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Promoting Conflict or Peace through Identity
by Nikki Slocum-BradleyDeveloping a solid basis for future research and training, this illuminating volume facilitates peace and mutual understanding between people by addressing a root cause of social conflicts: identity constructions. The volume encompasses eight revealing empirical case studies from regions throughout the world, conducted by experts from diverse disciplinary backgrounds. Each case study examines how identities are being constructed and used in the region, how these identities are related to borders and in what ways identity constructions foment peace or conflict. The volume summarizes insights gleaned from these studies and formulates an analytical framework for understanding the role of identity constructions in conflict or peace.
Promoting Democracy: The Force of Political Settlements in Uncertain Times
by null Manal A. JamalHow Western donor assistance can both help and undermine democracy in different parts of the world Democracy promotion is a central pillar of the foreign policy of many states, but the results are often disappointing. In Promoting Democracy, Manal A. Jamal examines why these efforts succeed in some countries, but fail in others. A former journalist and researcher in the Palestinian territories, she offers an up-close perspective of the ways in which Western donor funding has, on one hand, undermined political participation in cases such as the Palestinian territories, and, on the other hand, succeeded in bolstering political engagement in cases such as El Salvador. Based on five fieldwork trips and over 150 interviews with grassroots activists, political leaders, and directors and program officers in donor agencies and NGOs, Jamal brings into focus an often-overlooked perspective: the experiences of those directly affected by this assistance. Promoting Democracy makes an important and timely argument about how political settlements ultimately shape democracy promotion efforts, and what political choices Western state sponsored donors can make to maximize successful outcomes in different contexts across the world.
Promoting Democracy Abroad: Policy and Performance
by Peter BurnellPromoting democracy has grown from a small, little- known activity to a high-profile endeavor. It now involves academia, think tanks, and the popular media. The number of countries and organizations, inter-governmental, non-governmental, as well as governmental involved in supporting the spread of democracy is now legion. Countries touched by these efforts include a majority of all the world's states and some independent territories that are not yet fully sovereign. The definitional boundaries between promoting democracy and international advocacy and defense of human rights and "good governance" are not precise. Similarly, the concept of promoting democracy itself is not uniformly accepted. It has become a slogan that attracts both fervent support and grave condemnation. For Burnell, promoting democracy refers to a wide range of non-coercive attempts to spread democracy abroad for whatever reason. At its heart, it is political intervention in the domestic affairs of other countries that seeks to affect the distribution of power, whether by patient and non-violent involvement or more urgent action, democracy assistance projects form a core activity. Burnell holds that participation in the democracy assistance industry will continue to grow. However, the industry's progress up until now has in part been contingent on the progress of democratization itself. The slowdown that is currently happening in the advance of freedom and democracy around the world, and the strength shown by leading authoritarian or semi-authoritarian regimes, must raise questions about the outlook for democracy promotion. If democracy promotion and assistance are to be fit for the future, then the need for a broadly based, appropriately contextualized examination of the policy and the performance is greater now than at any time in the past.
Promoting Democracy and Human Rights in Russia (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies)
by Sinikukka SaariEuropean regional organisations have spent significant amount of time, energy and money in supporting Russia's transition towards the western liberal-democratic model since the end of the cold war. This book explores the role the Council of Europe, European Union and Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe have played in Russia's post-Soviet transition in the field of human rights and democracy. The book argues that the organisations have played an important initial role in setting the reform agenda and in providing a general framework for interaction in the field of human rights and democracy. However, since the mid-1990s the impact of regional organisations has been slipping. Lately Russia has challenged the European human rights and democracy norms and now it threatens the whole framework for regional normative cooperation. Russia's attitude towards western liberal order has become more assertive and its defiance increasingly concerted even internationally. The main finding is that democracy and human rights promotion is not a one-way transference of norms like much of the theoretical literature and European practices presume. The Russian case demonstrates that the so-called target state can influence the norm promoters and the interpretation of the norms in a fundamental way. This is a finding that has significant implications both for theory and practice.
