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Public Preferences and Institutional Designs: Israel and Turkey Compared
by Niva Golan-NadirThis book explores the existence of gaps between public preferences and institutional designs in democracies, and specifically cases in which such gaps are maintained for a long period of time without being challenged by the electorate. Gaps such as these can be seen in the complex relations between the state and religion in Israel and Turkey, and more specifically in their policies on marriage. This line of investigation is interesting both theoretically and empirically, as despite their poles apart policies, Israel and Turkey share a similar pattern of institutional dynamics. Existing explanations for this phenomenon suggested either civil society-based arguments or intra-institutional dynamics, as reasons for the maintenance of such gaps. This book enriches our understanding of policy dynamics in democratic systems by introducing a third line of argument, one that emphasizes the effective role state institutions play in maintaining such arrangements for long periods, often against the public will.
Public/Private Interplay in Social Protection
by Martin Rein Lee RainwaterThis accessible introductory text discusses how people in a pluralistic society such as ours can accept a common social ethic - a publicly justified morality. It presents analyses of the basic concepts, including justifications of liberty, harm to others, private property rights, distributive justice, environmental harms, help to others and offensive behaviour. Gaus acquaints the reader with the major figures in social philosophy - John Stuart Mill, Jeremy Bentham, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, David Hume, John Rawls, David Gauthier, and Joel Feinberg - as well as recent communitarian philosophers. The basic technical aspects of social philosophy are also introduced: game theory, social choice theory, the ideas rational action, rational bargaining, and public goods. Throughout, helpful short examples and stories are used to illustrate the material.
Public Private Partnership for Desertification Control in Inner Mongolia
by Zhongju Meng Xiaohong Dang Yong GaoIn terms of China’s current situation, the prevention and control of land degradation and the development of innovative sustainable land management activities lie within the purview of public works. Further, public-private partnerships (PPPs) hold considerable potential for application in this field. Inner Mongolia is one of the Chinese provinces hardest hit by land degradation. Fortunately, after years of dedicated efforts, meaningful achievements have been made: the increasing participation of the people as a whole, combined with growing investments in land degradation prevention and ecological construction on the part of private enterprises, has to some extent compensated for the lack of government involvement. Further, Inner Mongolia has been a pioneer in the use of PPPs for the prevention and control of land degradation, which has yielded numerous ecological, social and economic benefits. To better promote the development of ecological construction and expand the participation in land degradation control, this book systematically studies the use of PPPs in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, drawing on field investigations and case analyses to do so. Its main goal is to explore a public-private partnership model that can effectively expand the scale of investment in land degradation prevention and sustainable land management.
Public-Private Partnership Projects in Infrastructure
by Jeffrey DelmonInvestment in infrastructure is critical to economic growth, quality of life, poverty reduction, access to education, healthcare, and achieving many of the goals of a robust economy. But infrastructure is difficult for the public sector to get right. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) can help; they provide more efficient procurement, focus on consumer satisfaction and life cycle maintenance, and provide new sources of investment, in particular through limited recourse debt. But PPPs present challenges of their own. This book provides a practical guide to PPPs for policy makers and strategists, showing how governments can enable and encourage PPPs, providing a step-by-step analysis of the development of PPP projects, and explaining how PPP financing works, what PPP contractual structures look like, and how PPP risk allocation works in practice. It includes specific discussion of each infrastructure sector, with a focus on the strategic and policy issues essential for successful development of infrastructure through PPPs.
