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Regional Problems and Policies in Latin America

by Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura Patricio Aroca

This contributed volume is the first book in English to offer a current and critical vision of regional problems and policies in the countries of Latin America. The book is in three main parts: a general overview of regional processes and trends in Latin America as a whole; country-level coverage of seven individual countries; and comparative analyses of common major problems such as migration, education, labor, poverty, decentralization, exports and foreign direct investments. Written by renowned academics and experts from the region, the book seeks to provide a better understanding of regional challenges and trends, regional disparities that exist in many Latin American countries and the increasing importance of metropolitan areas.

Regional Research Frontiers - Vol. 1

by Randall Jackson Peter Schaeffer

This volume focuses on frontiers in regional research and identifies trends and future developments in the areas of innovation, regional growth and migration. It also addresses topics such as mobility, regional forecasting, and regional policy, and includes expert contributions on disasters, resilience, and sustainability. Building on recent methodological and modelling advances, as well as on extensive policy-analysis experience, top international regional scientists identify and evaluate emerging new conceptual and methodological trends and directions in regional research. This book will appeal to a wide readership, from regional scientists and economists to geographers, quantitatively oriented regional planners and other related disciplines. It offers a source of relevant information for academic researchers and policy analysts in government, and is also suitable for advanced teaching courses on regional and spatial science, economics and political science.

Regional Research Frontiers - Vol. 2

by Randall Jackson Peter Schaeffer

This is the second volume in a two-part series on frontiers in regional research. It identifies methodological advances as well as trends and future developments in regional systems modelling and open science. Building on recent methodological and modelling advances, as well as on extensive policy-analysis experience, top international regional scientists identify and evaluate emerging new conceptual and methodological trends and directions in regional research. Topics such as dynamic interindustry modelling, computable general equilibrium models, exploratory spatial data analysis, geographic information science, spatial econometrics and other advanced methods are the central focus of this book. The volume provides insights into the latest developments in object orientation, open source, and workflow systems, all in support of open science. It will appeal to a wide readership, from regional scientists and economists to geographers, quantitatively oriented regional planners and other related disciplines. It offers a source of relevant information for academic researchers and policy analysts in government, and is also suitable for advanced teaching courses on regional and spatial science, economics and political science.

Regional Risk and Security in Japan: Whither the everyday (The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series)

by Paul O'Shea Glenn D. Hook Ra Mason

Japan’s unusual position in the realm of international politics encapsulates a three-fold juxtaposition: both in and out of Asia, both occupied by and a close ally of the United States, and both a key trade partner and a strategic rival of China. Whilst international relations theory offers a number of ways to analyse these relations, this book instead utilizes the concept of risk to provide an innovative perspective on Japan’s relations with China, North Korea and the US. The book elucidates how risk, potential harm and harm are faced disproportionately by certain groups in society. This is demonstrated by providing an empirically rich analysis of the domestic implications of security relations with China, North Korea and the United States through the presence of US troops in Okinawa. Beginning with a theoretical discussion of risk, it goes on to demonstrate how the concept of risk adds value to the study of international relations in three senses. First, the concept helps to break down the boundaries between the international and domestic. Second, the focus on risk and the everyday directs us to ask basic questions about the costs and benefits of a security policy meant to secure the national population. Third, what implications do these two points have for governance? The question is one of governance as Japan’s externally oriented security policy produces domestic insecurity shared disproportionately, not equally, as this volume makes clear. Developing the theory of risk as a tool for understanding international relations, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars of Asian politics, Japanese politics, international relations and security studies, as well as to policy makers and practitioners working in the field.

The Regional Roots of Russia's Political Regime

by Bryon J Moraski William M. Reisinger

In The Regional Roots of Russia's Political Regime, William M. Reisinger and Bryon J. Moraski examine Russian politics at the subnational level in order to discover why democracy failed to take root and how Putin's authoritarian regime materialized. Since the national regime needed dominant victories in federal legislative and presidential elections, elections were critical to the resurgence of Russian authoritarianism. At the same time, victories without a traditional nationwide political party required that regional politicians help deliver votes. Putin employed a variety of resources to encourage the collaboration of regional leaders during federal elections and to sanction those who would or could not deliver these votes. By analyzing successive federal elections, Reisinger and Moraski show that regions that led the way in delivering votes in Putin's favor were those that had been both more independent and more authoritarian during the Yeltsin era. These authoritarian enclaves under Yeltsin became models of behavior in the Putin regime, which prized deferential election results. Other regions were quick to follow this lead, functioning during Putin's ascendancy as "swing states." Still, Russia's regimes continued to exhibit regime diversity, with democratic enclaves resisting the push to become cogs in the Kremlin's electoral authoritarian wheel. While motivated by scholarly questions about authoritarianism, democracy, and the influence of subnational forces on national regime trajectories, Reisinger and Moraski also consider policy-relevant questions.

