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Politisches Wissen: Korrekte Kenntnisse, Fehlvorstellungen und Ignoranz (Politisches Wissen)

by Bettina Westle Markus Tausendpfund

Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu politischem Wissen der Bevölkerung in Deutschland konzentrieren sich zumeist auf die Analyse vorhandener Faktenkenntnisse und stellen diesen die zusammengefassten fehlenden und falschen Antworten gegenüber. Damit wird die Differenzierung zwischen Fehlvorstellungen (falsche Antworten) und Ignoranz (fehlende und „weiß nicht“ Antworten) vernachlässigt. Die Beiträge dieses Bands greifen diese Differenzierung mit unterschiedlichen Untersuchungsdesigns und zu verschiedenen Politikbereichen auf. Die Befunde zeigen, dass falsche und fehlende substanzielle Antworten nicht zusammengefasst werden sollten, da sie sowohl mit unterschiedlichen Determinanten als auch verschiedenen Folgen verbunden sind.

Politisierung des Theaters und Theatralisierung der Politik im Nationalsozialismus: Müthels „Hamlet“-Inszenierung und Riefenstahls „Triumph des Willens“ (Szene & Horizont. Theaterwissenschaftliche Studien #13)

by Silke Christiane Kleine

Vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Fragen nach der Politisierung der Bühne während des „Dritten Reiches“ und der Nutzbarmachung theatraler Operativität für die politische nationalsozialistische Massenversammlung anhand der Analysen einer massenwirksamen Hamlet-Inszenierung (Lothar Müthel, Berlin 1936) und von Leni Riefenstahls filmischer Dokumentation des „Reichsparteitags der Einheit und Stärke“ 1934 („Triumph des Willens“). Während sich das Medium der Theaterbühne als nicht sonderlich fruchtbar für propagandistische Zwecke erwiesen hatte, ereignete sich das „eigentliche“ Theater des „Dritten Reiches“ auf den Plätzen und in den Arenen des politischen Massenauftritts. Es geschah also ein Transfer theatraler Mittel und Operativität hin zu öffentlichen Massenveranstaltungen des Regimes. Theatrale, dramaturgische Elemente der Theaterbühne erwiesen sich in Kombination mit massenpsychologischen Grundmechanismen als besonders tragfähig, sodass man sagen kann, dass es sich bei NS-tendenziösen Theaterinszenierungen um Präfigurationen des politischen Massenauftritts handelte. Dies wird anhand öffentlicher Veranstaltungen im Nationalsozialismus erörtert; diese werden im Hinblick auf theatrale Kategorien wie der Ausgestaltung/Architektur des Raumes, Auditivität (Stimme und Rede, die Rolle der Lautsprechertechnologie), Licht/Beleuchtung und Requisiten analysiert. Neben diesen Aspekten der Theaterregie kamen (hier: pseudo-) religiöse Aspekte der Kirchenregie zum Tragen. Leni Riefenstahls filmische Dokumentation „Triumph des Willens“ zeigt eindrücklich die Kulmination der bis dato in vielen Auftritten erprobten massenpsychologischen Dramaturgie im Großereignis von Nürnberg. Zudem entgrenzt Riefenstahl das Ereignis durch die Reproduzierbarkeit des Mediums „Film“. Einerseits stellt der Film den Initiationsprozess für die jungen Nationalsozialisten auf dem „Reichsparteitag“ in Nürnberg dar, andererseits war die „Lektüre“ des Films gleichsam ein Initiationsprozess für den Zuschauer; das filmische Zeugnis Leni Riefenstahls konnte so die Präsenzteilnahme am „Reichsparteitag der Einheit und Stärke“ ersetzen.

Polity and Constitution Part-2 - IAS Competitive Exam

by Vision Ias

Updated Value Additional Material for 2020 IAS examination on the topic Polity and Constitution - Part 2.

