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Popular Support for an Undemocratic Regime
by Neil Munro Richard Rose William MishlerTo survive, all forms of government require popular support, whether voluntary or involuntary. Following the collapse of the Soviet system, Russia's rulers took steps toward democracy, yet under Vladimir Putin Russia has become increasingly undemocratic. This book uses a unique source of evidence, eighteen surveys of Russian public opinion from the first month of the new regime in 1992 up to 2009, to track the changing views of Russians. Clearly presented and sophisticated figures and tables show how political support has increased because of a sense of resignation that is even stronger than the unstable benefits of exporting oil and gas. Whilst comparative analyses of surveys on other continents show that Russia's elite is not alone in being able to mobilize popular support for an undemocratic regime, Russia provides an outstanding caution that popular support can grow when governors reject democracy and create an undemocratic regime.
Popular Support for Democracy in Unified Germany: Critical Democrats (New Perspectives in German Political Studies)
by Ross CampbellThis book examines attitudes towards democracy in the Federal Republic of Germany. By drawing on extensive survey evidence, it charts Germans’ changing views of the political system prior to and following unification. The study examines four aspects of the political system: how it functions overall, attitudes towards the Basic Law, trust in representative institutions, and views of the European Union. Rather than accepting or rejecting democracy, the research shows how Germans merge shades of criticism and support. In addition, it pinpoints the factors that condition support, showing how it is influenced by durable and changeable stimuli. Overall, the findings challenge suggestions of a crisis of democracy but they also demonstrate that support is particularly low towards aspects of the European Union. This book appeals to readers interested in public opinion and democracy in Germany, along with those interested in the changing relationship between citizens and the state.
Popular Tyranny: Sovereignty and Its Discontents in Ancient Greece
by Morgan Kathryn A.The nature of authority and rulership was a central concern in ancient Greece, where the figure of the king or tyrant and the sovereignty associated with him remained a powerful focus of political and philosophical debate even as Classical Athens developed the world's first democracy. This collection of essays examines the extraordinary role that the concept of tyranny played in the cultural and political imagination of Archaic and Classical Greece through the interdisciplinary perspectives provided by internationally known archaeologists, literary critics, and historians.<P><P>The book ranges historically from the Bronze and early Iron Age to the political theorists and commentators of the middle of the fourth century B.C. and generically across tragedy, comedy, historiography, and philosophy. While offering individual and sometimes differing perspectives, the essays tackle several common themes: the construction of authority and of constitutional models, the importance of religion and ritual, the crucial role of wealth, and the autonomy of the individual. Moreover, the essays with an Athenian focus shed new light on the vexed question of whether it was possible for Athenians to think of themselves as tyrannical in any way. As a whole, the collection presents a nuanced survey of how competing ideologies and desires, operating through the complex associations of the image of tyranny, struggled for predominance in ancient cities and their citizens.
Popular Vote
by Micol OstowIn an election year, Erin Bright sets aside her familiar supporting role as daughter of the mayor and girlfriend of the student body president to stand up for what she believes in and protect an historic park from being replaced by a gas station.
Popularisation and Populism in the Visual Arts: Attraction Images (Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies)
by Anna SchoberThis book investigates the pictorial figurations, aesthetic styles and visual tactics through which visual art and popular culture attempt to appeal to "all of us". One key figure these practices bring into play—the "everybody" (which stands for "all of us" and is sometimes a "new man" or a "new woman")—is discussed in an interdisciplinary way involving scholars from several European countries. A key aspect is how popularisation and communication practices—which can assume populist forms—operate in contemporary democracies and where their genealogies lie. A second focus is on the ambivalences of attraction, i.e. on the ways in which visual creations can evoke desire as well as hatred.
