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Showing 71,226 through 71,250 of 100,000 results

The Practical Anarchist: Writings of Josiah Warren (American Philosophy)

by Crispin Sartwell

The Practical Anarchist brings to light the work of Josiah Warren, eccentric American genius. Devoting his life to showing the practicality of an astonishing ideal, Warren devoted equal industry to the question of how to make a pair of shoes and how to remake the social world into an individualist paradise.This will be the first chance for many readers to encounter Warren’s writings, and in many cases their first publication since their original appearance in obscure, self-published periodicals, including The Peaceful Revolutionist (1833), the first American anarchist periodical. Moreover, they often appeared in a bizarre experimental typography.This volume presents, out of the welter of bewildering writings left by Warren, a reading text designed for today’ readers and students. It seeks to convey the practical value of many of Warren’s ideas, their continuing relevance.

Practical Audacity: Black Women and International Human Rights (Critical Human Rights)

by Stanlie M. James

Goler Teal Butcher (1925–93), a towering figure in international human rights law, was a scholar and advocate who advanced an intersectional approach to human empowerment influenced by Black women’s intellectual traditions. Practical Audacity follows the stories of fourteen women whose work honors and furthers Butcher’s legacy. Their multilayered and sophisticated contributions have critically reshaped human rights scholarship and activism—including their major role in developing critical race feminism, community-based applications, and expanding the boundaries of human rights discourse. Stanlie M. James weaves narratives by and about these women throughout the history of the field, illustrating how they conceptualize, develop, and implement human rights. By centering the courage and innovative interventions of capable and visionary Black women, she places them rightfully alongside such figures as Thurgood Marshall and Charles Hamilton Houston. This volume fundamentally shifts the frame through which human rights struggles are understood, illuminating how those who witness and experience oppression have made some of the biggest contributions to building a better world.

Practical Audacity: Black Women and International Human Rights (Critical Human Rights)

by Stanlie M. James

Goler Teal Butcher (1925–93), a towering figure in international human rights law, was a scholar and advocate who advanced an intersectional approach to human empowerment influenced by Black women’s intellectual traditions. Practical Audacity follows the stories of fourteen women whose work honors and furthers Butcher’s legacy. Their multilayered and sophisticated contributions have critically reshaped human rights scholarship and activism—including their major role in developing critical race feminism, community-based applications, and expanding the boundaries of human rights discourse. Stanlie M. James weaves narratives by and about these women throughout the history of the field, illustrating how they conceptualize, develop, and implement human rights. By centering the courage and innovative interventions of capable and visionary Black women, she places them rightfully alongside such figures as Thurgood Marshall and Charles Hamilton Houston. This volume fundamentally shifts the frame through which human rights struggles are understood, illuminating how those who witness and experience oppression have made some of the biggest contributions to building a better world.

Practical Bomb Scene Investigation (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations)

by James T. Thurman

Now in its Third Edition, Practical Bomb Scene Investigation explores the investigative process that improvised explosive device (IED) specialists undertake at the scene of an explosion. Providing easy-to-understand, step-by-step procedures for managing and processing a bomb scene, it enables investigators to find the evidence and then make sense of what is found. The book is not only a roadmap on how to find and collect evidence and assess the scene, but also provides instruction on identifying the bombmaker's signature through latent print, DNA, explosive residue, metallurgical, and toolmark examination and forensic analysis.

Practical Drug Enforcement (ISSN)

by Michael D. Lyman

Criminal investigation is a dynamic endeavor impacted by changes in human nature, statutory and constitutional laws, and methods of operation. New challenges are constantly posed for the investigator and the investigation of drug offenses is no exception. It takes advanced skills to keep pace with the criminal mind. Unfortunately, the skills acquir

Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers, and Citizens

by Dan L. Perlman Jeffrey Milder

Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers, and Citizens introduces and explains key ecological concepts for planners, landscape architects, developers, and others involved in planning and building human habitats. The book is tailored to meet the needs of busy land use professionals and citizens seeking a concise yet thorough overview of ecology and its applications. It offers clear guidelines and a wealth of information on how we can protect species and ecosystems while at the same creating healthy, sustainable human communities. Throughout the book, the authors make ecological concepts accessible to readers with little or no scientific background. They present key ideas and information in simple and pragmatic terms, and provide numerous graphics to help explain important concepts. They also offer exercises for the reader to practice ecologically-based planning and design, along with a list of resources for practical information on ecology and conservation. Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers, and Citizens will raise the level of ecological understanding among land use professionals and citizens, and is an invaluable new resource for anyone concerned with human land use and its environmental impacts.

