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Showing 72,701 through 72,725 of 100,000 results

Protection of Civilians and Individual Accountability: Obligations and Responsibilities of Military Commanders in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (Routledge Research in the Law of Armed Conflict)

by Lenneke Sprik

This book explores the question of whether peacekeeping commanders can be held accountable for a failure to protect the civilian population in the mission area. This requires an assessment of whether peacekeeping commanders have an obligation to act against such serious crimes being committed under domestic and international law. The work uses the cases of the Dutch and Belgian peacekeeping commanders in Srebrenica and Kigali as examples, but it also places the analysis into the context of contemporary peacekeeping operations. It unfolds two main arguments. First, it provides a critical note to the contextual interpretation given to international law in relation to peacekeeping. It is argued that establishing a specific paradigm for peacekeeping operations with clear rules of interpretation and benchmark criteria would benefit peacekeeping and international law by making the contextual interpretation of international law redundant. Second, it is held that alternative options to the existing forms of criminal responsibility for military commanders should be considered, possibly focusing more clearly on failing to fulfil a norm of protection that is specific to peacekeeping and distinct from protective obligations under international human rights law and international humanitarian law.

Protection of Civilians in UN Peacekeeping Operations: Legal Responsibility and Accountability (Routledge Research in the Law of Armed Conflict)

by Aminul Islam

This book discusses the legal responsibility of UN peacekeepers for the protection of civilians under international legal regimes, particularly international human rights law, international humanitarian law, international refugee law, and occupation law. It considers both negative and positive obligations, that is, a duty to respect or not violate a particular right directly and a duty to take positive action to secure or protect a particular right, respectively. In addition, it describes the standards and methods, as well as their strengths and weaknesses, by which actors in UN peacekeeping operations, including the UN, troop contributing countries, and individual peacekeepers, can be held accountable for third-party claims and allegations of criminal misconduct against UN peacekeepers for violations of responsibility in peacekeeping operations. The work will be a valuable resource for academics, researchers, and policy-makers working in the areas of International Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law, and International Relations.

The Protection of Cultural Heritage During Armed Conflict: The Changing Paradigms

by Noelle Higgins

This book analyses the current legal framework seeking to protect cultural heritage during armed conflict and discusses proposed and emerging paradigms for its better protection. Cultural heritage has always been a victim of conflict, with monuments and artefacts frequently destroyed as collateral damage in wars throughout history. In addition, works of art have been viewed as booty by victors and stolen in the aftermath of conflict. However, deliberate destruction of cultural sites and items has also occurred, and the Intentional destruction of cultural heritage has been a hallmark of recent conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa, where we have witnessed unprecedented, systematic attacks on culture as a weapon of war. In Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Mali, extremist groups such as ISIS and Ansar Dine have committed numerous acts of iconoclasm, deliberately destroying heritage sites, and looting valuable artefacts symbolic of minority cultures. This study explores how the international law framework can be fully utilised in order to tackle the destruction of cultural heritage, and analyses various paradigms which have recently been suggested for its better protection, including the Responsibility to Protect paradigm and the peace and security paradigm. This volume will be an essential resource for scholars and practitioners in the areas of public international law, especially international humanitarian law and cultural heritage law.

Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (In Association with UNESCO)

by Jiri Toman

At the request of UNESCO, Jiri Toman, Acting Director of the Henry Dunant Institute in Geneva has written this detailed analysis of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict - still the only universal legal instrument in this field. The author has used the materials that emerged from the preparatory work for the Convention and has taken numerous examples from UNESCO’s records about the application of the Convention in conflicts over the last 40 years to illustrate this article-by-article commentary on the Convention itself, the Regulations for its Execution, and its Protocol. The author establishes parallels with other international legal instruments such as the 1977 Protocols Additional to the 1949 Geneva Conventions or the other UNESCO conventions relating to cultural heritage and puts forward ideas for a more general study of the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict and the legal and practical ways of achieving this. This work should satisfy the expectations of politicians and those responsible for culture in the countries that are States Parties to the Convention, now numbering more than 80, and of those that are considering becoming parties to it, given the increasing calls being made for the international community to have greater powers to defend the cultural heritage from attacks to which it is too often exposed in armed conflicts today.