Regional Security: The Capacity of International Organizations (Global Institutions)

by Rodrigo Tavares

Regional organizations are an inescapable feature of global politics. Virtually all countries in the world are members of at least one regional or other intergovernmental organization. The involvement of international organizations in the realm of regional peace and security, and their cooperation in this domain with the United Nations, has reached an unprecedented level. Regional organizations have traditionally been formed around economic, political, or environmental objectives, however, over the last decades these organizations have gradually penetrated into the security sphere and developed their capacities in conflict prevention, peacekeeping, or post-war reconstruction. In Europe, Africa, Asia, or the Americas, regional and other intergovernmental organizations have been concurrently empowered by the UN and their own member states to maintain peace and security. Despite suffering from important discrepancies in both their mandates and capacities, regional organizations have become indisputable actors that play a role from the outbreak of a crisis to the reconstruction efforts in the aftermath of a conflict Presenting the most up-to-date critical and comparative analysis of the major regional security institutions, assessing a wide range of regional organizations and providing an accessible and comprehensive guide to 11 key organizations, this book is the first systematic study of the capacities of the most recognized intergovernmental organizations with a security mandate. Regional Security is essential reading for all students of international organizations, peace and security studies and global governance.

Regional Security Dialogue in the Middle East: Changes, Challenges and Opportunities (UCLA Center for Middle East Development (CMED) series)

by Chen Kane Egle Murauskaite

At this time of considerable political turmoil in the Middle East, there is a pressing need to explore alternative frameworks for regional security. The book discusses the Helsinki Process as one potentially relevant historical model to learn from. The Helsinki Process began in a divided Europe in the early 1970s and, over 40 years, achieved major successes in promoting cooperation between the Warsaw Pact and NATO member states on social, human rights, security, and political issues. In this volume, established Middle East experts, former diplomats, and emerging scholars assess the regional realities from a broad range of perspectives and, with the current momentum for reform across the Middle East, chart a path towards a comprehensive mechanism that could promote long-term regional security. Providing a gamut of views on regional threat perception and suggesting ways forward for regional peace, this book is essential reading for students and scholars with an interest in Politics, the Middle East and Conflict Studies.

Regional Security Governance in Post-Soviet Eurasia: The History and Effectiveness of the Collective Security Treaty Organization

by Igor Davidzon

This book explores post-Soviet Eurasian regional security governance, as embedded in the military alliance of Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). CSTO was established in 2002 and consists of six post-Soviet countries: Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Moving studies of regional security governance beyond the so-called Eurocentrism trend expressed, inter alia, via the focus on Western military alliance, such as NATO, this book examines CSTO as a new, post-Soviet form of regional security cooperation by looking at the reasons and drivers behind the establishment of the post-Soviet Eurasian security governance; the organization's institutional design; the military capabilities of its member states; the degree of the members' integration within the alliance; the cooperation pattern adopted by CSTO members; as well as the effect and effectiveness of this military alliance.

Regional Security in South Asia and the Gulf (Changing Dynamics in Asia-Middle East Relations)

by Umer Karim Saloni Kapur

As we move towards a world without superpowers, the dynamics within and between regions are of growing significance. Against this backdrop, this book explores the links between South Asia and the Gulf, which have existed for centuries but are undergoing important shifts in the transition to multipolarity. With a special focus on India, Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka and Oman, this volume brings together scholars from across these regions to investigate what the decentring world order means for the relationship between South Asia and the Gulf. It employs Regional Security Complex Theory to examine the changing global patterns of power and their impact on the inter-regional patterns of amity and enmity between states in South Asia and the Gulf. It employs both constructivist and realist approaches, seeking to understand how power and social processes influence the political and security linkages between these regions.