Promoting Democracy, Reinforcing Authoritarianism: US and European Policy in Jordan (Cambridge Middle East Studies #57)
by Benjamin SchuetzeAppearing against the backdrop of Jordan's remarkable levels of authoritarian stability and accounting for Jordan being one of the highest recipients of US and European 'democracy promotion' funding, Promoting Democracy, Reinforcing Authoritarianism examines what external 'democracy promoters' actually do when they promote democracy. By examining why Jordanian authoritarianism is so stable, not despite but in part because of external attempts at 'democracy promotion', Benjamin Schuetze demonstrates the depth of Orientalist attitudes among 'democracy promoters'. In highlighting the undermining of democratic values as they become circumscribed by the free market and security concerns, Schuetze suggests that although US and European policy in Jordan comes under the cloak of a universal morality which claims the surmounting of authoritarianism as its objective, its effect is not that different to traditional modes of imperial support for authoritarian regimes. As a result, this is a vivid illustration of what greater US and European policy presence in the Global South really means.
Promoting Early Career Teacher Resilience: A socio-cultural and critical guide to action (Teacher Quality and School Development)
by Bruce Johnson Anna Sullivan Janet Hunter Barry Down Judy Peters Jane Pearce Rosie Le CornuIn Promoting Early Career Teacher Resilience the stories of 60 graduate teachers are documented as they grapple with some of the most persistent and protracted personal and professional struggles facing teachers today. Narratives emerge detailing feelings of frustration, disillusionment and even outrage as they struggle with the complexity, intensity and immediacy of life in schools. Other stories also surface to show exhilarating experiences, documenting the wonder, joy and excitement of working with young people for the first time. This book makes sense of these experiences in ways that can assist education systems, schools, and faculties of teacher education, as well as early career teachers themselves to develop more powerful forms of critical teacher resilience. Rejecting psychological explanations of teacher resilience, it endorses an alternative socio-cultural and critical approach to understanding teacher resilience. The book crosses physical borders and represents experiences of teachers in similar circumstances across the globe, providing researchers and teachers with real-life examples of resilience promoting policies and practices. This book is not written as an account of the failures of an education system, but rather as a provocation to help generate ideas, policies and practices capable of illuminating the experiences of early career teachers in more critical and socially just ways at an international and national level.
Promoting Efficiency in Jurisprudence and Constitutional Development in Africa
by Azubike Onuora-OgunoThis book eulogises a personality that has constructed a formidable scholarly and personal legacy that future generations of legal practitioners and socio-legal scholars in Africa should look to for guidance and inspiration. Divided into three parts, the book deals with a longstanding legal practice and scholarship on the role of international law and institutions. Additionally, the book discussed roles of an African scholar and practitioner to advance socio-economic and cultural rights across the continent, through contextualised, progressive adjudication and from a gendered perspective. Finally, the book examined the importance of early-childhood education and legal education alike, the role of the courts in redressing these concerns and the need for greater inclusion of Afro and queer-sensitive pedagogies and perspectives. Contributors to the book address the role of schools in redressing systemic marginalisation—including stigmatisation based on disability—and efforts to translate their rights as prescribed in national constitutions and international legal instruments. The methodology encompasses a TWAIL approach and the call to revisit orthodox approaches to legal scholarship.
Promoting Equity in Schools: Collaboration, Inquiry and Ethical Leadership
by Jess Harris Suzanne Carrington Mel AinscowAround the world, countries are searching for ways of making their schools more effective for all children and young people. This book offers a new way of thinking about how to address this challenge. It sees improvement as requiring a collective effort that involves contributions from all members of a school community. Crucial to this is the idea of ethical leadership. Promoting Equity in Schools is written by a team of academic researchers who had a most unusual opportunity to work with a network of schools over three years, experimenting to find more effective ways of including hard to reach learners. Bringing together practitioner knowledge and ideas from research carried out from a variety of perspectives, the authors provide rich accounts of what happened when the schools attempted to become more inclusive and fairer. In so doing, they throw light on the challenges this presents for school leaders. The accounts presented in the book are located in Queensland, Australia, where the school system faces significant difficulties in relation to equity that resonate with similar difficulties around the world. These difficulties relate to policies that emphasize high-stakes testing and school choice, which tend to promote increased segregation, to the particular disadvantage of young people from low income and minority backgrounds. The arguments presented suggest that even where worrying policies are in place, with leadership driven by a commitment to equity, schools can still find space to develop more equitable ways of working.
