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Pre-Modernity, Totalitarianism and the Non-Banality of Evil: A Comparison of Germany, Spain, Sweden and France

by Steven Saxonberg

This book provides a comparative and historical analysis of totalitarianism and considers why Spain became totalitarian during its inquisition but not France; and why Germany became totalitarian during the previous century, but not Sweden. The author pushes the concept of totalitarianism back into the pre-modern period and challenges Hannah Arendt’s notion of the banality of evil. Instead, he presents an alternative framework that can explain why some states become totalitarian and why they induce people to commit evil acts.

Pre-service Teacher Education Policy Development: A Global Perspective (Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices)

by Jian Li

This book examines the pre-service teacher education policy development of seven countries, including the USA, the UK, Japan, Canada, Singapore, Australia, and Russia. This book reviews the history of pre-service teacher education policies in those countries and discusses relative case studies on pre-service teacher training practices. It also identifies problems in current pre-service teacher education in those countries and proposes potential countermeasures to resolve those issues. This book serves as a useful reference for various stakeholders in the teacher education field.

Pre-tsarist and Tsarist Central Asia: Communal Commitment and Political Order in Change (Central Asian Studies)

by Paul Georg Geiss

This study, written from the perspective of political sociology, represents the first comparative examination of Central Asian communal and political organisation before and after the tsarist conquest of the region. It covers Turkman, Kyrgyz, Kazakh and other tribal societies, analyses the patrimonial state structures of the Emirate of Bukhara and the Khanates of Khiva and Khokand, and discusses the impacts of the established tsarist civil military administration on communal and political orientations of the Muslim population.

The Preacher and the Presidents: Billy Graham in the White House

by Nancy Gibbs Michael Duffy

No one man or woman has ever been in a position to see the presidents, and the presidency, so intimately, over so many years. They called him in for photo opportunities. They called for comfort. They asked about death and salvation; about sin and forgiveness. At a time when the nation is increasingly split over the place of religion in public life, THE PREACHER AND THE PRESIDENTS reveals how the world's most powerful men and world's most famous evangelist, Billy Graham, knit faith and politics together.

Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America

by Kenneth R. Timmerman

Anti-semitism among Muslims has outrun the number of Jews in the world, and now threatens Americans in particular and all Westerners in general, says investigative journalist Timmerman. He spouts such notions as Arafat's reign of terror and the Islamic Republic of America. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Preachers, Pedagogues, and Politicians: The Evolution Controversy in North Carolina, 1920-1927

by Willard B. Gatewood

This is the story of the evolution controversy set off by the Scopes trial. It deals with the problems in North Carolina educational institutions and such outstanding men as Poteat, Chase, Odum, and Morrison who sought reform.Originally published in 1966.A UNC Press Enduring Edition -- UNC Press Enduring Editions use the latest in digital technology to make available again books from our distinguished backlist that were previously out of print. These editions are published unaltered from the original, and are presented in affordable paperback formats, bringing readers both historical and cultural value.

Preaching to Korean Immigrants: A Psalmic-Theological Homiletic (Asian Christianity in the Diaspora)

by Rebecca Seungyoun Jeong

In terms of practical-theology’s critical reflection on marginalized people’s wounds in a wider society, this book investigates the question, “How to proclaim the good news in response to first-generation Korean immigrants’ contextual suffering in the United Sates?” To answer the question, the book starts with investigating Korean immigrant hearers’ contextual predicaments in a new land to point out emerging practical-theological issues in relation to the practice of preaching. In this book, the primary subjects are first-generation Korean immigrants, especially those who have relatively low socio-economic status and struggle with the purpose of their lives as immigrants, particularly those whose material dreams have been shattered.In order to proclaim the good news, this book proposes a more appropriate immigrant theology for/in the practice of preaching by reclaiming the priorities of God’s future in our lives and confirming God’s active identification with Korean immigrant congregations in the depths of their predicament. Such reconstructive work for immigrant theology arises in response to their existential hardships, marginality, ethnic discrimination, and relative powerlessness in life.While acknowledging both the possibilities and limits of the diverse forms of current Korean immigrant preaching, the book then offers a strategic proposal for a new homiletic theory, namely “a psalmic-theological homiletic.” This proposed homiletic is deeply rooted in the theology of the Psalms and their rhetorical movement. This re-envisioned mode of eschatological and prophetic preaching in times of difficulty recovers ancient Israel’s psalmic, rhetorical tradition that aims toward faith. Its theological-rhetorical strategy intends to both transform hearers’ habitus of living in faith and enhance their hope-filled life through communal anticipation of God’s coming future on the margins. Specifically, this proposed homiletic critically adopts key features from psalms of lament and their typical, fourfold theological-rhetorical movement (i.e., lament, retelling a story, confessional doxology, and obedient vow) as now core elements of a revised Korean-immigrant preaching practice.

