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A Present of Things Past: Selected Essays
by Theodore DraperTheodore Draper is one of America's most trenchant and informed critics. A Present of Things Past gathers together ten of his most recent and most powerful selected essays, in which Draper, with his customary acuity and wit, tackles a host of issues that define America's political culture. A Present of Things Past is concerned with a reexamination of the Second World War in both its military and its political aspects; the trajectory of American conservatism as it manifested itself during the Reagan years; the rise of Gorbachev and the history of "reform" in the Soviet Union; the revisionist debate over the origins and history of American communism; and the persistent mystery of a man named Max Eitingon, who was, depending on one's reading of the sources, either an important figure in the history of psychoanalysis or an agent of the Soviet secret police, or both. In "American Hubris," Draper illuminates the assumptions that have guided American foreign policy in the postwar period, and concludes that our costly misadventures--in Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, and elsewhere--cannot be considered a string of aberrations. They were, he argues, a consequence of the Truman Doctrine. In "Reagan's Junta," Draper observes: "This is supposed to have been the era of the imperial presidency. It has turned out to be the era of presidencies that have tried to make themselves imperial-and failed." Throughout these compelling essays, Draper demonstrates the uses and abuses to which history has been put by ideologues of both the left and the right. He finds unacceptable, for example, the practice of many journalists of fictionalizing their sources. The New York Times has called Draper "one of the clearer-eyed observers of the issues that torment us." A Present of Things Past enhances that reputation.
The Present Politics of the Past: Indigenous Legal Activism and Resistance to (Neo)Liberal Governmentality (Indigenous Peoples and Politics)
by Seán Patrick EudailyThis work applies Jacques Derrida's framework of "spectropolitics" to (post)coloniality in order to investigate the emergence of indigenous peoples' movements, advances a poststructural approach to the analysis of liberal politics based upon the historical sociology of Michel Foucault, and critically engages the literatures on ethnic politics, critical legal studies, and multicultural democracy. In addition, two historical case dossiers (the Mabo v. Queensland decision and its aftermath in Australia; and the diverse legal strategies of First Nations activism in Canada following the Delgamuukw v. B.C. decision) focus on the "strategic space" in which new indigenous political identities are produced and performed.
The Present State of Russia Vol. 1 (Routledge Revivals)
by Friedrich Christian WeberOriginally published in 1722-23, this edition in 1968. "An account of the Government of that country, both civil and ecclesiastical; of the Czar's forces by sea and land, the regulation of his finances, the several methods he made use of to civilize his people and improve the country, his transactions with several Eastern Princes, and what happened most remarkable at his court, particularly in relation to the late Czarewitz, from the year 1714, to 1720. The whole being the journal of a foreign minister who resided in Russia at that time. With a description of Petersbourg and Cronslot, and several other pieces relating to the affairs of Russia."
The Present State of Russia Vol. 2 (Routledge Revivals)
by Friedrich Christian WeberPublished in 1968, this second volume embarks on the journeys of Laurence Lang, and Le Brun through Russia and other countries. Weber also delves into the criminal proceedings against the late czarewitz, the justification of the Swedish war against Russia and many more topics involving the politics and government of Russia as a country through European eyes.
Present Tense: The United States Since 1945
by Michael Schaller Robert D. Schulzinger Karen AndersonRespected for its coverage of foreign policy and domestic politics, Present Tense also provides a thorough examination of social and cultural history. This edition includes a greater focus on the 1970s and 1980s, and increased coverage of recent immigration.
Present Values: Essays on Economics and Aspects of Indian Society
by S. SubramanianThis volume is about economists, economics, and issues of concern to Indian society. Some essays are expository, and some satirical. Together, they offer a commentary on the state of the discipline of economics today and on aspects of contemporary India’s society and polity. The volume affords insights into, among other things, - the pervasive influence of economists such as Kenneth Arrow and Anthony Atkinson, and thinkers such as Tom Paine, Jonathan Swift, and Dadabhai Naoroji; - the place of markets and game theory (and even crime fiction!) in present-day economics; - the affectations and convoluted mathematisation of a good deal of ‘mainstream’ economics; and - India’s recent political climate, and the conduct of various arms of the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary in the country. Engaging and lucidly written, this volume should be of interest to scholars of economics, political science, development studies, South Asian studies, and, above all, the general reader.
