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Prefigurative Politics: Building Tomorrow Today

by Paul Raekstad Sofa Saio Gradin

Many of us wonder what we could possibly do to end oppression, exploitation, and injustice. People have studied revolutions and protest movements for centuries, but few have focused on prefigurative politics, the idea of 'building the new society within the shell of the old'. Fed up with capitalism? Get organised and build the institutions of the future in radical unions and local communities. Tired of politicians stalling on climate change? Set up an alternative energy collective. Ready to smash racism and the patriarchy? Root them out in all areas of our lives, not just in 'high politics'. This is the first book dedicated to prefigurative politics, explaining its history and examining the various debates surrounding it. How can collective decision-making be inclusive? In what ways are movements intersectional? Can prefigurative organisations scale up? It is a must-read for students of radical politics, anarchism, and social movements, as well as activists and concerned citizens everywhere.

Prefiguring the Idea of the University for a Post-Capitalist Society (Marxism and Education)

by Gary Saunders

Using an Open Marxist theoretical framework, this book provides a critique of the neoliberal reforms made to higher education since the late 1970s and the impact this has had on the sector. Rather than arguing for a return to the idea of the public university, the book argues that public and private models of higher education are both forms of capitalist accumulation and have historically perpetuated forms of oppression, exploitation and discrimination; thus, a more radical solution that addresses both the current crisis of higher education and the contradictory and exploitative nature of late capitalism is required. This book critically examines the autonomous learning spaces that emerged out of the UK student protests (2009-2010) and documents what can be learned from them to prefigure the idea of the university for a post-capitalist society.

Prefiguring Utopia: The Auroville Experiment

by Suryamayi Aswini Clarence-Smith

Auroville in Tamil Nadu, South India, is an internationally recognized endeavour in prefiguring an alternative society: the largest, most diverse, dynamic and enduring of intentional communities worldwide. This book is a critical and insightful analysis of the utopian practice of this unique spiritual township, by a native scholar. The author explores how Auroville’s founding spiritual and societal ideals are engaged in its communal political and economic organization, as well as various cultural practices and what enables and sustains this prefiguratively utopian practice. This in-depth, autoethnographic case study is an important resource for understanding prefigurative and utopian experiments – their challenges, potentialities and significance for the advancement of human society.

A Pregnancy Scandal: A Pregnancy Scandal Redeeming The Billionaire Seal Trapped With The Maverick Millionaire (Love and Lipstick #2)

by Kat Cantrell

They married for the sake of the baby. Will they stay together for love? Widowed power player Phillip Edgewood's political ambitions demand he have a wife-they don't demand he love her. It's a good thing, too, because his heart belongs to the perfect wife he lost. But finding a woman who will say "I do" to his deal proves difficult. Until he meets Alexandra Meer-the sexy CFO he can't resist. She doesn't believe in happily-ever-after, even after their amazing night together. And now she's pregnant with his child! A marriage of convenience should end the scandal and solve all their long as they don't fall in love...

Pregnant at Work: Low-Wage Workers, Power, and Temporal Injustice (Anthropologies of American Medicine: Culture, Power, and Practice #11)

by null Elise Andaya

Winner of the 2024 Senior Book Prize from the Association of Feminist AnthropologyA compelling analysis of social inequality through the perspective of pregnant, low-wage service workersThe low-wage service industry is one of the fastest-growing employment sectors in the US economy. Its workers disproportionately tend to be low-income and minority women. Service sector work entails rigid forms of temporal discipline manifested in work requirements for flexible, last-minute, and round-the-clock availability, as well as limited to no eligibility for sick and parental leaves, all of which impact workers’ ability to care for themselves and their dependents.Pregnant at Work examines the experiences of pregnant service sector workers in New York City as they try to navigate the time conflicts between precarious low-wage service labor and safety net prenatal care. Through interviews and fieldwork in a prenatal clinic of a public hospital, Elise Andaya vividly describes workers’ struggles to maintain expected tempos of labor as their pregnancies progress as well as their efforts to schedule and attend prenatal care, where waiting is a constant factor—a reflection of the pervasive belief that poor people’s time is less valuable than that of other people.Pregnant at Work is a compelling examination of the ways in which power and inequalities of race, class, gender, and immigration status are produced and reproduced in the US, including in individual pregnant bodies. The stories of the pregnant workers featured in this book underscore the urgency of movements towards temporal justice and a new politics of care in the twenty-first century.

