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Liberty of Conscienc: In Defense of America's Tradition of Religious Equality

by Martha Nussbaum

The respect for religious difference has formed the bedrock of our nation and made equality possible. Yet today we are told that "moral values”--code for a government shaped by religious concerns--must be the keystone of our social compact. A rich and compelling chronicle of an essential idea, Liberty of Conscience tells the story of America’s great tradition of religious freedom. Philosopher Martha Nussbaum’s ambitious book is both a work of history and a pointed rejoinder to conservative efforts to break down barriers between church and state.

The Liberty of Servants: Berlusconi's Italy

by Maurizio Viroli

A compelling look at how a people can be unfree even though they are not oppressedItaly is a country of free political institutions, yet it has become a nation of servile courtesans, with Silvio Berlusconi as their prince. This is the controversial argument that Italian political philosopher and noted Machiavelli biographer Maurizio Viroli puts forward in The Liberty of Servants. Drawing upon the classical republican conception of liberty, Viroli shows that a people can be unfree even though they are not oppressed. This condition of unfreedom arises as a consequence of being subject to the arbitrary or enormous power of men like Berlusconi, who presides over Italy with his control of government and the media, immense wealth, and infamous lack of self-restraint.Challenging our most cherished notions about liberty, Viroli argues that even if a power like Berlusconi's has been established in the most legitimate manner and people are not denied their basic rights, the mere existence of such power makes those subject to it unfree. Most Italians, following the lead of their elites, lack the minimal moral qualities of free people, such as respect for the Constitution, the willingness to obey laws, and the readiness to discharge civic duties. As Viroli demonstrates, they exhibit instead the characteristics of servility, including flattery, blind devotion to powerful men, an inclination to lie, obsession with appearances, imitation, buffoonery, acquiescence, and docility. Accompanying these traits is a marked arrogance that is apparent among not only politicians but also ordinary citizens.

Liberty or Death: The Surprising Story of Runaway Slaves Who Sided with the British During the American Revolution

by Margaret Whitman Blair

Liberty or Death is the little-known story of the American Revolution told from the perspectives of the African-American slaves who fought on the side of the British Royal Army in exchange for a promise of freedom. Motivated by the 1775 proclamation by Virginia’s Royal Governor that any slaves who took up arms on his behalf would be granted their freedom, these men fought bravely for a losing cause. Many of the volunteers succumbed to battle wounds or smallpox, which ran rampant on the British ships on which they were quartered. After the successful Revolution, they emigrated to Canada and, ultimately to West Africa. Liberty or Death is the inspiring story of the forgotten freedom fighters of America’s Revolutionary War.

The Liberty Party, 1840-1848: Antislavery Third-Party Politics in the United States (Antislavery, Abolition, and the Atlantic World)

by Reinhard O. Johnson

In early 1840, abolitionists founded the Liberty Party as a political outlet for their antislavery beliefs. A mere eight years later, bolstered by the increasing slavery debate and growing sectional conflict, the party had grown to challenge the two mainstream political factions in many areas. In The Liberty Party, 1840--1848, Reinhard O. Johnson provides the first comprehensive history of this short-lived but important third party, detailing how it helped to bring the antislavery movement to the forefront of American politics and became the central institutional vehicle in the fight against the "peculiar institution." As the major instrument of antislavery sentiment, the Liberty organization was more than a political party and included not only eligible voters but also disfranchised African Americans and women. Most party members held evangelical beliefs, and as Johnson relates, an intense religiosity permeated most of the group's activities. At least eight U.S. senators, eighteen members of the House of Representatives, five state governors, and two justices of the Supreme Court were among the many Liberty Party members with distinguished careers in the public and private sectors. Though most early Liberty supporters came from the Whig Party, an increasing number of former Democrats joined the party as it matured. Johnson discusses the Liberty Party's founding and its national growth through the presidential election of 1844; its struggles to define itself amid serious internal disagreements over philosophy, strategy, and tactics in the ensuing years; and the reasons behind its decline and merger into the Free Soil coalition in 1848. Since most Liberty Party activities occurred at the state level, Johnson treats the history of each state party in considerable detail, demonstrating how the party developed differently state by state and illustrating how these differences blended with the national view of the party.Informative appendices include statewide results for all presidential and gubernatorial elections between 1840 and 1848, the Liberty Party's 1844 platform, and short biographies of every Liberty member mentioned in the main text of the book. Epic in scope and encyclopedic in detail, The Liberty Party, 1840--1848 will serve as an invaluable reference for anyone interested in nineteenth-century American politics.

