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Re-imagining Hate Crime: Transphobia, Visibility and Victimisation (Palgrave Hate Studies)
by Ben ColliverThis book draws upon empirical data to offer a fresh and unique perspective on hate crime victimisation, using transphobic hate crime as a case study. It adopts the lens of ‘visibility’ as a way of understanding hate crime victimisation and to challenge dominant theoretical and conceptual perspectives of hate crime. In adopting this lens, key aspects of victimisation are explored, including the hierarchical nature of hate crime victimisation that afford visibility to particular types of victimisation and to particular groups of people to make them ‘legitimate’ victims. In challenging these notions, this book highlights the pervasive, everyday nature of much hate crime and introduces the concept of ‘micro-crimes’ as a way to conceptualise the nature of victimisation that is often overshadowed by discussions around ‘microaggressions’ and more socially recognisable forms of ‘hate crime’. Key ideas relating to space, place and identity performance are drawn upon throughout these analyses and discussions to provide a nuanced overview and conceptualisation of hate crime victimisation.
(Re)Imagining Humane Global Governance
by Richard FalkIn this important and path-breaking book, esteemed scholar and public intellectual Richard Falk explores how we can re-imagine the system of global governance to make it more ethical and humane. Divided into three parts, this book firstly scrutinizes the main aspects of Global Governance including, Geopolitics, The Future of International law, Climate Change and Nuclear weapons, 9/11, Global Democracy and the UN. In the last part, Falk moves the discussion on to the search for Progressive Politics, the Israel/Palestinian conflict and the World Order Models Project. Drawing on, but also rethinking the normative tradition in international relations, he examines the urgent challenges that we must face to counter imperialism, injustice, global poverty, militarism and environmental disaster. In so doing, he outlines the radical reforms that are needed on an institutional level and within global civil society if we are to realize the dream of a world that is more just, equitable and peaceful. This important work will be of interest to all students and scholars of global politics and international relations.
(Re)Imagining Inclusion for Children of Color with Disabilities
by null Soyoung ParkA transformative vision to shift educator practice and make systemic changes that can advance educational inclusion of students of color with disabilities
Re-imagining International Relations: World Orders in the Thought and Practice of Indian, Chinese, and Islamic Civilizations
by Barry Buzan Amitav AcharyaBuzan and Acharya challenge the discipline of International Relations to reimagine itself in the light of the thinking about, and practice of, international relations and world order from premodern India, China and the Islamic world. This prequel to their 2019 book, The Making of Global International Relations, takes the story back from the two-century tale of modern IR, to reveal the deep global history of the discipline. It shows the multiple origins and meanings of many concepts thought of as only modern and Western. It opens pathways for the rest of the world into this most Eurocentric of disciplines, encouraging them to bring their own histories, concepts and theories with them. The authors have written this book with the hope of inspiring others to extend these pathways by bringing in a wider array of cultures, and exploring how they thought about and acted in worlds composed of multiple, independent, collective actors.
Re-Imagining North Korea in International Politics: Problems and alternatives (Interventions)
by Shine ChoiThe global consensus in academic, specialist and public realms is that North Korea is a problem: its nuclear ambitions pose a threat to international security, its levels of poverty indicate a humanitarian crisis and its political repression signals a failed state. This book examines the cultural dimensions of the international problem of North Korea through contemporary South Korean and Western popular imagination’s engagement with North Korea. Building on works by feminist-postcolonial thinkers, in particular Trinh Minh-ha, Rey Chow and Gayatri Spivak, it examines novels, films, photography and memoirs for how they engage with issues of security, human rights, humanitarianism and political agency from an intercultural perspective. By doing so the author challenges the key assumptions that underpin the prevailing realist and liberal approaches to North Korea. This research attends not only to alternative framings, narratives and images of North Korea but also to alternative modes of knowing, loving and responding and will be of interest to students of critical international relations, Korean studies, cultural studies and Asian studies.
