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Fairness in Educational Assessment and Measurement

by Neil J. Dorans Linda L. Cook

The importance of fairness, validity, and accessibility in assessment is greater than ever as testing expands to include more diverse populations, more complex purposes, and more sophisticated technologies. This book offers a detailed account of fairness in assessment, and illustrates the interplay between assessment and broader changes in education. In 16 chapters written by leading experts, this volume explores the philosophical, technical, and practical questions surrounding fair measurement. Fairness in Educational Assessment and Measurement addresses issues pertaining to the construction, administration, and scoring of tests, the comparison of performance across test takers, grade levels and tests, and the uses of educational test scores. Perfect for researchers and professionals in test development, design, and administration, Fairness in Educational Assessment and Measurement presents a diverse array of perspectives on this topic of enduring interest.

Fairness of CEO Compensation: A Multi-Faceted and Multi-Cultural Framework to Structure Executive Pay (Contributions to Management Science)

by Mehtap Aldogan Eklund

Executive compensation and its fairness to stakeholders are topics of heated debate on platforms ranging from news forums to financial markets. This book stimulates critical thinking on executive compensation and guides academics and practitioners on the key concepts by developing a multi-faceted and multi-cultural framework. It also presents the new ‘Fair CEO Compensation,’ which uses a scientifically developed and structured stakeholder-based approach to reach optimal and fair CEO compensation, without capping bonuses or variable pay by rules and regulations. Financial, non-financial, organizational, strategic, cultural, personal, and social aspects are all taken into account in the framework. In addition to implementation guidelines and real-world examples, the book presents a checklist for businesses to measure the fairness of their CEO compensation based on the suggested framework. Moreover, the author also provides a survey template to help businesses investigate their employees’ perception of the fairness of their CEO’s compensation.

Fairy Tales and the Social Unconscious: The Hidden Language (The New International Library of Group Analysis)

by Ravit Raufman

The book combines two main perspectives: the study of the social unconscious and the study of fairy tales. Examining different versions of fairy tales told by different ethnic communities teaches us about the relations between universal and local/cultural aspects of the social unconscious. Exploring the unique status of fairy tales as located on the border line between concrete/somatic and abstract/linguistic realms sheds light on different levels of the human mind. The book focuses on a specific phenomenon common in fairy tales: a realization of idiomatic expressions - a phenomenon in which an abstract/mental idea is hidden behind a concrete event embedded in the plot. Deciphering the abstract idea out of the pictorial world of the fairy tale enables to understand the stories in a way which is not available otherwise. The book suggests interdisciplinary examination, reminding us the rich, deep messages hidden in fairy tales, and connecting us to early developments in the field of psychoanalysis, by suggesting new interpretation to old, ancient material.

Faith: Faith And Transformation

by Michael Eigen

This book explores nuances of faith-no-faith moments, twists and turns of living and focuses on variations of faith, beginning with nature, sleep, beauty, goodness, the opening-closing of the human face, and the paradox of the growth of faith through pain and shattering.

Faith-Based ACT for Christian Clients: An Integrative Treatment Approach

by Joshua J. Knabb

Faith-Based ACT for Christian Clients balances empirical evidence with theology to give mental health professionals a deep understanding of both the "why" and "how" of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for Christians. The new edition includes updated discussions in each chapter, more than 20 new and updated exercises, and new chapters on couples and trauma. The book includes a detailed exploration of the overlap between ACT and the Christian faith, case studies, and techniques that are explicitly designed to be accessible to both non-Christian and Christian (including evangelical Christian) counselors and therapists. Chapters also present the established research on Buddhist-influenced mindfulness meditation and newer research on Christian-derived meditative and contemplative practices and lay a firm theological foundation through the use of engaging biblical stories and metaphors.

Faith-Based ACT for Christian Clients: An Integrative Treatment Approach

by Joshua J. Knabb

Faith-Based ACT for Christian Clients balances empirical evidence with theology to give clinicians a deep understanding of not just the "why" but also the "how" of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Christian clients. Chapters include a detailed exploration of the overlap between ACT and the Christian faith, case studies, and techniques that are explicitly designed to be accessible to non-Christian as well as Christian (including evangelical Christian) counselors and therapists. Chapters present the established research on mindfulness and ACT, including a nuanced, non-dichotomous view of complex issues such as medication, and lay a firm theological foundation through the use of engaging biblical stories and metaphors.

