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Regionalism and Rebellion in Yemen
by Stephen W. DayBased on years of in-depth field research, this book unravels the complexities of the Yemeni state and its domestic politics with a particular focus on the post-1990 years. The central thesis is that Yemen continues to suffer from regional fragmentation which has endured for centuries. En route the book discusses the rise of President Salih, his tribal and family connections, Yemen's civil war in 1994, the war's consequences later in the decade, the spread of radical movements after the US military response to 9/11 and finally developments leading to the historic events of 2011. This book sets a new standard for scholarship on Yemeni politics and it is essential reading for anyone interested in the modern Middle East, the 2011 Arab revolts and twenty-first-century Islamic politics.
Regionalism and Regional Security in South Asia: The Role of SAARC (The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series)
by Zahid Shahab AhmedZahid Shahab Ahmed evaluates the progress of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). This study goes beyond economic integration to present a detailed appraisal of cooperation under the overarching themes of economic cooperation, environmental security, human welfare, and cooperation in security matters. According to the author, SAARC is making progress in addressing the myriad of issues on its agenda. The transition from agreements to actions and frequent interactions among the member states has boosted confidence. The progress of SAARC is more evident in the less controversial areas of human security, such as poverty alleviation, health and safety, human resources development, and higher education. Notwithstanding enthusiastic commitments reflected in agreements and action plans, there is a gulf between rhetoric and implementation most notably in sensitive areas relating to traditional security. In the light of the findings of this study, the author proposes that greater cooperation in common human security areas has a potential to pave the way for a cooperation on issues of a ’contentious’ nature, particularly terrorism.
Regionalism and Regional Self-Government in South-East Europe (European Union and its Neighbours in a Globalized World #14)
by Vedran ĐulabićThe book analyses state of play regarding regional level of government in the countries of South East Europe, particularly countries succeeding former Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, and North Macedonia) using the research methods from the fields of Law, Public Administration and Political Science. The book offers fresh analytical perspective of the regional self-government issues in these countries, out of which every country has particular issues to deal with. Be it controversial territorial restructuring debate (Croatia), complex institutional system (B&H), dealing with territorial concentrated ethnic minorities (Serbia, Kosovo, North Macedonia) or the issue of small size and non/existence of regional forces (Slovenia, Montenegro). Besides the introductory (methodological) and concluding (synthesis, trends and issues for further research) chapters, the book contains country chapters written by experts from a particular country in the region who follow the same chapter structure which allows further comparisons. Besides that, the book contains three chapters on several cross-cutting issues such as position of ethnic minorities and their territorial (regional) concentration and institutional representation in the overall system of local and regional self-government, analysis of regional political parties and movements that influence the debate in these countries, and the analysis of position and interplay of decontenrated state administration and regional self-government in analysed countries.
Regionalism and the State: NAFTA and Foreign Policy Convergence
by Gordon MaceEmpirically rich with highly detailed case studies on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), this comprehensive volume studies the relationship between regionalism and state behavior. The traditional pattern of past studies of regionalism and regional integration has been to understand how state strategies molded the dynamics of an integration process. This study examines the impact of regionalism on the policy preferences of member states. This volume offers three theoretical contributions: � an empirical test of the convergence hypothesis � studies of institutions and their impact on domestic politics � an examination of foreign policy preferences and the neo-functionalist concept of 'spill-over' Recommended reading for students of regionalism, international political economy, international trade, foreign policy and North American studies.
Regionalism and Uneven Development in Southern Africa: The Case of the Maputo Development Corridor
by Fredrik Söderbaum Ian TaylorThis title was first published in 2003. This volume advances our understanding of how Southern Africa is currently being reconfigured, critically examining what has been marketed as the "flagship" of the Spatial Development Initiative programme in Southern Africa: the Maputo Development Corridor (MDC). By examining a variety of cross-cutting levels of governance and development and by focusing on the nexus between the formal and informal processes that stake out the MDC, this volume contributes to a detailed understanding of what is perhaps the most important current experiment in regionalism in Africa. By engaging regional processes on the micro-level and "on the ground", there is a special emphasis on how local communities regard and respond to the Corridor initiative. All chapters in the volume are the result of extensive fieldwork in both Mozambique and South Africa, and the contributions are drawn from the region and beyond, including Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Sweden and the United States.
