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Reagan's War: The Epic Story of His Forty Year Struggle and Final Triumph Over Communism
by Peter SchweizerRonald Reagan has been considered at best an amiable dunce, a genial actor who simply mouthed whatever slogans his right-wing puppetmasters put in front of him. This book presents Reagan as President and statesman. Reagan's War is the story of Ronald Reagan's personal and political journey, beginning with his days in Hollywood, where he led the movie industry's resistance to an attempted communist takeover of Hollywood unions. The fight against communism changed the whole direction of his life. Schweizer chronicles Reagan's anti-communist crusade from governor of California to the White House. Along the way, Reagan moved from an initial posture of containment to being an advocate of head-on confrontation. Schweizer brings to light dozens of previously unknown facts about the Cold War, based on secret documents obtained from archives in Russia, Germany, Poland, Hungary, and the United States. Among his revelations are a North Korean and East German plot to assassinate Reagan in 1983; Reagan's secret funding of Solidarity of Poland; and the behind-the-scenes support that the Soviets and East Germans provided for European and American peace movements, as well as their clandestine contacts with U.S. government officials.
Reagan's War
by Peter SchweizerReagan's War is the story of Ronald Reagan's personal and political journey as an anti-communist, from his early days as an actor to his years in the White House. Challenging popular misconceptions of Reagan as an empty suit who played only a passive role in the demise of the Soviet Union, Peter Schweizer details Reagan's decades-long battle against communism.Bringing to light previously secret information obtained from archives in the United States, Germany, Poland, Hungary, and Russia--including Reagan's KGB file--Schweizer offers a compelling case that Reagan personally mapped out and directed his war against communism, often disagreeing with experts and advisers. An essential book for understanding the Cold War, Reagan's War should be read by open-minded readers across the political spectrum.From the Trade Paperback edition.the USSR drew the attention of Soviet officials, who began a KGB file on him when he was still governor of California. By the time he was elected president, they viewed him as a serious threat to their interests. Reagan's War shows just how right they were, presenting compelling evidence that Reagan personally mapped out and directed a campaign to bankrupt the Soviet Union and wage an economic and political war against Moscow.In telling the story of Reagan's ultimate triumph, Schweizer also brings to light dozens of previously unknown facts about the Cold War, based on secret documents obtained from archives in Russia, Germany, Poland, Hungary, and the United States. Among his many startling revelations are Kissinger's private deals with Soviet leaders that protected his own political viability while allowing the Soviets to pursue their goals within their own sphere; a North Korean and East German plot to assassinate Reagan in 1983; Reagan's secret funding of Solidarity in Poland; and the behind-the-scenes support Soviets and East Germans provided for European and American peace movements, as well as their clandestine contacts with U.S. government officials.A fresh, often startling look at Ronald Reagan and his central role in winning the war for global dominance in the 1980s, Reagan's War is a major work of twentieth-century history.From the Hardcover edition.
Reaktorsicherheit für Leistungskernkraftwerke
by Paul LaufsIn dem Band wird die Entwicklung der Reaktorsicherheit in deutschen Leichtwasser-Kernkraftwerken nachgezeichnet. Dabei wird auf die Rolle internationaler Vorbilder ebenso Bezug genommen wie auf nationale und internationale Risikostudien. Anhand des Beispiels Reaktorsicherheit wird deutlich, unter welchen politischen Bedingungen internationale Großforschungsprojekte entwickelt werden: Sicherheitsreserven und -kultur wurden in dem Moment verbessert, als die Frage der Nutzung der Kernenergie in das Zentrum der politischen Auseinandersetzungen rückte.
Reaktorsicherheit für Leistungskernkraftwerke: Die Entwicklung im politischen und technischen Umfeld der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
by Paul LaufsIn dem Band wird die Entwicklung der Reaktorsicherheit in deutschen Leichtwasser-Kernkraftwerken nachgezeichnet. Dabei wird auf die Rolle internationaler Vorbilder ebenso Bezug genommen wie auf nationale und internationale Risikostudien. Anhand des Beispiels Reaktorsicherheit wird deutlich, unter welchen politischen Bedingungen internationale Großforschungsprojekte entwickelt werden: Sicherheitsreserven und -kultur wurden in dem Moment verbessert, als die Frage der Nutzung der Kernenergie in das Zentrum der politischen Auseinandersetzungen rückte.
