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Posthuman Subjectivity in the Novels of J.G. Ballard (Routledge Studies in Speculative Fiction)
by Carolyn LauThis book proposes that Ballard’s novels extrapolate the formation of a posthuman subjectivity that is centred around an affirmative understanding of what a human body can do. This new subjectivity transforms constraints and prescribed desires into creative openings in a hyper-mediated control society that conditions docile bodies through technology and consumerism. Set in surrealist predicaments in postwar affluent Western societies, Ballard’s novels remind us of the fragile veneer of order in the familiar every day. In these moments of crisis, complacent characters are compelled to undergo a process of defamiliarisation and transformation of their understanding of the self and the body. The ability to form new relationships with the unfamiliar is imperative to survival in a hostile environment. Ballard delineates both the possibilities and obstacles of forming these relationships. In particular, the author attributes the failure to do so to the irreconcilable contradictions of late capitalism.
A Posthumous History of José Martí: The Apostle and his Afterlife (Routledge Studies in Latin American and Iberian Literature)
by Alfred J. LópezA Posthumous History of José Martí: The Apostle and His Afterlife focuses on Martí’s posthumous legacy and his lasting influence on succeeding generations of Cubans on the island and abroad. Over 120 years after his death on a Cuban battlefield in 1895, Martí studies have long been the contested property of opposing sides in an ongoing ideological battle. Both the Cuban nation-state, which claims Martí as a crucial inspiration for its Marxist revolutionary government, and diasporic communities in the US who honor Martí as a figure of hope for the Cuban nation-in-exile, insist on the centrality of his words and image for their respective visions of Cuban nationhood. The book also explores more recent scholarship that has reassessed Martí’s literary, cultural, and ideological value, allowing us to read him beyond the Havana-Miami axis toward engagement with a broader historical and geographical tableau. Martí has thus begun to outgrow his mutually-reinforcing cults in Cuba and the diaspora, to assume his true significance as a hemispheric and global writer and thinker.
Postinternationalism and Small Arms Control: Theory, Politics, Security
by Damien RogersEven though impacts generated by the widespread availability and ongoing use of small arms and light weapons have not reached a magnitude sufficient to radically reorder contemporary world affairs, awareness of the nature and extent of these impacts has compelled some international actors to take decisive action. Damien Rogers examines how the international community has responded to the challenge of controlling small arms and light weapons since the early 1990s. Using a postinternationalist analytic framework, he specifically focuses on the maturing relationships between particular actors of world affairs and the nascent interconnectivity between their strategies for, and approaches toward, controlling these weapons. Furthermore, the book identifies ways in which the captains of small arms industry, arms brokers and chief users of these weapons are able to mitigate, resist or elude the intended effects of those responses.
Postkommunistische Regime: Akteure, Institutionen und Dynamiken (Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft)
by Bálint Magyar Bálint MadlovicsIn 120 Thesen entwickelt das Buch einen konzeptionellen Rahmen mit einer Typologie post-kommunistischer Regime und einer detaillierten Darstellung von idealtypischen Akteuren und den politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Phänomenen in diesen Regimen. Befreit von den impliziten Annahmen der Mainstream-Demokratisierungstheorie liefert die neue Terminologie ein leicht verwendbares Instrumentarium eindeutiger Ausdrucksmittel, um über den Postkommunismus zu sprechen.