Pregnant with the Stars

by Renée Cramer

"Check out that baby bump!" Online and print magazines, television shows, and personal blogs are awash with gossip and speculation about pregnant celebrities. What drives our cultural obsession with celebrity baby bumps? Pregnant with the Stars examines the American fascination with, and judgment of, celebrity pregnancy, and exposes how our seemingly innocent interest in "baby bumps" actually reinforces troubling standards about femininity, race, and class, while increasing the surveillance and regulation of all women in our society. This book charts how the American understanding of pregnancy has evolved by examining pop culture coverage of the pregnant celebrity body. Investigating and comparing the media coverage of pregnant celebrities, including Jennifer Garner, Angelina Jolie, Beyoncé Knowles, Kristen Bell, M.I.A., Jodie Foster, and Mila Kunis, Renée Cramer shows us how women are categorized and defined by their pregnancies. Their stories provide a paparazzi-sized lens through which we can interpret a complex set of social and legal regulations of pregnant women. Cramer exposes how cultural ideas like the "rockin' post-baby body" are not only unattainable; they are a means of social control. Combining cultural and legal analysis, Pregnant with the Stars uncovers a world where pregnant celebrities are governed and controlled alongside the recent, and troubling, proliferation of restrictive laws aimed at women in the realm of reproductive justice and freedom. Cramer asks each reader and cultural consumer to recognize that the seeing, judging, and discussion of the "baby bump" isn't merely frivolous celebrity gossip--it is an act of surveillance, commodification, and control.

Prehistories of the War on Terror: A Critical Genealogy (Power, Politics, and the World)

by A. J. Yumi Lee and Karen R. Miller

Reveals fundamental continuities between the contemporary War on Terror and earlier U.S. imperial conflictsPrehistories of the War on Terror examines the longstanding American project of classifying enemies who challenge U.S. power abroad as terrorists. To do so, the volume brings disparate episodes of U.S. military empire-building into dialogue across time and space. From settler colonial wars in the nineteenth-century American West to twentieth-century wars of conquest in Asia and the Pacific, the collection’s essays argue that the United States has drawn both materially and ideologically on older systems of empire in the conflicts through which it has waged the present-day War on Terror.Attending to the local histories from which these conflicts emerged and examining the effects of U.S. intervention in these sites, contributors analyze the cultural frameworks for understanding and remembering past conflicts that confirm, challenge, or refigure the logics of the War on Terror. This volume reveals how contestations over sovereignty, extraction, and inequality must be suppressed and flattened in public discourse to maintain a coherent vision of a totalizing War on Terror. Together, the contributors illustrate that there was no single road that led to 9/11 or the War on Terror. Rather, they argue that we must follow multiple paths into the past to fully understand our present and to fight for a more just future.Contributors: Moustafa Bayoumi, Joo Ok Kim, Janne Lahti, A. J. Yumi Lee, Naveed Mansoori, Karen R. Miller, Kalyan Nadiminti, Tim Roberts, Colleen Woods.

Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents (Sunlight Editions)

by Margaret Kimberley

&“This book is an effort to shed light on the truth. . . . To the extent that our leaders embody aspects of who we are as a people, studying how each president has participated in our nation&’s complicated and often shameful treatment of black people is as good a place as any to start.&” — Margaret Kimberley from the Preface"Margaret Kimberley gives us an intellectual gem of prophetic fire about all the U.S. presidents and their deep roots in the vicious legacy of white supremacy and predatory capitalism. Such truths seem more than most Americans can bear, though we ignore her words at our own peril!" — Cornel West, author of Race MattersPREJUDENTIAL is a concise, authoritative exploration of America&’s relationship with race and black Americans through the lens of the presidents who have been elected to represent all of its people. Throughout the history of the United States, numerous presidents have left their legacies as slaveholders, bigots, and inciters of racial violence, but were the ones generally regarded as more sympathetic to the plight and interests of black Americans—such as Lincoln, FDR, and Clinton—really much better? And what of all the presidents whose relationship with black America is not even considered in the pages of most history books? Over the course of 45 chapters—one for each president—Margaret Kimberley enlightens and informs readers about the attitudes and actions of the highest elected official in the country. By casting sunlight on an aspect of American history that is largely overlooked, Prejudential aims to increase awareness in a manner that will facilitate discussion and understanding.

