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The Populist Moment: The Left After the Great Recession (Jacobin)
by Anton Jager Arthur BorrielloA Left-wing populist insurgency exploded across the West in the wake of the Great Financial CrisisAfter decades of retreat, the last decade saw a left resurgence from the US to Western Europe and the Mediterranean. This revival of anti-establishment left-wing candidates was not only left but also populist. Though in most cases these movements ran out of steam before effectively being in a position wield state power, many of the parties and figures associated with this wave of left populism have entered government and others are still contesting high office.Providing a blow-by-blow history of the rise and defeat of left electoral movements in the West, Boriello and Jaeger guide us through the conditions that shaped this wave of insurgencies. These include extreme and rising inequality, the collapse of civic life, and a lack of trust in traditional institutions.In this context, Boriello and Jaeger argue that some or another form of populism was all but inevitable. And, despite defeats, left offensives of present and future will be populist in nature. This is because the conditions that shaped the first left populist wave are still very much with us.
Populist Moments and Extractivist States in Venezuela and Ecuador: The People’s Oil?
by Teresa Kramarz Donald KingsburyThis book addresses the intersection of extractivism, populism, and accountability. Although populist politics are often portrayed as a driver of poor environmental governance, Populist Moments and Extractivist States identifies it as an intervening variable at best – one that emerges in response to the accountability deficits of extractive states. Case studies in Venezuela – for many, the prototypical petrostate – and Ecuador – which exchanged agribusiness dependency for oil decades later – illustrate how extractive states are oriented by a colonial logic of export and service. This logic regulates state-society-nature relationships and circumscribes avenues for local stakeholders to hold public officials and extractive industries to account for environmental and human harms. Populist moments of the early 21st century across Latin America responded to these conditions, promising more equitable and sustainable futures. However, rather than reversing the technocracy, verticalism, and exclusion of the recent past, populist moments often intensified and legitimated them in the drive to maximize and distribute resource rents. The result has been cyclical, as populist moments of hope and rupture fall prey to the extractivist states they tried, and failed, to replace.
Populist Nationalism in Europe and the Americas
by Diane E. Johnson Fernando López-AlvesPopulist nationalism fuses beliefs that citizens are being exploited by a privileged elite with claims that the national culture and interests are under threat from enemies within or without. Ideologically fluid, populist nationalists decry “out-of-touch” institutions such as political parties and the mainstream press while extolling the virtues of the “people.” They claim that only populists can truly represent the nation and solve its problems, and often call for unorthodox solutions that appeal to the common people. The recent spread of populist nationalism throughout the world has triggered a growing interest in the subject, led mainly by journalists. The Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump in the US have provoked a flurry of media coverage in Europe and the Americas, along with parliamentary debates. Some social scientists have sought to explain the resurgence of nationalism and the spread of populism in recent decades, but important questions remain and most of the scholarship has not adequately addressed the fusion of nationalism and populism. It fails to examine the combination of populism and nationalism comparatively, especially the contrast between the more progressive and leftist versions such as those in Latin America, and the more traditional conservative varieties that are gaining strength in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This interdisciplinary collection by experts on Europe and the Americas fills this void. The volume examines various experiences with populist nationalism, and offers theoretical tools to assess its future. Some chapters are in-depth country case studies and others take a broader perspective, but all open the door for meaningful comparison.
Populist Nationalism in Pre-War Japan: A Biography of Nakano Seigo (Routledge Library Editions: Japan)
by Leslie R OatesNakano has received very little attention in works in English on the relevant period, as his approaches to effective power were limited while his career also lacks the violent drama associated with movements resorting to terrorism. Even in Japan he has not been made the subject of much academic enquiry. Though remaining a fairly well-known figure he is more generally consigned to the class of ‘ultra-nationalists’ who are blamed for the disaster of Japan’s defeat. This book uses material from the few biographies available in conjunction with some short sketches of Nakano by others, biographies of associates and official publications covering his and related political activities. Primary sources include a representative range of Nakano’s own writings, as well as speeches in the Diet. Interviews with Nakano’s two surviving sons and other close associates also feature.
