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Showing 71,276 through 71,300 of 100,000 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Prairie Crossing: Creating an American Conservation Community 1377455 John Scott Watson 9780252097973 1962 Contains images
Prairie Republic: The Political Culture of Dakota Territory, 1879-1889 217735 Jon K. Lauck 9780806141107 2010
Pranksters vs. Autocrats: Why Dilemma Actions Advance Nonviolent Activism (Brown Democracy Medal) 3649764 Srdja Popovic Sophia A. McClennen 9781501756061 2020 Contains images
Präsenzform und Strukturreform: Institutionalisierung deutscher Auswärtiger Kulturpolitik am Beispiel der Goethe-Institute in der Russischen Föderation (Auswärtige Kulturpolitik) 5143549 Christina Holland 9783658399382 2022 Contains images
Praxis: On Acting and Knowing 2126373 Friedrich Kratochwil 9781108561877 2018
Praxis and Method (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE (RLE: Gramsci): A Sociological Dialogue with Lukacs, Gramsci and the Early Frankfurt School 4760120 Richard Kilminster 9781317744405 2014
Praxis and Politics: Knowledge Production in Social Movements (New Approaches in Sociology) 4758650 Janet M. Conway 9781135505875 2006
Praxis and Revolution: A Theory of Social Transformation (New Directions in Critical Theory #71) 5099611 Eva von Redecker 9780231552547 2021
Praxis as a Perspective on International Politics (Bristol Studies in International Theory) 4522455 Gunther Hellmann and Jens Steffek 9781529220483 2022 Contains images
Praxis for the Poor: Piven and Cloward and the Future of Social Science in Social Welfare 6417526 null Sanford F. Schram 9780814783542 2002 Contains images
Praxis-Guide Social-Media-Recht der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Rechtliche Grundlagen und Gestaltungsoptionen in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Quick Guide) 6436783 Christian W. Eggers 9783658466510 2025 Contains images
Praxisbuch Interkulturelle Handlungskompetenz: Für Fach- und Führungskräfte mit globalen Herausforderungen 4538285 Alexander Thomas 9783662636718 2022 Contains images
Praxishandbuch Wirtschaft in Afrika 5166320 Thomas Schmidt Kay Pfaffenberger Stefan Liebing 9783658373481 2023 Contains images
Praxiswissen Wirtschaftsmediation: Strategien, Modelle und Methoden für Unternehmen 4254261 Christa Fischer-Korp Bernhard Wisleitner Ilse Ennsfellner Margit Ehardt-Schmiederer Claudia Pöschl Michael Hamberger 9783658327972 2021 Contains images
A Prayer for the City 1030693 Buzz Bissinger 9781101969915 1997 Contains images
A Prayer for the City 1461976 Buzz Bissinger 9781101969915 1997 Contains images
A Prayer for the City: The True Story of a Mayor and Five Heroes in a Race Against Time 681892 Buzz Bissinger 9780679421986 1997
A Prayer for the Dying (The Martin Fallon Novels #2) 5559982 Jack Higgins 9781453200483 1973 Contains images
A Prayer for the Dying (The Martin Fallon Novels #2) 6309981 Jack Higgins 9781453200469 1973 Contains images
Prayer for the Living 5809184 Ben Okri 9781617758744 2021
Praying for America: 40 Inspiring Stories and Prayers for Our Nation 4066447 Dr. Robert Jeffress 9781546017936 2020 Contains images
PRC Overseas Political Activities: Risk, Reaction and the Case of Australia (Whitehall Papers) 5538719 Andrew Chubb 9781000520736 2021 Contains images
Pre-Accident Investigations: An Introduction to Organizational Safety 3111833 Todd Conklin 9781351909259 2012 Contains images
The Pre-K Debates: Current Controversies and Issues 1052442 Edward Zigler Walter S. Gilliam W. Steven Barnett 9781598571837 2011
Pre-Milestone A and Early-Phase Systems Engineering: A Retrospective Review and Benefits for Future Air Force Systems Acquisition 524121 National Research Council of the National Academies 9780309114752 2008 Contains images

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