Liberty Power

by Corey M. Brooks

Abraham Lincoln's Republican Party was the first party built on opposition to slavery to win on the national stage--but its victory was rooted in the earlier efforts of under-appreciated antislavery third parties. Liberty Power tells the story of how abolitionist activists built the most transformative third-party movement in American history and effectively reshaped political structures in the decades leading up to the Civil War. As Corey M. Brooks explains, abolitionist trailblazers who organized first the Liberty Party and later the more moderate Free Soil Party confronted formidable opposition from a two-party system expressly constructed to suppress disputes over slavery. Identifying the Whigs and Democrats as the mainstays of the southern Slave Power's national supremacy, savvy abolitionists insisted that only a party independent of slaveholder influence could wrest the federal government from its grip. A series of shrewd electoral, lobbying, and legislative tactics enabled these antislavery third parties to wield influence far beyond their numbers. In the process, these parties transformed the national political debate and laid the groundwork for the success of the Republican Party and the end of American slavery.

Liberty, Property, and Privacy: Toward a Jurisprudence of Substantive Due Process (G - Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects)

by Edward Keynes

In this book, Edward Keynes examines the fundamental-rights philosophy and jurisprudence that affords constitutional protection to unenumerated liberty, property, and privacy rights. He is critical of the failure of the U.S. Supreme Court to adopt a coherent theory for identifying which rights are to be considered fundamental and how these private rights are to be balanced against the public interests that the government has a duty to articulate and promote. Keynes develops his argument by first surveying how substantive due process grew out of the tradition of Anglo-American jurisprudence and came to evolve over time. He pays special attention to the shift in its application early in the twentieth century, from protecting "liberty of contract" against economic regulation to protecting "privacy" and other noneconomic rights (as in Roe v. Wade) against social regulation.

Liberty Reader (Edinburgh University Press Series)

by David Miller

For centuries past, the quest for liberty has driven political movements across the globe, inspiring revolutions in America, France, China and many other countries. Now, we have Iraq and the idea of liberation through preemption. What is this liberty that is so fervently pursued? Does it mean a private space for individuals, the capacity for free and rational choice, or collective self-rule? What is the difference between positive and negative liberty, or the relationship between freedom and coercion? Reflecting on these questions reveals a surprisingly rich landscape of ideas - and further questions. "The Liberty Reader" collects twelve of the most important and insightful essays on issues of freedom currently available. It is essential reading for students of social and political theory, political philosophy, and anyone who wants a deeper understanding of the variety of ideas and ideals behind perennial human strivings for liberty.

Liberty Risen: The Ultimate Triumph of Libertarian-Republicans

by Thaddeus Mccotter

In this Internet Age, is the Grand Old Party over for the Republican Establishment? If so, what individuals and ideas will ascend to meet the moment and revitalize a party that is now viewed as more of an antiquated complaint than a transcendent cause? In "Liberty Risen: The Ultimate Triumph of Libertarian-Republicans", former GOP House Republican Policy Chair - and NOT a Libertarian - Thaddeus McCotter articulates the political and cultural circumstances driving the GOP's once disdained Libertarian wing to its present prominence and predestined dominance. Yet, if Liberty is risen, when will it reign? To find out, buy the book.

Liberty, Toleration and Equality: John Locke, Jonas Proast and the Letters Concerning Toleration (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

by John William Tate

The seventeenth century English philosopher, John Locke, is widely recognized as one of the seminal sources of the modern liberal tradition. Liberty, Toleration and Equality examines the development of Locke’s ideal of toleration, from its beginnings, to the culmination of this development in Locke’s fifteen year debate with his great antagonist, the Anglican clergyman, Jonas Proast. Locke, like Proast, was a sincere Christian, but unlike Proast, Locke was able to develop, over time, a perspective on toleration which allowed him to concede liberty to competing views which he, personally, perceived to be "false and absurd". In this respect, Locke sought to affirm what has since become the basic liberal principle that liberty and toleration are most significant when they are accorded to views to which we ourselves are profoundly at odds. John William Tate seeks to show how Locke was able to develop this position on toleration over a long intellectual career. Tate also challenges some of the most prominent contemporary perspectives on Locke, within the academic literature, showing how these fall short of perceiving what is essential to Locke’s position.

