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Restoring the Lost Constitution: The Presumption of Liberty - Updated Edition
by Randy E. BarnettThe U.S. Constitution found in school textbooks and under glass in Washington is not the one enforced today by the Supreme Court. In Restoring the Lost Constitution, Randy Barnett argues that since the nation's founding, but especially since the 1930s, the courts have been cutting holes in the original Constitution and its amendments to eliminate the parts that protect liberty from the power of government. From the Commerce Clause, to the Necessary and Proper Clause, to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, to the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, the Supreme Court has rendered each of these provisions toothless. In the process, the written Constitution has been lost. Barnett establishes the original meaning of these lost clauses and offers a practical way to restore them to their central role in constraining government: adopting a "presumption of liberty" to give the benefit of the doubt to citizens when laws restrict their rightful exercises of liberty. He also provides a new, realistic and philosophically rigorous theory of constitutional legitimacy that justifies both interpreting the Constitution according to its original meaning and, where that meaning is vague or open-ended, construing it so as to better protect the rights retained by the people. As clearly argued as it is insightful and provocative, Restoring the Lost Constitution forcefully disputes the conventional wisdom, posing a powerful challenge to which others must now respond. This updated edition features an afterword with further reflections on individual popular sovereignty, originalist interpretation, judicial engagement, and the gravitational force that original meaning has exerted on the Supreme Court in several recent cases.
Restoring the Middle Class through Wage Policy: Arguments For A Minimum Wage (Binzagr Institute For Sustainable Prosperity Ser.)
by Oren M. Levin-WaldmanThis book delivers a fresh and fascinating perspective on the issue of the minimum wage. While most discussions of the minimum wage place it at the center of a debate between those who oppose such a policy and argue it leads to greater unemployment, and those who favor it and argue it improves the economic well-being of low-income workers, Levin-Waldman makes the case for the minimum wage as a way to improve the well-being of middle-income workers, strengthen the US economy, reduce income inequality, and enhance democracy. Making a timely and original contribution to the defining issues of our time—the state of the middle class, the problem of inequality, and the crisis of democratic governance—Restoring the Middle Class through Wage Policy will be of interest to students and researchers considering the impact of such approaches across the fields of public policy, economics, and political science.
Los restos de la revolución: Crónica desde las entrañas de una Venezuela herida
by Catalina Lobo-Guerrero"Con este gran trabajo periodístico , Catalina Lobo-Guerrero no solo nos ayuda a entender mejor las figuras de Hugo Chávez y Nicolás Maduro, la psicología de la sociedad venezolana o el hundimiento de un país. También nos ayuda a comprender mejor la geopolítica global, el mundo contemporáneo, porque Venezuela se ha convertido en una gran derrota colectiva". -Jorge Carrió ¡Qué pasó en Venezuela! 2013, Tras la muerte de Hugo Chávez en el 2013, el que fuera el país más rico de Latinoamérica se agudizó una profunda herida, cuyas consecuencias más evidentes vemos casi a diario en las noticias: anaqueles vacíos, hospitales desabastecidos, represión militar y un éxodo sin precedentes. Pero pocos se han detenido a examinar la situación con cuidado, fuera del relato de la crisis. Catalina Lobo-Guerrero, por el contrario, va más allá. Periodista de larga trayectoria, se instaló como corresponsal en Caracas justo cuando se profundizó la grieta entre quienes aún creían en una revolución exigua, bajo las órdenes del nuevo comandante en jefe, y una oposición que luchaba por legitimarse. Y muchos, como ella, quedaron en el medio. En este libro, la autora busca comprender, antes que juzgar, un proceso complejo que la atraviesa como persona. En clave de crónica investigativa, y con una prosa sensible y cuidada, relata la dolorosa transición de Chávez a Maduro, hilada por las voces de quienes, sin importar sus ideologías, padecen las consecuencias de esta pugna política. Junto a ellos, nos invita a recorrer las entrañas del que fue su hogar durante casi cuatro años y a recordar la historia olvidada del vecino país; a desprendernos de los prejuicios y los lugares comunes, y a sacar nuestras propias conclusiones.
