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The Questions of Tenure
by Richard P. ChaitTenure is the abortion issue of the academy, igniting arguments and inflaming near-religious passions. To some, tenure is essential to academic freedom and a magnet to recruit and retain top-flight faculty. To others, it is an impediment to professorial accountability and a constraint on institutional flexibility and finances. But beyond anecdote and opinion, what do we really know about how tenure works? In this unique book, Richard Chait and his colleagues offer the results of their research on key empirical questions. Are there circumstances under which faculty might voluntarily relinquish tenure? When might new faculty actually prefer non-tenure track positions? Does the absence of tenure mean the absence of shared governance? Why have some colleges abandoned tenure while others have adopted it? Answers to these and other questions come from careful studies of institutions that mirror the American academy: research universities and liberal arts colleges, including both highly selective and less prestigious schools. Lucid and straightforward, The Questions of Tenure offers vivid pictures of academic subcultures. Chait and his colleagues conclude that context counts so much that no single tenure system exists. Still, since no academic reward carries the cachet of tenure, few institutions will initiate significant changes without either powerful external pressures or persistent demands from new or disgruntled faculty.
The Queue
by Elisabeth Jaquette Basma Abdel AzizSet against the backdrop of a failed political uprising, The Queue is a chilling debut that evokes Orwellian dystopia, Kafkaesque surrealism, and a very real vision of life after the Arab Spring.In a surreal, but familiar, vision of modern day Egypt, a centralized authority known as 'the Gate' has risen to power in the aftermath of the 'Disgraceful Events,' a failed popular uprising. Citizens are required to obtain permission from the Gate in order to take care of even the most basic of their daily affairs, yet the Gate never opens, and the queue in front of it grows longer. Citizens from all walks of life mix and wait in the sun: a revolutionary journalist, a sheikh, a poor woman concerned for her daughter's health, and even the brother of a security officer killed in clashes with protestors. Among them is Yehia, a man who was shot during the Events and is waiting for permission from the Gate to remove a bullet that remains lodged in his pelvis. Yehia's health steadily declines, yet at every turn, officials refuse to assist him, actively denying the very existence of the bullet. Ultimately it is Tarek, the principled doctor tending to Yehia's case, who must decide whether to follow protocol as he has always done, or to disobey the law and risk his career to operate on Yehia and save his life. Written with dark, subtle humor, The Queue describes the sinister nature of authoritarianism, and illuminates the way that absolute authority manipulates information, mobilizes others in service to it, and fails to uphold the rights of even those faithful to it.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Qui Es-Tu ? Ella la Princesse enchantée
by Agnes Ruiz Rosaria L. CalafatiDans un beau royaume, caché au-delà de la forêt enchantée, vit une jeune princesse nommée Ella. Elle est différente des autres princesses. Ella n’a pas de cheveux. Elle essaye souvent de cacher sa tête avec des foulards et des bandeaux et n’aime pas se regarder dans les miroirs. Ella rêve toujours de pouvoir un jour explorer au-delà des portes majestueuses du château. Cependant, pour cela, elle doit traverser le Grand Hall, mais il y a tellement de miroirs redoutables sur les murs. Ces miroirs sont les gardiens du château et ne laisseront passer quiconque à moins que la personne soit reconnue. Rejoignez Ella pour sa première aventure dans le Grand Hall ! Pourquoi les miroirs ne connaissent-ils pas Ella, et qu’aura-t-elle à faire pour quitter sa chambre et partir en exploration ?
Qui trop embrasse mal étreint: Daniel et les péchés capitaux - 1 CUPIDITÉ (Daniel et les péchés capitaux #1)
by Michael ClasenUn navire côtier danois est attaqué par des pirates dans le golfe de Guinée et un des vigiles est blessé. Il retourne sur ces entrefaites dans la petite ville de Haubjerg où il a grandi et s’établit comme détective privé. Il contribue de manière décisive à l’enquête lorsque des événements mystérieux et fatidiques se produisent au domaine de Tranedal. Le détective privé Daniel Dreyer fait ses débuts dans Cupidité meurtrière. Il découvre que des activités inhabituelles et menaçantes sont menées en catimini… Un polar accusateur et une critique de la société.