Public Private Partnerships: Construction, Protection, and Rehabilitation of Critical Infrastructure (Competitive Government: Public Private Partnerships)
by Simon Hakim Robert M. ClarkThis book discusses Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and their potential to protect and maintain critical infrastructure in a variety of global governmental settings. Critical infrastructure is defined as essential services that underpin and support the backbone of a nation's economy, security, and health. These services include the power used by homes and businesses, drinking water, transportation, stores and shops, and communications. As governmental budgets dwindle, the maintenance of critical infrastructure and the delivery of its related services are often strained. PPPs have the potential to fill the void between government accounting and capital budgeting. This volume provides a survey of PPPs in critical infrastructure, combining theory and case studies to provide a comprehensive view of possible applications. Written by a diverse group of international experts, the chapters detail PPPs across industries such as transportation, social infrastructure, healthcare, emergency services, and water across municipalities from the US to New Zealand to Hong Kong. Chapters discuss objectives and legal requirements associated with PPPs, the potential advantages and limitations of PPPs, and provide guidance as to how to structure a successful PPP for infrastructure investment. This book is of interest to researchers studying public administration, public finance, and infrastructure as well as practitioners and decision makers interested in instituting PPPs in their communities.
Public Private Partnerships: Principles for Sustainable Contracts
by Veronica Vecchi Francesca Casalini Niccolò Cusumano Velia M. LeoneBy merging public and private tangible and intangible capitals, Public Private Partnerships contracts (PPP) are fundamental to generate public value and to support economic and social development; in the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic, they prove critical to pave the way for the recovery. This book is intended to support the co-evolution of the main public and private players involved in PPP contracts for infrastructure and service delivery, by providing principles, based on the academic and professional experience of the authors, that can be applied across sectors and jurisdictions. Drawing on the framework of public-private collaborations at macro, meso and micro level, this book provides a practical perspective on the most relevant legal, financial and contractual issues of PPP contracts for infrastructure and service delivery.
Public Private Partnerships and Constitutional Law: Accountability in the United Kingdom and the United States of America
by Nikiforos MeletiadisAnnually, the government commits significant expenditure to a type of public contracts which are known as Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) or the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). These contracts bind the public purse for decades in sectors such as Health, Defence and Detention, and involve the assignment of a significant role to the private sector in the provision of public services. This book explores the controversial subject of the public accountability of these contracts, and the corresponding large sums of public money involved. It explains how public accountability works for PPPs and the PFI, and it argues that it should be provided as part of the Economic Constitution. Drawing comparative understandings from the UK and the USA constitutional legal traditions, the book investigates public accountability from the perspective of the Economic Constitution, focusing on three accountability criteria - legal, accounting and administrative. In doing so, it provides an analysis which informs both from the perspective of academic research and from that of legal and consulting practice.
Public-Private Partnerships in Health Care in India: Lessons for developing countries (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)
by A. Venkat Raman James Warner BjörkmanPublic-private partnerships are increasingly advocated to alleviate deficiencies in the public health system as well as to reduce economic stress on those who seek services from an expensive, burgeoning and unregulated private health sector. Focusing on India, this book examines how the private sector in developing countries is tapped to deliver health care services to poor and under-served sections of society through collaborative arrangements with the government. Having emerged as a key reform initiative, aspects of public-private partnership are examined such as the genesis of private sector partnerships, the ways in which the private sector is encouraged to deliver public health services, and the models and formats that make such partnerships possible. Based on in-depth case studies from different states of India and drawing on experiences in other countries, the authors analyse challenges, opportunities and benefits of implementing public-private partnerships and explore whether partnership with the private sector can be designed to deliver health care services to the poor as well as the consequences for beneficiaries. This book will be of interest to scholars of public policy and development administration, health policy and development economics as well as South Asian Studies.
Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure
by Kumar V. Pratap Rajesh ChakrabartiThe book provides readers with a clear understanding of infrastructure challenges, how Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) can help, and their use in practice. Infrastructure bottlenecks are generally considered the most important constraint to growth in many countries worldwide. Historically, infrastructure projects have been financed and implemented by the state. However, owing to the fiscal resource crunch, time and cost over-runs, and the general poor quality of publicly provided infrastructure, many emerging market governments, including India, have increasingly adopted PPPs with billions of dollars of investment riding on them. The results have been varied - from spectacular airports like the Delhi International Airport Limited with the associated controversy over land use, to the renegotiation of contracts as in the case of Tata Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project. Illustrating concepts with relevant case studies, the book makes the challenges of PPPs understandable to industry and management practitioners as well as students of management, public policy and economics. It is useful to practitioners wishing to avoid the pitfalls in the tricky terrain of PPPs and policymakers wanting guidance in crafting proper incentives. It also helps students gain a holistic and "applied" understanding of this increasingly important and popular model.
