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Priests and Politicians: Manitoba Schools and the Election of 1896
by Paul CrunicanIn the decade beginning with the hanging of Louis Riel in 1885, a series of radical and religious conflicts shook Canada, culminating in the Manitoba school crisis of the 1890s. By 1896, the focal point of the controversy was remedialism, the attempt to have Roman Catholic school privileges in Manitoba restored by federal action against the provincial government. The struggle over remedialism involved nearly every aspect of Canada's internal history – Conservative-Liberal, federal-provincial, east-west, French-English, Catholic-Protestant, church-state. But, illustrating as it does the complexity and sensitivity of the ground where politics and religion meet, the election of 1896 has remained particularly fascinating for the degree to which Roman Catholic church authorities, above all in Quebec, entered the political process and were involved in the struggle to power of Wilfrid Laurier. The school question and the struggle over remedialism present an illuminating case study of complex relations at a formative period in Canadian history. This book focuses on the scene behind the scene, seeking in particular to discover how Quebeckers, civil and ecclesiastical, were reacting to a key problem of French and Catholic rights outside Quebec. There is a strong emphasis on personal correspondence, rather than on published statements, and the author has marshalled a wide range of material that has never been fully exploited. The story is told chronologically in order to assess the impact of major events as it developed. Many of the classic questions of church-state relations are brought into focus. This is a story often of fear, prejudice, and ignorance, but it is also a story of strength and resilience, principle and faith. Uniquely Canadian, it tells us something important about the shift from the Canada of Macdonald to the Canada of Laurier.
Priests and Politicians: The Mafia of the Soul
by Osho International Foundation OshoIn this provocative volume, Osho invites us to look through his microscope and examine not only the profound influence of religion and politics in society, but also its influence in our inner world. To the extent we have internalized and adopted as our own the values and belief systems of the "powers that be," he says, we have boxed ourselves in, imprisoned ourselves, and tragically crippled our vision of what is possible. <p><p> From Occupy Wall Street to the Arab Spring, from the election of the first Black president in the United States to the appointment of a new pope who promises to use St. Francis of Assisi as a role model (following endless scandals involving child abuse) the roles of priests and politicians in our public life have recently captured the attention of our times, often just initiating another round of hope and subsequent disillusionment.In other words, wittingly or unwittingly, we keep digging ourselves deeper into the mess we are in. <p> A new kind of world is possible -- but only if we understand clearly how the old has functioned up to now. And, based on that understanding, take the responsibility and the courage to become a new kind of human being.
Priests and Programmers: Technologies of Power in the Engineered Landscape of Bali
by J. Stephen Lansing William C. ClarkFor the Balinese, the whole of nature is a perpetual resource: through centuries of carefully directed labor, the engineered landscape of the island's rice terraces has taken shape. According to Stephen Lansing, the need for effective cooperation in water management links thousands of farmers together in hierarchies of productive relationships that span entire watersheds. Lansing describes the network of water temples that once managed the flow of irrigation water in the name of the Goddess of the Crater Lake. Using the techniques of ecological simulation modeling as well as cultural and historical analysis, Lansing argues that the symbolic system of Balinese temple rituals is not merely a reflection of utilitarian constraints but also a basic ingredient in the organization of production.
Priests de la Résistance!: The loose canons who fought Fascism in the twentieth century
by The Revd Butler-GallieWhoever said that Christians had to be meek and mild hadn&’t met Father Kir – parish priest and French resistance hero, immortalised by the Kir Royale. And they probably weren&’t thinking of Archbishop Damaskinos who, when threatened with the firing squad by the Nazis, replied, &‘Please respect our traditions – in Greece we hang our Archbishops.&’ Wherever fascism has taken root, it has met with resistance. From taking a bullet for a frightened schoolgirl in Alabama to riding on the bonnet of a tank during the liberation of France, each of the hard-drinking, chain-smoking clerics featured in Priests de la Résistance were willing to give their lives for a world they believed in – even as their superiors beckoned them to safety. In this spellbinding new collection, the Reverend Fergus Butler-Gallie, bestselling author of A Field Guide to the English Clergy, presents fifteen men and women who dared to stand up to fascism, proving that some hearts will never be conquered.