Quick Guide to Community Care Practice and the Law
by Michael MandelstamThis short guide cuts through the confusing mass of legislation to provide a concise and jargon-free explanation of current community care practice and the law. In clear and simple language, it explains the legislation directly relevant to practitioners, including: rules about how people in need get an assessment from local authorities; the assessment of need itself; eligibility for actually getting a service (and the "fair access to care" policy); charging for services; ordinary residence; topping up of care home fees; assessing informal carers; and the rules about asylum seekers. It provides an overview and analysis of high profile issues such as direct payments, personal budgets and the policy of personalisation and National Health Service provision, including the vexed issue of NHS continuing health care. It also highlights the duties placed on local authorities and the NHS, the various tensions underlying community care, and the consequent shortcuts - both lawful and unlawful - that local authorities and the NHS feel obliged to take. Quick Guide to Community Care Practice and the Law is an essential resource for busy practitioners at all levels as well as managers in both the statutory and voluntary sectors, policy-makers in local authorities and the NHS, advocates, lawyers and social work students.
by Geoffrey WawroAn unprecedented history of American involvement in the Middle East. In this definitive and revelatory work, noted historian Geoffrey Wawro approaches America's role in the Middle East in a fundamentally new way-by encompassing the last century of the entire region rather than focusing narrowly on a particular country or era. With verve and authority, he offers piercing analysis of the region's iconic events over the past one hundred years-from the birth of Israel to the rise of Al Qaeda. Throughout, he draws telling parallels between America's past mistakes and its current dilemmas, proving that we're in today's muddle not just because of our old errors but because we keep repeating those errors.
¿Quién Eres Tú? Ella la Princesa Encantada
by Rosaria L. Calafati Saul Agis Sr.La continuidad dentro de la saga Ella, la Princesa Encantada, nos narra un capítulo más de ésta setnimental serie de motivaciones subjetivas para aquellos dentro de estas necesidades especiales.
¿Quién es Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? (¿Quién fue?)
by Kirsten Anderson Who HQLa inspiradora historia de la mujer más joven jamás elegida para el Congreso, contada en el nuevo formato Who HQ Now para temas de actualidad. The inspiring story of the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, told in the new Who HQ Now format for trending topics.El 26 de junio de 2018, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, una camarera de Nueva York de veintiocho años, se convirtió en la mujer más joven elegida para formar parte del Congreso. Su victoria conmocionó al mundo político y se convirtió en una celebridad de la noche a la mañana. Pronto, todo el mundo la conocía por sus iniciales: AOC. Nada más tomar posesión de su cargo, AOC se convirtió en una firme defensora de la asistencia médica para todos y de la lucha contra el cambio climático. Esta apasionante historia detalla los momentos decisivos que la llevaron a la victoria y todos los eventos importantes que se han producido desde entonces y que la han convertido en una política inteligente, dispuesta a luchar por los demás, por el medio ambiente y por el futuro de Estados Unidos. On June 26, 2018, twenty-eight-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a bartender from New York City, became the youngest woman ever elected to serve on Congress. Her win shocked the political world and she became a celebrity overnight. Soon, everyone knew her by her initials: AOC. As soon as she was sworn into office, AOC became a vocal champion for healthcare for all and the fight against climate change. This exciting story details the defining moments of what led to her victory and all the monumental ones since that have shaped her into a smart politician willing to fight for others, the environment, and the future of America.
¿Quién es Jordi Pujol?
by Félix Martínez Jordi OliveresLa apasionante historia, con sus luces y sus sombras, de Jordi Pujol, que desvela las razones de los 23 años de mandato. Casi once años después de abandonar la presidencia de la Generalitat y nueve de la primera edición de este libro, Jordi Pujol decidió confesar algunos de sus pecados. En esta ocasión no lo hizo por Cataluña, sino en un intento desesperado de salvar a los suyos. A sus ochenta y cuatro años, Pujol parece estar ofreciéndose como cordero sacrificial para salvar a la familia que supuestamente desatendió durante su lucha antifranquista, su encarcelamiento, su liderazgo al frente de Banca Catalana y, -finalmente, durante sus veintitrés años y medio como molt honorable president. A la luz de las investigaciones sobre la fortuna del clan Pujol, todo parece indicar que el sacrificio del patriarca no sólo será estéril, sino la tumba de su reputación. Esta nueva edición de la obra de referencia sobre el pujolismo, corregida y aumentada con todo el material aparecido en la última década, permite hacerse una idea cabal de quién es realmente Jordi Pujol, trazando la apasionante historia, con sus luces y sus sombras, de uno de los gobernantes europeos más longevos, de quien incluso sus enemigos dicen que no tuvo jamás rival como político y cuya contribución a la historia democrática de Cataluña y de España no había sido cuestionada hasta ahora.
