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Por una democracia progresista

by Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas

La Revolución Mexicana es indetenible, ya que su propósito siempre ha sido erigir un pueblo esencialmente democrático. Figura central de la transición a la democracia en nuestro país y dirigente de la izquierda mexicana, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, en este nuevo libro, hace una revisión histórica y crítica del proceso revolucionario iniciado en 1910. Con un desglose de los principales documentos, analiza las diversas etapas, desde los antecedentes, la fase armada (1910-1920), el periodo de estabilización (1920-1934), el momento más alto de las realizaciones revolucionarias (1934- 1940), el declive (1941-1982) y el ciclo del desmantelamiento institucionalizado (1982-2018). Por una democracia progresista demuestra que la Revolución Mexicana es una revolución viva, cuyo propósito sigue siendo la edificación de una amplia, sólida y perdurable democracia. Así, a partir de argumentos rotundos y una consistente visión del futuro, concluye que la nación atraviesa por una crisis institucional donde debe volverse a los principios y a la ideología de la Revolución, pues todavía propone soluciones inmediatas y le resta mucho camino por andar.

Porfirio Diaz

by Paul Garner

The difficulties encountered in the management of contrasting political cultures can be clearly identified in the long political career of Porfirio Diaz, President of Mexico from 1876 to 1880, and subsequently, without interruption, from 1884 until his forced resignation in 1911. Diaz succeeded in manipulating Mexican political life for the best part of three decades. He thus holds the record, and the dubious honour, of being the longest-serving constitutional leader during the often painful evolution of the Mexican state since 1821, the year in which 300 years of Spanish colonial rule formally came to an end (1521-1821).

Porfirio Díaz. Su vida y su tiempo II: La ambición: 1867-1884

by Carlos Tello Díaz

Uno de los personajes más fascinantes en la historia de México. Porfirio Díaz. Su vida y su tiempo es la biografía definitiva sobre esta figura indiscutible de nuestra historia. Sin redimir ni satanizar, este libro es el mayor esfuerzo por contar las cosas como en realidad sucedieron. Al triunfar la República contra la Intervención y el Imperio, los liberales conquistaron el poder en México, pero fueron consumidos por la discordia, divididos con respecto de la reelección del presidente Juárez. Unos estaban a favor; otros estaban en contra. Los que estaban en contra postularon la candidatura de Porfirio Díaz, el general más popular del Ejército de la República, hasta entonces amigo y aliado de don Benito. Así comienza la historia que cuenta La ambición (1867-1884), continuación de La guerra (1830-1867), obra galardonada con el Premio Mazatlán de Literatura. El libro relata los años trágicos de Porfirio en la finca de La Noria; el fracaso de su rebelión contra Juárez; su paso por La Habana, Nueva York y San Francisco; las vicisitudes que vivió hasta triunfar en la revolución que lo llevó a la Presidencia. Narra con detalle la defensa que hizo de la patria frente a la amenaza de guerra con los Estados Unidos y rescata, también, el telegrama en clave donde ordenó reprimir la rebelión de Veracruz, que pasó a la historia con la frase Mátalos en caliente. Esta biografía retrata al rebelde y al estadista, pero también al hombre. Privilegia la voz de los protagonistas de los hechos, que escuchamos a través de sus cartas, sus diarios y sus testimonios, rescatados de los archivos por el historiador Carlos Tello Díaz.

Pork Barrel Politics: How Government Spending Determines Elections in a Polarized Era

by Professor Andrew H. Sidman

Conventional wisdom holds that legislators who bring “pork”—federal funds for local projects—back home to their districts are better able to fend off potential challengers. For more than four decades, however, the empirical support for this belief has been mixed. Some studies have found that securing federal spending has no electoral effects at best or can even cost incumbent legislators votes.In Pork Barrel Politics, Andrew H. Sidman offers a systematic explanation for how political polarization affects the electoral influence of district-level federal spending. He argues that the average voter sees the pork barrel as an aspect of the larger issue of government spending, determined by partisanship and ideology. It is only when the political world becomes more divided over everything else that the average voter pays attention to pork, linking it to their general preferences over government spending. Using data on pork barrel spending from 1986 through 2012 and public works spending since 1876 along with analyses of district-level outcomes and incumbent success, Sidman demonstrates the rising power of polarization in United States elections. During periods of low polarization, pork barrel spending has little impact, but when polarization is high, it affects primary competition, campaign spending, and vote share in general elections. Pork Barrel Politics is an empirically rich account of the surprising repercussions of bringing pork home, with important consequences in our polarized era.

