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Showing 16,676 through 16,700 of 50,749 results

A Fast Road to the Study of Emotions: An Introduction

by Arne Vikan

This book is an ideal introduction to work in psychology and the neurosciences. Walking us through the key topics including historical, developmental and cultural perspectives, the book shows that the different types of emotions each is an evolved adaptive structure that serves a functional purpose. It is shown how these types are expressed differently on the human face, how they are developed in the child, and how they influence and are influenced by culture, health and the ways persons think and perceive. Knowledge of emotions is essential for anyone who plans to work, or whose work already involves, helping, instructing, negotiating, or controlling others. This introductory-level book teaches undergraduates as well as general readers the main components and methods, and helps readers to better understand how emotions operate both within the body and out in the world. It is a valuable resource for undergraduate students in psychology, nursing, social work, physiotherapy and occupational therapy find this book an important accompaniment.

The Fast Track Program for Children at Risk: Preventing Antisocial Behavior

by Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group Karen L. Bierman John D. Coie Kenneth A. Dodge Mark T. Greenberg John E. Lochman Robert J. McMahon Ellen E. Pinderhughes

This unique volume reports on the largest long-term preventive intervention study ever conducted with children at risk for serious violence and poor life outcomes. From first through 10th grade, Fast Track provided multicomponent interventions to support children, families, and schools in achieving positive social, emotional, and academic outcomes. The book explores the developmental processes associated with early aggression, describes how each component of FastTrack was developed and implemented, and summarizes outcomes up to 20 years later. Vivid case studies track the impact of comprehensive school- and family-based programming on children's pathways through the elementary and high school years. The concluding chapter offers recommendations for using Fast Track components in future violence prevention initiatives. See also the authors' Social and Emotional Skills Training for Children: The Fast Track Friendship Group Manual, a step-by-step guide to implementing one of the core components of Fast Track.

Faster, Fitter, Happier: 75 questions with a Sport Psychologist

by Tony Westbury

Faster, Fitter, Happier is the first book to bridge the gap between the practice of psychology across both professional and amateur sport, and the theoretical foundations on which the science is based. Author Tony Westbury has been working alongside coaches and performers across a range of sports for over 25 years, during which time he has been asked everything from the best methods to combat nerves to developing that elusive ‘will to win’. Here he provides the answers to 75 questions that encapsulate some of the most important issues he’s faced. From motivating yourself to stick to a training programme to taking a high-pressure penalty or getting back in the saddle after a fall, the book offers guidance and advice across a range of sports for both professional and amateur alike. Its accessible style is ideally suited to performers, coaches, teachers and parents, while each question also includes a summary of the theory - an invaluable resource for students and early career practitioners. With a foreword by British Lion and Scottish International Jason White, this is a unique overview of how sport psychology can support us in our everyday sporting endeavours. Engaging, insightful and practical, it will be essential reading whether you’re training for the Olympics or just losing confidence after yet another missed putt.

Faster Than Normal: Turbocharge Your Focus, Productivity, and Success with the Secrets of the ADHD Brain

by Peter Shankman Edward Hallowell

A refreshingly practical and honest guide that rewrites the script on ADHDPeter Shankman is a busy guy -- a media entrepreneur who runs several businesses, gives keynote speeches around the world, hosts a popular podcast, runs marathons and Iron Mans, is a licensed skydiver, dabbles in angel investing, and is loving father to his young daughter. Simply put, he always seems to have more than 24 hours in a day. How does he do it? Peter attributes his unusually high energy level and extreme productivity to his ADHD. In Faster Than Normal, Shankman shares his hard-won insights and daily hacks for making ADHD a secret weapon for living a full and deeply satisfying life. Both inspiring and practical, the book presents life rules, best practices, and simple but powerful ways to:Harness your creative energy to generate and execute your ideasDirect your hyperfocus to get things done Identify your pitfalls--and avoid themStreamline your daily routine to eliminate distractionsUse apps and other tech innovations to free up your time and energyFilled with ingenious hacks and supportive self-care advice, this is the positive, practical book the ADHD community has long needed - and is also an invaluable handbook for anyone who's sick of feeling overwhelmed and wants to drive their faster-than-normal brain at maximum speed...without crashing.