Priests of Our Democracy: The Supreme Court, Academic Freedom, and the Anti-Communist Purge
by null Marjorie HeinsPriests of OurDemocracy tells of the teachers and professors whobattled the anti-communist witch hunt of the 1950s. It traces the political fortunesof academic freedom beginning in the late 19th century, both oncampus and in the courts. Combining political and legal history with wrenchingpersonal stories, the book details how the anti-communist excesses of the 1950sinspired the Supreme Court to recognize the vital role of teachers andprofessors in American democracy. The crushing of dissent in the 1950simpoverished political discourse in ways that are still being felt, and FirstAmendment academic freedom, a product of that period, is in peril today. Incompelling terms, this book shows why the issue should matter to everyone.
Priests of Prosperity: How Central Bankers Transformed the Postcommunist World
by Juliet JohnsonPriests of Prosperity explores the unsung revolutionary campaign to transform postcommunist central banks from command-economy cash cows into Western-style monetary guardians. Juliet Johnson conducted more than 160 interviews in seventeen countries with central bankers, international assistance providers, policymakers, and private-sector finance professionals over the course of fifteen years. She argues that a powerful transnational central banking community concentrated in Western Europe and North America integrated postcommunist central bankers into its network, shaped their ideas about the role of central banks, and helped them develop modern tools of central banking. Johnson's detailed comparative studies of central bank development in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia, and Kyrgyzstan take readers from the birth of the campaign in the late 1980s to the challenges faced by central bankers after the global financial crisis. As the comfortable certainties of the past collapse around them, today’s central bankers in the postcommunist world and beyond find themselves torn between allegiance to their transnational community and its principles on the one hand and their increasingly complex and politicized national roles on the other. Priests of Prosperity will appeal to a diverse audience of scholars in political science, finance, economics, geography, and sociology as well as to central bankers and other policymakers interested in the future of international finance, global governance, and economic development.
Priests of the French Revolution: Saints and Renegades in a New Political Era
by Joseph F. ByrnesThe 115,000 priests on French territory in 1789 belonged to an evolving tradition of priesthood. The challenge of making sense of the Christian tradition can be formidable in any era, but this was especially true for those priests required at the very beginning of 1791 to take an oath of loyalty to the new government—and thereby accept the religious reforms promoted in a new Civil Constitution of the Clergy. More than half did so at the beginning, and those who were subsequently consecrated bishops became the new official hierarchy of France. In Priests of the French Revolution, Joseph Byrnes shows how these priests and bishops who embraced the Revolution creatively followed or destructively rejected traditional versions of priestly ministry. Their writings, public testimony, and recorded private confidences furnish the story of a national Catholic church. This is a history of the religious attitudes and psychological experiences underpinning the behavior of representative bishops and priests. Byrnes plays individual ideologies against group action, and religious teachings against political action, to produce a balanced story of saints and renegades within a Catholic tradition.
Priests of the French Revolution: Saints and Renegades in a New Political Era
by Joseph F. ByrnesThe 115,000 priests on French territory in 1789 belonged to an evolving tradition of priesthood. The challenge of making sense of the Christian tradition can be formidable in any era, but this was especially true for those priests required at the very beginning of 1791 to take an oath of loyalty to the new government—and thereby accept the religious reforms promoted in a new Civil Constitution of the Clergy. More than half did so at the beginning, and those who were subsequently consecrated bishops became the new official hierarchy of France. In Priests of the French Revolution, Joseph Byrnes shows how these priests and bishops who embraced the Revolution creatively followed or destructively rejected traditional versions of priestly ministry. Their writings, public testimony, and recorded private confidences furnish the story of a national Catholic church. This is a history of the religious attitudes and psychological experiences underpinning the behavior of representative bishops and priests. Byrnes plays individual ideologies against group action, and religious teachings against political action, to produce a balanced story of saints and renegades within a Catholic tradition.
