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Rawls, Political Liberalism and Reasonable Faith
by Paul WeithmanFor over twenty years, Paul Weithman has explored the thought of John Rawls to ask how liberalism can secure the principled allegiance of those people whom Rawls called 'citizens of faith'. This volume brings together ten of his major essays (including one new unpublished essay), which reflect on the task and political character of political philosophy, the ways in which liberalism does and does not privatize religion, the role of liberal legitimacy in Rawls's theory, and the requirements of public reason. The essays reveal Rawls as a thinker deeply engaged with political and existential questions that trouble citizens of faith, and explore how - in firm opposition to political realism - he tries to show that the possibility of liberal democracy and the natural goodness of humanity are objects of reasonable faith. The volume will be of interest to political philosophers, political theorists, moral theologians, and religious ethicists.
Rawlsian Explorations in Religion and Applied Philosophy (G - Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects)
by Daniel A. DombrowskiTo probe the underlying premises of a liberal political order, John Rawls felt obliged to use a philosophical method that abstracted from many of the details of ordinary life. But this very abstraction became a point of criticism, as it left unclear the implications of his theory for public policies and life in the real political world. Rawlsian Explorations in Religion and Applied Philosophy attempts to ferret out those implications, filling the gap between Rawls’s own empyrean heights and the really practical public policy proposals made by government planners, lobbyists, and legislators. Among the topics examined are natural rights, the morality of war, the treatment of mentally deficient humans and nonhuman sentient creatures, the controversies over legacy and affirmative action in college admissions, and the place of religious belief in a democratic society. The final chapter explores how Rawls’s own religious beliefs, as revealed in two works posthumously published in 2009, played into his formulation of his theory of justice.
Rawls's Egalitarianism
by Alexander KaufmanThis is a new interpretation and analysis of John Rawls's leading theory of distributive justice, which also considers the responding egalitarian theories of scholars such as Richard Arneson, G. A. Cohen, Ronald Dworkin, Martha Nussbaum, John Roemer, and Amartya Sen. Rawls's theory, Kaufman argues, sets out a normative ideal of justice that incorporates an account of the structure and character of relations that are appropriate for members of society viewed as free and equal moral beings. Forging an approach distinct amongst contemporary theories of equality, Rawls offers an alternative to egalitarian justice methodologies that aim primarily to compensate victims for undeserved bad luck. For Rawls, the values that ground the most plausible account of egalitarianism are real equality of economic opportunity combined with the guarantee of a fair distribution of social goods. Kaufman's analysis will be of interest to scholars and advanced students of political theory and political philosophy, particularly those working on justice, and on the work of John Rawls.
Rawls's Political Liberalism (Columbia Themes in Philosophy)
by Martha C. Nussbaum Thom BrooksWidely hailed as one of the most significant works in modern political philosophy, John Rawls's Political Liberalism (1993) defended a powerful vision of society that respects reasonable ways of life, both religious and secular. These core values have never been more critical as anxiety grows over political and religious difference and new restrictions are placed on peaceful protest and individual expression.This anthology of original essays suggests new, groundbreaking applications of Rawls's work in multiple disciplines and contexts. Thom Brooks, Martha Nussbaum, Onora O'Neill (University of Cambridge), Paul Weithman (University of Notre Dame), Jeremy Waldron (New York University), and Frank Michelman (Harvard University) explore political liberalism's relevance to the challenges of multiculturalism, the relationship between the state and religion, the struggle for political legitimacy, and the capabilities approach. Extending Rawls's progressive thought to the fields of law, economics, and public reason, this book helps advance the project of a free society that thrives despite disagreements over religious and moral views.
Rawls’s A Theory Of Justice
by Jon MandleA Theory of Justice, by John Rawls, is widely regarded as the most important twentieth-century work of Anglo-American political philosophy. It transformed the field by offering a compelling alternative to the dominant utilitarian conception of social justice. The argument for this alternative is, however, complicated and often confusing. In this book Jon Mandle carefully reconstructs Rawls's argument, showing that the most common interpretations of it are often mistaken. For example, Rawls does not endorse welfare-state capitalism, and he is not a 'luck egalitarian' as is widely believed. Mandle also explores the relationship between A Theory of Justice and the developments in Rawls's later work, Political Liberalism, as well as discussing some of the most influential criticisms in the secondary literature. His book will be an invaluable guide for anyone seeking to engage with this ground-breaking philosophical work.