The Precariat in Western China: Poverty, Risks, and Influences (Routledge Studies on China in Transition)

by Xueyang Ma

This book provides a comprehensive picture for understanding the experiences and dynamics of precarious workers’ in-work poverty in western China.The research presented in this book identifies the causes and the consequences of precarious employment and in-work poverty and analyses the stakeholders’ responses to the changes in the context of employment in China's socialist market economy. The book explains why precarious workers tend to remain outsiders to rapid socio-economic transformation and informs readers as to how people make choices, how those with different abilities adapt to the process of de-traditionalisation and how marketisation changes people’s lifestyles, value systems, policy designs.Detailing empirical investigations of the experience and dynamics of workers’ precarious life, this book will appeal to students and scholars of Chinese society, social policy and poverty.

Precarious Balance: Hong Kong Between China and Britain, 1842-1992 (Hong Kong Becoming China Ser. #Vol. 4)

by Ming K. Chan John D. Young

This work closely considers the history and political importance of Hong Kong in the period 1842 to 1992.

The Precarious Balance: State And Society In Africa

by Donald Rothchild Naomi Chazan

Since independence, the political institutions of many African states have undergone a process of consolidation and subsequent deterioration. Constrained by external economic dependency and an acute scarcity of economic and technical resources, state officials have demonstrated a diminished capacity to regulate their societies. Public policies are agreed upon but ineffectively implemented by the weak institutions of the state. Although scholars have analyzed the various facets of state-building in detail, little systematic attention has been given to the issue of the decline of the state and mechanisms to cope with state ineffectiveness in Africa. This book focuses especially on the character of the postcolonial state in Africa, the nature of and reasons for state deterioration, and the mechanisms and policies for coping with state malfunction. Scholars from Africa, the United States, Europe, and the Middle East combine a broad understanding of African political processes with expertise on specific regions. Their analytic and comparative perspective provides a comprehensive and timely treatment of this vital and heretofore neglected theme in African politics.

Precarious Democracy: Ethnographies of Hope, Despair, and Resistance in Brazil

by Lila Moritz Schwarcz Benjamin Junge Jessica Jerome Isabela Kalil Rosana Pinheiro-Machado Lucia Mury Scalco Patricia De Pinho Sean T. Mitchell Karina Biondi John Collins Lucia Cantero David Rojas Andrezza Alves Olival Alexandre De Olival Falina Enriquez Moisés Kopper Sarah LeBaron Baeyer LaShandra Sullivan Carlos Eduardo Henning Alvaro Jarrin Melanie A. Medeiros Patrick McCormick Erika Schmitt James Kale

Brazil changed drastically in the 21st century’s second decade. In 2010, the country’s outgoing president Lula left office with almost 90% approval. As the presidency passed to his Workers' Party successor, Dilma Rousseff, many across the world hailed Brazil as a model of progressive governance in the Global South. Yet, by 2019, those progressive gains were being dismantled as the far right-wing politician Jair Bolsonaro assumed the presidency of a bitterly divided country. Digging beneath this pendulum swing of policy and politics, and drawing on rich ethnographic portraits, Precarious Democracy shows how these transformations were made and experienced by Brazilians far from the halls of power. Bringing together powerful and intimate stories and portraits from Brazil's megacities to rural Amazonia, this volume demonstrates the necessity of ethnography for understanding social and political change, and provides crucial insights on one of the most epochal periods of change in Brazilian history.