Populist Parties and Democratic Resilience: A Cross-National Analysis of Populist Parties’ Impact on Democratic Pluralism in Europe (Routledge Studies in Extremism and Democracy)
by Ben Crum and Alvaro OleartPopulist Parties and Democratic Resilience focuses on populist parties as the main agents of populism and examines when these parties turn anti-democratic and when they remain loyal to the democratic system. Following the Brexit referendum, the election of Donald Trump, and the rise of populist parties around the globe, many observers suggested that democracy was in serious trouble. Nevertheless, while some democratic systems have been seized by populists, most of them have proven resilient. In this volume, the authors identify the conditions under which populist parties become inimical to political and societal pluralism. They offer in-depth analyses of the trajectory of populist parties in eleven European Union countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, and Spain). The book shows that, reflecting the diversity of national contexts, there are multiple pathways whereby populist parties’ power can remain contained and subject to democratic checks and balances. Moreover, populist parties can — at times voluntarily, at other times by force of external conditions — come to adhere to the democratic rules of the game. On this basis, the volume outlines different ways in which European democracies can successfully accommodate populist parties through strategies that carefully navigate between the extremes of uncritical acceptance and outright ostracization. Drawing on the literature on democratic theory and comparative politics, this book directly contributes to the public debate on the state of democracy in Europe. It will be of interest to researchers of comparative politics, European politics, party politics, democracy, and populism.
The Populist Persuasion: An American History
by Michael Kazin"Kazin has written a thoughtful and important book on one of the more consequential movements in American politics-populism. Tracing the emergence of populist campaigns from the 19th century to the present day, he looks at such movements as the labor movement, the prohibitionist crusade, Catholic radio populist Father Coughlin, the New Left, and the recent advance of conservative populism, as identified with such figures as George Wallace and Ronald Reagan. Kazin opens by saying, 'I began to write this book as a way of making sense of a painful experience: the decline of the American Left, including its liberal component, and the rise of the Right.' Anyone interested in either political tendency will find this book both informative and engaging. It is a powerful, elegantly written, and observant study that never fails to retain the reader's interest."--Library JournalFor the revised Cornell edition, Michael Kazin has rewritten the final chapter, bringing his coverage of American populism up to the 1996 presidential election, and he has added a new conclusion.
The Populist Persuasion: An American History
by Michael KazinIn The Populist Persuasion, the distinguished historian Michael Kazin guides readers through the expressions of conflict between powerful elites and "the people" that have run through our civic life, filling it with discord and meaning from the birth of the United States until the present day. Kazin argues persuasively that the power of populism lies in its adaptable nature. Across the political spectrum, commentators paste the label on forces and individuals who really have just one big thing in common: they are effective at blasting "elites" or "the establishment" for harming the interests and betraying the ideals of "the people" in nations that are committed, at least officially, to democratic principles. Kazin’s classic book has influenced debates over populism since its publication. The new preface to this edition brings the story up to date by charting the present resurgence of populist discourse, which was front and center in the 2016 elections and in the Brexit debate.
Populist Political Communication in Europe (Routledge Research in Communication Studies)
by Carsten Reinemann Frank Esser Jesper Stromback Toril Aalberg Claes De VreeseIn an increasing number of countries around the world, populist leaders, political parties and movements have gained prominence and influence, either by electoral successes on their own or by influencing other political parties and the national political discourse. While it is widely acknowledged that the media and the role of communication more broadly are key to understanding the rise and success of populist leaders, parties and movements, there is however very little research on populist political communication, at least in the English-speaking research literature. Originating from a research project funded by the European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST), this book seeks to advance this research. It includes examinations 24 European countries, and focuses on three areas within the context of populism and populist political communication: populist actors as communicators, the media and populism and citizens and populism.