Rawls’s A Theory of Justice at 50 (Cambridge Philosophical Anniversaries)
by Paul WeithmanIn 1971 John Rawls's A Theory of Justice transformed twentieth-century political philosophy, and it ranks among the most influential works in the history of the subject. This volume of new essays marks the 50th anniversary of its publication with a multi-faceted exploration of Rawls's most important book. A team of distinguished contributors reflects on Rawls's achievement in essays on his relationship to modern political philosophy and 20th-century economic theory, on his Kantianism, on his transition to political liberalism, on his account of public reason and contemporary challenges to it, on his theory's implications for problems of racial justice, on democracy and its fragility, and on Rawls's enduring legacy. The volume will be valuable for students and scholars working in moral and political philosophy, political theory, legal theory, and religious ethics.
Raya Dunayevskaya's Intersectional Marxism: Race, Class, Gender, and the Dialectics of Liberation (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)
by Kevin B. Anderson Kieran Durkin Heather A. BrownRaya Dunayevskaya is one of the twentieth century’s great but underappreciated Marxist and feminist thinkers. Her unique philosophy and practice of Marxist-Humanism—as well as her grasp of Hegelian dialectics and the deep humanism that informs Marx’s thought—has much to teach us today. From her account of state capitalism (part of her socio-economic critique of Stalinism, fascism, and the welfare state), to her writings on Rosa Luxemburg, Black and women’s liberation, and labor, we are offered indispensable resources for navigating the perils of sexism, racism, capitalism, and authoritarianism. This collection of essays, from a diverse group of writers, brings to life Dunayevskaya’s important contributions. Revisiting her rich legacy, the contributors to this volume engage with her resolute Marxist-Humanist focus and her penetrating dialectics of liberation that is connected to Black, labor, and women’s liberation and to struggles over alienation and exploitation the world over. Dunayevskaya’s Marxist-Humanism is recovered for the twenty-first century and turned, as it was with Dunayevskaya herself, to face the multiple alienations and de-humanizations of social life.
Raymond Aron and International Relations (New International Relations)
by Olivier SchmittAt a time when the field of International Relations (IR) is diverting from grand theoretical debates, rediscovering the value of classical realism and exploring its own intellectual history, this book contributes to these debates by presenting a cohesive view of Raymond Aron’s theory of IR. It explores how a careful reading of Aron can contribute to important current debates, in particular what a theory of IR can be (and thus, what is within or outside the scope of this theory), how to bridge the gap that emerged in the 1970s between a "normative" and a "scientific" theory of IR, and finally how multidisciplinarity is possible (and desirable) in the study of IR. This edited collection offers a synthetic approach to Raymond Aron’s theory of International Relations by bringing together some of the most prominent specialists on Raymond Aron, thus filling an important gap in the current market of books devoted to IR theories and the historiography of the field. The volume is divided into three parts: the first part explores Aron’s intellectual contribution to the theoretical debates in IR, thus showing his originality and prescience; the second part traces Aron’s influence and explores his relations with other prominent scholars of his time, thus contributing to the historiography of the field; and the third part analyses Aron’s contemporary relevance. This comprehensive volume contributes to current debates in the field by showing the originality and breadth of Aron’s thought. This book will be of great interest to academics and students interested in IR theories, strategic studies and the historiography of the field.
Raymond Aron and Liberal Thought in the Twentieth Century (Ideas in Context #124)
by Iain StewartRaymond Aron is widely regarded as the most important figure in the history of twentieth-century French liberalism. Yet his status within the history of liberal thought has been more often proclaimed than explained. Though he is frequently lauded as the inheritor of France's liberal tradition, Aron's formative influences were mostly non-French and often radically anti-liberal thinkers. This book explains how, why, and with what consequences he belatedly defined and aligned himself with a French liberal tradition. It also situates Aron within the larger histories of Cold War liberalism and decolonization, re-evaluating his contribution to debates over totalitarianism, the end of ideology, and the Algerian War. By exposing the enduring importance of Aron's student political engagements for the development of his thought, Iain Stewart challenges the prevailing view of Aron's early intellectual trajectory as a journey from naïve socialist idealism to mature liberal realism, offering a new critical perspective on one of the twentieth century's most influential intellectuals.