Reaktorsicherheit für Leistungskernkraftwerke 1
by Paul LaufsIn dem Band wird die Entwicklung der Reaktorsicherheit in deutschen Leichtwasser-Kernkraftwerken nachgezeichnet. Dabei wird auf die Rolle internationaler Vorbilder ebenso Bezug genommen wie auf nationale und internationale Risikostudien. Anhand des Beispiels Reaktorsicherheit wird deutlich, unter welchen politischen Bedingungen internationale Großforschungsprojekte entwickelt werden: Sicherheitsreserven und -kultur wurden in dem Moment verbessert, als die Frage der Nutzung der Kernenergie in das Zentrum der politischen Auseinandersetzungen rückte.
Reaktorsicherheit für Leistungskernkraftwerke 2
by Paul LaufsDas Werk beschreibt die wesentlichen Tätigkeitsfelder der Entwicklung der Kernenergienutzung im politischen und technischen Umfeld der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Insbesondere die Entwicklung der Reaktorsicherheit deutscher Leichtwasser-Kernkraftwerke wird aus den Anfängen heraus mit ihren vielfältigen Bezügen zu ausländischen Vorbildern, zu nationalen und internationalen Forschungsvorhaben sowie zu konventionellen und nuklearen Schadensereignissen wiedergegeben.In diesem Band 2 werden die Sicherheitsfragen in Bezug auf die zentrale und wichtigste Komponente eines Kernkraftwerks vertieft, den Reaktordruckbehälter. Den in Deutschland verwendeten Reaktortechnologien werden zukünftige Optionen gegenübergestellt. Die hier vorliegende 2. Auflage enthält Ergänzungen, Korrekturen und neue Abbildungen. Neu bearbeitet wurden das Alterungsmanagement langjährig betriebener Anlagen, der Rückbau und die Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle.Detaillierte und reich bebilderte Darstellungen sind Kennzeichen der sachlichen Behandlung des Themas. Den in Band 1 dargestellten spezifischen Sicherheitstechniken, wie die Berstsicherheit der druckführenden Umschließung, die Sicherstellung der Notkühlung, die notwendige Leittechnik und der Umgebungsschutz, werden nun in Band 2 auch die detaillierten Betrachtungen des Alterungsmanagements, des Rückbaus von Kernkraftwerken und der Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle hinzugefügt. Die Inhalte schließen auch Ergebnisse nationaler und internationaler Risikostudien ein. Es wird gezeigt, wie die nationalen und internationalen Anstrengungen von Industrie, Staat und Wissenschaft zur Erhöhung der Sicherheitsreserven und zur Verbesserung der Sicherheitskultur in einem gesellschaftlichen Umfeld vorangetrieben wurden, in dem die Frage der Kernenergienutzung zu einem zentralen Thema der politischen Auseinandersetzungen wurde.
The Real America
by Glenn BeckGlenn Beck has entertained, inspired, and informed millions with his self-effacing humor, heartfelt conviction, and down-to-earth approach to life. And in The Real America, a powerful collection of his early writings, he calls it as he sees it, cutting through the fog of those who have made it their mission to underestimate -- and undermine -- the greatness of America and the power of "We the People." Whether the topic is family, religion, personal responsibility, rampant political correctness, presidential elections, or out-of-control celebrities, Glenn Beck rails against the forces that keep us from uniting and fulfilling our potential and explains how to overcome them. His compelling, patriotic, and spiritually driven message will inspire you to connect with your own power and help lead us back to that place that is quickly being forgotten...THE REAL AMERICA.