Public Private Partnerships in Nigeria
by George NwangwuThisfirst major book on Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in Nigeria explores thelegal, policy and strategic issues involved in the structuring and execution ofPPP projects in Nigeria. The book goes beyond the toolkit approach ofother available resources to blend the theoretical analysis of concepts withpractical step-by-step guides for consummating projects. The book adopts amultidisciplinary approach by integrating law, economics, finance and projectmanagement literature, relying on the author's extensive experience in thefield to give clear insights on the PPP concept. The case study methodology employed inthe book produces rich and compelling empirical results. This book is suitablefor beginners wishing to develop an understanding of the concept, as well aspractitioners advising on PPPs. Students and academics wishing to carry outfurther research on PPPs will also benefit from the book.
Public-Private Partnerships in the USA: Lessons to be Learned for the United Kingdom (Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management)
by Tony WallBroadly, a Public-Private Partnership (or PPP) is any collaboration between the public and private sector, but research in the UK has tended to focus on those that have been used for major infrastructure projects, such as roads, schools, and hospitals. This book compares and contrasts PPP research in the UK with that of cases in the USA, including interviews with some of the key stakeholders (decision makers in the public sector, contractors, and users) of PPPs in North America, and observations of PPPs in action (such as schools and roads). No prior major studies have compared the UK and USA when it comes to the development and operation of PPPs, and this book fills a gap in the literature, addressing a number of key questions, including: Is the private sector viewed with less suspicion in the USA when it comes to projects that would normally fall under the aegis of the public sector? How do politics affect PPPs? How do key players in the PPP process define project success, determine the merits and drawbacks of the initiative, and deal with controversial elements of the scheme such as value for money and risk transfer? The result is a volume that offers practical advice for the future development of PPPs in the UK.
Public-private Relations in Totalitarian States
by Gabriel BarhaimThis book argues that the transition by Western society to late modernity has weakened the social order, creating a quasi-anomic state that favors those conditions that place culture in a position of prominence. The preponderance of culture over social, with its affinity for profane and its immanent nature, is posited by the author to have a major impact on the fabric of social life and its implications especially on social solidarity. Gabriel A. Barhaim employs a number of ideas and concepts to illuminate the central theme of a feeble social order. Such concepts are, among others, crisis of reference, desacralization of the social order, the predominance of individual networks as a new form of social solidarity, overpowering of the public sphere, and the reduction in authority of collective representations. The persistent crisis of the social order-strongly visible in the disappearance of major ideologies on the one hand, and in the disintegration of the state and its institutions on the other hand-has been the impetus to cultural phenomena whose prevailing themes encode the fate of individuals, both symbolically and expressively. Barhaim regards the social order as the inspiring scene of action, while culture, with its diverse modes of expressions, provides guiding commentaries. In grappling with these topics in each chapter, the analysis reveals the many facets of culture and the many symbolic forms it takes. All of this provides the necessary commentaries needed to make sense of a bewildered social life, in the context of late modernity. These commentaries should be viewed mostly as a path to understanding the pressing social arrangements, interactions, practices, of contemporary life. Three out of the eight chapters are concerned with the East-Central European experience.