Promoting Fiscal Discipline
by International Monetary FundFiscal discipline is essential to improve and sustain economic performance, maintain macroeconomic stability, and reduce vulnerabilities. Discipline is especially important if countries, industrial as well as developing, are to successfully meet the challenges, and reap the benefits, of economic and financial globalisation. Lack of fiscal discipline generally stems from the injudicious use of policy discretion. The benefits of discretion are seen in terms of the ability of policymakers to respond to unexpected shocks, and in allowing elected political representatives to fulfill their mandates. But discretion can be misused, resulting in persistent deficits and procyclical policies, rising debt levels, and, over time, a loss in policy credibility. The authors first explore the role of discretion in fiscal policy, and the extent, consequences, and causes of procyclicality, particularly in good times. They then examine how a variety of institutional approaches - fiscal rules, fiscal responsibility laws, and fiscal agencies - can help improve fiscal discipline. While each of these approaches can play a useful role, the authors suggest that a strategy combining them is likely to be particularly beneficial. Although such a strategy requires political commitment and effective fiscal management, at the same time, the strategy itself can bolster political commitment by highlighting the restraints on government and raising the costs of failing to respect them.
Promoting Good Governance, Development and Accountability
by Susan Brown-ShafiiIn addressing the politics of the international regulation of public procurement, this book fills a major gap in the literature. Brown-Shafii does this by investigating whether a WTO Agreement can be used to promote good governance, development and accountability.
Promoting Health and Wellbeing through Schools
by Peter AggletonThe contribution schools can make to improving students’ health and wellbeing is increasingly recognised. Schools that have embraced this role and adapted policies and practices to create an environment in which young people feel safe and happy have reported broad and significant gains. Through expert contributions from active researchers and experienced practitioners, Promoting Health and Wellbeing through Schools combines recent research with knowledge of the current climate in which schools are operating. Offering authoritative advice on effective intervention, this book provides an overview of the key issues that need to be addressed, including: alcohol use sexual health drug use obesity mental health. This accessible text is innovative in its focus on how schools can build partnerships with young people, parents, and health professionals to promote their commitment to health and wellbeing. It highlights successful approaches for promoting health and educational goals, and provides useful advice on planning and evaluation. Promoting Health and Wellbeing through Schools is invaluable reading for professionals working in and with schools to implement healthy schools programmes and to bring about improvement in health and wellbeing, including teachers, nurses, and health and education managers. It is also of interest to students, researchers and policy-makers.
Promoting Health and Wellness in Underserved Communities: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Through Service Learning (Higher Education Ser.)
by Robert A. Corrigan Anabel Pelham Elizabeth SillsStarting from the premise that our health status, vulnerability to accidents and disease, and life spans – as individuals and communities – are determined by the organization, delivery, and financing (or lack thereof) of health care, this book explores how educators and community caretakers teach the complex web of inter-connection between the micro level of individual health and well-being and the macro level of larger social structures. Through the lenses of courses in anthropology, ESL, gerontology, management information systems, nursing, nutrition, psychology, public health, and sociology, the contributors offer examples of intergenerational and interdisciplinary practice, and share cutting-edge academic creativity to model how to employ community service learning to promote social change.
Promoting Healthy Human Relationships in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Social Work and Social Development Perspectives
by Ndangwa NoyooThis is the first book that examines healthy human relationships in post-apartheid South Africa. In contemporary South Africa, human relationships are under considerable threat. Despite the 1994 commitment to an inclusive and human-rights-based democracy, human relationships remain strained. Bearing in mind South Africa's tortuous and divisive past, this book brings to light many issues, prospects and challenges with regard to the promotion of healthy human relationships after apartheid ended. Social work and social development perspectives are central to the issues that are raised in this volume. The profession of social work has always championed the centrality of human relationships, being less interested in the internal functioning of people and more interested in their interpersonal functioning within broader structures and forces, including social justice, building people's strengths and capabilities, anti-discrimination, diversity and empowerment.This edited book is based on select papers presented at a social work conference in 2019 that was co-hosted by the Department of Social Development at the University of Cape Town and the Association of South African Social Work Education Institutions. In the chapters, the contributors offer some solutions to the ubiquitous societal ills that emanate from either corrosive or broken human relationships:Resurgent racism in post-apartheid South Africa and the need to promote healthy human relationshipsPromoting healthy human relationships with sub-Saharan African immigrants and South AfricansPromoting family and human relationships in a traumatised societySocial policy, social welfare, social security and legislation in promoting healthy human relationships in post-apartheid South AfricaSocial protection as a tool to promote healthy human relationships in South AfricaPromoting Healthy Human Relationships in Post-Apartheid South Africa is an essential resource for an international audience of scholars, policy-makers, and social work and social development practitioners, legislators and students.