Regional Security in the Middle East: A Critical Perspective (Routledge Advances In Middle East And Islamic Studies #Vol. 5)

by Pinar Bilgin

In this new and fully revised edition Pinar Bilgin provides an accessible yet critical analysis of regional security in the Middle East, analysing the significant developments that have taken place in the past years. Drawing from a wide range of critical approaches to security, the book offers a comprehensive study of pasts, presents, and futures of security in the region. The book distinguishes itself from previous (critical) studies on regional security by opening up both ‘region’ and ‘security’. Different from those approaches that bracket one or the other, this study takes seriously the constitutive relationship between (inventing) regions, and (conceptions and practices of) security. There is not one Middle East but many, shaped by the insecurities of those who voice them. This book focuses on how present-day insecurities have their roots in practices that have, throughout history, been shaped by ‘geopolitical inventions of security’. In doing so, the book lays the contours of a framework for thinking critically about regional security in this part of the world. This second edition of Regional Security in the Middle East is a key resource for students and scholars interested in International Relations and Political Science, Security Studies, and Middle East Studies.

Regional Security Structures in Asia

by Ashok Kapor

Kapor argues that explanations of international relations in Asia in the post-Second World War period have relied too much on the Cold War as a key explanatory factor, and have not given enough emphasis to the useful concepts of 'regional power formation', 'conflict formation' and 'conflict resolution'. The author outlines these concepts and goes on to elaborate on them, and to apply them to three key Asian regions - northeast, southeast, and south Asia - discussing practical strategic issues in an historical perspective and arguing that these concepts, and other concepts which he discusses, are extremely helpful in making sense of the complex pattern of international relations in Asia.

A Regional Space Agency for Latin America: Legal and Political Perspectives (Studies in Space Policy #32)

by Annette Froehlich Diego Alonso Amante Soria

This book examines and proposes a legal framework for the creation of a regional space agency for Latin America especially in regard of pivotal aspects such as institutional structures, transfer of competences and cooperation agreements facilitating Latin America to act with one voice on the international space stage. It demonstrates how the European Space Agency (ESA), as regional space agency for Europe and its experiences for more than 50 years, may serves as model for such a regional forum in Latin America in view of required structures and rules to enable common peaceful space activities on regional level for the development of Latin American states and for the benefit of their societies.

Regional Trade Arrangements

by International Monetary Fund

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Regional Trade Arrangements in Africa

by Sanjeev Gupta Yongzheng Yang

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Regional Trade Integration and Conflict Resolution (Routledge Advances in International Political Economy)

by Shaheen Rafi Khan

This volume addresses the growth of regional trade agreements (RTAs) which have mushroomed since the 1990s, and considers their potential as a tool for reducing inter- and intra-state conflict. Exploring the links between trade, conflict and peace in different and varying contexts, this book maps the extant RTAs in the region, analyses the factors which hinder or promote regional trade integration and considers their economic and political impacts. Presenting a series of case studies in four regions: South America; the southern African region; South Asia and South East Asia, the authors consider three key questions: What is the significance of the recent and rapid development of RTAs for peace building both within and between countries? To what extent do RTAs engender inter and intrastate conflict? To what extent are trade and RTAs hostage to conflict and is regional political stability a precondition for economic integration? Regional Trade Integration and Conflict Resolution will be of interests to students and scholars of trade, international relations and conflict studies. It will also be of interest to policy makers and NGOs.

Regionale Integration in Ostasien

by Patrick Ziltener

Eine Weltregion ist eine Subagglomeration, die sich durch eine signifikant höhere Interaktionsdichte in einem umfassenderen, heute globalen Weltsystem auszeichnet. Stellt Ostasien - von China, Korea und Japan im Norden bis Indonesien im Süden - eine solche Weltregion dar? Zur Beantwortung der Frage nach dem Regionencharakter Ostasiens werden in dieser umfassenden Studie regionale und globale Geschehenszusammenhänge in ihrer historischen Tiefe rekonstruiert. Seit der Verstetigung der Kontakte in den ersten Jahrhunderten der westlichen Zeitrechnung erlebte Ostasien mehrere Schübe intensivierter wirtschaftlicher, politischer und kultureller Integration. Nach einem Tiefpunkt im Gefolge des 2. Weltkrieges, der Entkolonialisierung und Unabhängigkeitskriege ermöglichten die Öffnungs- und Reformprozesse seit den späten 1970er Jahren die rasche Wiederverflechtung der Region. Detailliert untersucht werden das oft informelle Zusammenspiel wirtschaftlicher und politischer Regionalisierung, die Funktionen regionaler Organisationen wie etwa der Asiatischen Entwicklungsbank (ADB) und der transpazifischen Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), sowie die außenpolitischen Interessen und Strategien Japans, Chinas und der ASEAN-Länder im sich herausbildenden ASEAN plus-System in Ostasien. Es geht dabei um Weichenstellungen, die nicht nur Ostasien als Weltregion auf dem Weg zu einer Gemeinschaft, sondern auch die politische Weltökonomie über Jahrzehnte hinaus prägen werden.

