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Returning to Judgment: Bernard Stiegler and Continental Political Theory (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)

by Ben Turner

Returning to Judgment provides the first extensive treatment of political judgment in the work of Bernard Stiegler and the first account of his significance for contemporary continental political thought. Ben Turner argues that Stiegler breaks with his predecessors in continental philosophy by advocating for, rather than retreating from, the task of proposing totalizing judgments on political problems that extend beyond the local and the particular. He shows that the reconciliation of judgment with continental political thought's commitment to anti-totalization structures the entirety of Stiegler's philosophy and demonstrates that this theory of the political decision highlights the difficulties that contemporary political ontology faces when addressing global and large-scale political problems. The book provides an overview of Stiegler's philosophy useful for those unfamiliar with his thought, shows how he draws on key influences including Deleuze, Derrida, Freud, and Simondon to develop his conception of judgment, and considers the challenges and consequences of his embrace of totalizing political decisions.

Reunification in West German Party Politics from Westbindung to Ostpolitik

by Joost Kleuters

Combining new thinking in International Relations theory with original historical research, Kleuters explores the struggle between Christian Democrats and Social Democrats on the subject of German reunification, from Westbindung to Ostpolitik. The result is a gripping narrative focussing on theoretical relevance in foreign policy decisions-making.

Reunion: Finding the Disappeared Children of El Salvador

by Elizabeth Barnert

This captivating ethnography reveals the immediate and persisting impact of forced family separations and the eventual reunifications in communities affected by El Salvador's civil war. In 2005, medical student Elizabeth Barnert traveled to El Salvador to build a DNA bank for reuniting families forcibly separated during the Salvadoran civil war. Based on fifteen years of interviews and field notes, Reunion chronicles families' experiences with military attacks, child disappearances, and family separations, the joy of reunion and the arduous process of reintegration. Barnert works alongside Jesuit priest and Pro-Búsqueda founder Father Jon Cortina, former rebel fighters, and reformed gang members. She meets an eight-year-old journeying north to reunite with her mother and a young woman returning to El Salvador twenty years after her adoption abroad. Reunion includes a foreword by renowned anthropologist Philippe Bourgois, along with his firsthand account of fleeing a Salvadoran military raid, and never-before-published photos and children's drawings from the war. Told through the voices of activists and survivors, this groundbreaking ethnography illuminates the cycles of poverty and violence driving immigration and ongoing separations around the world.

The Reunited States of America: How We Can Bridge the Partisan Divide

by Mark Gerzon

Out of Many, OneIn this era of poisonous partisanship, The Reunited States of America is a lifesaving antidote. At a time when loyalty to party seems to be overpowering love of country, it not only explains how we can bridge the partisan divide but also tells the untold story of how our fellow citizens already are doing it.This book, a manifesto for a movement to reunite America, will help us put a stop to the seemingly endless Left-Right fistfight while honoring the vital role of healthy political debate. Mark Gerzon describes how citizens all over the country--Republicans, Democrats, and independents--are finding common ground on some of the most divisive and difficult issues we face today.

The Reuniting of Europe: Promises, Negotiations and Compromises (Routledge Revivals)

by José I. Torreblanca

This title was first published in 2001: In 1989, central and Eastern European countries broke free form the Soviet Union and looked upon the European Community to support their 'return to Europe'. Some years later, leaders of the European Community, meeting in Copenhagen in June 1993, endorsed for the first time the membership aspirations of the recently democratized countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This insightful text examines the negotiations, debates, tensions and contradictions behind the process of approximation between the two halves of Europe, both within the EC itself as well as between the EC and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The extensive consultation of unpublished internal documents, and a theoretically relevant and well-written analysis, ensures that this book is an indispensable resource for students and researchers of EC/EU relations with Central and Eastern Europe.

Reuven Shiloah - the Man Behind the Mossad: Secret Diplomacy in the Creation of Israel

by Haggai Eshed

This is the story of Reuven Shiloah - the man who established the Mossad, and laid the foundations for the intelligence community of the State of Israel. The book is based on private archives, and interviews with people who worked closely with Shiloah both in Israel and abroad.