Restrained Radicals: Populist Radical Right Parties in Local Government
by Fred PaxtonThe entry of populist radical right parties into positions of power has generated anxious debate regarding the potential consequences for liberal democracy. Their activities in local government, however, have been largely overlooked. This comparative analysis of populist radical right-led local governments in Western Europe makes an important contribution to a crowded field through the study of so far uncharted terrain. Comparing cases in Austria, France, Italy and Switzerland, Fred Paxton details the extent of ideological impact in local politics and the various restraints that are placed on their radicalism. Drawing from a wealth of new data, he explains the varying degree of radicalism with recourse to two principal factors: the constraints of the local government institutional setting and the national party leaders' strategies towards the local arena. This book broadens our understanding of populist radical right parties in Western Europe and the sub-national processes through which they are developing.
Restraining Great Powers: Soft Balancing from Empires to the Global Era
by T. V. PaulHow subtler forms of balance-of-power politics can help states achieve their goals against aggressive powers without wars or arms races At the end of the Cold War, the United States emerged as the world’s most powerful state, and then used that power to initiate wars against smaller countries in the Middle East and South Asia. According to balance†‘of†‘power theory—the bedrock of realism in international relations—other states should have joined together militarily to counterbalance the U.S.’s rising power. Yet they did not. Nor have they united to oppose Chinese aggression in the South China Sea or Russian offensives along its Western border. This does not mean balance†‘of†‘power politics is dead, argues renowned international relations scholar T.V. Paul, but that it has taken a different form. Rather than employ familiar strategies such as active military alliances and arms buildups, leading powers have engaged in “soft balancing,” which seeks to restrain threatening powers through the use of international institutions, informal alignments, and economic sanctions. Paul places the evolution of balancing behavior in historical perspective from the post-Napoleonic era to today’s globalized world.
Restraint: A New Foundation for U.S. Grand Strategy
by Barry R. PosenThe United States, Barry R. Posen argues in Restraint, has grown incapable of moderating its ambitions in international politics. Since the collapse of Soviet power, it has pursued a grand strategy that he calls "liberal hegemony," one that Posen sees as unnecessary, counterproductive, costly, and wasteful. Written for policymakers and observers alike, Restraint explains precisely why this grand strategy works poorly and then provides a carefully designed alternative grand strategy and an associated military strategy and force structure. In contrast to the failures and unexpected problems that have stemmed from America's consistent overreaching, Posen makes an urgent argument for restraint in the future use of U. S. military strength. After setting out the political implications of restraint as a guiding principle, Posen sketches the appropriate military forces and posture that would support such a strategy. He works with a deliberately constrained notion of grand strategy and, even more important, of national security (which he defines as including sovereignty, territorial integrity, power position, and safety). His alternative for military strategy, which Posen calls command of the commons, focuses on protecting U. S. global access through naval, air, and space power, while freeing the United States from most of the relationships that require the permanent stationing of U. S. forces overseas. "
Restraint: A New Foundation for U.S. Grand Strategy
by Barry R. PosenThe United States, Barry R. Posen argues in Restraint, has grown incapable of moderating its ambitions in international politics. Since the collapse of Soviet power, it has pursued a grand strategy that he calls "liberal hegemony," one that Posen sees as unnecessary, counterproductive, costly, and wasteful. Written for policymakers and observers alike, Restraint explains precisely why this grand strategy works poorly and then provides a carefully designed alternative grand strategy and an associated military strategy and force structure. In contrast to the failures and unexpected problems that have stemmed from America's consistent overreaching, Posen makes an urgent argument for restraint in the future use of U.S. military strength.After setting out the political implications of restraint as a guiding principle, Posen sketches the appropriate military forces and posture that would support such a strategy. He works with a deliberately constrained notion of grand strategy and, even more important, of national security (which he defines as including sovereignty, territorial integrity, power position, and safety). His alternative for military strategy, which Posen calls "command of the commons," focuses on protecting U.S. global access through naval, air, and space power, while freeing the United States from most of the relationships that require the permanent stationing of U.S. forces overseas.
