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Regional Organizations and Peacemaking: Challengers to the UN? (Routledge Studies in Security and Conflict Management)

by Peter Wallensteen Anders Bjurner

This book analyses the new and difficult roles of regional organizations in peacemaking after the end of the Cold War and how they relate to the United Nations (UN). Regional organizations have taken an increasingly prominent role in international efforts to deal with international security. The book highlights the complex interaction between the regional and sub-regional organizations, on the one hand, and their relations with the United Nations, on the other. Thus, the general issues of UN and its authority are scrutinized from legal, practical and geopolitical perspectives. Taking on a broad geographical focus on Africa, the Arab world and Europe, the book also provides an extensive range of case studies, with detailed analysis of particular situations, organizations and armed conflicts. The authors scrutinise the heterogeneous relationship between the different organizations as well as the challenges to them: political resources, legal standing, financial assets, capabilities and organizational set up. Moreover, they investigate whether regional organizations, as compared to the UN, are better suited to deal with today’s intra-state conflicts. The book also aims to dissect the evolution of these institutions historically – in relation to Chapter VIII of the UN Charter which mentions the resort to 'regional arrangements’ for conflict management – as well as more generally in relation to the principles of international law and UN principles of peacemaking. This book, written by a mixture of established scholars, diplomats and high-level policymakers, will be of great interest to students as well as practitioners in the field of peace and conflict studies, regional security, international organisations, conflict management and IR in general.

Regional Organizations and Social Policy in Europe and Latin America: A Space for Social Citizenship? (Development, Justice And Citizenship)

by Andrea C. Bianculli Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann

The contributors assess to what extent regional organizations in Europe and Latin America provide a space for the regulation and provision of social policies in the area of social protection, higher education and health. They analyse the impact of regional organizations on social citizenship following political struggle and contestation.

Regional Organizations and Social Policy in Europe and Latin America: A Space for Social Citizenship? (Development, Justice and Citizenship)

by Andrea C. Bianculli Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann

The contributors assess to what extent regional organizations in Europe and Latin America provide a space for the regulation and provision of social policies in the area of social protection, higher education and health. They analyse the impact of regional organizations on social citizenship following political struggle and contestation.

Regional Organizations and Their Responses to Coups: Measures, Motives and Aims

by Franziska Hohlstein

Coups d’état continue to present one of the most extreme risks to democracy and stable governance worldwide. This book examines the unique role played by regional organizations (ROs) following the occurrence of a coup d’état. The book analyses the factors that influence the strength of reactions demonstrated by ROs and explores the different post-coup solutions ROs pursue. It argues that, when confronted with a coup, ROs take both basic democratic standards and regional stability into account before forming their responses. Using a mixed-methods approach, the book concludes that ROs’ response to a coup depends on how detrimental it will be for the state of democracy in a country and how far it risks destabilizing the region.

Regional Organizations in International Society: ASEAN, the EU and the Politics of Normative Arguing (Palgrave Studies in International Relations)

by Kilian Spandler

This book explores the normative foundations of ASEAN and the EU. It revives the history of the two organizations in an in-depth narrative of the protracted arguments surrounding their establishment, legal integration and enlargement. While political actors used norms to legitimize their ideas for institutional change, the complex and dynamic nature of these norms also provided the breeding ground for contestation and, sometimes, institutional sclerosis and failure. Recasting these processes in an innovative English School framework, the volume makes a crucial contribution to the literature of Comparative Regionalism that goes beyond Eurocentric perspectives.

Regional Parallelism and Corruption Scandals in Nigeria: Intranational Approaches to African Media Systems

by Muhammad Jameel Yusha'U

Regional Parallelism and Corruption Scandals in Nigeria is a ground-breaking book that offers fresh perspectives on the character and role of the African media in covering corruption scandals. It explores whether reports regarding corruption stem from the efforts of journalists who employ investigative journalism, or if it is a mere coincidence promoted by the activities of anti-corruption agencies. To that end, the book develops a media systems theory for Africa based on the coverage of corruption scandals in the Nigerian press. This new theoretical paradigm, defined as regional parallelism, argues that African countries are nations within nations, and that therefore any comparative study of the media system should recognize this understanding. The book combines both interviews with journalists as well as qualitative content analysis of newspapers to determine the patterns and issues that influence the reporting of corruption. It also looks at corruption within the media itself, taking into account factors such as regionalism and ethnicity within the practice of journalism.

