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Exploring Emotions in Social Life (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory)

by Michael Hviid Jacobsen

This volume presents a broad range of studies on a variety of emotions from social scientific perspectives. Bringing together scholars from disciplines including sociology, psychology, anthropology and philosophy, it examines emotions including desire, empathy, freedom, happiness, hate, disgust, humiliation, guilt, unemotionality and despair, exploring the main facets of these emotions and considering the ways in which they are manifested and folded into our cultural and social lives. It will therefore appeal to scholars across the social sciences with interests in emotion, affect and contemporary culture.

Exploring Empathy with Medical Students

by David Ian Jeffrey

This book investigates new insights into the factors influencing empathy in medical students. Addressing the widely perceived empathy gap in teaching and medical practice, the book presents a new study into how this emotion is facilitated in the UK undergraduate medical curriculum, and its influence on doctor-patient relationships. The author utilises Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to investigate how medical students’ perspective on empathy changed throughout their education. It presents the risks students perceive when connecting emotionally with patients; their use of detachment as a taught coping mechanism; and the question of how they regulate their emotions. The book reveals the tension between students’ connection with and detachment from a patient and their aim to achieve an appropriate balance. The author presents a number of factors which seem to enhance empathy, and explores the balance of scientific biomedical versus psychosocial approaches in medical training. In contrast to the commonly-reported opinion that there has been decline in medical students’ empathy, this book contends that student empathy in fact increased during their training. This new study offers invaluable insight into how students and practitioners may be supported in dealing appropriately with their emotions as well as with those of their patients, thereby facilitating more humane medical care.

Exploring End of Life Experience: Facing Death (Routledge Key Themes in Health and Society)

by Helen Besemeres

The groundbreaking contribution made by this unique book draws on the experiences recorded by five people who are facing death – Jenny Diski, Philip Gould, Christopher Hitchens, Michael Mayne and Cory Taylor. Analysing the key themes that emerge from a psychodynamic perspective, the book describes how the memoirists respond to the first shock of receiving a terminal diagnosis, how they meet the challenge of continuing an active life when the illusion of an open-ended future has gone, and finally, how they struggle with accepting death as it overtakes them. The author argues that the ability to accept personal death is the key to resolving the paradox of our need to survive at all costs, while at the same time, however much we might deny it, we know that we must die. In a society where death and dying occur largely out of sight, this book provides information about what it is like to die – physically, psychologically and emotionally – and invites us to think about coming to terms with death. Exploring End of Life Experience is an important contribution to the interdisciplinary literature on death and dying, relevant to scholars and practitioners in medicine, nursing, psychology, and the wider medical humanities.

Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in Art Therapy: 50 Clinicians From 20 Countries Share Their Stories

by Audrey Di Maria

Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in Art Therapy: 50 Clinicians From 20 Countries Share Their Stories presents a global collection of first-person accounts detailing the ethical issues that arise during art therapists’ work. Grouped according to themes such as discrimination and inclusion, confidentiality, and scope of practice, chapters by experienced art therapists from 20 different countries explore difficult situations across a variety of practitioner roles, client diagnoses, and cultural contexts. In reflecting upon their own courses of action when faced with these issues, the authors acknowledge missteps as well as successes, allowing readers to learn from their mistakes. Offering a unique presentation centered on diverse vignettes with important lessons and ethical takeaways highlighted throughout, this exciting new volume will be an invaluable resource to all future and current art therapists, as well as to other mental health professionals.

Exploring Existential Meaning: Optimizing Human Development Across the Life Span

by Gary T. Reker Dr Kerry Chamberlain

Both implicit and existential meaning are important constructs in fully understanding human experience. The editors of this volume present a forum for an array of viewpoints and recent research that address the notion of optimal human growth.

Exploring Family Relationships With Other Social Contexts (Advances in Family Research Series)

by Ross D. Parke Sheppard G. Kellam

In the 1990s it is no longer "news" that families do not operate independently from other social organizations and institutions. Instead, it is generally recognized that families are embedded in a complex set of relationships with other institutions and contexts outside the family. In spite of this recognition, a great deal remains to be discovered about the ways in which families are influenced by these outside agencies or how families influence the functioning of children and adults in these extra-familial settings--school, work, day-care, or peer group contexts. Moreover, little is known about the nature of the processes that account for this mutual influence between families and other societal institutions and settings. The goal of this volume is to present examples from a series of ongoing research programs that are beginning to provide some tentative answers to these questions. The result of a summer workshop characterized by lively exchanges not only between speakers and the audience, but among participants in small group discussions as well, this volume attempts to communicate some of the dynamism and excitement that was evident at the conference. In the final analysis, this book should stimulate further theoretical and empirical advances in understanding how families relate to other contexts.