Regionale Konflikte im Südchinesischen Meer: Ein Überblick (essentials)

by Julius Michel

Bereits seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs ist der Status der Souveränitätsrechte über die Paracel- und Spratly-Inselgruppen ungeklärt. Doch in den letzten Jahrzehnten wurde der Disput mitunter kriegerisch ausgetragen und die Region sukzessiv militarisiert. Dies lässt sich insbesondere auf die wirtschaftlichen, innenpolitischen und geopolitischen Interessen der Konfliktparteien zurückführen, die dieses essential in einem Überblick analysiert. Wiewohl die Region von China als genuiner Einflussbereich reklamiert wird, versuchen die USA mit ihrem pivot to Asia ihrerseits die freie Seefahrt und die Interessen der ohnmächtigen ASEAN-Staaten zu vertreten. Nebst dem regionalen Konflikt impliziert die Auseinandersetzung infolgedessen eine geopolitische Dimension im Kampf um Suprematie zwischen den beiden Hegemonen.

Regionale Mobilität und Hochschulbildung (Higher Education Research and Science Studies)

by Monika Jungbauer-Gans Anja Gottburgsen

Hochschulbildung ist ein wichtiger Motor interregionaler und internationaler Mobilität. Denn in vielen Fällen ist die Entscheidung für ein Studium gleichzeitig auch eine Mobilitätsentscheidung. Weitere Übergänge und damit typische Gelegenheiten für regionale Mobilität sind der Übergang vom Bachelor- in ein Masterstudium, der erste Eintritt von Absolvent*innen in den Arbeitsmarkt oder die regionale Mobilität von Hochqualifizierten im weiteren Lebens- und Berufsverlauf. Die aktuellen Befunde in diesem Sammelband belegen die Einflussfaktoren auf regionale Mobilität – sowohl auf Seite der Individuen und ihrer individuellen und sozialen Ressourcen als auch auf Seite der Hochschulen und der strukturellen Merkmale des Arbeitsmarktes für Hochqualifizierte.

Regionalentwicklung in Ostdeutschland: Dynamiken, Perspektiven und der Beitrag der Humangeographie

by Sören Becker Matthias Naumann

Die Entwicklung von ostdeutschen Städten und Regionen ist seit 1990 von vielfältigen Umbrüchen geprägt. Ein Nebeneinander von Schrumpfung und Wachstum, Abriss und Neubau, Strukturproblemen und Entwicklungsimpulsen kennzeichnet die Regionalentwicklung in Ostdeutschland. Die Untersuchung dieser räumlichen Unterschiede und Besonderheiten ist Gegenstand der humangeographischen Forschung an ostdeutschen Hochschulen und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen. Der Band gibt einen Überblick über Arbeiten zur Politischen Geographie, zum wirtschaftlichen Strukturwandel und dessen politischer Ökonomie, zum sozialen Wandel, zu den Veränderungen ländlicher Räume, zu den Umbrüchen ostdeutscher Städte und zur Transformation von Mensch-Naturverhältnissen in Ostdeutschland. Die Beiträge bieten eine geographische Perspektive auf die verschiedenen Facetten, Entwicklungspfade und Widersprüche der gesellschaftlichen Transformationen in den neuen Bundesländern.

Regionalisation and Global Governance: The Taming of Globalisation? (Routledge Studies in Globalisation)

by Andrew F. Cooper Christopher W. Hughes Philippe De Lombaerde

The relationship between global governance and regionalization is fraught with ambiguity. Understanding regionalization in this context requires an understanding of its relationship, and reactive condition, with both the constellations of global governance and globalization. This book presents an overview and explores the distinctive but intersecting trajectories of regionalization and global governance. It surveys: the theoretical debates the economic dimensions: multinationals, trade and investment, and labour the security considerations: armed conflict, conflict prevention and peacekeeping and non-traditional security in Asia the governing structures: managing contemporary multilevel architecture and cultural policy, leadership and the L-20. The expert and multi-disciplinary editors and contributors survey the context as well as the general character of these projects, together with their links as both parallel mediating mechanisms and distinctive choices for interjecting governance into globalization. Examining these projects in tandem amplifies their importance and enables the contributors to tease out coincidental as well as alternative possibilities in policy direction. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of international relations, area studies, international economics, international political economy, political science, public administration and development studies.