Fasting Girls: The History of Anorexia Nervosa

by Joan Jacobs Brumberg

This book explores eating disorders, providing both a social history of Anorexia and scientific case studies

Faszination Psychologie – Berufsfelder und Karrierewege

by Maximilian Mendius and Simon Werther

Die Bedeutung der Psychologie in unserer Gesellschaft hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten zugenommen. Dies spiegelt sich auch in den steigenden Studentenzahlen im Bereich der Psychologie wider, sowie darin, dass ständig neue Tätigkeitsfelder für Psychologen erschlossen werden. Daher ist es für Psychologiestudierende oft unklar, welche Berufsbilder es in der Psychologie überhaupt gibt. Da Psychologiestudierende schon frühzeitig Studienschwerpunkte wählen müssen, fühlen sie sich überfordert, die richtige Entscheidung zu treffen. Sie fragen sich beispielweise, ob eine klinische oder wirtschaftspsychologische Ausbildung für sie sinnvoller ist. So sehnen sie sich nach Informationen, die ihnen diese Entscheidung erleichtert. Auch besteht oft die Frage, welche Inhalte aus dem Studium wirklich für die spätere praktische Arbeit relevant sind und wie sie als Psychologieabsolvent erfolgreich auf dem Arbeitsmarkt bestehen können.Diesen Bedarf nach Literatur und Wegweisung zur Berufsfindung und Orientierung greift dieses Werk auf und bietet genau dies: Es nimmt den Leser mit auf eine Reise durch die vielfältigen Tätigkeitsfelder von Psychologinnen und Psychologen. Dabei lernt der Leser nicht nur die etablierten Anwendungsgebiete wie klinische Psychologie und Wirtschaftspsychologie kennen, sondern auch vermeintlich eher exotische Arbeitsfelder. Somit bietet es einen hilfreichen Gesamtüberblick über die vielfältigen Karrieremöglichkeiten für alle mit psychologischen Studienabschlüssen. Die Herausgeber sind die Gründer des Psychologiestudentenkongresses, der einmal jährlich zu diesem Thema in München stattfindet. Die einzelnen Kapitel sind durchwegs von Experten aus der Praxis mit umfangreichem Erfahrungsschatz verfasst. Sie vermitteln einen authentischen wie auch einen realistischen Einblick in den Berufsalltag des jeweiligen Tätigkeitsbereichs. Darüber hinaus verleihen eingeflochtene Interviews mit praktisch tätigen Psychologen und Experten aus der Wissenschaft den Kapiteln bereichernde Perspektiven. Damit wendet sich dieses Buch nicht nur an Bachelor- und Masterstudierende der Psychologie, sondern genauso an Nebenfachstudierende sowie an alle, die sich für Psychologie interessieren.

Faszination Psychologie – Berufsfelder und Karrierewege

by Simon Werther Maximilian Mendius

Dieser Ratgeber nimmt Sie mit auf eine faszinierende Reise durch die vielfältigen Tätigkeitsfelder von Psychologinnen und Psychologen. Dabei lernen Sie neben den etablierten Anwendungsgebieten wie klinische Psychologie und Wirtschaftspsychologie auch vermeintlich exotische Arbeitsfelder wie Polizei- oder Verkehrspsychologie kennen. Finden Sie für sich heraus, ob Ihr Herz für eine Tätigkeit in der Psychologie schlägt und wie Sie diesen Wunsch verwirklichen können. Alle Kapitel sind von Experten aus der Praxis verfasst. Sie vermitteln Ihnen sowohl einen authentischen als auch realistischen Einblick in den jeweiligen Berufsalltag und räumen auf mit gängigen Vorurteilen. Darüber hinaus verleihen eingeflochtene Interviews mit praktisch tätigen Psychologen und Experten aus der Wissenschaft bereichernde Perspektiven. Wir bieten Ihnen:über 25 Autoren mit langjähriger Praxiserfahrungüber 15 zusätzliche Experteninterviews mit erfahrenen Praktikernüber 15 Meinungen von Professoren und anderen wissenschaftlichen Experten In dieser zweiten Auflage finden Sie neben einer Aktualisierung auch eine Erweiterung um interkulturelle Tätigkeiten in der Psychologie, um Schulpsychologie sowie um rechtliche Aspekte und Schweigepflicht.Dieses Buch ist nicht nur ideal für Bachelor-, Master- und Nebenfachstudierende der Psychologie, sondern für alle, die sich für Psychologie interessieren. Kommen Sie an Bord und lassen auch Sie sich von der Psychologie faszinieren!

