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Reparable Harm

by Lois M Davis Dana Scultz M. Rebecca Kilburn

The Los Angeles area has the most severe traffic congestion in the United States. Trends in many of the underlying causal factors suggest that congestion will continue to worsen in the coming years, absent significant policy intervention. Excessive traffic congestion detracts from quality of life, is economically wasteful and environmentally damaging, and exacerbates social-justice concerns. Finding efficient and equitable strategies for mitigating congestion will therefore serve many social goals. The authors recommend strategies for reducing congestion in Los Angeles County that could be implemented and produce significant improvements within about five years. To manage peak-hour auto travel, raise transportation revenue, improve alternative transportation options, and use existing capacity more efficiently, they recommend 10 primary strategies: improve signal control and timing; restrict curb parking on busy thoroughfares; implement paired one-way streets; promote ride-sharing, telecommuting, and flexible work schedules; develop a high-occupancy toll-lane network; vary curb-parking rates with demand, enforce the current parking cash-out law; promote deep-discount transit passes; expand bus rapid transit and bus-only lanes; and implement a regionally connected bicycle network. In addition, three recommendations may help, depending on the outcome of current events: evaluate arterial incident management, consider cordon congestion tolls, and levy local fuel taxes to raise transit revenue. Given that some of the recommendations may prove controversial, the authors also outline complementary strategies for building political consensus.

Reparations by Non-State Armed Groups under International Law: From Conflict to Repair in Colombia and Beyond (ISSN)

by Olivia Herman

This book examines whether and how non-state armed groups might be required to provide reparations for the harm caused by their violations of international law committed during situations of non-international armed conflict.Most of today’s armed conflicts are waged between states and non-state armed groups or between such groups. Societies ravaged by these conflicts endure extensive harm resulting from violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. This reality prompts a series of pressing questions. Akin to states, should non-state armed groups be held responsible for making reparation when violating international law? And if so, what measures can these groups take to repair the harm they have caused? The book begins by clarifying if there exists, in contemporary international law, a duty for armed groups to provide reparation. It considers whether non-state armed groups have primary international obligations as distinct duty bearers, and whether reparation can be one of the legal consequences when violating these obligations. Subsequently, the book sheds new light on how non-state armed groups’ duty of reparation can be operationalised in international law. This involves elucidating both the conceptualisation and practical application of this duty. Combining this legal analysis with practical perspectives, the book unveils important insights for international law, drawn from an in-depth analysis of Colombia’s experiences with reparations by armed groups in the context of transitional justice.This book will be of interest to scholars and practitioners working in the fields of international law related to armed conflict, accountability and redress, and transitional justice more broadly.

Reparations to Palestinian Refugees: A Comparative Perspective (Routledge Studies on the Arab-Israeli Conflict)

by Shahira Samy

This book delves into the issue of reparations in relation to Palestinian refugees in their search for a solution to their displacement and dispossession. Highlighting the broad spectrum of reparations available as forms of remedy for a historical injustice, the author probes the reasons behind the failure to reach a reparations agreement till the present day and discusses the significance of issues of apology, recognition and acknowledgement of responsibility. In its approach, the book departs from traditional and modern perceptions of reparations as featuring in international law, history, politics and philosophy. The analysis is focused on a comparative study of two other cases - the German-Jewish reparations agreement of 1952 and the Cypriot conflict - in search of parameters that may constitute a framework to a potential reparations model applicable to the case of Palestinian refugees. When compared to the history of negotiations over reparations in the Israeli-Palestinian case, the findings of the comparison shed light on why reparations are still illusive. The book thus offers an explanation of why reparations to Palestinian refugees have failed, and offers suggestions on how to enhance prospects for reparations to Palestinian displacement and dispossessions. A unique contribution to the study of the Arab-Israeli peace process, this book will be an important reference for scholars of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and for students and scholars of politics, conflict resolution and history.

