey, Syria and Iran have been inspired by the successes of their brethren in Iraq who managed to gain significant independence and make remarkable achievements in state building. The idea of a greater Kurdistan is in the air. This book focuses on how the Kurds have become a new and significant force in Middle Eastern politics. International expert contributors conceptualize current developments putting them into theoretical perspective, helping us to better understand the potential role the Kurds could play in the Middle East.

Iraqi Kurdistan, the PKK and International Relations: Theory and Ethnic Conflict (Exeter Studies in Ethno Politics)

by Hannes Černy

Due to its primacy in explaining issues of war and peace in the international arena, the discipline of International Relations (IR) looms large in analyses of and responses to ethnic conflict in academia, politics and popular media – in particular with respect to contemporary conflicts in the Middle East. Grounded in constitutive theory, this book challenges how ethnic/ethno-nationalist conflict is represented in explanatory IR by deconstructing its most prominent state-centric models, frameworks and analytical concepts. As much a critique of contemporary scholarship on Kurdish ethno-nationalism as a detailed analysis of the most prominent Kurdish ethno-nationalist actors, the book provides the first in-depth investigation into the relations between the PKK and the main Iraqi Kurdish political parties from the 1980s to the present. It situates this inquiry within the wider context of the ambiguous political status of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, its relations with Turkey, and the role Kurdish parties and insurgencies play in the war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Appreciating these complex dynamics and how they are portrayed in Western scholarship is essential for understanding current developments in the Iraqi and Syrian theatres of war, and for making sense of discussions about a potential independent Kurdish state to emerge in Iraq. Iraqi Kurdistan provides a comprehensive and critical discussion of the state-centric and essentialising epistemologies, ontologies, and methodologies of the three main paradigms of explanatory IR, as well as their analytical models and frameworks on ethnic identity and conflict in the Middle East and beyond. It will therefore be a valuable resource for anyone studying ethnicity and nationalism, International Relations or Middle East Politics.

Iraqi Kurds and Nation-Building

by Mohammed M. A. Ahmed

Shining a light on how Iraqi Kurds used the aftermath of the 1991 Kurdish uprising to hold elections and form a parliament, and on how Kurdish officials later consolidated their regional government following the 2003 Iraq War, this book considers the political and economic shortfalls of the government and the obstacles facing Iraqi Kurds.

The Iraqi Kurds and the Cold War: Regional Politics, 1958–1975 (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics)

by Hawraman Ali

Examining the effects of the Cold War and regional politics on the Iraqi Kurds between 1958 and 1975, this study demonstrates how regional and international powers sought to exploit the Iraqi Kurds in their quest for statehood. The research draws on a plethora of British and American archival documents and select Soviet and Iranian sources integrated with Kurdish authoritative and eyewitness accounts. The work explores the Iraqi Kurds on three levels: Firstly, on a national Iraqi level, starting with the Iraqi Revolution in 1958 to the collapse of the Kurds’ liberation movement in 1975 under Mela Mustafa Barzani. Secondly, it considers the issue on a regional level by examining the political dynamics between Iran (under the Shah), Iraq, Egypt (thus Nasserists) and other regional states, with a focus on these states’ relations and tensions. Thirdly, it scrutinises the impact of the Cold War on the politics and history of Iraq, focussing on the effects on the Kurds in particular. Complementing the existing literature, this volume builds a chronological narrative through historical analysis. It is a key resource for students, scholars, policymakers and regional experts interested in Kurdish history, foreign policy, politics and security in the Middle East.

Iraqi Refugees in the United States: Self-Sufficiency and Responsibilization in the Vicious Cycle of Integration

by Volkan Deli

In the literature on forced migration, little is known about the experiences of Iraqi refugees resettled in the United States through the US Refugee Admissions, Reception and Placement Program. As part of its longstanding refugee resettlement policy, the United States has accepted and provided safe haven to thousands of refugees. Focusing primarily on the situation of Iraqis resettled in Arizona since the 1990s, this research uses interview findings and first-hand data to examine various aspects of their post-resettlement experiences through a meta-theoretical approach that includes aspects of humanitarian governance, adaptation, acculturation and integration. Building on this theoretical understanding, this book examines the process from the first moment of resettlement to integration as a multi-layered social reality and reveals the fundamental impact of forced migration on the 'politics of refugee life'. By examining the US resettlement program in relation to the role and functions of resettlement agencies and non-profit organizations in collaboration with the government, this book highlights the fundamental difference between refugee integration and migrant integration, introduces new concepts of integration, discusses the US refugee admissions, reception and placement program and refugee integration in relation to the organization of humanitarian governance globally, and offers recommendations for improving resettlement and integration processes.