La revancha de los poderosos: Cómo los autócratas están reinventando la política en el siglo XXI

by Moisés Naím

Un libro para entender cómo se obtiene, se usa, se abusa y se pierde el poder en el siglo XXI. En todo el mundo, las democracias se enfrentan a un enemigo nuevo e implacable que no tiene ejército ni armada; no procede de ningún país que podamos señalar en un mapa, porque no viene de ahí fuera, sino de aquí dentro. En lugar de desafiar a las sociedades libres con la destrucción desde el exterior, amenaza con corroerlas desde el interior. Un peligro como este es esquivo, difícil de identificar, de distinguir, de describir. Todos lo notamos, pero nos cuesta darle nombre. Se derraman ríos de tinta para definir sus elementos y características, pero se nos sigue escapando. Nuestro deber, por tanto, es nombrarlo para así comprenderlo, combatirlo y derrotarlo. ¿Qué es este nuevo enemigo que atenta contra nuestra libertad, nuestra prosperidad y hasta nuestra supervivencia como sociedades democráticas? La respuesta es el poder, en una forma nueva y maligna. En todas las épocas ha habido una o más formas de maldad política; la que estamos viviendo hoy es una variante vengativa que imita la democracia al tiempo que la socava y desprecia cualquier limitación. Parece que el poder haya estudiado todos los controles concebidos por las sociedades libres durante siglos para eludirlos y, después, contraatacar. Por eso puedo afirmar que estamos ante la revancha de los poderosos. La crítica ha dicho:«En La revancha de los poderosos, Moisés Naím, uno de los observadores más agudos de la política mundial, cataloga exhaustivamente las amenazas a la democracia por parte de dictadores, populistas y empresas durante estos últimos años, y establece paralelos perspicaces a través de ámbitos muy dispares. Una obra importante y oportuna.»Frank Fukuyama «Otro libro original de un pensador original, que ofrece una perspectiva global única sobre el populismo y el poder.»Anne Applebaum«¿Cómo se convirtió el "fin de la historia" en el renacimiento de la autocracia? Moisés Naím aporta su análisis incisivo y su perspectiva global a la cuestión más inquietante del siglo XXI, y muestra cómo el populismo, la polarización y la política de la posverdad han impulsado el ascenso de líderes de Berlusconi a Bolsonaro, de Orban a Erdogan, de Duterte a Donald Trump. Cualquiera que se preocupe por el futuro de la verdad y la democracia debería leer este libro.»Alan Murray, director ejecutivo de Fortune Media «La revancha de los poderosos me recuerda por qué considero a Moisés Naím uno de los pensadores políticos más apasionantes y originales del mundo. Este absorbente libro explora las tendencias, a menudo contradictorias, que están remodelando el poder político, y explica que nuestro futuro depende de cómo se resuelvan. Una lectura imprescindible.»Madeleine Albrigh, ex secretaria de Estado de Estados Unidos «Naím ofrece una visión convincente y accesible del nuevo autoritarismo. Los lectores estarán de acuerdo con que el tema es de urgente preocupación.»Publishers Weekly «Un miembro distinguido del Fondo Carnegie para la Paz Internacional hace sonar las alarmas sobre el ascenso mundial de líderes autoritarios. Un retrato legítimo e inteligente de la expansión global del autoritarismo y sus peligros.»Kirkus Reviews

Revealing Media Bias in News Articles: NLP Techniques for Automated Frame Analysis

by Felix Hamborg

This open access book presents an interdisciplinary approach to reveal biases in English news articles reporting on a given political event. The approach named person-oriented framing analysis identifies the coverage’s different perspectives on the event by assessing how articles portray the persons involved in the event. In contrast to prior automated approaches, the identified frames are more meaningful and substantially present in person-oriented news coverage. The book is structured in seven chapters: Chapter 1 presents a few of the severe problems caused by slanted news coverage and identifies the research gap that motivated the research described in this thesis. Chapter 2 discusses manual analysis concepts and exemplary studies from the social sciences and automated approaches, mostly from computer science and computational linguistics, to analyze and reveal media bias. This way, it identifies the strengths and weaknesses of current approaches for identifying and revealing media bias. Chapter 3 discusses the solution design space to address the identified research gap and introduces person-oriented framing analysis (PFA), a new approach to identify substantial frames and to reveal slanted news coverage. Chapters 4 and 5 detail target concept analysis and frame identification, the first and second component of PFA. Chapter 5 also introduces the first large-scale dataset and a novel model for target-dependent sentiment classification (TSC) in the news domain. Eventually, Chapter 6 introduces Newsalyze, a prototype system to reveal biases to non-expert news consumers by using the PFA approach. In the end, Chapter 7 summarizes the thesis and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the thesis to derive ideas for future research on media bias. This book mainly targets researchers and graduate students from computer science, computational linguistics, political science, and further social sciences who want to get an overview of the relevant state of the art in the other related disciplines and understand and tackle the issue of bias from a more effective, interdisciplinary viewpoint.