Pornography And Democratization: Legislating Obscenity In Post-communist Russia

by Paul Goldschmidt

Explores the politics of pornography and censorship in Russia today as a facet of the overall process of creating a liberal democracy in the Former Soviet Union. In this book, Paul Goldschmidt explores the politics of pornography in Russia today as a facet of the overall process of creating a liberal democracy in the Former Soviet Union. He clarifi

The Pornography of Power: How Defense Hawks Hijacked 9/11 and Weakened America

by Robert Scheer

In the course of his forty-year-career as one of America's most admired journalists, Robert Scheer's work has been praised by Gore Vidal, Susan Sontag, and Joan Didion, who deems him "one of the best reporters of our time." Now, Scheer brings a lifetime of wisdom and experience to one of the most overlooked and dangerous issues of our time - the destructive influence of America's military-industrial complex. Scheer examines the expansion of our military presence throughout the world, our insane nuclear strategy, the immorality of corporations profiting in Iraq, and the arrogance of our foreign policy. Although Scheer is a liberal, his view echoes that of former Republican president General Dwight Eisenhower, who, in his farewell speech to the American people, spoke prophetically about need to guard against the growing influence of the military-industrial complex. In George W. Bush's America, politicians like Ike and Richard Nixon seem like prudent centrists. The views of libertarians, liberals, and pacifists are often overlooked or ignored by America's mainstream media. The Pornography of Power is the culmination of a respected journalist's efforts to change the terms of debate. At a time when many are exploiting fears of terrorist attacks and only a few national leaders are willing to advocate cuts in defense spending, nuclear disarmament, and restrained use of American force, Robert Scheer has written a manifesto for enlightened reform.

Port Cities in Asia and Europe (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia #Vol. 54)

by Arndt Graf Chua Beng Huat

With the demise of European socialist economies and the marketization of Asian communist countries, a new global capitalism has reshaped the configuration of the world economy, with speed a determining factor to all transactions of information, finance, goods and services and people. Sea-ports that were significant for a slower but no less global economy have been undergoing transformation to stay economically and culturally relevant. Some manage to reinvent themselves as tourist cities, some face decline if they do not manage to transform. This volume looks at a number of port cities in Asia and Europe that face this pressure. With contributions considering history, contemporary developments, contacts between ports, the representation of ports and the relations between port cities and their hinterlands. This comparative study identifies many parallels between local histories and developments in the Asian and European port cities, as well as new opportunities for sharing experiences and learning from the developments and decisions in similar situations in other port cities.

The Port Huron Statement

by Richard Flacks

The Port Huron Statement was the most important manifesto of the New Left student movement of the 1960s. Initially drafted by Tom Hayden and debated over the course of three days in 1962 at a meeting of student leaders, the statement was issued by Students for a Democratic Society as their founding document. Its key idea, "participatory democracy," proved a watchword for Sixties radicalism that has also reemerged in popular protests from the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street. Featuring essays by some of the original contributors as well as prominent scholars who were influenced by the manifesto, The Port Huron Statement probes the origins, content, and contemporary influence of the document that heralded the emergence of a vibrant New Left in American culture and politics. Opening with an essay by Tom Hayden that provides a sweeping reflection on the document's enduring significance, the volume explores the diverse intellectual and cultural roots of the Statement, the uneasy dynamics between liberals and radicals that led to and followed this convergence, the ways participatory democracy was defined and deployed in the 1960s, and the continuing resonances this idea has for political movements today. An appendix includes a complete facsimile of the original document. The Port Huron Statement offers a vivid portrait of a unique moment in the history of radicalism, showing that the ideas that inspired a generation of young radicals more than a half a century ago are just as important and provocative today. Contributors: Robert Cohen, Richard Flacks, Jennifer Frost, Daniel Geary, Barbara Haber, Grace Elizabeth Hale, Tom Hayden, Michael Kazin, Nelson Lichtenstein, Jane Mansbridge, Lisa McGirr, James Miller, Robert J. S. Ross, Michael Vester, Erik Olin Wright.