The Popularity of Basic Income: Evidence from the Polls (Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee)
by Tijs LaenenThis book provides a state-of-the-art overview of the popularity of basic income among the general public. Using data from a wide array of public opinion polls conducted in different countries and years, the book first charts popular support for the ideal-typical version of basic income, broadly defined as a "periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement”. On top of that, the book maps popular support for the many other, differently designed varieties of basic income that are part of real-world proposals, pilots, and experiments – including, for example, a participation income, a negative income tax, and a stakeholder grant. By investigating how and why support for different types of basic income varies across countries, evolves over time, and differs between individuals with different characteristics, this book offers crucial information about the political constituencies that can be mobilized in favor of (or against) the introduction of basic income, thereby contributing to our knowledge on the political feasibility of basic income.
Populating the Novel: Literary Form and the Politics of Surplus Life
by Emily SteinlightFrom the teeming streets of Dickens’s London to the households of domestic fiction, nineteenth-century British writers constructed worlds crammed beyond capacity with human life. In Populating the Novel, Emily Steinlight contends that rather than simply reflecting demographic growth, such pervasive literary crowding contributed to a seismic shift in British political thought. She shows how the nineteenth-century novel in particular claimed a new cultural role as it took on the task of narrating human aggregation at a moment when the Malthusian specter of surplus population suddenly and quite unexpectedly became a central premise of modern politics.In readings of novels by Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Charles Dickens, Mary Braddon, Thomas Hardy, and Joseph Conrad that link fiction and biopolitics, Steinlight brings the crowds that pervade nineteenth-century fiction into the foreground. In so doing, she transforms the subject and political stakes of the Victorian novel, dislodging the longstanding idea that its central category is the individual by demonstrating how fiction is altered by its emerging concern with population. By overpopulating narrative space and imagining the human species perpetually in excess of the existing social order, she shows, fiction made it necessary to radically reimagine life in the aggregate.
Population Ageing - A Threat to the Welfare State?: The Case of Sweden
by Tommy BengtssonThis book is the first to take a comprehensive view of the challenges that population ageing present in the near future taking Sweden as the case. Can the increasing number of retirees per worker be stopped by immigration or increasing fertility or will we need to increase pension age instead? Cost for the social-care system is readily increasing; even more is the costs for health care. Can the galloping costs be funded by an increase in taxes or do we need to make reforms, similar to the ones already made in the pension system, which has been used as a model for many other countries. The fact that it is difficult to make health care dependent on personal contributions, as is the case of the pension system, funding of health care is a true test of solidarity across generations. The book ends with a discussion on whether the demographic challenge to the welfare system is also a threat to the welfare state as such.
Population Aging and Housing Diversity in Poland: The Importance of Aging in the Right Place (International Perspectives on Aging #44)
by Greta E. GarnissThis book provides new and original insight on the senior living housing needs in Poland. It focuses on housing needs of the 60-74 age group that are generally more mobile and not in need of services offered in care homes. The book not only shows that seniors prefer to live independently as long as possible, but also touches upon their primary conditions for this, such as properties near goods, services and social networks, in modern buildings that have common amenities that meet their needs as they age. The book also discusses the transformation of economic, social and cultural changes leading to the creation of a new housing options for younger seniors living in many cities in Poland. With the book concluding that there is need for more diverse housing choice for senior living than is currently available, it provides an interesting read for academics, professionals and local, regional and national social service agencies that work with seniors.
Population and Labour Market Policies in China’s Reform Process (China Perspectives)
by Sun WenkaiThis book investigates the population and labour management reforms implemented since the reform and opening up of China in the early 1980s, giving insights into the economic and social implications of these reforms and future prospects for population governance. The study examines three major components of China’s population management strategy in terms of its history and implementation: the household registration (Hukou) system, family planning policy, and the labour market system. Grounded in both qualitative and quantitative analysis, key metrics are introduced to better understand the Hukou system on the one hand while exploring the socio-economic issues arising from the policy, including the economic behaviour or residents, fertility, care of older people, entrepreneurship, institutional premiums and gender wage differentials. Based on these investigations, the author advances constructive suggestions to inform policymaking, aiming to deepen market-oriented reform of the economic system and improve social welfare in China.The title will be a good reference for academics, students and policy makers interested in social policy, labour economics and especially China’s population and labour policy and Chinese economy and society.