Real and Financial Sectors in Post-Pandemic Central and Eastern Europe: The Impact of Economic, Monetary, and Fiscal Policy (Contributions to Economics)
by Bojana Olgić Draženović Vesna Buterin Stella Suljić NikolajThis book offers new insights into the real and financial sectors in the post-pandemic European Union, with a specific focus on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and a special reference to Croatia. The contributors examine the timeliness, justification, and appropriateness of the measures taken in response to the deteriorating economic conditions and the associated outcomes. They further discuss various aspects of economic, financial, and energy policy. While doing so, they focus on two important issues. The first is an analysis and assessment of the financial development and performance of the real sector. The second is an insight into the institutional dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the discussion of obstacles and opportunities for recovery in the near future. The topics covered in this book include, but are not limited to, unconventional monetary policy, financial cycles, fiscal incentives, institutional development and institutional quality, the banking system, real estate markets, competitiveness, pension systems, financial regulation, energy markets, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, as well as agricultural policy. Therefore, this volume will appeal to researchers, students, and scholars of finance and economics, as well as policy-makers interested in a better understanding of real and financial sectors, economic policy, and post-pandemic economic development in Central and Eastern Europe.
Real Change: The Fight for America's Future
by Newt GingrichAmericans don't just want change this election year, they want real change-but most have no idea where it will come from. Democrats can't provide it and Republicans won't. But former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich does. He explains what is wrong with our country and how to solve our problems in his blockbuster new book, Real Change: From the World That Fails to the World That Works.In this no-holds-barred assessment of American politics, Gingrich approaches our nation's problems with a private-sector mentality and an entrepreneurial spirit, offering commonsense solutions for the issues of today and the challenges of tomorrow.He lambasts both parties for creating a "government of the bureaucrats, by the consultants, and for the special interests" and busts the myth that voters are entrenched in a "red state" vs. "blue state" mentality. Gingrich exposes the truth: Americans are united on almost every important issue. It's the politicians who drag us into partisan bickering and away from real change.
Real Common Sense
by Brian KahnAmerica's extreme Right falsely claims the Founding Fathers as allies for their radical agenda. Pundit Glenn Beck has gone so far as to use the title of Tom Paine's famous 1776 pamphlet Common Sense for his own book--a book that attacks the political, social and economic rights which Paine and the Founders fought for.It's time to cut through the rhetoric, smoke, and spin, and get back to our core American values. We have gone off course as a country by emphasizing consumerism over citizenship, entertainment over education, and "me" over "we." By rediscovering the moral compass our Founders put into place, we can create a united America, and a future worthy of our grandchildren.
The Real Cost of Cheap Food (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment)
by Michael CarolanThis thought-provoking, accessible book critically examines the dominant food regime on its own terms, by seriously asking whether we can afford cheap food and by exploring what exactly cheap food affords us.The author shows why today's global food system produces just the opposite of what it promises. The food produced under this regime is in fact exceedingly expensive. Many of these costs will be paid for in other ways or by future generations and cheap food today may mean expensive food tomorrow. By systematically assessing these costs the book delves into issues related, but not limited to, the food system, the environment, sustainable development, health, and social justice. In this new edition the author brings all data and citations fully up to date. Increased coverage is given to many topics including climate change, vertical agriculture, global pandemics, geopolitical instability, agriculture 4.0, alternative proteins, and food justice. Detailing the numerous ways that our understanding of food has narrowed, such as its price per ounce, combination of nutrients, yield per acre, or calories, the book argues for a more contextual view of food when debating its affordability. Expanding an innovation introduced in the second edition, concrete case studies of collective mobilization can be found throughout all chapters to support a narrative that balances being critical with being hopeful.This book is essential reading for those interested in critical food studies, food and agriculture, and a sustainable and socially just food system.