The Protection of Diplomatic Personnel

by J. Craig Barker

The recent emergence of many new states and the creation of a large number of international institutions have resulted in considerable growth in the number of persons having diplomatic status. However, an unfortunate side-effect of this growth has been a corresponding increase in the number of attacks on diplomatic personnel, as symbolic figures diplomats are targets for all types of political violence. This book provides an in-depth examination of the legal and non-legal regimes directed towards the protection of diplomatic personnel around the world. It examines the theoretical and practical justifications for the granting of special protection to such personnel and also particular recent developments in international law relating to the prevention of terrorism and the development of international criminal law, including the International Criminal Court.

The Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Africa

by Chirwa Danwood Mzikenge Lilian Chenwi

The Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Africa critiques the three main models of constitutionally protecting economic, social and cultural rights in Africa - direct, indirect and hybrid models. It examines the choices that states have made, how the models have worked, whether they have been tested in litigation and the jurisprudence that has arisen. The book analyses the protection of the economic, social and cultural rights in a range of African countries: Angola, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Uganda. Leading legal academics explore how these rights feature at the regional and sub-regional levels, as well as the link between domestic and international mechanisms of enforcement.

Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe: The Challenge of Integration

by Sonia Morano-Foadi Stelios Andreadakis

This monograph offers a longitudinal analysis of the developments in the European fundamental rights arena during the last decade. Decisions of critical importance on the future of the EU need to be taken by the EU institutions and the Member States' governments. The ‘existential’ crisis affecting Europe is essentially a crisis of values revealing a lack of shared vision. Based on this premise, this monograph contributes to the debate on how to overcome the current impasse. By situating the analysis of the EU in the context of a wider Europe, which includes the ECHR (and its interpretation by the ECtHR), this work challenges the idea that the project of European integration should be abandoned. Instead it proposes a re-orientation of this process, conceptualised as a dynamic interaction of different actors, sources and laws on fundamental rights within the wider Europe. Following an evaluation of the current fundamental rights’ regimes, the monograph proposes a model of effective governance of fundamental rights in Europe based on the doctrines of dialogical constitutionalism and agency. This original and innovative contribution is enriched by findings from British Academy funded research on the European architecture of fundamental rights post-Lisbon Treaty.

The Protection of Fundamental Rights in OLAF Composite Enforcement Procedures

by Koen Bovend'Eerdt

This book focuses on OLAF, the European Union’s anti-fraud office, and examines the role of and challenges concerning fundamental rights in OLAF’s composite enforcement procedure. The mission of OLAF (Office Européen de Lutte Antifraude) is to fight fraud, corruption and any other illegal activities that affect the financial interests of the European Union. To this end, OLAF carries out administrative investigations, in which it gathers evidence itself, and coordination cases, in which it coordinates the Member States’ investigations. OLAF’s investigation and coordination efforts are conceived of as mere derivatives of other more traditional forms of law enforcement cooperation in which authorities enter into obligations to cooperate with one another, but in which each acts to fulfill these obligations within its own separately identifiable legal order and on the basis of its own law. This system, in its most conventional form, is founded on the notion of territorial sovereignty. If we extend the logic of this approach from enforcement (the ‘sword’) to fundamental rights (the ‘shield’), issues in relation to the latter – and the accompanying responsibility to prevent and/or remedy them – can arise only in individual (sovereign) legal orders. The way in which we view OLAF, as an evolved cognate of traditional forms of law enforcement cooperation, therefore directly dictates which fundamental rights issues enter into the equation, and in which manner.This book proposes an innovative way of looking at OLAF, which we refer to as ‘composite enforcement procedures.’ In this type of procedure, responsibilities for the entirety of enforcement are attributed to inextricably interlinked European Union and Member State legal orders. If we observe OLAF through this new lens, fundamental rights issues that would otherwise go unnoticed come to the forefront. These are issues that arise not in individual legal orders, but rather between or among the European Union and the Member States. This book addresses these fundamental rights challenges and makes concrete recommendations on how they can be addressed and resolved.