Faith Beyond Belief

by Margaret Placentra Johnston

Faith Beyond Belief gives a much-needed voice to the "good" people who have left their church but whose spirituality continues to mature. Johnston uses first-person stories as well as known spiritual authorities in describing various stages of religious growth. Some of these real-life accounts are by nonbelievers; others are by those among the growing numbers of the "spiritual but not religious." All are thoughtful people with too much integrity to live what they consider a lie. The stories of the nonbelievers-including an ex-Catholic, a former Mormon, and a clandestine Muslim apostate who left his community after the attacks of 9/11-show how complete confidence in human reason can lead away from literal religious interpretation. But, while that step is a necessary one on the spiritual path, it is only intermediate. Her second set of stories are of people at the "mystic" level who can tolerate paradox and see truth and reality as multidimensional.Johnston's book will help doubters to see things in a new light as well as those who are struggling to clarify their own spiritual vision. It also points beyond the atheist/believer controversy wrecking such divisive havoc in our culture today.

Faith Born of Seduction: Sexual Trauma, Body Image, and Religion

by Jennifer L Manlowe

How do survivors of sexual and domestic violence relate to religion and to a higher power? What are the social and religious contexts that sustain and encourage eating disorders in women? How do these issues intersect? The relationship between Christian religious discourse, incest, and eating disorders reveals an important, and so far unexamined, psychosocial phenomenon. Drawing from interviews with incest survivors whose sexual and religious backgrounds are intimately connected with their problematic relationship with food, Jennifer Manlowe here illuminates the connections between female body, weight, and appetite preoccupations.Manlowe offers social and psychological insights into the most common forms of female suffering—incest and body hatred. The volume is intended as a resource for professionals, advocates, friends of survivors, and most importantly, the survivor of incest herself as she attempts to understand the links of meaning in her mind between her incest experience and her subsequent eating disorder.

Faith Born of Seduction: Sexual Trauma, Body Image, and Religion

by Jennifer L Manlowe

How do survivors of sexual and domestic violence relate to religion and to a higher power? What are the social and religious contexts that sustain and encourage eating disorders in women? How do these issues intersect? The relationship between Christian religious discourse, incest, and eating disorders reveals an important, and so far unexamined, psychosocial phenomenon. Drawing from interviews with incest survivors whose sexual and religious backgrounds are intimately connected with their problematic relationship with food, Jennifer Manlowe here illuminates the connections between female body, weight, and appetite preoccupations.Manlowe offers social and psychological insights into the most common forms of female suffering-incest and body hatred. The volume is intended as a resource for professionals, advocates, friends of survivors, and most importantly, the survivor of incest herself as she attempts to understand the links of meaning in her mind between her incest experience and her subsequent eating disorder.

Faith, Hope and Carnage

by Nick Cave Seán O'Hagan

A Telegraph Best Book of 2022Faith, Hope and Carnage is a book about Nick Cave’s inner life.Created from more than forty hours of intimate conversations with the journalist Seán O’Hagan, this is a profoundly thoughtful exploration, in Cave’s own words, of what really drives his life and creativity.The book examines questions of belief, art, music, freedom, grief and love. It draws candidly on Cave’s life, from his early childhood to the present day, his loves, his work ethic and his dramatic transformation in recent years.Faith, Hope and Carnage offers ladders of hope and inspiration from a true visionary.

Faith, Identity and Homicide: Exploring Narratives from a Therapeutic Prison

by Shona Robinson-Edwards

This book explores the role that religion plays in the lives of imprisoned homicide offenders. Drawing on interviews in an English prison, the author examines how they narrate their life stories and how religion intersects with other categories to rebuild their personal identities after committing a crime and being labelled as murderers or killers. This book seeks to bridge the gap between macro and micro phenomena, examining religion as both a social institution and a personal experience. It also explores the mediating role of institutions with regards to the nature and extent of their influence upon individual choices and actions, and provides insights into the nature of the therapeutic prison. It seeks to create some clarity of understanding the complex nature of religiosity, narrative, identity, desistance and rehabilitation whilst critically examining elements of social identity that may restrict or enhance this process. It provides a series of recommendations for organisations working with convicted homicide offenders/offenders and speaks to academics and practitioners in the fields of criminology, sociology, psychology and religious/theological studies.