¿Quién es Kamala Harris? (¿Quién fue?)
by Kirsten Anderson Who HQLa inspiradora historia de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris contada en el nuevo formato Who HQ que aborda temas de actualidad. The inspiring story of Vice President Kamala Harris told in the new Who HQ Now format for trending topics -- now in Spanish!El 7 de noviembre de 2020, Kamala Harris, una senadora de California, se convirtió en la primera mujer y la primera persona afroamericana y surasiática-estadounidense en ser elegida para la vicepresidencia. Si bien su nominación para este puesto no fue inesperada, su ascenso al protagonismo nacional estuvo lleno de giros y obstáculos inesperados. Después de reprobar su primer examen de oposición para convertirse en abogada, lo intentó de nuevo y lo aprobó. A partir de ahí, rápidamente ascendió en los rangos legales, sirviendo como fiscal de distrito de San Francisco, luego como fiscal general de California y pronto como senadora. Como política, Kamala Harris ha sido una destacada defensora de las reformas progresistas y los derechos de la mujer. Esta emocionante historia detalla los momentos decisivos que la llevaron a su nominación y todos los momentos importantes que han dado forma a su carrera y al futuro de Estados Unidos. On November 7, 2020, Kamala Harris, a senator from California, became the first woman and the first African-American and South Asian-American person to be elected to the vice presidency. While her nomination for this position was not unexpected, her rise to national prominence was one filled with unexpected turns and obstacles. After failing her first bar exam to become a lawyer, she tried again and passed. From there, she quickly rose through the legal ranks, serving as district attorney of San Francisco, then California's attorney general, and soon, senator. As a politician, Kamala Harris has been a vocal champion of progressive reforms and women's rights. This exciting story details the defining moments of what led to her nomination and all the monumental ones since that have shaped her career and the future of America.
¿Quién fue César Chávez? (¿Quién fue?)
by Dana Meachen Rau Who HQ¡Ya disponible en español! Conozca más sobre César Chávez, el famoso activista mexicoamericano de los derechos civiles. Cuando era joven, César y su familia mexicoamericana trabajaban en los campos como obreros agrícolas migrantes. Él conocía muy bien las dificultades a las que se enfrentaban los trabajadores agrícolas. Su promoción del sindicalismo por medio de relaciones públicas y sus tácticas agresivas, pero no violentas, hicieron de la lucha de los trabajadores agrícolas una causa moral que recibió apoyo a nivel nacional. Junto con Dolores Huerta, fundó la Asociación Nacional de Trabajadores Agrícolas. Su compromiso a su trabajo le valió numerosos amigos y partidarios, entre ellos Robert Kennedy y Jesse Jackson.
¿Quién manda aquí?: La crisis global de la democracia representativa
by Felipe González Gerson Damiani José Fernández-AlbertosUn análisis lúcido y penetrante sobre la actual crisis de la democracia representativa. El modelo de gobernanza de las sociedades occidentales está en crisis. Los pilares básicos que sostenían las democracias representativas son cada vez más cuestionados por los ciudadanos que viven en ellas. Muchos votantes sienten que sus preferencias no son suficientemente tenidas en cuenta por los políticos, y se abren paso formas alternativas de canalizar las demandas ciudadanas. A su vez, los gobiernos se quejan de los cada vez mayores obstáculos y restricciones a las que se enfrentan a la hora de llevar a cabo sus políticas. Y los principios fundacionales de división de poderes, gobiernos de mayoría, y rendición de cuentas democrática, se ven erosionados. En ¿Quién manda aquí? La crisis global de la democracia representativa se recogen trabajos de algunos de los principales expertos que tratan de aportar luz a estos problemas, yofrecer algunas soluciones, organizados en torno a cuatro cuestiones básicas: ¿qué hace que los gobiernos sean hoy percibidos como inefectivos?, ¿por qué les cuesta a los parlamentos cumplir su papel representativo?, ¿cómo entender la creciente conflictividad en las relaciones entre poderes?, y ¿en qué medida la globalización afecta a viabilidad de la democracia representativa como forma de gobierno?