Protection of Global Biodiversity: Converging Strategies

by Jeffrey Mcneely Lakshman D. Guruswamy

The rate of extinction of biological species is greater today than at any time in the last 65 million years. Some predict that if this rate continues, two-thirds of all living species will disappear during the next century. Because reaching consensus on specific courses of action involves complex issues, any adequate response to this impending crisis must include coverage of many areas of inquiry and understanding. Protection of Global Biodiversity features essays by distinguished international experts who communicate with each other across disciplinary boundaries to address the challenge of formulating policies to protect biodiversity.Although the global community has recently adopted a Convention of Biological Diversity, the agreement sets forth only abstract goals. Contributors to this volume advance the Convention's initial steps by providing workable solutions that can be implemented regionally, nationally, and locally. The contributors--including natural, social, and political scientists; economists; lawyers; and environmentalists; and decisionmakers in business, agriculture, and government--have united to create a common discourse and to evaluate and propose strategies for halting this alarming loss of biodiversity. In recognizing the diverse aspects of this task--scientific, economic, institutional, moral, and legal--this book presents a new picture of emerging action.Contributors. S. James Anaya, Gregory Benford, Graciela Chichilnisky, S. Todd Crider, Yvonne Cripps, Robert T. Fraley, Anil K. Gupta, Lakshman D. Guruswamy, G. M. Heal, Brent Hendricks, Robert B. Horsch, Laura L. Jackson, Annie Lovejoy, Ariel E. Lugo, Jeffrey A. McNeely, Brian G. Norton, Elinor Ostrom, Peter H. Raven, John W. Reid, Walter V. Reid, Mark Sagoff, Roger A. Sedgo, R. David Simpson, Ana Sittenfeld, Christopher D. Stone, Gary H. Toenniessen

Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons in the Asia Pacific Region: Shifting Powers (Law, Ethics And Governance Ser.)

by Rowena Maguire Angus Francis

The chapters in this book explore the impact of recent shifts in global and regional power and the subsequent development and enforcement of international refugee protection standards in the Asia Pacific region. Drawing on their expertise across a number of jurisdictions, the contributors assess the challenges confronting the implementation of international law in the region, as well as new opportunities for extending protection norms into national and regional dialogues. The case studies span key jurisdictions across the region and include a comparative analysis with China, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Australia. This topical and important book raises critical questions for the Asia Pacific region and sheds light on the challenges confronting the protection of refugees and displaced persons in this area. Interdisciplinary in its approach, it will be of interest to academics, researchers, students and policy-makers concerned with the rights and protection of refugees.

The Protection Officer Training Manual (7th edition)

by International Foundation for Protection Officers

This revised edition retains the exceptional organization and coverage of the previous editions and is designed for the training and certification needs of first-line security officers and supervisors throughout the private and public security industry. * Completely updated with coverage of all core security principles * Course text for the Certified Protection Officer (CPO) Program * Includes all new sections on information security, terrorism awareness, and first response during crises.

The Protection Paradox: How the UN Can Get Better at Saving Civilian Lives (Human Rights Interventions)

by Conor Foley

The book provides an up to date and authoritative account of how the UN is re[1]thinking its obligations to protect civilians during conflicts. Based on hundreds of interviews with senior UN officials and humanitarian protection staff in headquarters and in the field and a review of the UN´s ´grey literature´. It also draws on the author´s own experience of working on human rights and protection in some of the world´s most violent conflicts. It is written not about what the UN ought to do – or how it could have behaved differently in an abstract or theoretically ideal world – but what the UN is actually doing to fulfil the fundamental purposes set forth in its Charter.

Protective Operations: A Handbook for Security and Law Enforcement

by Glenn McGovern

A reference for law enforcement and security organizations tasked with protecting the welfare of an individual or groups of individuals, this volume offers suggestions and guidance for confronting high-threat scenarios as well as the more mundane protective details. Detailing the essence of protective operations that are run, in large part, covertly, the book explores operational security, situational awareness, and surveillance detection and includes examples from real-world attacks occurring over the past sixty years. Focusing on the economics of providing the most protection for the least cost, it also addresses issues surrounding possible direct violations of the law and department policy and procedures.