Revealing Rape’s Many Voices: Differing Roles, Reactions and Reflections

by Jennifer Brown Yvonne Shell Terri Cole

By extending the cast list of roles implicated in rape’s hidden sphere of harm, this book attentively listens to experiential voices of complainant/witnesses, suspect/accused, police, lawyers, judges and jurors, therapists, advocates, partners, parents, family and friends during the criminal justice journey. Highlighting good and bad practices, it proposes a paradigm shift for inculcating policy reform, arguing the case for implementation science as a framework for embedding change. The book will be of interest to those involved in the policy, practice and delivery of criminal justice, the support and voluntary sector as well as giving valuable insight to students of forensic and investigative psychology, criminology, law, social policy, gender studies the new policing apprenticeship degree programmes.

Reveille for Radicals

by Saul Alinsky

Legendary community organizer Saul Alinsky inspired a generation of activists and politicians withReveille for Radicals, the original handbook for social change. Alinsky writes both practically and philosophically, never wavering from his belief that the American dream can only be achieved by an active democratic citizenship. First published in 1946 and updated in 1969 with a new introduction and afterword, this classic volume is a bold call to action that still resonates today.

Revelaciones al final de una guerra: Testimonio del jefe negociador del gobierno colombiano en la habana

by Humberto De La Calle

Narración de los hechos que vivió y cómo los vivió Humberto de La Calle, jefe negociador del gobierno durante el proceso de paz en La Habana. En medio de los diálogos de La Habana, Humberto de la Calle reunía sus notas de trabajo en rigurosos diarios, consciente de estar registrando en su misma fuente el curso de la historia. En los márgenes de estas notas, redactaba también sus impresiones y dudas, sus meditaciones, a veces miraba en perspectiva y reconstruía la evolución del proceso de paz o simplemente escribía sobre la cotidianidad de unos días difíciles, donde estaban en juego el cambio de todo un país y la vida de muchos. La materia prima de este libro son esos diarios. En él se cuenta de qué manera se desactivó una guerra que duró más de cincuenta años y que arroja la escalofriante cifra de ocho millones de víctimas. Humberto de la Calle narra desde adentro el Acuerdo de Paz de La Habana; presenta su concepción, las distintas estrategias del Gobierno y sus transformaciones, revela las crisis, informes de inteligencia y los eventos públicos y privados que dieron forma a la arquitectura final de lo acordado. Este libro es un referente imprescindible para comprender el proceso en el que terminamos esta guerra y sus efectos. Con la visión ética que lo identificó en la Constitución de 1991, pero sobre todo con la fuerza de un verdadero pacifista, De la Calle presenta los principios que encauzaron el Acuerdo de La Habana. Por medio de sorprendentes anécdotas compone un cuadro realista de los hechos que condujeron al final de una guerra.

Revelaciones de un misionero: Mi vida itinerante

by Bernardo Barranco Alejandro Solalinde Karla Maria Gutiérrez

La figura del padre Alejandro Solalinde Guerra es ampliamente conocida dentro y fuera de México por su intensa actividad en la defensa de los derechos humanos de los migrantes, principalmente centroamericanos, en su tránsito por México hacia Estados Unidos, en el que son víctimas de asaltos, secuestros, extorsiones, violaciones, asesinatos, trata de personas y de órganos, entre otros delitos. Fundó el albergue Hermanos en el Camino en Ciudad Ixtepec, Oaxaca, cerca de las vías del tren para dedicar incontables esfuerzos a la protección, asistencia y defensa legal de los migrantes, encontrando obstáculos, calumnias, denuncias, amenazas de las mafias e intentos de asesinato. Candidato recurrente a recibir el Premio Nobel de la Paz y distinguido con reconocimientos otorgados por diversas organizaciones nacionales e internacionales, pasó de ser un sencillo cura rural, al protagonismo nacional en la última década. En este libro autobiográfico, escrito en colaboración con la periodista mexicana Karla María Gutiérrez, comparte con sus lectores un retrato único y hasta ahora inédito de los momentos clave que marcaron su vida y su vocación, desde su infancia hasta nuestros días.