The Populist Radical Left in Europe (Routledge Advances in European Politics #1)
by Giorgos Katsambekis Alexandros KioupkiolisBuilding on a comprehensive theoretical framework that draws on discursive and ideational approaches to populism, this volume offers a comparative mapping of the Populist Radical Left in contemporary Europe. It explores the novel discursive, political and organisational features of several political actors, as well as the conditions of their emergence and success, while being alert to the role of relevant social movements. Chapters feature case studies of the Greek party Syriza, the Spanish Podemos, the German Die Linke, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and France Insoumise, the Dutch Socialist Party and the Slovenian Levica. Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of Labour in the UK and ‘Momentum’, the movement that supports him is also examined. A separate chapter is devoted to recent grassroots social movements that can be seen as instances of progressive populism, such as the ‘squares movement’ in Spain and Greece. This book fills a crucial gap in the literature on radical left politics and populism in Europe, contributing to the rapidly burgeoning field of populism studies.
Populist Radical Left Parties in Western Europe: Equality and Sovereignty
by Marco DamianiThis book provides a comparative analysis and a systemic categorization of the Populist Radical Left Parties (PRLPs) in Western Europe. Institutional and socio-economic aspects have transformed the political culture of many modern democracies, leading to the creation of radical left-wing parties who, by combining a strongly populist political offer with the historical demands of the traditional left wing, are capable of electoral success. This book analyzes a range of different Populist Radical Left Parties (PRLPs) in Western Europe through in-depth case studies. The author uses statutes, internal documents, programs, election results, membership data, and international political literature combined with interviews with executives and national secretaries to describe and interpret the main features of PRLPs, their paths of formation and political transformation. This volume will appeal to scholars and students of political science and political sociology, media studies and anyone interested in trying to better understand European populism and the distinctions among its different forms.
The Populist Radical Right: A Reader (Routledge Studies in Extremism and Democracy)
by Cas MuddeThe populist radical right is one of the most studied political phenomena in the social sciences, counting hundreds of books and thousands of articles. This is the first reader to bring together the most seminal articles and book chapters on the contemporary populist radical right in western democracies. It has a broad regional and topical focus and includes work that has made an original theoretical contribution to the field, which make them less time-specific. The reader is organized in six thematic sections: (1) ideology and issues; (2) parties, organizations, and subcultures; (3) leaders, members, and voters; (4) causes; (5) consequences; and (6) responses. Each section features a short introduction by the editor, which introduces and ties together the selected pieces and provides discussion questions and suggestions for further readings. The reader is ended with a conclusion in which the editor reflects on the future of the populist radical right in light of (more) recent political developments – most notably the Greek economic crisis and the refugee crisis – and suggest avenues for future research.
The Populist Radical Right and Health: National Policies and Global Trends
by Michelle Falkenbach Scott L. GreerThis contributed volume is the first in-depth analysis of the health policies of populist radical right (PRR) parties worldwide and their actual involvement in health care. The prominence of authoritarian, nationalistic, and populist parties is expanding steadily. However, it is often difficult to discern what kind of policies they really stand for, particularly with regard to the welfare state and public health, where research remains sparse. This book fills this critical gap. The text connects PRR parties and leaders with actual health and social policy effects in Eastern and Western Europe as well as in the United States, Brazil, and the Philippines. The chapters highlight ten individual country case studies authored by young scholars and professors with political science and health experts: The Austrian Freedom Party in Government: A Threat to Public Health? The Alternative for Germany (AfD) and Health Policy: Normalization or Containment of Populist Radical Right Tendencies? Populist Radical Right Influence on Health Policy in the Netherlands: The Case of the Party for Freedom (PVV) The Evolution of the Populist Radical Right and Their Impact on Health in Italy The Populist Radical Right and Health in Hungary Is the Polish 'Law and Justice' (PiS) a Typical Populist Radical Right Party? A Health Policy Perspective The Case of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) Rhetoric and Reality in the United States of America: Trump, Populism, and Health Policy Ruling Through Chaos in Brazil: Bolsonaro's Authoritarian Agenda for Public Health An Authoritarian Reaction to COVID-19 in the Philippines: A Strong Commitment to Universal Health Care Combined with Violent Securitization The Populist Radical Right and Health is exceptionally timely and essential reading for political science and health colleagues researching and writing about PRR parties and leaders; students and faculty in public health, health and social policy, and political science; and anyone interested in learning more about this topic.