Reparative Citizenship for Sephardi Descendants: Returning to the Jewish Past in Spain and Portugal (Remapping Cultural History #16)

by Dalia Kandiyoti and Rina Benmayor

In 2015, both Portugal and Spain passed laws enabling descendants of Sephardi Jews to obtain citizenship, an historic offer of reconciliation for Jews who were forced to undergo conversions or expelled from Iberia nearly half a millennia ago. Drawing on the memory of the expulsion from Sepharad, the scholarly and personal essays in Reparative Citizenship for Sephardi Descendants analyze the impact of reconciliation laws on descendants and contemporary forms of citizenship.

The Reparative Effects of Human Rights Trials: Lessons From Argentina

by Rosario Figari Layus

Justice in domestic courts is one of the most prominent aims of victims seeking to obtain accountability for human rights violations. It is, however, also one of the most difficult to achieve. In many Latin American countries, as well as elsewhere, activists have put human rights prosecutions forward as a fundamental means to end impunity, build democracy, strengthen the rule of law and address victims’ rights. But there is still little knowledge about what actually happens when these judicial mechanisms are effectively put to work. Can prosecutions of mass human rights violations contribute to overcome the effects of state violence and impunity? Can trials enable meaningful reparative changes for victims in their local contexts? Analysing the human rights trials in Argentina established to prosecute those responsible for human rights violations during the military dictatorship, this book addresses how and why domestic prosecutions can operate as a means for reparation and contribute to dealing with the damage caused by crimes against humanity. Based on a series of interviews conducted with victims participating in these prosecutions, as well as with lawyers, prosecutors, judges and other relevant actors in five provinces of Argentina, this book will be of considerable interest to those studying and working in the interdisciplinary field of transitional justice and human rights. The PhD thesis on which this book was based was awarded with the 2016 Doctoral Studies Award of the Philipps University of Marburg in Germany.

Reparative Futures and Transformative Learning Spaces

by Melanie Walker Alejandra Boni Diana Velasco

This edited book draws on an international cohort of authors, all working towards sustainable, decolonizing human development for more just futures in a variety of learning spaces. Integrating sustainable human development with ‘reparative futures’, the chapters present diverse examples of how transformative learning spaces can be created through different participatory methodologies and with different stakeholders. The book will be of interest to researchers, graduate students, practitioners and policymakers in the areas of higher education, development studies and transformative innovation.

Repatriation, Insecurity, and Peace: A Case Study of Rwandan Refugees

by Masako Yonekawa Akiko Sugiki

This book analyzes three major issues related to refugees: repatriation and its accompanying concerns – peace and security. Since the late 1980s, repatriation has been considered the most appropriate solution for refugees. This applies if the home country is peaceful, but often repatriation takes places in conflict situations, which can lead to national and human insecurity problems. Rwanda is one of the countries where the question of repatriation has become highly controversial since the 1990s. The United Nations maintains that Rwanda has changed significantly since the 1994 genocide, and today enjoys an essential level of peace and security. This explains why the UN has promoted repatriation and recommended the cessation of Rwandan refugee status, yet the vast majority of refugees have refused to return to the country. Providing insights from researchers, former UN staff members, journalists, and, most importantly, former Rwandan refugees themselves into both the theory and practice of refugees' repatriation as well as the security and peace issues, this book appeals to postgraduate students, academics, policymakers, and practitioners working for international organizations and NGOs.

The Repeal of Reticence: America's Cultural and Legal Struggles over Free Speech, Obscenity, Sexual Liberation, and Modern Art

by Rochelle Gurstein

At a time when America's faculties of taste and judgment—along with the sense of the sacred and shameful—have become utterly vacant, Rochelle Gurstein's The Repeal of Reticence delivers an important and troubling warning. Covering landmark developments in America's modern culture and law, she charts the demise of what was dismissively called "gentility" in the face of First Amendment triumphs for journalists, sex educators, and novelists—from Margaret Sanger's advocacy of birth control to Judge Woolsey's celebrated defense of Ulysses. Weaving together a study of the legal debates over obscenity and free speech with a cultural study of the critics and writers who framed the issues, Gurstein offers a trenchant reconsideration of the sacred value of privacy.