Public-Private Stewardship: Achieving Value-for-Money in Public-Private Partnerships
by Joshua M. SteinfeldThis book offers a defense acquisition perspective that provides action orientations and decision making to increase the value-for-money (VFM) of public-private partnerships (PPPs) through public-private stewardship (PPS). The differing motives of the public and the private sector are not conducive to partnership that leads to optimal outcomes. PPS is offered to practitioners and academics as a solution to failures of PPPs by following the public stewardship tenets of fiduciary responsibility and advancing the public interest while factoring in the additional elements of the private sector. The public values of transparency, accountability, responsibility, responsiveness, efficiency, effectiveness, equity, diversity, inclusion, fairness, and security, among others, can be shared in success between the public and private partners. By establishing shared values aligning with each stakeholder’s measures for success, it is possible to devise value propositions for stakeholder decision making that supports inter-organizational strategy, operations, tactics, goals, and objectives. PPS practices can further ensue as the public-private steward utilizes tools of expertise and organizational capacity. The book provides seven portraits of practitioners in the practice of PPS to assist PPP stakeholders achieve VFM. PPS is illustrated using examples in the Department of Navy (DON) and Department of Defense (DOD).
Public Probity and Corruption in Chile (Routledge Corruption and Anti-Corruption Studies)
by Patricio SilvaIn most Latin American countries, key officials and political figures have been involved in big corruption scandals in the last decade, leading to a rigorous academic debate on the possible socio-economic, political and cultural factors responsible for corrupt practices across the region. This book takes a different approach by focusing on Chile, which shows the lowest levels of corruption in the region. Instead of analysing notoriously bad cases in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela, this book explores the factors which have led to a relatively high degree of public probity among power holders in Chile. Public Probity and Corruption in Chile presents a long-term historical analysis demonstrating that public probity in Chile has its roots in the colonial period, and that public and state responses have historically shown a low level of tolerance for public cases of corruption. In particular, the author highlights the role played by relative poverty and lack of resources, geographical remoteness, the impact of the Arauco War against the Mapuche people, the militarisation of both government and public administration, the extreme oligarchic nature of the Chilean aristocracy, the early consolidation of state institutions and the rule of law, high levels of political stability and the role played by patriotism. Studying an example of better practice in detail in this way provides valuable insights into the factors and actors which can help to prevent or to revert the phenomenon of public corruption in the region more generally. As such, this book will be of interest to researchers of corruption and public probity both in Chile and further afield.
Public Problems - Private Solutions?: Globalizing Cities in the South
by Simon RaiserCities and city regions are undergoing rapid transformation. They are prime locations of innovation, while at the same time facing growing problems of spatial fragmentation and social exclusion. By addressing these problems, cities become forerunners for new patterns of governance, which include increasingly private actors. While research on 'global' cities has focused primarily on the world's leading financial and economic centres, comparative research on the changing role of large, complex cities in the developing world is less advanced. But it is here, where public problems are most seriously threatening the cohesion of urban society and where the need for new answers is most urgent. Illustrated by in-depth examinations of four city regions: Shanghai, Mumbai, Johannesburg and São Paulo, this book readdresses this balance. The book revisits the same set of cities from different angles, thereby reflecting urban contradictions, juxtapositions, and disjunctures.
Public Procurement, Corruption and the Crisis of Governance in Africa
by Nirmala Dorasamy Omololu FagbadeboThis book establishes a nexus between corruption in public procurement and the prevailing crisis of governance in Africa. The African continent is characterised by the growing concern for the deteriorating human security. In the midst of these woes, African political leaders are known for their stupendous wealth and riches through expropriation of national resources for personal benefits. This growing inequality in the continent has become a major driver for a series of violent and criminal activities, which have added to the worsening governance crisis. Thus, the abuse of public power for advancing private gain constitutes an impediment to effective public service delivery, thereby engendering a crisis of governance. The consequence of this is not limited to the socio-economic growth and welfare of citizens, but it often also jeopardizes the democratic credentials and objectives of the state.