Population and Politics: The Impact of Scale
by John Gerring Wouter VeenendaalEvery country, every subnational government, and every district has a designated population, and this has a bearing on politics in ways most citizens and policymakers are barely aware of. Population and Politics provides a comprehensive evaluation of the political implications stemming from the size of a political unit – on social cohesion, the number of representatives, overall representativeness, particularism ('pork'), citizen engagement and participation, political trust, electoral contestation, leadership succession, professionalism in government, power concentration in the central apparatus of the state, government intervention, civil conflict, and overall political power. A multimethod approach combines field research in small states and islands with cross-country and within-country data analysis. Population and Politics will be of interest to academics, policymakers, and anyone concerned with decentralization and multilevel governance.
Population and the Political Imagination: Census, Register and Citizenship in India
by R.B. BhagatThis book identifies population as a central issue of polity and examines its links to ideas of state and citizenship. It explores the relationship between the state, citizenship and polity by reexamining processes related to census enumeration, population and citizen registers, and the politics of classificatory governmentality. Religion, ethnicity, caste and political class play a key role in determining community identities and the relationship between an individual and the state. Contextualizing the arguments and controversies around the Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2019 (CAA 2019) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC), the book examines the processes of inclusion or exclusion of minorities and migrants as citizens in India. It focusses on the classification of irregular and refugee migration since independence in India, especially in the state of Assam. The book highlights how political imagination, as a theoretical framework, shapes the processes and strategies for enumeration and classification and thereby the idea of citizenship. Underlining the relationship between instruments of government, political mobilization and the resurgence of communal polarization, it also offers suggestions for alternative constructions of citizenship and an inclusive state. This book will be useful for students and researchers of population studies, population geography, migration studies, sociology, political science, social anthropology, law and journalism. It will also be of interest to policy makers, journalists, as well as NGOs and CSOs.
Population Change and Impacts in Asia and the Pacific (New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives #30)
by Jacques Poot Matthew RoskrugeThis volume brings together a range of contributions that provide contemporary regional science perspectives on population change and its socio-economic consequences in the Asia-Pacific region. This region accounts for close to two-thirds of the world’s population and is highly diverse in terms of key demographic indicators such as population size, growth, composition and distribution. The authors provide quantitative assessments, either descriptively or by means of modelling, of important demographic issues affecting this part of the world.The topics addressed include: broad demographic trends across the Asia-Pacific region and its sub-regions; assessment of population decline, urbanization and spatial distribution using cases from China, Colombia, Japan and Australia; migration and economic impacts in Australasia, Chile and Timor Leste; and the impacts of declining or low fertility and population ageing in China, India, Thailand, and across Asia.Given its scope, the book will appeal to all readers seeking to understand population change and impacts across the Asia-Pacific region, with a specific focus on sub-regional differences and dynamics.
Population Change and Public Policy (Applied Demography Series #11)
by Billystrom Jivetti Md. Nazrul HoqueThis book provides a solid empirical portrait based on the complexities of demographic components of population change. It describes recent innovations, trends, challenges and solutions to population change and public policy issues, such as but not limited to immigration, gender discrimination in the labor market, student housing, teen pregnancy programs, smoking and alcohol consumption, and environment and self-rated health. As such it provides an interesting platform for academics, researchers, policy makers, and students to explore experiences and research findings on special topics in applied demography and how those inform the field of population studies and public policy.
Population Control Policies in China and India: Comparisons with Social and Cultural Factors (Routledge Studies on Comparative Asian Politics)
by Gabe T. WangThis book comprehensively compares the development of population control policies in China and India, their implementations, and the population changes over the past seven decades. Analyzing how populations have changed and affected socioeconomic development in the two societies, this book systematically compares China and India through social and cultural factors, including religion and traditional perspectives on population, ethnicity and language, social classes, family, social status and education of women, and government functions. A brief introduction discusses how China has developed into a highly homogenous society and how India has developed into a highly diversified nation in history, and the influence of other countries on these two societies. With empirical data, the book analyzes how population changes are strongly correlated with economic development in the two most populous societies. An insightful discussion of the population issues with a world perspective and historical understanding of China and India is also provided. This book will be valuable reading to students and researchers interested in knowing more about the population control policies, population changes, and cultures and societies in China and India.