Revelation: A Search for Faith in a Violent Religious World

by Dennis Covington

Acclaimed journalist Dennis Covington examines how faith and violence shape our world.In war zones witnessing widespread conflict, what makes life at all worth living? When chaos becomes a way of life in places where religion and violence intersect, what do people hold on to? If religious belief is, as Christopher Hitchens argues, the cause of wars and genocide, then is faith the cure?Dennis Covington pursued answers to these questions for years, traveling deep into places like Syria, Mexico, and the American South. Looking not for rigid doctrines, creeds, or beliefs--which, he says, can be contradictory, even dangerous--he sought something bigger and more fundamental: faith. It's faith in goodness, kindness, and the humanity of the smallest moments that makes the most difficult times bearable.The young bomb victim who offers a smile from his hospital bed, the grieving parent who shares a photograph, the joined hands of men who were previously mortal enemies, and Covington's own family turmoil. These are some of the moments that leave him touching the beating heart of what it truly is to live.Like Covington's widely celebrated Salvation on Sand Mountain, Revelation is an intensely personal journey that goes to the edges of a world filled with violence and religious strife to find the enduring worth of living.

Revelation 911: How the Book of Revelation Intersects with Today's Headlines

by Paul Begley

A riveting account of current events as foretold in the mysterious Book of Revelation.A series of unparalleled apocalyptic events—predicted in a third of the Bible—is approaching. They will so shake the world that people&’s hearts fail them for &“fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth&” (Luke 21:26). In Revelation 911, Pastor Paul Begley—host of the syndicated television show The Coming Apocalypse and a popular YouTube show with more than 240 million views—and Pulitzer Prize–nominated investigative journalist Troy Anderson show that signs of the approaching Apocalypse are accelerating exponentially. A catastrophic economic collapse and global conflagration could be next on the prophetic timeline. Then comes the Antichrist, False Prophet, and &“mark of the beast&” economic system. The authors also explore why the popular transhumanist movement, artificial intelligence, and top-secret government and military programs are linked with prophecies of the last days. Despite its stunning disclosures, Revelation 911 offers hope, comfort, and blessings to help readers navigate this tumultuous time through the power, protection, and provision of the Holy Spirit.

The Revelation Conversation: Inspire Greater Employee Engagement by Connecting to Purpose

by Steve Curtin

Discover a breakthrough way to link employees' daily job duties to the organization's purpose, and watch employee engagement, productivity, and customer satisfaction soar!Nearly every organization has a mission, vision, or purpose statement that is displayed on its website or framed and mounted in the executive corridor. But it is largely unknown to employees and seemingly unrelated to their daily jobs.As a result, while employees may possess the knowledge and skills to do their jobs, they are unaware of what bestselling customer service author Steve Curtin calls job purpose: how their specific tasks contribute to the organization's reason for being. They understand what to do and how to do it, but not why they do it. Curtin offers a fresh tool to overcome this challenge. The Revelation Conversation is a one-on-one exchange where leaders and managers involve employees in the discovery of their total job role, connect job duties to job purpose, and inspire greater employee engagement. Instead of just having assignments to work on, they now have a purpose to work toward. Service quality goes from transactional to exceptional. The book contains dozens of examples of how leading companies link their corporate ideals to employees' daily job responsibilities. By creating an environment for employees to do work that matters rather than simply check boxes and go through the motions, employers will reap the benefits of higher levels of employee engagement, productivity, and customer satisfaction.