The Protective State (Elements in Public Policy)

by Christopher Ansell

The modern state protects citizens from many different harms, from industrial accidents to airline crashes. This Element illuminates a distinctive politics of protection that transcends policy sectors as diverse as criminal justice, consumer protection, and public health. Adopting a comparative and historical perspective, the Element identifies common drivers of protective state-building as well as cross-national differences in the politics of protection. The Element concludes by examining political theories of the protective state, which seek to defend and critique the obligations for and the limits of state protection.

The Protective Tariff in Canada's Development: Eight Essays on Trade and Tariff When Factors Move with Special Reference to Canadian Protectionism, 1870-1955

by J. H. Dales

Canadian historians have always looks favourably on Macdonald's national policies, including the protective tariff. On the other hand, the canons of economic theory have little or nothing to say in favour of protection. Professor Dales attempts in these essays to bridge this gap between trade theory and the standard interpretation of Canadian development. In the first three essays he is concerned with relaxing the rigorous assumptions of labour and capital immobility that characterize theoretical writings on international trade in order to make them more applicable to Canada, for it must be recognized that large movements of labour and capital both into and out of the country have been one of the most important features of the Canadian economy today. The next three chapters discuss the probable historical effects of Canadian protection in the light of the modified theory. Professor Dales makes statistical comparisons between the economic development of Canada and the United States in order to identify the main differences between the patterns of economic growth in the two countries and to throw light on the large and persistent gap between the Canadian and American standards of living. The last two essays are in the nature of provocative "squibs" designed to break up some of the hard-core conventional wisdom about the Canadian economy. Although free trade versus protection has long been a dormant issue in policy discussions, it never quite disappears from the scene. Professor Dales persists in thinking that free trade—with all countries and unilaterally if necessary—is the best policy for Canada. The controversial issues raised by these essays are of the highest importance not only to historians and economists but to all in any way concerned with the public policies of this country. The book focuses our attention on a basic antinomy of Canadian life and thought that has been little recognized and by its stimulating analysis will help to form the shape of our continuing "nation-alysis."

Protector of the Small

by Tamora Pierce

NOTE: This series is a sequel to two earlier series by Tamora Pierce: Song of the Lioness and The Immortals. It is not necessary, however, to read the first two series to enjoy these books. They said a girl could NEVER be a knight... PROTECTOR OF THE SMALL First Test Page Squire Lady Knight. Ten long years have come and gone since the Kingdom of Tortall proclaimed that girls could take on a page's training. At long last, one young girl has come forward: Keladry of Mindelan. Kel and her family spent several years in the Yamani Islands, where she received warrior training in the arts of self-control and weaponry. Her aptitude seems clear, but the training master, Lord Wyldon of Cavall, fears that women are too weak to serve. Since her parents are highly regarded by the court, Lord Wyldon gives in, but on one condition: Kel must serve a one-year probation. Kel is furious, but she feels compelled to accept. She longs to become a knight like her heroine, Alanna the Lioness, the King's Champion. Drawing on her Yamani training, Kel braces herself against the hazing of her classmates, who believe that no girl is good enough to serve side by side with a boy. But this girl is determined to succeed. Kel refuses to let anyone or anything-including fearsome Immortal monsters such as the Spidren, Tauros or Hurroks-prey on the weak or the small. And this determination will stand her in good stead, as she readies herself for a future that includes an evil sorcerer who is the greatest monster of all....

The Protectors

by Kathiann M. Kowalski

It takes commitment to overcome interests that stand in the way of protecting the environment. Meet three people who weren't afraid to speak up to protect natural areas—and us.