Prejudice in Politics: Group Position, Public Opinion, and the Wisconsin Treaty Rights Dispute

by Lawrence D. Bobo Mia Tuan

This book presents a sociological study of how and why racial prejudice against members of a minority group comes to shape what happens to important political claims and aspirations of the group. Lawrence Bobo and Mia Tuan explore a lengthy controversy surrounding the fishing, hunting, and gathering rights of the Chippewa Indians in Wisconsin. The controversy started in 1974, when two Chippewa Indians were arrested for off-reservation fishing, and persisted into the 1990s. It involved the efforts of the Chippewa to assert their traditional spearfishing rights, which met with angry, racially charged responses from whites. <P><P> Bobo and Tuan develop a "group position" perspective on racial attitudes that takes account of the complex interplay of racial stereotypes and negative group feelings as well as the vested interests, collective privileges, and political threats that form the basis of racialized political disputes. They explore whether theories that explain race politics in the case of black-white relations are applicable to understanding Indian-white relations. The book uses a carefully designed survey of public opinion to explore the dynamics of prejudice and political contestation, and to further our understanding of how and why racial prejudice enters into politics in the United States.

Prelude to Civil War: 1816-1836

by William W. Freehling

From the preface: "My reasons for presenting a re-examination of the Nullification Controversy go beyond a desire to clarify its causes. The crisis of 1832-3 is one of the more dramatic events in United States history, and has, I think, never been chronicled fully or accurately. Furthermore, the Nullification Crisis has usually been presented as an isolated event. Viewed in proper perspective, the confrontation between Andrew Jackson and the Carolina nullifiers was the central occurrence in the broader transition of South Carolina from the enthusiastic nationalism of 1816 to the extreme sectionalism of 1836. And I hope the following analysis of the acute anxieties surrounding the mere discussion of slavery during these years of transition will help to explain why South Carolina led the South in a suicidal assault on the federal Union a generation later."

Prelude to Political Economy: A Study of the Social and Political Foundations of Economics

by Kaushik Basu

Mainstream economics was founded on many strong assumptions. Institutions and politics were treated as irrelevant, government as exogenous, and social norms as epiphenomena. As an initial gambit this was fine. But as the horizons of economic inquiry have broadened, these assumptions have become hindrances rather than aids. If we want to understand why some economies succeed and some fail, why some governments are effective and others not, why some communities prosper while others stagnate, it is essential to view economics as embedded in politics and society. <p><p>Prelude to Political Economy is a study of this embeddedness; it argues for an 'inclusive' approach to institutions and the state. Modern economics recognizes that individuals' pursuit of their own selfish ends can result in socially suboptimal outcomes -- the Prisoner's Dilemma being the stark example. It has been suggested that what we need in such an eventuality is 'third-party' intervention, which can take the form of imposing punishment on players. Kaushik Basu objects to this method of wishing third parties out of thin air. He argues that if a third party that could impose its will on others were available, then it should have been modeled as a player to start with. <p><p>The adoption of such an inclusive approach has implications for our conception of the state and the law. It means that the law cannot be construed as a factor that changes the game that citizens play. It is instead simply a set of beliefs of citizens; and, as such, it is similar to social norms. What the law does for an economy, so can social norms. The book discusses how the nature of policy advice and our conception of state power are affected by this altered view of the state and the law. As corollaries, the book addresses a variety of important social and philosophical questions, such as whether the state should guarantee freedom of speech, whether determinism is compatible with free will, and whether the free market can lead to coercion.

Prelude to the Easter Rising: Sir Roger Casement in Imperial Germany (Women In Irish History Ser.)

by Reinhard R. Doerries

Prelude to the Easter Rising casts light upon the clandestine activities of Sir Roger Casement in Imperial Germany from 1914 to 1916.German military intelligence and the Imperial Foreign Office had far-reaching plans to use the Irish in the war against Britain. Radical Irish-American leaders were behind Casement's mission to Berlin. It took some time for the highly sensitive and idealistic Casement to realize that neither the German General Staff nor the Imperial Chancellor was able or willing to lend full military support to the Irish. When Casement began to see that the rising would be a bloody massacre, he left for Ireland to halt the fatal development and, if necessary, sacrifice his own honour and life.The carefully edited documents contained in this volume, mostly from the German Foreign Office archives in Bonn, present a full record of Casement's activities prior to Easter 1916. Over 80 years later, these papers have lost none of their emotional intimacy.