Revelations: Visions, Prophecy, and Politics in the Book of Revelation

by Elaine Pagels

A profound exploration of the Bible's most controversial book—from the author of Beyond Belief and The Gnostic Gospels The strangest book of the New Testament, filled with visions of the Rapture, the whore of Babylon, and apocalyptic writing of the end of times, the Book of Revelation has fascinated readers for more than two thousand years, but where did it come from? And what are the meanings of its surreal images of dragons, monsters, angels, and cosmic war? Elaine Pagels, New York Times bestselling author and "the preeminent voice of biblical scholarship to the American public" (The Philadelphia Inquirer), elucidates the true history of this controversial book, uncovering its origins and the roots of dissent, violence, and division in the world's religions. Brilliantly weaving scholarship with a deep understanding of the human needs to which religion speaks, Pagels has written what may be the masterwork of her unique career. .

Revenge: Meghan, Harry, and the War Between the Windsors

by Tom Bower

This instant #1 internationally bestselling &“explosive tell-all&” (Daily Express, London) reveals the inside story about Meghan Markle&’s journey from minor actress and attempted activist to the woman powerful enough to drive a wedge within the British Royal Family.After a childhood spent on Hollywood film sets, Meghan Markle fought hard for stardom. But even when she landed her breakthrough role on Suits, her dream of worldwide celebrity remained elusive until she met the man who would change her life—Prince Harry. Their whirlwind romance culminated with Meghan&’s ultimate fairy tale ending: their 2018 wedding at Windsor Castle. Finally, the world was her stage. It seemed that the dizzying success of the wedding between the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex marked the beginning of a fresh era for the British Royal Family. Yet, within one tumultuous year, the dream became a nightmare. In the aftermath of the infamous Megxit split and their Oprah Winfrey interview, the increasingly toxic relationship between the two Windsor sides seemed forever ruptured. What does the future hold for Meghan and Harry? And can the rest of the Windsors restore their reputation? Now, with extensive research and exclusive insider interviews, Britain&’s leading investigative biographer unravels the tangled web of courtroom drama, courtier politics, and thwarted childhood dreams to reveal this &“bombshell&” (The Mirror, London) story of love, betrayal, secrets, deceit, and revenge.

Revenge: How Donald Trump Weaponized the US Department of Justice Against His Critics

by Michael Cohen

The man the New York State Attorney General credited with inspiring her prosecution of Donald Trump — New York Times number one bestselling author Michael Cohen — tells the behind-the-scenes story of what can happen to you — and what really happened to him — when a President who believes himself to be above the law decides to go after his critics . . . .When Michael Cohen's secret payoff to porn star Stormy Daniels on behalf of Donald Trump made Cohen look like a liability to the by-then-President of the United States, the end to their decade-long relationship came swiftly — with a knock on the door from the FBI. Soon, Cohen would find himself imprisoned — even though he had plenty of evidence to show he was innocent of most of the charges.Meanwhile, with the release of the Steele Dossier, Cohen also found himself battling endless news reports citing the Dossier's claims that he'd had clandestine dealings with Russia — reports that only mounted despite his exoneration by the Mueller Report.In a story now being echoed in recent breaking news stories about IRS persecution of other Trump foes such as former FBI head James Comey and others, Cohen details — in his inimitable blunt language, with absolutely no holds barred and naming names — his attempt to clear his name and tell the truth about Donald Trump. Chillingly, he also makes clear what happens when you try to speak truth to power, and the power knows no bounds.

The Revenge of Gaia: Earth's Climate in Crisis and the Fate of Humanity

by James Lovelock Crispin Tickell

In "The Revenge of Gaia", bestselling author James Lovelock - father of climate studies and originator of the influential Gaia theory which views the entire earth as a living meta-organism - provides a definitive look at our imminent global crisis. In this disturbing new book, Lovelock guides us toward a hard reality: soon, we may not be able to alter the oncoming climate crisis. Lovelock's influential Gaia theory, one of the building blocks of modern climate science, conceives of the Earth, including the atmosphere, oceans, biosphere and upper layers of rock, as a single living super-organism, regulating its internal environment much as an animal regulates its body temperature and chemical balance. But now, says Lovelock, that organism is sick. It is running a fever born of the combination of a sun whose intensity is slowly growing over millions of years, and an atmosphere whose greenhouse gases have recently spiked due to human activity. Earth will adjust to these stresses, but on time scales measured in the hundreds of millennia. It is already too late, Lovelock says, to prevent the global climate from "flipping" into an entirely new equilibrium state that will leave the tropics uninhabitable, and force migration to the poles. "The Revenge of Gaia" explains the stress the planetary system is under and how humans are contributing to it, what the consequences will be, and what humanity must do to rescue itself.

