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Rise Up: Confronting a Country at the Crossroads
by Al Sharpton“This man is a gift from God to the world. This book is a gift from Al Sharpton to us. Let’s appreciate them both.”—Michael Eric DysonA rousing call to action for our nation, drawing on lessons learned from Reverend Al Sharpton’s unique experience as a politician, television and radio host, and civil rights leader.Beginning with a foreword by Michael Eric Dyson and closing with Rev. Al Sharpton’s moving eulogy for George Floyd, Rise Up offers timeless lessons for anyone who’s stood at the crossroads of their personal or political life, weighing their choices of how to proceed.When the young Alfred Charles Sharpton told his mother he wanted to be a preacher, little did he know that his journey would also lead him to prominence as a politician, founder of the National Action Network, civil rights activist, and television and radio talk show host. His enduring ability and willingness to take on the political power structure makes him the preeminent voice for the modern era, a time unprecedented in its challenges.In Rise Up, Reverend Sharpton revisits the highlights of the Obama administration, the 2016 election and Trump’s subsequent hold on the GOP, and draws on his decades-long experience with other key players in politics and activism, including Shirley Chisholm, Hillary Clinton, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and more.The time has come to take a hard look at our collective failures and shortcomings and reclaim our core values in order to build a clear and just path forward for America. Our nation today stands at a crossroads—and change can’t wait.“Full of history, honesty, and valuable suggestions, Rise Up should be a staple in every home, school and library as an essential primer on civil and political rights in America.”—Martin Luther King, III“If you want to learn how to use your voice to change a nation, you should study closely this man—and this book.”—Van Jones“My Bed-Stuy (do or die) brother has been at the forefront of our battles again and again. From way back in da way back to this present revolution the world is in now, Rev. has been about Black Lives Matter from the jump, also at a time when it was not the most popular or hip thing to be about. I look forward, standing next to him, to see, to witness this new energy, this new day that is about to be in these United States of America.”
Risiken, Krisen, Konflikte: Herausforderungen und Perspektiven medialer Vermittlungen
by Michael Beuthner Udo Bomnüter John A. KantaraCorona-Pandemie, Klimawandel, Terrorismus, Flüchtlings- und Wirtschaftskrise, Militäreinsätze in Afghanistan und Mali, Abgasskandal etc. Die Liste der Risiken, Krisen und Konflikte ist lang, und die „Fälle“ sind zunehmend komplex. Wie steht es um die professionelle Kommunikation darüber? Ist sie hinreichend transparent und achtsam-kritisch, oder vielmehr interessengeleitet und oberflächlich? Interne Strukturen und Vorgaben sowie dynamische externe Rahmenbedingungen erschweren die Kommunikation. Es mangelt mitunter an Formaten, Möglichkeiten, Ressourcen, Mut oder auch Expertise und Können. Diejenigen, die bei Risiken und Krisen professionell Öffentlichkeit herstellen (müssen), kommunizieren möglicherweise nicht ausreichend (gut) miteinander und haben dabei die Optionen sozialer Medien und deren Akteure (noch) nicht regelmäßig im Blickfeld. Das vielschichtige Beziehungsgeflecht der Kommunikatoren bietet scheinbar mehr Irritations- als Synergiepotentiale.Der Sammelband bündelt erstmalig in dieser Form interdisziplinäre Erfahrungswerte und Erkenntnisse von Akteuren aus Journalismus, Politik, Wissenschaft, Umwelt und Gesundheit. Dadurch werden Herausforderungen und Chancen medialer Vermittlung von Risiken und Krisen identifiziert und zugleich die Notwendigkeit und Ansatzpunkte für eine explizit auf dieses Thema ausgerichtete Ausbildung verdeutlicht.
Risikobeteiligung und Verantwortung als notwendige Machtkorrektive: Nachdenkliches zum Gesellschaftsrecht sowie zu Banken- und Umweltkrisen (essentials)
by Wolfgang MarotzkeIn diesem essential werden Asymmetrien von Herrschaft und Risikobeteiligung n#65533;her beleuchtet und bewertet. Der Autor Wolfgang Marotzke befasst sich mit grundlegenden gesellschaftsrechtlichen Fragen, mit den Ursachen von Banken- und Finanzmarktkrisen sowie mit der Eingehung von Umweltrisiken zulasten k#65533;nftiger Generationen. Das Buch gibt eine F#65533;lle von Denkanst#65533;#65533;en zu Schl#65533;sselfragen unserer Gesellschaft und er#65533;rtert die M#65533;glichkeiten des Rechtssystems, steuernd einzugreifen.