Postliberal Constitutionalism: The Challenge of Right Wing Populism in Central and Eastern Europe
by Adam SulikowskiThis book addresses recent changes in Central and Eastern Europe in order to critically consider the impact of illiberal conservatism on constitutionalism. Right-wing populism and the illiberal constitutionalism of Central and Eastern Europe have challenged both the dominant views of legal scholars and those elements of the legal mainstream that appeared to be firmly entrenched and resistant to change. But, as this book demonstrates, in practical terms, the anti-liberal right has made use of critical methods that were originally conceived as tools for use in emancipatory and left-wing action, absorbing and utilizing a great many of the ideas associated with critical jurisprudential thought. In short, this book maintains, conservative illiberalism has taken over the role that postmodernism could have played: the role of a ‘jester discourse’ relativizing the certainties and finality of liberal democracy. As the book argues, however, what this connection reveals is the necessity of a legal and political response that does not simply and hysterically reaffirm the former liberal hegemony. Rather, drawing on Foucault and post-Marxism, it articulates a concept of agonistic democracy that aims to shift the center of gravity in constitutional discourse away from any naive liberal faith in the nonpolitical. This book will appeal to constitutional lawyers, as well as to legal and political theorists with interests in contemporary populism and liberal thought.
Postliberal Politics: The Coming Era of Renewal
by Adrian PabstHyper-capitalism and extreme identity politics are driving us to distraction. Both destroy the basis of a common life shared across ages and classes. The COVID-19 crisis could accelerate these tendencies further, or it could herald something more hopeful: a post-liberal moment. Adrian Pabst argues that now is the time for an alternative – postliberalism – that is centred around trust, dignity, and human relationships. Instead of reverting to the mutual suspicion and destabilising inhumanity of 'just-in-time' free-market globalisation, we could build a politics upon the sense of localism and community spirit, the valuing of family, place and belonging, which was a real theme of lockdown. We are not obliged to put up with the restoration of a broken status quo that erodes trust, undermines institutions and trashes our precious natural environment. We could build a pluralist democracy, decentralise the state, and promote mutualist markets embedded in the everyday economy.This bold book shows that only a politics which fuses economic justice with social solidarity and ecological balance can overcome our deep divisions and save us from authoritarian backlash.
Postmemory and the Partition of India: Learning to Remember (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies)
by Shuchi KapilaThis book examines the memories of the Partition of India in 1947 with a focus on the generation of postmemory (those who came after it) and how partition experiences have been shared (or not) and understood. It explores the formal and narrative properties of different memory practices that have been built around the partition, and the methods of oral historians involved in collecting testimonies as part of the 1947 Berkeley partition archive.
Postmigration, Transculturality and the Transversal Politics of Art (Routledge Research in Art and Politics)
by Anne Ring PetersenThis is the first book to develop a postmigrant analytical perspective for the study of art, concentrating on how postmigration reopens the study of contemporary art and migration. The book introduces art historians and other scholars with a methodological interest in cultural analysis to the innovative concept of postmigration, offering a comprehensive introduction to the various meanings and uses of the term as well as translating it methodologically to an art historical context. The book analyses art projects from Denmark, Germany and Great Britain, which address some of the current challenges to European societies of immigration, and by drawing on theory from fields such as migration studies, transcultural studies and feminist, postcolonial and political theory, as well as re-engaging established concepts such as imagination, commemoration, belonging, identity, racialization, community, public space and participation. The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, art and politics, migration studies, and transcultural studies.
Postmodern Climate Change (Environmental Politics #Vol. 11)
by Leigh GloverA much-needed analysis of international climate change politics as a key issue of modernity and in the context of environmentalism. Leigh Glover presents a new way to understand the climate change problem and is concerned with problems of modernity and postmodernity in the context of contemporary environmental thought. Focusing on the international politics surrounding the UN agreement of climate change, the Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, Glover examines the issue using the key aspects of climate change science, global environmental politics, and global environmental management.
The Postmodern Imagination of Russell Kirk
by Gerald J. RusselloExamines such concepts of Russell Kirk's thought as imagination, historical consciousness, the interplay between the individual and tradition, and the role of narrative in constructing individual and societal identity. Focuses on Kirk's role in the development of the new conservatism of the 1950s and 1960s and his critique of modernity.