Population Dynamics Based on Individual Stochasticity (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies)
by Ryo OizumiThis book demonstrates that population structure and dynamics can be reconstructed by stochastic analysis. Population projection is usually based on age-structured population models. These models consist of age-dependent fertility and mortality, whereas birth and death processes generally arise from states of individuals. For example, a number of seeds are proportional to tree size, and amount of income and savings are the basis of decision making for birth behavior in human beings. Thus, even though individuals belong to an identical cohort, they have different fertility and mortality. To treat this kind of individual heterogeneity, stochastic state transitions are reasonable rather than the deterministic states. This book extends deterministic systems to stochastic systems specifically, constructing a state transition model represented by stochastic differential equations. The diffusion process generated by stochastic differential equations provides statistics determining population dynamics, i.e., heterogeneity is incorporated in population dynamics as its statistics. Applying this perspective to demography and evolutionary biology, we can consider the role of heterogeneity in life history or evolution. These concepts are provided to readers with explanations of stochastic analysis.
Population Dynamics in Muslim Countries
by Alfonso Sousa-Poza Hans GrothThe book discusses the demographic changes in Muslim countries. It thereby focuses on topics such as the demographic dividend and the demographic transition, labour market challenges, health care, universal education and gender issues. These challenges are addressed at a country level and include policy implications for the large majority of the Muslim countries covered in this book. Moreover, political consequences for Europe with respect to the integration of Muslims are presented to the reader.
Population Dynamics in the Mediterranean: A Demographic Convergence? (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies)
by Elena Ambrosetti Isabelle Blöss-Widmer Sébastien Oliveau Yoann DoignonThis open access book makes a comparative overview of the demographic evolution of the Mediterranean populations. It addresses all the demographic issues since 1950 such as fertility, mortality, growth, demographic aging, and the age structure of the population. The book discusses the major demographic changes and its consequences for the Mediterranean region and describes the socio-economic and societal opportunities such as the silver economy, improvement in health of the population, and progress in education. By providing insights into the past demographic evolutions and analyzing the most recent indicators, this book constitutes an essential reference work for those who wish to better understand the major transformations that Mediterranean societies are undergoing.
Population Growth and Sustainable Transport in China (Population, Regional Development and Transport)
by Pengjun Zhao Dandan YuanThis book discusses the links between population growth, migration and the transport system in China. It first reviews the theories concerning the relationship between population growth, distribution and transport systems from an international perspective and then analyses the history of and changes in population growth, population migration, urbanisation and population spatial distribution in China by using multiple data sources, including the census, China Family Panel Studies data, China Migrants Panel Studies data and mobile phone data. Thirdly, it explores the effects of population growth and migration on transport infrastructures and services in terms of planning, investments, development, operation and management. The book also evaluates the features, strengths and weaknesses of various population policies on the basis of their impacts on transport, birth control, the hukou system, the migration management system and the policies designed to limit the growth of large cities and encourage the growth of small cities. Further, it addresses transport policies in the context of their capacity to meet people’s mobility and accessibility needs and other factors, including energy consumption, environment pollution and regional development inequalities. Examining the trends in population distribution and their influences on transport, such as an increase in urban agglomeration and mega city regions in the east of China and population shrinkage in the cities and regions in northeast and west China, it also investigates the new trends of rural migration and population movement during the Spring Festival and other public holidays and the challenges of these new trends for transport system. Lastly, the book discusses future directions and challenges, sustainable population and transport policies and proposes population-oriented transport strategies and accessibility-based population distribution policies. Relevant to China and other developing countries, the book is a valuable resource for scholars interested in population studies, sustainable transportation, regional planning and development and environmental policy.