Port Management and Operations

by Maria G. Burns

With 80 percent of the world’s commodities being transported by water, ports are the pillars of the global economy. Port Management and Operations offers readers the opportunity to enhance their strategic thinking and problem-solving skills, while developing market foresight. It examines global port management practices at the regulatory, commercial, technological, operational, financial, and sociopolitical levels.This powerful sourcebook describes how seaports are being affected by the changes occurring nationally, regionally, and globally. Evaluating the new regulatory framework, it pinpoints the industry’s implementation readiness and identifies potential problem areas. The book classifies the spectrum of interrelated port management principles, strategies, and activities in a logical sequence and under four cornerstones—Port Strategy and Structure, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Input: Factors of Production, and Output and Economic Framework.Detailing best practices and the latest industry developments, the book highlights emerging challenges for port managers and identifies opportunities to develop forward-thinking strategies. It examines the effectiveness of current strategies, tactics, tools, and resources of numerous global ports and highlights the necessity of adopting a proactive stance in harmonizing the laws, regulations, and policies pertaining to the maritime, oil, and gas industries.The shipping industry has myriad complexities and this book provides maritime managers and professionals with the wide-ranging and up-to-date understanding required to thrive in today’s highly competitive and evolving environment.

Port Management and Operations (Routledge Revivals Ser.)

by Maria G. Burns

With 80 percent of the world’s commodities being transported by water, ports are the pillars of the global economy. Port Management and Operations offers readers the opportunity to enhance their strategic thinking and problem-solving skills, while developing market foresight. It examines global port management practices at the regulatory, commercial, technological, operational, financial, and sociopolitical levels.This powerful sourcebook describes how seaports are being affected by the changes occurring nationally, regionally, and globally. Evaluating the new regulatory framework, it pinpoints the industry’s implementation readiness and identifies potential problem areas. The book classifies the spectrum of interrelated port management principles, strategies, and activities in a logical sequence and under four cornerstones—Port Strategy and Structure, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Input: Factors of Production, and Output and Economic Framework.Detailing best practices and the latest industry developments, the book highlights emerging challenges for port managers and identifies opportunities to develop forward-thinking strategies. It examines the effectiveness of current strategies, tactics, tools, and resources of numerous global ports and highlights the necessity of adopting a proactive stance in harmonizing the laws, regulations, and policies pertaining to the maritime, oil, and gas industries.The shipping industry has myriad complexities and this book provides maritime managers and professionals with the wide-ranging and up-to-date understanding required to thrive in today’s highly competitive and evolving environment.

Port Management and Operations

by Maria G. Burns

With 80 percent of the world’s commodities being transported by water, ports are the pillars of the global economy. Port Management and Operations offers readers the opportunity to enhance their strategic thinking and problem-solving skills, while developing market foresight. It examines global port management practices at the regulatory, commercial, technological, operational, financial, and sociopolitical levels.This powerful sourcebook describes how seaports are being affected by the changes occurring nationally, regionally, and globally. Evaluating the new regulatory framework, it pinpoints the industry’s implementation readiness and identifies potential problem areas. The book classifies the spectrum of interrelated port management principles, strategies, and activities in a logical sequence and under four cornerstones—Port Strategy and Structure, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Input: Factors of Production, and Output and Economic Framework.Detailing best practices and the latest industry developments, the book highlights emerging challenges for port managers and identifies opportunities to develop forward-thinking strategies. It examines the effectiveness of current strategies, tactics, tools, and resources of numerous global ports and highlights the necessity of adopting a proactive stance in harmonizing the laws, regulations, and policies pertaining to the maritime, oil, and gas industries.The shipping industry has myriad complexities and this book provides maritime managers and professionals with the wide-ranging and up-to-date understanding required to thrive in today’s highly competitive and evolving environment.

Port Security Management

by Kenneth Christopher Steven B. Ffflm

Sea and freshwater ports are a key component of critical infrastructure and essential for maintaining global and domestic economies. In order to effectively secure a dynamic port facility operation, one must understand the business of maritime commerce. Following in the tradition of its bestselling predecessor, Port Security Management, Second Edit