Risikopolitik: Eine Einführung (Elemente der Politik)
by Florian P. KühnDieses Lehrbuch führt ein in die politischen Zusammenhänge der Wahrnehmung von Risiken, des politischen Umgangs mit ihnen und in die gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Möglichkeiten, diese Politik zu analysieren. Neben der Frage, welche Risiken existieren und wie ihnen begegnet werden kann, thematisiert das Buch die Kategorien, nach denen Risiken erkannt und in der Öffentlichkeit diskutiert werden. Es zeigt, wie Risiken verstanden werden können, wie ihnen begegnet wird sowie welchen Bedingungen organisierter Herrschaft Risikopolitik entspringt. An den Beispielen Krieg, Gesundheit, Terrorismus und Entwicklungspolitik wird veranschaulicht, welche Auswirkungen Risikoerwägungen auf internationale Politik ebenso wie auf gesellschaftliche Prozesse haben.
Rising above the Gathering Storm, Revisited: Rapidly Approaching Category 5
by National Academy Of Sciences National Academy of Engineering Institute of Medicine of the National AcademiesIn the face of so many daunting near-term challenges,U.S. government and industry are letting the crucial strategic issues of U.S. competitiveness slip below the surface. Five years ago,the National Academies prepared Rising Above the Gathering Storm,a book that cautioned: "Without a renewed effort to bolster the foundations of our competitiveness,we can expect to lose our privileged position." Since that time we find ourselves in a country where much has changed--and a great deal has not changed. So where does America stand relative to its position of five years ago when the Gathering Storm book was prepared? The unanimous view of the authors is that our nation's outlook has worsened. The present volume,Rising Above the Gathering Storm,Revisited,explores the tipping point America now faces. Addressing America's competitiveness challenge will require many years if not decades; however,the requisite federal funding of much of that effort is about to terminate. Rising Above the Gathering Storm,Revisited provides a snapshot of the work of the government and the private sector in the past five years,analyzing how the original recommendations have or have not been acted upon,what consequences this may have on future competitiveness,and priorities going forward. In addition,readers will find a series of thought- and discussion-provoking factoids--many of them alarming--about the state of science and innovation in America. Rising Above the Gathering Storm,Revisited is a wake-up call. To reverse the foreboding outlook will require a sustained commitment by both individual citizens and government officials--at all levels. This book,together with the original Gathering Storm volume,provides the roadmap to meet that goal. While this book is essential for policy makers,anyone concerned with the future of innovation,competitiveness,and the standard of living in the United States will find this book an ideal tool for engaging their government representatives,peers,and community about this momentous issue.
Rising China and Internet Governance: Multistakeholderism, Fragmentation and the Liberal Order in the Age of Digital Sovereignty
by Riccardo NanniThis book provides an account of the transformation of Chinese stakeholders' engagement in Internet governance, from normative contestation to integration, and from isolation to an industrial leadership role. The book concludes that Chinese stakeholders are not seeking to fragment the Internet but are rather integrating in the existing global Internet governance mechanisms while adopting strong regulation domestically. This counters a widespread media (and academic) narrative on China as the promoter of an alternative Internet and/or an alternative model of Internet governance. These conclusions are reached through a mix of qualitative methods, including interviews with people involved first-hand in Internet governance, such as technologists engaged in the making of Internet and mobile connectivity standards.
A Rising China and Security in East Asia: Identity Construction and Security Discourse (Politics in Asia)
by Rex LiThis volume provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the security discourse of Chinese policy elites on the major powers in East Asia in relation to China’s self-perception as a rising power. It is the first book-length study that utilizes International Relations theories systematically to analyze Chinese security perceptions of the United States, Japan and Russia, and the debate among Chinese international relations specialists on how China should respond to the perceived challenge from the major powers to its rise to a global status. Rex Li argues that the security discourse of Chinese policy analysts is closely linked to their conception of China’s identity and their desire and endeavour to construct a great power identity for China. Drawing on extensive and up-to-date Chinese-language sources, the study demonstrates that Chinese elites perceive the power, aspirations and security strategies of other East Asian powers primarily in terms of their implications for China’s pursuit of great power status. This new work will contribute significantly to the on-going academic and policy debate on the nature and repercussions of China’s rise. This book will be essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students and scholars of Asian security, China’s foreign relations, security studies and international relations.