Population Growth In Latin America And U.S. National Security (Routledge Library Editions: Demography #11)
by John SaundersOriginally published in 1986, this volume deals with both population growth in Latin America and the possible consequences of this growth for the security of the USA. The text analyses the demographic dimensions of the phenomenon and then considers the consequences for US security. It was the first time that the interrelations between national security and population growth were systematically analyzed. The book predicts the raid population growth would have serious economic, social and strategic implications for the USA and rightly predicts the adoption of draconian measures to stem the flow of illegal migrants. Although some aspects of the political landscape have changed since original publication the issue of migration to the USA from Latin America has lost none of its relevance.
Population Mobility, Urban Planning and Management in China
by Tai-Chee Wong Sun Sheng Han Hongmei ZhangThis volume contains essays that examine contemporary urban and regional planning and development in China. Through in-depth theoretical and empirical analysis, it provides insights into the urban policies and operational mechanisms of this colossal transitional economy which has presented unprecedented challenges and dynamics. Inside, readers will discover the causes and consequences of rapid urbanization that have led to a series of environmental, economic and social planning and management measures designed to achieve quality urban living. The essays also detail efforts in adopting the latest options in city building such as specific urban planning approaches in developing large city regions, building cities without slums, constructing new townships and green urbanism, including eco-city and sustainable transport. In addition, coverage explores financial management and support as a means to encourage urbanization and urban economic growth in less-developed regions. Overall, the volume offers a wealth of concrete, detailed information on conditions in different regions of China and features an extensive range of content, methods and theory. It provides readers with a comprehensive portrait of the chain relationship between rapid urbanization, spatial planning and management throughout the country. The book will serve as a useful reference for national and international consultancy services doing business or serving public interest in China. It will also be of interest to an international audience seeking a better understanding of urban development and planning in China, including university teachers, students, government agencies and general readers.
Population, Place, and Spatial Interaction: Essays in Honor of David Plane (New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives #40)
by Rachel S. FranklinThis volume is devoted to the geographical—or spatial—aspects of population research in regional science, spanning spatial demographic methods for population composition and migration to studies of internal and international migration to investigations of the role of population in related fields such as climate change and economic growth. If spatial aspects of economic growth and development are the flagship of the regional science discipline, population research is the anchor. People migrate, consume, produce, and demand services. People are the source and beneficiaries of national, regional, and local growth and development. Since the origins of regional science, demographic research has been at the core of the discipline. Contributions in this volume are both retrospective and prospective, offering in their ensemble an authoritative overview of demographic research within the field of regional science.
Population Policy and Reproduction in Singapore: Making Future Citizens (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series)
by Shirley Hsiao-Li SunThis book examines the relationship between population policies and individual reproductive decisions in low-fertility contexts. Using the case study of Singapore, it demonstrates that the effectiveness of population policy is a function of competing notions of citizenship, and the gap between seemingly neutral policy incentives and the perceived and experienced disparate effects. Drawing on a substantial number of personal interviews and focus groups, the book analyzes the developmental welfare state’s overarching emphasis of citizen responsibility, and examines population policies that reinforce social inequalities and ignore cultural diversity. These factors combine to undermine elaborate state policy efforts in encouraging citizens’ biological reproduction. The book goes on to argue that in order to facilitate positive fertility decisions, the state needs to modify the “economic production at all cost” approach and pay much more attention to the importance of social rights. This suggests that the Singapore government might profitably approach the phenomenon of very low fertility with major initiatives similar to those of other advanced industrialized societies. This book offers a significant contribution to the literature on social policy, East Asian and Southeast Asian studies.
Population Problems: Topical Issues (Environmental Topics Ser. #Vol. 8)
by J. RoseThe effects of the rapidly expanding human population on the environment and the planet's future is a matter of increasing concern and lively debate. This timely collection of essays discusses some of the most important aspects of the population growth phenomenon and offers potential solutions. Chapters analyse population dynamics, carrying capacity of the environment, water and food supply, effects on tribal societies, and the AIDS pandemic.
Population Puzzle: Boom or Bust?
by Laura E. Huggins Hanna SkanderaDrawing from government reports, think tank studies, scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, and books, this insightful overview offers a range of contrasting viewpoints and policy perspectives on the major issues concerning world population growth, with particular emphasis on the impact of population trends on the United States.