IraqiGirl: Diary of a Teenage Girl in Iraq

by Iraqigirl

I feel that I have been sleeping all my life and I have woken up and opened my eyes to the world. A beautiful world! But impossible to live in.These are the words of fifteen-year-old Hadiya, blogging from the city of Mosul, Iraq, to let the world know what life is really like as the military occupation of her country unfolds. In many ways, her life is familiar. She worries about exams and enjoys watching Friends during the rare hours that the electricity in her neighborhood is running.But the horrors of war surround her everywhere—weeklong curfews, relatives killed, and friends whose families are forced to flee their homes. With black humor and unflinching honesty, Hadiya shares the painful stories of lives changed forever. “Let’s go back,” she writes, “to my un-normal life.”With her intimate reflections on family, friendship, and community, IraqiGirl also allows us to witness the determination of one girl not only to survive, but to create, amidst the devastation of war, a future worth living for."Hadiya's authentically teenage voice, emotional struggles and concerns make her story all the more resonant." —Publishers Weekly“Despite all the news coverage about the war in Iraq, very little is reported about how it affects the daily lives of ordinary citizens. A highschooler in the city of Mosul fills in the gap with this compilation of her blog posts about living under U.S. occupation. She writes in English because she wants to reach Americans, and in stark specifics, she records the terrifying dangers of car bombs on her street and American warplanes overhead, as well as her everyday struggles to concentrate on homework when there is no water and electricity at home. Her tone is balanced: she does not hate Americans, and although she never supported Saddam Hussein, she wonders why he was executed... Readers will appreciate the details about family, friends, school, and reading Harry Potter, as well as the ever-present big issues for which there are no simple answers." —Hazel Rochman, Booklist“IraqiGirl has poured reflections of her daily life into her blog, reaching all over the cyber-world from her home in northern Iraq. She writes about the universals of teen life—school, family, TV, food, Harry Potter—but always against the background of sudden explosions, outbursts of gunfire, carbombs, death.… [A]n important addition to multicultural literature.” —Elsa Marston, author of Santa Claus in Baghdad and Other Stories About Teens in the Arab World“A book as relevant to adults as teenagers and children. Hadiya’s clear, simple language conveys the feelings of a teenager, offering a glimpse into the daily life of a professional middle-class Iraqi family in an ancient-modern city subjected to a brutal occupation.”—Haifa Zangana, author of City of Widows: An Iraqi Woman's Account of War and Resistance

Iraq’s Sunni Insurgency: Iraq's Sunni Insurgency (Adelphi series)

by Ahmed S. Hashim

From 2003 to 2008, the Sunni Arab insurgency in Iraq posed a key challenge to political stability in the country and to Coalition objectives there. This paper explains the onset, composition and evolution of this insurgency. It begins by addressing both its immediate and deeper sociopolitical origins, and goes on to examine the multiple ideological strands within the insurgency and their often conflicting methods and goals. Despite organisational incoherence due to the existence of a large number of competing groups, the insurgency in Iraq sustained a particularly high tempo of operations between 2004 and 2006, causing considerable military and civilian casualties. Some insurgent groups focused on attempting to foment civil war between two of Iraq’s major communities, the Sunni and Shia Arabs and, by late 2006, they had come close to unravelling Iraq and presenting the Coalition with a major defeat. The adoption of a new approach by the US in 2007 helped reduce the level of violence in Iraq. In addition, deep fissures within the insurgency itself, between those fighting for more practical, immediate goals and the transnational Islamists and their local allies fighting for wider-reaching goals – including the promotion of sectarian strife – contributed to the insurgency’s diminution. It remains to be seen whether there will be a widespread recognition among Sunni Iraqis of the need to work with the Coalition to facilitate their community’s reintegration into the new Iraqi body politic.

Ireland: Historical Echoes, Contemporary Politics (Contributions In Economics And Economic History Ser. #No. 137)

by Richard B Finnegan

In one generation, modern Ireland has experienced rapid political, economic and social transformation. This thorough study examines these changes in the economy, education, language, church-state relations, the media, the role of women, constitutional and political development and public policy. Ireland's role in Europe and the world is explored as well. The bitter ethnic conflict in Northern Ireland is covered from its historical roots, and the escalating violence, the role of the IRA, and the actions of Washington, Dublin and London in the peace process are detailed as well. The pivotal role of history is examined through interpretations of key historical events. }In one generation, modern Ireland has experienced rapid political, economic and social transformation. Every aspect of Irish life and public policy has changed. This thorough study charts and explains all facets of these cha nges--including the nation's economic development, the education revolution, Irish language policy, Church-State relations, the impact of mass media, the shift on the roles and status of women, constitutional and political development, and the making of public policy on controversial issues such as divorce and Ulster. Also, Ireland's place in the European Union is examined as is the impact of the second Irish Renaissance in music, literature and the arts.Change in the Republic of Ireland has been accompanied by the explosion of bitter ethnic conflict in the North. From the 1968 Civil Rights Movement to the 1998 Belfast Agreement the authors, Finnegan and McCarron, examine the spread of violence, the role of Sinn Fein and the IRA, and the role of the United States, London and Dublin in the conflict. }

