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The Quality of Society, Volume II: Essays on the Unified Theory of Capitalism

by Adolfo Figueroa

This book articulates a unified theory of capitalism as an attempt to provide a comprehensive scientific theory of this social system. A unified theory of capitalism is not the combination of the predominant economic theories—neoclassical, classical, and Keynesian—so as to make them compatible. It is not a composite economic theory. It is a new economic theory. Predictions of the theory’s models were consistent with eight basic empirical regularities of capitalism dealing with economic growth, income inequality, employment level, and environment degradation. Therefore, the unified theory can be accepted as a good approximation of the real capitalist world. But the models were constructed at a high level of abstraction. Also problematic was the need to work out more fully the public policy implications of the theory. It is, therefore, no wonder that essays on the unified theory to answer these questions are a natural outcome of a new scientific endeavor attempting to reach a unity of knowledge in economics.

The Quality of Society, Volume III: Essays on the Unified Theory of Capitalism

by Adolfo Figueroa

This book contains another set of essays dealing with the fundamental economic problems of our time: inequality, environment degradation, and social disorder, which are analyzed in light of the unified theory of capitalism. This theory is a scientific endeavor that seeks to explain the capitalist system taken by parts and then taken as a whole, as a unified theory. By parts, the theory analyzes the First World and the Third World and also the short run, long run, and very long run economic processes, showing why and how economic growth has led to a new epoch, with ecological equilibrium disruption, known as the Anthropocene Age. The empirical predictions of the theory are proven to be consistent with the available facts. Therefore, the theory can be accepted as a good representation of the real-world capitalism; moreover, its derived causality relations become inputs for the debate on the needed science-based policies for the new age. Indeed, this book proposes structural policies to change the way capitalism operates, through changes in its basic institutions, mainly the electoral democracy, which would certainly imply a re-foundation of the capitalist system.

The Quality of Territorial Policies in Europe’s Periphery: Urban Regeneration and Environmental Protection (Urban and Landscape Perspectives #22)

by Mauro Tebaldi Marco Calaresu

This book focuses on territorial policies as instruments for local development in Europe’s periphery. Using a multiple-case research design in three typical case studies in the context of the Mediterranean island of Sardinia (Italy), we empirically test the hypothesis that the institutionalisation of the governance system is an independent variable that is capable of influencing the quality of public policy, intended as a dependent variable. According to this hypothesis, the two above-mentioned variables tend to change according to a linear and direct correlation: upward variation of the degree of institutionalisation of the governance system tends to correspond to upward variation in the quality of the policy, and vice versa. In our conclusions, we discuss the descriptive and prescriptive implications of the empirical findings of the research for the local development of peripheral areas. Regarding the descriptive implications, we explain how territorial policy-making can be articulated, based on the degree of institutionalisation of the governance system and the quality of the territorial policies. Regarding the prescriptive implications, we identify the best practices for territorial governance in order to improve the chances of local development in Europe’s periphery.

Quality Standards, Value Chains, and International Development

by Johan Swinnen

Over the past decades, the world has witnessed an unprecedented growth in global value chains, propelled by increasingly demanding quality standards. These trends lead to concerns about the impact of value chains on development and poverty and about the possible protectionist nature of quality standards in rich countries. This book offers the first integrated theoretical analysis of the economic and political factors which determine the level of quality standards, as well as their economic effects along the value chain. Using realistic assumptions motivated by empirical research, the theoretical framework in this book makes it possible to study the efficiency effects as well as the distributional consequences of one of the most striking evolutions affecting global trade and development today.