Prelude to the Enlightenment: French Literature 1690-1740 (Routledge Revivals)

by Geoffroy Atkinson Abraham C. Keller

First published in 1971, Prelude to the Enlightenment is a study of the attitudes of French writers during the transition from the Classical Age to the Enlightenment. Professors Atkinson and Keller investigate the increasing vogue for emotionalism, weeping, and confession and attitudes towards love and morality. On a more intellectual plane, the approaches of authors of the time to literary questions and their treatment of the world of reality. This book presents wide range of quotations from many writers of the period 1690 to 1740 – among them Mativaux; l’Abbé Prévost; Saint-Evremond; the novelists Robert Chasles, Mme Aubin, Mme de Tencin and la Comtesse d’Aulnoy; the remarkable and little-known writer Jean Buvat, who worked as a copyist in the Royal Library and wrote the Journal de la Régence; and l’Abbé Pluche, author of Le Spectacle de la Nature. Some of these are well known, some virtually unheard of, but all provide clues to the character of the age. By combining their own comments with contemporary quotations, Professors Atkinson and Keller give modern readers a feeling for the atmosphere of the period that followed the Golden Age and a deeper appreciation of the literature of the Enlightenment itself.

A Prelude to the Foundation of Political Economy

by Cyrus Bina

A Prelude to the Foundation of Political Economy is a groundbreaking volume of theory and strategy on political economy and polity of the twenty-first century. Distilled in concrete terms, it elucidates the enigma of oil in view of the centrality of global social relations.

Premier's State

by Ellen Whinnett Steve Bracks

'In May 1994, while I was going through pre-selection for the seat of Williamstown, I sat down at my desk at home and I wrote a note. I was thirty-nine years old and in that note I mapped out what I hoped would happen in my life.'By the time he was forty-eight, Steve Bracks had achieved the goal he'd set himself nine years earlier. He was premier of Victoria. In A Premier's State he reflects on his ambition to make a difference, and how he reached his goal. He talks about his early childhood growing up in a conservative but impassioned family that supported the Democratic Labor Party, and about his gradual evolution from left-wing university radical to pragmatic centre-left premier. He reveals for the first time the background to his decision to take the party's leadership from his friend John Brumby in 1999—then to hand it back to John in 2007 when he sensationally resigned from office. He gives insights into how to run a successful government and how to manage the factions, and talks about everything from the impact of public life on his family, to forming minority government with independents.

Premodern Japan: A Historical Survey

by Mikiso Hane

Japanese historian Louis Perez brings Mikiso Hane's rich and beloved account of early Japanese history up-to-date in this thoroughly revised Second Edition of Premodern Japan. The text traces the key developments of Japanese history in the premodern period, including the establishment of the imperial dynasty, early influences from China and Korea, the rise of the samurai class and the establishment of feudalism, the culture and society of the long Tokugawa period, the rise of Confucianism and Shinto nationalism, and finally, the end of Tokugawa rule. While the text provides many political developments through the early modern period, it also integrates the social, cultural, and intellectual aspects of Japanese history as well. Perez's updates to the text provide a comprehensive overview of the major social, political, and religious trends in premodern Japan as well as offering the most current scholarship.

The Premonition: A Pandemic Story

by Michael Lewis

New York Times Bestseller For those who could read between the lines, the censored news out of China was terrifying. But the president insisted there was nothing to worry about. Fortunately, we are still a nation of skeptics. Fortunately, there are those among us who study pandemics and are willing to look unflinchingly at worst-case scenarios. Michael Lewis’s taut and brilliant nonfiction thriller pits a band of medical visionaries against the wall of ignorance that was the official response of the Trump administration to the outbreak of COVID-19. The characters you will meet in these pages are as fascinating as they are unexpected. A thirteen-year-old girl’s science project on transmission of an airborne pathogen develops into a very grown-up model of disease control. A local public-health officer uses her worm’s-eye view to see what the CDC misses, and reveals great truths about American society. A secret team of dissenting doctors, nicknamed the Wolverines, has everything necessary to fight the pandemic: brilliant backgrounds, world-class labs, prior experience with the pandemic scares of bird flu and swine flu…everything, that is, except official permission to implement their work. Michael Lewis is not shy about calling these people heroes for their refusal to follow directives that they know to be based on misinformation and bad science. Even the internet, as crucial as it is to their exchange of ideas, poses a risk to them. They never know for sure who else might be listening in.

