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Alcoholism Etiology and Treatment: Issues for Theory and Practice (Routledge Revivals)
by Bernard SegalFirst published in 1988, Alcoholism Etiology and Treatment provides a stimulating discussion concerning an understanding of the etiology and treatment of alcoholism. Divided into five chapters, it brings themes like the disease concept of alcoholism; interdisciplinary biobehavioral research on alcohol problems; sociocultural and organizational bases of support for alcohol treatment; genetic predisposition to alcoholism; and anthropological perspectives on prevention and intervention, to provide a forum for discussion of some of the issues that prevail in the field of alcoholism. This book is an essential read for students and scholars of addiction studies, psychology, sociology, and behavioural studies.
Alcoholism in America: From Reconstruction to Prohibition
by Sarah W. TracyDespite the lack of medical consensus regarding alcoholism as a disease, many people readily accept the concept of addiction as a clinical as well as a social disorder. An alcoholic is a victim of social circumstance and genetic destiny. Although one might imagine that this dual approach is a reflection of today's enlightened and sympathetic society, historian Sarah Tracy discovers that efforts to medicalize alcoholism are anything but new.Alcoholism in America tells the story of physicians, politicians, court officials, and families struggling to address the danger of excessive alcohol consumption at the turn of the century. Beginning with the formation of the American Association for the Cure of Inebriates in 1870 and concluding with the enactment of Prohibition in 1920, this study examines the effect of the disease concept on individual drinkers and their families and friends, as well as the ongoing battle between policymakers and the professional medical community for jurisdiction over alcohol problems. Tracy captures the complexity of the political, professional, and social negotiations that have characterized the alcoholism field both yesterday and today.Tracy weaves American medical history, social history, and the sociology of knowledge into a narrative that probes the connections among reform movements, social welfare policy, the specialization of medicine, and the social construction of disease. Her insights will engage all those interested in America's historic and current battles with addiction.
Alcoholism in Perspective (Routledge Library Editions: Alcohol and Alcoholism)
by Marcus Grant Paul GwinnerIn the 1970s, an important change of emphasis had occurred in the field of alcoholism. Instead of seeing alcoholism as an ‘all or none phenomenon’ it was now recognised that a continuum of alcohol problems existed so that individual cases could show different degrees of dependence and different degrees of harm. Originally published in 1979, this book examines the implications of this change of emphasis. It looks at definitional, aetiological, epidemiological and socio-cultural questions and contains contributions from acknowledged experts in all of these areas. The scientific evidence in each area is fully reviewed and made comprehensible to the non-specialist reader and similarities between trends in thinking in different fields are emphasised. In addition, the book analyses the implications of the modern view of alcohol problems in terms of their theoretical basis and their practical application. A rational and pragmatic approach to the problems of working with alcoholics is analysed in some detail so that the links between new ideas and their manifestation in clinical practice are made clear. At the time, this book represented a multi-disciplinary approach to a complex problem where previous thinking had been clouded by too ready acceptance of untested hypotheses.
Alcoholism Sourcebook
by Karen BellenirPresents a wealth of information on alcohol use and abuse and its effects on the body and mind, treatment, and prevention. Separate sections focus on use and abuse, physical effects, alcohol and pregnancy, alcohol and the brain, treatment and recovery, and prevention. A final section offers a glossary, a list of resources for people seeking help with recovery, a directory of general information resources, and a list of state substance abuse agencies. Material comes from publications issued by US government agencies, as well as organizations and professional journals. For general readers. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Alcoholism Treatment in Transition (Routledge Library Editions: Alcohol and Alcoholism)
by Griffith Edwards Marcus GrantOriginally published in 1980, the purpose of this book was to aid a process of rethinking alcoholism treatment. Such a process was already underway in many parts of the world at the time. It was hoped that this volume would be useful in the modest role of abetting such a rethinking. Alcoholism treatment was definitely in transition, abandoning old certainties, searching for new syntheses and that is the position this book takes looking for an alternative understanding. The book is divided into six parts: Transition as Challenge; Does Treatment Work?; Towards Better Questions and Better Methodologies; Treatment System as Case For Study; Models in Transition; and Alcohol Agendas. The book also contains one chapter that discusses alcoholism treatment in a developing country, not often addressed at the time but acknowledgement that the problem is a global one.