Presente!: Latin@ Immigrant Voices in the Struggle for Racial Justice / Voces Inmigranted Latinas en la Lucha por la Justicia Racial
by Juan González Carlos Pérez de Alejo Arnulfo Manríquez Cristina TzintzúnRead the media coverage of the increasingly heated debate around immigration reform in the United States: two dominant narratives emerge. From Lou Dobbs to Sean Hannity, commentators on the right have crafted an image rooted in fear, demonizing undocumented immigrants as a threat to national security and raising the specter of a deliberate "browning of America." Left-leaning journalists, on the other hand, foreground victimization, emphasizing the plight of immigrants, stripping them of their agency. Neither captures the range of experiences within undocumented immigrant communities, and both fail to see immigrants as active participants in their own struggle for racial and economic justice.Presente! offers a rare perspective on the immigrant-rights movement, written by immigrant workers themselves. Including a range of essays exploring the intersection of race, class, and immigration in the United States, this anthology challenges its readers to move beyond a "legalization-only" framework and embrace a broader vision for social justice organizing embodied in the work of grassroots organizations across the country resisting state repression, cultivating solidarity, and building alternative models for progressive social change. Offered in a dual-language edition, with a foreword by Democracy Now! co-host Juan Gonzáles.Cristina Tzintzún is the executive director of Workers Defense Project, a Texas based workers' rights organization.Carlos Pérez de Alejo is the executive director of Cooperation Texas, an organization dedicated to the creation of sustainable jobs through the development, support, and promotion of worker-owned cooperatives.Arnulfo Manríquez is an organizer at Workers Defense Project, where he organizes immigrant construction workers to defend their labor and human rights.
Preservation and National Belonging in Eastern Germany
by Jason JamesDrawing on cultural anthropology and cultural studies, this book sheds new light on the everyday politics of heritage and memory by illuminating local, everyday engagements with Germanness through heritage fetishism, claims to hometown belonging, and the performative appropriation of cultural property.
Preservation and Reuse Design for Fragile Territories’ Settlements: The Anipemza Project (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Francesco Augelli Matteo Rigamonti Paola Bertò Alessandro MarconeThis book reports on an architectural conservation and reuse project in Anipemza, an Armenian Soviet-era village on the Turkish border, just a few steps away from the important Yererouyk archaeological site. Based on current tourist trends, the book suggests the development of a social system and micro-economic reactivation model to endorse the territory’s numerous cultural resources and preserve the memory of the village that housed the genocide orphanages and the many other stories associated with the village. Further, the development of sustainable tourism will lead to an improved relationship between locals and visitors. Examining the development of a system of strategies able to cope with the existing social, economic and hygiene problems as well as the architectural preservation aims, the book provides valuable guidelines for the local community.
Preserve and Protect (Advise and Consent #4)
by Allen DruryDrury describes the chaos that overtakes America and the world with the suspicious death of the President just after his renomination. His death leaves the incumbent party without a candidate or a clear-cut way of selecting one. Against a backdrop of national and international chaos, Drury examines the motives and ambitions of a now-famous gallery of political characters. As the novel moves to its dramatic climax, the question of what candidate will be nominated by what groups keeps the future of America and the world hanging in the balance.
Preserve and Protect (Advise and Consent)
by Allen DruryPart of the saga begun with the Pulitzer Prize–winning, #1 New York Times bestseller, &“one of the finest and most gripping political novels of our era&”(The New York Times). The United States is thrown into chaos as the President is killed in a plane crash shortly after securing his party&’s nomination in a hotly contested race for re-election. As suspicions are cast upon the circumstances of the plane crash, the incumbent party quickly convenes to nominate a candidate in a storm of domestic and international chaos. Against the backdrop of a rich cast of characters, the motivations and drives of each candidate and player help shape the future of the nation and the world. Praise for Advise and Consent: "Fifty years after its publication and astounding success . . . Allen Drury&’s novel remains the definitive Washington tale. —The Wall Street Journal
Preserving Liberty: Bold and Brave Solutions to Save America and Create Permanent Freedom
by Josh BernsteinIn order to show the potentialities of a brighter future, we must first resuscitate the visions of a better past. In Josh Bernstein's long awaited debut book, Preserving Liberty, he transforms himself from a daily news commentator into a political surgeon ready to dissect piece by piece every policy, politician, and propaganda in this written autopsy of what is killing our great nation. Josh tackles all the tough issues with wit, humor, and cold hard facts. In Preserving Liberty, you will learn: How to restore voter integrity and confidence How to balance the electorate to give every American a voice How to end the class warfare argument How to rein in Washington permanently How to finally solve our immigration issues How to control spending How to restore accuracy in media, and much more What sets Josh apart from many others is he doesn't just point out our problems and complain about them; he offers sound achievable solutions. How do we solve our nation&’s problems and permanently preserve liberty for current and future generations? Find out in Preserving Liberty.