Exploring Family Theories

by Bron B. Ingoldsby

The purpose of this text is to provide a basic introduction to the major theories pertaining to the family among professionals today. Each addresses different aspects of family life and answers different questions. Humans are extremely complex, and it is difficult to analyze ourselves; therefore, every theory will be imperfect. But each one brings us closer to understanding and being able to make positive change where needed in family life. Each theory has its own basic assumptions and concepts, and is a product of its own historical context as well. Each is used in answering specific research questions that other theories may not answer, or may answer differently. It will be up to you to try on the lens of each theory and determine how well you think it explains human and family behavior.

Exploring Family Theories

by Suzanne R. Smith Raeann R. Hamon

Offering a diverse variety of perspectives, Exploring Family Theories, Third Edition, is a combined text/reader that integrates theory with research and applications. In each chapter, Suzanne R. Smith and Raeann R. Hamon present the history, scholarship, and critiques of one principal familytheory in a concise manner. Numerous examples and illustrations augment and clarify content, while application questions help students relate these theories to the real world. After each chapter, a follow-up journal article exemplifies how that particular theory is used to guide actual research.

Exploring Family Theories

by Suzanne R. Smith Raeann R. Hamon

Offering a diverse variety of perspectives, Exploring Family Theories, Fourth Edition, is a combined text/reader that integrates theory with research and applications. In each chapter, Suzanne R. Smith and Raeann R. Hamon present the history, scholarship, and critiques of one principal family theory in a concise manner. Numerous examples and illustrations augment and clarify content, while application questions help students relate these theories to the real world. After each chapter, a follow-up journal article exemplifies how that particular theory is used to guide actual research.

Exploring Feeding Difficulties in Children: The Generosity of Acceptance

by Paul Williams Gianna Williams Jane Desmarais Kent Ravenscroft

The number of people suffering from different eating disorders has grown dramatically within the last twenty years. These two volumes examine feeding difficulties and eating disorders in children and adolescents, from babies to 19-year-olds. The volumes consist of clinical cases that describe the process of psychoanalytic psychotherapy used to treat the patients. The contributors look at the underlying causes for the disorders, such as bulimia and anorexia, lead to a normal life with the help of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. In addition, this collection takes into account the profound effects eating disorders have, not only on the patients, but on their immediate family and friends as well.'Many cases describe the anxieties and strategies of defence used against feelings of dependence and the risk of accepting from another. This is a core theme in both volumes and is the principal idea behind the paradoxical title, The Generosity of Acceptance.

Exploring Feelings for Young Children with High-Functioning Autism or Asperger's Disorder: The STAMP Treatment Manual

by Anthony Wells Tony Attwood Angela Scarpa

Young children with autism have particular difficulty in understanding and controlling their emotions, especially when those emotions are negative. This practical manual for professionals provides a set of simple strategies to help children with high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome who suffer from mood difficulties to decrease negative feelings and increase positive feelings in daily life. Using a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach, The Stress and Anger Management Program (STAMP) is designed specifically for young children in their pre-school and early school years. The book outlines a 9-session group program using methods, games and activities that are developmentally appropriate. Treatment components include affective education, cognitive restructuring, social and group stories, and the emotional toolbox. The group therapy can be tailored for individual therapy when needed. A parental component is also included to support practice at home and promote generalization outside of the classroom or therapy setting. This is a dynamic and effective resource for professionals working with young children with autism spectrum disorders including teachers, guidance counselors, psychologists, speech therapists, behavioral therapists, occupational therapists, and social workers.