A Precarious Game: The Illusion of Dream Jobs in the Video Game Industry

by Ergin Bulut

A Precarious Game is an ethnographic examination of video game production. The developers that Ergin Bulut researched for almost three years in a medium-sized studio in the U.S. loved making video games that millions play. Only some, however, can enjoy this dream job, which can be precarious and alienating for many others. That is, the passion of a predominantly white-male labor force relies on material inequalities involving the sacrificial labor of their families, unacknowledged work of precarious testers, and thousands of racialized and gendered workers in the Global South. A Precarious Game explores the politics of doing what one loves. In the context of work, passion and love imply freedom, participation, and choice, but in fact they accelerate self-exploitation and can impose emotional toxicity on other workers by forcing them to work endless hours. Bulut argues that such ludic discourses in the game industry disguise the racialized and gendered inequalities on which a profitable transnational industry thrives. Within capitalism, work is not just an economic matter, and the political nature of employment and love can still be undemocratic even when based on mutual consent. As Bulut demonstrates, rather than considering work simply as a matter of economics based on trade-offs in the workplace, we should consider the question of work and love as one of democracy rooted in politics.

Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence

by Judith Butler

Five essays by Butler (rhetoric and comparative literature, U. of California-Berkeley) respond to the conditions of heightened vulnerability and aggression that followed the events of September 11, 2001. They reflect on explanation and exoneration; violence, mourning, and politics; indefinite detention; charges of anti-Semitism; and a non-violent ethics based on an understanding of how easily human life is annulled.

Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence

by Judith Butler

In this profound appraisal of post-September 11, 2001 America, Judith Butler considers the conditions of heightened vulnerability and aggression that followed from the attack on the US, and US retaliation. Judith Butler critiques the use of violence that has emerged as a response to loss, and argues that the dislocation of first-world privilege offers instead a chance to imagine a world in which that violence might be minimized and in which interdependency becomes acknowledged as the basis for a global political community.Butler considers the means by which some lives become grief-worthy, while others are perceived as undeserving of grief or even incomprehensible as lives. She discusses the political implications of sovereignty in light of the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. She argues against the anti-intellectual current of contemporary US patriotism and the power of censorship during times of war. Finally, she takes on the question of when and why anti-semitism is leveled as a charge against those who voice criticisms of the Israeli state. She counters that we have a responsibility to speak out against both Israeli injustices and anti-semitism, and argues against the rhetorical use of the charge of anti-semitism to quell public debate.In her most impassioned and personal book to date, Judith Butler responds to the current US policies to wage perpetual war, and calls for a deeper understanding of how mourning and violence might instead inspire solidarity and a quest form global justice.

The Precarious Lives of Syrians: Migration, Citizenship, and Temporary Protection in Turkey (McGill-Queen's Refugee and Forced Migration Studies #5)

by Feyzi Baban Suzan Ilcan Kim Rygiel

Turkey now hosts the largest number of Syrian refugees in the world, more than 3.6 million of the 12.7 million displaced by the Syrian Civil War. Many of them are subject to an unpredictable temporary protection, forcing them to live under vulnerable and insecure conditions.The Precarious Lives of Syrians examines the three dimensions of the architecture of precarity: Syrian migrants' legal status, the spaces in which they live and work, and their movements within and outside Turkey. The difficulties they face include restricted access to education and healthcare, struggles to secure employment, language barriers, identity-based discrimination, and unlawful deportations. Feyzi Baban, Suzan Ilcan, and Kim Rygiel show that Syrians confront their precarious conditions by engaging in cultural production and community-building activities, and by undertaking perilous journeys to Europe, allowing them to claim spaces and citizenship while asserting their rights to belong, to stay, and to escape. The authors draw on migration policies, legal and scholarly materials, and five years of extensive field research with local, national, and international humanitarian organizations, and with Syrians from all walks of life.The Precarious Lives of Syrians offers a thoughtful and compelling analysis of migration precarity in our contemporary context.

Precarious Power: Compliance and discontent under Ramaphosa’s ANC

by null Susan Booysen

An incisive analysis of South Africa's ANC power-as party, as government, as stateSouth Africa's African National Congress (ANC) is in decline, its hegemony has been weakened, its legitimacy diluted. President Cyril Ramaphosa's appointment suspended the ANC's electoral decline, it also heightened internal tensions between those who would deepen its acquired status as corrupt and captured, and those who would remodel it as redeemable. These are the incontrovertible knowns of South African politics; what will evolve from this is less certain.In Precarious Power, renowned political scientist Susan Booysen uses in-depth research and analysis to distill that which is bound to shape South Africa's political future, Booysen focuses on contradictory party politics and internal ANC dissent that is veiled for the sake of retaining an electoral following. Also exposed is the incongruous, populist policy­making, protest politics and the use of soft law to ensure it does not alienate angry citizens, fueling further discontent and protest. The ANC's power has become exceedingly precarious. Precarious Power is the name of the political game, for the foreseeable future.The comprehensive analysis in Precarious Power will appeal not only to political scientists and postgraduate students, but to all who take a keen interest in current affairs.