¿Quiénes mandan de verdad en España?
by Carlos Elordi«¿Quiénes mandan de verdad en España?» es la pregunta a la que el reputado periodista Carlos Elordi pretende dar respuesta con claridad meridiana en este libro. Las elecciones celebradas cada cuatro años en España solo dan el pistoletazo de salida para que los poderes fácticos que de verdad rigen los designios del país se posicionen para dirigir el futuro de la nación. La banca, los grandes empresarios, la Iglesia católica, la Casa Real, la Unión Europea..., influyen en la toma de decisiones y cada uno de ellos ejerce directamente presión sobre la sociedad.Elordi analiza en este libro cómo se articulan internamente esos poderes, cómo ha evolucionado la capacidad de influencia de unos y otros sectores y cuáles la han ganado o la han perdido como consecuencia de la actual crisis económica. Un análisis que se completa con un repaso a la estructura del poder en algunas regiones y un capítulo específico se destina a los medios de comunicación. Un ensayo que arroja luz sobre este imbricado mosaico que es el poder en España.
Quiet Activism: Climate Action at the Local Scale
by Wendy Steele Jean Hillier Diana MacCallum Jason Byrne Donna HoustonThis book focuses on the potential and possibilities for socially innovative responses to the climate emergency at the local scale. Climate change has intensified the need for communities to find creative and meaningful ways to address the sustainability of their environments. The authors focus on the creative and collaborative ways local- scale climate action reflects the extra-ordinary measures taken by ordinary people. This includes critical engagement with the ways in which novel social practices and partnerships emerge between people, organisations, institutions, governance arrangements and eco-systems. The book successfully highlights the transformative power of socially innovative activities and initiatives in response to the climate crisis; and critically explores how different individuals and groups undertake climate action as ‘quiet activism’ – the embodied acts of collective disruption, subversion, creativity and care at the local scale.
The Quiet American
by Graham GreeneThe relentless struggle of the Vietminh guerrillas for independence and the futility of the French gestures of resistance become inseparably meshed with the personal and moral dilemmas of two men and the Vietnamese woman they both love. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.
The Quiet American: (penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics #Vol. 11)
by Graham GreeneA &“masterful . . . brilliantly constructed novel&” of love and chaos in 1950s Vietnam (Zadie Smith, The Guardian). It&’s 1955 and British journalist Thomas Fowler has been in Vietnam for two years covering the insurgency against French colonial rule. But it&’s not just a political tangle that&’s kept him tethered to the country. There&’s also his lover, Phuong, a young Vietnamese woman who clings to Fowler for protection. Then comes Alden Pyle, an idealistic American working in service of the CIA. Devotedly, disastrously patriotic, he believes neither communism nor colonialism is what&’s best for Southeast Asia, but rather a &“Third Force&”: American democracy by any means necessary. His ideas of conquest include Phuong, to whom he promises a sweet life in the states. But as Pyle&’s blind moral conviction wreaks havoc upon innocent lives, it&’s ultimately his romantic compulsions that will play a role in his own undoing. Although criticized upon publication as anti-American, Graham Greene&’s &“complex but compelling story of intrigue and counter-intrigue&” would, in a few short years, prove prescient in its own condemnation of American interventionism (The New York Times).
The Quiet Americans: Four CIA Spies at the Dawn of the Cold War--a Tragedy in Three Acts
by null Scott AndersonFrom the bestselling author of Lawrence in Arabia—the gripping story of four CIA agents during the early days of the Cold War—and how the United States, at the very pinnacle of its power, managed to permanently damage its moral standing in the world. &“Enthralling … captivating reading.&” —The New York Times Book Review At the end of World War II, the United States was considered the victor over tyranny and a champion of freedom. But it was clear—to some—that the Soviet Union was already seeking to expand and foment revolution around the world, and the American government&’s strategy in response relied on the secret efforts of a newly formed CIA. Chronicling the fascinating lives of four agents, Scott Anderson follows the exploits of four spies: Michael Burke, who organized parachute commandos from an Italian villa; Frank Wisner, an ingenious spymaster who directed actions around the world; Peter Sichel, a German Jew who outwitted the ruthless KGB in Berlin; and Edward Lansdale, a mastermind of psychological warfare in the Far East. But despite their lofty ambitions, time and again their efforts went awry, thwarted by a combination of ham-fisted politicking and ideological rigidity at the highest levels of the government.