The Populist Radical Right in Central and Eastern Europe: Ideology, impact, and electoral performance (Extremism and Democracy)
by Andrea L. PirroOften neglected in the study of far right organisations, post-communist Europe recently witnessed the rise and fall of a number of populist radical right parties. The Populist Radical Right in Central and Eastern Europe is the first comparative study to focus on the ideology, impact, and electoral performance of this party family in the region. The book advances a series of arguments concerning the context and text of these parties, and systematically analyses the supply-side and demand-side of populist radical right politics. Whilst populist radical right parties in Central and Eastern Europe maintain broad similarities with their West European counterparts, they come across as a distinct phenomenon worthy of study in their own right. Parties like Ataka (Bulgaria), Jobbik (Hungary), and the SNS (Slovakia) resort to historical legacies and contextual idiosyncrasies to frame their ideology; interact with other parties over a number of policy areas; and ultimately compete for public office on the basis of their nativist agenda. The book provides a novel framework for the analysis of different aspects of populist radical right politics, notably enhancing the understanding of this phenomenon by means of primary data such as personal interviews with party leaders and original expert surveys. Using the ideological features of these parties as an overarching analytical tool, this book is essential reading for students and scholars researching the far right, post-communist issues and European politics in general.
The Populist Radical Right in Poland: The Patriots (Extremism and Democracy)
by Rafal PankowskiIn this important and accessible study, Rafal Pankowski makes sense of the rapid growth of organized radical nationalism on the political level in Poland by showing its origins, its internal dynamics and the historical, political, social and cultural context that has made it possible. From political obscurity to the heart of mainstream politics, the recent rise of the extreme right in the Polish context surprised many observers. In the 1990s Poland was usually referred to as a country without significant extremist or populist movements. It was considered to be a stable, even if young, democracy, and ‘extremists’ were perceived as just a little nuisance to the liberal-democratic consensus. By the mid-2000s, the picture changed completely, two populist radical right parties entered into a coalition government with the right-wing conservative Law and Justice Party. All of a sudden, racist extremist affiliations were not a hindrance to a high-level career, but were tolerated or even seemed positively valued. The entrance of extremists into state structures was no longer a matter of isolated individual cases, but took on systemic features. Presenting a detailed analysis of the Polish national populism, the book will use theories of social movements (in particular the concept of discursive opportunity structure), as well as relevant theories of transition and democratization. In particular, the specific cultural resources of Polish nationalist populism are to be analyzed because they are deemed to be among principal reasons for the relative success of the radical nationalists and their particular brand of identity politics The book not only provides a detailed analysis of Polish nationalism but will also have a much broader trans-national significance, essential reading for scholars of national populism in the context of post-communism and beyond.
Populist Rhetorics: Case Studies and a Minimalist Definition (Rhetoric, Politics and Society)
by Christian Kock Lisa VilladsenThis book proposes a unified approach to populism that sees it as a primarily rhetorical concept. Populism is on the rise worldwide with both populist leaders and movements gaining power, and the term “populism” resounds in political debate, journalism, and scholarship. Populism as a phenomenon seems to instantiate perennial issues besetting rhetoric (e.g., the charges of manipulation, exclusive reliance on opinion over knowledge, and abuse of emotional appeals), yet relatively little research on populism has emerged from the discipline of rhetoric. This volume investigates the theory and practice of populism under the heading of rhetoric but as an interdisciplinary effort involving scholars in rhetoric as well as neighbouring disciplines such as political science and sociology. Seven case studies covering Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, UK, USA, and Venezuela offer conceptual discussions as well as close analyses applying both historical and theoretical approaches. In the introduction, the editors outline the problem of populism and their project, presenting the book’s wide-spanning case-based explorations. In an afterword they seek to distil a “minimal” rhetorical definition of populism. The claim or pretense to speak for “the people” emerges as the feature that connects the highly diverse instances studied in the book—and populisms in general, the editors hypothesize. They argue that this prevalent rhetorical move, often glossed over as unremarkable and banal, is in principle more debatable and deserving of more vigilant scrutiny than usually assumed.
