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Product Planning Essentials

by Kenneth B. Kahn

Concise yet comprehensive, Product Planning Essentials, Second Edition, addresses the complex, interdisciplinary nature of product development and product management. It covers strategic issues that emerge during the product life cycle, including identifying opportunities, idea generation and evaluation, technical development, commercialization, and eventual product dismissal. Instructors, students, and practitioners will appreciate the balanced managerial and how-to orientation. Changes to the Second Edition • Addition of two chapters on design and legal considerations. • Expanded discussion of global considerations to introduce sustainable product development and Base of the Pyramid (BoP) product development. • Simplified technical discussions of planning techniques for improved comprehension. • Inclusion of product planning best practices from recent noteworthy cases and studies in the final chapter.

Product Safety and Liability Law in Japan: From Minamata to Mad Cows

by Luke Nottage

Developing insights from a number of disciplines and with a details analysis of legislation, case law and academic theory, Product Safety and Liability Law in Japan contributes significantly to the understanding of contemporary Japan, its consumers and its law. It is also of practical use to all professionals exposed to product liability regimes evolving in Japan and other major economies.

Production and Use of Urban Knowledge

by Hans Thor Andersen Rob Atkinson

This book provides new insights on cities and the nature of urban development, and the role of knowledge management in urban growth. It considers how knowledge informs policies and supports decision making, and can assist in addressing the drivers of urban change. The way that knowledge is produced and used in urban development is analysed, with examples drawn from a range of European countries. This book illustrates how the development and implementation of policies for urban areas can draw on knowledge management, even as the knowledge economy itself stimulates the evolution of the city as a place of innovation and creativity. Whilst knowledge grows in importance, so do urban issues, particularly in economic and political contexts at both European and national levels. These essays explore growth in the range of knowledge available in urban contexts, the ways to generate new knowledge from a wide range of stakeholders, and how these can make an effective contribution to decision making processes in urban development. The attractiveness of cities and surrounding areas to knowledge based forms of industry and investment and the competitiveness and performance of cities are a matter of major concern for national governments. In a sense it has become too important to leave to city politicians, and it is a topic requiring sustained reflection. This book gives the reader a detailed understanding of the issues involved and prompts further reflections.

Production Networks in Asia and Europe: Skill Formation and Technology Transfer in the Automobile Industry (The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series)

by Rogier Busser Yuri Sadoi

This book explores Japanese investment in Europe and Southeast Asia, in relation to the automobile industry. In Part I the authors examine industrial organization and policy issues in Thailand, Malaysia, The Philippines and Indonesia, looking at Japanese investment and the relative policy successes and failures in these host countries. Part II looks at skill formation systems in the Japanese dominated automobile industry in Southeast Asia and in Part III the authors focus on the EU and the very different influence of Japanese investment.

The Production of American Religious Freedom: The Production of American Religious Freedom (North American Religions)

by null Finbarr Curtis

Americans love religious freedom. Few agree, however, about what they mean by either “religion” or “freedom.” Rather than resolve these debates, Finbarr Curtis argues that there is no such thing as religious freedom. Lacking any consistent content, religious freedom is a shifting and malleable rhetoric employed for a variety of purposes. While Americans often think of freedom as the right to be left alone, the free exercise of religion works to produce, challenge, distribute, and regulate different forms of social power.The book traces shifts in the notion of religious freedom in America from The Second Great Awakening, to the fiction of Louisa May Alcott and the films of D.W. Griffith, through William Jennings Bryan and the Scopes Trial, and up to debates over the Tea Party to illuminate how Protestants have imagined individual and national forms of identity. A chapter on Al Smith considers how the first Catholic presidential nominee of a major party challenged Protestant views about the separation of church and state. Moving later in the twentieth century, the book analyzes Malcolm X’s more sweeping rejection of Christian freedom in favor of radical forms of revolutionary change. The final chapters examine how contemporary controversies over intelligent design and the claims of corporations to exercise religion are at the forefront of efforts to shift regulatory power away from the state and toward private institutions like families, churches, and corporations. The volume argues that religious freedom is produced within competing visions of governance in a self-governing nation.