Liberty Versus the Tyranny of Socialism: Controversial Essays

by Walter E. Williams

In this selected collection of his syndicated newspaper columns, Walter Williams offers his sometimes controversial views on education, health, the environment, government, law and society, race, and a range of other topics. Although many of these essays focus on the growth of government and our loss of liberty, many others demonstrate how the tools of freemarket economics can be used to improve our lives in ways ordinary people can understand.

Liberty's First Crisis: Adams, Jefferson, and the Misfits Who Saved Free Speech

by Charles Slack

When the United States government passed the Bill of Rights in 1791, its uncompromising protection of speech and of the press were unlike anything the world had ever seen before. But by 1798, the once-dazzling young republic of the United States was on the verge of collapse: partisanship gripped the weak federal government, British seizures threatened American goods and men on the high seas, and war with France seemed imminent as its own democratic revolution deteriorated into terror. Suddenly, the First Amendment, which protected harsh commentary of the weak government, no longer seemed as practical. So that July, President John Adams and the Federalists in control of Congress passed an extreme piece of legislation that made criticism of the government and its leaders a crime punishable by heavy fines and jail time. In Liberty’s First Crisis, writer Charles Slack tells the story of the 1798 Sedition Act, the crucial moment when high ideals met real-world politics and the country’s future hung in the balance.From a loudmouth in a bar to a firebrand politician to Benjamin Franklin’s own grandson, those victimized by the Sedition Act were as varied as the country’s citizenry. But Americans refused to let their freedoms be so easily dismissed: they penned fiery editorials, signed petitions, and raised "liberty poles,” while Vice President Thomas Jefferson and James Madison drew up the infamous Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, arguing that the Federalist government had gone one step too far. Liberty’s First Crisis vividly unfolds these pivotal events in the early life of the republic, as the Founding Fathers struggled to define America off the page and preserve the freedoms they had fought so hard to create.

Liberty's Last Stand (Tommy Carmellini Ser. #7)

by Stephen Coonts

New York Times bestselling author Stephen Coonts delivers another nail-biting thriller starring CIA Director Jake Grafton and his right-hand man, Tommy Carmellini. The president of the United States stands on an outdoor stage, flanked by powerful members of his administration and party. Television crews are preparing for broadcast. High above the stage, on a nearby rooftop, a decorated sniper adjusts the scope on his rifle.Afterwards, America will never be the same.Jake Grafton and Tommy Carmellini suddenly find themselves on the wrong side of the law when a public act of violence throws the country into chaos just before a presidential election. After martial law is declared and rioting begins, Grafton and Carmellini must risk everything to unravel a massive conspiracy and help a new resistance movement rise up against an unimaginable enemy...

Liberty's Nemesis

by John Yoo Dean Reuter

If there has been a unifying theme of Barack Obama's presidency, it is the inexorable growth of the administrative state. Its expansion has followed a pattern: First, expand federal powers beyond their constitutional limits. Second, delegate those powers to agencies and away from elected politicians in Congress. Third, insulate civil servants from politics and accountability. Since its introduction in American life by Woodrow Wilson in the 20th Century, the administrative state's has steadily undermined democratic self-government, reduced the sphere of individual liberty, and burdened the free market and economic growth.In Liberty's Nemesis, Dean Reuter and John Yoo collect the brightest political minds in the country to expose this explosive, unchecked growth of power in government agencies ranging from health care to climate change, financial markets to immigration, and more. Many Americans have rightly shared the Founders' fear of excessive lawmaking, but Liberty's Nemesis is the first book to explain why the concentration of power in administrative agencies in particular is the greatest - and most overlooked - threat to our liberties today.If we fail to curb it, our constitutional republic might easily devolve into something akin to the statist governments of Europe. President Obama's ongoing efforts to encourage just such a devolution, and the problems his administration faces as a consequence, present a critical opportunity to defend the original vision of the Constitution.