The Quiet Americans: Four CIA Spies at the Dawn of the Cold War -- a Tragedy in Three Acts
by Scott AndersonFrom the bestselling author of Lawrence in Arabia, a gripping history of the early years of the Cold War, the CIA's covert battles against communism, and the tragic consequences which still affect the world todayAt the end of World War II, the United States dominated the world militarily, economically, and in moral standing--seen as the victor over tyranny and a champion of freedom. But it was clear--to some--that the Soviet Union wasalready executing a plan to expand and foment revolution around the world. The American government's strategy in response relied on the secret efforts of a newly-formed CIA.The Quiet Americans chronicles the exploits of four spies--Michael Burke, a charming former football star fallen on hard times; Frank Wisner, the scion of a wealthy Southern family; Peter Sichel, a sophisticated German Jew whoescaped the Nazis; and Edward Lansdale, a brilliant ad executive. The four ran covert operations across the globe, trying to outwit the ruthless KGB in Berlin, parachuting commandos into Eastern Europe, plotting coups, and directingwars against Communist insurgents in Asia. But time and again their efforts went awry, thwarted by a combination ofstupidity and ideological rigidity at the highest levels of the government--and more profoundly, the decision to abandon American ideals. By the mid-1950s, the Soviet Union had a stranglehold on Eastern Europe, the U.S. had begun its disastrous intervention in Vietnam, and America, the beacon of democracy, was overthrowing democratically-elected governments and earning the hatred of much of the world. All of this culminated in an act of betrayal and cowardice that would lock the Cold War into place for decades to come. Anderson brings to the telling of this story all the narrative brio, deep research, skeptical eye, and lively prose that made Lawrence in Arabia a major international bestseller. The intertwined lives of these men began in a common purpose of defending freedom, but the ravages of the Cold War led them to different fates. Two would quit the CIA in despair, stricken by the moral compromises they had to make; one became the archetype of the duplicitous and destructive American spy; and one would be so heartbroken he would take his own life.The Quiet Americans is the story of these four men. It is also the story of how the United States, at the very pinnacle of its power, managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
The Quiet Before: On the Unexpected Origins of Radical Ideas
by Gal BeckermanA provocative, incisive look at the building of social movements—from the 1600s to the present—and how current technology is undermining them &“A bravura work of scholarship and reporting, featuring amazing individuals and dramatic events from seventeenth-century France to Rome, Moscow, Cairo, and contemporary Minneapolis.&”—Louis Menand, author of The Free WorldWe tend to think of revolutions as loud: frustrations and demands shouted in the streets. But the ideas fueling them have traditionally been conceived in much quieter spaces, in the small, secluded corners where a vanguard can whisper among themselves, imagine alternate realities, and deliberate about how to achieve their goals. This extraordinary book is a search for those spaces, over centuries and across continents, and a warning that—in a world dominated by social media—they might soon go extinct.Gal Beckerman, an editor at The New York Times Book Review, takes us back to the seventeenth century, to the correspondence that jump-started the scientific revolution, and then forward through time to examine engines of social change: the petitions that secured the right to vote in 1830s Britain, the zines that gave voice to women&’s rage in the early 1990s, and even the messaging apps used by epidemiologists fighting the pandemic in the shadow of an inept administration. In each case, Beckerman shows that our most defining social movements—from decolonization to feminism—were formed in quiet, closed networks that allowed a small group to incubate their ideas before broadcasting them widely.But Facebook and Twitter are replacing these productive, private spaces, to the detriment of activists around the world. Why did the Arab Spring fall apart? Why did Occupy Wall Street never gain traction? Has Black Lives Matter lived up to its full potential? Beckerman reveals what this new social media ecosystem lacks—everything from patience to focus—and offers a recipe for growing radical ideas again.Lyrical and profound, The Quiet Before looks to the past to help us imagine a different future.