Exploring Frontiers of the Mind-Brain Relationship

by Alexander Moreira-Almeida Franklin Santana Santos

The conscious mind defines human existence. Many consider the brain as a computer, and they attempt to explain consciousness as emerging at a critical, but unspecified, threshold level of complex computation among neurons. The brain-as-computer model, however, fails to account for phenomenal experience and portrays consciousness as an impotent, after-the-fact epiphenomenon lacking causal power. And the brain-as-computer concept precludes even the remotest possibility of spirituality. As described throughout the history of humankind, seemingly spiritual mental phenomena including transcendent states, near-death and out-of-body experiences, and past-life memories have in recent years been well documented and treated scientifically. In addition, the brain-as-computer approach has been challenged by advocates of quantum brain biology, who are possibly able to explain, scientifically, nonlocal, seemingly spiritual mental states. Exploring Frontiers of the Mind-Brain Relationship argues against the purely physical analysis of consciousness and for a balanced psychobiological approach. This thought-provoking volume bridges philosophy of mind with science of mind to look empirically at transcendent phenomena, such as mystic states, near-death experiences and past-life memories, that have confounded scientists for decades. Representing disciplines ranging from philosophy and history to neuroimaging and physics, and boasting a panel of expert scientists and physicians, including Andrew Newberg, Peter Fenwick, Stuart Hameroff, Mario Beauregard, Deepak Chopra, and Chris Clarke the book rigorously follows several lines of inquiry into mind-brain controversies, challenging readers to form their own conclusions--or reconsider previous ones. Key coverage includes: Objections to reductionistic materialism from the philosophical and the scientific tradition.Phenomena and the mind-brain problem.The neurobiological correlates of meditation and mindfulness.The quantum soul, a view from physics.Clinical implications of end-of-life experiences.Mediumistic experience and the mind-brain relationship. Exploring Frontiers of the Mind-Brain Relationship is essential reading for researchers and clinicians across many disciplines, including cognitive psychology, personality and social psychology, the neurosciences, neuropsychiatry, palliative care, philosophy, and quantum physics. "This book ... brings together some precious observations about the fundamental mystery of the nature of consciousness ... It raises many questions that serve to invite each of us to be more aware of the uncertainty of our preconceptions about consciousness ... This book on the frontiers of mind-body relationships is a scholarly embodiment of creative and open-minded science." C. Robert Cloninger, MD Wallace Renard Professor of Psychiatry, Genetics, and Psychology, Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis MO

Exploring Genre through Gamified Adventures in Elementary Classrooms (Springer Texts in Education)

by Jill T. Tussey Leslie Haas

This book provides real-world examples of incorporating gamified learning into elementary school classrooms. Scaffolded by relevant research on gamification, literacy, and pedagogy support, this book focuses on how to seamlessly integrate and gamify literacy instruction in a fun, engaging, and unique way. Each chapter is tied to a specific genre, supported by national standards, and represented through developed lesson plans. The gamified activities and tasks provide a framework for meeting standards-based learning objectives. Chapters consist of: · genre specific adventure quests to guide students through lessons; · project-based activities focused on art, listening, speaking, and writing; · anchor texts and text sets centered on the chapter’s theme; · material lists, resource materials, and graphic images to support understanding; · teaching tips and differentiation strategies to support novice and career teachers alike. This book is aimed at preservice teachers, university faculty, practicing teachers, instructional coaches, and administrative instructional leaders.

Exploring Happiness: From Aristotle to Brain Science

by Sissela Bok

In this smart and timely book, the distinguished moral philosopher Sissela Bok ponders the nature of happiness and its place in philosophical thinking and writing throughout the ages. With nuance and elegance, Bok explores notions of happiness--from Greek philosophers to Desmond Tutu, Charles Darwin, Iris Murdoch, and the Dalai Lama--as well as the latest theories advanced by psychologists, economists, geneticists, and neuroscientists. Eschewing abstract theorizing, Bok weaves in a wealth of firsthand observations about happiness from ordinary people as well as renowned figures. This may well be the most complete picture of happiness yet. This book is also a clarion call to think clearly and sensitively about happiness. Bringing together very different disciplines provides Bok with a unique opportunity to consider the role of happiness in wider questions of how we should lead our lives and treat one another--concerns that don't often figure in today's happiness equation. How should we pursue, weigh, value, or limit our own happiness, or that of others, now and in the future? Compelling and perceptive,Exploring Happinessshines a welcome new light on the heart of the human condition.