Faith in Freedom: Libertarian Principles and Psychiatric Practices

by Thomas Szasz

The libertarian philosophy of freedom is characterized by two fundamental beliefs: the right to be left alone and the duty to leave others alone. Psychiatric practice routinely violates both of these beliefs. It is based on the notion that self-ownership—exemplified by suicide—is a not an inherent right, but a privilege subject to the review of psychiatrists as representatives of society. In Faith in Freedom, Thomas Szasz raises fundamental questions about psychiatric practices that inhibit an individual's right to freedom.His questions are fundamental. Is suicide an exercise of rightful self-ownership or a manifestation of mental disorder? Does involuntary confinement under psychiatric auspices constitute unjust imprisonment, or is it therapeutically justified hospitalization? Should forced psychiatric drugging be interpreted as assault and battery on the person or is it medical treatment?The ethical standards of psychiatric practice mandate that psychiatrists employ coercion. Forgoing such "intervention" is considered a dereliction of the psychiatrists' "duty to protect." How should friends of freedom—especially libertarians—deal with the conflict between elementary libertarian principles and prevailing psychiatric practices? In Faith in Freedom, Thomas Szasz addresses this question more directly and more profoundly than in any of his previous works.

Faith Therapy: A Biblical Program for Salvation-Based Counseling in the Church

by Troy Reiner

The number of dysfunctional and emotionally hurting people in our society and our churches is rapidly increasing. Even though God has called His church to "heal the brokenhearted and set the captive free," the large majority of our pastors and churches are failing to effectively meet this need. The Christian counseling community itself continues to be embroiled in controversy as to what Christian counseling should be and to what extent it should be based on the Bible. The Greek word for salvation in the Bible means more than God's gift of eternal life: it also includes healing and complete wholeness; mind, emotions, will, and spirit in this lifetime. If, as the Bible clearly states, we are saved or made whole by faith, then it only makes sense that salvation by faith should be the foundation of any wholly Christian therapy. "Faith Therapy" provides a new narrative Biblical approach for helping these hurting people that can be easily applied by pastors and implemented in the church, integrates Christian counseling within the context of salvation by faith, applies faith to bring deep psychological healing, and develops methods for using faith to resolve many common, yet deeply-rooted problems.

Faith Through the Prism of Psychology: A New Framework for Existentialism

by Eugene Subbotsky

Faith Through the Prism of Psychology introduces readers to the structure and function of the inherent ability of our Self to invest objects with reality — existentialization (EXON). The author moves away from traditional ideas of existence and faith, arguing that it is an inherent ability of an individual mind to invest entities (both objective and subjective) with reality. The book treats faith as a psychological ability of the mind to upgrade the existential statuses of imaginary entities, such as ghosts or gods; the working of faith is operationalized and analyzed in empirical psychological studies. It presents a new model of investing objects with existence, with such structural elements as the belief in object permanence (BOP), magic/ordinary distinguisher (MOD), magic/trick distinguisher (MTD), imaginary/perceived distinguisher (IPD), BOP defense mechanism (BOP/DM) and realities distinguisher (RD). It will be essential reading for anyone interested in existence from psychology, philosophy, art, theology or psychotherapy backgrounds.

Faithful Through and Through

by Richard Purden

Following on from We Are Celtic Supporters, Richard Purden tackles a variety of subjects in his second book Faithful Through and Through. Here he takes a fresh look at the people who have added to the wider culture, reputation and traditions on and off the park which have strengthened Celtic's position as a much valued institution. Purden talks to a selection of supporters, ex-players, managers and public figures, while travelling to a number of historical locations. While visiting the club's ancestral home in Ireland he discusses Celtic in the context of faith, politics and identity. The author channels the voices of secret millionaires, Irish troubadours, Scottish politicians and the club's most popular icons who take you on a Celtic odyssey in a continuing story that underlines why this team from Glasgow's East End personify a way of life that represents unwavering hope and positive life-affirming values around the world.

Faking It: A Look into the Mind of a Creative Learner

by Christopher M. Lee Rosemary F. Jackson

This book is not about a person who has a learning disability. It is the story of a creative learner--one who has been given the label "learning disabled."