Regional Peacemaking and Conflict Management: A Comparative Approach (Routledge Global Security Studies)

by Carmela Lutmar Benjamin Miller

This volume examines mechanisms for regional peacemaking and conflict management in Europe and the Middle East. To date little research has been devoted to uncovering the conditions for peace, and the factors that contribute to stabilizing the state of peace. This volume assesses the factors that contribute to regional pacification, the incentives that motivate states in establishing peaceful relations, and most importantly, how regions become peaceful. It discusses the conditions under which various types of ‘peace’ might emerge on a regional level and the factors most likely to determine the outcome. The book takes an innovative approach through a systematic comparison of two regions that are particularly prominent and important for the subject of regional pacification: Europe and the Middle East. While many believe that the European case is the indispensable model for peacemaking, others believe that these two regions are too different for Europe to be a useful framework for the Middle East. This volume occupies a middle ground between these two extreme positions. It argues that while a mindless copying of European models will not lead to peace in the Middle East, important insights can be gained from the most successful case of regional peacemaking to date. This work will be of much interest to students of regional security, peacemaking, conflict management, Middle East politics, European security and IR in general.

Regional Perspectives on Policy Evaluation

by Marco Percoco

The evaluation of public policies is of paramount importance for modern policy making, especially in a period of severe budget constraints. The literature has proposed several methods to deal with the issue of causality and counterfactual evaluation in a variety of contexts, with an increasing attention to the local dimension. The book aims to present the state-of-the-art of evaluation techniques with a special focus on the consideration of geographical and spatial effects into existing methodologies (such as propensity score matching, regression discontinuity, difference-in-difference). Furthermore, the volume highlights how strict the identification conditions for models with spatial effects are and proposes instrumental variables as a technique able to circumvent the issue. Finally, some insights into the emerging literature on ex ante evaluation are offered with respect to EU Cohesion Policy.

Regional Planning: Concepts, Theory And Practice (Natural and Built Environment Series)

by John Glasson Tim Marshall

Regional Planning provides a comprehensive introduction to the concepts and theory of regional planning in the UK. Drawing on examples from throughout the UK, it provides students and practitioners with a descriptive and analytical foundation for understanding this rapidly changing area of planning. The book includes four main sections covering: the context and history of regional planning theoretical approaches evolving practice future prospects. New questions and methods of theorizing are explored and new connections made with contemporary debates in geography, political science and planning theory. The elements of critical analysis allow both practitioners and more advanced students to reflect upon their activities in a contemporary context. Regional Planning is the essential, up-to-date text for students interested in all aspects of this increasingly influential subject.

Regional Planning for Open Space (RTPI Library Series)

by Arnold Van Der Valk Terry Van Dijk

Reviewing the limitations of various planning options, this book addresses the debate on how to preserve open space in the context of a growing metropolis. The importance of open spaces for well-being in urban life is well-established. With case studies on internalization and valuation methods, this book critically examines the liberal discourse that urges the transfer of responsibility for open space from government to the market. European and American expert authors confront political rhetoric with grounded analysis and conclude that the market needs to be combined with governmental efforts. They scrutinize the connection between open space and the planning institutions designed to implement its policy. The book provides practical pieces of insight in how to structure an open space problem, information on what to expect from instruments, and new ideas on alternative approaches.

Regional Policies and European Integration

by Julie Anna Braun

This book examines what role regions play in European (dis)integration and European identity building. Filling a glaring gap in our understanding of regions, the book considers what the scope and objectives of these regions' respective European policies and programmes are, how diverse they are and, in a time of mixed signals of European cynicism and identity, how European identity is perceived, fostered and even promoted in regions' European policies. In doing so, the book presents empirical findings on four EU regions as case studies, including Germany's Brandenburg; Belgium's Wallonia; France's Nord-Pas de Calais; and last but certainly in the current context of Brexit not least, the South West of England.

Regional Policy (Spicers European Policy Reports)

by Nigel Copperthwaite Colin Mellors

The European Community has committed itself to promoting 'economic and social cohesion' across its regions. Its expenditure - via the 'structural funds' - for these purposes is set to double by 1993. A key component of such expenditure is the European Regional Development Fund, which is receiving increasing attention from local and regional representatives and officials, as well as from companies considering where to locate their businesses. The integrated development operations of the EC involve important new initiatives at the local level. This volume explains how the ERDF operates and its relationship to other sources of funding from the EC. It offers comprehensive and up-to-date information, in a readily accessible format. Section II summarises the key EC policy documents involved, and Section III gives a full listing of all the relevant documents across a range of different aspects.