Quality Teaching and the Capability Approach: Evaluating the work and governance of women teachers in rural Sub-Saharan Africa (Routledge Research in Education)

by Alison Buckler

This book provides an analytical exploration of the condition of teachers working in expanding school systems across the world, with a particular focus on the lives of women teachers in rural Sub-Saharan Africa. Drawing from award-winning research, it looks beyond the official portrayals of teachers’ lives in order to better understand the reality of the contexts in which teachers live and work. Positioning Amartya Sen’s capability approach at the heart of the study, each chapter considers documentary evidence alongside ethnographic research from rural, remote and under-resourced schools in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa and Sudan. Interweaving rich narratives from teachers in a variety of contexts, the book proposes a concept of professional capability and examines female teachers’ agency to pursue and achieve this in their classrooms. This key examination challenges existing notions of ‘quality education’ and reveals insights into the broader purpose of schooling for rural communities. Quality Teaching and the Capability Approach will be of value to researchers, academics and postgraduate students in education, particularly those concerned with gender, development and teaching, as well as educationalists and policy makers concerned with education and development.

Quality Unknown: The Invisible Water Crisis

by Richard Damania Sébastien Desbureaux Aude-Sophie Rodella Russ

Water quantity—too much in the case of floods, or too little in the case of droughts—grabs public attention and the media spotlight. Water quality—being predominantly invisible and hard to detect—goes largely unnoticed. Quality Unknown: The Invisible Water Crisis presents new evidence and new data that call urgent attention to the hidden dangers lying beneath water’s surface. It shows how poor water quality stalls economic progress, stymies human potential, and reduces food production. Quality Unknown examines the effects of water quality on economic growth and finds upstream pollution lowers growth in downstream regions. It reveals that some of the most ubiquitous contaminants in water, such as nitrates and salt, have impacts that are larger, deeper, and wider than has been acknowledged. And it traces the damage to crop yields and the stark implications for food security in affected regions. An important step toward tackling the world’s water quality challenge is recognizing its scale. The world needs reliable, accurate, and comprehensive information so that policy makers can have new insights, decision making can be evidence based, and citizens can call for action. The report calls for a paradigm shift that emphasizes safer, and often more cost-effective remedies that prevent pollution by combining smarter policies with newer technologies. A key message of Quality Unknown is that such solutions exist and change is possible.

Quality Work in Higher Education: Organisational and Pedagogical Dimensions (Higher Education Dynamics #54)

by Mari Elken Peter Maassen Monika Nerland Tine S. Prøitz Bjørn Stensaker Agnete Vabø

This book focuses on quality work in higher education, and examines the relationship between the organizational and pedagogical dimensions of quality work in higher education. Bringing together different disciplinary traditions, including educational science, sociology, and organisational studies, it addresses the following principal research question: How is quality work carried out in higher education?The book addresses a wide variety of academic, administrative and leadership practices that are involved in quality work in higher education institutions. The chapters in this book examine core issues crucial in the design and content of study programs, such as modes of teaching, learning and curricula design, as well as institutional practices regarding assessment and quality enhancement. The introductory and concluding chapter present an overarching focus on quality work as a lens to analyse intentional activities within higher education institutions directed at how study programmes and courses are designed, governed, and operated.

Quand la vérité fait mal: mentir pour être gentil

by Bella Depaulo

De la spécialiste de la supercherie, Bella DePaulo: Que se passe-t-il lorsque les gens veulent être honnêtes, mais s'ils disent la vérité, cela nuira aux sentiments des autres? Quand la vérité fait mal: mentir pour être gentil La plupart des gens apprécient l'honnêteté. Ils veulent dire la vérité. Ils apprécient également la gentillesse. Parfois, cependant, l'honnêteté et la gentillesse se heurtent. Cela arrive quand dire la vérité serait blessant, mais être gentil implique de mentir. Comment les gens négocient-ils ce choc des nobles intentions? Quand la vérité fait mal: mentir pour être gentil est un petit livre en deux parties. La partie 1 est adaptée de ce chapitre: DePaulo, Bella M., Morris, Wendy L. et Sternglanz, R. Weylin (2009). Quand la vérité fait mal: tromperie au nom de la gentillesse. Dans Anita L. Vangelisti (Ed.), Se sentir blessé dans les relations étroites (pp. 167-190). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Dans la partie 2, les questions que divers journalistes ont posées au professeur DePaulo au fil des ans sont rassemblées et répondues. La première partie a été écrite pour un public savant mais tout lecteur intelligent sera en mesure de la comprendre. La deuxième partie a été écrite pour un large public.