Restraint in International Politics (Cambridge Studies in International Relations #151)
by Brent J. SteeleThe first comprehensive examination of restraint in international politics, considered across a range of psychological, social, political, and institutional contexts as a political process, device, and strategy. Surveying how restraint has been understood in international relations and political theory, with focus given to Aristotle and Machiavelli, Steele utilises Carl Jung's theories of complexes and the libido to broaden the conceptual definition of restraint as a phenomenon that is not only individual and inward-looking, but also relational and societal. Exploring its development, uses, expressions and challenges through history and in contemporary times, this book analyses the politics of restraint in processes of security, political economy, foreign policy and global public health. Situating restraint alongside similar concepts such as moderation, containment, and constraint, Steele asks against what, and from what, are we restraining ourselves, who authorizes restraint, and what are the risks and rewards (both ethical and practical). Steele concludes with a balanced political and normative argument for restraint going forward.
Restricting Freedoms: Limitations on the Individual in Contemporary America
by Vladimir ShlapentokhToday, freedom is so closely associated with the United States that most people still view America as the ultimate symbol of freedom. This is one reason why the desire to immigrate to the United States from almost anywhere in the world has not waned for more than a century. Because of this image, the idea that Americans are constrained by restrictive ordinances and rules seems contrary and therefore difficult for most citizens to accept.Vladimir Shlapentokh and Eric Beasley argue that the idea of basing American society upon unadulterated freedom in all spheres of life is both unrealistic and simplistic. The authors define freedom as the ability to choose one of many available alternatives. They note that this concept of freedom sometimes leads to a paradox: occasionally, freedoms are expanded through the creation of additional restrictions because the restrictions provide people with more alternatives. Thus, being free or restricted is not an all or nothing proposition, but rather a question of degrees.Many works discuss restrictions in relation to a particular area of life, but none of them explore the magnitude of how limitations shape people's everyday lives. Restricting Freedoms is unique in that the authors provide case studies that illustrate a wide variety of social contexts in relation to religious activity, noise-making, and sexual activities, among others. This overview of the role of restrictions in American life will be of interest to all American readers.
Restructuring and Privatization in Central Eastern Europe: Case Studies of Firms in Transition
by Saul Estrin Joseph C. Brada Alan Gelb Inderjit SinghThis volume presents cases from a World Bank study of state-owned industrial firms in Poland, Hungary and the Czech and Slovak republics. Topics that are covered include: structure of the industry; history of the firm; and product mix and sales pattern.
Restructuring Canada's Health Systems: Proceedings of the Fourth Canadian Conference on Health Economics
by Gail Thompson Raisa DeberIs the Canadian health care system becoming a victim of its own success? It has done what it set out to do – provide universal access to all medically necessary health services without financial barriers to patients – but expanding technology, an aging population, and escalating costs strain its ability to continue. It is time to explore ways to reorient and restructure the health care system and the services it provides. At the Fourth Canadian Conference on Health Economics, contributors of international reputation addressed these concerns. Their papers, collected in this volume, consider a wide range of fundamental issues related to health care policies and structures. They discuss new developments in health care delivery, assess implications of such new policies as home care and health promotion, and propose concrete alternatives for restructuring the present system to sustain universal medicine.