Rising China in a Changing World
by Jin KaiIn this book, Jin Kai provides an alternative perspective on the power interactions between a rising China and a "relatively" declining U. S. in the changing world situation. Grounded in previous scholarship, Jin argues that China's rise is historically, culturally, and structurally different; a peaceful power transition requires engagement by the U. S. in international institutions. Grounded in case studies and theory, this study will be of relevance to any reader interested in the evolving great power relationship between China and the U. S.
Rising East Asia: The Quest for Governance, Prosperity, and Security
by Chien-pin LiRising East Asia by Chien-pin Li helps readers understand the dynamic changes to China, Japan, and Korea since the end of World War II. Although the three countries have experienced stellar economic growth, there have also been shifts in political dynamics, social order, and security landscapes. To help people understand the past and present of the region, and develop well-informed opinions about its future, Li offers a book for East Asian Politics courses that reflects interdisciplinary collaboration—one that brings the scholarly debate in comparative politics and international relations to bear on the rich information and knowledge accumulated from East Asian studies. Each section is organized around the pursuit of three policy goals: economic prosperity, political governance, and national security. Whatever their position may be, the future of the region is likely to have major impacts on the rest of the world.
Rising East Asia: The Quest for Governance, Prosperity, and Security
by Chien-pin LiRising East Asia by Chien-pin Li helps readers understand the dynamic changes to China, Japan, and Korea since the end of World War II. Although the three countries have experienced stellar economic growth, there have also been shifts in political dynamics, social order, and security landscapes. To help people understand the past and present of the region, and develop well-informed opinions about its future, Li offers a book for East Asian Politics courses that reflects interdisciplinary collaboration—one that brings the scholarly debate in comparative politics and international relations to bear on the rich information and knowledge accumulated from East Asian studies. Each section is organized around the pursuit of three policy goals: economic prosperity, political governance, and national security. Whatever their position may be, the future of the region is likely to have major impacts on the rest of the world.
Rising Fascism in America: It Can Happen Here (Critical Interventions)
by Anthony R. DiMaggioRising Fascism in America: It Can Happen Here explores how rising fascism has infiltrated U.S. politics—and how the media and academia failed to spot its earlier rise. Anthony R. DiMaggio spotlights the development of rightwing polarization of the media, Trump’s political ascendance, and the prominence of extremist activists, including in Congress. Fascism has long bubbled under the surface until the coup attempt of January 6th, 2021. This book offers tactics to combat fascism, exploring social movements such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter in mobilizing the public. When so little scholarship engages the question of fascism, Anthony R. DiMaggio combines the rigor of academic analysis with an accessible style that appeals to student and general readers.
The Rising Generation: Gradual Abolition, Black Legal Culture, and the Making of National Freedom (Early American Studies)
by Sarah L. GronningsaterChronicles the history of emancipation through the cradle-to-grave experiences of a remarkable generation of black northernersThe Rising Generation chronicles the long history of emancipation in the United States through the cradle-to-grave experiences of a generation of black New Yorkers. Born into precarious freedom after the American Revolution and reaching adulthood in the lead-up to the Civil War, this remarkable generation ultimately played an outsized role in political and legal conflicts over slavery’s future, influencing both the nation’s path to the Civil War and changes to the US Constitution.Through exhaustive research in archives across New York State, where the largest enslaved population in the North resided at the time of the American Revolution, Sarah L. H. Gronningsater begins by exploring how English colonial laws shaped late eighteenth-century gradual abolition acts that freed children born to enslaved mothers. The boys and girls affected by these laws were born into a quasi-free legal status. They were technically not enslaved but were nonetheless required to labor as servants until they reached adulthood. Parents, teachers, and mentors of these “children of gradual abolition” found multiple ways to protect and nurture the boys and girls in their midst. They supported and founded schools, formed ties with white lawyers and abolitionists, petitioned local and state officials for better laws, guarded against kidnapping and cruelty, and shaped New York’s evolving identity as a free state. Black fathers used their votes during annual state elections in the early 1800s to influence legislative antislavery efforts. After many but not all black men in the state were disfranchised by a race-based property requirement in 1822, black citizens across New York organized to regain equal suffrage and to expand and protect other crucial, non-gendered features of state citizenship. Women and children were critical participants in these efforts.Gronningsater shows how, as the children of gradual abolition reached adulthood, they took the lessons of their youth into midcentury campaigns for legal equality, political inclusion, equitable common school education, and the expansion of freedom across the nation.