Prensa Inmunda: Brevario de engaños, crimen y propaganda

by Édgar Morin

En estas páginas se asoman las profundas divisiones dentro del gremio periodístico, la servidumbre voluntaria, el espionaje o la vigilancia a la que ha sido sometido, su precariedad laboral y no pocas dificultades o conflictos para obtener información. Prensa inmunda es también un repaso por la compleja historia de la prensa mexicana, desde aquellos años de control total de la información hasta nuestros días, con una relación tirante como la que AMLO ha establecido con los medios. Engañar, manipular y controlar no es nada nuevo. A lo largo de la historia abundan ejemplos en los que se miente, se provocan emociones, se tergiversan cosas o se incita de modo más o menos sutil a modificar la conducta a través de la persuasión. La prensa no ha estado exenta de esto. Muchos medios han servido más como vehículo de propagación de las verdades de los gobiernos -un conducto de mensajes entre los poderosos-, que comovía de contacto entre los ciudadanos para la conformación de una mejor sociedad. En este atrevido ensayo, el autor nos conduce por el intrincado y muchas veces inmundo camino de la prensa, de los grandes medios y sus cotos de poder. A través de 13 capítulos nos entrega una suerte de manual con pistas para descifrar distintos trucos o mañas del poder político, económico, criminal y mediático que han complicado el que hacer de los periodistas.

La preparación para el vuelo 77: con un recorrido en auto de las dos semanas en Maryland antes del ataque del 11S al Pentágono

by Erik Sellin

El atentado de septiembre de 2001 contra el Pentágono formó parte de los ataques terroristas más osados y exitosos jamás organizados. Este libro analiza específicamente el atentado que devastó la sede del Departamento de Defensa, examina a Osama bin Laden, el origen de Al Qaeda y cómo se seleccionó a los secuestradores para el ataque. También describe cómo llegaron estos hombres a Estados Unidos y dónde se reunieron. La segunda parte del libro lleva al lector por un escalofriante recorrido en auto por los lugares de Maryland que los cinco secuestradores frecuentaron en las dos semanas previas al 11 de septiembre. Por último, se ofrece información sobre el atentado y sus consecuencias. Se trata de una visión intrigante de cómo cinco hombres, dispuestos a la destrucción y el terror, vivían y se movían entre la población general, con una facilidad inquietante, en las semanas previas al atentado.

El Preparacionista Frugal - La Supervivencia con un Presupuesto Limitado

by Robert Paine Virginia Mateo

¡Prepárate Para la Supervivencia Sin Gastarte un Dineral! Todos necesitamos prepararnos. Nadie sabe lo que depara el futuro. ¡Pero la preparación no tiene por qué costarte los ahorros de toda la vida! No tienes que gastar dinero en cada artilugio y juguete, cada artículo promocionado como algo "imprescindible" o como "salvavidas". "El Preparacionista Frugal: La Supervivencia con un Presupuesto Limitado" te guiará tanto a ti como a tu familia a través de los importantes pasos y consideraciones que necesitas para empezar a prepararte sin gastar mucho dinero. En este libro aprenderás lo siguiente: - Qué alimentos y provisiones necesitas almacenar para sobrevivir, y cómo encontrarlos al precio más bajo posible. - Cómo preparar un kit de evacuación para cada miembro de la familia, sin excederte. - Cómo fortalecer tu casa y a ti mismo para lograr el máximo nivel de seguridad y protección. - Formas inteligentes de reducir costos y ahorrar mucho durante la preparación. - ¡Y mucho, mucho más!

El preparacionista urbano: una guía de supervivencia en la ciudad

by Guadalupe Buosi Robert Paine

¿Están usted y su familia listos para sobrevivir a la próxima catástrofe? Sobrevivir en un entorno urbano es muy diferente a sobrevivir en una zona rural. Si usted y su familia viven en la ciudad, necesitará adoptar una serie de medidas muy distintas para asegurarse de que están preparados para sobrevivir, sin importar cuál sea la catástrofe. El preparacionista urbano: una guía de supervivencia en la ciudad los guiará a usted y a su familia para saber todas las medidas y consideraciones que necesitarán para sobrevivir ante cualquier situación que surja en la ciudad. Si a usted le interesa saber cómo proteger su familia de todas y cada una de las catástrofes inevitables que pueden ocurrir, este libro es el primer paso para aprender cómo prepararse para cualquier situación de emergencia urbana. En este libro aprenderá a: - preparar una mochila de emergencia urbana para cada miembro de su familia, - fortalecer su casa para una máxima protección, - saber qué alimentos y provisiones necesita almacenar para una supervivencia urbana, - y ¡mucho más! Los sobrevivientes son un grupo de personas únicas. Algunos nos llaman supervivencialista, preparacionistas del fin del mundo o patriotas. No se considere nada de eso. Lo que sea que quiera llamarse, si está leyendo esto, ya dio el primer paso para ayudar a que su familia sobreviva, sí o sí. Bienvenido al preparacionismo urbano.