Restructuring Cultural Landscapes in Metropolitan Areas: Characterization, Typology and Design Research (The Urban Book Series)
by Yuting XieThis book introduces a ten-year-long design research project in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), China, based on international cooperation studios, design workshops, a Ph.D. thesis, and concrete practice in China, Germany, and the Netherlands. This research adapts the existing methods of Landscape Character Assessment (UK), Historic Cultural Landscape Elements (Germany), and Dutch Polder Typology to mapping, describing, and classifying landscape character areas and types at the three scales of regional, municipal, and local. Furthermore, to connect research with design, we developed a typological approach of generating specific measures for the networked polder landscape. This research bridges the gap of a missing landscape characterization method for the conservation, transformation, and critical reconstruction of historic cultural landscapes in a metropolitan context. The book is intended for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners interested in the topics of cultural landscape in transition, methods for landscape characterization and typology, and a research-by-design approach in interdisciplinary projects of landscape architecture, urbanism, and regional planning.
Restructuring Industry and Territory: The Experience of Europe's Regions (Regions and Cities #24)
by Anna Giunta Arnoud Lagendijk Andy PikeExamining the current trends in regional economic development in Europe, Restructuring Industry and Territory explores ways in which the restructuring of industry and territorial development relate to each other, their emergent interdependency and role in economic development. The book argues that the structural and cultural features of regions play an important part in helping or hindering concerted policies for regional development. Using case studies from different industries in a variety of regions, the contributors show that the pressures for restructuring, such as internationalisation or even 'globalisation', have been mediated by formerly nationally rooted industries in Europe becoming increasingly integrated, due to the ongoing processes of technological and organisational innovation, and political regulation.
Restructuring 'Korea Inc.': Financial Crisis, Corporate Reform, and Institutional Transition (Routledge Studies In The Growth Economies Of Asia Ser. #Vol. 42)
by Jang-Sup Shin Ha-Joon ChangThe 1997 South Korean financial crisis not only shook the country itself but also sent shock waves through the financial world at large. This impressive book critically assesses the conventional wisdom surrounding the Korean crisis and the performance of the IMF-sponsored reform programme.Looking first at the strengths and weaknesses of 'Korea Inc.
The Restructuring of Capitalism in Our Time
by William TabbActions taken by the United States and other countries during the Great Recession focused on restoring the viability of major financial institutions while guaranteeing debt and stimulating growth. Once the markets stabilized, the United States enacted regulatory reforms that ultimately left basic economic structures unchanged. At the same time, the political class pursued austerity measures to curb the growing national debt. Drawing on the economic theories of Keynes and Minsky and applying them to the modern evolution of American banking and finance, William K. Tabb offers a chilling prediction about future crises and the structural factors inhibiting true reform.Tabb follows the rise of banking practices and financial motives in America over the past thirty years and the simultaneous growth of a shadow industry of hedge funds, private equity firms, and financial innovations such as derivatives. He marks the shift from an American economy based primarily on the production of goods and nonfinancial services to one characterized by financialization, then shows how these developments, perspectives, and approaches not only contributed to the recent financial crisis but also prevented the enactment of effective regulatory reform. He incisively analyzes the damage that increasing unsustainable debt and excessive risk-taking has done to our financial system and expands his critique to a discussion of world systems and globalization. Revealing the willful blind spots of mainstream finance theory, Tabb moves beyond an economic model reliant on debt expansion and dangerous levels of leverage, proposing instead a social structure of accumulation that places economic justice over profit and, more practically, institutes an inclusive, sustainable model for growth.
Restructuring the European State: European Integration and State Reform
by Paolo DardanelliSince 1950, devolution reforms have been widespread across Western Europe, leading to constitutional transformation in Belgium, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom, as well as the potential for state breakup, as witnessed by independence referendums in Scotland and Catalonia. Over the same period, European integration has transferred power upwards to what is now the European Union. The simultaneous occurrence of these seemingly contradictory trends raises fundamental questions. Is state restructuring a uniform process? Has it been fuelled by European integration and, if so, how? Restructuring the European State uses a comparative analysis to present a systematic investigation of the connections between European integration and state restructuring. Paolo Dardanelli argues that there are two distinct dynamics of state restructuring: “bottom up,” where one or more regions demand self-government; and “top down,” where the central government decides to devolve power. Through quantitative analyses of thirteen key phases of state restructuring in Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom he shows that European integration has a powerful influence only in bottom up cases. Dardanelli points to a striking paradox of integration, whereby an ethos of Europe growing ever closer to union has become associated with fragmentation, divergence, and increased complexity, rather than a seamless system of multilevel governance. Innovative and rigorously researched, Restructuring the European State marks a major advance in our understanding of contemporary European politics.
