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Prairie Crossing: Creating an American Conservation Community
by John Scott WatsonCarved out of century-old farmland near Chicago, the Prairie Crossing development is a novel experiment in urban public policy that preserves 69 percent of the land as open space. The for-profit project has set out to do nothing less than use access to nature as a means to challenge America's failed culture of suburban sprawl. The first comprehensive look at an American conservation community, Prairie Crossing goes beyond windmills and nest boxes to examine an effort to connect adults to the land while creating a healthy and humane setting for raising a new generation attuned to nature. John Scott Watson places Prairie Crossing within the wider context of suburban planning, revealing how two first-time developers implemented a visionary new land ethic that saved green space by building on it. The remarkable achievements include a high rate of resident civic participation, the reestablishment of a thriving prairie ecosystem, the reintroduction of endangered and threatened species, and improved water and air quality. Yet, as Watson shows, considerations like economic uncertainty, lack of racial and class diversity, and politics have challenged, and continue to challenge, Prairie Crossing and its residents.
Prairie Republic: The Political Culture of Dakota Territory, 1879-1889
by Jon K. LauckAMERICAN DEMOCRATIC IDEALS, civic republicanism, and Christianity were the dominant forces at work during South Dakota's formative decade. Territorial politics in the late nineteenth-century West is typically viewed as a game of unprincipled opportunism or as a drunken exercise in bombast and rascality. Now, Jon K. Lauck examines anew the values we like to think were at work during the founding of our western states. Taking Dakota Territory as a laboratory for examining a formative stage of western politics, Lauck finds that settlers from New England and the Midwest brought democratic practices and republican values to the northern plains and invoked them as guiding principles in the drive for South Dakota statehood. Prairie Republic corrects an overemphasis on class conflict and economic determinism, factors posited decades ago by such historians as Howard R. Lamar. Instead, Lauck finds South Dakota's political founders to be agents of Protestant Christianity and of civic republicanism-- an age- old ideology that entrusted the polity to independent, landowning citizens who placed the common interest above private interest. Focusing on the political culture widely shared among settlers attracted to the Great Dakota Boom of the 1880s, Lauck shows how they embraced civic virtue, broad political participation, and agrarian ideals. Family was central in their lives, as were common- school education, work, and Christian community. In rescuing the story of Dakota's settlers from historical obscurity, Prairie Republic dissents from the recent darker portrayals of western history and expands our view and understanding of the American democratic tradition.
Pranksters vs. Autocrats: Why Dilemma Actions Advance Nonviolent Activism (Brown Democracy Medal)
by Srdja Popovic Sophia A. McClennenThe Lawrence and Lynne Brown Democracy Medal, presented by the McCourtney Institute for Democracy at Penn State, recognizes outstanding individuals, groups, and organizations that produce innovations to further democracy in the United States or around the world. The 2020 Brown Democracy Medal winner, Srdja Popovic, was a leader in the revolution that brought down the Milošević regime in Serbia and he contin-ues to help protestors around the world learn effective, sometimes humorous, nonviolent tactics. In 2020, he teamed up with Sophia A. McClennen to study the concept of "dilemma actions," which offers a structured, strategic approach to fighting back against authoritarianism, as well as for defending democracy.
Präsenzform und Strukturreform: Institutionalisierung deutscher Auswärtiger Kulturpolitik am Beispiel der Goethe-Institute in der Russischen Föderation (Auswärtige Kulturpolitik)
by Christina HollandDie Untersuchung will einen wissenschaftlichen Beitrag zum Thema deutsche Auswärtige Kulturpolitik im Allgemeinen leisten. Mit dem Schwerpunkt der Kulturinstitute des Goethe-Instituts im Ausland wird ein Thema in den Fokus gerückt, das bereits vielfach diskutiert worden ist, allerdings meist unter dem Aspekt der programmatischen Inhaltsanalyse und weniger unter dem Aspekt der Institutionalisierung. Christina Holland untersucht in diesem Buch die Auswärtige Kulturpolitik unter dem Blickwinkel der festen kulturellen Infrastruktur anhand einer SWOT-Analyse am Beispiel der Kulturinstitute des Goethe-Instituts in der Russischen Föderation.