Preparedness and Response for Catastrophic Disasters

by Rick Bissell

Based on a popular course for the FEMA Higher Education project, Preparedness and Response for Catastrophic Disasters provides important insight into plans to mitigate and respond to the devastation caused by large-scale catastrophic events. Hurricane Katrina provided clear evidence that these occurrences are both qualitatively and quantitatively d

Preparing for a Sustainable Future (Approaches to Global Sustainability, Markets, and Governance)

by David Crowther Shahla Seifi

The term sustainability has become one of the most significant in the current era. It seems to be ubiquitous amongst academics, politicians, business leaders, media personnel and even the general public. It is no exaggeration to state that it is considered all over the world to be the most pressing issue to be addressed for the long-term future of the planet and its inhabitants. The topic is of course complex, and the issue of sustainability is under much debate as to what it actually is and how it can be achieved, but it is completely certain that the resources of the planet are fixed in quantity and, once used, cannot be reused except through being reused in one form or another. At present, much of the discourse of sustainability has focused upon the environment and in particular upon climate change and the effects that this is having. Thus, the discourse has tended to be about mitigation.Sustainability of course requires all three pillars of the triple bottom line—economic, environmental and social—to be addressed. Indeed, it might be considered that the effects upon the social, and how we choose to live our lives, might well be the most profound effect of achieving sustainability. This book therefore focuses upon some of the many aspects of the social and how we can adapt our lives to accommodate the requirements of sustainability. it therefore takes a very different approach to addressing the issues of sustainability, while of course not ignoring the other pillars.This book therefore sets out to examine various aspects of the changes to personal, corporate and institutional behaviour which may have to come about in our search for sustainability. It is tended to address some of the issues and how they are being dealt with in various parts of the world. As always, our concept is to share best practice and thereby enrich both the discourse and our progress towards sustainability. Thus, we focus upon the current situation while also considering the extent to which the focus is changing so much that we need to think about new approaches to our understanding of behaviour and differing effects in practice. The international origins of the contributors to this book make this an original contribution taking some of the best ideas from around the world.This book therefore addresses these issues from a perspective not generally addressed by researchers, or even by politicians and the press. It therefore provides fresh perspectives upon the important issue of our common future. As always, this approach is based on the tradition of the Social Responsibility Research Network (a worldwide body of scholars with membership of several thousand), which in its 20-year history has sought to broaden the discourse and to treat all research as inter-related and relevant to business. This tradition has always been to explore the subject widely and to seek relevant solutions, while also sharing best practice. This book is based primarily upon some of the contributions from the network at our recent conference and shows both commonality and diversity in approaches and effects.

Preparing for Digital Disruption (Research for Policy)

by Erik Schrijvers Corien Prins Reijer Passchier

This open access book offers an analysis of why preparations for digital disruption should become a stated goal of security policy and policies that aim to safeguard the continuity of critical infrastructure. The increasing use of digital technology implies new and significant vulnerabilities for our society. However, it is striking that almost all cyber-security measures taken by governments, international bodies and other major players are aimed at preventing incidents. But there is no such thing as total digital security. Whether inside or outside the digital domain, incidents can and will occur and may lead to disruption. While a raft of provisions, crisis contingency plans and legal regulations are in place to deal with the possibility of incidents in the ‘real world’, no equivalence exists for the digital domain and digital disruption. Hence, this book uniquely discusses several specific policy measures government and businesses should take in order to be better prepared to deal with a digital disruption and prevent further escalation.

Preparing for Hybrid Threats to Security: Collaborative Preparedness and Response

by Tormod Heier Odd Jarl Borch

This book examines hybrid threats within the broader context of a security crisis in Europe.As geopolitical tensions increase and great power rivalries intensify, can states protect their communities? While conventional wars are fought, parallel battles take place by more subtle and non-violent means. This multi-disciplinary book examines how hybrid threats undermine political governance and social stability in liberal democracies, covering aggressors, targeted states and victimized communities. It seeks to address how aggressor states undermine liberal democracies under the threshold of conflict, and the role played by hybrid threats as aggressor states prepare for full-scale war. The chapters also explore how liberal democracies organize and interact to detect hybrid threats, arguing that, in order to increase resilience, politicians and government agencies must involve the private sector and citizens in threat-reduction policies. The analysis builds upon the latest research in the international crisis management literature.This book will be of interest to students of security studies, hybrid warfare, defence studies and International Relations, as well as professional practitioners.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.

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