Resurgence and Reconciliation: Indigenous-Settler Relations and Earth Teachings
by Michael Asch John Borrows James TullyThe two major schools of thought in Indigenous-Settler relations on the ground, in the courts, in public policy, and in research are resurgence and reconciliation. Resurgence refers to practices of Indigenous self-determination and cultural renewal whereas reconciliation refers to practices of reconciliation between Indigenous and Settler nations, such as nation-with-nation treaty negotiations. Reconciliation also refers to the sustainable reconciliation of both Indigenous and Settler peoples with the living earth as the grounds for both resurgence and Indigenous-Settler reconciliation. Critically and constructively analyzing these two schools from a wide variety of perspectives and lived experiences, this volume connects both discourses to the ecosystem dynamics that animate the living earth. Resurgence and Reconciliation is multi-disciplinary, blending law, political science, political economy, women's studies, ecology, history, anthropology, sustainability, and climate change. Its dialogic approach strives to put these fields in conversation and draw out the connections and tensions between them. By using “earth-teachings” to inform social practices, the editors and contributors offer a rich, innovative, and holistic way forward in response to the world’s most profound natural and social challenges. This timely volume shows how the complexities and interconnections of resurgence and reconciliation and the living earth are often overlooked in contemporary discourse and debate.
The Resurgence of Central Asia: Islam or Nationalism?
by Ahmed RashidA seminal introduction to the rise of Central Asia following the collapse of Tsarist Russia, this book has been out of print for two decades and is now more relevent than ever. The Resurgence of Central Asia is Ahmed Rashid’s seminal study of the states that emerged in the aftermath of the breakup of the Soviet Union: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. All have Muslim majorities and ancient histories but are otherwise very different. Rashid’s book, now with a new introduction by the author examining some of the crucial political developments since its first publication in 1994, provides entrée to this little-known but geopolitically important region. Rashid gives a history of each country, including its incorporation into Tsarist Russia, to the present day, provides basic socioeconomic information, and explains the diverse political situations. He focuses primarily on the underlying issues confronting these societies: the legacy of Soviet rule, ethnic tensions, the position of women, the future of Islam, the question of nuclear proliferation, and the fundamental choices over economic strategy, political system, and external orientation that lie ahead.
The Resurgence of Conservatism in Anglo-American Democracies
by William Mishler Allan Kornberg Barry CooperThis work presents analyses by experts on the rise of anew tide of conservative governments in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain in an attempt to find what, if any, common ideologies and programs unite them, with what results, in terms of institutional change and policy direction, have been, and what are the prospects for permanent change.
The Resurgence of Inflation: Lessons from History and Policy Recommendations (Financial and Monetary Policy Studies #57)
by Michael Heine Hansjörg HerrIn light of the resurgence of inflation in developed industrialised countries following a period of inordinately low inflation, this book analyses the causes and devastating effects of inflation by drawing lessons from the past. Focusing on the German hyperinflation of the 1920s and the inflationary waves of the 1970s, it examines the resulting economic crises and their influence on the subsequent periods of social and political turmoil, namely the fascism of the 1930s and the neoliberal revolution of the 1980s. Featuring five detailed case studies on inflationary waves in various countries in the 1970s, the book identifies economic policy errors of the past, seeking to prevent their recurrence. Offering empirical and theoretical insights alike, the authors present strategies for effectively combating inflation and deflation. In turn, the book assesses the complex ties between wage increases, income distribution, and price changes, ultimately providing valuable recommendations on how wage policy can be used to stabilise price level increases at a low level in a world characterised by diverse and extreme economic shocks.“The Resurgence of Inflation” fosters a vital discourse on wage and price dynamics, economic development and the role of trade unions, making it an essential read for policymakers, economists, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of today’s economic challenges.