Re-Imagining Public Space
by Diana Boros James M. GlassWith a foreword by Stephen Bronner, this volume edited by Diana Boros and James Glass consists of reflections from contemporary political and social theorists on the concept of public space and what it means in the context of modern political life. The contributors lay the foundation for thinking about public space, moving beyond historical analyses of Frankfurt School theorists to offer a new perspective on how to think about public space, how to theorize its implications, and how to construct a theory of democratic political life through political action that takes seriously how politics workwithin the public space. The contributors, including Douglas Kellner, David Ingram, Lauren Langman, Lars Rensmann, Michael Thompson, Michael Diamond, C. Fred Alford, Mary Caputi, and Malcolm Miles, come from a variety of scholarly backgrounds but all are in agreement that a democratic politics will not be viable in protecting rights, tolerance, and freedom unless it is grounded in a theory that embraces participation in public life, as well as art and protest as democratic action in the public space
Re-Imagining Sociology in India: Feminist Perspectives
by Gita Chadha M. T. JosephThis book maps the intersections between sociology and feminism in the Indian context. It retrieves the lives and work of women pioneers of and in sociology, asking crucial questions of their feminisms and their sociologies. The chapters address the experiential realities of women in the field, pedagogical issues, methodological frameworks, mentoring processes and artistic engagements with academic work. The volume’s strength lies in bringing together Indian scholars from diverse social backgrounds and regions, reflecting on the specificity of the Indian social sciences. The chapters cover a range of key areas, including sexuality, law, environment, science and medicine. This volume will greatly interest students, teachers, researchers and practitioners of sociology, women’s studies, gender studies and feminism, politics and postcolonial studies.
Re-imagining the Art School: Paragogy and Artistic Learning (Creativity, Education and the Arts)
by Neil MulhollandThis book proposes ‘paragogic’ methods to re-imagine the art academy. While art schooling was revolutionised in the early 20th century by the Bauhaus, the author argues that many art schools are unwittingly recycling the same modernist pedagogical fashions. Stagnating in such traditions, today’s art schools are blind to recent advances in the scholarship of teaching and learning. As discipline-based education research in art eternally battles the perceived threat of epistemicide, transformative educational practices are rapidly overcoming the perennialism of the art school. The author develops critical case studies of open source and peer-to-peer methods for re-imagining the art academy (para-academia) and andragogy (paragogy). This innovative book will be of interest and value to students and scholars of the art school, as well as how the art academy can be reimagined and rebuilt.
Re-Imagining the Other Culture, Media, and Western-Muslim Intersections
by Mahmoud Eid Karim H. KarimThe twenty-first century exploded into the global imagination with unforgettable scenes of death and destruction. An apocalyptic 'clash of civilizations' seemed to be waged between two old foes - 'the West' and 'Islam. ' However, the decade-long and ruinous 'war on terror' has prompted re-assessments of the militaristic approach to Western-Muslim relations. A growing number of academics, policymakers, religious leaders, journalists, and activists view the struggles as resulting from a 'clash of ignorance. ' Re-imagining the Other examines the ways in which knowledge is manipulated by dominant Western and Muslim discourses. Authors from several disciplines study how the two societies have constructed images of each other in historical and contemporary times. The complexities and subtleties of their mutually productive relationship are overshadowed by portrayals of unremitting clash, thus serving as encouragement for the promotion of war and terrorism. The book proposes specific approaches to re-imagine the Other in order to mitigate Western-Muslim conflict.
Re-interpreting the Relationship Between Water and Urban Planning: The Case of Dar es Salaam
by Maria Chiara PastoreAfrica is one of the most dynamic continents. It will play a key role in the coming decades in relation to the growth of cities, and environmental conditions will be of primary importance. The structural lack of water and sanitation infrastructure affects the development of Africa's growing urban environments. This book questions the relation between the wide-ranging fields of water and the urban discipline in the Sub-Saharan African context. In particular, it focuses on Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), a city where rapid urbanisation and high annual growth have led to increasing water demand and strained the water and sanitation systems. It examines the spaces water produces, the actors promoting various choices and solutions, the impact of different applied technologies, and the diverse sanitary conditions, focusing on their significance in the shape of the built environment and the urban planning practices and theory. As water occupies and creates spaces, this work tries to establish a relation among the spaces and the structure of the city itself, using infrastructure in the shape of networks that cross the city and on-site systems such as boreholes and latrines, to be considered a hybrid and potentially resilient system.