Polity and Crisis: Reflections on the European Odyssey (Critical Studies in Jurisprudence)

by Sakari Hänninen Massimo Fichera

European integration is an open-ended, ongoing process which has been deeply challenged by integral world capitalism. This study explores the present EU foundational dilemma, looking at the problematic relationship between the ideal model of integration and the reality of the 21st century. Including contributions from leading theorists, this volume explores the ways and extent to which the present European crisis could create a politico-legal space for new possibilities and opportunities for action. The authors discuss the current role of the EU, and whether it aspires to be a democratic polity or a functional organization based on inter-governmental bargaining. The chapters question whether the future of European integration after the crisis will be paved by decisions which conflict with its Treaty basis, and how it might come up with alternatives which would do more than echo the compulsions of the global market. Issues are analysed from a historical perspective to see what can be learnt from its past and to explore the options for the future. With contributions from prominent international legal and political scholars, the book will be of interest to academics, students and policy-makers working in these areas.

Polity And Society In Contemporary North Africa

by I. William Zartman William Mark Habeeb I William Zartman

In the twenty-five years since the last comprehensive book on state and society in North Africa was published, the nations of the Maghrib have undergone profound social, political, and economic changes. The region has, for example, experienced one of the highest population growth rates in the world, accompanied by a dramatic increase in migration t

Polity, volume 53 number 4 (October 2021)

by Polity

This is volume 53 issue 4 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polity, volume 54 number 1 (January 2022)

by Polity

This is volume 54 issue 1 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polity, volume 54 number 2 (April 2022)

by Polity

This is volume 54 issue 2 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polity, volume 54 number 3 (July 2022)

by Polity

This is volume 54 issue 3 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polity, volume 54 number 4 (October 2022)

by Polity

This is volume 54 issue 4 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polity, volume 55 number 1 (January 2023)

by Polity

This is volume 55 issue 1 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polity, volume 55 number 2 (April 2023)

by Polity

This is volume 55 issue 2 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polity, volume 55 number 3 (July 2023)

by Polity

This is volume 55 issue 3 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polity, volume 55 number 4 (October 2023)

by Polity

This is volume 55 issue 4 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polity, volume 56 number 1 (January 2024)

by Polity

This is volume 56 issue 1 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polity, volume 56 number 2 (April 2024)

by Polity

This is volume 56 issue 2 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polity, volume 56 number 3 (July 2024)

by Polity

This is volume 56 issue 3 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polity, volume 56 number 4 (October 2024)

by Polity

This is volume 56 issue 4 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polity, volume 57 number 1 (January 2025)

by Polity

This is volume 57 issue 1 of Polity. Polity, the journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, has been published quarterly since 1968. Among the leading general-interest journals in political science, Polity is guided by the premise that political knowledge advances through scholarly exchange across subfield boundaries and even beyond disciplinary borders. Polity publishes original research on all aspects of political life, especially those that converge around questions of race, gender, class, colonialism, and empire.

Polizei als lernende Organisation: Systemisches Polizeimanagement in Planungspraxis, Entscheidungsfindung und Handlungsoptionen

by Jan-Philipp Küppers

Ist das Polizeimanagement lernfähig? Wie äußert sich das in seinem strategischen und operativen Handlungsumfeld? Und: Welchen Einfluss haben institutionell gewachsene Automatismen darauf? Die Polizei als flexible und adaptive Einsatzorganisation ist mit komplexen dynamischen Handlungsfeldern, Risiken und Gefährdungspotenzialen konfrontiert. Neben der täglichen Routinearbeit kommen Demonstrationen, Amokläufe, terroristische Anschläge hinzu. Die Polizei als lernende Organisation sollte daher stets auf unerwartete Ereignisse und sicherheitsrelevante Entwicklungen vorbereitet sein, um sie frühzeitig zu erkennen und folgenarm zu bewältigen. Anhand von drei praktischen Fallbeispielen wird untersucht, ob und wie operative Polizeieinsätze systemorientiert nach Kriterien der lernenden Organisation ablaufen können und wo Verbesserungspotenziale für unerwartete und kritische Situationen möglich oder notwendig sind.