The Resurgence of Military Coups and Democratic Relapse in Africa
by Adeoye AkinolaThis book presents the reality of democratic reversals and waves of coups cutting throughAfrica, explores the political economy of coups, and through a case studyapproach, provides a nuanced analysis of the negative impacts of coups inAfrica, and interrogates the roles of African regional organisations incurtailing coups and foreign powers in distorting the security architecture ofAfrican states, particularly in the Sahel region. It proffers sustainablepolicy templates for political development, professionalism of the military,and the subsequent withdrawal of the military from African politics. Apart fromits policy relevance, it will serve as a resource pool for researchers workingin the area of African political development, peace and security, and securitysector reforms. With the incremental exit of France from the Sahel, the bookwill also offer a nuanced perspective on the ‘scramble for the soul’ of theSahel by non-Western powers, such as China, Russia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia.
The Resurgence of Parish Council Powers in England
by Alistair JonesParish councils are often underappreciated and undervalued in what they do even though they are an essential part of the governing of England today. In spite of this, the number of parish councils and the roles they perform are increasing. This book explores the reasons for this apparent resurgence in parish councils. Some of it is a response to local demand, especially with the impact of austerity on local government as a whole. At the same time, austerity measures have seen moves to much larger units of local government. Again, the demand for a more local tier of government has resulted in the creation of new parish councils. There is a huge caveat and this is in relation to capacity. Do these new councils have the capacity to deliver the services demanded of them?
The Resurgence of the Latin American Left
by Steven Levitsky Kenneth M. RobertsLatin America experienced an unprecedented wave of left-leaning governments between 1998 and 2010. This volume examines the causes of this leftward turn and the consequences it carries for the region in the twenty-first century.The Resurgence of the Latin American Left asks three central questions: Why have left-wing parties and candidates flourished in Latin America? How have these leftist parties governed, particularly in terms of social and economic policy? What effects has the rise of the Left had on democracy and development in the region? The book addresses these questions through two sections. The first looks at several major themes regarding the contemporary Latin American Left, including whether Latin American public opinion actually shifted leftward in the 2000s, why the Left won in some countries but not in others, and how the left turn has affected market economies, social welfare, popular participation in politics, and citizenship rights. The second section examines social and economic policy and regime trajectories in eight cases: those of leftist governments in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, and Venezuela, as well as that of a historically populist party that governed on the right in Peru. Featuring a new typology of Left parties in Latin America, an original framework for identifying and categorizing variation among these governments, and contributions from prominent and influential scholars of Latin American politics, this historical-institutional approach to understanding the region’s left turn—and variation within it—is the most comprehensive explanation to date on the topic.
The Resurgence of the Radical Right in France
by Gabriel GoodliffeThis book attempts to account for the resurgence of significant political movements of the Radical Right in France since the establishment of democracy in the country at the end of the nineteenth century. Taking to task historical treatments of the Radical Right for their failure to specify the conditions and dynamics attending its emergence, and faulting the historical myopia of contemporary electoral and party-centric accounts of the Front National, it tries to explain the Radical Right's continuing appeal by relating the socio-structural outcomes of the processes of industrialization and democratization in France to the persistence of economically and politically illiberal groups within French society. Specifically, the book argues that, as a result of the country's protracted and uneven experience of industrialization and urbanization, significant pre- or anti-modern social classes, which remained functionally ill-adapted and culturally ill-disposed to industrial capitalism and liberal democracy, subsisted late into its development.