Prigioni Esposte
by Fabrocini Barbara Michael ObrienMichael O'Brian ha passato 11'anni in prigione per un reato che non aveva commesso - il così detto Omicidio dell'Edicolante di Cardiff. Da quando la sua sentenza è stata annullata nel Dicembre del 1999, Michael ha lavorato senza tregua per far sì che coloro che sono stati incarcerati ingiustamente siano scarcerati. In questo libro ha voluto fare un'approfondita analisi del sistema carcerario mentre racconta il tempo passato in prigione. Discute anche delle esperienze di altri detenuti, intervista prigionieri ed agenti di sorveglianza sulle pratiche di buona condotta e condivide il pensiero di politici, accademici e dei partiti interessati sulla direzione che dovrebbe prendere in futuro il sistema penale. Michael conclude che ci siano molte falle nel sistema carcerario e che le riforme per le prigioni dovrebbero avere una posizione di maggior rilievo nell'attuale agenda politica. Premio Amazon Annual International People's Choice Award 2013
El priista que todos llevamos dentro
by María Scherer Nacho LozanoCómico y trágico a la vez, El priista que llevamos dentro recuerda una sentencia que se ha tratado en más de un discurso, incluso por quienes niegan la cruz de su parroquia: ¿tenemos un priista interior?María Scherer Ibarra y Nacho Lozano, destacados periodistas de la fuente política, comparten en este libro una reflexión para todos los tiempos y el resultado de desenmascarar un rasgo que nos afecta a todos. Si la modernidad en México nació con el final de la Revolución , sería prudente pensar que heredamos algo de aquellos que nos formaron. Pero queda pendiente una pregunta después de toda una historia sin demasiados cambios: ¿tenemos una huella genética que se dejó alcanzar por una cultura priista? Una conclusión es segura: todo cabe en un priista sabiéndolo acomodar."¿Qué es la moral? Un árbol que da moras""Un político pobre es un pobre político""Ni los veo ni los oigo""El que no transa no avanza"
Primacy and Its Discontents: American Power and International Stability
by Michael E. Brown Owen R. Coté Sean M. Lynn-Jones Steven E. MillerThe unprecedented military, economic, and political power of the United States has led some observers to declare that we live in a unipolar world in which America enjoys primacy or even hegemony. At the same time public opinion polls abroad reveal high levels of anti-Americanism, and many foreign governments criticize U.S. policies. Primacy and Its Discontents explores the sources of American primacy, including the uses of U.S. military power, and the likely duration of unipolarity. It offers theoretical arguments for why the rest of the world will--or will not--align against the United States. Several chapters argue that the United States is not immune to the long-standing tendency of states to balance against power, while others contend that wise U.S. policies, the growing role of international institutions, and the spread of liberal democracy can limit anti-American balancing. The final chapters debate whether countries are already engaging in "soft balancing" against the United States. The contributors offer alternative prescriptions for U.S. foreign policy, ranging from vigorous efforts to maintain American primacy to acceptance of a multipolar world of several great powers. Contributors:Gerard Alexander, Stephen Brooks, John G. Ikenberry, Christopher Layne, Keir Lieber, John Owen IV, Robert Pape, T. V. Paul, Barry Posen, Kenneth Waltz, William Wohlforth
The Primacy of Foreign Policy in British History, 1660�2000
by William Mulligan Brendan SimmsExternal challenges, strategic threats, and war have shaped the course of modern British history. This volume examines how Britain mobilized to meet these challenges and how developments in the constitution, state, public sphere, and economy were a response to foreign policy issues from the Restoration to the rise of New Labour.
The Primacy of Politics: Social Democracy and the Making of Europe's Twentieth Century
by Sheri BermanPolitical history in the industrial world has indeed ended, argues this pioneering study, but the winner has been social democracy - an ideology and political movement that has been as influential as it has been misunderstood. Berman looks at the history of social democracy from its origins in the late nineteenth century to today and shows how it beat out competitors such as classical liberalism, orthodox Marxism, and its cousins, Fascism and National Socialism by solving the central challenge of modern politics - reconciling the competing needs of capitalism and democracy. Bursting on to the scene in the interwar years, the social democratic model spread across Europe after the Second World War and formed the basis of the postwar settlement. This is a study of European social democracy that rewrites the intellectual and political history of the modern era while putting contemporary debates about globalization in their proper intellectual and historical context.