Exploring Heutagogy in Higher Education: Academia Meets the Zeitgeist

by Amnon Glassner Shlomo Back

This book explores heutagogy (self-determined learning) - a new approach to teaching and learning in higher education - and proposes a paradigm shift in teaching, learning, and the educational enterprise and ecosystem.The first part of the book presents the philosophical, psychological and sociological foundations of heutagogy, and describes lessons learned from prior experiences of its implementation. The second part presents a collaborative self-study of five heutagogy courses in higher education. The third discusses how the academic community can enhance the paradigm change, and compares heutagogy to similar academic approaches. The concluding chapter of the book explores the question of “what next”? and suggests some possible elaborations of heutagogy.“At the beginning, it was very difficult for me to appreciate the course’s mode of learning. All my life I had learned in a traditional manner. Occasionally I felt that I was being thrown into deep water without a lifeguard. … But as the course progressed, I succeeded in letting go of my deeply rooted habits and discovered a new learning approach, through which I found in myself a new learner…” (Student’s reflection)“...this book suggests a novel approach to learning and education and will become a widely read one.” Dr. Lisa Marie Blaschke, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

Exploring High-risk Offender Treatment and the Role of Music Therapy (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice)

by Louise A. Sicard

Exploring High-risk Offender Treatment and the Role of Music Therapy explores the treatment delivered to high-risk offenders with complex needs, focusing on sex and violent offenders. The book advocates for the further use of less traditional and creative therapies, in particular, music therapy. The higher the risk, the greater the needs. Offenders with complex needs have a range of factors impacting their abilities and well-being including mental health and learning disorders. Importantly, high-risk offenders commonly present with complex needs and, therefore, require treatment that is highly responsive. Guiding this book is the existing literature and qualitative research, conducted by the author, that sought to gain the perspectives and experiences of practitioners in the field. This included 38 interviews with those that deliver treatment to high-risk offenders and music therapy. This book examines the components of high-risk offender treatment, highlighting the effective elements and the limitations found within the literature and from the perspective of interviewed practitioners. Offering insight into less traditional therapies, the book presents literature surrounding mindfulness, psychodrama and art therapy for high-risk offenders. It is argued that there has been a recent shift towards a creative corrections approach, where less traditional therapies are gaining recognition within offender treatment, as they offer unique and supportive benefits to traditional treatment. This book focuses on examining the role of music therapy for high-risk offenders, mainly through a critical discussion on the relevant literature and qualitative practitioner data. Advocating the further implementation of creative corrections approaches, this book will be of great interest to academics and researchers within the fields of offender treatment and penology, as well as forensic psychologists and those studying or practicing music therapy.

Exploring Human Behavior and the Social Environment

by L. Allen Furr

Individuals' behaviors are a function of their interactions with the bio-psycho-social contexts in which they are situated. Consequently, in this book considerable attention is paid to the various aspects of those environments. Topics such as the effects of social class and community on behavior are given considerable attention. How individuals and groups relate to political and economic systems and bureaucracies are important themes as well.

Exploring Immigrant and Sexual Minority Mental Health: Reconsidering Multiculturalism

by Pavna Sodhi

Exploring Immigrant and Sexual Minority Mental Health provides mental health practitioners with up-to-date theory, cutting-edge research, and therapeutic strategies to assist them in their work with multicultural clients. By focusing on the immigrant psyche, this volume hones in on appropriate counseling interventions and effective, culturally-specific psychotherapeutic practices by introducing the use of Diversity and Identity Formation Therapy (DIFT), a theoretical concept designed for immigrant and sexual minority identity formation. This work can be used in interdisciplinary settings and is applicable for those working in a number of mental health disciplines including counseling, social work, therapy, and more.

Exploring in Security: Towards an Attachment-Informed Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

by Jeremy Holmes

Winner of the 2010 Goethe Award for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Scholarship! This book builds a key clinical bridge between attachment theory and psychoanalysis, deploying Holmes' unique capacity to weld empirical evidence, psychoanalytic theory and consulting room experience into a coherent and convincing whole. Starting from the theory–practice gap in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, the book demonstrates how attachment theory can help practitioners better understand what they intuitively do in the consulting room, how this benefits clients, and informs evidence-based practice. Divided into two sections, theory and practice, Exploring in Security discusses the concept of mentalising and considers three components of effective therapy – the therapeutic relationship, meaning making and change promotion – from both attachment and psychoanalytic perspectives. The second part of the book applies attachment theory to a number of clinical situations including: working with borderline clients suicide and deliberate self-harm sex and sexuality dreams ending therapy. Throughout the book theoretical discussion is vividly illustrated with clinical material, personal experience and examples from literature and film, making this an accessible yet authoritative text for psychotherapy practitioners at all levels, including psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, mental health nurses and counsellors.