Regionalism Contested: Institution, Society and Governance (Urban and Regional Planning and Development Series)
by Henrik HalkierAs we move further into the 21st century, the prominence of regions can no longer be taken for granted. A certain skepticism has developed with regard to the feasibility of marginal regions achieving self-sustained growth and states have maintained their role as regulators of economic and social activities. Thus, the notion of the region and its significance is currently much debated and contested. Illustrated with a wide range of European case studies, this volume brings together the main strands of these contestations, as economic, political and social actors attempt to institutionalise their vision of their region as the dominant form of territorial governance. It questions both the external delimitation and the internal constitution of regions and critically analyses the societal processes circumscribing ways in which regions are created, maintained and undermined. The volume provides a wide range of analytical perspectives to enable an understanding of the current mosaic of regionalism in Europe.
Regionalism, Development and the Post-Commodities Boom in South America
by Ernesto VivaresThis book is a critical and multidisciplinary IPE of the unequal structures of South American development and uneven insertions in the global order following the decline of the commodities boom. The work explores the extent to which regional development issues are related to merely a decline of commodities#65533; prices and/or to the resilience of the historical structures within an unequal world order. Thus, the authors seek first to analytically explore the regional issues beyond the formal limitations of North American and Eurocentric approaches. Secondly, they empirically scrutinize the complex dimensions of regional inequality and global insertions. Aspects analysed include economic reprimarization, the impact of China, development finance, trade and regional value chains, knowledge and technology, regional and transnational organised crime, cities, economic integration and the Global South.
Regionalism, Globalisation and International Order: Europe and Southeast Asia (The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series)
by Jens-Uwe WunderlichNew regionalism and globalization have been prominent themes in academic and political debates since the beginning of the 1990s. Despite the considerable amount of scholarly attention that the new regionalism has received in recent years, its full empirical and theoretical potential has yet to be fully investigated. This illuminating study provides an overview of new avenues in theorizing regionalism and proposes a consolidated framework for analysis and comparison. Offering a comparative historical perspective of European and Southeast Asian regionalism, it presents new and imaginative insights into the theory and practice of regionalism and the links between regional developments, globalization and international order.
Regionalism in a Changing World: Comparative Perspectives in the New Global order
by Lorenzo FioramontiRegionalism has been a key feature of contemporary international relations. As the most successful case of regional integration, the European Union (EU) has been leading the international debate. Yet, in the past few years new regional practices have emerged in other continents, thus adding to the variety and scope of regionalization processes. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the state of regionalism in a global arena ever more dominated by emerging powers and shifting political/economic balances. Against the backdrop of the global economic crisis, which has invariably weakened Europe and its integration model, the book examines the pace of integration in Africa, Asia and South America, highlighting the opportunities and challenges that the new global order poses to contemporary regionalisms. Besides a number of empirical case studies focusing on the political, economic and legal aspects of regionalization, the book also discusses innovative theoretical approaches to the study of regionalism in a post-European context. This book was originally published as a special issue of The International Spectator.
Regionalism in Africa: Genealogies, institutions and trans-state networks (Routledge Studies in African Politics and International Relations)
by Daniel C BachAfrica, which was not long ago discarded as a hopeless and irrelevant region, has become a new 'frontier' for global trade, investment and the conduct of international relations. This book surveys the socio-economic, intellectual and security related dimensions of African regionalisms since the turn of the 20th century. It argues that the continent deserves to be considered as a crucible for conceptualizing and contextualizing the ongoing influence of colonial policies, the emergence of specific integration and security cultures, the spread of cross-border regionalisation processes at the expense of region-building, the interplay between territory, space and trans-state networks, and the intrinsic ambivalence of global frontier narratives. This is emphasized through the identification of distinctive 'threads' of regionalism which, by focusing on genealogies, trajectories and ideals, transcend the binary divide between old and new regionalisms. In doing so, the book opens new perspectives not only on Africa in international relations, but also Africa’s own international relations. This text will be of key interest to students and scholars of African politics, African history, regionalism, comparative regionalism, and more broadly to international political economy, international relations and global and regional governance.
Regionalism in Africa and External Partners: Uneven Relationships and (Un)Intended Effects
by Johannes MuntschickThis volume offers systematic research on regionalism in Africa and explores the role and impact of external partners on the dynamics, institutional design, and performance of regional integration projects. It acknowledges and elaborates the multilevel and multidimensional nature of regionalism, with its variety of cooperative institutions and policy areas, while closely considering uneven relationships to external actors in African regional organizations. The book’s two comprehensive mapping studies examine patterns of asymmetric inter-dependence between regionalism in Africa and external partners in Europe, with a focus on trade and donor funding, and highlight structural imbalances and (un)intended consequences. Five additional case studies provide in-depth analyses of a variety of African regional organizations, mainly with a focus on security regionalism, and elaborate how external partners influence and affect integration processes and projects. Although regionalism in Africa benefitted from external relations and partnerships with Europe, contributions in this volume question this positive impression, highlighting some of the major undermining factors and actors.
