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Showing 70,776 through 70,800 of 100,000 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Postcolonial Developments: Agriculture in the Making of Modern India 1250456 Akhil Gupta 9780822399759 1998 Contains images
Postcolonial Developments: Agriculture in the Making of Modern India 563258 Akhil Gupta 9780822322139 2000
Postcolonial Encounters in International Relations: The Politics of Transgression in the Maghreb (Interventions) 4805445 Alina Sajed 9781135047788 2013
Postcolonial Film: History, Empire, Resistance (Routledge Advances in Film Studies #30) 5282808 Peter Hulme Rebecca Weaver-Hightower 9781134747344 2014 Contains images
The Postcolonial Gramsci (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures) 4930812 Neelam Srivastava Baidik Bhattacharya 9781136471469 2012 Contains images
Postcolonial Hauntings: Play and Transnational Feminism (Dissident Feminisms) 6239737 Sushmita Chatterjee 9780252088087 2024 Contains images
Postcolonial Italy: Challenging National Homogeneity (Italian and Italian American Studies) 2560316 Cristina Lombardi-Diop Caterina Romeo 9781137281470 2012 Contains images
Postcolonial Maghreb and the Limits of IR (Global Political Sociology) 2635570 Jessica da Oliveira 9783030199852 2020
Postcolonial Melancholia (The Wellek Library Lectures) 3515690 Paul Gilroy 9780231509695 2005
Postcolonial Perspectives on the European High North 1364934 Graham Huggan Lars Jensen 9781137588173 2016 Contains images
Postcolonial Politics, The Internet and Everyday Life: Pacific Traversals Online (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 4922744 M.I. Franklin 9781134301249 1999 Contains images
The Postcolonial Politics of Development (Postcolonial Politics) 3263529 Ilan Kapoor 9781135976798 2008
Postcolonial Portuguese Migration to Angola: Migrants or Masters? (Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship) 2272941 Lisa Åkesson 9783319730523 2015
Postcolonial Readings of Music in World Literature (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature) 4929904 Cameron Fae Bushnell 9781136264634 2013
Postcolonial Representations of Women: Critical Issues for Education 1351735 Rachel Bailey Jones 9789400715516 2011
The Postcolonial Short Story 1523754 Maggie Awadalla Paul March-Russell 9781137226693 2013
The Postcolonial State in Africa 616349 Crawford Young 9780299291433 2012
The Postcolonial Studies Reader 6096739 Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin 9780429889547 2024 Contains images
The Postcolonial Subject: Claiming Politics/Governing Others in Late Modernity (Interventions) 4820925 Vivienne Jabri 9781136281495 2011
Postcolonial Theory 2077323 Leela Gandhi 9780231178389 2018 Contains image descriptions
Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction 3514422 Leela Gandhi 9780231548564 2019
Postcolonial Theory and International Relations: A Critical Introduction (Interventions) 4822778 Sanjay Seth 9781135101862 2013
Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital 783058 Vivek Chibber 9781781682555 2013
Postcolonial Tourism: Literature, Culture, and Environment (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures) 3178273 Anthony Carrigan 9781136833915 2011 Contains images
Postcolonial Transition and Global Business History: British Multinational Companies in Ghana and Nigeria (Routledge International Studies in Business History) 5022973 Stephanie Decker 9781000797930 2023 Contains images

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