¡raza Si! ¡guerra No!: Chicano Protest And Patriotism During The Viet Nam War Era
by Lorena OropezaThis incisive and elegantly written examination of Chicano antiwar mobilization demonstrates how the pivotal experience of activism during the Viet Nam War era played itself out among Mexican Americans. ¡Raza Sí! ¡Guerra No! presents an engaging portrait of Chicano protest and patriotism. On a deeper level, the book considers larger themes of American nationalism and citizenship and the role of minorities in the military service, themes that remain pertinent today. Lorena Oropeza's exploration of the evolution, political trajectory, and eventual implosion of the Chicano campaign against the war in Viet Nam encompasses a fascinating meditation on Mexican Americans' political and cultural orientations, loyalties, and sense of status and place in American society.
Razões pelas quais fui descartado: A Jihad Da Economia
by Jo M. Sekimonyo Ellen Cristina Bussaglia da SilvaQue diabo me possuiu para que eu escrevesse este livro? Bem, depois de vagar, dando meus trocados aos egos e asfixiados pela pobreza, em todos os países por onde fui abençoado ou amaldiçoado por viajar, me perguntava repetidamente, o que mais posso fazer? Estava cansado das palhaçadas dos guardiões do capitalismo, irritado com a incapacidade dos que se chamam a reencarnação de Karl Marx e exausto de esperar por um super-herói. Escrevi este livro para despertar a consciência do público em geral e lançar um pensamento que provoca soluções para a dureza sócio-econômica global. Histórias sobre desigualdade são contadas o tempo todo. No entanto, decidi mexer no debate por um novo caminho, esperamos que tenha sucesso. Este livro é para todos os que estão cheios do status quo e se decepcionaram com os intelectuais imbecis. Deixe-me primeiro tranqüilizar a maioria das pessoas que podem se intimidar ao pegar meu livro, uma vez que souberem que é um livro político e econômico. É mais fácil responder a pergunta sobre o que o livro fala. Não há cálculos ou gráficos. Deixei aos druidas da economia a necessidade de inflar seus egos e a todos os sabichões que desorientam o mundo com teorias loucas que não condizem com a realidade. Meu livro é um caso contra o status quo sócio-econômico, uma volta de montanha-russa pela nuvem de cinzas vulcânicas para todos nós que falimos, nos ferimos e perdemos as esperanças da forma de economia dominante atual: o capitalismo. E então, seguro a mão do leitor pelo novo paradigma do século XXI que mudará tudo. E bem no final, trago a solução que despertará as massas. Espero que o único desafio deste livro seja a terminologia e os conceitos que apresento ao leitor ao qual ele deve se ajustar, tal como o Etosismo.
The RBG Way: The Secrets of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Success (Women in Power)
by Rebecca GibianUnderstanding and applying the wisdom of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg! Given her incredible tenure as a Supreme Court justice as well as her monumental impact on the modern women&’s rights movement, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has become one of the most prominent political leaders of today. To complement her judicial significance, she has also become one of the most culturally popular political figures in US history. Not only has her workout routine gone viral (and been detailed in a book by her trainer), but RBG&’s story has been featured in multiple critically acclaimed films. Organized into three parts and then broken down into more specific chapters within each part, The RBG Way offers wisdom from Justice Ginsburg, based on comments she has made on particular topics of importance. Insight is offered on subjects such as women&’s rights, creating lasting partnerships, overcoming hardship, how to be brave, and how to create lasting change. Rebecca Gibian offers her seasoned journalistic perspective to shed light on beliefs that RBG holds strongly, in a manner that is both comprehensive and accessible.