Practical Economic Analysis and Computation: A Festschrift in Honor of Professor Kirit Parikh (India Studies in Business and Economics)

by Probal Pratap Ghosh Rajbans Talwar Sureshbabu Syamasundar Velagapudi

This book pays tribute to Professor Kirit Parikh through contemporary essays from experts on energy, climate change including mitigation and adaptation, agriculture, food procurement, water resources, and public health. The chapters use statistical methods and mathematical models to analyse questions of policy formulation and effectiveness. The book picks up important SDG topics such as – current issues and policy making in the infrastructure sector of power and their relationship to India’s climate commitments; computable models of the growth and absorption of renewable generation as the focal point of policy interventions in the power sector; increasing efficiency of national grids and to support integration of renewables in South Asia; natural gas pricing policy; achieving, nutrition, self-sufficiency and foodgrains surplus; welfare implications of the minimum support price (MSP) policy for food grains; evaluating epidemiological performance of strategies against COVID-19; critical examination of economic growth; methodological issues in policy formulation; modeling the Social Accounting Matrix; algorithms for solving convex optimization models; and fossil fuel power plant operations. The studies especially bring into focus the latest developments in climate change, the switch to renewable energy sources, and the public health crisis due to COVID-19. This collection will be of great value to policymakers and researchers, especially from a developing economy perspective.

Practical Economics (Routledge Library Editions)

by G D Cole

This volume compares the planning of economic conditions under the very different political systems of Soviet Russia, Fascist Germany and Italy and Democratic America, with some discussion of partial economic planning in Great Britain. It includes a broad survey of the successive phases of the Five Year Plans in the Soviet Union, the "New Deal" in the United States, and the diversion of the German economic activity to war preparation under the Nazi Four Year Plan. The author discusses the essential conditions for successful economic planning.

Practical Environmental Ethics

by A. Pablo Iannone

This essential volume for professionals and academics proposes a new approach to environmental ethics and to environmental policymaking in particular. All too frequently, policy makers focus only on what ends should ideally be pursued, ignoring whether the means have any negative unintended consequences. Such approaches tend to have a focus on consequentialist, deontological, virtue-cantered, or care-based theories which makes them too singularly-minded. They are not suitable for dealing with the complexities of life and, especially, environmental policy making.Practical Environmental Ethics distinguishes between cases in which entire ecosystems are at risk, threatening entire societies where collective consequences take precedence and cases in which whole ecosystems are not at risk where individual rights or duties take precedence. In doing this, Iannone discusses environmental controversies not only philosophically, but in the complex contexts at work within policy-making and decision-making communities. This allows for consideration of crucial concepts used in morality, biology, technology, business, economics, politics, and philosophy.Relying on numerous actual environmental cases, Iannone helps formulate realistic ways of logically and ethically determining how environmental controversies should be addressed. Ultimately, he proposes solutions that policy makers and anyone interested in this topic may utilize to clarify environmental issues and determine how to best deal with them for the greater good.

Practical Ethics for Our Time

by Carl Becker Eiji Uehiro

A scathing critique of the global consumer culture that's bound to cause controversy among Western readers, Practical Ethics for Our Time argues that Japan's future success as a nation depends upon the ability of its citizens to uphold traditional family values and to fashion new, environmentally sustainable patterns in their daily lives.Mr. Uehiro's argument is not unfamiliar. He posits that Japan's rapid industrialization and Westernization since the Meiji Restoration has created a nation of people with an insatiable appet ite for designer clothing, luxury cars, and high-tech gadgets but with a profound sense of spiritual emptiness. Uehiro suggests that as human be ings move farther and farther away from the process of producing goods themselves,they begin to take their abundance for granted, and thus lose a sense of thankfulness for what they have. This leads to a world in which human interactions become superficial and commodified, and ethics take a back seat to other, more quantifiable concerns. While Japan has gained tremendous international respect for its rapid industrialization since World War II , Uehiro believes that Japan has a greater role to play on the international stage as a model of proper ethical behavior- but only if it can reverse Western-influenced trends.