The Populist Vision
by Charles PostelThe Populist movement has been both dismissed as an irrational response of backward-looking farmers to modernity and romanticized as a resistance movement of tradition-based communities to modern, commercial society. Now, in a wide-ranging and provocative reassessment, based on a deep reading of archival sources, The Populist Vision argues the opposite - that the Populists understood themselves as, and in fact were, modern people, pursuing an alternative vision for modern America. Taking into account the leaders and the led, The Populist Vision uses a wide lens - focusing on the farmers, both black and white, men and women - but also looking at wage workers and bohemian urbanites. Ranging from Texas to the Dakotas, from Georgia to California, Charles Postel shows how farmer Populists strove to use the new innovations for their own ends. They sought scientific and technical knowledge, formed highly centralized organizations, launched large-scale cooperative businesses, and pressed for reforms on the model of the nation's most elaborate bureaucracy - the Postal Service. Hundreds of thousands of women joined the movement, too, seeking education, employment in schools and offices, and a more modern life. Miners, railroad workers, and other labor Populists joined with farmers to give impetus to the regulatory state. Activists from Chicago, San Francisco, and other new cities provided Populism with a dynamic urban dimension. The winner of a prestigious Bancroft Prize and the Organization of American Historian's Frederick Jackson Turner Award, this highly original account of the Populist movement is essential reading for anyone interested in the politics, society, and culture of modern America.
Populistas: ¿Cuán populistas somos los peruanos? Un estudio empírico
by Carlos MeléndezCarlos Meléndez ha trazado una radiografía fascinante del elector peruano, en tiempos de creciente polarización y una crisis de gobernabilidad que parece permanente. ¿Cuán populistas somos los peruanos? ¿Es el populismo el verdadero denominador común de nuestros principales líderes políticos? La evidencia empírica indica que las respuestas a estas preguntas son ciertamente sorprendentes. Empleando como base una serie de sondeos de opinión y su propia experiencia como politólogo e investigador, Carlos Meléndez ha trazado una radiografía fascinante del elector peruano, en tiempos de creciente polarización y una crisis de gobernabilidad que parece permanente. Los rasgos que comparten Alberto Fujimori, Ollanta Humala, Martín Vizcarra, Francisco Sagasti y Pedro Castillo, entre otros rostros visibles de nuestro ecosistema político, son muchos más de lo que pensamos. La tendencia o ideología no es impedimento para satisfacer la demanda populista y la vocación anti-establishment que han marcado el devenir de la sociedad peruana en las últimas décadas. Esta investigación expone numerosos mitos derribados, así como verdades amargas que nuestros líderes y caudillos -de izquierda, derecha o de centro- difícilmente aceptarán. La complejidad del populismo como concepto no impide su omnipresencia en nuestro espectro político. Por el contrario, parece gobernarlo. Este libro nos ayudará a entenderlo y, de paso, entendernos un poco mejor como electores.
Populists and the Pandemic: How Populists Around the World Responded to COVID-19 (Routledge Studies in Extremism and Democracy)
by Nils Ringe Lucio RennóPopulists and the Pandemic examines the responses of populist political actors and parties in 22 countries around the globe to the COVID-19 pandemic, in terms of their attitudes, rhetoric, mobilization repertoires, and policy proposals. The responses of some populist leaders have received much public attention, as they denied the severity of the public health crisis, denigrated experts and data, looked for scapegoats, encouraged protests, questioned the legitimacy of liberal institutions, spread false information, and fueled conspiracies. But how widespread are those particular reactions? How much variation is there? What explains the variation that does exist? This volume considers these questions through critical analysis of countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa, by leading experts with deep knowledge of their respective cases. Some chapters focus on populist parties, others on charismatic populist leaders. Some countries examined are democracies, others autocracies. Some populists are left wing, others right wing. Some populists are in government, others in opposition. This variation allows for a panoramic consideration of factors that systematically influence or mediate populist responses to the pandemic. The book thus makes a unique contribution to our understanding of the intersection between two of the most pressing social and political challenges of our time. The book will be of interest to all those researching populism, extremism, and political parties and those more broadly interested in political science, public policy, sociology, communications, and economics.