Repeal the Second Amendment: The Case for a Safer America

by Allan J. Lichtman

A radical case for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment as the only way to control gun violence in AmericaThere's an average of one mass shooting per day in the United States. Given the ineffectiveness of the gun control lobby, it's time for a strategy with spine. In Repeal the Second Amendment, Allan J. Lichtman has written the first book that uses history, legal theory and up-to-the-minute data to make a compelling case for the amendment’s repeal in order to create a clear road to sensible gun control in the US. Repeal the Second Amendment explores both the true history and current interpretation of the Second Amendment to expose the NRA’s blatant historical manipulations and irresponsible fake news releases. Lichtman looks at the history of firearms and gun regulations from colonial times to the present to explain how a historically forgotten sentence in the Constitution has become a flash point of recent politics that benefits only the gun industry, their lobbyists, and the politicians on their payroll. He probes court decisions and the effective lobbying and public relations strategies of the gun lobby as well as the ineffectiveness of the gun control movement for lessons in doing better. What emerges is a clear and cogent plan--repeal and replace the Second Amendment without taking guns away from anyone who has them now--to make the US a safer place. It's time to Repeal the Second Amendment, and Allan Lichtman is the man to bring this radical plan to America.

The Repeater Book of Heroism

by Tariq Goddard & Alex Niven

In these impactful first-person essays, a selection of Repeater authors come together to write about what heroism means to them, trying to imagine a new kind of hero figure for the twenty-first century."I don&’t have any heroes, they&’re all useless", opined John Lydon in 1976. As a spokesperson of sorts for the punk generation, Lydon was giving voice to a nihilistic, deconstructive impulse which, for better or worse, would go on to dominate the next half-century or so of intellectual, cultural and political life. But isn&’t one of the problems with the modern world that we no longer have any real sense of what heroism is? What if we recovered heroism from the hands of the fascists and the neoliberal ideologues, and proclaimed that – despite everything – a hero can and should be something to be? In these personal, provocative essays, the authors behind the uncompromising project that is Repeater Books come together to redefine the idea of the hero for a twenty-first-century public which desperately needs something to believe in. From Eric Cantona to Wile E Coyote, Bruno Latour to Paula Rego, forgotten legends and anonymous family members, this compendium of extraordinary human behaviour is essential reading for anyone who has ever thought that, despite what Jean-Paul Sartre said, heaven is other people.