Exploring Individual and Organizational Boundaries: A Tavistock Open Systems Approach

by W. Gordon Lawrence Mannie Sher

One way of conceptualizing the relationship of individuals, through their roles, to their various groupings (such as families, communities, and business and industrial enterprises) is to consider their political relatedness. This includes an exploration of organizational structures, management, and issues of responsibility, leadership, and authority. Beyond this, the Tavistock open systems approach has always held that unconscious social processes are of central importance in such explorations. The methodology of the approach, therefore, is one that encourages people to consider the unconscious in relation to the political dimensions of institutions, This involves people in examine a range of boundaries, such as those between the inner and outer worlds of the individual, between person and role, and between enterprise and environment. Also involved are less obvious boundaries - or limits, or distinctions - such as those between certainty and uncertainty, order and chaos, innovation and destructiveness, reality and fantasy, and relationship and relatedness.

Exploring Intimacy: Cultivating Healthy Relationships through Insight and Intuition

by Suzann Panel Robins

Building off the idea that when we are happier, we tend to be healthier, Robins explains the phenomenon of how our intuitive knowing fosters healthy relationships that contribute to our physical, mental, and emotional health. Readers learn to utilize a variety of pathways that will change their responses to others and will produce lasting, more rewarding, and closer relationships in all areas of their lives. This book is designed to aid readers in looking inward and experiencing how their intuitive sixth sense informs their ability to be intimate without the negative triggers of past experiences. Through a considered and thoughtful approach, Robins offers insight into cultivating a truly integrated self so that one may lead a more fulfilling and healthful life.

Exploring Islands of Healing: New Perspectives on Adventure Based Counseling

by Jim Schoel Richard S. Maizell

A fresh look at Adventure Based Couseling. This book examines some new perspectives on the theory and practice of ABC. It is designed to help the practitioner benefit from over a decade of experience and thought building on the original Islands of Healing. <p><p>It includes a new perspective on theory-based activity selection including never-before-published activities and a greatly enhanced assessment process. The Adventure Wave (briefing, doing, debriefing) is re-examined including an in depth look at metaphor development.

Exploring Lacan’s Encore Seminar XX: The Torus of Reason

by Raul Moncayo Barri Belnap Greg Farr

Exploring Lacan’s Encore Seminar XX examines the themes presented in Encore, the seminar presented by Lacan between 1972 and 1975. Raul Moncayo, Barri Belnap, and Greg Farr focus on Lacan’s presentation of the theory of the Third Jouissance, clarifying the difference between jouissance as a concept and as a word. The authors argue that although there are many words that Lacan uses for jouissance, there are only five concepts of jouissance: the first is inconvenient, the second is convenient and inconvenient, while the last three are convenient and constructive. Exploring Lacan’s Encore Seminar XX will be essential reading for academics and scholars of Lacanian studies, Lacanian analysts, and readers interested in Lacan’s theories of the 1970s.

Exploring Language Aptitude: Views from Psychology, the Language Sciences, and Cognitive Neuroscience (English Language Education #16)

by Susanne M. Reiterer

This book presents original, empirical data from quantitative and qualitative research studies in the field of language learning aptitude, ability, and individual differences. It does so from the perspectives of Second Language Acquisition, psychology, neuroscience and sociolinguistics. All studies included in the book use a similar and uniform layout and methodology. Each chapter contains a study examining factors such as memory, personality, self-concept, bilingualism and multilingualism, education, musicality or gender. The chapters investigate the influence of these concepts on language learning aptitude and ability. Several of these chapters analyse hypotheses which have never been tested before and therefore provide novel research results. The book contributes to the field both by verifying and contesting existent findings and by exploring novel approaches to devising research in the subject area.

Exploring Lifespan Development

by Laura E. Berk

Exploring Lifespan Development, Fourth Edition is also available via Revel(TM), an interactive digital learning environment that is a less expensive alternative to the print textbook, enabling students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience. Revel's new mobile app lets students access and interact with their text anywhere, anytime, on any device, giving students the flexibility of toggling between their phone, tablet, and laptop as they move through their day.

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