Praxis: On Acting and Knowing
by Friedrich KratochwilPraxis investigates both the existing practices of international politics and relations during and after the Cold War, and the issue of whether problems of praxis (individual and collective choices) can be subjected to a 'theoretical treatment'. The book comes in two parts: the first deals with the constitution of international relations and the role of theoretical norms in guiding decisions, in areas such as sanctions, the punishment of international crimes, governance and 'constitutional' concern, the second is devoted to 'theory building'. While a 'theorization' of praxis has often been attempted, Kratochwil argues that such endeavours do not attend to certain important elements characteristic of practical choices. Praxis presents a shift from the accepted international relations standard of theorizing, by arguing for the analysis of policy decisions made in non-ideal conditions within a broader framework of practical choices, emphasizing both historicity and contingency.
Praxis and Method (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE: Gramsci): A Sociological Dialogue with Lukacs, Gramsci and the Early Frankfurt School
by Richard KilminsterThis sociological critique of the ‘philosophy of praxis’ looks at the importance of the concept in the social theory of leading influential Western Marxists such as Lukács, Gramsci, Korsch, Horkheimer, Marcuse and Adorno in the inter-war period. It offers a detailed critique of Marx and Hegel, and explores the validity and implications for sociology of two of Marx’s ideas which the later theorists made the centre piece of their social theory: first, that true theory is authenticated by praxis, and second, its corollary that certain major social transformations should and would in practice render sociology redundant.
Praxis and Politics: Knowledge Production in Social Movements (New Approaches in Sociology)
by Janet M. ConwayPraxis and Politics explores the knowledge arising from activist praxis and its significance for reimagining radical and democratic politics. It is based on five years of direct involvement in the Toronto-based Metro Network for Social Justice and their work in coalition building, campaign-organizing and 'economic and political literacy' work in the aftermath of the signing of the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement. The book breaks new theoretical and methodological ground in social movement studies in drawing on a wide range of traditions including cultural studies, urban studies, political economy and feminism.
Praxis and Revolution: A Theory of Social Transformation (New Directions in Critical Theory #71)
by Eva von RedeckerThe concept of revolution marks the ultimate horizon of modern politics. It is instantiated by sites of both hope and horror. Within progressive thought, “revolution” often perpetuates entrenched philosophical problems: a teleological philosophy of history, economic reductionism, and normative paternalism. At a time of resurgent uprisings, how can revolution be reconceptualized to grasp the dynamics of social transformation and disentangle revolutionary practice from authoritarian usurpation?Eva von Redecker reconsiders critical theory’s understanding of radical change in order to offer a bold new account of how revolution occurs. She argues that revolutions are not singular events but extended processes: beginning from the interstices of society, they succeed by gradually rearticulating social structures toward a new paradigm. Developing a theoretical account of social transformation, Praxis and Revolution incorporates a wide range of insights, from the Frankfurt School to queer theory and intersectionality. Its revised materialism furnishes prefigurative politics with their social conditions and performative critique with its collective force.Von Redecker revisits the French Revolution to show how change arises from struggle in everyday social practice. She illustrates the argument through rich literary examples—a ménage à trois inside a prison, a radical knitting circle, a queer affinity group, and petitioners pleading with the executioner—that forge a feminist, open-ended model of revolution.Praxis and Revolution urges readers not only to understand revolutions differently but also to situate them elsewhere: in collective contexts that aim to storm manifold Bastilles—but from within.
Praxis as a Perspective on International Politics (Bristol Studies in International Theory)
by Gunther Hellmann and Jens SteffekThis collection brings together leading figures in the study of International Relations to explore praxis as a perspective on international politics and law. With its focus on competent judgements, the praxis approach holds the promise to overcome the divide between knowing and acting that marks positivist International Relations theory. Building on the transdisciplinary work of Friedrich Kratochwil – and with a concluding chapter from him – this book reveals the scope, limits and blind spots of praxis theorizing. For anyone involved in international politics, this is an important contribution to the reconciliation of theory and practice and an inspiration for future research. EPDFs of Chapters 1, 4, 9, 13, 15 and 16 are available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.
Praxis for the Poor: Piven and Cloward and the Future of Social Science in Social Welfare
by null Sanford F. SchramPraxis for the Poor puts the relationship of politics to scholarship front and center through an examination of the work of Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward. Piven and Cloward proved that social science could inform social-policy politics in ways that helped energize a movement. Praxis for the Poor offers a critical reflection on their work and builds upon it, demonstrating how a more politically-engaged scholarship can contribute to the struggle for social justice. Necessary reading for political scientists, sociologists, social workers, social welfare activists, policy-makers, and anyone concerned with the plight of the poor and oppressed, Praxis for the Poor shows how social science can play a role in building a better future for social welfare.