Liberty's Surest Guardian: American Nation-Building from the Founders to Obama

by Jeremi Suri

Americans are a nation-building people, and in Liberty's Surest Guardian, Jeremi Suri--Nobel Fellow and leading light in the next generation of policy makers--looks to America's history to see both what it has to offer failed states around the world and what it should avoid. Far from being cold imperialists, Americans have earnestly attempted to export their invention of representative government. We have had successes (Reconstruction after the American Civil War, the Philippines, Western Europe) and failures (Vietnam), and we can learn a good deal from both. Nation-building is in America's DNA. It dates back to the days of the American Revolution, when the founding fathers invented the concept of popular sovereignty--the idea that you cannot have a national government without a collective will. The framers of the Constitution initiated a policy of cautious nation-building, hoping not to conquer other countries, but to build a world of stable, self-governed societies that would support America's way of life. Yetno other country has created more problems for itself and for others by intervening in distant lands and pursuing impractical changes. Nation-building can work only when local citizens "own it," and do not feel it is forced upon them. There is no one way to spread this idea successfully, but Suri has mined more than two hundred years of American policy in order to explain the five "P"s of nation-building: PARTNERS: Nation-building always requires partners; there must be communication between people on the ground and people in distant government offices. PROCESS: Human societies do not follow formulas. Nation-building is a process which does not produce clear, quick results. PROBLEM-SOLVING: Leadership must start small, addressing basic problems. Public trust during a period of occupation emerges from the fulfillment of basic needs. PURPOSE: Small beginnings must serve larger purposes. Citizens must see the value in what they're doing. PEOPLE: Nation-building is about people. Large forces do not move history. People move history. Our actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya will have a dramatic impact on international stability. Jeremi Suri, provocative historian and one of Smithsonian magazine's "Top Young Innovators," takes on the idea of American exceptionalism and turns it into a playbook for President Obama over the next, vital few years.

Liberty's Surest Guardian

by Jeremi Suri

Americans are a nation-building people, and in Liberty's Surest Guardian, Jeremi Suri--Nobel Fellow and leading light in the next generation of policy makers--looks to America's history to see both what it has to offer failed states around the world and what it should avoid. Far from being cold imperialists, Americans have earnestly attempted to export their invention of representative government. We have had successes (Reconstruction after the American Civil War, the Philippines, Western Europe) and failures (Vietnam), and we can learn a good deal from both. Nation-building is in America's DNA. It dates back to the days of the American Revolution, when the founding fathers invented the concept of popular sovereignty--the idea that you cannot have a national government without a collective will. The framers of the Constitution initiated a policy of cautious nation-building, hoping not to conquer other countries, but to build a world of stable, self-governed societies that would support America's way of life. Yetno other country has created more problems for itself and for others by intervening in distant lands and pursuing impractical changes. Nation-building can work only when local citizens "own it," and do not feel it is forced upon them. There is no one way to spread this idea successfully, but Suri has mined more than two hundred years of American policy in order to explain the five "P"s of nation-building: PARTNERS: Nation-building always requires partners; there must be communication between people on the ground and people in distant government offices. PROCESS: Human societies do not follow formulas. Nation-building is a process which does not produce clear, quick results. PROBLEM-SOLVING: Leadership must start small, addressing basic problems. Public trust during a period of occupation emerges from the fulfillment of basic needs. PURPOSE: Small beginnings must serve larger purposes. Citizens must see the value in what they're doing. PEOPLE: Nation-building is about people. Large forces do not move history. People move history. Our actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya will have a dramatic impact on international stability. Jeremi Suri, provocative historian and one of Smithsonian magazine's "Top Young Innovators," takes on the idea of American exceptionalism and turns it into a playbook for President Obama over the next, vital few years.

Liberwocky: What Liberals Say and What They Really Mean

by Victor Gold

Laid out like a dictionary A-to-Z (much like Ambrose Bierce's Devil's Dictionary), Liberwocky takes a close and comedic look at how liberals use and abuse language to manipulate the citizenry and their attitudes. Having forty years of political and media experience, Gold sees through the trickery of today's political rhetoric. And in this book, he exposes their techniques, their verbal twists and devious turns of phrase, in a way that is both provocative and hilarious. Including sections such as: "Truly Stupid Liberal Ideas" (poking fun at the U.N., Peurto Rican statehood, and voting rights for felons) and "The American Liberal's All Time Enemies List" (fifty conservatives liberals love to hate), this book-both mocking and informative-is an enjoyable romp through the language of modern politics.