Port Sudan: The Evolution Of A Colonial City

by Kenneth J Perkins

In 1904, only the unimposing tomb of a local holy man occupied the site chosen by British officials for the construction of a modern seaport to facilitate the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan's expanded commerce. Built where no urban center had previously existed, Port Sudan was the quintessential colonial city, created and designed by Europeans, who organized its municipal services and devised the regulations for its day-to-day management. The advantages of a created city were clear: The colonial government did not need to accommodate an indigenous urban population with its own existing social structures, institutions, and cultural values. This study examines the efforts of Port Sudan's builders and early administrators to tailor the urban environment to their own notions of the ideal colonial city–how it should look, how it should function, and how its human components should interact. It then focuses on the inter-war period, describing how the rapid growth of Port Sudan and its harbor posed insurmountable challenges to the maintenance of this ideal. Although the Sudanese population within the city steadily increased, their exclusion from any meaningful participation in municipal affairs during these troubled years left them physically and psychologically isolated. The situation began to change after World War II, but, as the study reveals, conditions in the post-war era only compounded long-standing political, economic, and social problems in Port Sudan, ensuring that the city the Sudanese inherited in 1956 still bore the marks of its colonial origins.

The Portable Abraham Lincoln

by Abraham Lincoln

Celebrate the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln's birth with this new edition of his greatest speeches and writings Abraham Lincoln endowed the American language with a vigor and moral energy that has all but disappeared from today's public rhetoric. Lincoln's writings are testaments of our history, windows into his enigmatic personality, and resonant examples of the writer's art. The Portable Abraham Lincoln contains the great public speeches-the first debate with Stephen Douglas, the "House Divided"speech, the Gettysburg Address, the Second Inaugural Address-along with less familiar letters and memoranda that chart Lincoln's political career, his evolving stand against slavery, and his day-to-day conduct of the Civil War. This edition includes a revised introduction, updated notes on the text, a chronology of Lincoln's life, and four new selections of his writing. .

The Portable Conservative Reader

by Russell Kirk

The Portable Conservative Reader illuminates the meaning of the conservative cause. In one of the most wide-ranging and thoughtful anthologies of conservative thought in the English and American traditions, Russell Kirk excavates conservatism's foundations. The breadth of conservative writing reveals that, at bottom, the conservative idea is not an economic theory nor a political program but a penetrating way of looking at the human condition. Here, Kirk brings together a diverse group of thinkers and material - including essays, poetry, and fiction - that articulate the conservative imagination, its veneration of tradition, prudence, variety, and the enduring fallibility and imperfectibility of mankind. These selections set forth basic premises and principles at work in the minds of Edmund Burke, Benjamin Disraeli, and T. S. Eliot in Britain, Alexander Hamilton, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry Adams, and Irving Kristol in America, and many more who have elucidated this turn of mind. This balanced and surprising collection is a landmark study of the most potent political force of our time.

The Portable Edmund Burke

by Edmund Burke Isaac Kramnick

The intellectual wellspring of modern political conservatism, Edmund Burke is also considered a significant figure in aesthetic theory and cultural studies. As a member of the House of Commons during the late eighteenth century, Burke shook Parliament with his powerful defense of the American Revolution and the rights of persecuted Catholics in England and Ireland; his indictment of the English rape of the Indian subcontinent; and, most famously, his denouncement of English Jacobin sympathizers during the French Revolution. The Portable Edmund Burke is the fullest one- volume survey of Burke's thought, with sections devoted to his writings on history and culture, politics and society, the American Revolution, Ireland, colonialism and India, and the French Revolution. This volume also includes excerpts from his letters and an informative Introduction surveying Burke's life, ideas, and his reception and influence in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. .

The Portable Greek Historians

by M. I. Finley

Essential passages from the works of four "fathers of history"--Herodotus's History, Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War, Xenophon's Anabasis, and Polybius's Histories.

The Portable Hannah Arendt

by Hannah Arendt

This biography includes generous selections from The Origins of Totalitarianism, The Human Condition, and her controversial Eichmann in Jerusalem. It also includes selection of Arendt's letters to other formative thinkers of the century.

The Portable John Adams

by John Adams Jack Diggins

In addition to being an uncompromising defender of liberty, esteemed diplomat, and successor to George Washington, John Adams was a passionate and prolific writer. Adams biographer John Patrick Diggins gathers an impressive variety of his works in this compact, original volume, including parts of his diary and autobiography, and selections from his rich correspondence with this wife, Abigail, Thomas Jefferson, and others. The Portable John Adams also features his most important political works: "A Dissertation on Canon and Feudal Law," "Thoughts on Government," "A Defense of Constitutions," "Novanglus," and "Discources in Davila." There is no finer introduction to the protean genius of this seminal American philosopher. First time in Penguin Classics

The Portable Karl Marx

by Karl Marx Eugene Kamenka

Includes the complete Communist Manifesto and substantial extracts from On the Jewish Question, the German Ideology, Grundrisse, and Capital, a broad representation of his letters, and lesser-known works, especially his long-unavailable, early works.