The Primacy of Regime Survival: State Fragility And Economic Destruction In Zimbabwe
by Tony Hawkins Mark SimpsonThis book analyses the past and ongoing decline of Zimbabwe under the rule of ZANU-PF, with a primary focus on the period 1997 to the present. In contrast to much existing literature on post-independence Zimbabwe which has focused on the political dimensions of Zimbabwe’s fragility, this research highlights the economic aspects of Zimbabwe’s regression flowing from prolonged mismanagement of the economy which has served to consolidate the rule of the country’s political and economic elite. The Zimbabwean experience offers unique insights into the economic mensions of regime preservation. This book situates the Zimbabwe experience within the context of wider debates within the field of development studies, and the international community’s response to such situations.
The Primacy of the Political: A History of Political Thought from the Greeks to the French and American Revolutions (Columbia Studies in Political Thought / Political History)
by Dick HowardThe conflict between politics and antipolitics has replayed throughout Western history and philosophical thought. From the beginning, Plato's quest for absolute certainty led him to denounce democracy, an anti-political position challenged by Aristotle. In his wide-ranging narrative, Dick Howard puts this dilemma into fresh perspective, proving our contemporary political problems are not as unique as we think.Howard begins with democracy in ancient Greece and the rise and fall of republican politics in Rome. In the wake of Rome's collapse, political thought searched for a new medium, and the conflict between politics and antipolitics reemerged through the contrasting theories of Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas. During the Renaissance and Reformation, the emergence of the modern individual again transformed the terrain of the political. Even so, politics vs. antipolitics dominated the period, frustrating even Machiavelli, who sought to reconceptualize the nature of political thought. Hobbes and Locke, theorists of the social contract, then reenacted the conflict, which Rousseau sought (in vain) to overcome. Adam Smith and the growth of modern economic liberalism, the radicalism of the French revolution, and the conservative reaction of Edmund Burke subsequently marked the triumph of antipolitics, while the American Revolution momentarily offered the potential for a renewal of politics. Taken together, these historical examples, viewed through the prism of philosophy, reveal the roots of today's political climate and the trajectory of battles yet to come.
Primary and Secondary Education During Covid-19: Disruptions to Educational Opportunity During a Pandemic
by Fernando M. ReimersThis open access edited volume is a comparative effort to discern the short-term educational impact of the covid-19 pandemic on students, teachers and systems in Brazil, Chile, Finland, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States. One of the first academic comparative studies of the educational impact of the pandemic, the book explains how the interruption of in person instruction and the variable efficacy of alternative forms of education caused learning loss and disengagement with learning, especially for disadvantaged students. Other direct and indirect impacts of the pandemic diminished the ability of families to support children and youth in their education. For students, as well as for teachers and school staff, these included the economic shocks experienced by families, in some cases leading to food insecurity and in many more causing stress and anxiety and impacting mental health. Opportunity to learn was also diminished by the shocks and trauma experienced by those with a close relative infected by the virus, and by the constrains on learning resulting from students having to learn at home, where the demands of schoolwork had to be negotiated with other family necessities, often sharing limited space. Furthermore, the prolonged stress caused by the uncertainty over the resolution of the pandemic and resulting from the knowledge that anyone could be infected and potentially lose their lives, created a traumatic context for many that undermined the necessary focus and dedication to schoolwork. These individual effects were reinforced by community effects, particularly for students and teachers living in communities where the multifaceted negative impacts resulting from the pandemic were pervasive. This is an open access book.