The Quiet Coup: Neoliberalism and the Looting of America
by Mehrsa Baradaran“[A]ccessible and intellectually rich . . . Essential reading to understand the economic state of the nation.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred) The celebrated legal scholar and author of The Color of Money reveals how neoliberals rigged American law, creating widespread distrust, inequality, and injustice. With the nation lurching from one crisis to the next, many Americans believe that something fundamental has gone wrong. Why aren’t college graduates able to achieve financial security? Why is government completely inept in the face of natural disasters? And why do pundits tell us that the economy is strong even though the majority of Americans can barely make ends meet? In The Quiet Coup, Mehrsa Baradaran, one of our leading public intellectuals, argues that the system is in fact rigged toward the powerful, though it wasn’t the work of evil puppet masters behind the curtain. Rather, the rigging was carried out by hundreds of (mostly) law-abiding lawyers, judges, regulators, policy makers, and lobbyists. Adherents of a market-centered doctrine called neoliberalism, these individuals, over the course of decades, worked to transform the nation—and succeeded. They did so by changing the law in unseen ways. Tracing this largely unknown history from the late 1960s to the present, Baradaran demonstrates that far from yielding fewer laws and regulations, neoliberalism has in fact always meant more—and more complex—laws. Those laws have uniformly benefited the wealthy. From the work of a young Alan Greenspan in creating "Black Capitalism," to Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell’s efforts to unshackle big money donors, to the establishment of the "Law and Economics" approach to legal interpretation—in which judges render opinions based on the principles of right-wing economics—Baradaran narrates the key moments in the slow-moving coup that was, and is, neoliberalism. Shifting our focus away from presidents and national policy, she tells the story of how this nation’s?laws?came to favor the few against the many, threatening the integrity of the market and the state. Some have claimed that the neoliberal era is behind us. Baradaran shows that such thinking is misguided. Neoliberalism is a failed economic idea—it doesn’t, in fact, create more wealth or more freedom. But it has been successful nevertheless, by seizing the courts and enabling our age of crypto fraud, financial instability, and accelerating inequality. An original account of the forces that have brought us to this dangerous moment in American history, The Quiet Coup reshapes our understanding of the recent past and lights a path toward a better future.
The Quiet Damage: QAnon and the Destruction of the American Family
by null Jesselyn CookThe &“gripping&” (The Atlantic) story of five families shattered by pernicious, pervasive conspiracy theories, and how we might set ourselves free from a crisis that could haunt American life for generations.&“Excellent . . . This is the intimate side of the cold civil war America has been stuck in for nearly a decade.&”—Michelle Goldberg, The New York Times &“SHED MY DNA&”: three excruciating words uttered by a QAnon-obsessed mother, once a highly respected lawyer, to her only son, once the closest person in her life. QAnon beliefs and adjacent conspiracy theories have had devastating political consequences as they&’ve exploded in popularity. What&’s often overlooked is the lasting havoc they wreak on our society at its most basic and intimate level—the family. In The Quiet Damage, celebrated reporter Jesselyn Cook paints a harrowing portrait of the vulnerabilities that have left so many of us susceptible to outrageous falsehoods promising order, purpose, and control. Braided throughout are the stories of five American families: an elderly couple whose fifty-year romance takes a heartbreaking turn; millennial sisters of color who grew up in dire poverty—one to become a BLM activist, the other, a hardcore conspiracy theorist pulling her little boy down the rabbit hole with her; a Bay Area hippie-type and her business-executive fiancé, who must decide whether to stay with her as she turns into a stranger before his eyes; evangelical parents whose simple life in a sleepy suburb spirals into delusion-fueled chaos; and a rural mother-son duo who, after carrying each other through unspeakable tragedy, stop speaking at all as ludicrous untruths shatter a bond long thought unbreakable.Charting the arc of each believer&’s path from their first intersection with conspiracy theories to the depths of their cultish conviction, to—in some cases—their rejection of disinformation and the mending of fractured relationships, Cook offers a rare, intimate look into the psychology of how and why ordinary people come to believe the unbelievable. Profound, brilliantly researched, and beautifully written, The Quiet Damage lays bare how we have been taken hostage by grifters peddling lies built on false hope—and how we might release our loved ones, and ourselves, from their grasp.