Fakt und Vorurteil: Kommunikation mit Esoterikern, Fanatikern und Verschwörungsgläubigen

by Holm Gero Hümmler Ulrike Schiesser

Beim Kaffeetrinken mit der Familie wird Ihnen energetisiertes Wasser angeboten. Auf Twitter diskutieren Sie mit Impfgegnern. Die WhatsApp-Kitagruppe diskutiert Sternzeichen, die Apotheke verkauft Ihnen Globuli, die Nachbarin missioniert für ihren Guru und die Nachrichten beschäftigen sich schon wieder mit Demonstrationen von Rechtsextremen.Überall begegnen Ihnen Verschwörungsmythen, Aberglaube, Esoterik, Pseudowissenschaften und Co. und Sie möchten darauf reagieren – dabei möglichst sachlich bleiben, Ihren Standpunkt klarstellen, Fakten liefern, aber auch nicht unnötig provozieren oder überladen. Außerdem möchten Sie Ihr Gegenüber nicht verletzen, aber zum Umdenken anregen. Doch wie gelingt das?Wenn Sie sich diese Frage stellen, lesen Sie „Fakt und Vorurteil“. Verstehen Sie, warum wir von Emotionen gesteuert sind und die meisten Informationen an uns abprallen. Lesen Sie Erfahrungen und Tipps aus Interviews mit professionellen (Wissenschafts-)Kommunikatoren. Verfolgen Sie dann unterschiedliche Personen durch ihre eigenen Umdenkprozesse: Was überzeugt einen Alternativmediziner davon, nichtevidenzbasierte Medizin hinter sich zu lassen? Was war ausschlaggebend für eine ehemalige Impfgegnerin, ihre Kinder doch impfen zu lassen? Was hilft Mitgliedern von vereinnahmenden Organisationen beim Ausstieg? Was bewegt ein gefeiertes Medium, sich aus der Esoterik zu lösen? Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich um Personen mit irrationalen Weltsichten sorgen oder nicht wissen, wie sie mit ihnen kommunizieren sollen – sei es in der Familie, im Freundeskreis, anonym im Internet oder bei der Arbeit. Die Autoren geben konkrete Tipps zu Diskussionen und Situationen und helfen auch dabei zu entscheiden, wann es wichtig ist sich zu engagieren und wann man sich lieber zurückzieht.

Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8: A Young Man's Voice from the Silence of Autism

by David Mitchell Naoki Higashida Ka Yoshida

From the author of the bestselling The Reason I Jump, an extraordinary self-portrait of life as a young adult with autism Naoki Higashida was only thirteen when he wrote The Reason I Jump, a revelatory account of autism from the inside by a nonverbal Japanese child, which became an international success. Now he shares his thoughts and experiences as a twenty-four-year-old man living each day with severe autism. In short, powerful chapters, Higashida explores school memories, family relationships, the exhilaration of travel, and the difficulties of speech. He also allows readers to experience profound moments we take for granted, like the thought-steps necessary for him to register that it’s raining outside. Acutely aware of how strange his behavior can appear to others, he aims throughout to foster a better understanding of autism and to encourage society to see people with disabilities as people, not as problems. With an introduction by bestselling novelist David Mitchell, Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8 also includes a dreamlike short story Higashida wrote especially for this edition. Both moving and of practical use, this book opens a window into the mind of an inspiring young man who meets every challenge with tenacity and good humor. However often he falls down, he always gets back up.Advance praise for Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8“Vibrant . . . In Mitchell and Yoshida’s deft translation, Higashida conveys this isolating mindset and his yearnings for connection and self-expression, in direct, evocative prose—his compulsive, restless motion, he writes, is ‘instinctual, like a wild animal running over a wide plain’—that provides readers with a window into a previously unknowable world.”—Publishers Weekly “Illuminating . . . Autism is a mysterious neurological condition. . . . Higashida gives us a thoughtful view of the art of living well in its shadow.”—Kirkus Reviews “Readers will find this older Higashida not only eloquent and thoughtful, but also wise, measured and, most of all, kind.”—BookPage“This book is essential reading for parents and teachers of those with autism who remain nonverbal.”—Temple Grandin, author of The Autistic Brain and Thinking in Pictures“Compelling insight on every single page, gently challenging assumptions you didn’t even know you held on how others ‘should’ process the social and physical environments around us.”—Ellen Notbohm, author of Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8: A Young Man's Voice from the Silence of Autism