The Real Cost of Fracking
by Michelle Bamberger Sandra Steingraber Robert OswaldA pharmacologist and a veterinarian pull back the curtain on the human and animal health effects of hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking" Across the country, fracking--the extraction of natural gas by hydraulic fracturing--is being touted as the nation's answer to energy independence and a fix for a flagging economy. Drilling companies assure us that the process is safe, politicians push through drilling legislation without a serious public-health debate, and those who speak out are marginalized, their silence purchased by gas companies and their warnings about the dangers of fracking stifled. The Real Cost of Fracking pulls back the curtain on how this toxic process endangers the environment and harms people, pets, and livestock. Michelle Bamberger, a veterinarian, and Robert Oswald, a pharmacologist, combine their expertise to show how contamination at drilling sites translates into ill health and heartbreak for families and their animals. By giving voice to the people at ground zero of the fracking debate, the authors vividly illustrate the consequences of fracking and issue an urgent warning to all of us: fracking poses a dire threat to the air we breathe, the water we drink, and even our food supply. Bamberger and Oswald reveal the harrowing experiences of small farmers who have lost their animals, their livelihoods, and their peace of mind, and of rural families whose property values have plummeted as their towns have been invaded by drillers. At the same time, these stories give us hope, as people band together to help one another and courageously fight to reclaim their communities. The debate over fracking speaks to a core dilemma of contemporary life: we require energy to live with modern conveniences, but what degree of environmental degradation, health risks, and threats to our food supply are we willing to accept to obtain that energy? As these stories demonstrate, the stakes couldn't be higher, and this is an issue that none of us can afford to ignore.From the Hardcover edition.
The Real Costs of American Health Care
by David GoldhillA Vintage Shorts Original Selection Despite all attempts to make it otherwise, the American health care system remains arcane, bloated, inefficient, and damaging to our health. We pay high premiums, endure exorbitant out-of-pocket costs, see little to no information about treatment options, and suffer often meager and sloppy care. The Affordable Care Act was an unambitious reform not likely to have an impact on these fundamental problems. But, politics aside, health care doesn't have to be this complicated. And, its costs don't have to be this high. In this provocative and convincing essay, David Goldhill outlines the myriad misconceptions that plague American health care, and makes a radical case for reform. There is no panacea, but if we want to preserve our health and our pocketbooks, we need to normalize health care and enable a competitive, dynamic and diverse exchange where providers will be held accountable to the Americans they care for. An ebook short.
The Real Crash: America's Coming Bankruptcy: How to Save Yourself and Your Country
by Peter SchiffYou might be thinking everything's okay: the stock market is on the rise, jobs are growing, the worst of it is over.You'd be wrong.In The Real Crash, New York Times bestselling author Peter D. Schiff argues that America is enjoying a government-inflated bubble, one that reality will explode . . . with disastrous consequences for the economy and for each of us. Schiff demonstrates how the infusion of billions of dollars of stimulus money has only dug a deeper hole: the United States government simply spends too much and does not collect enough money to pay its debts, and in the end, Americans from all walks of life will face a crushing consequence. We're in hock to China, we can't afford the homes we own, and the entire premise of our currency—backed by the full faith and credit of the United States—is false. Our system is broken, Schiff says, and there are only two paths forward. The one we're on now leads to a currency and sovereign debt crisis that will utterly destroy our economy and impoverish the vast majority of our citizens. However, if we change course, the road ahead will be a bit rockier at first, but the final destination will be far more appealing. If we want to avoid complete collapse, we must drastically reduce government spending—eliminate entire agencies, end costly foreign military escapades and focus only on national defense—and stop student loan or mortgage interest deductions, as well as drug wars and bank-and-business bailouts. We must also do what no politician or pundit has proposed: America should declare bankruptcy, restructure its debts, and reform our system from the ground up. Persuasively argued and provocative, The Real Crash explains how we got into this mess, how we might get out of it, and what happens if we don't. And, with wisdom born from having predicted the Crash of 2008, Peter Schiff explains how to protect yourself, your family, your money, and your country against what he predicts.