Alcoholism Treatment Marketing: Beyond T.V. Ads and Speeches
by Donald SelfThe annual economic burden of alcohol abuse in the United States is staggering, yet the alcoholism treatment industry has been historically plagued by governmental regulations, moral crusades, advocacy of specific treatment approaches, and a lack of marketing knowledge. Here is the first focused set of research on the marketing of alcoholism treatment services. The authors of this much-needed volume--reputable marketing and research scholars--greatly expand the current base of knowledge concerning the alcohol treatment marketing subdiscipline, including the referral system analyses of market potentials for providers, promotional effort consultation for new providers, and the evolving nature of medical services distribution systems. Through in-depth interviews with treatment providers, referral sources, and former clients of treatment facilities, and in major reviews of literature on the subject, Alcoholism Treatment Marketing presents primary research and general research findings to provide practical marketing implications.
Aldrig Mer!
by Gabriel Agbo”Och jag skall gottgöra er för åren som slukades av gräshopporna, av gräsbitarna, gräsätarna och gräsgnagarna – min stora här som jag sände mot er. Då skall ni äta och bli mätta och prisa HERREN, er Gud, som har handlat så underbart mot er. Och aldrig mer skall mitt folk stå med skam. Då skall ni inse att jag finns mitt i Israel, att jag, HERREN, är er Gud, jag och ingen annan. Och aldrig mer skall mitt folk stå med skam.” Joel 2:25-27 Det är dags att stoppa det som vill stoppa dig. Det är Guds vilja att stoppa allt som vill ta dig bort från hans planer för ditt liv. Du vet redan att Hans plan för dig är att ha det bästa av glädje, frid, välstånd, barmhärtighet, god hälsa, och att äga alla dina ägodelar. Även om du är under Hans domslut just nu kan det vändas idag, och du kommer på nytt att börja simma i hans nåd. Vi tittar också på andras erfarenheter, och det moderna Israels version av Aldrig mer!. Varför antog de denna slogan, och hur långt har de gått för att genomdriva den? Israel är en av de mäktigaste nationerna på jorden idag (de har den bästa intelligenta organisationen – Mossad – och den tredje bästa armén i världen) inte bara för att Gud är med dem, utan för att de också har lovat att aldrig tillåta judarna genomgå de mest omänskliga behandlingar, smärtor, sorg och dödsfall som de upplevde under de olyckliga, undvikbara händelserna under förra seklet. Idag leder Israel inte bara inom försvar utan också inom jordbruk, IKT, vetenskap och medicin. Ja, vi kan sannerligen säga Aldrig mer! idag! Du kommer att läsa kapitel som Aldrig mer!, Vad orsakade detta?, Se på regnbågen, Undantagets förbund, Var är ditt altare?, Att återuppbygga det förstörda altaret, ”Hämta åt mig en skål”, och Israel säger ”Aldrig mer!”. Denna bok är sannerligen intressant läsning.
Aléjate de las personas tóxicas: Cuándo dejar una amistad
by Gary ThomasEl llamado de tu vida es demasiado importante para que las personas tóxicas te lo quiten. En Aléjate de las personas tóxicas, Gary Thomas, el autor best seller de Matrimonio sagrado, se basa en historias bíblicas y modernas para proveerte con ideas prácticas para lidiar con personas difíciles en tu vida y vivir fiel al propósito que Dios te dio.Como cristianos, a menudo sentimos culpa y la responsabilidad de satisfacer las necesidades de las personas no saludables en nuestras vidas. Ya sea un hermano, padre, cónyuge, compañero de trabajo o amigo, las personas tóxicas siempre buscan frustrar el llamado de nuestra vida. Mientras buscas primeramente el reino de Dios, ellos buscan primeramente distraer tu atención y retrasar tu trabajo.En lugar de intentar la tarea imposible de apaciguar a las personas tóxicas, es hora de que dediquemos nuestra energía al único esfuerzo que vale la pena: completar la obra que Dios nos ha encomendado. Es solo cuando aprendemos a decir no a los malos patrones que podemos decir sí al bien que Dios ha planeado para nosotros.Gary Thomas, el autor best seller de Matrimonio sagrado, observa ejemplos bíblicos de las vidas de Jesús, Pablo y Nehemías. Tomado de los años que sirvió como pastor, Thomas comparte historias modernas y ejemplos prácticos para lidiar con personas difíciles en nuestras vidas. Cada capítulo incluye lecciones prácticas que puedes aplicar de inmediato. Descubrirás como:Establecer límites saludables para proteger el llamado de tu vidaBuscar refugio en Dios cuando te sientas bajo ataqueDiscernir cuándo alejarte de una situación tóxicaMantener un corazón tierno incluso en relaciones no saludablesAmar y servir a las personas difíciles al resistir su controlHacer crecer tu fuerza interior e invertir en personas confiables No podemos dejar que otros roben nuestra alegría o nuestra misión. Es hora de fortalecer nuestra defensa, aprender a poner buenos límites y enfocarnos en el propósito que Dios nos dio.