The Production of Money: How to Break the Power of Bankers

by Ann Pettifor

What is money, where does it come from, and who controls it?In this accessible, brilliantly argued book, leading political economist Ann Pettifor explains in straightforward terms history’s most misunderstood invention: the money system. Pettifor argues that democracies can, and indeed must, reclaim control over money production and restrain the out-of-control finance sector so that it serves the interests of society, as well as the needs of the ecosystem.The Production of Money examines and assesses popular alternative debates on, and innovations in, money, such as “green QE” and “helicopter money.” She sets out the possibility of linking the money in our pockets (or on our smartphones) to the improvements we want to see in the world around us.

Production of Postcolonial India and Pakistan: Meanings of Partition (Interventions)

by Ted Svensson

This work seeks to examine the event and concurrent transition that the inauguration of India and Pakistan as ‘postcolonial’ states in August 1947 constituted and effectuated. Analysing India and Pakistan together in a parallel and mutually dependant reading, and utilizing primary data and archival materials, Svensson offers new insights into the current literature, seeking to conceptualise independence through partition and decolonisation in terms of novelty and as a ‘restarting of time’. Through his analysis, Svensson demonstrates the constitutive and inexorable entwinement of contingency and restoration, of openness and closure, in the establishment of the postcolonial state. It is maintained that those involved in instituting the new state in a moment devoid of fixity and foundation ‘anchor’ it in preceding beginnings. The work concludes with the proposition that the novelty should not only be regarded as contained in the moment of transition. It should also be seen as contained in the pledge, in the promise and the gesturing towards a future community. Distinct from most other studies on the partition and independence the book assumes the constitutive moment as the focal point, offering a new approach to the study of partition in British India, decolonisation and the institutional of the postcolonial state. This work will be of great interest to students and scholars of international relations, South Asian studies and political and postcolonial theory.

Production Politics and Migrant Labour Regimes: Guest Workers in Asia and the Gulf (Critical Studies of the Asia-Pacific)

by Charanpal Singh Bal

This book emphasizes the importance of production politics, or struggles in the workplace between workers and their employers, for understanding migrant labour regimes in Asia and the Gulf. Drawing from a study of Bangladeshi construction workers in Singapore, as well as on comparative material in the region, Bal shows that migrant labour politics are significantly influenced by the specific form of production politics as well as their variable outcomes. In contrast to contentious politics approaches, this book sheds light on the extent to which migrant labour regimes can be contested by workers and civil society groups and explains the recent rise in migrant labour unrest in the region.

Production, Presentation, and Acceleration of Educational Research: Could Less be More? (Educational Research #11)

by Paul Smeyers Marc Depaepe

Is educational research chasing the trends one can observe in big sciences, mimicking what happens, some would say successfully, elsewhere in academia? The question in the title of this edited collection took its inspiration from a verse by Goethe: Wer Großes will, muss sich zusammenraffen. In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister. Such confinement or limitation that may show mastery does not characterize at all the present state of the educational research publication scene. Instead, there have never been more of such publications which follow each other with an increasing speed. It may therefore be interesting to delve into the reasons of this development that is characteristic of what is published in this field as in many or almost all fields of scholarly work. The chapters in this collection address aspects of the (re)presentation, dissemination and reception, and the production and acceleration of educational research. An international group of scholars, philosophers and historians of education, address questions such as ‘Why publish?’, ‘The lust for academic fame’, ‘Why educational historiography is not an unnecessary luxury?’, and ‘Ways of knowing’. The twelve chapters are preceded by an introduction where issues of plurality and diversity in the study of education are at centre stage and followed by an Epilogue written by the Editors of the Springer Series Educational Research. Paul Smeyers and Marc Depaepe offer some final reflections after a journey of two decades that took them and the colleagues participating in the Research Community from 1999 till 2018 floating on the current of the Zeitgeist that carried the Discipline of Education. They claim finally that mastery in the study of education requires restraint.

The Productivity of Negative Emotions in Postcolonial Literature (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures)

by Donald R. Wehrs Isabelle Wentworth

This volume explores the possibilities and potentialities of “negative” affect in postcolonial literature and literary theory, featuring work on postcolonial studies, First Nations studies, cognitive cultural studies, cognitive historicism, reader response theory, postcolonial feminist studies, and trauma studies. The chapters of this work investigate negative affect in all its types and dimensions: analyses of the structures of feeling created by socio-political forces; assemblages and alliances produced by negative emotion; enactive interrelationships of emotion and environment; and the ethical implications of emotional response, to name a few. It seeks to rebrand “negative” emotions as productive forces which can paradoxically confer pleasure, agential power, and social progress through literary representation.