Re-Interrogating Civil Society in South Asia: Critical Perspectives from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
by Amit Prakash Rubya Mehdi Peter B. AndersenThis book offers an overview of the history and development of civil society in three major nations of South Asia – Pakistan, India and Bangladesh – from colonial times to the present. It examines the liberalization of civil society since the 1980s, the needs it created for civil action, the professionalization of civil society organizations, and the extent to which civil society may benefit society at large in the context of local, national and global transformations in the economy, political regime and ideology. The reader will find new insights on the interaction between the liberalization of multifaceted civil societies in the three countries, presenting contrasts such as restrictions put on women’s organizations or labour unions and acceptance of religious organizations’ activities. The volume looks at forms of transfer of civil society models, representation and democratic legitimacy of civil society organizations such as nongovernmental organizations, government organized NGOs and faith-based organizations, along with the structuring of civil society through legal frames as well as female, religious, and ethnic mobilizations around language and literature. Using wide-ranging empirical data and theoretical analyses, it deals with civil society issues relating to human rights and political challenges, justice, inequality, empowerment, and the role of bureaucracy, women’s movements, and ethnic and linguistic minorities. It also presents early responses to the Covid-19 crisis in 2020 which created significant pressure on the states and on civil society. This book will be useful to scholars and researchers of political studies, development studies, sociology, public policy and governance, law and human rights, as also to professionals in think tanks, civil society activists and NGOs.
Re-Inventing Africa's Development: Linking Africa to the Korean Development Model
by Jong-Dae ParkThis open access book analyses the development problems of sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) from the eyes of a Korean diplomat with knowledge of the economic growth Korea has experienced in recent decades. The author argues that Africa's development challenges are not due to a lack of resources but a lack of management, presenting an alternative to the traditional view that Africa's problems are caused by a lack of leadership. In exploring an approach based on mind-set and nation-building, rather than unity – which tends to promote individual or party interests rather than the broader country or national interests – the author suggests new solutions for SSA's economic growth, inspired by Korea's successful economic growth model much of which is focused on industrialisation. This book will be of interest to researchers, policymakers, NGOs and governmental bodies in economics, development and politics studying Africa's economic development, and Korea's economic growth model.
Re-inventing the Italian Right: Territorial politics, populism and 'post-fascism' (Extremism and Democracy)
by Stefano Fella Carlo RuzzaFollowing his third election victory in 2008, the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was the most controversial head of government in the EU. This is a cogent examination of the Berlusconi phenomenon, exploring the success and development of the new populist right-wing coalition in Italy since the collapse of the post-war party system in the early 1990s. Carlo Ruzza and Stefano Fella provide a comprehensive discussion of the three main parties of the Italian right: Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, the xenophobic and regionalist populist Northern League and the post-fascist National Alliance. The book assesses the implications of this controversial right for the Italian democratic system and examines how the social and political peculiarities of Italy have allowed such political formations to emerge and enjoy repeated electoral success. Framed in a comparative perspective, the authors: explore the nature of the Italian right in the context of right-wing parties and populist phenomena elsewhere in other advanced democracies, drawing comparisons and providing broader explanations. locate the parties of the Italian right within the existing theoretical conceptions of right-wing and populist parties, utilising a multi-method approach, including a content analysis of party programmes. highlight the importance of political and discursive opportunities in explaining the success of the Italian right, and the agency role of a political leadership that has skilfully shaped and communicated an ideological package to exploit these opportunities. Providing an excellent insight into a key European nation, this work provides a thoughtful and stimulating contribution to the research on the Italian right, and its implications for democratic politics.