Primary Care Revisited: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for a New Era
by Ben Yuk Fai Fong Vincent Tin Sing Law Albert LeeThis book adopts an interdisciplinary approach with a wide scope of perspectives on primary healthcare, describing related principles, care models, practices and social contexts. It combines aspects of development, research and education applied in primary health care, providing practitioners and scholars with a comprehensive overview of the current knowledge and delivery models of healthcare in community settings. It covers the practical, philosophical and scholarly issues pertinent to the delivery, financing, planning, ethics, health politics, professional and technological development, resources, and monitoring in primary health care. Contributors are from a diverse range of academic and professional backgrounds, bringing together collective expertise in mainstream medicine, nursing, allied health, Chinese medicine, health economics, administration, law, public policy, housing management, information technology and mass communications. As such, the book does not follow the common clinical practice or service-based approach found in most texts on primary care.The contents will serve as a useful reference work for policymakers, researchers, community health practitioners, health executives and higher education students.
Primary Colors: A Novel of Politics
by Joe Klein AnonymusA brilliant and penetrating look behind the scenes of modern American politics, Primary Colors is a funny, wise, and dramatic story with characters and events that resemble some familiar, real-life figures. When a former congressional aide becomes part of the staff of the governor of a small Southern state, he watches in horror, admiration, and amazement, as the governor mixes calculation and sincerity in his not-so-above-board campaign for the presidency.From the Hardcover edition.
Primary Elections and American Politics: The Unintended Consequences of Progressive Era Reform
by Chapman Rackaway Joseph RomanceThe last twenty years has seen a series of changes to American party politics: polarization, negative partisanship, decreasing voter turnout, and decreasing faith in elections and government. In Primary Elections and American Politics, Chapman Rackaway and Joseph Romance trace the origins of these and other problems to one of the most controversial reforms in American political history: the direct partisan primary election. With a comprehensive history of the primary election, the authors link the rise of primaries to the many political ills the nation faces today. They argue that the Progressives who created the primaries mistook direct democratic reforms, like the primary, for participatory democratic reforms like deliberative polling or participatory budgeting.
Primary Elections in the United States
by Shigeo Hirano James M. Snyder, JrThe direct primary stands as one of the most significant and distinctive political reforms of the Progressive era in American history. In this book, the authors provide the most comprehensive treatment available on the topic and utilize new data on election outcomes, candidate backgrounds, incumbent performance and behavior, newspaper endorsements, and voters' preferences. They begin by studying whether primary elections have achieved the goals set by progressive reformers when they were first introduced over a century ago. They then evaluate the key roles these elections have played in the US electoral systems, such as injecting electoral competition into the regions that are dominated by one of the two major parties, helping select relatively qualified candidates for office, and, in some cases, holding incumbents accountable for their performance. They conclude with studying the degree to which primaries are responsible for the current, highly polarized environment. Anyone interested in US primary elections, US political history, or electoral institutions more generally should read this book.
Primary Health Care In Africa: A Study Of The Mali Rural Health Project
by Clive Gray Jacques Baudouy Kelsey Martin Molly BangThe Mali Rural Health Project was designed as a model effort within the US foreign aid programme for extending rudimentary health services in rural areas of developing nations. Although some success was achieved, the programme proved to be too costly for nation-wide implementation, thus failing to achieve its immediate goals. The authors' assessmen
Primary Mathematics Pedagogy at the Intersection of Education Reform, Policy, and Culture: Comparative Insights from Ghana, Singapore, and the US (Routledge Research in International and Comparative Education)
by Sarah Murray Princess AlloteyThis volume provides an in-depth, comparative examination of how primary mathematics education is influenced by national education reform, policy, local resources, and culture in three different countries. By drawing on first-hand observations and interviews, as well as analysis of policy documents and learning resources, the book considers the viability of transferring best practices in primary mathematics education across global contexts. Three diverse countries – Ghana, the US, and Singapore – are explored. Similarities and differences are highlighted, and the influence of national and regional initiatives related to pedagogical strategies, teacher education, and cultural expectations are considered, to offer an insightful examination of how best practices might be shared across borders. This book will benefit researchers, academics, and postgraduate scholars with an interest in international and comparative education, mathematics, and educational policy. Those with a specialization in primary mathematics education, including pedagogy and teacher preparation, will also benefit from this book.