Preserving Memory: The Struggle to Create America's Holocaust Museum
by Edward T. LinenthalSince its first year in 1993, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has attracted more than 15 millino visitors, sometimes at the rate of 10,000 a day, each of whom has walked away with an indelible impression of awe in the face of the unimaginable. This lively, honest, behind-the-scenes account details the emotionally complex fifteen-year struggle surrounding the museum's birth.
Preserving Neighborhoods: How Urban Policy and Community Strategy Shape Baltimore and Brooklyn
by Aaron PassellHistoric preservation is typically regarded as an elitist practice. In this view, designating a neighborhood as historic is a project by and for affluent residents concerned with aesthetics, not affordability. It leads to gentrification and rising property values for wealthy homeowners, while displacement afflicts longer-term, lower-income residents of the neighborhood, often people of color.Through rich case studies of Baltimore and Brooklyn, Aaron Passell complicates this story, exploring how community activists and local governments use historic preservation to accelerate or slow down neighborhood change. He argues that this form of regulation is one of the few remaining urban policy interventions that enable communities to exercise some control over the changing built environments of their neighborhoods. In Baltimore, it is part of a primarily top-down strategy for channeling investment into historic neighborhoods, many of them plagued by vacancy and abandonment. In central Brooklyn, neighborhood groups have discovered the utility of landmark district designation as they seek to mitigate rapid change with whatever legal tools they can. The contrast between Baltimore and Brooklyn reveals that the relationship between historic preservation and neighborhood change varies not only from city to city, but even from neighborhood to neighborhood. In speaking with local activists, Passell finds that historic district designation and enforcement efforts can be a part of neighborhood community building and bottom-up revitalization.Featuring compelling narrative interviews alongside quantitative data, Preserving Neighborhoods is a nuanced mixed-methods study of an important local-level urban policy and its surprisingly varied consequences.
Preserving the Saudi Monarchy: Political Pragmatism in Saudi Arabia, c.1973-1979
by Samuel E. WillnerThis book provides a new perspective on the study of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its monarchy – its political leadership and decisions. Moreover, it analyzes how that decision-making evolved before, during, and after the Arab–Israeli War of 1973, and the subsequent Arab oil embargo that followed; the run-up to and aftermath of the 1975 murder of King Faysal; discussions over the oil weapon; and Saudi responses to the Carter presidency in the United States. Through the prism of tribal decision-making, this book sheds new light on a number of important political events, which have shaped the political leadership in Saudi Arabia, and explores the behind-the-scenes workings of the Saudi royal family.
Preserving the Sixties
by Trevor Harris Monia O�brien CastroIt is often claimed that the Sixties in Britain were dominated mainly by 'youth' and 'protest'. True, the desire to escape outmoded social, moral and artistic conventions was illustrated in a rich, provocative cultural production, as well as through a number of radical social and political movements or reforms. However, as this collection argues, innovation was everywhere shadowed by conservatism. A decade fascinated by itself and, especially, by the future, was tormented by self-doubt and accompanied by a fear of losing the past. Ultimately the 'radicalism' of the Sixties in Britain is also visible in its conservatism, in the spectacular, novel ways in which the decade expressed and absorbed the new, yet preserved the old. Rather than pitting radical against conservative, the authors' interpretation of the Sixties may well gain by attempting to see how these two apparently antagonistic qualities in fact represent opposite sides of the same problem.
Preserving the White Man's Republic: Jacksonian Democracy, Race, and the Transformation of American Conservatism (A Nation Divided)
by Joshua A. LynnIn Preserving the White Man’s Republic, Joshua Lynn reveals how the national Democratic Party rebranded majoritarian democracy and liberal individualism as conservative means for white men in the South and North to preserve their mastery on the eve of the Civil War.Responding to fears of African American and female political agency, Democrats in the late 1840s and 1850s reinvented themselves as "conservatives" and repurposed Jacksonian Democracy as a tool for local majorities of white men to police racial and gender boundaries by democratically withholding rights. With the policy of "popular sovereignty," Democrats left slavery’s expansion to white men’s democratic decision-making. They also promised white men local democracy and individual autonomy regarding temperance, religion, and nativism. Translating white men’s household mastery into political power over all women and Americans of color, Democrats united white men nationwide and made democracy a conservative assertion of white manhood.Democrats thereby turned traditional Jacksonian principles—grassroots democracy, liberal individualism, and anti-statism—into staples of conservatism. As Lynn’s book shows, this movement sent conservatism on a new, populist trajectory, one in which democracy can be called upon to legitimize inequality and hierarchy, a uniquely American conservatism that endures in our republic today.