(Re-) Konstruktion von lokaler Urbanität
by Wolf-Dietrich Bukow Johanna Rolshoven Erol YildizDie städtische Lebensweise ist für unseren Alltag längst selbstverständlich. Und sie ist – weltweit – hoch attraktiv. Studierende, Singles, junge Familien, Geflüchtete, Menschen jeder Altersgruppe und jeglicher Herkunft wollen urban leben. Die städtische Lebensweise hat sich zu einer Lebenskonstruktion, zu einem Urbanitätsnarrativ entwickelt, aufgeladen mit Erwartungen für ein besseres Leben, mehr Anerkennung und neue gesellschaftliche Möglichkeiten. Gleichzeitig steht der urbane Raum aber auch für Segregations‑ und Homogenisierungstendenzen, für überteuerte Mieten und investorengesteuerte Gentrifizierung. Beklagt wird ein Mangel an wohnortnahen Arbeitsmöglichkeiten, das Verschwinden von lokalen Geschäften und Dienstleistungen. Es ist ein massives Konfliktpotential, das jetzt durch die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zusätzlich forciert wird. Statt endlich den bislang wie selbstverständlich gelebten Alltag zu hinterfragen, werden rein technologische Maßnahmen zeitgeistkonform propagiert oder es wird alles gleich rein profitorientierten Investoren überlassen. Oder man beschwört einfach den status ante und sucht sich Sündenböcke für Fehlentwicklungen. In dieser zunehmend brisanten Situation wäre es entscheidend, sich Klarheit zu verschaffen über das, was eine Stadtgesellschaft mitbringt, was sie ausmacht und worin ihr nachhaltiges Potential besteht, und dann die zunehmenden gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen gemeinsam kreativ anzugehen. Die (Re-)Konstruktion von lokaler Urbanität kann dazu ein erster Schritt sein.
Re-Living the Global City: Global/Local Processes (Routledge Studies in Global and Transnational Politics)
by John Eade Chris RumfordLiving the Global City (1996) was a landmark text in the field of Global Studies, offering an analysis of globalization and global/local processes by focussing on specific issues and themes which include community, culture, milieu, socioscapes and sociospheres, microglobalization, poverty, ethnic identity and carnival. In this new collection Eade and Rumford draw together scholars whose work has engaged with the original volume over the last 15 years and the result is a unique and thematically coherent collection of essays which both complements the original book and challenges some of its core assumptions. Re-Living the Global City both pays homage to a key text and pushes its agenda into important new areas. After reflecting upon how debates in the field have developed since the original publication, the contributors seek to drive the debate forward through discussion of contemporary themes and issues such as borders and bordering, social movements, community and global connectivity. They consider the ways in which the city produces different experiences of globalization for different people and examine the various accounts of the ways in which new forms of sociality are definitive of contemporary globalization and cosmopolitanism. Drawing together scholars from a range of disciplines including international relations, politics, sociology, urban studies and anthropology, this work will be of great interest to all students and scholars of global studies and globalization.
Re-Making Kozarac
by Sebina Sivac-BryantThis book explores agency, reconciliation and minority return within the context of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia. It focuses on a community in North-West Bosnia, which successfully reversed the worst episode of ethnic cleansing prior to Srebrenica by fighting for return, and then establishing one of the only successful examples of contested minority return in the town of Kozarac. The book is a result of a longitudinal, decade-long study of a group of people who discovered a remarkable level of agency and resilience, largely without external support, and despite many of the people and institutions who were responsible for their violent expulsion remaining in place. Re-Making Kozarac considers how a community's traumatic experiences were utilised as a motivational vehicle for return, and contrasts their pragmatic approach to local compromise with the ill-informed and largely unsuccessful international projects that try to cast them as powerless victims. Importantly, the book offers critical reflections on the interventions of the trauma and reconciliation industries, which can be more harmful than is currently realised. It will be of great interest to scholars of criminology, anthropology and international relations.
Re-mapping the Americas: Trends in Region-making (The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series)
by W. Andy Knight Julián Castro-Rea Hamid GhanySince the end of the Second World War the map of the Americas has changed dramatically. Not only were many former European colonies turned into sovereign states, there was also an ongoing process of region-making recognizable throughout the hemisphere and obvious through the establishment of several regional agreements. The emergence of political and economic regional integration blocs is a very timely topic analyzed by scholars in many disciplines worldwide. This book looks at remapping the recent trends in region-making throughout the Americas in a way that hasn’t been at the center of academic analyses so far. While examining these regionalisation tendencies with a historical background in mind, the authors also answer fundamental questions such as: What influences does globalization have on region-making, both on normative regionalism plans as well as on actual economic, political, cultural, military and social regionalization processes driven by state and non-state actors? What ideas or interests lead states in the Americas to cooperate or compete with one another and how is this power distributed? How do these regional agreements affect trade relations and have there been trade barriers set up to protect national economies? What agreements exist or have existed and how did they change with regard to contents and for what reason? The book informs academic as well as non-academic audiences about regional developments in the Americas, in particular those dating back to the last twenty years. Beyond the primary purpose of summarizing the hemisphere’s recent trends, the book also brings clarification in a detailed but easy to understand way about timely issues regarding the institutionalisation, or lack thereof, of the plethora of regional and sub-regional bodies that have emerged in this hemisphere over the past couple of decades.