Precarious Protections: Unaccompanied Minors Seeking Asylum in the United States

by Chiara Galli

More children than ever are crossing international borders alone to seek asylum worldwide. In the past decade, over a half million children have fled from Central America to the United States, seeking safety and a chance to continue lives halted by violence. Yet upon their arrival, they fail to find the protection that our laws promise, based on the broadly shared belief that children should be safeguarded. A meticulously researched ethnography, Precarious Protections chronicles the experiences and perspectives of Central American unaccompanied minors and their immigration attorneys as they pursue applications for refugee status in the US asylum process. Chiara Galli debunks assumptions about asylum, including the idea that people are being denied protection because they file bogus claims. In practice, the United States interprets asylum law far more narrowly than what is necessary to recognize real-world experiences of escape from life-threatening violence. This is especially true for children from Central America. Galli reveals the formidable challenges of lawyering with children and exposes the human toll of the US immigration bureaucracy.

Precarious Urbanism: Displacement, Belonging and the Reconstruction of Somali Cities (Spaces of Peace, Security and Development)

by Jutta Bakonyi Peter Chonka

This book explores relationships between war, displacement and city-making. Focusing on people seeking refuge in Somali cities after being forced to migrate by violence, environmental shocks or economic pressures, it highlights how these populations are actively transforming urban space. Using first-hand testimonies and participatory photography by urban in-migrants, the book documents and analyses the micropolitics of urban camp management, evictions and gentrification, and the networked labour of displaced populations that underpins growing urban economies. Central throughout is a critical analysis of how the discursive figure of the ‘internally displaced person’ is co-produced by various actors. The book argues that this label exerts significant power in structuring socio-economic inequalities and the politics of group belonging within different Somali cities connected through protracted histories of conflict-related migration.

Precarious Workers in the Gig Economy: Neoliberalism and its Discontents in Indonesia (Contestations in Contemporary Southeast Asia)

by Diatyka Widya Permata Yasih

This book focuses on gig work and organising among gig workers in the Indonesian online transport service, situated within the context of widespread precaritisation and digitalisation in today’s world of work. It addresses the challenges experienced by precarious gig workers in Indonesia in articulating their struggles through the discourse of precarity. Such challenges are related to the reproduction of neoliberal-derived entrepreneurial aspirations amidst the historical relative absence of stable work patterns (previously associated with more advanced economies), and the historically rooted marginalisation of broad-based labour movements as a social force. Though showcasing the specific experiences of Indonesian workers, the analysis in this book is supplemented by broad comparative insights. It offers empirically based analysis for those interested in new forms of collective organisations and politics that emerge among workers under the imperatives of neoliberalism in Indonesia, and by extension Southeast Asia.

Precarity and Belonging: Labor, Migration, and Noncitizenship (Latinidad: Transnational Cultures in the United States)

by Catherine S. Ramírez

Precarity and Belonging examines how the movement of people and their incorporation, marginalization, and exclusion, under epochal conditions of labor and social precarity affecting both citizens and noncitizens, have challenged older notions of citizenship and alienage. This collection brings mobility, precarity, and citizenship together in order to explore the points of contact and friction, and, thus, the spaces for a possible politics of commonality between citizens and noncitizens.The editors ask: What does modern citizenship mean in a world of citizens, denizens, and noncitizens, such as undocumented migrants, guest workers, permanent residents, refugees, detainees, and stateless people? How is the concept of citizenship, based on assumptions of deservingness, legality, and productivity, challenged when people of various and competing statuses and differential citizenship practices interact with each other, revealing their co-constitutive connections? How is citizenship valued or revalued when labor and social precarity impact those who seemingly have formal rights and those who seemingly or effectively do not? This book interrogates such binaries as citizen/noncitizen, insider/outsider, entitled/unentitled, “legal”/“illegal,” and deserving/undeserving in order to explore the fluidity--that is, the dynamism and malleability--of the spectra of belonging.