Postmodern Legal Feminism
by Mary Joe FrugA collection of eight essays by Mary Joe Frug, published posthumously. First Published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
The Postmodern Predicament: Existential Challenges of the Twenty-First Century
by Bruce AckermanOne of our most influential political theorists offers a boundary-breaking—and liberating—perspective on the meaning of life in the internet age Human beings have taken one thing for granted since our earliest days: we are bodily creatures dealing with one another on a face-to-face basis. The internet has shattered this fundamental feature of human existence. We are suddenly living our lives in two worlds at once—shifting endlessly from virtual to physical reality as we reach out to others. Worse yet, we are developing different personal identities in our two worlds. We say and do things in virtual reality that flatly contradict our face-to-face commitments to family, friends, and fellow-workers—and vice versa. The Postmodern Predicament explores these dilemmas at each phase of the life cycle, beginning at the moment a young child picks up a cell phone. The existentialist tradition of the twentieth century provides a precious perspective on our postmodern dilemmas. Thinkers and doers like Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre considered the fragmentation of modern life as a central source of contemporary anxieties. Like them, Ackerman views the challenges of the internet age as a political, no less than personal, problem—and proposes concrete reforms that that could mobilize broad-based support for democracy against demagogic assaults on its very foundations.
Postmodern Public Administration
by Hugh T. MillerThis widely acclaimed work provides a lively counterbalance to the standard assessment-measurement-accountability prescriptions that have made showing you did your job more important than actually doing it. Now extensively revised, it articulates a postmodern theory of public administration that challenges the field to redirect its attention away from narrow, technique-oriented scientism, and toward democratic openness and ethics.The authors incorporate insights from thinkers like Rorty, Giddens, Derrida, and Foucault to recast public administration as an arena of decentered practices. In their framework, ideographic collisions and everyday impasses bring about political events that challenge the status quo, creating possibilities for social change. "Postmodern Public Administration" is an outstanding intellectual achievement that has rewritten the political theory of public administration. This new edition will encourage everyone who reads it to think quite differently about democratic governance.
Postmodern Public Administration
by Hugh T Miller Charles J FoxThis widely acclaimed work provides a lively counterbalance to the standard assessment-measurement-accountability prescriptions that have made showing you did your job more important than actually doing it. Now extensively revised, it articulates a postmodern theory of public administration that challenges the field to redirect its attention away from narrow, technique-oriented scientism, and toward democratic openness and ethics. The authors incorporate insights from thinkers like Rorty, Giddens, Derrida, and Foucault to recast public administration as an arena of decentered practices. In their framework, ideographic collisions and everyday impasses bring about political events that challenge the status quo, creating possibilities for social change. "Postmodern Public Administration" is an outstanding intellectual achievement that has rewritten the political theory of public administration. This new edition will encourage everyone who reads it to think quite differently about democratic governance.
Postmodern Reading of Contemporary East African Fiction: Modernist Dream and the Demise of Culture (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Literature)
by Andrew NyongesaThis book likens writers’ incessant focus on racism, negative ethnicity, patriarchy and social stratification in societies to a naïve physician who prescribes analgesics to treat symptoms while the underlying cause of the disease seethes in the blood. In the same way, persons who consistently blame their reckless conduct and shabbiness miss the point if they do not transform the actual cause of the problem: the mind. While most literary scholars problematise gender disparities, racial and political othering, oppression, environment degradation, education matters, poor parenting and governance, they tend to disregard the root cause: modernism. This book finds a gap in this grey area to address the authentic cause of the symptoms that most literary writers and scholars treat. Pertinent modernist tenets such as bureaucracy, the nation state, systematisation and rationality, and dualism are at the heart of racism, corruption and other aforementioned symptoms. It is the contention of this study that postmodernism offers a comprehensive understanding of modernism to mitigate its effects on society.