(Re)Negotiating East and Southeast Asia
by Alice D. BaThis book seeks to explain two core paradoxes associated with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN): How have diverse states hung together and stabilized relations in the face of competing interests, divergent preferences, and arguably weak cooperation? How has a group of lesser, self-identified Southeast Asian powers gone beyond its original regional purview to shape the form and content of Asian Pacific and East Asian regionalisms? According to Alice Ba, the answers lie in ASEAN's founding arguments: arguments that were premised on an assumed regional disunity. She demonstrates how these arguments draw critical causal connections that make Southeast Asian regionalism a necessary response to problems, give rise to its defining informality and consensus-seeking process, and also constrain ASEAN's regionalism. Tracing debates about ASEAN's intra- and extra-regional relations over four decades, she argues for a process-driven view of cooperation, sheds light on intervening processes of argument and debate, and highlights interacting material, ideational, and social forces in the construction of regions and regionalisms.
Re-Orientalism and South Asian Identity Politics: The Oriental Other Within (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)
by Lisa Lau Ana Cristina MendesOrientalism refers to the imitation of aspects of Eastern cultures in the West, and was devised in order to have authority over the Orient. The concept of Re-Orientalism maintains the divide between the Orient and the West. However, where Orientalism is based on how the West constructs the East, Re-Orientalism is grounded on how the cultural East comes to terms with an orientalised East. This book explores various new forms, objects and modes of circulation that sustain this renovated form of Orientalism in South Asian culture. The contributors identify and engage with recent debates about postcolonial South Asian identity politics, discussing a range of different texts and films such as The White Tiger, Bride & Prejudice and Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love. Providing new theoretical insights from the areas of literature, film studies and cultural and discourse analysis, this book is an stimulating read for students and scholars interested in South Asian culture, postcolonial studies and identity politics.
Re-Orienting Australia-China Relations: 1972 to the Present
by Nicholas ThomasDrawing on contributors from academic and policy communities, this volume explores the major aspects of Australia-China relations. The frequently overlooked connection between Australia and Taiwan is also considered to allow readers to reach a full appreciation of the restraints engendered by the relationship with China as well as its many benefits. Moving beyond the traditional state-centric analysis, the work incorporates new material on sub-state relations as well as examining the impact of global economic and social forces on the Australia-China friendship. In addition to providing a contemporary understanding of the bilateral ties, this work also provides a benchmark against which Australia's other relations with the countries of East Asia can be measured.
Re-Orienting the Fundamentals: Human Rights and New Connections in EU-Asia Relations
by Georg WiessalaOffering an investigation of the ways in which matters of human rights give shape to the European Union's interaction with Asia, this volume argues for the consideration of selected social-constructivist perspectives with regard to the Asia-EU dialogue. It puts into context the function of ideas, identities, values, norms and human rights. Through a number of country-specific and regional case studies, the text examines both the 'enabling' and the 'inhibitory' potential of human rights in the Union's relations with Asian interlocutors. The book proposes a more inclusive, holistic understanding of the significance and potential of the human rights discourse in East-West contacts. It is aimed at a wide readership from the disciplines of politics, international relations, Asian studies, law and human rights.