Promoting National Priorities in EU Foreign Policy: The Czech Republic’s Foreign Policy in the EU (Routledge Advances in European Politics)
by Tomas WeissHow do smaller member states promote their interests in EU foreign policy and external relations? <P><P>EU membership can be seen to affect member states’ foreign policy in two ways, either by restricting national policies or empowering states in a challenging global environment. There is a general agreement, however, that the member states, especially smaller ones, have to engage actively in policy-making in order to promote their particular interest. <P><P> This cross-policy comparison of the behaviour of Czech Republic’s representatives in the Council and the methods they use to influence the decision-making applies categorisation from lobbying literature to analyse the behaviour of the member state’s representatives and contributes to two strands of scholarship on European Union politics - decision-making in the EU and Europeanization. The book maps the methods of interest promotion that can be used by a member state and analyses the differences in interest promotion across external policy areas.
Promoting Peace with Information: Transparency as a Tool of Security Regimes
by Dan LindleyIt is normally assumed that international security regimes such as the United Nations can reduce the risk of war by increasing transparency among adversarial nations. The more adversaries understand each other's intentions and capabilities, the thinking goes, the less likely they are to be led to war by miscalculations and unwarranted fears. But how is transparency provided, how does it actually work, and how effective is it in preserving or restoring peace? In Promoting Peace with Information, Dan Lindley provides the first scholarly answer to these important questions. Lindley rigorously examines a wide range of cases, including U.N. peacekeeping operations in Cyprus, the Golan Heights, Namibia, and Cambodia; arms-control agreements, including the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; and the historical example of the Concert of Europe, which sought to keep the peace following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815. Making nuanced arguments based on extensive use of primary sources, interviews, and field research, Lindley shows when transparency succeeds in promoting peace, and when it fails. His analysis reveals, for example, that it is surprisingly hard for U.N. buffer-zone monitors to increase transparency, yet U.N. nation-building missions have creatively used transparency to refute harmful rumors and foster democracy. For scholars, Promoting Peace with Information is a major advance into the relatively uncharted intersection of institutionalism and security studies. For policymakers, its findings will lead to wiser peacekeeping, public diplomacy, and nation building.
Promoting Positive Transition Outcomes: Effective Planning for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Young Adults
by Pamela LuftMany students struggle with the transition from high school to the next stage of their lives. For deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) students, that struggle can be intensified by barriers and discriminatory attitudes they face in their communities, schools, and workplaces. Though much progress has been made, they are often underemployed and underpaid, and they receive postsecondary training at lower rates than other disability groups. Author Pamela Luft explores the reasons for these statistics and offers strategies and resources that can improve outcomes. Promoting Positive Transition Outcomes is the most comprehensive discussion of transition planning and results for DHH students now available. Luft begins with an overview of the historical and current challenges to DHH students and their academic and vocational potential. She explores the importance of forming an identity and building foundational social and problem-solving skills. She then reviews the history of rehabilitation and workforce legislation, which now mandates that every student with an individualized education plan (IEP) have a transition plan in place by the age of 16. Most schools, however, are not equipped to meet the needs of a population as diverse as DHH students. She examines the services that are currently available in high schools and offers recommendations for strengthening transition team planning by reaching out to external experts. The volume concludes with suggestions for creating a framework to address the challenges of transition planning for deaf and hard of hearing students and offers guidance on building effective plans.