Protectors of the Land and Water: Environmentalism in Wisconsin, 1961-1968

by Thomas R. Huffman

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, Wisconsin citizens have promoted innovative environmental programs. During the 1960s Wisconsin was again at the forefront of the movement advancing mainstream political environmentalism. Thomas Huffman traces the rise of environmentalism in the Badger State during these key years, when the people of Wisconsin instituted policies in such areas as outdoor recreation and resource planning, water pollution control, the preservation of wild rivers, and centralized environmental management. Huffman focuses especially on the influence of Senator Gaylord Nelson, a Democrat and founder of Earth Day, and Governor Warren Knowles, a Republican. He shows that their efforts--and the efforts of their followers in citizen groups, the business and university communities, and the state government--clearly indicate that the origins of environmentalism cannot be placed along a left-right political spectrum. Rather, the movement evolved from an interweaving of liberal and conservative ideologies and from important traditions and precedents within the state's environmental culture. What happened in Wisconsin is particularly significant, Huffman points out, because of the effect of that state's example on other states and the federal government.Originally published in 1994. A UNC Press Enduring Edition -- UNC Press Enduring Editions use the latest in digital technology to make available again books from our distinguished backlist that were previously out of print. These editions are published unaltered from the original, and are presented in affordable paperback formats, bringing readers both historical and cultural value.

The Protege (Christian Gillette #2)

by Stephen Frey

Having survived his rise to Chairman of Everest Capital, the world's largest private equity firm, and the ferocious attempts on his life that ensued, Christian Gillette finally seems safely perched atop the financial industry. He's just accepted Everest's largest private investment, he's poised to takeover his ex-rival's sinking firm, and he's just embarked on his firm's most exciting venture to date, buying the NFL's newest team -- the Las Vegas Twenty-Ones. Plus, one of his young employees -- an ambitious deal maker named David Wright -- has caught his eye. Wright reminds Gillette of himself just a few years back, and he's drawn to the thought of teaching the wunderkind everything the ups and downs of the industry. But everything comes to a screeching halt when a shadowy man calls him to a meeting, requesting a favor and offering in return new information about Gillette's father and his still mysterious death.Christian Gillette can't stand to be controlled, but he also can't afford to lose a chance at finally learning something substantive about his father's death. And as he becames more entangled with the strange deal, and the frantic pace of business continues without his full attention, he feels his grip on Everest weakening -- and soon realizes his life is once more in desperate jeopardy. When all signs begin to point to David Wright, Gillette realizes that his toughest decision as Chairman lies directly ahead...From the Hardcover edition.

Protest!: A History of Social and Political Protest Graphics

by Liz McQuiston

An authoritative, richly illustrated history of six centuries of global protest artThroughout history, artists and citizens have turned to protest art as a means of demonstrating social and political discontent. From the earliest broadsheets in the 1500s to engravings, photolithographs, prints, posters, murals, graffiti, and political cartoons, these endlessly inventive graphic forms have symbolized and spurred on power struggles, rebellions, spirited causes, and calls to arms. Spanning continents and centuries, Protest! presents a major new chronological look at protest graphics.Beginning in the Reformation, when printed visual matter was first produced in multiples, Liz McQuiston follows the iconic images that have accompanied movements and events around the world. She examines fine art and propaganda, including William Hogarth’s Gin Lane, Thomas Nast’s political caricatures, French and British comics, postcards from the women’s suffrage movement, clothing of the 1960s counterculture, the anti-apartheid illustrated book How to Commit Suicide in South Africa, the “Silence=Death” emblem from the AIDS crisis, murals created during the Arab Spring, electronic graphics from Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution, and the front cover of the magazine Charlie Hebdo. Providing a visual exploration both joyful and brutal, McQuiston discusses how graphics have been used to protest wars, call for the end to racial discrimination, demand freedom from tyranny, and satirize authority figures and regimes.From the French, Mexican, and Sandinista revolutions to the American civil rights movement, nuclear disarmament, and the Women’s March of 2017, Protest! documents the integral role of the visual arts in passionate efforts for change.