Polizei und Bürgerbeteiligung: Impulse für mehr Vertrauen, Kooperation und Akzeptanz

by Jan-Philipp Küppers

Dieses Buch erläutert, warum Beteiligungsprozesse für die Polizei an Bedeutung gewonnen haben und wie sie erfolgreich gestaltet werden können. In Zukunft wird zunehmend eine integrierte Sicherheitsstruktur gefragt sein, in der Stakeholdergruppen und betroffene Bürger*innen eine wichtige Rolle in der polizeilichen Gefahren- und Risikobewertung und damit an der Gestaltung ihres lebensweltbezogenen Sicherheitsempfindens einnehmen. Das Buch verfolgt einen orientierenden und handlungsleitenden Anspruch, wie praktikable Beteiligungsprozesse der Bürger*innen in Planung und Vorhaben der Polizei eingebunden werden können. Theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungsfelder für die Umsetzung von Beteiligungsprozessen werden ermittelt: Mitwirkung in Kooperationsgesprächen zur diskursiven Konfliktbearbeitung im Vorfeld von Protestlagen, zur Meinungsbildung durch Information und diskursiven Austausch von Argumenten im Rahmen der kommunalen Sicherheits- und Präventionsarbeit oder anlassabhängige „Runde Tische“ im Wirkbereich von unabhängigen Bürger- und Polizeibeauftragten. In einer Zeit großer Verunsicherung angesichts gesellschaftlicher Veränderung und Komplexität eröffnen Beteiligungsprozesse die Chance, angespannte Verhältnisse von Polizei und Zivilgesellschaft zu befrieden und ein gegenseitiges Vertrauensverhältnis aufzubauen. Bürgerbeteiligung kann kein hoheitliches Handeln ersetzen, aber mit Alltags- und Erfahrungswissen anreichern. In diesen bewegten Zeiten gibt es kein besseres Rezept, um gemeinsam Sicherheit zu gestalten und Probleme zu bearbeiten. Der Inhalt Praktische Hilfestellung und besseres Verständnis von Beteiligungsprozessen für die Polizeiarbeit Vorteile der Bürgerbeteiligung auf einen Blick Drei praxisorientierte Anwendungsfelder (Kooperationsgespräche in Protestlagen, unabhängige Bürger- und Polizeibeauftragte und kommunale Sicherheits- und Präventionsarbeit)

Polk: The Man Who Transformed the Presidency and America

by Walter R. Borneman

In this unprecedented, long-overdue warts-and-all look at James K. Polk's life and career, Borneman paints a portrait of an expansionist president and decisive statesman who redefined the country he led.

Polk and the Presidency

by Charles A. McCoy

“Who is James K. Polk?” was a rallying cry of the Whigs during the campaign of 1844. Polk answered that question adequately by winning the election against his Whig opponent, Henry Clay. Today the question might be recast—respectfully, not derisively—“Who was James K. Polk?” Few persons could give more than a perfunctory answer, even though when he left office the United States was half again larger than it was when he became president. Polk, unlike his close friend Andrew Jackson, has been the subject of but few books. Stern and serious-minded, intent upon his work, he never caught the public’s imagination as did some of the more magnetic personalities who filled the office of president. His lack of personal charm, however, should not hide from generations of Americans the great benefit he brought their country and his key role in developing the powers of the presidency. This book will be a revelation to readers who might be confounded, even momentarily, by the question “Who was James K. Polk?” It is based on the assumption that the presidential power-role, though expressed in the Constitution and prescribed by law, is not a static role but a dynamic one, shaped and developed by a president’s personal reaction to the crises and circumstances of the times during which he serves. And Polk faced many crises, among them the Mexican War, the Oregon boundary dispute, the tariff question, Texas’s admission to the Union, and the establishment by the United States of a more stable and respected position in the world of nations. Based on the dynamic power-role theory, the book analyzes its theme of how and why James K. Polk, the eleventh president of the United States, responded to the challenges of his times and thereby increased the authority and importance of the presidential role for future incumbents. Charles McCoy became interested in writing this book after two of his friends, both informed historians, pointed out to him that James K. Polk was a neglected figure in American history. Preliminary research showed this to be true, but without reason—for, as the eminent historian George Bancroft said, “viewed from the standpoint of results, [Polk’s administration] was perhaps the greatest in our national history, certainly one of the greatest.” For his own astute appraisal of the Polk administration, McCoy emphasized the use of firsthand sources of information: the Polk Diary; newspapers of the period; the unpublished papers of Polk, Jackson, Trist, Marcy, and Van Buren; and congressional documents and reports.