Postmodern Theory and Progressive Politics: Toward a New Humanism (Political Philosophy and Public Purpose)
by Thomas De ZengotitaThis book examines the lasting influence of the academic culture wars of the late 20th century on the humanities and progressive politics, and what to make now of those furious debates over postmodernism, multiculturalism, relativism, critical theory, deconstruction, post-structuralism, and so on. In an effort to arrive at a fair judgment on that question, the book reaches for an understanding of postmodern theorists by way of two genres they despised; and hopes, for that reason, to do them justice. The story, in its telling, justifies two basic claims: first, that the phenomenological/hermeneutical tradition is the most suitable source of theory for a humanism that aspires to be truly universal; and, second, that the ethical and political aspect of the human condition is authentically accessible only through narrative. In conclusion, it argues that the postmodern moment was a necessary one, or will have been if we rise to the occasion—and that that is its historical significance.
The ‘Postmodern Turn’ in the Social Sciences
by Simon SusenSimon Susen examines the impact of the 'postmodern turn' on the contemporary social sciences. On the basis of an innovative five-dimensional approach, this study provides a systematic, comprehensive, and critical account of the legacy of the 'postmodern turn', notably in terms of its continuing relevance in the twenty-first century.
Postmodernism and the Postsocialist Condition: Politicized Art under Late Socialism
by Ales ErjavecThis book, with in-depth perspectives on art and artists in the former Soviet Union, captures a singular period in the history of world art, and a critical moment in the cultural and political transition from the last century to our own.
Postnationalism and the Challenges to European Integration in Greece
by Kostas MaronitisThis book is a study into how immigration is transforming the EU and its member-states. Kostas Maronitis contends that immigration creates utopian and dystopian visions of the European project. These visions can be found in the immigration detention centers and the fences between member-states, the dead bodies on Europe's shores, the electoral success of far-Right parties, and in the way migrants and refugees view Europe as a land of rights and equality. Maronitis locates the transformative power of immigration at the intersection of sentiments regarding national and ethnic hierarchies with a policy framework constructed around the presence of migrants and refugees in Europe. By examining the utopian and dystopian transformation of the EU and of Greece as its borderland, the author challenges established notions of integration, citizenship and nationality on new intellectual and political terms. The book will be of use to students and scholars specializing in migration, EU policy and Greece, and will have a wider appeal for those interested in the ongoing debate surrounding the EU and immigration.
Postnormal Conservation: Botanic Gardens and the Reordering of Biodiversity Governance (SUNY series in Environmental Governance: Local-Regional-Global Interactions)
by Katja Grötzner Neves2020 CHOICE Outstanding Academic TitleSince their inception in the sixteenth century, botanic gardens have been embroiled with matters of governance. In Postnormal Conservation, Katja Grötzner Neves reveals that, throughout its long history, the botanical garden institution has been both a product and an enabler of modernity and the Westphalian nation-state. Initially intertwined with projects of colonialism and empire building, contemporary botanic gardens have reinvented themselves as environmental governance actors. They are now at the forefront of emerging forms of networked transnational governance. Building on social studies of science that reveal the politicization of science as the producer of contingent, high-stakes, and uncertain knowledge, and the concomitant politicization of previously taken-for-granted science-policy interfaces, Neves contends that institutions like botanic gardens have discursively deployed postnormal science and posthuman precepts to justify their growing involvement with biodiversity conservation governance within the Anthropocene.
Postpolitics and the Limits of Nature: Critical Theory, Moral Authority, and Radicalism in the Anthropocene (SUNY series in New Political Science)
by Andy ScerriIn Postpolitics and the Limits of Nature, Andy Scerri offers a comprehensive overview of the critical theory project from the 1960s to the present, refracted through the lens of US politics and the American Left. He examines why past generations of radical ecological and social justice scholarship have been ineffective in the fight against injustice and rampant environmental exploitation. Scerri then engages a new wave of radicals and reformists who, in the wake of the Occupy movement and the 2016 presidential election, are reinventing the radical project as a challenge to injustice in the Anthropocene era. Along the way, he provides a fresh account of the thought of one of the major contributors to critical theory, Theodor Adorno, and of recent work that seeks to link Adorno's ideas to the so-called new realism in political philosophy and political theory.