Repensar la pobreza: Un giro radical en la lucha contra la desigualdad global

by Abhijit Banerjee Esther Duflo

Esther Duflo y Abhijit Banerjee, ganadores del Premio Nobel de Economía 2019. El libro que cambiará nuestra manera de pensar sobre la pobreza y lo que debemos hacer para aliviarla. ¿Cómo se vive con menos de un dólar al día? ¿Por qué los microcréditos resultan útiles pero no son el milagro que algunos esperaban? ¿Por qué los pobres dejan pasar las campañas de vacunación gratuita pero pagan por medicinas que a menudo no necesitan? ¿Por qué sus hijos pueden ir a la escuela año tras año y no aprender nada? ¿Por qué no siempre invierten en obtener más calorías, sino calorías que saben mejor? Nuestra tendencia a reducir a los pobres a un conjunto de clichés nos ha impedido hasta ahora comprender los problemas a los que se enfrentan a diario. Dado que poseen tan poco, hemos asumido que no hay nada de interés en su vida económica. Las políticas gubernamentales destinadas a ayudarles muchas veces fracasan porque se fundamentan en suposiciones erradas con respecto a sus circunstancias y su conducta. Repensar la pobreza supone un revolucionario giro en el modo de abordar la lucha global contra la pobreza. Sus autores, dos consagrados economistas del MIT, han acudido directamente a los protagonistas para comprender cómo funciona de verdad la economía de los pobres, cuáles son sus motivaciones y aspiraciones. Los resultados de sus observaciones contradicen muchas de nuestras creencias más arraigadas. El innovador planteamiento de este libro empieza por cambiar las preguntas. A partir de ahí, ofrece las respuestas y, con ellas, un gran potencial transformador y una guía esencial para políticos, activistas y cualquier persona preocupada por construir un mundo sin desigualdad. Reseñas:«Un libro maravillosamente lúcido sobre la naturaleza real de la pobreza.»Amartya Sen, Premio Nobel de Economía «El ensayo más interesante que he leído en mucho tiempo. Está lleno de sorpresas y va a cambiar nuestra manera de pensar sobre la pobreza y lo que se debe hacer para aliviarla.»Moisés Naím en «Lea este libro», El País «Este libro debe ser de lectura obligada para cualquier persona que se preocupe por la pobreza en el mundo. Representa lo mejor que la economía puede ofrecer.»Steven D. Levitt, autor de Freakonomics «Vayamos al grano: es el mejor libro que he leído sobre el tema.No hay truco. El enfoque es directo y honesto. Y algunas de las conclusiones son sorprendentes, incluso desconcertantes.»The Economist «Un logro profundo: reúne lo mejor de la nueva economía y de la antigua. Se han sumergido en el mundo que los rodea, negándose a aceptar la idea de que la economía es unamera extensión de las matemáticas.»David Leonhardt, The New York Times «Maravilloso. Han luchado por conquistar, con honestidad y rigor, un puesto de avanzada hacia la observación, el análisis y la complejidad en un mundo, el de la ayuda, que tiende a preferir los panfletos y las fotografías de famosos. Merecen ser felicitados y leídos.»William Easterly, The Wall Street Journal


by Eloísa Díaz

A FINANCIAL TIMES 'SUMMER BOOKS OF 2021' PICK'An accomplished, inventive detective novel thrumming with tension and family secrets' Sanaë Lemoine, author of The Margot Affair'An astonishingly assured first novel, both funny and moving'The Times Crime Club'Very impressive... Repentance is an evocative crime thriller with a likeable, self-aware protagonist, but also skilfully explores the darkest period in Argentina's modern history'Financial Times'A powerful crime novel ... Opening old historical wounds that still strongly affect Argentinian society, this is a tale with many layers, many of them painful to evoke and a strong depiction of a country and a period that still simmers between the pages of history books and the crime novel is a perfect way of lancing the boil. Recommended'Maxim Jakubowski, Crime Time BUENOS AIRES, 1981.Argentina is in the grip of a brutal military dictatorship.Inspector Joaquín Alzada's work in the Buenos Aires police force exposes him to the many realities of life under a repressive regime: desperate people, terrified people and - worst of all - missing people.Personally, he prefers to stay out of politics, enjoying a simple life with his wife Paula. But when his revolutionary brother Jorge is disappeared, Alzada will stop at nothing to rescue him.TWENTY YEARS LATER...The country is in the midst of yet another devastating economic crisis and riots are building in the streets of Buenos Aires. This time Alzada is determined to keep his head down and wait patiently for his retirement. But when a dead body lands in a skip behind the morgue and a woman from one of the city's wealthiest families goes missing, Alzada is forced to confront his own involvement in one of the darkest periods in Argentinian history - a time ofcollective horror and personal tragedy.Alternating between two key moments in the life of a man and his country, Repentance is a noir with a difference, featuring an unforgettable character on a quest to solve a case that offers both a painful reminder of all he has lost and a last chance at redemption.