Primary Mistake
by Steve LaffeyThe inside story of the most shocking Republican primary of 2006-and what it means for the GOP's future Why should anyone care about a Senate primary in the nation's smallest state? Because that one unique race tipped the balance of power in Washington and exposed everything that was wrong with the GOP in 2006. It also points the way toward the Republican Party's recovery, in 2008 and beyond. Steve Laffey isn't the kind of slick politician who wanted to be a senator since kindergarten. He's a down- to-earth guy, with working-class Irish Catholic roots, who made good in business and then wanted to save his hometown from financial ruin. As the twice elected mayor of Cranston, Rhode Island, he won over a city full of Democrats with Ronald Reagan's classic message: Fight the special interests, cut out the waste, and opportunity for all. But when he decided to challenge Senator Lincoln Chafee-the most liberal Republican in Congress- Laffey collided head on with the biggest names in the Washington Republican establishment. First, they tried to bully Laffey into dropping out. When that failed, they gave all their support and millions of dollars to Chafee, and even slandered Laffey to the press, breaking Reagan's famous eleventh commandment: "Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican. " Conservative activists nationwide were outraged and supported Laffey with thousands of e-mails, phone calls, and small donations. It was the ultimate David vs. Goliath campaign, drawing national attention as"the first skirmish in a very important war," as Pat Toomey wrote in The Wall Street Journal. Now, with his straight talk and quirky sense of humor, Laffey reveals the inside story, naming the powerful people who felt so threatened that they resorted to lies and threats. He also shows how much fun it can be to run a go-for-broke campaign, fueled by gut instinct, adrenaline, some passionate staff and volunteers, and a whole lot of pizza. Above all, Laffey shows what happens when a party gets so obsessed with holding on to power that it abandons its core principles. If Republicans read Primary Mistake and take it to heart, they will be back on the road to victory.
Primary Mistake
by Steve Laffey"When I ran for reelection as the mayor of Cranston, there was an independent candidate running whose only claim to fame was that he wanted to keep a thirty-five-foot inflatable gorilla in his backyard. He was endearingly referred to as Gorilla Man. I never thought to say, 'Why is Gorilla Man running? 'When the debates were scheduled, I showed up and debated him along with the Democratic candidate. I never said, 'I won't debate Gorilla Man.' I never thought he couldn't run. This is America.... The fascinating thing about the whole experience was how pathetic the Republican establishment seemed. After all, they were supposed to be the ones in charge. Who was I? I was just the mayor of a midsize city in the country's smallest state, with only four years of political office under my belt I was the David to their Goliath, the 1998 U.S. Olympic hockey team to then Soviet Union machine. Following my conversations with the aforementioned folks, I began to wonder: Is this what happens at the national level? Does power trump ideology and principle? "Of all the conversations I had with [the GOP establishment] not one involved a discussion about what I could offer them as a U.S. senator. They never talked about tax cuts, the war on terror, or spending cuts. These conversations were designed to convince me not to run. If anything, they had the opposite effect...."
Primary Politics
by Elaine C. KamarckThe 2016 presidential primaries are on the horizon and this new edition of Elaine Kamarck's Primary Politics will be there to help make sense of them. Updated to include the 2012 election, it will once again be the guide to understanding the modern nominating system and some of its arcana, including the "robot rule."In Primary Politics, political insider Elaine Kamarck explains how the presidential nomination process became the often baffling system we have today. Her focus is the largely untold story of how presidential candidates since the early 1970s have sought to alter the rules in their favor and how their failures and successes have led to even more change. She describes how candidates have sought to manipulate the sequencing of primaries to their advantage and how Iowa and New Hampshire came to dominate the system. She analyzes the rules that are used to translate votes into delegates, paying special attention to the Democrats' twenty-year fight over proportional representation.Drawing on meticulous research, interviews with key figures in both parties, and years of experience, this book explores one of the most important questions in American politics--how we narrow the list of presidential candidates every four years.