Practical Ethics In Public Administration

by Dean Gueras Charles Garofalo

Make the Right Choice - Enhance Your Ethical Decision Making Skills Today!Ethical issues arise in all walks of life, but none have implications as far-reaching and serious as those related to public management. Most people working in the public sector want to do the "right" thing, but the issues can be highly complex or just not lend themselves to easy answers. Practical Ethics in Public Administration, Third Edition, provides the tools, techniques, and methods needed to help meet these challenges. This completely updated third edition provides public sector professionals the information they need to face the ethical issues that arise in the course of a day's work, address those issues with greater self-assurance, perform their duties in an ethically justifiable manner, and explain their actions reasonably.This new edition:• Covers emerging ethical issues surrounding public-private partnerships• Examines the shift from compliance-based to integrity-based ethics programs• Explores the context of moral competency

Practical Government Budgeting: A Workbook For Public Managers (Suny Series In Public Administration Ser.)

by Susan L. Riley Peter W. Colby

This book provides descriptions, instructions, and exercises to help readers master government budgeting as it is actually practiced. University courses and training programs serving present and future state and local officials and staff will learn how to do public budgeting in this relevant, practical, and useful workbook. Each chapter presents techniques followed by step-by-step instructions complete with examples to help students learn the material. Self-test exercises conclude each chapter.

A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving (Fourth Edition)

by Eugene Bardach

This handbook serves as a guide to concepts and methods applied in the analysis of policy.

Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving

by Eugene S. Bardach

With his original eightfold approach, Bardach encapsulates more than 35 years of teaching students effective, accurate, and persuasive policy analysis. This bestselling handbook presents dozens of concrete tips, interesting case studies, and step-by-step strategies for the budding analyst as well as the seasoned professional.

A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving

by Eugene S. Bardach Eric M. Patashnik

In the Fifth Edition of A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving, Eugene Bardach and new co-author Eric Patashnik draw on more than 40 years of experience teaching students to be effective, accurate, and persuasive policy analysts. This bestselling handbook presents dozens of concrete tips, interesting case studies, and step-by-step strategies that are easily applicable for the budding analyst as well as the seasoned professional. In this new edition, Bardach and Patashnik update many examples to reflect the shifting landscape of policy issues. A new section with advice on how to undertake policy design in addition to making policy choices makes the book even more engaging. Readers will also appreciate a sample document of real world policy analysis, suggestions for developing creative, "out-of-the-box" solutions, and tips for working with clients.

A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving

by Eugene S. Bardach Eric M. Patashnik

Drawing on more than 40 years of experience with policy analysis, best-selling authors Eugene Bardach and Eric M. Patashnik use practical tips and real-world examples to equip effective, accurate, and persuasive policy analysts. The Seventh Edition of A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis offers new case studies, expanded discussion, new guidance for policy analysis in a polarized age, and step-by-step strategies for the budding analyst as well as the seasoned professional.

A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving

by Eugene S. Bardach Eric M. Patashnik

Drawing on more than 40 years of experience with policy analysis, best-selling authors Eugene Bardach and Eric M. Patashnik use practical tips and real-world examples to equip effective, accurate, and persuasive policy analysts. The Seventh Edition of A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis offers new case studies, expanded discussion, new guidance for policy analysis in a polarized age, and step-by-step strategies for the budding analyst as well as the seasoned professional.

A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving

by Eric M. Patashnik Eugene S. Bardach

In the Fifth Edition of A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving, Eugene Bardach and new co-author Eric Patashnik draw on more than 40 years of experience teaching students to be effective, accurate, and persuasive policy analysts. This bestselling handbook presents dozens of concrete tips, interesting case studies, and step-by-step strategies that are easily applicable for the budding analyst as well as the seasoned professional. In this new edition, Bardach and Patashnik update many examples to reflect the shifting landscape of policy issues. A new section with advice on how to undertake policy design in addition to making policy choices makes the book even more engaging. Readers will also appreciate a sample document of real world policy analysis, suggestions for developing creative, "out-of-the-box" solutions, and tips for working with clients.

A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving

by Eric M. Patashnik Eugene S. Bardach

Drawing on more than 40 years of experience with policy analysis, best-selling authors Eugene Bardach and Eric M. Patashnik use real-world examples to teach you how to be effective, accurate, and persuasive policy analysts. The Sixth Edition of A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis presents dozens of concrete tips, new case studies, and step-by-step strategies for the budding analyst as well as the seasoned professional.

A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving

by Eric M. Patashnik Eugene S. Bardach

Drawing on more than 40 years of experience with policy analysis, best-selling authors Eugene Bardach and Eric M. Patashnik use real-world examples to teach you how to be effective, accurate, and persuasive policy analysts. The Sixth Edition of A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis presents dozens of concrete tips, new case studies, and step-by-step strategies for the budding analyst as well as the seasoned professional.