Populists in Power (Extremism and Democracy)
by Daniele Albertazzi Duncan McDonnellThe main area of sustained populist growth in recent decades has been Western Europe, where populist parties have not only endured longer than expected, but have increasingly begun to enter government. Focusing on three high-profile cases in Italy and Switzerland – the Popolo della Libertà (PDL), Lega Nord (LN) and Schweizerische Volkspartei (SVP) – Populists in Power is the first in-depth comparative study to examine whether these parties are indeed doomed to failure in office as many commentators have claimed. Albertazzi and McDonnell’s findings run contrary to much of the received wisdom. Based on extensive original research and fieldwork, they show that populist parties can be built to last, can achieve key policy victories and can survive the experience of government, without losing the support of either the voters or those within their parties. Contributing a new perspective to studies in populist politics, Populists in Power is essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as scholars interested in modern government, parties and politics.
Por las sendas del Ubérrimo
by Iván Cepeda Alirio Uribe MuñozUn valiente libro que expone alguna de las problemáticas del país. Por las sendas de El Ubérrimo, es un texto valiente, rigurosamente documentado, que renueva la información sobre algunos temas que han marcado la compleja historia de Colombia en las últimas décadas: paramilitarismo, desalojo violento de tierras y usurpación del poder para beneficios particulares.
¿Por qué dejas que te roben?: Aprende a indentificar fraudes y defiende tus derechos
by Rubén SánchezRubén Sánchez, periodista y secretario general de FACUA, te da las claves para defenderte de los abusos de las empresas mediante ejemplos reales de sus treinta años protegiendo a los consumidores y te ayuda a usar esa arma tan poderosa que, sin ser demasiado conscientes, todos poseemos: nuestras decisiones de consumo. ¿Por qué no te rebelas cada vez que una empresa incumple lo pactado, te cobra cantidades de forma abusiva o se niega a darte la atención que mereces? Compañías de electricidad, gas, telecomunicaciones, aseguradoras, aerolíneas, bancos... cometen todo tipo de irregularidades con una impunidad casi absoluta. ¿Cuántos abusos eres capaz de aguantarles sin mover un dedo para cambiar las cosas? ¿Por qué no usas más a menudo el poder que tienes? Esta es una guía para enfrentarte a las relaciones tóxicas con empresas que te seducen con malas artes, con promesas que solo cumplen al inicio de la relación -o que incluso nunca llegan a cumplir- y que en realidad solo te quieren por tu dinero.