re: Ten Proposals for Another Europe
by Floris de WitteThis book sets out a vision for another Europe: one that cherishes diversity, listens to its public, and is sensitive to its younger generations. It is a call for a re-imagination of the European project, as a response to the three biggest crises that the EU has had to endure – the Euro-zone crash, the refugee crisis, and Brexit. These crises demonstrate a fundamental weakness at the heart of the EU: it struggles with making legitimate decisions when member states disagree about how to proceed. This book offers a guide out of this mess. It discusses how the EU can make better use of the trust between its citizens, and how it can reform itself internally so that it can actually listen to those citizens. It also offers ten original policy proposals – from the scandalously ambitious to the prosaic – to show what another Europe could look like.
Re: Connecting Citizens with the Rules of the Game (World Citizen Comics)
by Beka FeathersThe next volume in the World Citizen Comics series, Re: Constitutions explains the role constitutions play in how government is structured and provides context for the modern issues that arise from these documents.Marcus is stumped by a summer assignment: to write an essay on what it means to be a citizen. He’s surprised to hear from people in his community that constitutions play an important role when it comes to citizenship—they can even affect whether you feel like you belong in your country or not. From a Kosovo Albanian neighbor to a Rwandan exchange student, and even in his own family history, Marcus discovers stories of how constitutions—including the U.S. Constitution—shape the political landscape and our daily lives.From Beka Feathers, an expert in post-conflict institution building, and Kasia Babis, an accomplished political cartoonist, comes a graphic novel that gives context to the modern issues that arise from constitutions. With historical examples from all over the world, Re: Constitutions examines how this essential document defines a nation’s identity and the rights of its citizens.
Re: Producing Women's Dramatic History
by D. A. HadfieldWithin the last generation, Canadian drama, like other literary forms, has seen the emergence of works by women that re-vision the role of women in history. However, in order to write themselves into theatre history, women have had to negotiate a complex journey through both pages and stages, a network of public production that is highly politically charged at every turn. This book examines the strategies employed by seven feminist productions that have managed to achieve a canonic place in the recorded history of Canadian theatre. All of the plays under consideration here exist (or have existed) in at least one published script form. However, Dorothy Hadfield’s purpose here is not to analyze these scripts for the definitive meaning of the narratives in these plays, nor is she trying to suggest how a reader or audience should inevitably read them. Instead, Hadfield is trying to account for how and why these scripts came to exist in published form, given the strong implicit connection between publication and a public assumption of "good” or "successful” theatre. In a system where textual visibility leads to opportunities for study, reproduction and validation for both play and playwright, the permanence of script publication can have real economic and ideological advantages. By analyzing publicity materials, photos, programs, reviews, box office and theatre records, it is possible to trace the process of creating a theatrical "success,” as well as to assess what effect that critical verdict has on the shape of the script publications of these works. In effect, by placing the textual artifacts left behind by these performances in the context of their production and reception, in part through a carefully constructed ideological compatibility throughout the production process, it is possible to investigate how the politics of the theatrical process influences what we perceive as "good” playwriting.
Re-centering Cultural Performance and Orange Economy in Post-colonial Africa: Policy, Soft Power, and Sustainability
by Taiwo Afolabi Olusola Ogunnubi Shadrach Teryila UkumaThis book explores the role of national theatres, national cultural centres, cultural policy, festivals, and the film industry as creative and cultural performances hubs for exercising soft power and cultural diplomacy. It shows how can existing cultural and non-cultural infrastructures, sometimes referred to as the Orange Economy, open opportunities for diplomacy and soft power; ways by which cultural performance and creative practice can be re-centered in post-colonial Africa and in post-global pandemic era; and existing structures that cultural performers, diplomats, administrators, cultural entrepreneurs, and managers can leverage to re-enact cultural performance and creative practice on the continent. This volume is positioned within postcolonial discourse to amplify narratives, experiences and realities that are anti-oppressive especially within critical discourse.