Alessitimia Un Mondo Senza Emozioni
by Juan Moises de la Serna Olivia Jois NigrisoliL'Alessitimia è un problema più frequente di quanto non si creda, che rende difficile la convivenza con le persone che ne sono affette. Da qualche anno a questa parte gli psicologi stanno facendo uno sforzo per divulgare l'importanza dell'Intelligenza Emotiva e il modo di utilizzarla a favore proprio e degli altri. Questo libro si unisce a quello sforzo di divulgazione, cercando di fornire le risposte a domande su cosa siano le emozioni, su come influenzino le nostre decisioni e, soprattutto, su come possiamo servircene nella nostra vita quotidiana. Scopra tutti i concetti chiave riguardanti l'Alessitimia e come prevenirla. Nel caso in cui ne fosse affetto impari come trovare la soluzione, in modo da migliorare le sue relazioni interpersonali.
Alex: The Life of a Child
by Frank DefordFrank DeFord tells the heartbreaking, yet uplifting story of his daughter Alex's brief life. She died of cystic fibrosis at the age of eight.
Alexander L. George: With a Foreword by Dan Caldwell (Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice #15)
by Dan CaldwellAlexander L. George was one of the most productive and respected political scientistsof the late twentieth century. He and his wife, Juliette George, wrote one of the firstpsychobiographies, and Professor George went on to write seminal articles and booksfocusing on political psychology, the operational code, foreign policy decisionmaking,case study methodology, deterrence, coercive diplomacy, policy legitimacy, and bridgingthe gap between the academic and policymaking communities. This book is the firstand only one to contain examples of the works across these fields written by AlexanderGeorge and several of his collaborators.• This is a collection of Alexander L. George's works from the major fields to whichhe contributed.• There are biographical essays by his wife and co-author (Juliette L. George), daughter(Mary George Douglass), former student (Dan Caldwell), and professional colleague(Janice Gross Stein).• There are 25 photographs of Alexander L. George and his family which have notpreviously been published.
Alexithymia: Advances in Research, Theory, and Clinical Practice
by Olivier Luminet R. Michael Bagby Graeme J. TaylorAlexithymia is a personality trait characterised by difficulty identifying and describing subjective emotional feelings, a restricted imagination, and an externally oriented style of thinking. Individuals with high levels of this trait are at risk of developing several common psychiatric disorders. The concept of alexithymia has evolved considerably over the past twenty years, and this important new work responds to the need for a definitive book on the subject. The research, theory and clinical issues surrounding alexithymia are discussed in depth, examining the psychological, biological and social aspects of the construct and their related outcomes. Featuring contributions from researchers and clinicians in the field of emotion processing and regulation, chapters include methods for assessing and reducing alexithymia, and research findings from diverse fields of scientific enquiry including genetics, neuroimaging studies, emotion regulation, attachment and trauma research, and comorbidities with a number of psychiatric and medical disorders.
Alfred Adler: A Book of Case-Histories (International Library Of Psychology Ser.)
by Mairet, PhilippeFirst Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Alfred Adler: The Pattern of Life
by W. Beran WolfeFirst Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Alfred Adler Revisited
by Jon Carlson Michael P. ManiacciAlfred Adler was one of the most influential thinkers in psychotherapy – a physician, psychiatrist, author, and professor who wanted to answer the questions that plagued people during a significant time in history. His original ideas serve as a foundation for most modern theories of counseling and psychotherapy, ideas and writings that are brought back to life in this volume. Within, contemporary experts comment and introduce Adler's work through the lens of the 21st century. In doing so, they pay tribute to, analyze, and disseminate his classic, seminal papers that have significantly impacted the therapy field. The 23 papers included were chosen because of their relevance to today's issues, and their importance in Adlerian theory and practice. They detail the core elements of his theory, the tactics he used to advocate change in individuals and systems, and emphasize how contemporary his ideas are. Alfred Adler Revisited not only plays homage to a great professional, it revives his ideas and encourages debate over fundamental human issues.