Repercussions of Redundancy: A Local Survey (Routledge Library Editions: Work & Society)

by Hilda R. Kahn

Originally published in 1964, at a time of much public unease regarding redundancy, this book contains the results of a comprehensive survey, inspired by a suggestion of the then Minister of Labour that the mass redundancies in the Midlands motor industry of 1956 merited a full-scale investigation. The findings are based on an analysis of a 1 in 10 sample of men made redundant in Birmingham in the period. Among the matters examined are the difficulties encountered in obtaining work after redundancy; the range of geographical mobility and the role played by the then employment exchanges in securing new employment. Other chapters focus on the financial hardship caused; the resort to savings and the impact of the redundancies on the gender balance in the workforce. The impact of the dismissals on trade union affiliation is also considered, as are the men’s verdicts on the ‘fairness’ of the selection procedure adopted.

Repertoires of Terrorism: Organizational Identity and Violence in Colombia's Civil War (Columbia Studies in Terrorism and Irregular Warfare)

by Andreas E. Feldmann

Why do armed groups employ terrorism in markedly different ways during civil wars? Drawing on more than a decade of fieldwork, Andreas E. Feldmann examines the disparate behavior of actors including guerrilla groups, state security forces, and paramilitaries during Colombia’s long and bloody civil war. Analyzing the varieties of violence in this conflict, he develops a new theory of the dynamics of terrorism in civil wars.Feldmann argues that armed groups’ distinct uses—repertoires—of terrorism arise from their particular organizational identities, the central and enduring attributes that distinguish one faction from other warring parties. He investigates a range of groups that took part in the Colombian conflict over the course of its evolution from ideological to criminal warfare, demonstrating that organizational identity plays a critical role in producing and rationalizing violence. Armed parties employ their unique repertoires as a means of communication to assert their relevance and territorial presence and to differentiate themselves from enemies and rivals. Repertoires of Terrorism is based on an extensive data set covering thousands of incidents, as well as interviews, archival research, and testimony. It sheds new light on both armed groups’ use of violence in Colombia’s civil war and the factors that shape terrorist activity in other conflicts.

Report of Strategic Studies in China (2018): Domestic Development, Sino-American Relations and China’s Grand Strategy

by Honghua Men

This book is devoted to taking a lead in establishing a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary platform for exchanging fresh thinking in the field of strategic studies. The book gathers invited reports from various prestigious scholars from home and abroad. The aim of this book is threefold: firstly, to provide a comprehensive overview of the emerging evolution in international and regional orders, as well as the recent strategy adjustments among major world powers; secondly, to discuss major strategic issues facing China, and to further propose the Chinese wisdom and a Chinese strategic approach to sustaining peace and development, and to reaching a benign international interaction between China and other entities in the world, such as achieving cooperation and mutual benefits between China and the world; thirdly, to investigate the key factors in enhancing China’s domestic governance such as strengthening state political capacity, national environmental governance, etc. The editorial group selected 10 high-quality reports to disseminate the findings and promote future research collaboration in this area. This timely book offers both theoretical insights and rigorous quantitative method that impact China’s peaceful rise in the international arena.

Report of Strategic Studies in China (2019): Once-in-a-Century Transformation and China’s Period of Strategic Opportunity

by Honghua Men Xi Xiao

This book is devoted to taking a lead in establishing a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary platform for exchanging fresh thinking in the field of strategic studies. The book gathers invited reports from prestigious scholars in such research areas as political philosophy, economy, history, international security and diplomacy. The theme of the book is grand in nature, for the world is undergoing once-in-a-century great transformation, meanwhile China faces the critical moment for its great rejuvenation, how China thinks about and designs its relations with the world is a key issue in the international arena. The book reveals that the greatest challenge to China in this context is how to secure and extend its period of strategic opportunity, and actively shaping this period should be regarded as the core trend of its response. The aim of this book is threefold: firstly, to provide a comprehensive overview of the undergoing world transformation and its interaction with China; to analyze how China deals with internal and external challenges, why China could still have strategic opportunities and what will and should China do to sustain and reshape its period of strategic opportunity, secondly, to analyze how China deals with fierce strategic competition with the U.S., and how it develops its relations with other countries, especially great powers; to analyze the challenges that the BRI faces and how China reshapes it relations with other developing countries via cooperation on the BRI; thirdly, to provide a vivid picture of world transformation and China’s design of its grand strategy, to investigate the key factors in securing China’s sustainable development and its period of strategic opportunity, and indicates that the key is to develop a global vision and provide new strategic opportunities for the world, and the support comes from a stronger presence in the region and an optimized geopolitical and economic environment.The book provides Chinese visions and wisdom on world transformation and strategic opportunities, reveals Chinese wisdoms in dealing with transformation and crises, all readers could learn more if they could keep calm and think.