A Practical Guide to Analytics for Governments: Using Big Data for Good

by Marie Lowman

Analytics can make government work better—this book shows you how A Practical Guide to Analytics for Governments provides demonstrations of real-world analytics applications for legislators, policy-makers, and support staff at the federal, state, and local levels. Big data and analytics are transforming industries across the board, and government can reap many of those same benefits by applying analytics to processes and programs already in place. From healthcare delivery and child well-being, to crime and program fraud, analytics can—in fact, already does—transform the way government works. This book shows you how analytics can be implemented in your own milieu: What is the downstream impact of new legislation? How can we make programs more efficient? Is it possible to predict policy outcomes without analytics? How do I get started building analytics into my government organization? The answers are all here, with accessible explanations and useful advice from an expert in the field. Analytics allows you to mine your data to create a holistic picture of your constituents; this model helps you tailor programs, fine-tune legislation, and serve the populace more effectively. This book walks you through analytics as applied to government, and shows you how to reap Big data's benefits at whatever level necessary. Learn how analytics is already transforming government service delivery Delve into the digital healthcare revolution Use analytics to improve education, juvenile justice, and other child-focused areas Apply analytics to transportation, criminal justice, fraud, and much more Legislators and policy makers have plenty of great ideas—but how do they put those ideas into play? Analytics can play a crucial role in getting the job done well. A Practical Guide to Analytics for Governments provides advice, perspective, and real-world guidance for public servants everywhere.

A Practical Guide to Community Social Work Practice in the UK

by Colin Turbett

There has been a rebirth of interest in bringing community back into social work, but what does community social work mean when applied to practice? What are the opportunities in a landscape dominated by shrinking budgets with their attendant procedural and risk-obsessed assessment and care management models? In this accessibly written book, Colin Turbett explores the erratic history of community social work. He goes on to demonstrate through contemporary examples how this preventative and relationship-based model can work for the individuals and communities served, and also provide an answer to the recruitment and retention issues adversely affecting mainstream settings.

A Practical Guide to Earned Value Project Management

by Charles I. Budd PMP Charlene M. Budd PhD, CPA, CMA, CFM, PMP

The Best Resource on Earned Value Management Just Got Better!This completely revised and updated guide to earned value (EV) project management is the go-to choice for both corporate and government professionals. A Practical Guide to Earned Value Project Management, Second Edition, first offers a general overview of basic project management best practices and then delves into detailed information on EV metrics and criteria, EV reporting mechanisms, and the 32 criteria of earned value management systems (EVMS) promulgated by the American National Standards Institute and the Electronic Industries Alliance and adopted by the Department of Defense.This second edition includes new material on:• EV metrics• Implementing EVMS• Government contracts• Time-based earned schedule metrics• Critical chain methodologies

A Practical Guide to Pupil Wellbeing: Strategies for classroom teachers

by Kirsten Colquhoun

Every year thousands of research papers, guidance documents and educational aims are published on pupil mental health and wellbeing. Many of them offer insightful ideas and theories, but what is often lacking is a clear route for busy classroom teachers to apply these findings. A focus on wellbeing is here to stay, but what does it mean? How does it apply to the curriculum? And what is a teacher's role? This book critically explores the importance of being a research-informed teacher, assesses some of the key health and wellbeing areas that class teachers can directly affect, and offers practical advice on how to do this. Designed in part to create a clearer pathway for classroom teachers to ensure that, while already spinning their many existing plates, the health and wellbeing needs of their pupils can be met effectively.Teaching, like healthcare, has infinite capabilities to contribute to social improvement both for the individual and wider society. Teachers go above and beyond their job description every single day and face a myriad of challenges in doing so. This book will help to arm class teachers with a toolkit of information to help them succeed as teachers of health and wellbeing.

A Practical Guide to Pupil Wellbeing: Strategies for classroom teachers

by Kirsten Colquhoun

Every year thousands of research papers, guidance documents and educational aims are published on pupil mental health and wellbeing. Many of them offer insightful ideas and theories, but what is often lacking is a clear route for busy classroom teachers to apply these findings. A focus on wellbeing is here to stay, but what does it mean? How does it apply to the curriculum? And what is a teacher's role? This book critically explores the importance of being a research-informed teacher, assesses some of the key health and wellbeing areas that class teachers can directly affect, and offers practical advice on how to do this. Designed in part to create a clearer pathway for classroom teachers to ensure that, while already spinning their many existing plates, the health and wellbeing needs of their pupils can be met effectively.Teaching, like healthcare, has infinite capabilities to contribute to social improvement both for the individual and wider society. Teachers go above and beyond their job description every single day and face a myriad of challenges in doing so. This book will help to arm class teachers with a toolkit of information to help them succeed as teachers of health and wellbeing.

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