Por qué la austeridad mata: El coste humano de las políticas de recorte
by David Stuckler Sanjay Basu¿Debe anteponerse la salud de la economía a la de los ciudadanos? Este es el primer libro que afronta el debate político y económico sobre la crisis desde una nueva y muy necesaria perspectiva: su coste humano. La recesión global ha tenido un impacto brutal sobre la riqueza de los países pero todavía ignoramos cómo afecta a un tema esencial: el bienestar físico y mental de sus ciudadanos. ¿Por qué al enfrentarse a crisis similares la salud en algunas naciones (como Grecia) se ha deteriorado gravemente mientras en otras (como Islandia) ha llegado a mejorar? Tras una década de investigaciones, David Stuckler y Sanjay Basu nos demuestran que incluso ante las peores catástrofes económicas los efectos negativos en la salud pública no son inevitables. Es la mala gestión de los gobiernos la que puede conducir a un desastroso saldo de tragedias humanas. Por qué la austeridad mata presenta una conclusión demoledora: los recortes son seriamente perjudiciales para su salud. Son las recetas de austeridad las que agravan fatalmente las consecuencias de las crisis, mutilando programas sociales clave justo en el momento en el que más se necesitan, empeorando el desempleo y obstaculizando la recuperación. Este libro defiende que las decisiones económicas no son únicamente una cuestión de ideologías, de tasas de crecimiento y de déficits presupuestarios, sino también una cuestión de vida o muerte. Solo un sistema más justo e igualitario, acompañado de políticas inteligentes que refuercen las redes públicas de protección, garantizará el bienestar de nuestras sociedades. Reseñas:«Un mensaje explosivo respaldado por una década de investigación y basado en una buena cantidad de datos que están a disposición del público... En su nuevo y potente libro, Por qué la austeridad mata, Stuckler y su colega Sanjay Basu muestran que la austeridad está teniendo un #efecto devastador#sobre la salud pública en Europa y América del Norte.»The Guardian «¿Cuál es el precio de un mercado de valores saludable? En este riguroso análisis económico, el sociólogo David Stuckler y el epidemiólogo Sanjay Basu sostienen que durante una recesión los recortes en gasto social que implica la austeridad erosionan la salud pública... Una llamada aleccionadora a favor de la toma de decisiones informadas y democráticas en respuesta a la recesión.»Nature «Un dramático estudio que destaca algunas de las consecuencias resultantes de la combinación entre las obsesiones ideológicas y la desconsideración burocrática.»Kirkus Reviews «Stuckler y Basu proporcionan un eficaz resumen de los problemas básicos de la austeridad desde la perspectiva económica, aunque la gran contribución de este libro es centrarse en sus efectos sobre la salud... Los autores han descubierto que cuanta más austeridad se ha practicado en un estado o en unpaís más personas han enfermado y más personas han muerto. En resumen, "La austeridad mata" es algo más que un eslogan. La austeridad no funciona desde el punto de vista económico y, además de eso, mata a la gente.»The New Republic «La austeridad mata, y a gran escala. Eso es lo que sostienen David Stuckler y Sanjay Basu en Por qué la austeridad mata, un potente ataque a los intentos de reducir el gasto público desde que se produjo la crisis económica, que convierte a los políticos partidarios de apretarse el cinturón en responsables de la catástrofe sanitaria... Al contar las historias de víctimas individuales a la vez que analiza los efectos de la austeridad sobre la población general, Stuckler y Basu proporcionan abundancia de pruebas de que es mala para nuestra salud. Una contribución valiosa al actual debate.»Financial Times
¿Por qué los jóvenes están volviendo a la política?: De los indignados a la cámpora
by José NatansonEn un estilo personalísimo, que combina la cita académica con lareferencia pop, el análisis estadístico con fragmentos de canciones, eldato histórico con la anécdota, José Natanson ofrece un análisisapasionante y a la vez profundo del resurgimiento juvenil. Los indignados españoles que protestan contra el ajuste, los rebeldesárabes que voltean dictaduras, los estudiantes chilenos que reclaman uncambio en el modelo educativo, los jóvenes argentinos que se suman a loscírculos militantes del kirchnerismo. La reactivación política de losjóvenes es una de las grandes novedades del siglo XXI.Este libro es un relato en caliente de esta nueva "revolución de losjóvenes" y un análisis de sus causas profundas. En particular, lafrustración de una juventud cada vez más educada e informada que, sinembargo, tiene que lidiar con trabajos precarios y mal pagos, lo quegenera una brecha entre posibilidades y oportunidades que deriva enbronca pero también en una sorprendente repolitización.Este libro ofrece las primeras claves para comprender una tendenciaglobal que tiene en la Argentina un reflejo particular: la juventudkirchnerista, con La Cámpora como actor principal, funciona como unasíntesis de las principales virtudes del gobierno tanto como de susindisimulables defectos. Se trata, en todo caso, de un fenómeno de masasinédito desde la recuperación de la democracia.