Rising Income Inequality: Technology, or Trade and Financial Globalization?
by Florence Jaumotte Subir Lall Chris PapageorgiouA report from the International Monetary Fund.
Rising India: Status and Power
by Kate Sullivan de Estrada Rajesh BasrurWhile India’s prospects as a rising power and its material position in the international system have received significant attention, little scholarly work exists on India’s status in contemporary world politics. This Routledge Focus book charts the ways in which India’s international strategies of status seeking have evolved from Independence up to the present day. The authors focus on the social dimensions of status, seeking to build on recent conceptual scholarship on status in world politics. The book shows how India has made a partial, though incomplete, shift from seeking status by rejecting material power and proximity to major powers, to seeking status by embracing both material power and major power relationships. However, it also challenges traditional understandings of the linear relationship between material power and status. Seven decades of Indian status seeking reveal that the enhancement of material power is one of only several routes Indian leaders have envisaged to lead to higher status. By arguing that a state requires more than material power to achieve status, this book reshapes understandings of both status seeking and Indian foreign policy. It will be of interest to academics and policy makers in the fields of international relations, foreign policy, and Indian studies.
Rising Inequality in China
by Li Shi Hiroshi Sato Terry Sicular Li Shi Hiroshi SatoThis book, a sequel to Inequality and Public Policy in China (2008), examines the evolution of inequality in China from 2002 to 2007, a period when the new 'harmonious society' development strategy was adopted under Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao. It fills a gap in knowledge about the outcomes of this development strategy for equity and inequality. Drawing on original information collected from the recent two waves of nationwide household surveys conducted by the China Household Income Project, this book provides a detailed overview of recent trends in income inequality and cutting-edge analysis of key factors underlying such trends. Topics covered include inequality in education, changes in homeownership and the distribution of housing wealth, the evolution of the migrant labor market, disparities between public and non-public sectors, patterns of work and non-work, gender, ethnicity, and the impacts of public policies such as reforms in taxation and social welfare programs.
Rising Islamic Conservatism in Indonesia: Islamic Groups and Identity Politics (Politics in Asia)
by Leonard C. Sebastian, Syafiq Hasyim and Alexander R. ArifiantoThis edited volume argues that the rise of Islamic conservatism poses challenges to Indonesia’s continued existence as a secular state, with far-reaching implications for the social, cultural and political fortunes of the country. It contributes a model of analysis in the field of Indonesian and Islamic studies on the logic of Islamic conservative activism in Indonesia. This volume presents informative case studies of discourses and expressions of Islamic conservatism expressed by leading mainstream and upcoming Indonesian Islamic groups and interpret them in a nuanced perspective. All volume contributors are Indonesian-based Islamic Studies scholars with in-depth expertise on the Islamic groups they have studied closely for years, if not decades. This book is an up-to-date study addressing contemporary Indonesian politics that should be read by Islamic Studies, Indonesian Studies, and more broadly Southeast Asian Studies specialists. It is also a useful reference for those studying Religion and Politics, and Comparative Politics.