Re-centering the Critical Potential of Nordic School Leadership Research: Fundamental, but often forgotten perspectives (Educational Governance Research #14)
by Lejf Moos Elisabet Nihlfors Jan Merok PaulsenThis volume contributes significantly to the ongoing international and Nordic paradigm shift in educational leadership research. It advocates for going from a contemporary, mainstream functionalist paradigm to a reflexive paradigm, based on educational values and knowledge. The volume is built on the shared basis, that the purpose of education is, and must be, fundamental for school leadership practice. However, that is often forgotten in educational governance and policy. The basis of the argument is, that educational leadership needs to change from focusing on effectiveness and narrowly defined accountability towards focusing on leadership that is contributing to the general education of students. That entails that leadership research need to focus on complex perspectives like context, relations, trust, sense making and social and human values, and less on control, outcomes, accountability and testing. The volume reminds readers about the need to raise awareness of the contexts of education and research, be they political, cultural, economic or ideological. Chapters analyze, discuss and compare research from Nordic educational leadership research systems: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The cross-system insights clarify the fundamental relations between policy/governance and research/practice are and discuss forgotten dependencies and opportunities.
Re(con)figuring Psychoanalysis: Critical Juxtapositions of the Philosophical, the Sociohistorical and the Political
by Aydan GülerceLeading international scholars present novel dialogues between different psychoanalytic orientations as well as between the particularities of diverse socio-cultural and historical contexts in order to offer critical insights which are highly relevant to the current intellectual debates and social praxis.
Re-conceiving Property Rights in the New Millennium: Towards a New Sustainable Land Relations Policy
by Ben ChigaraThis book constitutes volume two of a two volume examination of development community land issues in Southern Africa. Following from volume one Southern African Development Community Land Issues, this book considers the possibility of a new, sustainable land relations policy for Southern African Development Community States (SADC) that are currently mired up in land disputes that have become subject of domestic, regional and international tribunals. Chigara demonstrates that land relations in the SADC have always been, and will perhaps remain, a matter for constitutional regulation. Because constitutional laws are distinctive from other laws only by constitutional design, legal contests appear to be the least likely means for settlement in the sub-region. Only human rights inspired policies, that respond to the call for social justice by acknowledging both the current and the underlying contexts to the disputes, hold the most potential to resolve these disputes. The book recommends efficient pedagogical counter-apartheid-rule psychological distortions regarding the significance of human dignity (PECAPDISH) as a pre-requisite and corollary to the dismantling of the salient physical legacy of apartheid-rule in affected SADC States. The book shows that PECAPDISH’s potential and benefits would be enormous. The book will be of interest to students and researchers of Property and Conveyancing Law, Human Rights Law, and Land Law.
Re-Configurations: Contextualising Transformation Processes and Lasting Crises in the Middle East and North Africa (Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen Ostens)
by Friederike Pannewick Rachid Ouaissa Alena StrohmaierThis edited volume is an open access title and assembles both the historical consciousness and transformation of the MENA region in various disciplinary and topical facets. At the same time, it aims to go beyond the MENA region, contributing to critical debates on area studies while pointing out transregional and cultural references in a broad and comparative manner.
Re-Constructing the Post-Soviet Industrial Region: The Donbas in Transition (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies)
by Adam SwainThis book examines the political economy of attempts to restructure the Donbass, one of the Soviet Union's most important 'old economy' 'rustbelt' industrial regions. It shows how local interest groups have successfully frustrated the central government's and the World Bank's proposed market-oriented restructuring, and how a manufacturing-based regional economy is surviving, partially, with restructuring postponed.
Re-defining Children’s Participation in the Countries of the South (Kindheit – Bildung – Erziehung. Philosophische Perspektiven)
by Graciela TononThe focus of this book is centered on the participation of children in countries of the South. In this sense, it will review the possibilities of children's participation, as well as their forms of participation in different contexts of daily life. There has been a tendency to underestimate children’s role as active constructors of their surrounding social space, as well as of the internalized interpretations of the way social life operates. Today it is necessary to recognize that children are agents actively involved in the construction of their own lives and the life of the societies they live in; and in this sense, it is important to consider and re-signify the participation of boys and girls as a fundamental pillar in the process of building societies in the 21st century. The book contains chapters that re-significate children’s participation in different countries from South America and South Africa, in relation with different topics: well-being, methods, citizenship, poverty, education, rurality, ethics and human rights.