The Real Crash: America's Coming Bankruptcy--How to Save Yourself and Your Country
by Peter D. SchiffNew York Times bestselling author Peter D. Schiff argues that America is enjoying a government-inflated bubble, one that reality will explode with disastrous consequences for the economy and for each of us. Schiff demonstrates how the infusion of billions of dollars of stimulus money has only dug a deeper hole: the United States government simply spends too much and does not collect enough money to pay its debts, and in the end, Americans from all walks of life will face a crushing consequence. We're in hock to China, we can't afford the homes we own, and the entire premise of our currency--backed by the full faith and credit of the United States--is false. Our system is broken, Schiff says, and there are only two paths forward. The one we're on now leads to a currency and sovereign debt crisis that will utterly destroy our economy and impoverish the vast majority of our citizens. However, if we change course, the road ahead will be a bit rockier at first, but the final destination will be far more appealing. If we want to avoid complete collapse, we must drastically reduce government spending--eliminate entire agencies, end costly foreign military escapades and focus only on national defense--and stop student loan or mortgage interest deductions, as well as drug wars and bank-and-business bailouts. We must also do what no politician or pundit has proposed: America should declare bankruptcy, restructure its debts, and reform our system from the ground up. Persuasively argued and provocative, The Real Crash explains how we got into this mess, how we might get out of it, and what happens if we don't. And, with wisdom born from having predicted the Crash of 2008, Peter Schiff explains how to protect yourself, your family, your money, and your country against what he predicts.
The Real Cyber War: The Political Economy of Internet Freedom
by Shawn M. Powers Michael JablonskiContemporary discussion surrounding the role of the internet in society is dominated by words like: internet freedom, surveillance, cybersecurity, Edward Snowden and, most prolifically, cyber war. Behind the rhetoric of cyber war is an on-going state-centered battle for control of information resources. Shawn Powers and Michael Jablonski conceptualize this real cyber war as the utilization of digital networks for geopolitical purposes, including covert attacks against another state's electronic systems, but also, and more importantly, the variety of ways the internet is used to further a state's economic and military agendas. Moving beyond debates on the democratic value of new and emerging information technologies, The Real Cyber War focuses on political, economic, and geopolitical factors driving internet freedom policies, in particular the U.S. State Department's emerging doctrine in support of a universal freedom to connect. They argue that efforts to create a universal internet built upon Western legal, political, and social preferences is driven by economic and geopolitical motivations rather than the humanitarian and democratic ideals that typically accompany related policy discourse. In fact, the freedom-to-connect movement is intertwined with broader efforts to structure global society in ways that favor American and Western cultures, economies, and governments. Thought-provoking and far-seeing, The Real Cyber War reveals how internet policies and governance have emerged as critical sites of geopolitical contestation, with results certain to shape statecraft, diplomacy, and conflict in the twenty-first century.
The Real Deal
by Fern MichaelsThe New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Fern Michaels delivers her signature mix of thrilling twists and relatable heroines in this exciting novel following an independent woman driven by passion and bound by duty in Washington, DC. Resourceful and steadfast FBI agent Quinn Star has always relied on herself—how else could she have survived the boys club of the FBI or navigated the heartbreak of a thwarted affair with her boss? Today, Quinn risks her life every day in the Secret Service as she protects the First Lady of the United States. But unfortunately, she can&’t safeguard her from the ruthless advisors who are intent on hiding the President&’s debilitating illness for their political gain. Suspecting a conspiracy that places the fate of the President, his wife—and the nation—on the line, Quinn whisks the First Lady out of the capital to her South Carolina home. But are they truly safe from whoever is pulling the strings in this lethal game? And Quinn&’s fortitude is tested further when a mysterious lover emerges from the shadows of the past...
The Real Deal: My Decade Fighting Battles and Winning Wars with Trump
by George A. Sorial Damian BatesRemember when Trump was a great boss, a great father, and a great businessman, before the liberal media rewrote that narrative? That’s still the real Trump.Longtime Trump Organization executive and attorney George A. Sorial saw the real Trump firsthand, from the early days of The Apprentice to the passing of power to the younger generation before the inauguration. He learned from his boss how to use chaos, the media, and a single-minded focus to achieve things everyone else said were impossible.He learned how to predict what the world’s least predictable leader would do next.In The Real Deal, George A. Sorial and Damian Bates, a former newspaper editor who has covered Trump for years, explain the forty-fifth president’s business and political strategies in detail. Often what looks complicated is just a man giving the people what he wants. For instance, why would Trump run for president, when winning would be a financial disaster for him? He was forced to set aside his TV contracts and international expansion, costing him hundreds of millions of dollars. The answer is: because everyone he talked to wanted him to run to make America great again. In this book we see a man barely recognizable from the media’s depiction. We see the deliberate and cunning reasons he scolds people, gets impatient with complicated briefings, hires neophytes, and starts fights in the media. We also see a boss who was hard-working, fun, well read, generous with opportunities, and endlessly interested in outside opinions. The mainstream media has tried to undermine the president at every turn by spreading lies about his management abilities, his negotiation style, and his business success. Now, in The Real Deal, George A. Sorial and Damian Bates explain how Trump’s unusual style worked so well for decades—and how it’s working better in the White House than anyone realizes.