The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us About Coming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate

by Robert D. Kaplan

In this provocative, startling book, Robert D. Kaplan, the bestselling author of Monsoon and Balkan Ghosts, offers a revelatory new prism through which to view global upheavals and to understand what lies ahead for continents and countries around the world. In The Revenge of Geography, Kaplan builds on the insights, discoveries, and theories of great geographers and geopolitical thinkers of the near and distant past to look back at critical pivots in history and then to look forward at the evolving global scene. Kaplan traces the history of the world's hot spots by examining their climates, topographies, and proximities to other embattled lands. The Russian steppe's pitiless climate and limited vegetation bred hard and cruel men bent on destruction, for example, while Nazi geopoliticians distorted geopolitics entirely, calculating that space on the globe used by the British Empire and the Soviet Union could be swallowed by a greater German homeland. Kaplan then applies the lessons learned to the present crises in Europe, Russia, China, the Indian subcontinent, Turkey, Iran, and the Arab Middle East. The result is a holistic interpretation of the next cycle of conflict throughout Eurasia. Remarkably, the future can be understood in the context of temperature, land allotment, and other physical certainties: China, able to feed only 23 percent of its people from land that is only 7 percent arable, has sought energy, minerals, and metals from such brutal regimes as Burma, Iran, and Zimbabwe, putting it in moral conflict with the United States. Afghanistan's porous borders will keep it the principal invasion route into India, and a vital rear base for Pakistan, India's main enemy. Iran will exploit the advantage of being the only country that straddles both energy-producing areas of the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. Finally, Kaplan posits that the United States might rue engaging in far-flung conflicts with Iraq and Afghanistan rather than tending to its direct neighbor Mexico, which is on the verge of becoming a semifailed state due to drug cartel carnage. A brilliant rebuttal to thinkers who suggest that globalism will trump geography, this indispensable work shows how timeless truths and natural facts can help prevent this century's looming cataclysms.Advance praise for The Revenge of Geography "Robert D. Kaplan wields geography like a scalpel, using it to examine international relations and conflicts that globalization fails to explain. The Revenge of Geography is a sagacious account of how geography has shaped the world we know--and what this means for the future. Kaplan's wedding of historical and present-day analysis on a region-by-region basis makes for a well-researched, entertaining, and informative read that cannot be ignored."--Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia Group and author of Every Nation for Itself "The importance of geography in shaping history is the great issue that Robert Kaplan tackles in this extraordinary book. Thirty years of scholarship and travel lie behind his recounting of human triumphs and conflicts through the ages. At the heart of his wide-ranging analysis is his belief in the abiding influence of geography on human behavior, now and in the future."--James Hoge, counselor, Council on Foreign RelationsFrom the Hardcover edition.

The Revenge of History

by Seumas Milne

From 9/11 to the Arab uprisings and beyond--encompassing the economic crisis, war on terror, rise of China and tide of change in Latin America--The Revenge of History turns the orthodoxies of the past generation on their head. In this coruscating account of the first decade of the twenty-first century, Seumas Milne presents a powerful indictment of a US global and corporate empire in--and its British and European camp followers. Milne traces the breakdown of a failed 'free market' system, exposes the power and resource grab driving western military interventions, explains the dynamo behind a roaring Chinese economy and highlights the social alternatives being developed in Latin America. Brilliant, bold and always incisive, The Revenge of History is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand what has gone wrong--and grasp the possibilities of an emerging future.