Public Procurement for Innovation: Research and Development at the US Federal Level (Routledge Research in Public Administration and Public Policy)
by Dolores Kuchina-Musina Benjamin McMartinIn this book, nationally recognized public procurement experts Dolores Kuchina-Musina and Benjamin McMartin present a comprehensive analysis of the alternative contract vehicles used to promote innovation in the United States (US). Kuchina-Musina and McMartin begin by introducing the innovation policy environment in the US, addressing current trends in the workforce, decreased investment in research and development (R&D), and how technology is increasing at a rapid speed. They then go on to discuss key terms and subjects to show how public procurement and innovation policy are tied together. Diving deeper, Kuchina-Musina and McMartin examine the pathways the federal government uses such as the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) part 12 acquisition, a review of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, and non-FAR-based contract overview with a specific focus on Other Transaction Authorities (OTA). Using the new Department of Defense (DoD) prototype OTA that was enacted in November 2015, Kuchina-Musina and McMartin conclude by presenting a methodology for examining the effectiveness of OTs. Specifically, they show the way the government is evaluating the DoD statute and discussions on some of the additional guidance the DoD uses to implement this authority. Bringing academic literature on innovation policy and applying it to the practitioner environment, Public Procurement for Innovation provide its audience an understanding of models, methods, and techniques the US uses to promote the development of innovative technologies and products. Clearly written and impeccably researched, the book fills a huge void in the literature on public procurement.
Public Procurement in Chinese Law and Practice (State Governance)
by Xiang XianshengThis book aims to present an overview of government procurement of public services in China. It introduces three types of government procurement of public service and analyzes the legal boundaries, legal subjects, purchasing methods, regulation and legal remedy system around it. At the end, the ways of improving law system are brought up for policy suggestion. It helps readers understand how procurement of public services proceeds in China.
Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy
by Veiko Lember Rainer Kattel Tarmo KalvetThis book maps the latest developments in public procurement of innovation policy in various contexts and analyzes the evolution and development of the various policy solutions in broader institutional contexts. In doing so, it addresses significant theoretical and practical gaps: On the one hand, there is an emerging interest in public procurement as a policy tool for spurring innovation; yet on the other hand, the current theory, with some notable exceptions, is guided and often constrained by historical applications, above all in the defence industries. By carefully examining the cases of eleven countries, the book points to the existence of much more nuanced public procurement on the innovation policy landscape than has been acknowledged in the academic and policy debates to date.
Public Procurement of Energy Efficiency Services
by Brian Henderson Xiaoyu Shi Dilip R. Limaye Jas SinghThe current universal concerns about global energy security, competitiveness, and environmental protection make energy efficiency more important than ever. However, realizing large-scale savings has proven a significant challenge due to many barriers. 'Public Procurement of Energy Efficiency Services' looks at a largely untapped energy efficiency market - the public sector. While the efficiency potential in this sector is substantial, the implementation of energy savings programs has been complicated by a number of factors, such as insufficient incentives to lower energy costs, rigid budgeting and procurement procedures, and limited access to financing. The book looks at energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs) as a means of overcoming some of these barriers. Because public facilities can outsource the full project cycle to a commercial service provider, ESPCs can enable public agencies to solicit technical solutions, mobilize commercial financing, and assign performance risk to third parties, allowing the agency to pay from a project's actual energy savings. The recommendations in this book stem from case studies that identified approaches, models, and specific solutions to ESPC procurement, including budgeting, energy audits, and bid evaluation. Such an approach also offers enormous potential to bundle, finance, and implement energy efficiency projects on a larger scale in the public sector, which can yield further economies of scale. ESPCs can also serve as an attractive element for fiscal stimulus packages and efforts by governments to 'green' their infrastructure, which can create local jobs, reduce future operating costs, and mitigate their carbon footprint. Lower energy bills, in turn, help to create fiscal space in future years to meet other critical investment priorities. Bundled public sector energy efficiency projects can help stimulate local markets for energy efficiency goods and services and 'lead by example', demonstrating good practices and providing models to the private sector.