Real Democracy Occupy: No Stable Ground (Routledge Studies in Radical History and Politics)
by Anna SzoluchaThe liberal representative model of democracy is in a crisis. In protest camps, neighbourhood assemblies and through other non-hierarchical initiatives, the Occupy movement as well as other recent anti-austerity movements are redefining democracy as a positive way to engage with this crisis. The more direct democratic models of organisation that they are employing are not aimed at making the politicians regain their lost public legitimacy. Instead, direct democracy is perceived by these movements as a radical alternative to the established forms of representation. Can direct democracy become an actual alternative to representative democracy? This book takes an engaged and in-depth look at the Occupy movement in Ireland and the San Francisco Bay Area in the US in order to present the most up-to-date evidence of the changing nature of popular democratic demands. It takes an insider’s perspective to analyse the internal processes and iterations of the movement. Establishing links between social movements and transformations of democracy, as well as underscoring the significance of the recent movements for the future of democracy, this book is essential reading for students, scholars and activists interested in direct democracy, social movements, and radical politics more generally.
The Real Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II (Platinum Nonfiction Ser.)
by Andrew MarrA surprising and very personal biography of a woman who may be the world's last great queen, published to coincide with the sixtieth anniversary of her reignElizabeth II, one of England's longest-reigning monarchs, is an enigma. In public, she confines herself to optimistic pieties and guarded smiles; in private, she is wry, funny, and an excellent mimic. Now, for the first time, one of Britain's leading journalists and historians gets behind the mask and tells us the fascinating story of the real Elizabeth.Born shortly before the Depression, Elizabeth grew up during World War II and became queen because of the shocking abdication of her uncle and the early death of her father. Only twenty-five when she ascended to the throne, she has been at the apex of the British state for nearly six decades. She has entertained and known numerous world leaders, including every U.S. president since Harry Truman. Brought up to regard family values as sacred, she has seen all but one of her children divorce; her heir, Prince Charles, conduct an adulterous affair before Princess Diana's death; and a steady stream of family secrets poured into the open. Yet she has never failed to carry out her duties, and she has never said a word about any of the troubles she has endured.Andrew Marr, who enjoys extraordinary access to senior figures at Buckingham Palace, has written a revealing and essential book about a woman who has managed to remain private to the point of mystery throughout her reign.
The Real Enigma Heroes
by Phil ShanahanFor almost sixty years after their deaths, three men, whose brave actions shortened the Second World War by as much as two years, remained virtually unknown and uncelebrated. Two lost their lives retrieving vital German codebooks from a sinking U-boat. The third survived the war, only to die in a house fire soon afterwards. But it was the precious documents they seized in October 1942 that enabled Bletchley Park’s code-breakers to crack Enigma and so win the Battle of the Atlantic. Now recognised as a pivotal moment in world history, three British servicemen made it possible to finally beat the U-boats, but at the time not even their families could be told of the importance of their deeds. Shrouded in secrecy for decades, then recast as fictional Americans by the Hollywood film U-571, this book sets the record straight. It is written in celebration of Colin Grazier GC, Tony Fasson GC, and Tommy Brown GM - the REAL Enigma heroes.