The Portable Machiavelli

by Niccolo Machiavelli Peter Bondanella Mark Musa

In the four and a half centuries since Machiavelli's death, no single and unanimously accepted interpretation of his ideas has succeeded in imposing itself upon the lively debate over the meaning of his works. Yet there has never been any doubt about the fundamental importance of Machiavelli's contribution to Western political theory. The Portable Machiavelli brings together the complete texts of The Prince, Belfagor, and Castruccio Castracani, newly translated by Peter Bondanella and Mark Musa especially for this volume. In addition, the editors include an abridged version of The Discourses; a play, The Mandrake Root, in its entirety; seven private letters; and selections from The Art of War and The History of Florence.

The Portable Thomas Jefferson

by Thomas Jefferson

Includes A Summary View of the Rights of British America and Notes on the State of Virginia complete; seventy-nine letters; "Response to the Citizens of Albemarle," 1790; "Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank," 1791; and many other writings.

The Portable Thoreau

by Henry David Thoreau Jeffrey S. Cramer

Henry David Thoreau dedicated his life to preserving his freedom as a man and an artist. Nature was the fountainhead of his inspiration and his refuge from what he considered the follies of society. Heedless of his friends’ advice to live in a more orthodox manner, he determinedly pursued his own inner bent, which was that of a poet-philosopher, in prose and verse. Carl Bode brings together the best of Thoreau’s works in The Portable Thoreau, a comprehensive collection of the writings of a unique and profoundly influential American thinker. The complete texts of Thoreau’s classic works Walden and “Civil Disobedience,” as well as selections from The Maine Woods, Cape Cod, the Journal, and eighteen poems are included. Bode’s introduction rounds out this compact volume, offering a thorough and informative analysis of Thoreau and the forces that shaped his life and writing. “This compact book, containing infinite riches in a little room, is a simple setting for sound sense, nugget-like thought, the refined essences of a point of view” — St. Louis Post-Dispatch .

Portal: San Francisco's Ferry Building and the Reinvention of American Cities

by John King

A two-time Pulitzer finalist explores the story of American urban design through San Francisco’s iconic Ferry Building. Conceived in the Gilded Age, the Ferry Building opened in 1898 as San Francisco’s portal to the world—the terminus of the transcontinental railway and a showcase of civic ambition. In silent films and World’s Fair postcards, nothing said “San Francisco” more than its soaring clocktower. But as acclaimed architectural critic John King recounts in Portal, the rise of the automobile and double-deck freeways severed the city from its beloved structure and its waterfront—a connection that required generations to restore. King’s narrative spans the rise and fall and rebirth of the Ferry Building. Rich with feats of engineering and civic imagination, his story introduces colorful figures who fought to preserve the Ferry Building’s character (and the city’s soul)—from architect Arthur Page Brown and legendary columnist Herb Caen to poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Senator Dianne Feinstein. In King’s hands, the saga of the Ferry Building is a microcosm of a larger evolution along the waterfronts of cities everywhere. Portal traces the damage inflicted on historic neighborhoods and working dockyards by cars, highways, and top-down planning and “urban renewal.” But when an earthquake destroyed the Embarcadero Freeway, city residents seized the chance to reclaim their connection to the bay. Transporting readers across 125 years of history, this tour de force explores the tensions impacting urban infrastructure and public spaces, among them tourism, deindustrialization, development, and globalization. Portal culminates with a rich portrait of San Francisco’s vibrant esplanade today, visited by millions, even as sea level rise and earthquakes threaten a landmark that remains as vital as ever. A book for city lovers and visitors, architecture fans and pedestrians, Portal is essential reading for anyone interested in the history of San Francisco and the future of American cities.

Portfolio-Analysis Methods for Assessing Capability Options

by Russell D. Shaver Paul K. Davis Justin Beck

An analytical framework and methodology for capability-area reviews is described, along with new tools to support capabilities analysis and strategic-level defense planning in the Defense Department and the Services. BCOT generates and screens preliminary options, and the Portfolio-Analysis Tool (PAT) is used to evaluate options that pass screening. The concepts are illustrated with applications to Global Strike and Ballistic Missile Defense. Recommendations are made for further defense-planning research.

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