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Showing 71,151 through 71,175 of 100,000 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Power, Presence and Space: South Asian Rituals in Archaeological Context (Archaeology and Religion in South Asia) 3536535 Henry Albery Jens-Uwe Hartmann Himanshu Prabha Ray 9781000168808 2021 Contains images
Power, Prime Ministers and the Press: The Battle for Truth on Parliament Hill 2405845 Robert Lewis 9781459742666 2018 Contains images
Power, Privilege and Place in Australian Society 5948695 Patrick O'Keeffe 9789819711444 2024
The Power Problem: How American Military Dominance Makes Us Less Safe, Less Prosperous, and Less Free 2428154 Christopher A. Preble 9780801447655 2009
The Power Problem: How American Military Dominance Makes Us Less Safe, Less Prosperous, and Less Free (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs) 3368458 Christopher A. Preble 9780801457913 2011
Power, Profit and Protest: Australian social movements and globalisation 3577194 Verity Burgmann 9781000246827 2003 Contains images
Power, Property Rights, and Economic Development: The Case of Bangladesh 2335210 Mohammad Dulal Miah Yasushi Suzuki 9789811327636 2018 Contains images
Power, Protection, and Free Trade: International Sources of U.S. Commercial Strategy, 1887–1939 (Cornell Studies in Political Economy) 3369272 David A. Lake 9781501723056 1990 Contains images
Power, Protest and Participation: Local Elites and Development in India 3504629 Subrata K. Mitra 9781134898831 1992 Contains images
Power, Protest and Participation: Local Elites and the Politics of Development in India (Routledge Library Editions: Political Protest #18) 4234886 Subrata K. Mitra 9781000424447 1992 Contains images
Power Realignments in Asia: China, India and the United States 4270772 ALYSSA AYRES and C. RAJA MOHAN 9789352804894 2009 Contains images
Power, Realism and Constructivism (New International Relations) 5333658 Stefano Guzzini 9781135096618 2013 Contains images
Power Relations and Comparative Regionalism: Europe, East Asia and Latin America (Innovations in International Affairs) 4183584 Min-Hyung Kim 9781000421002 2022 Contains images
Power Relations in the Twenty-First Century: Mapping a Multipolar World? (Contemporary Security Studies) 5394129 Donette Murray David Brown 9781317913061 2018 Contains images
Power, Resistance and Conflict in the Contemporary World: Social movements, networks and hierarchies (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 3223302 Athina Karatzogianni Andrew Robinson 9781135261603 2010
Power Restructuring In China And Russia (Social Change In Global Perspective Ser.) 3460784 Mark Lupher 9780429977725 1996
Power Rules: How Common Sense Can Rescue American Foreign Policy 6289612 Leslie H. Gelb 9780061864179 2009 Contains images
Power-Sharing: Empirical and Normative Challenges (Routledge Studies on Challenges, Crises and Dissent in World Politics) 5565074 Allison McCulloch and John McGarry 9781317265764 2017 Contains images
Power Sharing and Democracy in Post-Civil War States: The Art of the Possible 3408377 Caroline A. Hartzell Matthew Hoddie 9781108805308 2020 Contains images
Power-Sharing and Political Stability in Deeply Divided Societies (Security and Governance) 4449664 Allison McCulloch 9781317682189 2014 Contains images
Power-Sharing in Conflict-Ridden Societies: Challenges for Building Peace and Democratic Stability 5340776 Nils A. Butenschøn Øyvind Stiansen Kåre Vollan 9781317076742 2013 Contains images
Power Sharing in Deeply Divided Places (National and Ethnic Conflict in the 21st Century) 2630369 Joanne McEvoy Brendan O’Leary 9780812207989 2013 Contains images
Power-Sharing in Europe: Past Practice, Present Cases, and Future Directions (Federalism and Internal Conflicts) 3734229 Soeren Keil Allison McCulloch 9783030535902 2021 Contains images
Power Sharing in Lebanon: Consociationalism Since 1820 (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics) 2504268 Eduardo Wassim Aboultaif 9780429827051 2019
Power-Sharing in the Global South: Patterns, Practices and Potentials (Federalism and Internal Conflicts) 5942405 Eduardo Wassim Aboultaif Soeren Keil Allison McCulloch 9783031457210 2024 Contains images

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