Ireland and International Peacekeeping Operations 1960-2000

by Katsumi Ishizuka

The Republic of Ireland has won its status as a leading contributor to international peacekeeping operations, which has been its key 'foreign policy' since the 1960s. But why is Ireland so keen to be involved? This new book asks and answers this and other key questions about Ireland's close involvement with the EU. It cannot simply be for charitable reasons, so is it because it is a neutral state or because it is a middle power? Overall, is Ireland's peacekeeping policy based on realism and liberalism? The characteristics of peacekeeping operations have changed significantly, especially since the end of the Cold War. Can Ireland survive as a traditional peacekeeping contributor or does it have to change its peacekeeping policy radically? And will it be able to maintain its distance from NATO and the EU in terms of peacekeeping operations? This title attempts to answer all of these questions, drawing on a wide range of resources from literature, Irish and UN documents, to newspapers and interviews.

Ireland and Irish-Australia: Studies in Cultural and Political History (Routledge Revivals)

by Oliver MacDonagh W. F. Mandle

The Irish contribution to Australian history goes both deep and wide. Originally published in 1986 the essays in this collection contribute both to the understanding of Ireland’s place in Australian history and to the interpretation of the Irish scene in the nineteenth century. Ranging from law to W. B. Yeats, and from monumental sculpture to violence and crime, the papers reflect the diversity of the Irish-Australian experience and the persistence of a distinctively Irish culture even when transported across the world.

Ireland and the Irish in Interwar England

by Mo Moulton

To what extent did the Irish disappear from English politics, life and consciousness following the Anglo-Irish War? Mo Moulton offers a new perspective on this question through an analysis of the process by which Ireland and the Irish were redefined in English culture as a feature of personal life and civil society rather than a political threat. Considering the Irish as the first postcolonial minority, she argues that the Irish case demonstrates an English solution to the larger problem of the collapse of multi-ethnic empires in the twentieth century. Drawing on an array of new archival evidence, Moulton discusses the many varieties of Irishness present in England during the 1920s and 1930s, including working-class republicans, relocated southern loyalists, and Irish enthusiasts. The Irish connection was sometimes repressed, but it was never truly forgotten; this book recovers it in settings as diverse as literary societies, sabotage campaigns, drinking clubs, and demonstrations.

Ireland and the Politics of Change

by William J. Crotty David A. Schmitt

Ireland and the Politics of Change provides a timely assessment of the fundamental changes that have occurred in Irish society over the last several decades from the standpoint of their political significance. There is a particular concern with the leadership role of government and other political institutions in stimulating, managing and responding to the changes taking place that are of fundamental importance to understanding contemporary politics and today's Ireland in the world community.Considerable social, economic, demographic and international change has taken place within Ireland (and Northern Ireland) and without in relation to the rest of the world, and particularly in response to the association with the European Union. Ireland and the Politics of Change examines institutional developments, economic forces, demographic and attitudinal profiles and group-based (religious, gender, class) concerns as they have evolved and assesses their significance for policy enactment and political representation.

Ireland in an Imperial World

by Timothy G. Mcmahon Michael De Nie Paul Townend

Ireland in an Imperial World interrogates the myriad ways through which Irish men and women experienced, participated in, and challenged empires in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Most importantly, they were integral players simultaneously managing and undermining the British Empire, and through their diasporic communities, they built sophisticated arguments that aided challenges to other imperial projects. In emphasizing the interconnections between Ireland and the wider British and Irish worlds, this book argues that a greater appreciation of empire is essential for enriching our understanding of the development of Irish society at home. Moreover, these thirteen essays argue plainly that Ireland was on the cutting edge of broader global developments, both in configuring and dismantling Europe's overseas empires.

Ireland, Neutrality and European Security Integration (Routledge Revivals)

by Róisín Doherty

This title was first published in 2002: Roisin Doherty provides an innovative insight into European security policy by concentrating on Ireland through an analysis of compatibility of Irish neutrality with security integration. She also analyzes the factors influencing security integration. This contemporary analysis of neutrality also deals with the development of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and examines the factors pushing forward the development of EU security policy. A specialized text suitable for undergraduate and post-graduate courses in international relations, European studies and administrative studies, this stimulating volume will appeal to those interested in the European Union, Irish foreign policy, neutrality and the CFSP in general.