Produktion - Distribution - Konsum

by Elmar Kulke Barbara Lenz Jürgen Rauh Mark R. Nerlich Walter Vogt

Die zunehmende Bedeutung von Informationsflüssen für die Wertschöpfung geht einher mit einer wachsenden Kohärenz der Wertschöpfungsketten. Kenntnisse darüber sind für die strategische Planung in der Politik wie in Unternehmen gleichermaßen wichtig. Die Beiträge des Buchs untersuchen die Auswirkungen von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien auf Güter- und Informationsflüsse zwischen Herstellern und Endverbrauchern. Dazu werden Güter- und Informationsflüsse entlang von Produktions- und Distributionsprozessen dargestellt und analysiert.

Profession: Public Servant

by Ruth Hubbard

Profession: Public Servant offers glimpses into the federal government’s corridors of power during a decade of profound change and underscores the importance of learning for individuals, groups, and organizations in today’s fast-paced world. It sets out a former deputy minister’s take on the “burden of office” of the role and in the difficulties of staying out of one ditch—excessive concern with safeguarding a few key principles—without sliding into another—being too anxious to please or too tempted to put personal interests first. The story emphasizes the constructive contribution of experience and imagination, especially when it is enriched by on-the-job reflection.

The Profession: A Memoir of Community, Race, and the Arc of Policing in America

by Peter Knobler Bill Bratton

The epic, transformative career of Bill Bratton, legendary police commissioner and police reformer, in Boston, Los Angeles, and New YorkWhen Bill Bratton became a Boston street cop after his return from serving in Vietnam, he was dismayed by the corrupt old guard, and it is fair to say the old guard was dismayed by him, too. But his success fighting crime could not be denied. Propelled by extraordinary results, Bratton had a dazzling rise, and ultimately a dazzling career, becoming the most famous police commissioner of modern times. The Profession is the story of that career in full.Everywhere he went, Bratton slashed crime rates and professionalized the vocation of the cop. He and his team created the revolutionary program CompStat, the Big Bang of modern data-driven policing. But his career has not been without controversy, and central to the reckoning of The Profession is the fundamental crisis of relations between the Black community and law enforcement; a crisis he now believes has been inflamed by the unforeseen consequences of some well-intentioned policies. Building trust between a police force and the community it is sworn to protect is in many ways, Bratton argues, the first task--without genuine trust in law enforcement to do what is right, little else is possible.The Profession is both a searching examination of the path of policing over the past fifty years, for good and also for ill, and a master class in transformative leadership. Bill Bratton was never brought into a police department to maintain the status quo; wherever he went--from Boston in the '80s to the New York Police Department in the '90s to Los Angeles after the beating of Rodney King to New York again in the era of unchecked stop-and-frisk--root-and-branch reinvention was the order of the day and he met the challenge. There are few other positions on Earth in which life-and-death stakes combine with intense public scrutiny and turbulent political crosswinds as they do for the police chief of a major American city, even more so after counterterrorism entered the mix in the twenty-first century. Now more than ever, when the role of the police in society is under a microscope like never before, Bill Bratton's authority on the subject of improving law enforcement is profoundly useful. A riveting combination of cop stories and community involvement, The Profession presents not only a fascinating and colorful life at the heights of law-enforcement leadership, but the vision for the future of American policing that we sorely need.

The Profession of City Planning: Changes, Images and Challenges, 1950-2000

by Lloyd Rodwin Bishwapriya Sanyal

In thirty-four provocative and insightful chapters, the nation's leading planners present a definitive assessment of fifty years of city planning and establish a benchmark for the profession for the next fifty years. The book appraises what planners do and how well they do it, how and why their current activities differ from past practices, and how much and in what ways planners have or have not enhanced the quality of urban life and contributed to the intellectual capital of the field. How have the goals, values, and practices of planners changed? What do planners say about their roles and the problems they confront? What is the relevance of their skills, from design capabilities and environmental savvy to intermediate and long-term perspectives and the pragmatics of implementation? The contributors seeking to answer these questions include Anthony Downs, Nathan Glazer, Philip B. Herr, Judith E. Innes, Terry S. Szold, Lawrence J. Vale, and Sam Bass Warner, Jr. The Profession of City Planning contrasts with the main changes in the US over the second half of the twentieth century in city planning. Sector images of the practice and effects of planning on housing, transportation, and the environment, as well as the development of economic tools are also discussed.