Regional Policy: Theory and Practice

by Ugo Fratesi

Regional policy is an essential in any government’s toolkit for promoting socioeconomic prosperity. It comes in many forms and can be used to target the development of weak and stronger regions. This textbook provides comprehensive and systematic coverage of regional policy, dealing with core theories and looking at contemporary challenges in practice, addressing regional policy across the world. Structured in four parts, the book opens with an exploration of regional policy’s characterisation, aims and rationale. The second part is devoted to issues of implementation and the instruments available to policymakers for intervention. The third part addresses regional policy evaluation, as well as statistics and modelling in policymaking. Finally, the book discusses how regional policy is applied in different contexts. Each chapter contains real-life examples of a regional policy topic in action and highlights supplementary topics for advanced readers. With its broad coverage of the subject, Regional Policy: Theory and Practice will prove a valuable resource for advanced students, researchers and practitioners in regional policy, regional economics, economic geography, planning and public policy.

Regional Policy and Planning in Europe

by Paul Balchin Ludek Sykora Gregory Bull

Regional Policy and Planning in Europe explores the ways regional policy and planning systems across Europe have been influenced by:* economic and monetary union* the impending enlargement of the European Union* the devolution of administrative power from central government to regional authorities* the increased importance of environmental and urban issues.Presenting a comprehensive overview of the economic basis of integration, this book examines the evolution of various systems of government, planning and forms of devolution.

Regional Policy, Economic Growth and Convergence

by Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura

Many European, Latin American and Asian countries have experience with regional policies aiming to reduce regional disparities in GDP per capita and/or to develop problem regions helping to recover from its GDP decrease. Spain represents, without any doubt, a very rich and interesting case-study regarding regional problems and regional development policies. The aim of this book is not only to analyze the regional policies practiced, their objectives, instruments and effects, but to provide an in-depth analysis on the impact of investments in infrastructure, human capital and other factors, as well as the advances accomplished in terms of productivity, convergence and regional competitiveness. The book particularly wants to impart knowledge, which can be useful for other countries' policy makers, as well as for academics, researchers and consultants. The contributions selected have been written by prestigious Spanish academics, most of them also having practical experience in the field.

Regional Policy in Britain: The North South Divide

by Paul N. Balchin

Originally published in 1990, this book examines the extent to which the ‘north-south divide’ in the UK has been a reality in recent years. It also reveals the degree to which the gap between the two parts of Britain has worsened. An issue of enduring relevance, particularly given the political drive to ‘level up’ the regions, the book focusses particularly on the 1980s, a period when regional assistance became a victim of both monetarism and free market ideology. The book reviews legislation and considers whether regional policy has been effective and consistent. To widen the debate, the author questions some common assumptions about regional imbalance, and argues that intraregional disparities and the plight of Inner London were causes of concern no less serious than the problem of the north-south imbalance.

Regional Policy in Europe (Regions and Cities #Vol. 11)

by S.S Artobolevskiy

Based on the author's extensive research in the field, this book analyzes regional policy for the whole of Europe. Comparing East and West, it offers a new model of regional policy and gives an overview of the direction that it may take in Europe as a whole. Topics covered include: the evaluation of regional policy; its main aims; its "infrastructure" in Western Europe; its form in Eastern Europe; and the development of regional policy from 1917 to the 1990s. The book is intended for professionals and academics working in the areas of regional studies, economics and policy studies.

Regional Political Ecologies and Environmental Conflicts in India (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability)

by Sarmistha Pattanaik and Amrita Sen

This book focuses on the regional political ecologies (RPEs) of environmental conflicts in India. It explores broadly, landscape-based analyses of political, economic and social issues, which impact environmental changes, challenges and conflicts at local and micro-local levels. The chapters in this volume examine the intervention of different stakeholders in the management of various regional ecological landscapes in India, including forests, rivers, canals, creeks and wetlands. The volume is an interdisciplinary endeavour, weaving together contextual narratives through a combination of approaches from sociology, anthropology, geography, political studies and environmental history. Using such core approaches, the book studies the place-based dynamisms within the regional environmental conflicts in the selected conservation landscapes. It provides empirical reflections on transboundary issues, rural-urban transitions, middle-class environmentalism, identity conflicts, decentralized natural resource management and the role of political institutions. Regional Political Ecologies and Environmental Conflicts in India will be of great interest to students and scholars of Political Ecology and South Asian Environmental Studies.

Regional Politics in Oceania: From Colonialism and Cold War to the Pacific Century (LSE International Studies)

by null Stephanie Lawson

Stephanie Lawson's book is by far the most comprehensive study of regional politics in Oceania produced to date. Drawing on a range of interdisciplinary sources, she provides a systematic account of major issues facing the region and presents conceptual and theoretical issues in a sophisticated but accessible manner. She traces the trajectories of regional politics from the earliest human settlements to European exploration and colonization, the period of formal regionalization in the post-war period, decolonization, the Cold War, and key geopolitical developments in the post-Cold War period. She also focuses on identity politics, manifest at various levels from the local through to the national, subregional and regional, as well as broader configurations around the West/non-West divide. This book will be of interest to anyone engaged with the history and politics of Oceania or comparative regional studies, especially given the relevance of themes to Asian, African and Latin American contexts.