Praxis-Guide Social-Media-Recht der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Rechtliche Grundlagen und Gestaltungsoptionen in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Quick Guide)
by Christian W. EggersIn diesem Buch erfahren Sie, welchen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für öffentliche Verwaltungen und staatliche Institutionen unterliegt und welche Gestaltungsoptionen sich daraus ergeben. Christian Eggers vermittelt die notwendigen rechtlichen Grundlagen und bietet Unterstützung für Entscheidungsfälle bei kritischen Inhalten. Er erläutert Möglichkeiten und Grenzen bei der Themensetzung sowie bei der inhaltlichen und formalen Gestaltung einzelner Beiträge. In zahlreichen praktischen Beispielen illustriert er Dos and Don'ts zu häufigen Fragestellungen aus der PR-Arbeit für öffentliche Verwaltungen. Dieser Quick Guide bietet konkrete Hilfestellungen für alle öffentlichen Institutionen, wie etwa Gemeinden, Polizei, Bibliotheken und Museen, Rundfunkanstalten, Berufsverbände und Universitäten. Bei der Social-Media-Arbeit für öffentliche Einrichtungen ist das richtige Fingerspitzengefühl auf der Grundlage von Rechtskenntnissen gefragt – hier erfahren Sie, worauf es ankommt. Die zweite Auflage wurde hinsichtlich der neuesten Rechtsprechung aktualisiert und in Bezug auf die Unterschiede zwischen staatlicher und privatwirtschaftlicher Öffentlichkeitsarbeit weiter vertieft. Neu hinzugekommen sind Aspekte des Einsatzes künstlicher Intelligenz in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zur Inhaltsgenerierung und -verbreitung. Aus dem Inhalt Funktionen und Begriff der staatlichen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Wer kommuniziert staatlich? Verwaltungs- und verfassungsrechtliche Grundsätze der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Social-Media-Accounts der öffentlichen Verwaltung Datenschutz bei personenbezogenen Inhalten der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Dreh- und Fotoerlaubnisse bei Presseterminen Auskunftsrechte der Presse Der Autor Christian W. Eggers ist zertifizierte Fachkraft für Datenschutz und Dozent für Medienrecht. Aus seiner langjährigen Seminartätigkeit für Behörden zum Thema Bildrechte und Datenschutz weiß er um die Fragestellungen aus der behördlichen Praxis der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.
Praxisbuch Interkulturelle Handlungskompetenz: Für Fach- und Führungskräfte mit globalen Herausforderungen
by Alexander ThomasFit für das Leben und erfolgreiches Arbeiten in einer globalen Welt! Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen in internationalen und interkulturellen Kontexten - sowohl im beruflichen Arbeitsalltag wie auch in privaten Lebensbereichen - verständnisvoller, toleranter und effizienter zusammenarbeiten zu können. Das Buch basiert auf empirischen Befunden und praxisnahen Fallbeispielen, die aus der Zusammenarbeit zwischen 40 Ländern weltweit entstanden sind. Gespickt mit vielen Anregungen eröffnet es Ihnen ein Verständnis dafür, welche Fallstricke es bei der Interaktion mit Menschen aus fremden Kulturen zu vermeiden gilt. Dadurch können kulturspezifische Missverständnisse reduziert und das Verständnis untereinander verbessert werden. Dazu erfahren Sie, welche Persönlichkeitseigenschaften für den Aufbau und die Wirkungen interkultureller Handlungskompetenz besonders förderlich sind. Dadurch erhalten Sie wertvolle Einblicke und Strategien zur Vermeidung und Bewältigung interkulturell bedingter Problemstellungen um Irritationen, Frustration und Verärgerung auf beiden Seiten zu vermeiden und die Ergebnisse der Zusammenarbeit zu verbessern. Zielgruppen:Fach- und Führungskräfte aus den Bereichen Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, Fort- und Weiterbildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre, soziale Arbeit, berufliche Auslandseinsätze und die Zusammenarbeit in internationalen Unternehmen. Zum Autor: Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Alexander Thomas war bis zu seiner Pensionierung Professor für Sozialpsychologie und Angewandte Psychologie an der Universität Regensburg und ist Honorarprofessor an der Ostbayerischen Technischen Hochschule in Regensburg (OTH). Die Konzepte „interkulturelle Handlungskompetenz“ und „Kulturstandards“ sind vom Autor auf der Basis der Ergebnisse empirischer Forschungsarbeiten im In- und Ausland entwickelt worden.