Alfred Adler's Basic Concepts And Implications
by Robert W. LundinFirst published in 1989. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Alfred C. Kinsey: A Life
by James H. JonesThe hidden life of Alfred C. Kinsey, the principal architect of the sexual revolution. In this brilliant, groundbreaking biography, twenty years in the making, James H. Jones presents a moving and even shocking portrait of the man who pierced the veil of reticence surrounding human sexuality. Jones shows that the public image Alfred Kinsey cultivated of disinterested biologist was in fact a carefully crafted public persona. By any measure he was an extraordinary man--and a man with secrets. Drawing upon never before disclosed facts about Kinsey's childhood, Jones traces the roots of Kinsey's scholarly interest in human sexuality to his tortured upbringing. Between the sexual tensions of the culture and Kinsey's devoutly religious family, Jones depicts Kinsey emerging from childhood with psychological trauma but determined to rescue humanity from the emotional and sexual repression he had suffered. New facts about his marriage, family life, and relationships with students and colleagues enrich this portrait of the complicated, troubled man who transformed the state of public discourse on human sexuality.
Alfred Cort Haddon: A Very English Savage (Anthropology's Ancestors #5)
by Ciarán WalshAn innovative account of one of the least-understood characters in the history of anthropology. Using previously overlooked, primary sources Ciarán Walsh argues that Haddon, the grandson of anti-slavery activists, set out to revolutionize anthropology in the 1890s in association with a network of anarcho-utopian activists and philosophers. He regards most of what has been written about Haddon in the past as a form of disciplinary folklore shaped by a theory of scientific revolutions. The main action takes place in Ireland, where Haddon adopted the persona of a very English savage in a new form of performed photo-ethnography that constituted a singularly modernist achievement in anthropology. From the Introduction: Alfred Cort Haddon was written out of the story of anthropology for the same reasons that make him interesting today. He was passionately committed to the protection of simpler societies and their civilisations from colonists and their supporters in parliament and the armed forces.
The Algebraic Mind: Integrating Connectionism and Cognitive Science (Learning, Development, and Conceptual Change)
by Gary F. MarcusIn The Algebraic Mind, Gary Marcus attempts to integrate two theories about how the mind works, one that says that the mind is a computer-like manipulator of symbols, and another that says that the mind is a large network of neurons working together in parallel. Resisting the conventional wisdom that says that if the mind is a large neural network it cannot simultaneously be a manipulator of symbols, Marcus outlines a variety of ways in which neural systems could be organized so as to manipulate symbols, and he shows why such systems are more likely to provide an adequate substrate for language and cognition than neural systems that are inconsistent with the manipulation of symbols. Concluding with a discussion of how a neurally realized system of symbol-manipulation could have evolved and how such a system could unfold developmentally within the womb, Marcus helps to set the future agenda of cognitive neuroscience.
Alginate Biomaterial: Drug Delivery Strategies and Biomedical Engineering
by Sougata Jana Subrata JanaThis book focuses on recent trends of research on alginate-based biomaterials in Drug Delivery strategies and biomedical engineering. It contains the widely used alginate-based biomaterials as micro to nano-controlled drug delivery (oral, ocular delivery, topical delivery, etc.) and its fabrication technology, characterization, and biomedical aspects (such as cancer therapy, tissue engineering, gene delivery, vaccine delivery, enzyme immobilization, wound healing, dental applications, etc.) in a single book. The chapters cover updated information, current research trends, informatics, and all aspects of applications. Alginate is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved natural biomaterial and has diverse biomedical applications. In recent years, researchers and scientists are working on the alginate-based drug delivery systems that have been designed and characterized as a matrix, micro to nanocarriers, fibers, composite/scaffolds, etc. Alginate has versatile properties such as biodegradable, biocompatible, nontoxic, and easily available. This book especially highlights both the drug delivery strategies and biomedical engineering aspects such as controlled drug delivery, drug targeting to the site of action, cancer therapy, gene and vaccine delivery, enzyme immobilization, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine.
The Algorithmic Unconscious: How Psychoanalysis Helps in Understanding AI (Antinomies)
by Luca M. PossatiThis book applies the concepts and methods of psychoanalysis to the study of artificial intelligence (AI) and human–AI interaction. It develops a new, more fruitful approach for applying psychoanalysis to AI and machine behavior. It appeals to a broad range of scholars: philosophers working on psychoanalysis, technology, AI ethics, and cognitive sciences, psychoanalysts, psychologists, and computer scientists. The book is divided into four parts. The first part (Chapter 1) analyzes the concept of "machine behavior." The second part (Chapter 2) develops a reinterpretation of some fundamental Freudian and Lacanian concepts through Bruno Latour’s actor-network theory. The third part (Chapters 3 and 4) focuses on the nature and structure of the algorithmic unconscious. The author claims that the unconscious roots of AI lie in a form of projective identification, i.e., an emotional and imaginative exchange between humans and machines. In the fourth part of the book (Chapter 5), the author advances the thesis that neuropsychoanalysis and the affective neurosciences can provide a new paradigm for research on artificial general intelligence. The Algorithmic Unconscious explores a completely new approach to AI, which can also be defined as a form of "therapy." Analyzing the projective identification processes that take place in groups of professional programmers and designers, as well as the "hidden" features of AI (errors, noise information, biases, etc.), represents an important tool to enable a healthy and positive relationship between humans and AI. Psychoanalysis is used as a critical space for reflection, innovation, and progress.