Postpositivist International Relations Theory: A Globalist Restructuring
by Amartya MukhopadhyayThis book discusses postpositivist theories foregrounding postpositivism against the reigning realist and positivist-pluralist orthodoxies. The book explicates seven theories, not as disparate endeavours, but as developments linked by a common thread that seeks to enunciate globalist emancipatory goals for the theoretical field and the world that these theories seek to change. It focuses on the following themes: feminism, environmentalism or green theory, the English school, critical theory, constructivism, postmodernism and postcolonialism. Additionally, a separate chapter on globalization shows that while mainstream (neo)realist international relations theories respond hostilely to globalization and liberal-pluralist theories react benignly to it, postpositivist theories positively welcome it. The book offers a competent meta-theoretical gridwork, showing on which side of the opposing disciplinary positions in the fourth debate each of the seven theories are located. It is a comprehensive guide to the postpositivist restructuring of the discipline of international relations. This book will be of interest to researchers and students of political science, international relations, history, humanities and literature.
Postracial Fantasies and Zombies: On the Racist Apocalyptic Politics Devouring the World (Environmental Communication, Power, and Culture #5)
by Eric King WattsThis book understands the postracial as a genre—like the zombie apocalypse—that signals a disturbance in society that is felt as terrifying and exciting. The postracial is repetitive and reproduces blackened biothreat bodies, rituals of securitization, and fantasies of the reclamation of white masculine sovereignty. Eric King Watts examines key moments when Blackness became an object of knowledge in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, preparing the "scientific" and philosophical ground for interpreting zombie lore. The book treats the "Greater Caribbean" as a transformative space in which an antiblack infrastructure arose and interrogates the US's militarized domination of Haiti that was the context in which the zombie emerged. Watts traces variations of the form and function of the zombie to contemplate how it matters to our contemporary struggles with racism and pandemic policies.
Postsecular History: Political Theology and the Politics of Time (Radical Theologies and Philosophies)
by Maxwell KennelThis book explores how contemporary approaches to the meaning of time and history follow patterns that are simultaneously political and theological. Even after postsecular critiques of Christianity, religion, and secularity, many influential ways of dividing time and history continue to be formed by providential narratives that mediate between experience and expectation in movements from promise to fulfilment. In response to persistent theological influences within ostensibly secular ways of understanding time and history, Postsecular History revisits and revises the concept of periodization by tracing powerful efforts to divide time into past, present, and future, and by critiquing historical partitions between the Reformation and Enlightenment. Developing a postsecular critique of theopolitical periodization in six chapters, Postsecular History questions how relations of possession, novelty, freedom, and instrumentality implied in the prefix ‘post’ are reproduced in postsecular discourses and the field of political theology.
The Postsecular Imagination: Postcolonialism, Religion, and Literature (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures)
by Manav RattiThe Postsecular Imagination presents a rich, interdisciplinary study of postsecularism as an affirmational political possibility emerging through the potentials and limits of both secular and religious thought. While secularism and religion can foster inspiration and creativity, they also can be linked with violence, civil war, partition, majoritarianism, and communalism, especially within the framework of the nation-state. Through close readings of novels that engage with animism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Sikhism, Manav Ratti examines how questions of ethics and the need for faith, awe, wonder, and enchantment can find expression and significance in the wake of such crises. While focusing on Michael Ondaatje and Salman Rushdie, Ratti addresses the work of several other writers as well, including Shauna Singh Baldwin, Mahasweta Devi, Amitav Ghosh, and Allan Sealy. Ratti shows the extent of courage and risk involved in the radical imagination of these postsecular works, examining how writers experiment with and gesture toward the compelling paradoxes of a non-secular secularism and a non-religious religion. Drawing on South Asian Anglophone literatures and postcolonial theory, and situating itself within the most provocative contemporary debates in secularism and religion, The Postsecular Imagination will be important for readers interested in the relations among culture, literature, theory, and politics.