Public Procurement Reform and Governance in Africa
by S. N. NyeckThis book presents an interdisciplinary exploration of the governance of public procurement reform in Africa. Through a bottom-up approach to case studies and comparative analyses, scholars, practitioners, and social activists write about the organizational mechanisms and implementation gaps in public procurement governance in light of the general premises of national reform. Reforming the ways in which government purchases works, goods, and services from the private sector is one of the most sweeping policy reform undertaken in Africa in the past decade. Despite the transnational scope of policy change, very little is known about the mechanisms of public procurement governance at the subnational level. The argument in this volume is that policy reforms that mitigate contractual hazards along the three-dimensional "law-politics-business matrix" are more likely to bring about meaningful institutional transformation and broader social accountability. Key to substantive transformation of public procurement is the revitalization and professionalization of the public sector to meet the opportunities and challenges of development by contract.
Public Procurement Regulation in Africa
by Geo Quinot Sue ArrowsmithPublic procurement regulation in Africa is not widely researched. To address the shortage of scholarship in this area and to promote future research, this book analyses the law governing public procurement in a number of African systems and looks at key themes relevant to all African states. Part I discusses the regulatory regimes of nine African systems using a common framework, providing both a focused view of these African systems and an accessible comparative perspective. In Part II, key regulatory issues in public procurement that are particularly relevant in the African context are assessed through a comparative approach. The chapters consider the influence of international regulatory regimes (particularly the UNCITRAL Model Law on procurement) on African systems and provide insights into the way public procurement regulation is approached in Africa.
Public Procurement’s Place In The World
by Francesco Decarolis Marco FreyThis volume addresses different issues related to green innovation procurement as well as exploring the challenges involved in public procurement. It offers a broad array of perspectives, addressing both general, abstract problems of optimal public procurement and concrete cases of national or even local public procurement systems.
Public Produce: The New Urban Agriculture
by Darrin NordahlPublic Produce makes a uniquely contemporary case not for central government intervention, but for local government involvement in shaping food policy. In what Darrin Nordahl calls "municipal agriculture," elected officials, municipal planners, local policymakers, and public space designers are turning to the abundance of land under public control (parks, plazas, streets, city squares, parking lots, as well as the grounds around libraries, schools, government offices, and even jails) to grow food. Public agencies at one time were at best indifferent about, or at worst dismissive of, food production in the city. Today, public officials recognize that food insecurity is affecting everyone, not just the inner-city poor, and that policies seeking to restructure the production and distribution of food to the tens of millions of people living in cities have immediate benefits to community-wide health and prosperity. This book profiles urban food growing efforts, illustrating that there is both a need and a desire to supplement our existing food production methods outside the city with opportunities inside the city. Each of these efforts works in concert to make fresh produce more available to the public. But each does more too: reinforcing a sense of place and building community; nourishing the needy and providing economic assistance to entrepreneurs; promoting food literacy and good health; and allowing for "serendipitous sustenance." There is much to be gained, Nordahl writes, in adding a bit of agrarianism into our urbanism.
The Public Productivity and Performance Handbook (Public Administration and Public Policy)
by Marc Holzer Andrew BallardA productive society is dependent upon high-performing government. This third edition of The Public Performance and Productivity Handbook includes chapters from leading scholars, consultants, and practitioners to explore all of the core elements of improvement. Completely revised and focused on best practice, the handbook comprehensively explores managing for high performance, measurement and analysis, costs and finances, human resources, and cutting-edge organizational tools. Its coverage of new and systematic management approaches and well-defined measurement systems provides guidance for organizations of all sizes to improve productivity and performance. The contributors discuss such topics as accountability, organizational effectiveness after budget cuts, the complementary roles of human capital and “big data,” and how to teach performance management in the classroom and in public organizations. The handbook is accompanied by an online companion volume providing examples of performance measurement and improvement manuals across a wide variety of public organizations. The Public Performance and Productivity Handbook, Third Edition, is required reading for all public administration practitioners, as well as for students and scholars interested in the state of the public performance and productivity field.