Real Estate: Property Markets and Sustainable Behaviour (Natural and Built Environment Series)
by Peter Dent Michael Patrick Xu YeTraditional studies of the property market have tended to focus solely on commercial and legal issues, but the growing importance of the issue of sustainability means that a different approach is needed. This new textbook provides an overview of property within a market context, examining the complex nature of property rights and issues related to both investors and occupiers. At the same time it assesses property from the perspective of financial, social and environment sustainability. Topics covered range from the characteristics of property and depreciation, to ownership and development through to investments and sustainability reporting. The book concludes with key skills in sustainable knowledge needed by those working in the real estate industry. Written by an author team of experienced property professionals, this essential introductory textbook is well suited for property, planning and architecture students on undergraduate, graduate and conversion courses, as well as those on CPD and training programmes in related areas.
Real Estate and Sustainable Crisis Management in Urban Environments: Challenges and solutions for resilient cities
by Sara Wilkinson Saija Toivonen Sirkka Heinonen Ira Verma Raúl Castaño-RosaThe aim of this book is to promote the dynamic resilience of societies by identifying, analysing, and exemplifying the role of space and land use in both anticipated and unanticipated primary and secondary crisis situations. The book brings together the expertise of a unique team of researchers and methods from fields of futures studies, land use planning, social sustainability and wellbeing, architecture, spatial planning, design and real estate economics, and presents a novel understanding of the direct and indirect impacts of possible crises in the space and land use context. It goes on to discuss the concept of resilience and exemplifies potential solutions and offers a holistic and forward-looking approach for crisis management through a lens of social sustainability and wellbeing, making an important contribution to the promotion of wellbeing in the built environment, especially in terms of land and residential space and building use. This book does not only identify barriers and successful incentives in resilient crisis management but also discusses the role of different stakeholders (e.g., households, office workers, real estate owners, space occupants, firms, the public sector, etc.) in crisis management. Finally, international case studies aiming to tackle the challenging landscape of future threats are presented, along with novel tools to support the development of future policies, regulations, and management practices in the built environment, which can increase the dynamic resilience of societies. Overall, this book is essential reading for decision-makers in the public and private sectors, urban developers, space and spatial designers, architects, planners, community stakeholders, real estate investors, facility managers and crisis and corporate responsibility managers.
Real Estate Development Matrix: A Handbook
by Daniel B Kohlhepp Kimberly J. KohlheppThis book presents a new way of thinking about, teaching, learning, and practicing real estate development. Real Estate Development Matrix describes the process in a two-dimensional model and presents seven Development Stages which form the horizontal axis, and eight sets of Development Tasks which form the vertical axis to define a 56-cell matrix. In each cell, money is spent and risks are taken to achieve certain tasks and thereby create (or destroy) value. This holistic process considers the entire life cycle of real estate from its "green field" inception to its "brown field" state. The book is written by a real estate developer and academic, and the presented material is conceptual, practical, and non-technical. Jargon has been minimized as much as possible as the author introduces an entirely new model for real estate development that is both academically authoritative and developed in practice. It is aimed at a general professional audience participating in the development process, but equally the book is ideal for use as a textbook in undergraduate and graduate courses in real estate development, and an excellent supplemental text for business courses discussing real estate finance and investment. It may also be used as a textbook for professional courses, workshops, or seminars in real estate development. The book is supported by an interactive website at http://realestatedevelopmentmatrix.com/
Real Estate in Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean (Routledge International Real Estate Markets Series)
by Claudia Murray Camilla Ween Yadira Torres-Romero Yazmin RamirezThis book examines real estate markets and urban development in Central America, Mexico and The Caribbean (CAMEC). It considers both residential and commercial real estate with a focus on industrial and hospitality sectors, infrastructure and logistics. The CAMEC region is besieged by complexity. Prone to natural disasters, and with the Mexico/US border constituting the largest human migration corridor on Earth, the region is also a vital trading hub for goods, linking commerce between the world’s two largest oceans and the Americas. The real estate markets in this area are dynamic, rapidly developing and under researched. This book analyses the particularities of these markets and the context in which investors and developers operate. The authors present case studies and contributions from key players in major cities in the region. The book exposes the regional risks and opportunities connected to urban development including market transparency, urban equity and development regulation. The research presented in this volume gives the reader a comprehensive picture of each country under study, detailing their individual commercial, residential, industrial, leisure and infrastructure sectors. This is essential reading for international investors, real estate students, researchers, and professionals with an interest in the region.