Praxishandbuch Wirtschaft in Afrika
by Thomas Schmidt Kay Pfaffenberger Stefan LiebingAfrika ist ein Kontinent im Aufschwung, der eine große wirtschaftliche Dynamik entwickelt. Wenn deutsche Unternehmen am Aufschwung Afrikas partizipieren wollen, müssen sie mit einigen Besonderheiten vertraut sein. Das Buch zeigt diesen Weg zu erfolgreichen Geschäften in Afrika. Es ist ein praxisorientierter, gleichwohl wissenschaftlich fundierter Ratgeber für alle Unternehmer und wirtschaftlich Interessierten, die in Afrika erfolgreich sein wollen. Es vereint dabei die Erfahrungen vieler Unternehmen mit der wissenschaftlichen Perspektive und den Erkenntnissen des Centre for Business und Technology in Africa der Hochschule Flensburg. In der 2. Auflage werden neue Entwicklungen auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent aufgegriffen und aktuelle Antworten gegeben auf die klassischen Fragen, die jeder Akteur für sich beantworten muss, der in Afrika wirtschaftlich erfolgreich sein will: WARUM Afrika für das Geschäft interessant ist, WO die größten Erfolgsaussichten bestehen, WIE vorzugehen ist und WELCHE Ansätze zur künftigen Gestaltung der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Afrika erfolgsvorsprechend sind. Das Buch beschreibt, wie in Afrika investiert werden kann und bündelt die aktuellen Erfahrungen von Managern großer Konzerne und Familienunternehmen mit langjähriger Geschichte auf dem Kontinent.
Praxiswissen Wirtschaftsmediation: Strategien, Modelle und Methoden für Unternehmen
by Christa Fischer-Korp Bernhard Wisleitner Ilse Ennsfellner Margit Ehardt-Schmiederer Claudia Pöschl Michael HambergerDieses Buch bietet einen Überblick über Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Wirtschaftsmediation und mediativer Dienstleistungen. Praktische Beispiele präsentieren Strategien, mediative Modelle und Methoden für konkrete Lösungswege. Die Buchbeiträge bieten Wirtschaftstreibenden verständliche Einblicke und sprachlich bebilderte Ausblicke – quer durch bunte Landschaften betrieblicher Herausforderungen. Die AutorInnen sind ExpertInnen der Wirtschaftsmediation und bündeln ihr breites Wissen und ihre vielfältigen Erfahrungen. Von Interesse ist das Buch für UnternehmerInnen, Führungskräfte und MitarbeiterInnen - also all jene, die aus den mediativen Dienstleistungen einen Mehrwert für sich und ihr Unternehmen oder ihr Arbeitsumfeld schöpfen möchten.
A Prayer for the City
by Buzz BissingerIn 1990, Buzz Bissinger's Friday Night Lights became an acclaimed bestseller and national sensation, igniting immediate debate about the role of high school football in small-town Texas. Now, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist does for big cities what he did for small towns in this epic story of one remarkable politician's efforts to save a dying American City.Mayor Edward Rendell will do almost anything for Philadelphia. He will clean the bathrooms in City Hall, endure a joint appearance with Mickey Mouse, and personally lobby President Clinton to keep jobs in the city. He is that rare politician who is larger than life in his ambitions, compassion, and flaws--a man wise enough to see the comic absurdity of his job, yet crazy enough to think he can actually revive his declining city.To succeed, Rendell must negotiate a tough new contract with city workers who are threatening to strike and wreak havoc on the city. He must allay African-American leaders engaged in a zero-sum game of racial politics. He must combat the loss of tens of thousands of jobs that have brought the Workshop of the World to its knees.As Rendell and his brilliant chief of staff, David Cohen fight these political battles, four citizens of Philadelphia engage in their own personal struggles, each one connected to events at City Hall:Jim Mangan is a thirty-seven-year-old welder with a wife and six children. Unless the mayor can achieve a miracle, he and thousands of others will lose their jobs at the city's historic Naval Shipyard.Linda Morrison is a city-employed policy analyst who believes urban life can improve if the mayor embraces unprecedented change. But will Rendell have the courage? Will she be able to sustain her love for the city, or will the pressures of crime and taxes drive her away?Mike McGovern is a prosecutor whose anger at the urban violence of the city fuels his drive for justice. As he questions the personal cost of what he does, he faces one of his toughest trials, seeking life imprisonment for a teenager charged with murder.Fifi Mazzccua is an elderly woman from the inner city raising four great-grandchildren while faithfully visiting her son in prison and hoping she'll live to see the day when he is freed.At turns heart-wrenching and hilarious, A Prayer for the City dramatically illustrates high-pressure politics and the threat of economic decline facing so many cities. No author has ever written with such humanity and insight about a politician in power and the way cities really work.