by David Mitchell Ka Yoshida Naoki Higashida

A story never before told and a memoir to help change our understanding of the world around us, 13-year-old Naoki Higashida's astonishing, empathetic book takes us into the mind of a boy with severe autism. With an introduction by David Mitchell, author of the global phenomenon, Cloud Atlas, and translated by his wife, KA Yoshida.Naoki Higashida was only a middle-schooler when he began to write The Reason I Jump. Autistic and with very low verbal fluency, Naoki used an alphabet grid to painstakingly spell out his answers to the questions he imagines others most often wonder about him: why do you talk so loud? Is it true you hate being touched? Would you like to be normal? The result is an inspiring, attitude-transforming book that will be embraced by anyone interested in understanding their fellow human beings, and by parents, caregivers, teachers, and friends of autistic children. Naoki examines issues as diverse and complex as self-harm, perceptions of time and beauty, and the challenges of communication, and in doing so, discredits the popular belief that autistic people are anti-social loners who lack empathy. This book is mesmerizing proof that inside an autistic body is a mind as subtle, curious, and caring as anyone else's.

Fall in Love, Have Children, Stay Put, Save the Planet, Be Happy

by Frank Schaeffer

A post-coronavirus evolution-based how-to for putting living ahead of work.Bestselling author Frank Schaeffer offers a passionate political, social, and lifestyle &“blueprint&” for changes millions of us know are needed to rebalance our work lives with thriving relationships: Fall in Love, Have Children, Stay Put, Save the Planet, Be Happy. Even before everything was disrupted by COVID-19 (not to mention by Trump), millions of Americans were already questioning capitalism&’s &“values.&” We were already challenging the idea that your job defines you. We already knew something was wrong. Loneliness, frustration, and alienation were already on the rise. Even the most successful of us felt too busy, too preoccupied, and too distracted to enjoy what we intuitively know are life&’s greatest rewards: vibrant relationships, family life, connection to others, involvement in our community, and the thrilling experience of love. Fall in Love . . . builds a well-researched and entertaining bridge to living happier lives and to a better future. It shows us that based on a better understanding of our evolutionary selves, we can thrive in family life and in our work life, too. But to do both joyfully—and at the same time—depends on rediscovering the priority of relationships, connections, community, and love.

The Fall of a Sparrow: Of Death and Dreams and Healing

by Kent L Koppelman

In this book, the author describes his attempt to create a meaningful and satisfying grieving process following the death of his 19 year old son, Jason, in a car accident. The narrative confronts the harsh reality of death from the hospital to the cemetery and the many mundane yet painful decisions that must be made. For those who must cope with an unexpected death, the grieving process becomes a struggle to express one's love and at the same time say goodbye.

The Fallacy of Understanding & The Ambiguity of Change (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series)

by Edgar A. Levenson

In The Fallacy of Understanding (1972) and The Ambiguity of Change (1983), Edgar Levenson elaborated the many ways in which the psychoanalyst and the patient interact - unconsciously, continuously, inevitably. For Levenson, it was impossible for the analyst not to interact with the patient, and the therapeutic power of analysis derived from the analyst's ability to step back from the interactive embroilment (and the mutual enactments to which it led) and to reflect with the patient on what each was doing to, and with, the other. Invariably, Levenson found, the analyst-analysand interaction reprised patterns of experience that typified the analysand's early family relationships. The reconceptualization of the analyst-analysand relationship and of the manner in which the analytic process unfolded would become foundational to contemporary interpersonal and relational approaches to psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. But Levenson's perspective was revolutionary at the time of its initial formulation in The Fallacy of Understanding and remained so at the time of its fuller elaboration in The Ambiguity of Change. The Analytic Press is pleased to reprint within the Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Beries two works that have proven influential in the realignment of psychoanalytic thought and practice away from Freudian drive theory and toward a contemporary appreciation of clinical process in its interactive, enactive, and participatory dimensions. Newly introduced by series editor Donnel Stern, The Fallacy of Understanding and The Ambiguity of Change are richly deserving of the designation "contemporary classics" of psychoanalysis.