Protest-Aktivist*innen der Umweltschutz-Bewegung im Netz und auf der Straße: Voraussetzungen und Motive für Partizipation (Medien der Kooperation – Media of Cooperation)

by Lisa Villioth

Dieses Open-Access-Buch untersucht mit Fokus auf einzelne Bürger*innen fallspezifisch und empirisch den Handlungs- und Wirkungszusammenhang von Straßenprotest und Online-Aktivismus im Bereich der Umweltschutz-Bewegung. Eine ganze Bandbreite von Online- und Offline-Protestpraktiken erlaubt es Bürger*innen heutzutage, sich in politische Prozesse einzumischen, Öffentlichkeit für bestimmte Themen zu erzeugen und Politiker*innen und Unternehmen unter Druck zu setzen. Online ist hierbei jedoch nicht zwangsläufig Ersatz für Offline. In vielen Situationen von Protestpartizipation ergänzen sich Elemente beider Sphären. Warum entschließen sich Bürger*innen, ganz spezifischen Praktiken – online wie offline – nachzugehen und anderen Praktiken nicht? Welche Vor- und Nachteile benennen sie für die einzelnen ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Formate? Die Arbeit steht im Schnittfeld unterschiedlicher politikwissenschaftlicher Forschungsfelder wie der Protestforschung, der politischen Partizipationsforschung und der Forschung rund um das Thema Digitalisierung. Basierend auf 18 Leitfaden-Interviews und einer ausführlichen Analyse werden sechs Typen von Protest-Aktivist*innen gebildet.

Protest and Democracy: How Movement Parties, Social Movements and Active Citizens Are Reshaping Europe

by Christina Neumayer Claudius Wagemann Dan Mercea Lorenzo Mosca Toma Burean

This book offers an interdisciplinary analysis of the interplay between protest and institutions during an era of multiple crises in Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania and the UK. Focusing on the interaction between citizens, social movements and movement parties, and questions of democratic quality related to participation, competition and responsiveness, it considers the role of traditional and social media when connecting institutional and non-institutional arenas. Building on insights from political science, sociology and communication studies, it combines an original cross-national survey, interviews, media analysis, document analysis, statistical analytical techniques, critical discourse analysis, social network analysis and natural language processing, in a comparative perspective.

Protest and Dissent: NOMOS LXII (NOMOS - American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy #3)

by Melissa Schwartzberg

Essays on the justification, strategy, and limits of mass protests and political dissent In Protest and Dissent, the latest installment of the NOMOS series, distinguished scholars from the fields of political science, law, and philosophy provide a fresh, interdisciplinary perspective on the potential—and limits—of mass protest and disobedience in today’s age. Featuring ten timely essays, the contributors address a number of contemporary movements, from Black Lives Matter and the Women’s March, to Occupy Wall Street and Standing Rock. Ultimately, this volume challenges us to re-imagine the boundaries between civil and uncivil disagreement, political reform and radical transformation, and democratic ends and means. Protest and Dissent offers thought-provoking insights into a new era of political resistance.

Protest and Mass Mobilization: Authoritarian Collapse and Political Change in North Africa

by Merouan Mekouar

Why and how do some acts of protest trigger mass mobilization while others do not? Using the cases of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya, Mekouar argues that successful mass mobilization is the result of a surprise factor, whose impact and exceptionality is amplified by the presence of influential political agents during the early phase of protest, as well as by regime violence and unusual media coverage. Together this study argues that these factors create a perception of exceptionality, which breaks the locally available cognitive heuristic originally in favor of the regime, and thus creates the necessary conditions for mobilization to occur. This book provides a unique dialectical picture of mobilization in North Africa by focusing both on the perspective of those who mobilized against their local regimes and members of the security forces who were responsible for stopping them. Moreover, it offers a first-hand account of the tumultuous days preceding authoritarian collapse and explains the mechanisms through which political change occurs.

Protest and Organization in the Alternative Globalization Era

by Heather Gautney

This study looks at the ongoing efforts of the Alternative Global Movement and World Social Forum to reconcile contests over political organization among three of the most prominent groups on the contemporary left - social and liberal democratic NGOs, anti-authoritarian (anarchist) social movements, and political parties.

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