Promoting Rental Housing Affordability in European Cities: Learning from the Cases of Milan and Vienna (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Marco PeveriniThis book investigates policies for the promotion of housing affordability in the rental sector of attractive cities in Europe. Affordability links the housing situation to the economic situation of households, referring to conditions of access to housing and to the role of housing in determining poverty or wealth. The book examines the current affordability crisis and frames it in the ongoing process of urban restructuring and devolution of welfare. From the perspective of the Foundational Economy, the book calls for a proactive and effective role of public administrations in making the rental sector an affordable and stable alternative to housing financialization and commodification. By intertwining theory construction and real-world data collected through case studies in Milan and Vienna, the book provides an original framework for the analysis of public policies that promote rental affordability in a multi-level setting. Through the analysis, it highlights critical nodes of the different (housing, urban, and social) policy domains at stake in the promotion of rental affordability in attractive cities. The book proposes a shift from the currently dominant supply-side argument to an integrated, intersectoral and multi-scalar policy system for making cities more affordable.
Promoting Resilience in Child Welfare (Actexpress)
by Robert J. Flynn M. Peter Dudding G. James BarberAlmost twenty years ago, conceptual work began in the United Kingdom on what was to become the international Looking After Children initiative. Looking After Children has had a profound influence on child welfare in Canada and some fifteen other countries, including the UK, Australia, Sweden, and Hungary. It has sharpened the developmental focus and improved the quality of services for children and adolescents who, because of abuse, neglect, extreme poverty, or other circumstances, live in out-of-home care. With its emphasis on high expectations, positive substitute parenting, and good short-term and long-term outcomes, Looking After Children has been an important vehicle for promoting resilience in child welfare, one that will remain a beneficial influence in Canada and internationally for many years to come.
Promoting Sustainable Living: Sustainability as an Object of Desire (Routledge Studies in Sustainability)
by Justyna Karakiewicz Audrey Yue Angela PaladinoCurrent images of sustainability are often designed to instil fear and force change, not because we believe in it, but because we fear the consequences of inaction. Moving away from negative portrayals of sustainability, this book identifies the factors that motivate people to aspire towards sustainable living. It introduces the notion of sustainability as an "object of desire" that will allow people not to be scared of the future but rather to dream about it and look forward to a better quality of life. Tracing the history of major changes in our society that have dramatically altered our perceptions, beliefs and attitudes about sustainability, the book analyses the role of communications in persuading people of the benefits of sustainable living. It describes our current desires and dreams and explains why we need to change. Finally, the book suggests what could be done to not only make sustainability an object of desire, but also introduce hopes and dreams for a better future into our everyday lives. This inspiring and interdisciplinary book provides innovative insights for researchers, students and professionals in a range of disciplines, in particular environment and sustainability, sustainable marketing and advertising, and psychology.
Promoting Sustainable Local and Community Economic Development (ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy)
by Roland V. AnglinGrowing local economies, empowering communities, revitalizing downtowns, developing entrepreneurship, building leadership, and enhancing nonprofits — you can achieve all these benefits and more with a comprehensive and strategic revitalization plan. Chronicling the struggle of local revitalization as organizers move from trial and error to effective revitalization strategies, Promoting Sustainable Local and Community Economic Development documents the current transformation in community revitalization from market-based incentives to mixed strategies of public sector learning, partnerships, and community capacity. Knowledge about the field and what works is growing, but not always publicized and readily accessible. This reference surveys the breadth of innovative place and people development practices, presenting lessons and examples at a general and textured level, putting information about innovative ways to change, influence, and improve the economic development process within easy reach. Roland Anglin brings his unique vantage point to the topic; his experience as a practitioner and applied academic allowed him to see how community economic development practices grow over time in size, scale, and impact. He highlights the difference between what is now termed community economic development (CED) and traditional local economic development practice, specifically the priority placed on community involvement in economic development partnerships between the private sector and government. The book includes case studies that demonstrate what has and has not worked in revitalization efforts, as well as how active public and private sector partnerships have been the most effective in revitalization efforts. A Resource Guide is included at the end of the book for readers who may want a more expansive understanding of community economic development.
Promoting the Sustainable Development Goals in North American Cities: Case Studies & Best Practices in the Science of Sustainability Indicators (Sustainable Development Goals Series)
by David B. Abraham Seema D. IyerThis volume presents North American best practices and perspectives on developing, managing and monitoring indicators to track development progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in local communities and cities. In 4 main sections, the book presents and frames the many ways in which community indicator programs are either integrating or retooling to integrate the SDGs into their existing frameworks, or how they are developing new programs to track and report progress on the SDGs. This is the first volume that focuses on SDG adoption within the context of North Americans cities and communities, and the unique issues and opportunities prevalent in these settings. The chapters are developed by experienced academics and practitioners of community planning and sustainable development, and will add broad perspective on public policy, organizational management, information management and data visualization. This volume presents a case-study approach to chapters, offering lessons that can be used by three main audiences: 1) teachers and researchers in areas of urban, regional, and environmental planning, urban development, and public policy; 2) professional planners, decision-makers, and urban managers; and 3) sustainability activists and interested groups.