Por qué miramos a los animales
by John BergerNadie como el premio Booker John Berger para enseñarnos a ver y a vernos. «Desde D. H. Lawrence no ha habido un escritor como Berger, capaz de ofrecer al mundo tal atención sobre los problemas humanos más disímiles, con una sensualidad que no renuncia a los imperativos de la conciencia y la responsabilidad».Susan Sontag John Berger revolucionó nuestra manera de ver el arte, la sociedad y la naturaleza, animándonos a mirar el mundo como si se tratara de la primera vez. Este libro es una buena muestra de ello: variando en tono desde la anécdota tierna hasta el ensayo profundo, el ganador del Premio Booker se pregunta cómo y por qué nos hemos vuelto incapaces de ver realmente a los animales, a los que hemos convertido en muñecos, juguetes y personajes de cuentos infantiles. Berger nos ofrece un diagnóstico, pero también una salida: la solidaridad entre oprimidos, la creación de un lenguaje común y una nueva mirada emancipadora tanto para el que mira como para el que es mirado.Alfaguara recoge los ensayos, algunos inéditos en castellano, que Berger dedicó a nuestra relación con los animales y a diversas luchas sociales en un libro que muestra una vez más la sensibilidad y el compromiso del autor en temas de intensa relevancia actual. La crítica ha dicho...«Su obra parece labrada con una precisión de relojero, y una intimidad que podría confundirse con ternura».The New York Times Book Review «Fue el Leonard Cohen de otra clase de rotunda melancolía: la de la tristeza (social, íntima) que provoca el auténtico saber en mitad de la sociedad capitalista de fauces abiertas y hambre incansable».Diego Medrano, El Comercio«Berger es el fecundo, sugerente e irónico escritor de las verdades».Manuel Rivas «Una de las voces esenciales para comprender el estado de nuestra sociedad [...]. Combina a la perfección compromiso y reflexión».El Confidencial «Sus contemporáneos más cercanos en términos de audacia estética podrían ser Umberto Eco o el tardío W. G. Sebald, pero resulta difícil compararlo a cualquier autor inglés del último medio siglo. Berger, simplemente, rompió todos los moldes».The Guardian «Fue la voz de los frágiles, residuos del mundo moderno a los que su obra otorgó dignidad de reyes [...]. Poeta, novelista, ensayista y crítico de arte, toda su obra literaria es el testimonio de alguien que contempla un universo que se desvanece ante sus ojos».Javier Rodríguez Marcos, El País «Un faro de luz tenue pero inagotable, constante, esperanzada».Àlex Susana, Ara «Los libros de Berger poseen la peculiar cualidad de parecer libros solo por azar. Hechos de palabras, las portan, sin embargo, con indulgencia, casia regañadientes, como si igual pudieran estar hechos de lienzo y pintura o, aún mejor, de polvo y paja, barro y hueso».Herald Tribune
¿Por qué necesitamos una nueva constitución?
by Claudia HeissLa actual Constitución no garantiza derechos. Su origen, historia, reformas y las razones de por qué debe haber una nueva Constitución con la mayor participación ciudadana. Breve ensayo sobre las razones del por qué el gran problema actual del país, la desigualdad, está relacionada con las características de la Constitución de 1980 y por qué se hace necesario una nueva carta magna. La directora de la Carrera de Ciencia Política de la Universidad de Chile y miembro de la comisión técnica el actual proceso constituyente resume el origen de la actual Constitución impulsada por Jaime Guzmán en plena dictadura cívico militar de Augusto Pinochet, su historia, así como sus sucesivas reformas. Además de un análisis del proceso actual y las razones más importantes de la necesidad de una nueva Constitución. «Todo lo que en las protestas llaman "abusos", es porque nos falta protección social. Lo que en otras constituciones se consideran derechos económicos y sociales, en esta Constitución se estableció que son "libertades", que no son derechos. Un ejemplo es que establece libertad de enseñanza, no derecho a la educación».