Fallbeispiele Schlafstörungen im Alter: Einprägsam - spannend - mit Lerneffekt

by Helmut Frohnhofen

Aus der Praxis für die Praxis: Profitieren Sie von Erfahrungen und Fehlern, die andere bereits gemacht haben. Fälle mit Aha-Effekt. Als Schlafmediziner und Geriater lässt der Autor seine Leser an seiner langjährigen Erfahrung teilhaben mit FallvorstellungDiskussionFazit für die PraxisPraxistipps Durch konkrete Fälle wird anschaulich: Grundlegende Erkenntnisse, die auch in anderen Kontexten hilfreich sindTypische DenkfehlerStolpersteine und dazugehörige Lösungsstrategien Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen zusätzliche, wertvolle Erfahrungswerte, damit Sie Ihren Patienten und sich die Erkrankung bzw. die Arbeit erleichtern können. Der Autor Professor Dr. med. Helmut Frohnhofen; Leitender Arzt Altersmedizin; Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Geriatrie, physikalische Therapie, Intensivmedizin, Palliativmedizin, Zusatzbezeichnung Schlafmedizin und Somnologie (DGSM); Klinik für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf

Fallbuch Suizid und Suizidprävention: Zwölf Suizidversuche handlungstheoretisch analysiert

by Ladislav Valach Annette Reissfelder

Eine junge Frau wird von ihrem Freund verlassen, ein älterer Mann wird pensioniert und fühlt sich wertlos und einsam, ein junger Mann erfährt, dass seine Frau eine außereheliche Beziehung pflegt. Sie alle sehen nur noch den Suizid als Lösung. Üblicherweise werden Personen nach einem Suizidversuch in einem Krankenhaus behandelt, wo Fachpersonen versuchen, die zugrunde liegende psychiatrische Erkrankung herauszuarbeiten. Ladislav Valach und Annette Reissfelder argumentieren jedoch, dass Suizid nicht eine Krankheit, sondern eine Handlung ist. Da diesem Verständnis die Hochschätzung alltäglicher Darstellungen eigener Erlebnisse zugrunde liegt, wird in diesem Buch den suizidalen Personen die Bühne freigegeben. Das Fachbuch stellt zwölf verschiedene Fälle nach einem Suizidversuch vor. Bei der Analyse der Gespräche wird auf die Handlungstheorie des Alltags geachtet. Durch die Darstellung der langfristigen, mittel- und kurzfristigen Anliegen der Patient*innen bzw. den Handlungen in den Geschichten, erhalten Praktizierende einen detaillierten Einblick in die der Suizidhandlung zugrunde liegenden Ursachen und deren Behandlung.

Fallgeschichten Demenz: Praxisnahe Beispiele einer erlebensorientierten Demenzpflege im Sinne des Expertenstandards

by Michael Thomsen

Das Buch widmet sich im theoretischen Teil den Erkenntnissen namhafter Vertreter unterschiedlicher Demenzpflegetheorien und diskutiert dabei praxisnah die Kernaussagen im Einklang mit den Botschaften des neuen Expertenstandards „Beziehungsgestaltung in der Pflege von Menschen mit Demenz“. Im praktischen Teil stellt der Autor eindrucksvolle Fallgeschichten aus seiner Praxis als Krankenpfleger und Verfahrenspfleger vor. Anhand dieser Fälle kann der Stand des pflegetheoretischen Wissens zum Umgang mit demenzerkrankten Menschen herausgearbeitet und bildhaft gemacht werden. Die Fallbeispiele sind als Ausgangsbasis für das Arbeiten mit Fallgeschichten gedacht und können mit den Weg weisen, wie Teams sich eine „Verstehenshypothese“ im Sinne des Expertenstandards erarbeiten können. Das Buch richtet sich an alle Berufsgruppen, die mit dementiell erkrankten Menschen als Pflege- oder Betreuungsperson beruflich zu tun habe und versucht Antworten auf folgende wichtige Fragen in der Pflegepraxis zu finden: Welche Erkenntnisse von Pflegetheoretikern können gewinnbringend oder erkenntnisleitend sein? Wann handelt es sich wirklich um eine Demenz? Was kann im Team getan werden, um einen besseren Zugang zum demenzkranken Menschen zu finden? Und wie können Pflegekräfte ihre Reflexionsarbeit besser gestalten?

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