Re-Designing Learning Contexts: Technology-Rich, Learner-Centred Ecologies (Foundations and Futures of Education)
by Rosemary LuckinWhat do we mean by the word ‘context’ in education and how does our context influence the way that we learn? What role can technology play in enhancing learning and what is the future of technology within learning? Re-Designing Learning Contexts seeks to re-dress the lack of attention that has traditionally been paid to a learner’s wider context and proposes a model to help educators and technologists develop more productive learning contexts. It defines context as the interactions between the learner and a set of inter-related resource elements that are not tied to a physical or virtual location. Context is something that belongs to an individual and that is created through their interactions in the world. Based on original, empirical research, the book considers the intersection between learning, context and technology, and explores: the meaning of the concept of context and it’s relationship to learning the ways in which different types of technology can scaffold learning in context the Learner-Centric ‘Ecology of Resources’ model of context as a framework for designing technology-rich learning environments the importance of matching available resources to each learner’s particular needs the ways in which the learner’s environment and the technologies available might change over the coming years the potential impact of recent technological developments within computer science and artificial intelligence. This interdisciplinary study draws on a range of disciplines, including geography, anthropology, psychology, education and computing, to investigate the dynamics and potential of teacher-learner interaction within a learning continuum, and across a variety of locations. It will be of interest to those teaching, researching and thinking about the use of technology in learning and pedagogy, as well as those involved in developing technology for education and those who use it in their own teaching. For practical examples of the way the Ecology of Resources framework has been used visit: http://eorframework.pbworks.com.
Re-educating Troubled Youth
by Alexis de TocquevilleThis book is about helping troubled young people who are searching separately for security, identity, and purpose in their lives. Childhood and adolescence are pivotal stages in the quest to belong, to become somebody, and to be worth something. Children need stimulation, affection, and guidance in order to develop their potentials, but many are reared in environments that deprive them of these nutriments. Adolescents approach the threshold of independence with only the experiences gained from childhood; many lack the support of significant actions. Those who encounter difficulty in navigating through these turbulent years are to be identified by society as troubled or troublesome. These children and youth present challenges that do not yield to simple panaceas. Although no simple approach holds all the answers, bridging various concepts of education and treatment offers the best opportunity for creating positive changes. The authors refer to this process as -re-education- with full awareness that this term has been used in a variety of philosophical contexts including behavioral, ecological, and psychodynamic views.
Re-Elect Nutty (Nutty Nutsell #8)
by Dean HughesNutty is a boy any kid who reads will want to know. He gets teased, fights with his sisters, isn't stuck up, follows good and bad advice, takes chances, gets caught, sticks with his friends, feels ambitious, is lazy, and is cool in a regular sort of way. In this last book in the series about him it's time to pick a student council president again. The fact that he made a terrible student council president the year before doesn't make a difference. Frederick Nutsell--better known as Nutty--decides he has learned from his mistakes, has a few ideas, and would like to give the presidency another shot. And he is determined to be honest and straightforward throughout the campaign. In fact, he has his slogan all worked out: "I messed up last year, but next year I'll do a better job." But then Nutty learns that the leading candidate is his archrival, Mindy, and the mud begins to get slung. Who is printing up the fliers saying all those rotten things about Nutty? (Even if they are true?) Nutty is sure it is Mindy and her campaign staff, but he can't prove it. How can he stay above it all when these kinds of dirty tricks are being played? Tempted to pull some dirty tricks of his own, Nutty manages only to make things worse for himself, until he finally uncovers the secret behind the dirty tricks--a surprising one at that--and ultimately does the right thing. Those who have read Dean Hughes's Nutty for President and the other books in the Nutty series will be eager to follow these further funny, and poignant, adventures. Look! Bookshare has all eight of the books in the Nutty Nutsell series which are: Nutty for President, Nutty and the Case of the Mastermind Thief, Nutty and the Case of the Ski Slope Spy, Nutty Can't Miss, Nutty Knows All, Nutty the Movie Star and Nutty's Ghost.