Regionalism in China-Vietnam Relations: Institution-Building in the Greater Mekong Subregion (Routledge Contemporary Asia Series)
by Oliver HensengerthThis book analyses collaboration in the Greater Mekong Subregion. It explores inter-state cooperation and the role of subnational units (provincial and local governments) and transnational actors (NGOs, firms) in building and maintaining the subregion. It also considers the relationships between actors on the three levels, their influences within the structures of decision-making in the GMS, their policy pronouncements and roles in the GMS. After exploring the historical background of cooperation in the GMS, the author discusses how far cooperation in the GMS has developed from the mere promotion of the national interest of individual states towards an institution as an independent actor able to influence relationships between its member states instead of only being influenced by them. Hensengerth scrutinises the nature of GMS cooperation and the character and capabilities of the institution of the GMS, exemplified by the bilateral relations between China and Vietnam. Here, the study will combine the analysis of subregionalism and institution-building in the GMS with an analysis of China-Vietnam relations by combining theoretical approaches to regional integration in the form of the regime approach with foreign policy analysis This book will appeal to academics within international relations, Southeast Asian regional and China or Vietnam country specialists.
Regionalism in Hard Times: Competitive and post-liberal trends in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas
by Mario TelòBrexit confirms that the EU is not a super-state in the making but rather an advanced regional organization. This book bridges the gap between EU studies and international relations by providing a student-friendly presentation of regional, multidimensional cooperation among neighbouring states and societies, its four epochs and relevant variations and similarities across five continents, its interplay with globalization, and the changing post-hegemonic and post-Cold War international order. This text secondly focuses on the question of regionalism in hard times: whether the global financial crisis and multipolar power politics are leading to more competitive and political forms of instrumental regionalism and interregionalism in Europe, East-Asia and the Americas. It does this by addressing the political and strategic dimensions of changing regional/interregional arrangements and their current and potential impact on global governance, notably on trade and security challenges.
Regionalism in International Law (Routledge Research in International Law)
by Ján KlučkaInternational Law: Aspects of Regionalism evaluates regionalism in its various relationships and forms with respect to international law, as well as the importance and duties of international law in respect to the establishment and functioning of various forms of regional groups. A great deal of attention has been paid to regionalism from the global, political, ecocomic, security aspects, but a complex evaluation of the impact it has had on international law, and vice versa, is still lacking. The main purpose of this volume is to eliminate this gap and present the latest state of knowledge on the topic. This text will be of interest both to students at an advanced level, academics, and reflective practitioners. It addresses the topics with regard to international law and regionalism and will be of interest to academics dealing with legal aspects of current regionalism and for the specialized courses in the faculties of law, as well as anyone studying diplomacy and international studies, international relations, regional integration law, EU law, international law, and international relations.
Regionalism in Latin America: Agents, Systems and Resilience (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)
by José Briceño-Ruiz; Andrés Rivarola PuntiglianoThis interdisciplinary edited volume explores the political economy of regionalism in Latin America. It identifies convergent forces which have existed in the region since its very conception and analyses these dynamics in their different historical, geographic and structural contexts. Particular attention is paid to key countries such as Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, as well as subregions like the Southern Cone and Central America. To understand the resilience of regionalism in Latin America, this book proposes to highlight four main issues. Firstly, that resilience is linked to mechanisms of self-enforcement that are part of the accumulation of experiences, institution building and common cultural features described in this book as regionalist acquis. Secondly, the elements and driving forces behind the promotion and expression of the regionalist acquis are influenced and shaped by nested systems in which social processes are inserted. Thirdly, when looking at systems, there is a particular influence by national and global ones, which condition the form and endurance of regional projects. Finally, beyond systems, the book highlights the relevance of agents as crucial players in the shaping of the resilience of regionalism in Latin America. This insightful collection will appeal to advanced students and researchers in international economics, international relations, international political economy, economic history and Latin American studies.
Regionalism in Post-Suharto Indonesia (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series #Vol. 4)
by Carole Faucher Maribeth Erb Priyambudi SulistiyantoSince the fall of the Suharto regime, forces pressing for regional autonomy have strengthened in Indonesia, with some people arguing that the country is in danger of disintegrating. This book examines a range of issues connected with decentralization and regional autonomy in Indonesia, especially focusing on various local contexts. The multiple issues that are dealt with in this volume include: ethnic revival and violence; corruption, collusion and nepotism; the complexities of administrative reorganization and the forging of new networks; reshaping of cultural identity; new emerging social hierarchies; and new conflicts over the use of environment.