A Quiet Death in Italy (Daniel Leicester #1)
by Tom Benjamin'The locale is brought to life . . . the plot keeps you guessing' The Times'A slow-burning, tense and brooding thriller' The Herald Scotland___'Tom Benjamin's debut novel blows the lid off a political cauldron in which Leftist agitators, property moguls, the police and city elders struggle for survival and dominance' Daily Mail'It's an immensely promising debut, which leaves the reader feeling they really know the city.' Morning Star________Bologna: city of secrets, suspicion . . . and murderWhen the body of a radical protestor is found floating in one of Bologna's underground canals, it seems that most of the city is ready to blame the usual suspects: the police.But when private investigator Daniel Leicester, son-in-law to the former chief of police, receives a call from the dead man's lover, he follows a trail that begins in the 1970s and leads all the way to the rotten heart of the present-day political establishment.Beneath the beauty of the city, Bologna has a dark underside, and English detective Daniel must unravel a web of secrets, deceit and corruption - before he is caught in it himself.A dark and atmospheric crime thriller set in the beautiful Italian city of Bologna, perfect for fans of Donna Leon, Michael Dibdin and Philip Gwynne Jones.
A Quiet Death in Italy
by Tom Benjamin'The locale is brought to life . . . the plot keeps you guessing' The Times'A slow-burning, tense and brooding thriller' The Herald Scotland___'Tom Benjamin's debut novel blows the lid off a political cauldron in which Leftist agitators, property moguls, the police and city elders struggle for survival and dominance' Daily Mail'It's an immensely promising debut, which leaves the reader feeling they really know the city.' Morning Star________Bologna: city of secrets, suspicion . . . and murderWhen the body of a radical protestor is found floating in one of Bologna's underground canals, it seems that most of the city is ready to blame the usual suspects: the police.But when private investigator Daniel Leicester, son-in-law to the former chief of police, receives a call from the dead man's lover, he follows a trail that begins in the 1970s and leads all the way to the rotten heart of the present-day political establishment.Beneath the beauty of the city, Bologna has a dark underside, and English detective Daniel must unravel a web of secrets, deceit and corruption - before he is caught in it himself.A dark and atmospheric crime thriller set in the beautiful Italian city of Bologna, perfect for fans of Donna Leon, Michael Dibdin and Philip Gwynne Jones.
A Quiet Death in Italy (Daniel Leicester #1)
by Tom Benjamin'The locale is brought to life . . . the plot keeps you guessing' The TimesBologna: city of secrets, suspicion . . . and murderWhen the body of a radical protestor is found floating in one of Bologna's underground canals, it seems that most of the city is ready to blame the usual suspects: the police.But when private investigator Daniel Leicester, son-in-law to the former chief of police, receives a call from the dead man's lover, he follows a trail that begins in the 1970s and leads all the way to the rotten heart of the present-day political establishment.Beneath the beauty of the city, Bologna has a dark underside, and English detective Daniel must unravel a web of secrets, deceit and corruption - before he is caught in it himself.A dark and atmospheric crime thriller set in the beautiful Italian city of Bologna, perfect for fans of Donna Leon, Michael Dibdin and Philip Gwynne Jones.
A Quiet Evolution: The Emergence of Indigenous-Local Intergovernmental Partnerships in Canada
by Christopher Alcantara Jen NellesMuch of the coverage surrounding the relationship between Indigenous communities and the Crown in Canada has focused on the federal, provincial, and territorial governments. Yet it is at the local level where some of the most important and significant partnerships are being made between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. In A Quiet Evolution, Christopher Alcantara and Jen Nelles look closely at hundreds of agreements from across Canada and at four case studies drawn from Ontario, Quebec, and Yukon Territory to explore relationships between Indigenous and local governments. By analyzing the various ways in which they work together, the authors provide an original, transferable framework for studying any type of intergovernmental partnership at the local level. Timely and accessible, A Quiet Evolution is a call to politicians, policymakers and citizens alike to encourage Indigenous and local governments to work towards mutually beneficial partnerships.