Presidencia comprada
by Jesús Ramírez Cuevas"La elección presidencial de 2012 en México se definió por una diferencia de poco más de 3 millones 200 mil votos. En una democracia verdadera ese resultado sería contundente e inobjetable, pero en nuestro país se trata de una cifra engañosa. Si nos atenemos a los hechos y a los datos disponibles sobre el proceso electoral, podemos afirmar que estuvo marcado por la inequidad en los medios de comunicación, por una avasalladora campaña publicitaria, por el uso incuantificable de dinero público y privado -y se presume que también de origen ilícito- que favoreció al candidato del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) Enrique Peña Nieto, quien resultó electo." En este trabajo se exponen, de manera sucinta, los hechos, pruebas y argumentos que han llevado a cuestionar esta elección. Con datos y testimonios, el autor expone temas como el papel de las encuestadoras y la inequidad en los medios de comunicación; el rebase de los topes de gastos de la avasalladora campaña publicitaria del PRI; la triangulación de fondos mediante empresas "fantasma" vía Banca Monex; la compra y coacción de votos en zonas pobres del campo y de la ciudad, a través de despensas y tarjetas de la tienda Soriana pagadas con dinero público; el papel de Televisa en apoyo al candidato ganador Enrique Peña Nieto y los beneficios económicos y políticos que ha obtenido. En ese contexto, el autor afirma que no es exagerado decir que en los pasados comicios la Presidencia de México fue comprada.
Los presidenciables: Los hombres y las mujeres que aspiran a liderar el país
by La Silla Vacía¿QUIÉNES SON LOS PERSONAJES QUE DEFINIRÁN EL PANORAMA POLÍTICO DE COLOMBIA EN LOS PRÓXIMOS AÑOS? ESTAS SON SUS HISTORIAS. David Barguil Íngrid Betancourt Sergio Fajardo Juan Manuel Galán Alejandro Gaviria Federico Gutiérrez Rodolfo Hernández Francia Márquez Enrique Peñalosa Gustavo Petro John Milton Rodríguez Óscar Iván Zuluaga
Los presidenciables
by Jorge RamosPrimer libro de entrevistas a los aspirantes a la presidencia de la República en 2012, escrito, por un comunicador mexicano, líder de opinión en la comunidad hispana de Estados Unidos, famoso por sus inteligentes e incisivas preguntas a nuestros políticos. No hay pregunta prohibida. A partir de esta premisa rebelde, Jorge Ramos, uno de los periodistas mexicanos de mayor credibilidad en todo el mundo, ha entrevistado a los principales aspirantes a la presidencia de México para las elecciones de 2012. Ellos sabían que la entrevista no sería fácil y que incluiría varias preguntas incómodas. Sin embargo, todos hablaron con él: Enrique Peña Nieto, Manlio Fabio Beltrones, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Marcelo Ebrard, Santiago Creel y Josefina Vázquez Mota. He aquí algunas de las preguntas que les hizo: ¿Por qué parecía no saber de qué murió su esposa? ¿Por qué The New York Times lo acusó de colaborar con narcotraficantes? ¿Le afectará para llegar a Los Pinos el hecho de que muchos mexicanos lo consideren un mal perdedor? ¿Se puede ser católico y aceptar el aborto? ¿Qué pasó con el cambio que nos prometió el PAN? ¿Por qué México no ha tenido una presidenta? Y a todos: ¿Se debe negociar con los narcos? ¿Cuánto dinero tiene?... y muchas otras interrogantes difíciles y hasta enojosas. Para contextualizar la realidad política donde se mueven los presidenciables y con ellos millones de votantes, Ramos también incluye entrevistas con los ex presidentes Ernesto Zedillo, Carlos Salinas de Gortari y Vicente Fox, en las cuales les hizo otras preguntas incómodas: ¿Si dice ser demócrata por qué aceptó dos dedazos? ¿Por qué permitió que Raúl se enriqueciera? ¿Toma Prozac? Y eso sólo para empezar. Por último, Jorge Ramos reproduce otra esclarecedora entrevista con Felipe Calderón antes de ser presidente; sus respuestas permiten contrastar lo que prometió como candidato frente a lo que ha hecho con el país. Éste es el libro que todo mexicano y todo candidato debe leer antes de las votaciones de julio de 2012. Mientras más conozcamos de los presidenciables más sabremos cómo gobernará el próximo presidente de México. Se trata de un ejercicio esencial para el país. Aquí confluyen el futuro, el pasado y el presente. Aquí conoceremos a quienes quieren gobernar a México, a los que ya lo hicieron y a quien todavía lo está haciendo.