A Prayer for the City
by Buzz BissingerFrom the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Friday Night Lights, the heart-wrenching and hilarious true story of an American city on its knees and a man who will do anything to save it.A Prayer for the City is acclaimed journalist Buzz Bissinger's true epic of Philadelphia mayor Ed Rendell, an utterly unique, unorthodox, and idiosyncratic leader willing to go to any length for the sake of his city: take unions head on, personally lobby President Clinton to save 10,000 defense jobs, or wrestle Smiley the Pig on Hot Dog Day—all the while bearing in mind the eternal fickleness of constituents whose favor may hinge on a missed garbage pick-up or an overzealous meter maid. It is also the story of citizens in crisis: a woman fighting ceaselessly to give her great-grandchildren a better life, a father of six who may lose his job at the Navy Shipyard, and a policy analyst whose experiences as a crime victim tempt her to abandon her job and ideals. "Fascinating, humane" (The New Yorker) and alive with detail and insight, A Prayer for the City describes the rare combination of political courage and optimism that may be the only hope for America's urban centers.
A Prayer for the City: The True Story of a Mayor and Five Heroes in a Race Against Time
by Buzz BissingerA Prayer for the City is Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Buzz Bissinger's true epic of Philadelphia mayor Ed Rendell, an utterly unique, unorthodox, and idiosyncratic leader who will do anything to save his city: take unions head on, personally lobby President Clinton to save 10,000 defense jobs, or wrestle Smiley the Pig on Hot Dog Day--all the while bearing in mind the eternal fickleness of constituents whose favor may hinge on a missed garbage pick-up or an overzealous meter maid. It is also the story of citizens in crisis: a woman fighting ceaselessly to give her great-grandchildren a better life, a father of six who may lose his job at the Navy Shipyard, and a policy analyst whose experiences as a crime victim tempt her to abandon her job and ideals. Heart-wrenching and hilarious, alive with detail and insight, A Prayer for the City describes a city on its knees and the rare combination of political courage and optimism that may be the only hope for America's urban centers.
A Prayer for the Dying (The Martin Fallon Novels #2)
by Jack HigginsAn IRA hit man is on the run and out for redemption in this novel from the New York Times–bestselling author of The Eagle Has Landed and Dark Justice. Martin Fallon has more blood on his hands than any man has a right to. And once upon a time he had no problem with that, killing for his IRA brethren without remorse or regret. But when a mistake leads to the explosion of a school bus full of children, Fallon flees to London to hide with his guilt. His seclusion is broken when he agrees to make one last killing on behalf of the criminal Meehan brothers—and that may be his greatest mistake. For the hit is witnessed by a priest—and now the Meehans want him dead, too. But Fallon has had enough innocent blood. In a desperate struggle for his soul, Fallon must protect the clergyman while fighting not only the ruthless Meehans but also his former IRA comrades who have decided that Fallon himself needs to be silenced. For decades, Jack Higgins has delivered edge-of-the-seat thrills for millions of fans all over the world, and has truly earned his status as &“the master&” of international action and intrigue (Tom Clancy). A Prayer for the Dying is the 2nd book in the Martin Fallon Novels, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.