The Profession of Government: The Public Service in Europe (Routledge Library Editions: Government)

by Brian Chapman

Originally published in 1959, and using material collected from eight languages, much of which was previously unpublished, this is a genuine comparative study, not merely describing each country separately, but an analysis of the most important questions facing 20th century public administration. A substantial historical introduction traces from Roman to modern times the concept and practice of public service and brings out the underlying unity of European experience.

The Profession of Social Work

by Karen M. Sowers Catherine N. Dulmus

An expert introduction to the foundations of the social work profession-from its historical roots to its evolution in an era of evidence-based practiceThe Profession of Social Work provides a broad overview of the history, scope, values, ethics, and organizational framework of the social work profession. Exploring professional ethics and human rights, evidence-based practice and practice-guided research, as well as emerging trends and issues, this important book presents topics of critical importance to anyone considering a career in social work.Each chapter in the text offers an array of pedagogical features, including Key Terms, Review Questions for Critical Thinking, and Online Resources.Ideal for introductory courses for both undergraduate and graduate students, The Profession of Social Work features coverage closely aligned with social work accreditation standards (EPAS) and includes chapters authored by established scholars on topics including:Social work historySocial work educationProfessional credentialing and regulationsValues and ethicsThe strengths perspective in social work practiceEvidence-based practice and improving the scientific base for social work practiceContemporary issues in social workWith a wealth of insider insights into and guidance on the profession of social work, this book is essential reading to prepare for a career in this field.

Professional Boundaries in Social Work and Social Care

by Frank Cooper


Professional Communication: Consultancy, Advocacy, Activism (Communicating in Professions and Organizations)

by Louise Mullany

This edited book presents contemporary empirical research investigating the use of language in professional settings, drawing on the contributions of a set of internationally-renowned authors. The book takes a critical approach to understanding professional communication in a range of fields and global contexts. Split into three parts, covering Business and Organisations, Healthcare, and Politics and Institutions, the contributors explore how and why academics engage in workplace research which takes the form of 'consultancy', 'advocacy' and 'activism'. In light of an ever-changing, ever-demanding global landscape, this volume offers new theoretical and methodological ways of conducting professional communication research with real-world impact. It will be of interest to linguistics and communication researchers and practitioners, particularly those working in sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, business communication, health communication, political communication, language and the law and organisational studies.

Professional Development for EMI Faculty in Mexico: The Case of Bilingual, International, and Sustainable Universities (Routledge Focus on English Medium Instruction in Higher Education)

by Myrna Escalona Sibaja

Despite Mexico’s implementation of a bilingual model in its tertiary education programmes, this book is the first contribution to knowledge regarding EMI in Mexico. The author introduces readers to the Mexican higher education context before providing detailed information regarding the technological and polytechnic subsystem, where EMI has been implemented since 2012. The volume details a pilot and case study conducted in Mexican universities as well as the research findings and conclusions. It closes with recommendations, as well as suggestions for further research. The book explores the implications for the continuous professional development and training for lecturers in the current shift to EMI in Bilingual, International, and Sustainable (BIS) universities. This volume will be of particular interest to researchers in EMI and bilingualism.

Professional Development for Practitioners in Academia: Pracademia (Knowledge Studies in Higher Education #13)

by Jill Dickinson Teri-Lisa Griffiths

This multi-disciplinary collection addresses issues relating to current or former practitioners within the context of higher education. Drawing together a range of voices, the contributors explore contemporary issues organised around three core themes of pracademic identities, professional development, and teaching practice. Underpinned by theoretical frameworks, reporting empirical findings, and adopting a reflective lens, this critical examination draws on a range of experiences to provide a deeper understanding of the contribution of pracademics within the sector for stakeholders, including leaders, policy makers and professional bodies, and current and future pracademics. Dedicated to highlighting the potential of the pracademic contribution, this collection explores key topics including building networks, practice-informed teaching, consultancy, and collaborative research. Contributions investigate some of the practical barriers faced by pracademics making the transition into higher education, including imposter syndrome, cultural adjustment, and managing dual professional identities. The aim of this collection is to champion the benefits of a diverse academy for everyone involved.