Ireland on the World Stage

by William Crotty David E. Schmitt

For 2nd and 3rd year courses in Irish Politics, European Politics, or Comparative Politics, International Relations or Economic Development. This book provides an up-to-date analysis of Ireland's place on the world stage, exploring its international relations, evolving economic power, changing relationship with the EU, its political role in the world and its changing relationship with England and Northern Ireland. The book traces Ireland's development from a rural and isolated country to one that has emerged as an influential player on the international stage. It looks at the continuing difficulties with the North, Ireland's role of prominence in Europe and the way in which it has benefited from economic globalisation.

Ireland since 1800: Conflict and Conformity (Studies In Modern History)

by K. Theodore Hoppen

The second edition of this bestselling survey of modern Irish history covers social, religious as well as political history and offers a distinctive combination of chronological and thematic approaches.

Ireland's Long Economic Boom: The Celtic Tiger Economy, 1986–2007 (Palgrave Studies in Economic History)

by Eoin O'Malley

This Open Access book examines the long economic boom experienced in Ireland between the late 1980s and 2007, analysing why this boom occurred. The book situates Ireland as a relative latecomer to economic development, with specific challenges and advantages inherent to this position. It discusses the risks involved in remaining reliant on foreign companies, exploring how in Ireland’s case the rapidly growing economy required active, interventionist and imaginative policy measures rather than relying primarily on free market forces. The book also offers an estimation of the value of the net foreign earnings associated with different categories of exports after deducting the profit outflows and payments for imported inputs, revealing a number of findings about the importance of Irish indigenous companies and services during this time. It shows that Irish indigenous companies, assisted by industrial policy measures, played a significant part, as did the services sector,alongside the more visible and widely recognised role of foreign multinationals in high-tech manufacturing. Offering fresh insights and analyses more than 15 years after the long boom ended at the precipice of the global financial crisis, this book will be a useful resource for economic historians, scholars of political economy and macroeconomic policy, as well as those interested in modern Irish history more broadly.

Ireland's UN Peacekeeping Policy During the Cold War Era

by Terry M. Mays

This is the first book to study the establishment and evolution of an Irish Peacekeeping Policy. The author uses declassified primary source materials released by the Irish National Archives and relies on the notes and discussions of Government and legislative debates to demonstrate how the Irish governmental system operated to make the crucial decisions to dispatch contingents to UN peacekeeping operations. Analysed are: declassified discussion, debate, draft and final memos, and cables between the UN and Irish Government as well as internal to the Irish Government. The author considers the three step process of the political discussions between Ireland and the UN: the coordination between Ireland and other states; the discussions among members of the Irish Government; and the debate within the Irish legislature. Through this the author aims to promote an understanding of the mechanics behind Ireland’s rise in reputation as a major backer and contributor to UN peacekeeping. At the same time, it presents an examination of a unique codified state process related to agreeing to the dispatch of personnel in support of UN peacekeeping.

Ireland’s Violent Frontier

by Henry Patterson

The IRA's ability to exploit the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland was central to the organisation's capacity to wage its 'Long War' over a quarter of a century. This book is the first to look at the role of the border in sustaining the Provisionals and its central role in Anglo-Irish relations throughout the Troubles.

Irgun: Revisionist Zionism, 1931–1948 (History of Terror)

by Gerry van Tonder

A history of the controversial underground group that employed political violence in its quest to create an independent Israel. Includes photos. In October 1944, the US Office of Strategic Services described the Irgun Tsvai Leumi—National Military Organization—as &“an underground, quasi-military organization with headquarters in Palestine . . . fanatical Zionists who wish to convert Palestine and Transjordan into an independent Jewish state [and] advocate the use of force both against the Arabs and the British to achieve this maximal political goal.&” This book delves into the origins and history of Irgun. In 1925, Ze&’ev Jabotinsky founded the Revisionist Zionism organization, whose secular, right-wing ideology would lead to the formation of the Irgun and, ultimately, of the Likud Party. Commencing operations in the British Mandate of Palestine in 1931, Irgun adopted a mainly guarding role, while facilitating the ongoing immigration of Jews into Palestine. In 1936, Irgun guerrillas started attacking Arab targets. The British White Paper of 1939 rejected the establishment of a Jewish nation, and as a direct consequence, Irgun guerrillas started targeting the British. The authorities executed captured Irgun operatives found guilty of terrorism, while deporting hundreds to internment camps overseas. As details of Jewish genocide—the Holocaust—emerged, Irgun declared war on the British in Palestine. Acts of infrastructural sabotage gave way to the bombing of buildings and police stations, the worst being the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem—the hub of British operations and administration—in July 1946, killing ninety-one. Freedom fighters or terrorists, Irgun was only dissolved when the independent Jewish state of Israel was born on May 14, 1948. This is their story.

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