Rising Out of Hatred: The Awakening of a Former White Nationalist
by Eli SaslowFrom a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, the powerful story of how a prominent white supremacist changed his heart and mindDerek Black grew up at the epicenter of white nationalism. His father founded Stormfront, the largest racist community on the Internet. His godfather, David Duke, was a KKK Grand Wizard. By the time Derek turned nineteen, he had become an elected politician with his own daily radio show - already regarded as the "the leading light" of the burgeoning white nationalist movement. "We can infiltrate," Derek once told a crowd of white nationalists. "We can take the country back." Then he went to college. Derek had been home-schooled by his parents, steeped in the culture of white supremacy, and he had rarely encountered diverse perspectives or direct outrage against his beliefs. At New College of Florida, he continued to broadcast his radio show in secret each morning, living a double life until a classmate uncovered his identity and sent an email to the entire school. "Derek Black...white supremacist, radio host...New College student???" The ensuing uproar overtook one of the most liberal colleges in the country. Some students protested Derek's presence on campus, forcing him to reconcile for the first time with the ugliness his beliefs. Other students found the courage to reach out to him, including an Orthodox Jew who invited Derek to attend weekly Shabbat dinners. It was because of those dinners--and the wide-ranging relationships formed at that table--that Derek started to question the science, history and prejudices behind his worldview. As white nationalism infiltrated the political mainstream, Derek decided to confront the damage he had done. Rising Out of Hatred tells the story of how white-supremacist ideas migrated from the far-right fringe to the White House through the intensely personal saga of one man who eventually disavowed everything he was taught to believe, at tremendous personal cost. With great empathy and narrative verve, Eli Saslow asks what Derek's story can tell us about America's increasingly divided nature. This is a book to help us understand the American moment and to help us better understand one another.
Rising Powers and Foreign Policy Revisionism: Understanding BRICS Identity and Behavior Through Time
by Cameron G Thies Mark David NiemanIn Rising Powers and Foreign Policy Revisionism, Cameron Thies and Mark Nieman examine the identity and behavior of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) over time in light of academic and policymaker concerns that rising powers may become more aggressive and conflict-prone. The authors develop a theoretical framework that encapsulates pressures for revisionism through the mechanism of competition and pressures for accommodation and assimilation through the mechanism of socialization. The identity and behavior of the BRICS should be a product of the push and pull of these two forces as mediated by their domestic foreign policy processes. State identity is investigated qualitatively through the use of role theory and the identification of national role conceptions. Both economic and militarized conflict behavior are examined using Bayesian change-point modeling, which identifies structural breaks in time series data, revealing potential wholesale revision of foreign policy. Using this innovative approach to show that the behavior of rising powers is governed not simply by the structural dynamics of power but also by the roles that these rising powers define for themselves, they assert that this process will likely lead to a much more evolutionary approach to foreign policy and will not necessarily generate international conflict.
Rising Powers and Global Governance
by Shahid Javed BurkiThis book reinforces the need to understand the sources of global change that is taking place and to accommodate it in the world political, social, and economic systems. Linking the United States, China, India, and Russia along with Europe and the Middle East, the author addresses demographics, international trade, technology, and climate change as global challenges that require cooperation in order to be solved. Both academics and policymakers will be enlightened, discovering ways of addressing global change by working together rather than through confrontation.
Rising Powers and Multilateral Institutions
by Dries Lesage Thijs Van de GraafThe rise of new powers such as China and India is sending shockwaves through the global multilateral system. Yet, not every multilateral institution is affected in the same way and many institutions have developed different responses to the global power shift. This volume is the first to systematically examine these different responses. It looks in detail at 13 multilateral institutions ranging from exclusive Western clubs (NATO, OECD, IEA, IASB, and G8) over global institutions in which rising powers are deprived of equal decision-making power (UN Security Council, IMF, and World Bank) to global institutions in which rising powers have equal decision-making power (WTO, WIPO, UNFCCC, CBD, and the G20). The contributors offer an interpretation of why some institutions are proving highly resilient thanks to the innovative outreach and reform activities they deploy, while others have more troubles to adapt as they become paralyzed by gridlock or even retreat from the global scene.
Rising Powers and South-South Cooperation (ISSN)
by Kevin Gray and Barry K. GillsThis book examines the extent to which a space has opened up in recent years for the so-called "rising powers" of the global South to offer an alternative to contemporary global economic and political governance through emergent forms of South-South cooperation. In contrast to the Third Worldism of the past, the contemporary rising powers share in common the fact that their recent growth owes much to their extensive and increasingly international engagement, rather than partial withdrawal from the global economy. However, they are nonetheless openly critical of the perceived bias towards the global North in the dominant institutions of global governance, and seek to alter the global status quo to enhance the influence of the global South. Contributions to this volume address the question of whether such engagement, particularly on a "South-South" basis, can be categorised as a "win-win" relationship, or whether we are already seeing the emergence of new forms of competitive rivalry and neo-dependency in action. What kind of theoretical approaches and conceptual tools do we need to best answer such questions? To what extent do new groupings such as BRICS suggest a real alternative to the dominance of the West and of the neoliberal economic globalization paradigm? What possible alternatives exist within contemporary forms of South-South cooperation? This book was originally published as a special edition of Third World Quarterly.