The Regionalisation of Competition Law and Policy within the ASEAN Economic Community

by Burton Ong

This edited volume of essays examines a wide range of issues related to the regionalisation of competition policy in South East Asia, where the ten member states of ASEAN have launched the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). <P><P>Written by a diverse group of academics, practitioners and policy-makers, this book explore issues such as the role of competition policy in facilitating the market-integration ambitions of the ASEAN member states, the challenges arising from divergences in the national competition law regimes of the ASEAN member states, and the absence of a supranational legal framework and the future of competition policy in light of the AEC Blueprint 2025. Given the nexus between regional competition policy and regional market integration, this book will be of particular interest to lawyers, economists and policy-makers working in the fields of competition law and regional trade law.

Regionalism across the North/South Divide: State Strategies and Globalization (Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science)

by Jean Grugel Wil Hout

In contrast to most studies of regionalism, Grugel and Hout focus on countries not currently at the core of the global economy, including Brazil and Mercosur, Chile, South East Asia, China, South Africa, the Maghreb, Turkey and Australia. What seems clear from this original analysis is that far from being peripheral, these countries are forming regional power blocs of their own, which could go on to hold the balance of power in the new world order.

Regionalism and Global Economic Integration: Europe, Asia and the Americas

by William D. Coleman Geoffrey R.D. Underhill

This scholarly and interdisciplinary volume sheds much needed light on the realtionship between national policies, regional integration patterns and the wider global setting. It covers regional patterns in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Individual chapters focus on topics ranging from industrial or financial policies to social welfare regimes, as well as broader assessments and comparisons of regional arrangements in a global context. The chapters point to the diversity of regional patterns in the world economy and the continuing importance of national regulatory structures, yet they also point to the common pressures of globalisation felt by all, especially in the domain of capital markets. With broad coverage and clear but sophisticated analysis this new book will be vital reading to all those seeking to clarify their understanding of the contemporary regional/global paradox.

Regionalism and Multilateralism: Politics, Economics, Culture (Globalisation, Europe, and Multilateralism)

by Thomas Meyer Mario Telò José Luís De Sales Marques

This book discusses the impact of cultural diversities and identities on regional and interregional cooperation, as well as on multilateralism. Employing a comparative approach to organizations such as ASEAN, MERCOSUR, SAARC, and the African and European Unions, this volume seeks to understand their distinctive features and patterns of interaction. It also explores the diffusion of multidimensional interregional relations, including but not limited to the field of trade. Scholars from several disciplines and four continents offer insights concerning the consequences of both multiple modernities and the rise of authoritarian populism for regionalism, interregionalism, and multilateralism. The Covid-19 pandemic confirmed the decline of hegemonic multilateralism. Among alternative possible scenarios for global governance, the "new multilateralism" receives special attention. This book will be of key interest to European/EU studies, economics, history, cultural studies, international relations, international political economy, security studies, and international law.

Regionalism and Nationalism in the United States: The Attack on "Leviathan"

by Donald Davidson

A quarter of a century before Lyndon B. Johnson popularized the slogan ""The Great Society,"" Donald Davidson wrote his critique of Leviathan, the omnipotent nation-state, in terms that only recently have come to be appreciated. ""Leviathan is the idea of the Great Society, organized under a single, complex, but strong and highly centralized national government, motivated ultimately by men's desire for economic welfare of a specific kind rather than their desire for personal liberty. "" Originally published as The Attack on Leviathan, this eloquent volume is an attack on state centralism and an affirmation of regional identity.Davidson's work is a special sort of intellectual as well as social history. It reveals an extraordinary mastery of the literature on regionalism in the United States, with special emphasis on the work on Rupert Vance and Howard Odum in the social sciences. Davidson looks at regionalism in arts, literature, and education. He favors agriculture over industrialization, and ""the hinterland"" over cities, examining along the way varying historical memories, the dilemma of Southern liberals, and the choice of expedience or principles. His book is a forceful and commanding challenge to those who would push for central authority at the sacrifice of individual and regional identity. Davidson concludes with a devastating critique of nationalism leading to a supra-nationalism. Ultimately, the heterogeneity of human desires comes up against the uniformity of world systems and world states. Davidson offers instead a broad world of intellectual history and commentary in which individualism allies itself with communities as a means for stemming the tide of collectivism and its base in a world state. For Davidson, Leviathan, the monstrous state, is a devourer, not a savior. As several peoples rise to strike down their own Leviathans, this courageous book may be better understood now than it was in 1938.Donald Davidson</

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