The Professional Edge: Competencies in Public Service

by Margo Berman Montgomery Van Wart James S. Bowman Jonathan P. West

The new context and character of public service - shifting values, entrepreneurship, information technology, multi-sector careers - require enhanced technical, ethical, and leadership skills. This concise and readable work describes what it means to be a consummate professional public servant. It sets standards for everyone who conducts the public's business and links them with performance management, human resource administration, and information technology skills. The authors identify the ethical foundations of public service and how to integrate them in practice. They also address individual leadership, what it means, and how it is based on a foundation of technical and ethical skills. Filled with original illustrative examples and case studies from government, the non-profit sector, and business, The Professional Edge is an ideal supplement for any introductory course in Public Administration or Ethics in the Public Service.

Professional Education, Capabilities and the Public Good: The role of universities in promoting human development (Education, Poverty and International Development)

by Melanie Walker Monica McLean

This book innovatively explores how universities might be engines of reform and be directed towards social change. Using rich case studies drawn from South African research, the book comprehensively provides a myriad of new perspectives on what constitutes a set of appropriate public-good professional capabilities that will translate successfully into contributions to human development. It challenges universities to produce professionals who have the knowledge, skills and values to improve the lives of people living in poverty in urban and rural settings. It covers issues such as: Conceptualising Public-Good Professionalism Global Issues and Professional Education South African Debates about Higher Education Institutional conditions and professional education arrangements Social Constraints on educating ethically aware public professionals By drawing on an approach that focuses on differing public-good professional capabilities in five professions, this book produces a crucial new framework for the preparation of professionals relevant to the global study of higher education policy. It expands higher education’s contribution to global social justice beyond a concern with human capital, administering a challenge to higher education internationally to address human development in the 21st century. This book will be of great interest to all scholars of higher education involved in higher education studies, comparative education, and development studies. It will also prove valuable to policy makers, higher education leaders and lecturers and graduate professionals in diverse organizations.

A Professional Foreigner: Life in Diplomacy

by Edward Marks

Young American Foreign Service officers are accustomed to being teased by friends and relatives as to what they do in the &“Foreign Legion&” or the &“Forest Service.&” In the United States, unlike in many countries, the role of a professional diplomat is little known or understood. In A Professional Foreigner Edward Marks describes his life as an American diplomat who served during the last four decades of the twentieth century, from 1959 to 2001. Serving primarily in Africa and Asia, Marks was present during the era of decolonization in Africa (but always seemed to be at the opposite end of the continent from the hottest developments), was intimately involved in the early days of the U.S. government&’s antiterrorism programs, observed the unfolding of a nasty and tragic ethnic conflict in one of the most charming countries in the world, and saw the end of the Cold War at UN headquarters in New York. Along the way Marks served as the U.S. ambassador to two African nations. In this memoir Marks depicts a Foreign Service officer&’s daily life, providing insight into the profession itself and what it was like to play a role in the steady stream of history, in a world of quotidian events often out of the view of the media and the attention of the world. Marks&’s stories—such as rescuing an American citizen from a house of ill repute in Mexico and the attempt to recruit mongooses for drug intervention in Sri Lanka—are both entertaining and instructive on the work of diplomats and their contributions to the American story.

The Professional Identity of Teacher Educators: Career on the cusp? (Teacher Quality And School Development Ser.)

by Ronnie Davey

The Professional Identity of Teacher Educators offers a contemporary study of teacher education in a period of huge international, institutional and professional change. The book explores the experiences, understandings, and beliefs that guide the professional practices of teacher educators, and paints a picture of a profession that offers huge rew

Professional Pathways to the Presidency

by Theresa Marchant-Shapiro

During presidential elections a quadrennial debate emerges, wherein candidates lay claim to qualification for the presidency based on their prior professional experiences. Usually this entails invoking the legacy of one of the great presidents, who followed the same trajectory to the White House. Missing from this debate is a systematic analysis of how the different job experiences prepared the population of all presidents for service. For each of the greats who followed a particular pathway to the presidency there is at least one failure who shared the pathway. This book takes both a quantitative and descriptive approach to evaluate all the presidents systematically in order to discuss how prior professional experiences influence presidential performances.

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