The Revenge of Power: How Autocrats Are Reinventing Politics for the 21st Century

by Moisés Naím

“An authoritative and intelligent portrait of the global spread of authoritarianism and its dangers...what sets [this] work apart from books like Timothy Snyder’s On Tyranny and Michiko Kakutani’s The Death of Truth is its unusually comprehensive armada of facts about the international drift over the past two decades toward authoritarian leaders, whether old-style dictators like Kim Jong Un or nominally elected presidents like Vladimir Putin.” —KirkusAn urgent, thrilling, and original look at the future of democracy that illuminates one of the most important battles of our time: the future of freedom and how to contain and defeat the autocrats mushrooming around the world.In his bestselling book The End of Power, Moisés Naím examined power-diluting forces. In The Revenge of Power, Naím turns to the trends, conditions, technologies and behaviors that are contributing to the concentration of power, and to the clash between those forces that weaken power and those that strengthen it. He concentrates on the three “P”s—populism, polarization, and post-truths. All of which are as old as time, but are combined by today’s autocrats to undermine democratic life in new and frightening ways. Power has not changed. But the way people go about gaining it and using it has been transformed.The Revenge of Power is packed with alluring characters, riveting stories about power grabs and loses, and vivid examples of the tricks and tactics used by autocrats to counter the forces that are weakening their power. It connects the dots between global events and political tactics that, when taken together, show a profound and often stealthy transformation in power and politics worldwide. Using the best available data and insights taken from recent research in the social sciences, Naím reveals how, on close examination, the same set of strategies to consolidate power pop up again and again in places with vastly different political, economic, and social circumstances, and offers insights about what can be done to ensure that freedom and democracy prevail.The outcomes of these battles for power will determine if our future will be more autocratic or more democratic. Naím addresses the questions at the heart of the matter: Why is power concentrating in some places while in others it is fragmenting and degrading? And the big question: What is the future of freedom?

Revenge of the Aesthetic: The Place of Literature in Theory Today

by Michael P. Clark

This cutting-edge collection of essays showcases the work of some of the most influential theorists of the past thirty years as they grapple with the question of how literature should be treated in contemporary theory. The contributors challenge trends that have recently dominated the field--especially those that emphasize social and political issues over close reading and other analytic methods traditionally associated with literary criticism. Written especially for this collection, these essays argue for the importance of aesthetics, poetics, and aesthetic theory as they present new and stimulating perspectives on the directions which theory and criticism will take in the future. In addition to providing a selection of distinguished critics writing at their best, this collection is valuable because it represents a variety of fields and perspectives that are not usually found together in the same volume. Michael Clark's introduction provides a concise, cogent history of major developments and trends in literary theory from World War II to the present, making the entire volume essential reading for students and scholars of literature, literary theory, and philosophy.

Revenge of the Kremlin

by Gérard De Villiers

In this gripping, tightly plotted tale of espionage, Malko Linge investigates the suspicious death of a Russian oligarch in London. Boris Berezovsky is living in exile in London to avoid the wrath of Vladimir Putin. One morning, the unlucky oligarch is found dead in his bathroom, an apparent suicide. Their suspicions aroused, MI5 opens an investigation--but Prime Minister David Cameron orders the case closed. Alarmed at the renewal of Russian Cold War tricks and Moscow's increasingly close ties to London, the CIA dispatches Malko Linge to investigate Berezovsky's death and the British cover-up. With help from an alluring former CIA handler, Malko dives into the search for hard evidence of the Kremlin's involvement in the affair--putting himself directly in the crosshairs of the world's most efficient assassins.

The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World

by Benjamin Bratton

The future of politics after the pandemicCOVID-19 exposed the pre-existing conditions of the current global crisis. Many Western states failed to protect their populations, while others were able to suppress the virus only with sweeping social restrictions. In contrast, many Asian countries were able to make much more precise interventions. Everywhere, lockdown transformed everyday life, introducing an epidemiological view of society based on sensing, modeling, and filtering. What lessons are to be learned? The Revenge of the Real envisions a new positive biopolitics that recognizes that governance is literally a matter of life and death. We are grappling with multiple interconnected dilemmas—climate change, pandemics, the tensions between the individual and society—all of which have to be addressed on a planetary scale. Even when separated, we are still enmeshed. Can the world govern itself differently? What models and philosophies are needed? Bratton argues that instead of thinking of biotechnologies as something imposed on society, we must see them as essential to a politics of infrastructure, knowledge, and direct intervention. In this way, we can build a society based on a new rationality of inclusion, care, and prevention.

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