Algorithms Are Not Enough: Creating General Artificial Intelligence
by Herbert L. RoitblatWhy a new approach is needed in the quest for general artificial intelligence.Since the inception of artificial intelligence, we have been warned about the imminent arrival of computational systems that can replicate human thought processes. Before we know it, computers will become so intelligent that humans will be lucky to kept as pets. And yet, although artificial intelligence has become increasingly sophisticated--with such achievements as driverless cars and humanless chess-playing--computer science has not yet created general artificial intelligence. In Algorithms Are Not Enough, Herbert Roitblat explains how artificial general intelligence may be possible and why a robopocalypse is neither imminent, nor likely.
Algorithms To Live By: What Computers Can Teach Us About Solving Human Problems
by Brian Christian Tom GriffithsA fascinating exploration of how insights from computer algorithms can be applied to our everyday lives, helping to solve common decision-making problems and illuminate the workings of the human mind All our lives are constrained by limited space and time, limits that give rise to a particular set of problems. What should we do, or leave undone, in a day or a lifetime? How much messiness should we accept? What balance of new activities and familiar favorites is the most fulfilling? These may seem like uniquely human quandaries, but they are not: computers, too, face the same constraints, so computer scientists have been grappling with their version of such issues for decades. And the solutions they've found have much to teach us. In a dazzlingly interdisciplinary work, acclaimed author Brian Christian and cognitive scientist Tom Griffiths show how the algorithms used by computers can also untangle very human questions. They explain how to have better hunches and when to leave things to chance, how to deal with overwhelming choices and how best to connect with others. From finding a spouse to finding a parking spot, from organizing one's inbox to understanding the workings of memory, Algorithms to Live By transforms the wisdom of computer science into strategies for human living.
Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions
by Brian Christian Tom GriffithsA fascinating exploration of how computer algorithms can be applied to our everyday lives, helping to solve common decision-making problems and illuminate the workings of the human mindAll our lives are constrained by limited space and time, limits that give rise to a particular set of problems. What should we do, or leave undone, in a day or a lifetime? How much messiness should we accept? What balance of new activities and familiar favourites is the most fulfilling? These may seem like uniquely human quandaries, but they are not: computers, too, face the same constraints, so computer scientists have been grappling with their version of such problems for decades. And the solutions they've found have much to teach us. In a dazzlingly interdisciplinary work, acclaimed author Brian Christian (who holds degrees in computer science, philosophy, and poetry, and works at the intersection of all three) and Tom Griffiths (a UC Berkeley professor of cognitive science and psychology) show how the simple, precise algorithms used by computers can also untangle very human questions. They explain how to have better hunches and when to leave things to chance, how to deal with overwhelming choices and how best to connect with others. From finding a spouse to finding a parking spot, from organizing one's inbox to understanding the workings of human memory, Algorithms to Live By transforms the wisdom of computer science into strategies for human living.
Alguien con quien hablar
by Ángel GabilondoAlguien con quien hablar no pretende ser una lección ni darla. Lejos de la sofisticación académica, desea ofrecerse como un acto de comunicación esencialmente humano. Todos necesitamos que alguien nos acompañe, que esté cerca, que nos escuche, que nos diga. Pero alguien no es uno o una cualquiera, no nos es indiferente, y dar con él, con ella, resulta decisivo. Tal vez se trate más de una capacidad de atender, de escuchar, de estar abierto y dispuesto, no sólo a recibir, sino a entregarse, a darse. Y dejar hablar no es un simple gesto de permisividad, es un acto de reconocimiento. Exige crear condiciones, un territorio propicio, para la palabra ajena. De la amistad y el sexo, del placer, el deseo y el erotismo, de la mentira, el malentendido o el silencio, de la serenidad y la alegría nos habla Ángel Gabilondo, entre otros temas, dibujando un espacio de encuentro en el que la palabra es protagonista.