Regionalism in South Asia: Negotiating Cooperation, Institutional Structures (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series #Vol. 8)
by Kishore C. DashThe dramatic surge in regional integration schemes over the past two decades has been one of the most important developments in world politics. Virtually all countries are now members of at least one regional grouping. South Asia is no exception to this trend. In December 1985, seven South Asian countries came together to establish South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) to address issues of peace and development in the region. This book examines regionalism in South Asia, exploring the linkages between institutional structures, government capabilities, and domestic actors’ preferences to explain the dynamics of regional cooperation. It considers the formation and evolution of SAARC, explaining why its growth in terms of institutional developments and program implementation has remained modest and slow over the past two decades. It also addresses the impact of important issues such as the acquisition of nuclear capabilities by India and Pakistan, the unending conflicts in Kashmir, the war against global terror in Afghanistan, and India’s growing economy. Drawing on a wealth of empirical research, including elite interviews and trade transaction data, this book sheds new light on the main cooperation issues in South Asia today and provides important information on the trends and prospects for regional cooperation in future years.
Regionalism in Southeast Asia: To foster the political will (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia #Vol. 38)
by Nicholas TarlingRegionalism in Southeast Asia provides the reader with an historical analysis of Southeast Asia from the distinct perspective of regionalism. Southeast Asian history is usually written from a national point of view, which underplays the links between neighbouring states and nations and the effects of these bonds on the development of regionalism. This innovative book begins by defining the meaning of 'region' and 'regionalism' and then applies it to periods in history in Southeast Asia, looking at how patterns of regionalism have shifted through time to the present day. By focusing on the regional perspective Nicholas Tarling gives an original treatment of Southeast Asian history, its political dynamics and its international realtions. Regionalism in Southeast Asia completes a trilogy of books on Southeast Asia by Nicholas Tarling published by Routledge, the other two are Nationalism in Southeast Asia and Imperialism in Southeast Asia.
Regionalism, Security and Development in Africa (Routledge Contemporary Africa)
by Ernest Toochi Aniche Ikenna Mike Alumona Inocent MoyoThis book charts the history and contemporary landscape of African regionalism, investigating how regional cooperation can be used to help to tackle security and development challenges in Africa. Africa has a long tradition of regional cooperation, with the oldest trade and monetary integration schemes in the developing world, but its colonial period and partition of have caused lasting damage that still be seen in today’s African economies. Contemporary post-colonial African regionalism, deeply rooted in notions of pan-Africanism, has served as a means of collective self-reliance and economic transformation and development. This book starts with the history and theory behind African regionalism before discussing and comparing regional organisations such as the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD), Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the East African Community (EAC). Finally, the book considers how regional integration and cooperation can help to address security and development challenges. This ambitious and broad-ranging book will be a valuable resource for researchers working on African regionalism, security, African integration and development, and comparative regionalism. Policymakers should also consider it a useful guide to the background and contemporary landscape of African regionalism.
Regionalism Under Stress: Europe and Latin America in Comparative Perspective (Global Institutions)
by Detlef NolteRegionalism is under stress. The European Union has been challenged by the Eurozone crisis, refugee flows, terrorist attacks, Euroscepticism, and Brexit. In Latin America, regional cooperation has been stagnating. Studying Europe and Latin America within a broader comparative perspective, this volume provides an analytical framework to assess stress factors facing regionalism. The contributors explore how economic and financial crises, security challenges, identity questions raised by immigration and refugee flows, the rise of populism, and shifting regional and global power dynamics have had an impact on regionalism; whether the EU crisis has had repercussions for regionalisms in other parts of the world; and to what extent the impact of stress factors is mediated by characteristics of the region that may provide elements of resilience. Written by specialists from Europe and Latin America with a shared interest in the new field of comparative regionalism, this book will be an invaluable resource for students, scholars and policy specialists in regional integration, European politics, EU studies, Latin American studies, and international relations and international law more generally.