Precarity and International Relations (International Political Economy Series)

by Ritu Vij Tahseen Kazi Elisa Wynne-Hughes

This book addresses the implications of current thinking on precarity, precariousness and the precariat for the study of International Relations and International Political Economy. Drawing on a broad range of critical theoretical resources including literatures on aesthetics and psychoanalysis as well as feminist, Foucauldian, Marxian and postcolonial social theory, it explores the implications of precarity thought for three concepts: Sovereignty, Solidarities and Work in International Relations. Does precarity re-inscribe or undermine the logic and practices of sovereignty? As a common condition and point of mobilization, does precarity represent a new labor activism or does it find ethical grounds for solidarities that destabilize identities? How is precarity located, practiced and occluded in work relations? Running counter to the contemporary impulse to grasp precarity and processes of its proliferation in homogenized terms as either being ensconced in national imaginaries, or as ushering in a condition of global precarity and a global precariat class, the book also underscores the entanglements of the global, national and local in the discursive and material production of precarity and precariousness in the present conjuncture.

Precautionary Reasoning in Environmental and Public Health Policy (The International Library of Bioethics #86)

by David B. Resnik

This book fills a gap in the literature on the Precautionary Principle by placing the principle within the wider context of precautionary reasoning and uses philosophical arguments and case studies to demonstrate when it does—and does not—apply. The book invites the reader to take a step back from the controversy surrounding the Precautionary Principle and consider the overarching rationales for responding to threats to the environment or public health. It provides practical guidance and probing insight for the intended audience, including scholars, students, journalists, and policymakers.

Precedents and Judicial Politics in EU Immigration Law (European Administrative Governance)

by Marie De Somer

This study explores the use of precedents in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). It argues that a strategic use of precedent-based discourses aids the Court in developing its jurisprudence autonomously; that is, independent of the political preferences of EU member states. The study is based on a long-term assessment of CJEU case law in the politically sensitive area of immigration law. It traces the Court’s rulings in this area from the 1970s up until the most recent period. The study identifies a series of consistent discursive patterns that slowly, but surely, moved EU immigration law beyond what member states had intended. The work takes an interdisciplinary approach, engaging with both political science and legal discussions on the Court of Justice and its role in processes of European integration.

El precio de la codicia: Daniel y los pecados capitales 1 - La codicia (Daniel y los pecados capitales #1)

by Michael Clasen

El precio de la codicia Michael Clasen Los teóricos del género de ficción criminal han discutido durante años cuántos motivos imperiosos puede haber para el crimen. Sin entrar en esta discusión en detalle, y aunque diferentes crímenes y diferentes motivos juegan un papel en esta novela, este autor quisiera afirmar que la novela «El precio de la codicia» trata de un crimen cuyo motivo pertenece a los clásicos pecados capitales, a saber, la codicia. Desde el principio de los tiempos, la humanidad ha sufrido innumerables plagas que se volvieron inofensivas o casi exterminadas en el siglo XX gracias al uso de antibióticos. Hoy en día, una sola profesión en Dinamarca está en proceso de imponer una nueva plaga en todo el mundo con el SARM, contra el cual no hay cura hasta ahora. Es mi mayor deseo que dentro de unos años esta pieza de ficción sea vista como ciencia ficción, y no como una pesadilla que se ha hecho realidad. Durante el proceso de escritura me di cuenta de lo poco que sé sobre los grandes y pequeños detalles. Se puede obtener mucha información en Internet y sería imposible nombrar todos los sitios a los que he acudido para investigar. Solo agradezco a la Providencia que exista esta fuente infinita de hechos y mentiras. Me gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecer a todas las personas que me han ayudado con apoyo, transferencia de conocimientos y buenos consejos.


by Robert Harris

A WORLD ON THE BRINK OF WAR. AN AFFAIR ON THE EDGE OF SCANDAL.A spellbinding novel of passion, intrigue and betrayal set in England in the weeks leading to the Great War. From the bestselling author of Conclave, Act of Oblivion, Fatherland and Munich.Summer 1914.In London, 26-year-old Venetia Stanley – aristocratic, intelligent, bored, reckless – is having a love affair with the Prime Minister, H. H. Asquith, a man more than twice her age. He writes to her obsessively, sharing the most sensitive matters of state. As Asquith reluctantly leads the country into war with Germany, a young intelligence officer is assigned to investigate a leak of top-secret documents. Suddenly what was a sexual intrigue becomes a matter of national security that could topple the British government – and will alter the course of political history.Seamlessly weaving fact and fiction in a way that no writer does better, Precipice is the thrilling new novel from Robert Harris.

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