Promoting Urban Social Justice through Engaged Communication Scholarship: Reimagining Place (Routledge Social Justice Communication Activism Series)
by George VillanuevaBased on the author’s scholar-activist interventions to promote social justice in cities, this book highlights the role engaged communication scholarship can play in fostering a more equitable future. Through three innovative case studies situated in South Los Angeles, the book illustrates engaged communication scholarship projects grounded in design criteria that are social justice-oriented, place-based, collaborative, and public. It models university-community partnerships that promote positive social change in marginalized communities that stand to benefit the most from university resources, guiding readers in how these partnerships can be incorporated into social justice-oriented curriculum and engaged learning projects. It provides strategic recommendations for how "in community" communication research and media practices can be used to build local power in marginalized urban neighborhoods, and calls for communication’s research, pedagogy, epistemologies, practices, ethics, politics, and community engagement to purposefully serve the concerns of marginalized groups in society. The book will be of interest to researchers and social change practitioners interested in solution-oriented work in cities within the fields of research methods, organizational communication, urban planning, public policy, sociology, and social work.
Promoting Walking and Cycling: New Perspectives on Sustainable Travel
by Colin G PooleyPromoting walking and cycling proposes solutions to one of the most pressing problems in contemporary British transport planning. The need to develop more sustainable urban mobility lies at the heart of energy and environmental policies and has major implications for the planning of cities and for the structure of economy and society. However, most people feel either unable or unwilling to incorporate travel on foot or by bike into their everyday journeys. This book uses innovative quantitative and qualitative research methods to examine in depth, and in an international and historical context, why so many people fail to travel in ways that are deemed by most to be desirable. It proposes evidence-based policy solutions that could increase levels of walking and cycling substantially. This book is essential reading for planners and policy makers developing and implementing transport policies at both national and local levels, plus researchers and students in the field of mobility, transport, sustainability and urban planning.
Promotion of Green Electricity in Germany and Turkey: A Comparison with Reference to the WTO and EU Law (European Yearbook of International Economic Law #33)
by Onur Cagdas ArtantasThe global energy economy is undergoing a profound transformation, yielding several pivotal objectives. Foremost among these is mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and toxic pollutants. Another essential goal involves promoting more sustainable economies, thereby curbing material consumption and reducing our reliance on resource extraction. Further priorities include fostering energy security and economic resilience by reducing dependence on external energy sources. All these aims overlap in one common policy: accelerating the renewable energy capacity deployment. Complementing this paradigm shift is the complete electrification of economic activities and households, resulting in the need to incentivize green electricity generation. In this context, this book undertakes a comprehensive exploration of the regulatory framework underpinning the advancement of green electricity. After reviewing the political and economic dimensions, it offers an exhaustive analysis of ongoing developments in four legal domains: The WTO, EU, Germany, and Turkey. Furthermore, the book presents a legal analysis of the intricate interplay between the WTO and EU law coupled with the German and Turkish models. It focuses on the most topical and relevant issues, including the effect of the ongoing energy crisis on state aid for green electricity in the EU; WTO case law on local content requirement components of the promotion schemes; the intricate legal, economic, and political challenges that accompany Germany’s Energiewende and its phasing out of coal and nuclear energy; and Turkey’s regulatory endeavors to bolster its energy self-sufficiency strategy. Following a thorough examination encompassing theoretical, regulatory, and comparative aspects, the book moves beyond the applicable legal framework to make concrete proposals on the future design of green electricity promotion in Germany and Turkey so as to facilitate a rapid but socially equitable energy transition by incentivizing economic efficiency.
Prompt and Utter Destruction: Truman and the use of Atomic Bombs Against Japan,Revised Edition
by J. Samuel WalkerIn this concise account of why America used atomic bombs against Japan in 1945, J. Samuel Walker analyzes the reasons behind President Truman's most controversial decision.