Regionalismus in Afrika und externe Partner: Ungleiche Beziehungen und (un)beabsichtigte Effekte
by Johannes MuntschickDieser Band bietet systematische Forschung zum Regionalismus in Afrika und untersucht die Rolle und den Einfluss externer Partner auf die Dynamik, die institutionelle Gestaltung und die Leistung regionaler Integrationsprojekte. Dabei wird der mehrstufige und mehrdimensionale Charakter des Regionalismus mit seiner Vielfalt an kooperativen Institutionen und Politikbereichen anerkannt und herausgearbeitet, während die ungleichen Beziehungen zu externen Akteuren in afrikanischen Regionalorganisationen genau betrachtet werden. Die beiden umfassenden Mapping-Studien des Buches untersuchen Muster asymmetrischer Interdependenzen zwischen dem Regionalismus in Afrika und externen Partnern in Europa, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Handel und Geberfinanzierung liegt, und zeigen strukturelle Ungleichgewichte und (un)beabsichtigte Folgen auf. Fünf weitere Fallstudien bieten eingehende Analysen verschiedener afrikanischer Regionalorganisationen, vor allem mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Sicherheitsregionalismus, und zeigen auf, wie externe Partner Integrationsprozesse und -projekte beeinflussen und beeinträchtigen. Obwohl der Regionalismus in Afrika von den Außenbeziehungen und Partnerschaften mit Europa profitiert hat, stellen die Beiträge in diesem Band diesen positiven Eindruck in Frage, indem sie einige der wichtigsten Faktoren und Akteure hervorheben, die ihn untergraben.
Regionalist Parties in Western Europe: Dimensions of Success (Party Families in Europe)
by Oscar Mazzoleni Sean MuellerRegionalist parties matter. Over the past 40 years, they have played an ever-larger role in West European democracies. Because of their relevance and temporal persistence, their achievements have increasingly become visible not only in electoral arena, but also as regards holding office and policy-making. Enhancing our understanding of these different dimensions of success, this book analyses various types of regionalist party success. Beyond conventional perspectives, the focus of this book is also on how the dimensions of success are related to each other, and in particular to what extent electoral and office success – jointly or alternatively – contribute to policy success. Adopting a common theoretical framework and combining the in-depth knowledge of country experts, each chapter explores the evolution and impact of regionalist parties in regional or federal states, that is the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, and Switzerland. This allows for a comprehensive and comparative analysis of one of the main political challenges within West-European democracies.
Regionalist Parties in Western Europe: Dimensions of Success (Party Families in Europe)
by Oscar Mazzoleni Sean MuellerRegionalist parties matter. Over the past 40 years, they have played an ever-larger role in West European democracies. Because of their relevance and temporal persistence, their achievements have increasingly become visible not only in electoral arena, but also as regards holding office and policy-making. Enhancing our understanding of these different dimensions of success, this book analyses various types of regionalist party success. Beyond conventional perspectives, the focus of this book is also on how the dimensions of success are related to each other, and in particular to what extent electoral and office success – jointly or alternatively – contribute to policy success. Adopting a common theoretical framework and combining the in-depth knowledge of country experts, each chapter explores the evolution and impact of regionalist parties in regional or federal states, that is the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, and Switzerland. This allows for a comprehensive and comparative analysis of one of the main political challenges within West-European democracies.
Regionalist Parties in Western Europe (Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science)
by Lieven De Winter Huri TürsanEthnoregionalist parties are an increasingly influential political phenomenon in many Western European countries. Despite this there has been little systematic study of these important political parties. This volume fills the gap with an exploration of the successes and failures experienced by ethnoregionalist parties in post-war Europe.Regionalist Parties in Western Europe looks in detail at the fortunes of twelve regionalist parties in: the Basque country, Corsica, French speaking Belgium, Scotland, Wales, Catalonia, Flanders, Italy, and South Tyrol.
The Regionalization of Warfare: The Falkland/Malvinas Islands, Lebanon, and the Iran-Iraq Conflict
by James Brown William P. SnyderThree wars have dominated world events in recent years: The conflict which erupted between the United Kingdom and Argentina over the Falkland/Malvinas Islands; the multinational conflict in Lebanon involving Irsaeli, Syrian, and FLO forces in Lebanon; and the savage struggles between ground and air units of the Iranian and Iraqi forces. The scale and intensity of these wars, their potential for global conflict, make them crucial for an understanding among citizens in general, and defense and political analysts in particular.The authors and contributors to this most unusual volume come to several common conclusions: professionalism is a crucial factor in military effectiveness, but not necessarily dependent on modes of recruitment; high technology is crucial, but only in relation to the quality and training of the personnel; public support is necessary to sustain military morale in democratic and authoritarian regimes alike. These are only some of the incisive findings registered and explored in The Regionalization of Warfare.The volume a'ssembles experts not only on these three major regional and interregional conflicts, but on current U.S. defense policies; Soviet strategic interests in Middle East and Persian Gulf conflicts; and a series of papers on lessons learned and unlearned as a result of these "small wars" of the early 1980s. For those interested in military history, global strategy, and regional rivalries, this -collection of finely written, sophisticated papers will prove to be of intense concern.