Librarians in Schools as Literacy Educators: Advocates for Reaching Beyond the Classroom

by Margaret Kristin Merga

This book explores the role that librarians play within schools as literacy leaders. While librarians working in schools are generally perceived as peripheral to the educational experience, they can in fact provide significant support in encouraging children’s literacy and literature learning. As the need for strong functional literacy becomes ever more important, librarians who support literacy are often invaluable in achieving various academic, vocational and social goals. However, this contribution often seems to be overlooked, with funding cuts disproportionately affecting librarians. Building on recent research from Australia, the USA and the UK, the author examines the role that librarians may play as literacy educators in schools in order to make visible their contributions to the school community. In doing so, this book urges for greater recognition and support to school libraries and their staff as valuable members of the school community.

Library and Information Sciences in Arctic and Northern Studies (Springer Polar Sciences)

by Spencer Acadia

The role of library and information sciences (LIS) in, for, and about Arctic and Northern studies is underexplored. This book examines the intersection of LIS and Arctic/Northern scholarship, research, and study by considering the Arctic and North as a global information-knowledge society; demonstrates practical and applied ways that librarians, archivists, curators, and other information scholars and professionals can participate and have participated in real activities within Arctic and Northern environments; explains how LIS – as a discipline focused on data, information, and knowledge – has a significant role to play in Arctic and Northern endeavours; and emphasises the inter-/multi- disciplinary nature of what are Arctic studies and Northern studies and the placement of LIS into that structure. Even though LIS has historically been overlooked in Northern and Arctic matters, this book suggests that LIS is in a remarkable position to add value to future Arctic/Northern studies. Thisbook is of interest to scientists, researchers, scholars, educators, professionals, and students globally working in Northern and Arctic contexts and/or with Northern and Arctic pursuits in mind.

The Library and the Workshop

by Jenny Andersson

This book offers a detailed account of the way that social democracy today makes sense of capitalism. In particular, it challenges the idea that social democracy has gone "neoliberal," arguing that so-called Third Way policies seem to have brought out new aspects of a thoroughgoing social interventionism with roots deep in the history of social democracy. Author Jenny Andersson expertly develops the claim that what distinguishes today's social democracy from the past is the way that it equates cultural and social values with economic values, which in turn places a premium on individuals who are capable of succeeding in the knowledge economy. Offering an insightful study of Britain's New Labour and Sweden's SAP, and of the political cultural transformations that have taken place in those countries, this is the first book that looks seriously into how the economic, social, and cultural policies of contemporary social democracy fit together to form a particular understanding of capitalism and capitalist politics.

The Library Of Congress

by Charles A Goodrum Helen W Dalrymple

From a review of the first edition: "For those of us whose minds unhinge at the sheer immensity of the Library of Congress, with its maze of corridors, multilayered stacks and circuitous subterranean passages, this study will prevent many a false step."—Smithsonian Since the first edition of this book appeared in 1972, there have been many changes in the Library, including a massive reorganization begun in 1977 under the leadership of Daniel J. Boorstin, the present Librarian of Congress. This completely revised and updated look at the Library brings the story up to date, discussing the Library's history, how it works, how the user can take advantage of its many services, where it is going, and how it meets the wide-ranging needs of Congress, other federal government offices, and the library, scholarly, and creative worlds. The authors emphasize the recent impact of technology on what is the largest information-storage and retrieval "machine" in the world. Lively writing and accessible language make this book an ideal introduction to the Library of Congress for the visitor, the first-time user, or the general reader, but it is also a must for every library and librarian, as well as an excellent textbook for library administration courses. The information it contains will make it of great interest even to the most experienced users of the Library.

The Library of Congress (Know Your Government)