Polk and the Presidency

by Charles A. McCoy

A historical analysis of how James Polk influenced the authority and importance of the role of the U.S. presidency for future incumbents.&“Who is James K. Polk?&” was a rallying cry of the Whigs during the campaign of 1844. Polk answered that question adequately by winning the election against his Whig opponent, Henry Clay.Today the question might be recast—respectfully, not derisively—&“Who was James K. Polk?&” Few persons could give more than a perfunctory answer, even though when he left office the United States was half again larger than it was when he became president.Polk, unlike his close friend Andrew Jackson, has been the subject of but few books. Stern and serious-minded, intent upon his work, he never caught the public&’s imagination as did some of the more magnetic personalities who filled the office of president. His lack of personal charm, however, should not hide from generations of Americans the great benefit he brought their country and his key role in developing the powers of the presidency.This book assumes that the presidential power-role, though expressed in the Constitution and prescribed by law, is not a static role but a dynamic one, shaped and developed by a president&’s personal reaction to the crises and circumstances of the times during which he serves. And Polk faced many crises, among them the Mexican War, the Oregon boundary dispute, the tariff question, Texas&’s admission to the Union, and the establishment by the United States of a more stable and respected position in the world of nations.Based on the dynamic power-role theory, the book analyzes its theme of how and why James K. Polk, the eleventh president of the United States, responded to the challenges of his times and thereby increased the authority and importance of the presidential role for future incumbents. Charles McCoy became interested in writing this book after two of his friends, both informed historians, pointed out to him that James K. Polk was a neglected figure in American history. Preliminary research showed this to be true, but without reason—for, as the eminent historian George Bancroft said, &“viewed from the standpoint of results, [Polk&’s administration] was perhaps the greatest in our national history, certainly one of the greatest.&” For his own astute appraisal of the Polk administration, McCoy emphasized the use of firsthand sources of information: the Polk Diary; newspapers of the period; the unpublished papers of Polk, Jackson, Trist, Marcy, and Van Buren; and congressional documents and reports.</

The Polk Conspiracy: Murder and Cover-Up in the Case of CBS News Correspondent George Polk (Forbidden Bookshelf #9)

by Kati Marton

In war-torn Greece, the murder of a young American reporter sent a shock through the West and set the stage for the four-decade Cold War; now with a new introduction by the author Greece in 1948 was a country reeling from two major conflicts. The Nazi occupation and World War II had left it weakened, and the Greek Civil War—already raging for two years—had torn it apart. One of the earliest clashes of the Cold War, Greece&’s civil dispute pitted the American-backed royalist government against the Soviet-funded Greek Communist Party. Reporting at the front lines for CBS News, George Polk drew the ire of both sides with his uncompromising and incisive coverage. In mid-May, days after going missing, Polk was found dead, shot execution style with his hands and feet bound. What transpired next was a mad scramble of finger pointing and international outrage. To appease its American backers, the Greek government quickly secured the dubious confession of a Communist journalist—though the bulk of the evidence pointed to the royalists. An influential moment in the early days of the Cold War and a powerful force in the formation of the Truman Doctrine, the Polk conspiracy was emblematic of the ideological conflict that would embroil the globe for the next forty years.

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