Report of the County Chairman

by Steve Berry James A. Michener

James A. Michener, the acclaimed author of sweeping historical blockbusters, chronicles his personal involvement in one of the most dramatic elections of the twentieth century: the presidential race between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. A relative newcomer to politics, Michener served as the Democratic chairman in his native Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in a rural battleground precinct where the major controversies of the day--notably Kennedy's Catholicism--brought cultural divides to the forefront. First published shortly after the 1960 election, Report of the County Chairman remains an intimate, gripping account of the power of grassroots political involvement. BONUS: This edition includes an excerpt from James A. Michener's Hawaii.

Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2017

by National Academy of Sciences

The income that supports the activities of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) comes from two major sources: program revenue received from sponsors to pay for the myriad studies and other activities undertaken each year by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and a much smaller sum that is obtained from our endowment under the endowment spending policies adopted by the Council. The goal of the endowment is to provide stable support for the Academy's programs and activities. To achieve this goal, the Council, acting on the recommendations of the Finance Committee, has historically authorized spending from the portfolio at a rate designed to maintain the purchasing power of the endowment over time. This Report of the Treasurer of the National Academy of Sciences presents the financial position and results of operations as well as a review of the endowment, trust, and other long-term investments portfolio activities of our Academy for the year ended December 31, 2017. While this book provides essential financial summary to key personnel, it also serves as a vital informative resource for various members of the public, private, and governmental sectors.

Report of the Treasurer of the National Academy of Sciences: For the Year Ended December 31, 2016

by National Academy Of Sciences

The income that supports the activities of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) comes from two major sources: program revenue received from sponsors to pay for the myriad studies and other activities undertaken each year by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and a much smaller sum that is obtained from our endowment under the endowment spending policies adopted by the Council. The goal of the endowment is to provide stable support for the Academy’s programs and activities. To achieve this goal, the Council, acting on the recommendations of the Finance Committee, has historically authorized spending from the portfolio at a rate designed to maintain the purchasing power of the endowment over time. This Report of the Treasurer of the National Academy of Sciences presents the financial position and results of operations as well as a review of the endowment, trust, and other long-term investments portfolio activities of our Academy for the year ended December 31, 2016. While this book provides essential financial summary to key personnel, it also serves as a vital informative resource for various members of the public, private, and governmental sectors.

Report of the Treasurer of the National Academy of Sciences

by National Academy of Sciences of the National Academies

This Report of the Treasurer of the National Academy of Sciences presents the financial position and results of operations, as well as a review of the endowment, trust, and other long-term investments pool activities of the Academy for the year ended December 31, 2009.