Rising Powers, Global Governance and Global Ethics (Global Institutions)
by Jamie GaskarthTwo of the dominant themes of discussion in international relations scholarship over the last decade have been global governance and rising powers. Underlying both discussions are profound ethical questions about how the world should be ordered, who is responsible for addressing global problems, how change can be managed, and how global governance can be made to work for peoples in developing as well as developed states. Yet, these are often not addressed or only briefly mentioned as ethical dilemmas by commentators. This book seeks to ask critical and profound questions about what relative shifts in power among states might mean for the ethics and practice of global governance. Three key questions are addressed throughout the volume: Who is rising and how? How does this impact on global governance? What are the implications of these developments for global ethics? Through these questions, some of the key academics in the field explore how far debates over global ethics are really between competing visions of how international society should be governed, as opposed to tensions within the same broad paradigm. By examining how governance works in practice across the Middle East, Africa and Asia, the contributors to this volume seek to critique the way global governance discourse masks the exercise of power by elites and states, both developed and rising. This work will be essential reading for all those with an interest in the future of international relations and global governance.
Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics of Energy
by Michael T. KlareFrom the author of the now-classic Resource Wars, an indispensable account of how the world's diminishing sources of energy are radically changing the international balance of powerRecently, an unprecedented Chinese attempt to acquire the major American energy firm Unocal was blocked by Congress amidst hysterical warnings of a Communist threat. But the political grandstanding missed a larger point: the takeover bid was a harbinger of a new structure of world power, based not on market forces or on arms and armies but on the possession of vital natural resources.Surveying the energy-driven dynamic that is reconfiguring the international landscape, Michael Klare, the preeminent expert on resource geopolitics, forecasts a future of surprising new alliances and explosive danger. World leaders are now facing the stark recognition that all materials vital for the functioning of modern industrial societies (not just oil and natural gas but uranium, coal, copper, and others) are finite and being depleted at an ever-accelerating rate. As a result, governments rather than corporations are increasingly spearheading the pursuit of resources. In a radically altered world— where Russia is transformed from battered Cold War loser to arrogant broker of Eurasian energy, and the United States is forced to compete with the emerging "Chindia" juggernaut—the only route to survival on a shrinking planet, Klare shows, lies through international cooperation.Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet surveys the energy-driven dynamic that is reconfiguring the international landscape, and argues that the only route to survival in our radically altered world lies through international cooperation."Klare's superb book explains, in haunting detail, the trends that will lead us into a series of dangerous traps unless we muster the will to transform the way we use energy." -- Bill McKibben
Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama
by David GarrowAs epic in vision and rigorous in detail as Robert Caro's The Years of Lyndon Johnson series, the definitive account of Barack Obama’s life before he became the 44th president of the United States—the formative years, confluence of forces, and influential figures who helped shaped an extraordinary leader and his rise—from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Bearing the Cross.Barack Obama’s keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention instantly catapulted the little-known state senator from Illinois into the national spotlight. Three months later, Obama would win election to the U.S. Senate; four years later he would make history as America’s first black president. Now, at the end of his second presidential term, David J. Garrow delivers the most compelling and comprehensive biography ever written of Obama in the years preceding his presidency.Moving around the globe, from Hawaii to Indonesia to the American Northeast and Midwest, Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama meticulously unpacks Obama’s life, from his tumultuous upbringing in Honolulu and Jakarta, to his formative time as a community organizer on Chicago’s South Side, working in some of the roughest neighborhoods, to Cambridge, where he excelled at Harvard Law School, and finally back to Chicago, where he pursued his political destiny. In voluminous detail, drawn from more than 1,000 interviews and encyclopedic documentary research, Garrow reveals as never before the ambition, the dreams, and the all-too-human struggles of an iconic president in a sure to be news-making biography that will stand as the most authoritative account of Obama’s pre-presidential life for decades to come.