Re-Politicising the Kyoto School as Philosophy (Routledge/Leiden Series in Modern East Asian Politics, History and Media)
by Christopher Goto-JonesIn Re-Politicising the Kyoto School as Philosophy Christopher Goto-Jones contends that existing approaches to the controversial Kyoto School fail to take it seriously as a school of philosophy, instead focussing on historical debates about the alleged complicity of the School’s members with the imperialist regime in Japan. The essays in this book take a new approach to the subject, engaging substantially with the philosophical texts of members of the Kyoto School, and demonstrating that the school developed serious and sophisticated positions on many of the perennial questions that lie at the heart of political philosophy. These positions are innovative and fresh, and are of value to political philosophy today, as well as to intellectual historians of Japan. In particular, the book is structured around the various ways in which we might locate the Kyoto School in mainstream traditions of political thought, and the insights offered by the School about the core concepts in political philosophy. In this way the book re-politicises the Kyoto School. With chapters written by many leading scholars in the field, and representing a contribution to political thought as well as the intellectual history of Japan, this book will appeal to students and scholars of Japanese studies, philosophy and political thought.
Re-presentation Policies of the Fashion Industry: Discourse, Apparatus and Power
by Eleni MouratidouThe book studies the way the luxurious fashion develops re-presentational politics by reinvesting symbolic fields such as art and culture, religion and the sacred as well as politics, in other words fields that represent a certain common pattern of life and a common interest. I develop a semiotic approach of the way art exhibitions, print and audiovisual advertising, publishing and distribution politics as well as special ready to wear collaborations with arts such as Jeff Koons reveal the fashion industry's gesture of pretending being a non-commercial structure especially in order to cover up its industrialisation and banalization process
Re/Presenting Class: Essays in Postmodern Marxism
by J. K. Gibson-Graham Stephen Resnick Richard D. WolffRe/presenting Class is a collection of essays that develops a poststructuralist Marxian conception of class in order to theorize the complex contemporary economic terrain. Both building upon and reconsidering a tradition that Stephen Resnick and Richard Wolff--two of this volume's editors--began in the late 1980s with their groundbreaking work Knowledge and Class, contributors aim to correct previous research that has largely failed to place class as a central theme in economic analysis. Suggesting the possibility of a new politics of the economy, the collection as a whole focuses on the diversity and contingency of economic relations and processes. Investigating a wide range of cases, the essays illuminate, for instance, the organizational and cultural means by which unmeasured surpluses--labor that occurs outside the formal workplace, such as domestic work--are distributed and put to use. Editors Resnick and Wolff, along with J. K. Gibson-Graham, bring theoretical essays together with those that apply their vision to topics ranging from the Iranian Revolution to sharecropping in the Mississippi Delta to the struggle over the ownership of teaching materials at a liberal arts college. Rather than understanding class as an element of an overarching capitalist social structure, the contributors--from radical and cultural economists to social scientists--define class in terms of diverse and ongoing processes of producing, appropriating, and distributing surplus labor and view class identities as multiple, changing, and interacting with other aspects of identity in contingent and unpredictable ways. Re/presenting Class will appeal primarily to scholars of Marxism and political economy. Contributors. Carole Biewener, Anjan Chakrabarti, Stephen Cullenberg, Fred Curtis, Satyananda Gabriel, J. K. Gibson-Graham, Serap Kayatekin, Bruce Norton, Phillip O'Neill, Stephen Resnick, David Ruccio, Dean Saitta, Andriana Vlachou, Richard Wolff
Re-reading Foucault: On Law, Power And Rights
by Ben GolderLaw, Rights and Power: Re-Reading Foucault is the first collection in English to fully address the relevance of Foucault’s thought for law. Michel Foucault is the best known and most cited of the late twentieth-century’s ‘theory’ academics. His work continues to animate a range of different critical work across intellectual disciplines in the arts, humanities and social sciences. There has, however, been relatively little examination of the legal implications and applications of Foucault’s work. This book fills that gap, providing an in-depth analysis of Foucault’s thought as it pertains to the crucial questions of law, government and rights. This collection engages with key legal themes as they emerge, both in Foucault’s work and in the contemporary scholarship that surrounds it. These include: the opposition between ‘law’ and ‘the juridical’; legal ways of organising and processing knowledge; sovereignty; punishment; bio-politics and governmentality; security; resistance; and, judgment. Including contributions from acknowledged experts on Foucault’s work, as well as pieces by younger scholars, Law, Rights and Power: Re-Reading Foucault will be of considerable interest across a range of disciplines, including law, sociology, criminology, international relations, political theory, and philosophy.