by Andrew L. Simpson

From the Book Jacket: THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS was founded in 1800 to aid members of Congress in the drafting of legislation. From a collection of just 152 books, the Library's holdings, as well as the number of people the Library assists, have increased through the years. Today it is the largest library in the world, with more than 85 million items: Its collections include books, maps, manuscripts, prints, photographs, sound recordings, motion pictures, and musical works. Through the Congressional Research Service and the Law Library, it still provides research assistance to members of Congress. But it also offers a wide variety of services to the public: It loans books and provides cataloging and bibliographic assistance to other libraries, distributes braille and talking books to the blind, and administers the Copyright Office. The Library of Congress also serves as a cultural center by presenting exhibits, concerts, and poetry readings. Today the Library of Congress is actively exploring new technologies, including paper deacidification and optical disk storage, to preserve its collections for future generations. THE KNOW YOUR GOVERNMENT series is an introduction to the history and functions of the various departments and agencies that make up our national government. The series is designed to present an overview that is comprehensive and yet accessible for young readers and others who require a broad, straightforward introduction to the workings of the federal government. Each volume in the series focuses on the history, purpose, and scope of a different government department or agency. The books are generously illustrated and are written by experts in the fields of history, politics, law, and government. The introduction, "Government: Crises of Confidence," by the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., places the federal government in historical context and explains the purpose of the series. "Without an understanding of government, we cannot have the informed criticism that makes government do the job right. It is the duty of every American citizen to know our government, which is what this series is all about."

El libro de un hombre solo (Booket/ediciones Del Bronce Ser. #Vol. 2120)

by Gao Xingjian

El Premio Nobel Gao Xingjian nos ofrece en esta novela imprescindible una mirada lúcida al proceso de deshumanización que conllevó la Revolución Cultural en China. Él es un hombre solo. Sin ideales, sin mujer, sin hijos. Está vivo y al fin es libre. Él mantiene silenciosas conversaciones consigo mismo en habitaciones de hotel de distintas ciudades, acompañado siempre de hermosas mujeres con las que apenas tiene relación más allá de breves encuentros eróticos. Él es ahora un reconocido artista chino exiliado que evoca los años en los que inició una batalla perdida contra el adoctrinamiento y la masificación. En el ajuste de cuentas que mantiene con los recuerdos de su juventud, él hace un retrato, a un tiempo hermoso y terrible, del proceso que convirtió a su país en un territorio de espías y traidores, de temerosos y arribistas, de siniestros solitarios. Reseña:«¿La Revolución Cultural? Aquí está el reverso más crudo, el más aterrador, bajo la pluma atrayente de un calígrafo de los años de plomo.»L'Express

Libya: The Experience of Oil (Routledge Revivals)

by J A Allan

First published in 1981, Libya: The Experience of Oil provides a comprehensive overview of Libya’ s socio-economic development since the reform of 1961. It reviews Libya’s oil endowment and draws attention to the deficiencies in the country’s renewable natural resources and in the availability of unskilled labour and trained professional staff. The absorption of oil wealth after 1961 is shown to have been severely constrained by poor factor endowment in land and labour resources. The book shows that by end of the 1970s there had been a significant redistribution of wealth along with a reorganization of the economy, such that almost all production, distribution and resources were under public control. A recurring feature observed in this pattern of change is that rates of investment, sectoral allocations to the development spending, improvement in the standard of living and the level of social service provision advanced at a constant rate after oil and that the revolution had little impact on the rate of improvement in the development indicators. This is book is an essential read for scholars and researchers of African studies, African politics, geopolitics and international relations.

Libya: Continuity and Change (The Contemporary Middle East #No. 33)

by Ronald Bruce St John Ronald Bruce St John

Retaining the conceptual framework of the first edition through emphasis on the dual themes of continuity and change, the second edition of Libya is revised and updated to include discussion of key developments since 2010, including: The February 17 Revolution and the death of Muammar al-Qaddafi. The political process which evolved in the course of the February 17 Revolution and led to General National Congress elections in July 2012, Constitutional Assembly elections in February 2014, and House of Representative elections in June 2014. Post-Qaddafi economic policy from the National Transitional Council through successive interim transitional governments. Post-Qaddafi foreign policy. The on-going process of drafting a new constitution which will be followed by the election of a Parliament and a President. Providing a comprehensive overview of the Libyan uprising, seen to be the exception to the Arab Spring, and highlighting the issues facing contemporary Libya, this book is an important text for students and scholars of History, North Africa and the Middle East as well as the non-specialist with an interest in current affairs.

Libya: Qadhafi's Revolution and the Modern State (Routledge Library Editions: Revolution #16)

by Lillian Craig Harris

This book, first published in 1986, provides a comprehensive look at the social, cultural, political and economic forces that shaped Libya following the 1969 revolution. Libya’s political system under Qadhafi’s Third Universal Theory is examined, as are the power structures – military, tribal, economic and religious.

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