Quando A Verdade Dói: A Mentira Em Nome Da Gentileza

by Bella Depaulo Mayara Leal

A maioria das pessoas valorizam a honestidade. Elas querem dizer a verdade. E elas também valorizam a gentileza. Porém, às vezes, a honestidade e a gentileza colidem. Isso acontece quando dizer a verdade seria doloroso, mas ser gentil envolveria contar uma mentira. Como as pessoas lidam com esse conflito de nobres intenções? Quando a Verdade Dói: A Mentira em Nome da Gentileza é um livro com duas partes. Na primeira, vamos examinar os vários tipos de mentiras que as pessoas contam para poupar os sentimentos dos outros. Vamos explorar tanto as mentiras bondosas que as pessoas contam diariamente, sem muita premeditação ou desconforto, como as mentiras mais graves que as pessoas já contaram ou ouviram. Quando as pessoas têm de escolher entre a verdade e a gentileza, quais fatores fazem com que a balança penda mais para um sentido ou o outro? Você verá algumas respostas a essa pergunta e também as táticas que usamos quando queremos evitar magoar alguém sem contar uma mentira deslavada. Na parte dois, eu apresento uma compilação de questões relevantes para o tema deste livro que vários repórteres já me perguntaram ao longo dos anos, e então compartilho minhas respostas. Essa parte é dividida em três: A psicologia das mentiras pequenas Diferenças entre os sexos na mentira cotidiana Mentindo nos relacionamentos Compre este livro e descubra mais sobre o mundo das mentiras.

Quangos: Trends, Causes And Consequences

by Sandra van Thiel

This title was first published in 2001. This sustained and rigorous theoretical treatment of the choices made by politicians regarding quasi-autonomous non-governmental organizations (quangos) makes compelling reading for both practitioners and academics alike.

QUANGOs and Local Government: A Changing World

by Howard Davis

There is now an appointed world of local governance sitting alongside elected government.this publication seeks to develop understanding of the changing world of local governance and thus contribute to wider debates. The impact of these changes will continue to be felt for many years to come whoever is in government.

Quantico (Quantico #1)

by Greg Bear

The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem has been blown to bits by extremists, and, in retaliation, thousands have died in another major attack on the United States. Now the FBI has been dispatched to deal with a new menace. A plague targeted to ethnic groups--Jews or Muslims or both--has the potential to wipe out entire populations. But the FBI itself is under political assault. There's a good chance agents William Griffin, Fouad Al-Husam, and Jane Rowland will be part of the last class at Quantico. As the young agents hunt a brilliant homegrown terrorist, they join forces with veteran bio-terror expert Rebecca Rose. But the plot they uncover--and the man they chase--prove to be far more complex than anyone expects.


by Joe Whitworth

Google, Apple, Amazon, Uber: companies like these have come to embody innovation, efficiency, and success. How often is the environmental movement characterized in the same terms? Sadly, conservation is frequently seen as a losing battle, waged by well-meaning, but ultimately ineffective idealists. Joe Whitworth argues it doesn't have to be this way. In fact, it can't be this way if we are to maintain our economy, let alone our health or the planet's. In Quantified, Whitworth draws lessons from the world's most tech-savvy, high-impact organizations to show how we can make real gains for the environment. The principles of his approach, dubbed quantified conservation, will be familiar to any thriving entrepreneur: situational awareness, bold outcomes, innovation and technology, data and analytics, and gain-focused investment. This no-nonsense strategy builds on the inspirational environmental work begun in the 1970s, while recognizing that the next economy will demand new solutions. As President of The Freshwater Trust, Whitworth has put quantified conservation into practice, pioneering the model of a "do-tank" that is dramatically changing how rivers can get restored across the United States. The stories in Quantified highlight the most precious of resources--water--but they apply to any environmental effort. Whether in the realm of policy, agriculture, business, or philanthropy, Whitworth is charting a new course for conservation.