The Regional Politics of Welfare in Italy, Spain and Great Britain

by Davide Vampa

This book is a study of the increasing territorial variations in the development of sub-national welfare systems that have occurred as an effect of the decentralization of health care and social assistance policies in Italy, Spain and Great Britain. The author examines the political factors that underlie these variations by combining cross-regional and cross-country comparisons using mixed methods. Vampa's main finding is that regionalist parties have played a key role in sub-national welfare building and have used social policy to strengthen their legitimacy in the political struggle against central authorities. In this context, functional political competition between Left and Right has been partly replaced by territorial competition between Centre and Periphery as the main determinant of social policy making. Additionally, mainstream left-wing parties have been torn between maintaining territorial uniformity in social protection and responding to demands for more extensive social services tailored to the needs and preferences of specific regional communities. This book will be of use to academics and policy makers interested in political economy, devolution/decentralisation, welfare, and party politics.

Regional Power Rivalries in the New Eurasia: Russia, Turkey and Iran

by Alvin Z. Rubinstein Oles M. Smolansky

This text discusses the relationship between Russia, Iran and Turkey since the collapse of the Soviet empire. These nations are the main rivals for influence in the Caucasas and Central Asia, with China a distant factor.

Regional Powers and Contested Leadership

by Hannes Ebert Daniel Flemes

When do rising powers fail to establish legitimate regional leadership and instead face contestation by their regional challengers? This book investigates how and why the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) project leadership in South America, post-Soviet Eurasia, South and Southeast Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa, respectively, and in what ways their main regional challengers respond. Based on a systematic conceptualization of the types and drivers of leadership and contestation, the authors assess the impact of the rise of regional powers on weaker states’ security, sovereignty, and status, as well as the consequences of contestation for regional economic development and stability and the regional powers’ bid for greater voice in global governance. By illuminating the sources and effects of power politics in five regions that are increasingly pivotal for the emerging world order, the volume offers a global comparative analysis of contemporary regional contested leadership that will interest scholars and students of international affairs, foreign policy, and area studies.

Regional Powers and Regional Orders (Routledge/GARNET series)

by Nadine Godehardt Dirk Nabers

Regional Powers and Regional Orders presents a re-examination and re-conceptualization of the concept of 'region' and its function within power and order systems. Utilising a comparative and case study approach, the volume examines 'new' regional powers such as Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Africa. These territories as regional powers are novel phenomenon in the field of international politics and even more so in the field of international relations. The book focuses on the emerging role of these new regional powers within their respective region, and asks how other members of these regions cope with and react to that role. Regional Powers and Regional Orders will be of interest to students and scholars of international and regional politics and power, and international relations.

Regional Powers and Security Orders: A Theoretical Framework (Routledge Global Security Studies)

by Robert Stewart-Ingersoll Derrick Frazier

This book presents a new theoretical framework through which to understand the role of regional powers in creating and maintaining regional security orders. As a result of the retreat of the global powers since the end of the Cold War, it has become clear that international security dynamics are less explicable without considering the regional level as a primary focus for most states. The authors contend that these dynamics, which include the identification, management and prevention of security threats, are heavily influenced by regional powers. The regional level in this text is defined on the basis of regional sub-systems, more specifically Regional Security Complexes. Within this context, the authors utilize their framework to address how security orders are defined and how regional powers are identified. The focus then turns to an analysis of how the roles and foreign policy orientations of regional powers, conditioned by the presence of material capabilities, affect the development of regional security orders. The authors then present a comparative analysis of Russia, Brazil and India within their own security complexes to demonstrate an application of the framework. This book will be of interest to students of regional security, international security, foreign policy and International Relations in general.

Regional Problems and Policies in Italy and France (Routledge Revivals)

by Kevin Allen M. C. MacLennan

First published in 1970, Regional Problems and Policies in Italy and France examines the problem of regional imbalance in two important countries of Western Europe and emphasizes that policies aimed at promoting regional development must form an integral part of national economic policies.The book is divided into three parts—Part I: Regional Problems and Policies in Italy; part II: Regional Problems and Policies in France; and part III: Regional Policy: Three Issues. Part I and II analyze how regional policy in France and Italy has moved away from the public assistance type of intervention into new, broader approaches which require reorganization of traditional procedures, change in economic structures, introduction of new products and methods of production, movement of workers between areas and occupations, and shifts in geographical distribution of population and employment. Part III explores regional planning and growth centres or growth areas in the light of Fench and Italian experiences. It further analyses the regional effects of the EEC and gives a brief account of how British regional problems and policies would be affected by the membership of Community. This volume is an essential reading for students of Western European governmental policy and the European Economic Community.

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