A Prayer for the Dying (The Martin Fallon Novels #2)
by Jack HigginsAn IRA hit man is on the run and out for redemption in this novel from the New York Times–bestselling author of The Eagle Has Landed and Dark Justice. Martin Fallon has more blood on his hands than any man has a right to. And once upon a time he had no problem with that, killing for his IRA brethren without remorse or regret. But when a mistake leads to the explosion of a school bus full of children, Fallon flees to London to hide with his guilt. His seclusion is broken when he agrees to make one last killing on behalf of the criminal Meehan brothers—and that may be his greatest mistake. For the hit is witnessed by a priest—and now the Meehans want him dead, too. But Fallon has had enough innocent blood. In a desperate struggle for his soul, Fallon must protect the clergyman while fighting not only the ruthless Meehans but also his former IRA comrades who have decided that Fallon himself needs to be silenced. For decades, Jack Higgins has delivered edge-of-the-seat thrills for millions of fans all over the world, and has truly earned his status as &“the master&” of international action and intrigue (Tom Clancy). A Prayer for the Dying is the 2nd book in the Martin Fallon Novels, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.
Prayer for the Living
by Ben OkriTopical and timely, Booker Prize–winning author Ben Okri's new collection of short stories blurs parallel realities and walks the line between darkness and magic. A Library Journal Best Book of 2021 "No m
Praying for America: 40 Inspiring Stories and Prayers for Our Nation
by Dr. Robert JeffressDiscover how to pray powerful prayers for God to bless and unite America in this inspiring guide from the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church. The most patriotic thing you can do for America is pray for America. In times of division and disaster, our country has a long history of turning to God. Robert Jeffress, the senior pastor of a 14,000-member church in Dallas, Texas, and a Fox News contributor, believes it should be no different today. "When we seek God's help and pray about the issues that affect our lives," writes Jeffress, "we influence the fate of our families, our churches, and our nation. It has happened before in history, and it can happen again." Each chapter of this uplifting book includes an inspiring story demonstrating the power of faith in the life of our nation, a prayer, and a relevant passage of Scripture to inspire and encourage you in praying intently for our country. In these increasingly divided times, Praying for America will serve as a very necessary and timely reminder that "In God, we trust."
PRC Overseas Political Activities: Risk, Reaction and the Case of Australia (Whitehall Papers)
by Andrew ChubbPolitical elites in liberal democracies are showing heightened concern about threats to national security from the overseas political activities of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and its supporters. This Whitehall Paper argues that an effective liberal democratic policy response requires careful disaggregation of distinct sets of risks: to national security; civil liberties; and academic freedom. Although widely cited as a model to follow, Australia’s response to these issues illustrates how aggregation of these diverse risks into a singular national security threat – commonly labelled ‘Chinese influence’ – can produce alarmist public policy discourse, legislative overreach and mismatched institutional responsibilities. The Paper suggests a set of measures for liberal democracies to manage their engagement with China’s powerful and increasingly authoritarian party-state.
Pre-Accident Investigations: An Introduction to Organizational Safety
by Todd ConklinTime-pressed, professionals looking for practical guidance to shape their current or future safety programs should use this book. Pre-Accident Investigations: An Introduction to Organizational Safety helps to identify complex potential incidents before they take place. Based around the ’New View’ of human error, it offers established human performance theory in a highly practical context. Written in an engaging, conversational style, around several case studies, the book is grounded in reality, with examples with which anyone can identify. It is an ideal aid for senior safety executives who want to spread the safety message among their colleagues. It is also an excellent choice for course tutors looking for a narrative-led primer.
The Pre-K Debates: Current Controversies and Issues
by Edward Zigler Walter S. Gilliam W. Steven BarnettThis book gathers a who's who of more than 40 leading thinkers in early childhood education for a rigorous examination of the most-debated pre-K issues.
Pre-Milestone A and Early-Phase Systems Engineering: A Retrospective Review and Benefits for Future Air Force Systems Acquisition
by National Research Council of the National AcademiesThe ability of U.S. military forces to field new weapons systems quickly and to contain their cost growth has declined significantly over the past few decades. There are many causes including increased complexity, funding instability, bureaucracy, and more diverse user demands, but a view that is gaining more acceptance is that better systems engineering (SE) could help shorten development time. To investigate this assertion in more detail, the US Air Force asked the NRC to examine the role that SE can play during the acquisition life cycle to address root causes of program failure especially during pre-milestone A and early program phases. This book presents an assessment of the relationship between SE and program outcome; an examination of the SE workforce; and an analysis of SE functions and guidelines. The latter includes a definition of the minimum set of SE processes that need to be accounted for during project development.