Quantified: Redefining Conservation for the Next Economy

by Joe S. Whitworth

Google, Apple, Amazon, Uber: companies like these have come to embody innovation, efficiency, and success. How often is the environmental movement characterized in the same terms? Sadly, conservation is frequently seen as a losing battle, waged by well-meaning, but ultimately ineffective idealists. Joe Whitworth argues it doesn't have to be this way. In fact, it can't be this way if we are to maintain our economy, let alone our health or the planet's. In Quantified, Whitworth draws lessons from the world's most tech-savvy, high-impact organizations to show how we can make real gains for the environment. The principles of his approach, dubbed quantified conservation, will be familiar to any thriving entrepreneur: situational awareness, bold outcomes, innovation and technology, data and analytics, and gain-focused investment. This no-nonsense strategy builds on the inspirational environmental work begun in the 1970s, while recognizing that the next economy will demand new solutions. As President of The Freshwater Trust, Whitworth has put quantified conservation into practice, pioneering the model of a "do-tank" that is dramatically changing how rivers can get restored across the United States. The stories in Quantified highlight the most precious of resources--water--but they apply to any environmental effort. Whether in the realm of policy, agriculture, business, or philanthropy, Whitworth is charting a new course for conservation.

Quantifying Climate Risk and Building Resilience in the UK

by Suraje Dessai Kate Lonsdale Jason Lowe Rachel Harcourt

This open access book draws together key research from the UK Climate Resilience programme. It focuses on topics central to the programme’s research agenda, including improved characterisation and quantification of climate risks, enhanced understanding of the management of climate risks, and the development and delivery of climate services. Key chapters address the challenges inherent to undertaking resilience research, including how to make the term ‘climate resilience’ usable and useful, co-producing research between academics, policy makers and practitioners, and engaging and communicating outside of academia. This book is unique in providing a concise and accessible overview of the programme’s key lessons, placing the findings into a wider context and it will inform future research, policy and practice agendas.

Quantitative Approaches To Political Intelligence: The CIA Experience

by Richards Heuer

Bridging the gap between the scientific approach to international relations and the intuitive analysis of the government foreign affairs specialist, this book reports on a concerted effort by the CIA to apply modern social science methods to problems confronted by political intelligence analysts. The unique experience gained through this CIA progra

Quantitative Datenanalyse: Eine Einführung mit SPSS (Studientexte zur Soziologie)

by Markus Tausendpfund

Das Buch bietet eine Einführung in die quantitative Datenanalyse mit dem Statistikprogramm SPSS. Es werden Kenntnisse vermittelt, um einfache Analysen selbstständig durchführen zu können. Dazu gehören der Download von Sekundärdatensätzen, die sachgemäße Kodierung von Variablen (Datenaufbereitung), die uni- und bivariate Datenanalyse sowie multivariate Analyseverfahren. Für eine möglichst praxisnahe Darstellung werden die einzelnen Analysen auf Basis der ALLBUS-Daten 2014 illustriert. Dabei werden die zentralen Befehle (Syntax) vorgestellt, die für die Datenanalyse mit SPSS erforderlich sind.

Quantitative Easing and Its Impact in the US, Japan, the UK and Europe

by Kjell Hausken Mthuli Ncube

This volume empirically analyzes the effects of quantitative easing (QE) on interest rates and the economy in the US, Japan, UK and Europe. Using an event-study methodology, the authors find that the measures undertaken by the Federal Reserve and Bank of England, which focus primarily on bond purchases, are much more effective in lowering interest rates than those undertaken by the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank, which have relied more heavily on lending to private financial institutions. Using large Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) models they also analyze the impact of QE on the wider economy. They produce no-QE counterfactual forecasts that are compared with their corresponding baseline forecasts, incorporating the effects of QE on government bond spreads. Despite the failure of stimulating economic activities as a whole, the simulation results suggest that the unconventional monetary policies have a positive influence on industrial production in the US, UK and Japan. The authors' analysis finds that QE contributes to the reduction in unemployment in the US and Japan, and a rise in inflation-expectations in the US, UK and Euro zone. However, evidence on QE's effect on house prices, stock prices, consumer confidence, and exchange rate, is mixed and thus inconclusive.

Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics

by Adil H. Mouhammed

This book provides a brief yet rigorous introduction to various quantitative methods used in economic decision-making. It has no prerequisites other than high school algebra. The book begins with matrix algebra and calculus, which are then used in the book's core modes. Once the reader grasps matrix theory and calculus, the quantitative models can be understood easily, and for each model there are many solved examples related to business and economic applications.

Quantitative Methods for the Social Sciences: A Practical Introduction with Examples in R (Springer Texts in Political Science and International Relations)

by Daniel Stockemer Jean-Nicolas Bordeleau

This textbook offers an essential introduction to survey research and quantitative methods with clear instructions on how to conduct statistical tests with R. Building on the premise that we need to teach statistical methods in a holistic and practical format, the book guides students through the four main elements of survey research and quantitative analysis: (1) the importance of survey research, (2) preparing a survey, (3) conducting a survey and (4) analyzing a survey. In detail, students will learn how to create their own questionnaire on the basis of formulating hypotheses; sampling participants; disseminating their questionnaire; creating datasets; and analyzing their data. The data analytical sections of this revised and extended edition explain the theory, rationale and mathematical foundations of relevant bivariate and multi-variate statistical tests. These include the T-test, F-test, Chi-square test and correlation analyses, as well as bivariate and multivariate regression analyses. In addition, the book offers a brief introduction to statistical computing with R, which includes clear instructions on how to conduct these statistical tests in R. Given the breadth of its coverage, the textbook is suitable for introductory statistics, survey research and quantitative methods classes in the social sciences.

Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction

by Kosuke Imai

An introductory textbook on data analysis and statistics written especially for students in the social sciences and allied fieldsQuantitative analysis is an increasingly essential skill for social science research, yet students in the social sciences and related areas typically receive little training in it—or if they do, they usually end up in statistics classes that offer few insights into their field. This textbook is a practical introduction to data analysis and statistics written especially for undergraduates and beginning graduate students in the social sciences and allied fields, such as economics, sociology, public policy, and data science.Quantitative Social Science engages directly with empirical analysis, showing students how to analyze data using the R programming language and to interpret the results—it encourages hands-on learning, not paper-and-pencil statistics. More than forty data sets taken directly from leading quantitative social science research illustrate how data analysis can be used to answer important questions about society and human behavior.Proven in the classroom, this one-of-a-kind textbook features numerous additional data analysis exercises and interactive R programming exercises, and also comes with supplementary teaching materials for instructors.Written especially for students in the social sciences and allied fields, including economics, sociology, public policy, and data scienceProvides hands-on instruction using R programming, not paper-and-pencil statisticsIncludes more than forty data sets from actual research for students to test their skills onCovers data analysis concepts such as causality, measurement, and prediction, as well as probability and statistical toolsFeatures a wealth of supplementary exercises, including additional data analysis exercises and interactive programming exercisesOffers a solid foundation for further studyComes with additional course materials online, including notes, sample code, exercises and problem sets with solutions, and lecture slidesLooking for a more accessible introduction? Consider Data Analysis for Social Science by Elena Llaudet and Kosuke Imai, which teaches from scratch and step-by-step the fundamentals of survey research, predictive models, and causal inference. It covers descriptive statistics, the difference-in-means estimator, simple linear regression, and multiple linear regression.

Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction in Stata

by Kosuke Imai Lori D. Bougher

The Stata edition of the groundbreaking textbook on data analysis and statistics for the social sciences and allied fieldsQuantitative analysis is an increasingly essential skill for social science research, yet students in the social sciences and related areas typically receive little training in it—or if they do, they usually end up in statistics classes that offer few insights into their field. This textbook is a practical introduction to data analysis and statistics written especially for undergraduates and beginning graduate students in the social sciences and allied fields, such as business, economics, education, political science, psychology, sociology, public policy, and data science.Quantitative Social Science engages directly with empirical analysis, showing students how to analyze data using the Stata statistical software and interpret the results—it emphasizes hands-on learning, not paper-and-pencil statistics. More than fifty data sets taken directly from leading quantitative social science research illustrate how data analysis can be used to answer important questions about society and human behavior.Proven in classrooms around the world, this one-of-a-kind textbook features numerous additional data analysis exercises, and also comes with supplementary teaching materials for instructors.Written especially for students in the social sciences and allied fields, including business, economics, education, psychology, political science, sociology, public policy, and data scienceProvides hands-on instruction using Stata, not paper-and-pencil statisticsIncludes more than fifty data sets from actual research for students to test their skills onCovers data analysis concepts such as causality, measurement, and prediction, as well as probability and statistical toolsFeatures a wealth of supplementary exercises, including additional data analysis exercises and interactive programming exercisesOffers a solid foundation for further studyComes with additional course materials online, including notes, sample code, exercises and problem sets with solutions, and lecture slides

Quantitative Techniques for Competition and Antitrust Analysis

by Peter Davis Eliana Garcés

This book combines practical guidance and theoretical background for analysts using empirical techniques in competition and antitrust investigations. Peter Davis and Eliana Garcés show how to integrate empirical methods, economic theory, and broad evidence about industry in order to provide high-quality, robust empirical work that is tailored to the nature and quality of data available and that can withstand expert and judicial scrutiny. Davis and Garcés describe the toolbox of empirical techniques currently available, explain how to establish the weight of pieces of empirical work, and make some new theoretical contributions. The book consistently evaluates empirical techniques in light of the challenge faced by competition analysts and academics--to provide evidence that can stand up to the review of experts and judges. The book's integrated approach will help analysts clarify the assumptions underlying pieces of empirical work, evaluate those assumptions in light of industry knowledge, and guide future work aimed at understanding whether the assumptions are valid. Throughout, Davis and Garcés work to expand the common ground between practitioners and academics.

Quantum Decision Theory and Complexity Modelling in Economics and Public Policy (New Economic Windows)

by Anirban Chakraborti Emmanuel Haven Sudip Patra Naresh Singh

This book is an outcome of the interdisciplinary conference held at OP Jindal Global University (Quantum Decision-making and Complexity modeling, and their possible applications in social sciences- economics, finance and public policy). The volume builds upon the emerging fields of Econophysics, Complexity theory and Quantum like modelling in cognition and social sciences, and their plausible applications in economics and public policy. There can be deep linkages between the micro, meso and macro scales at which these paradigms operate. In this data-driven age, greater amounts of information, along with the facility to harvest, sort and process said information, have permitted an expansion of the capability to study a society’s various factors to a degree of detail and inclusiveness that has never before been available to researchers. As a result, an increasing number of throughlines is being discovered, revealing heretofore unknown connections between various disciplines and enhancing the study of such societal tropes as finance, language, shared behavior, and many others. As the reader will see, with clearer understanding of the interconnectedness of society’s assorted parts comes a clearer understanding of the society as a whole. We have received critical thoughts from noted experts in social and natural sciences to explore possible interconnections. The editors of this book earnestly hope that the critical reviews presented in this volume will stimulate further scholarly interest, but also interest among policy practitioners for the purpose of exploring possibilities for creating a new paradigm for comprehending pressing issues of deep uncertainty and emergence in social dynamics.

Quantum Social Theory for Critical International Relations Theorists: Quantizing Critique (Palgrave Studies in International Relations)

by Michael P. Murphy

This book examines the crossroads of quantum and critical approaches to International Relations and argues that these approaches share a common project of uncovering complexity and uncertainty. The “quantum turn” in International Relations theory has produced a number of interesting insights into the complex ways in which our assumptions about the physics of the world around us can limit our understanding of social life. While critique is possible within a Newtonian social science, core assumptions of separability and determinism of classical physics impose limits on what is imaginable. The author argues that by adopting a quantum imaginary, social theory can move beyond its Newtonian limits, and explore two methods for quantizing conceptual models—translation and application. This book is the first introductory book to quantum social theory ideas specifically intended for an audience of critical International Relations.

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