Los presidenciables
by Jorge Ramos"El libro que todo mexicano debe leer antes de las votaciones de julio de 2012. No hay pregunta prohibida." A partir de esta premisa rebelde, Jorge Ramos, uno de los periodistas mexicanos de mayor credibilidad en todo elmundo, ha entrevistado a los principales aspirantes a la presidencia de México para las elecciones de 2012. Ellos sabían que la entrevista no sería fácil y que incluiría varias preguntas incómodas. Sin embargo, todos hablaron con él: Enrique Peña Nieto, Manlio Fabio Beltrones, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Marcelo Ebrard, Santiago Creel y Josefina Vázquez Mota. He aquí algunas de las preguntas que les hizo: ¿Por qué parecía no saber de qué murió su esposa? ¿Por qué The New Yok Times lo acusó de colaborar con narcotraficantes? ¿Le afectará para llegar a Los Pinos el hecho de que muchos mexicanos lo consideren un mal perdedor? ¿Se puede ser católico y aceptar el aborto? ¿Qué pasó con el cambio que nos prometió el PAN? ¿Por qué México no ha tenido una presidenta? Y a todos: ¿Se debe negociar con los narcos? ¿Cuánto dinero tiene?... y muchas otras interrogantes difíciles y hasta enojosas. Para contextualizar la realidad política donde se mueven los presidenciables y con ellos millones de votantes, Ramos también incluye entrevistas con los ex presidentes Ernesto Zedillo, Carlos Salinas de Gortari y Vicente Fox, en las cuales les hizo otras preguntas incómodas:¿Si dice ser demócrata por qué aceptó dos dedazos? ¿Por qué permitió que Raúl se enriqueciera? ¿Toma Prozac? Y eso sólo para empezar. Por último, Jorge Ramos reproduce otra esclarecedora entrevista con Felipe Calderón antes de ser presidente; sus respuestas permiten contrastar lo que prometió como candidato frente a lo que ha hecho con el país. Éste es el libro que todo mexicano y todo candidato debe leer antes de las votaciones de julio de 2012. Mientras más conozcamos de los presidenciables más sabremos cómo gobernará el próximo presidente de México. Se trata de un ejercicio esencial para el país. Aquí confluyen el futuro, el pasado y el presente. Aquí conoceremos a quienes quieren gobernar a México, a los que ya lo hicieron y a quien todavía lo está haciendo.
The Presidency: Into the Third Century
by Richard Bernstein Jerome AgelReview of the Presidency at the time of the Nation's Bicentennial.
The Presidency: A Historical Reader
by Ethel WoodEssays by a variety of historians on different Presidents and their effects on American history.
The Presidency and Domestic Policy: Comparing Leadership Styles, FDR to Biden
by Michael A. Genovese Todd L. Belt William W. LammersThis book systematically examines the first terms of every president from FDR to Joe Biden and assesses the leadership style and policy agenda of each. Success in bringing about policy change is shown to hinge on the leadership style and skill in managing a variety of institutional and public relationships. Presidents are evaluated based on the level of opportunity they faced. The third edition of this timely book adds chapters on Donald Trump and Joe Biden and focuses on the significant domestic policy challenges of their respective times. For students of presidential history, leadership, and public policy, The Presidency and Domestic Policy provides unique insights into contemporary presidential leadership in a highly partisan age.New to the Third Edition Two new chapters focusing on Trump and Biden, showing its policy similarities as well as differences from earlier administrations A reassessment of the domestic policy legacies of Bill Clinton (especially in regard to crime and the financial services industries) A sharper focus on racial politics resulting from both the Clinton and Obama eras An exploration of administrative approaches to governing domestically and unilateral decision making—normally reserved for the foreign policy arena but now applied on the domestic side as well (e.g., executive orders) The increasing linkage between domestic and foreign policy issue arenas, particularly in the areas of immigration, trade, and environmental policy An assessment of judicial politics in the framework of the four leadership dimensions presidents bring to office, and also in terms of the impact on domestic policy outputs
The Presidency and Immigration Policy: Rhetoric and Reality
by Matthew Eshbaugh-Soha Eric Gonzalez Juenke Andrea SilvaThis comprehensive analysis of presidential immigration rhetoric quantifies the frequency, tone, and efficacy of public mentions of immigrants and immigration policy by the presidents from Washington through Biden. The book also explores the intersection of the presidential role with that of the other key actors in the immigration policy system—notably the press, the public, and Congress. For students of immigration studies, presidential studies, and political communication, this book also poses the question of which is of the greatest significance to the immigration policy agenda: presidential leadership making immigration a top priority or existing legislative support for comprehensive immigration reform.