Faszination Spiel: Wie wir spielend zu Gesundheit, Glück und innerer Balance finden

by Sabine Weinberger Helga Lindner

Spielen weckt in allen Altersstufen die in uns angelegte Kreativität, Kommunikationsfähigkeit und Kooperation, die heute als Schlüsselqualifikationen für eine gelingende Lebensgestaltung im 21. Jahrhundert gelten. In unserer leistungsorientierten Gesellschaft kommt jedoch eine spielerische Herangehensweise an das Leben zu kurz. Das Buch bringt deshalb einen Gegenentwurf zum Optimierungswahn, dem Kinder ausgesetzt sind und der sich dann im Erwachsenenalter in Form der Selbstoptimierung fortsetzt. Es zeigt auf, was Spielen für Kinder bedeutet, wie sich dies im Jugendalter verändert und wie viel mehr Erwachsene bis ins hohe Alter an Lebensfreude und Gesundheit dazugewinnen können, wenn sie wieder mehr Spiel ins Leben bringen. Anhand von entwicklungspsychologischen Grundlagen, Geschichten, Metaphern und vielen Beispielen geht das Buch dem Phänomen der Faszination im Spiel nach. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie viel wir von dieser Faszination von Geburt an mitbringen, wie unterschiedlich sich diese Fähigkeit in den verschiedenen Lebensabschnitten darstellt und wie sie als wichtige Ressource für ein lebendiges Leben wieder entdeckt werden kann.Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther. "In diesem Buch findet jeder - egal ob jugendlich, erwachsen oder im Ruhestand - viele Ideen und Anregungen, wie man sich im Spiel neu entdecken und Lebensfreude empfinden kann." Dr. Martin Textor„Spielend das Leben lernen, das ermöglicht dieses Buch. Es ist so einfach: Man muss nur einer Faszination folgen. Die kann man zwar nicht “machen”, aber die Voraussetzungen dafür lassen sich schaffen. Mit einer Fülle von Anregungen. In diesem Buch.“ Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schmid

Fat, Crazy, and Tired: Tales from the Trenches of Transformation

by Van Lathan Jr.

Podcaster and former TMZ host Van Lathan Jr. writes a sharp, funny, and brutally honest, cultural critique of the unspoken obstacles and extreme anxiety that keep us from maintaining good health in America&’s &“wellness waistland,&” explored through vignettes about his mental health and weight loss journey as a Black man. A formerly chubby kid who self‑identified for much of his life as &“the fat friend,&” media personality and podcast host Van Lathan Jr. has struggled with physical and mental health his entire life. He was used to being his besties' wing man on the dating scene, the slack bench‑dweller at the gym, and his mother's biggest fan at every meal, especially whenever she served up her infamous mac and cheese with five different kinds of cheese. At 365 lbs, Van hated being fat so much, he found it harder than being Black! After dedicating years to improving his physical and mental health, with many ups and downs, in 2020 Van found himself in a shared slump with other Americans when the Covid-19 pandemic hit and the George Floyd video was released—suddenly he was surrounded by carbs galore, binge-ing everything, feeling non‑stop exhaustion, and crippling waves of anxiety and depression. Fat, Crazy, and Tired isn't just about Van's ultimately unsuccessful journey to an Instagram‑able body and zen; it's about the unspoken personal battlefield of attaining and maintaining what Americans deem as good health. He explores the real reasons behind our unending physical and mental health battles—culture, family, and the baggage of life—and demonstrates how we can better understand our bodies by better understanding ourselves. He takes it back to his southern upbringing in Baton Rouge, opens up about how being &“the Black guy&” at work at TMZ overshadowed his identity, and shares how he holds up to survive the madness.&“Detox&” cleanses? Weight loss pills? Celery juice? No, thank you. Unlike the self‑help gurus that push you to go &“all or nothing&” and &“keep it 100,&” Van wants you to be happier and healthier at 50% without totally admonishing yourself to get there. Packed with double doses of humor Fat, Crazy, and Tired shares abrutally honest cultural critique of mental health and our weight loss obsession in what he dubs America&’s &“wellness waistland.&”