Report on China Smart Education 2022: Digital Transformation of Chinese Education Towards Smart Education (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by China National Academy of Edu., Sciences

This book aims to reflect the digital transformation of Chinese education toward smart education comprehensively and accurately. It is the first systematic summary of the progress of smart education in China. The book believes that smart education is a new education form in the digital era and is essentially distinct from education forms in the industrial era. This new education form is innovative in five dimensions. First is the new core concept. Smart education is not only a concrete action concerning people’s well-being, but also a vital strategy concerning national plans. Through technology empowerment and data drive, it empowers educational reform in all aspects, systematically constructs a new relationship between education and society, provides suitable education for each learner, and makes the aptitude-based teaching that we have been dreaming of for thousands of years a reality. For the first time in history, smart education helps to reach the full alignment between individual development and societal development. Second is the new system structure. Smart education will break through the boundaries of school education, drive the diversified combination of various education types, resources, and elements, promote the collaboration of school, family, and society in education, and build a high-quality, individualized lifelong learning system that is available for anyone anywhere anytime. Third is the new teaching paradigm. Smart education will integrate physical, social, and digital spaces to create new learning scenarios and promote human–technology integration, and cultivate cross-grade, cross-class, and cross-discipline learning communities across time and space to organically combine large-scale education with individualized cultivation. Fourth is the new educational content. Smart education will focus on developing all-round education, establishing digital knowledge graphs based on systematic logics of knowledge points, and innovating content presentation methods to make learning a wonderful experience and help learners develop higher-order thinking skills, comprehensive innovation capability, and lifelong learning ability. Fifth is the new education governance. With data governance at the core and digital intelligence technology as the driver, smart education will boost the holistic reengineering of education administration and business processes and enhance the modernization of the education governance system and governance capacity. This book is intended for teachers, education administrators, education policymakers, education researchers, and parents concerned about education innovation and development, as well as people from all walks of life who have aspirations for the education industry. It can also serve as a reference for international organizations and education research institutions of all countries to promote the joint exploration of the development path of smart education and create a better future for the world’s mutual development through educational reform.

A Report on China’s Administration Reform (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path)

by Yukai WANG

This book traces the history of China’s administrative reform in the past 35 years, focusing on the three phases of development, four guidelines and five major tasks of the reform since it is of great value to depict the entire process of China’s administrative system reform, analyzing the achievements, problems and prospects of the reform, and exploring experiences and lessons from the relationship between the administrative system reform and China’s economic, social and government transformation.

Report on Chinese Social Opinion and Crisis Management (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path)

by Yungeng Xie

This volume focuses on Chinese society in the environment created by new media. It offers insights into Chinese public opinion for an international readership, and to promote the media literacy and crisis coping capacity of all social sectors by integrating multiple research perspectives, including journalism and communication, management, sociology, psychology, information security, etc. The volume is guided by an innovative “overarching public opinion research framework” as well as qualitative and quantitative research methods, and includes in-depth studies on: the status quo of Chinese social opinion and Internet public opinion, the developmental history of Chinese Internet public opinion over the past ten years (2003-2012), the online communication of public events, and public satisfaction with the government. ​

Report On Cuba: Findings Of The Study Group On United States-Cuba Relations

by Central American and Caribbean Program

First published in 1984. The Study Group on U.S.-Cuban Relations was organized under the auspices of the Central American and Caribbean Program (CACP) at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington, D.C. The Study Group on U.S.-Cuban Relations met on three separate occasions. The first meeting on January 24 and 25, 1983, was devoted to discussion of U.S.. interests and policy objectives in Cuba. The second meeting on February 28 was dedicated to analysis of the current U.S. policy toward Cuba, and the final session on March 25 focused on policy options. The following report is a synthesis of the three discussions

Report On Guatemala: Findings Of The Study Group On United States-guatemalan Relations

by The Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)

The findings of the Study Group on United States-Guatemalan Relations,organized under the auspices of the Central American and Caribbean Program(CACP) at the School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns HopkinsUniversity, focus on the nature of Guatemalan politics, possibilities for democratization,and the options available to U.S. policymakers during the regime ofGeneral Rios Montt. Also included in this book are two papers, commissioned by the CACP, that present starkly contrasting views of Guatemala in order to provide a background for the study group's discussions. As anticipated by study group members, the Rios Montt regime fell from power after the initial writing of this report, but their findings nevertheless provide an excellent overview of the debate on U.S. policy toward Guatemala.

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