Fat - A Fate Worse Than Death?: Women, Weight, and Appearance

by Ellen Cole Esther D Rothblum Ruth R Thone

Despite the gains of the women’s movement, women are still judged by what they look like--and men, by what they do. Fat--A Fate Worse Than Death? offers hardy resistance to the narrow, random, and irrational appearance standards set for American women through an approach that is personal, eclectic, courageous, and funny. If you are interested in giving up your diet, throwing out your scales, and concentrating on who you are on a deeper level, this book will show you how to accept, appreciate, and even love your body!Using statistics, research, anecdotes, and personal experiences, Fat--A Fate Worse Than Death? explores how appearance standards have built a prison for women. With the book’s helpful advice, reading suggestions, and list of more than 100 ways to fight looksism, sexism, ageism, and racism, you will learn to express your rights and needs, regardless of your shape or size, and tear down those prison walls. Designed to transcend the boundaries between the personal and the political, Fat--A Fate Worse Than Death? discusses: examples of how weight and size constitute the last socially accepted prejudice the national “War on Fat” counteracting societal influences that support weight preoccupation connection between appearance standards for older women and large women nurturing your body resisting male-defined standards of beauty for women the myth of diets and dieting how the body resists weight loss how women are disempowered by concentration on weight and appearance how concentrating on appearance leaves real-life issues unaddressed how feeling bad about yourself can turn you into a willing consumerFeminists, faculty and students of women’s studies programs, aging women, women of radical politics, and other concerned women and men will find that Fat--A Fate Worse Than Death? states explicitly how women are kept powerless by subscribing to cultural and social edicts on physical appearance. Don’t live silently in a society that degrades and discounts women because of their physical stature and don‘t let obsession with thinness keep you passive, docile, and unable to give your energy to things that really need your passion and intelligence. Read this book and learn to not only value yourself for who you are, but also to counteract American culture’s equality-denying prejudices and practices.

Fat Is A Feminist Issue

by Susie Orbach

Fat is not about food. Fat is about protection, sex, mothering, strength, assertion and love. Fat is a response to the way you are seen by your husband, your mother, your boss--and yourself. You can change that response by learning the difference between "mouth hunger" and "stomach hunger," by seeing weight loss as a good thing rather than a punishment, and by realizing that food is not your enemy. Author Orbach says most women respond to her new program by "maintaining or even gaining weight at first, as they learn to accept and like themselves. That's okay And that's just the beginning of this astonishingly effective new approach to weight loss through satisfaction. "THROW AWAY YOUR DIET BOOKS..."

The Fat Lady Sings: A Psychological Exploration of the Cultural Fat Complex and its Effects

by Cheryl Fuller

Rooted in analytical psychology, The Fat Lady Sings challenges the notion that the fat patient must change to fit into a thin world. For years we have been bombarded by warnings about the Obesity Epidemic, a concern rivaling that about terrorism. Curiously, the depth psychological literature is mostly silent about this preoccupation, its origins, meaning, and the psychotherapeutic treatment issues involved. Almost everything written about fat and being fat comes from the world of the slender. Fat people are rarely consulted about their lives, how they eat and move and live. They are too often not seen as credible, or as reliable witnesses to their own experience. The Fat Lady Sings is an exploration of fat and our culture, the fat complex that grips our culture, how the war on obesity is fought in the clinical setting, and how being fat is an ongoing traumatic experience. The book grows out of the author's life as a fat woman, her work as a Jungian psychotherapist, and as a patient in analysis.

Fat Lives: A Feminist Psychological Exploration (Women and Psychology)

by Irmgard Tischner

Ever caught somebody – or yourself – checking out the content of a ‘fat’ person’s supermarket trolley? Ever wondered what lies behind this behaviour, or what it might be like to be at the receiving end of this judging gaze? Within the context of the current ‘obesity debate’, this book investigates the embodied experience of ‘being large’ from a critical psychological perspective. Using poststructuralist and feminist theories, the author explores the discourses available to and used by self-designated ‘fat’ individuals, as well as the societal power relationships that are produced by these. Using the issues of body size and ‘fat’ as an illustration, the book describes the benefits of exploring psychological and social matters from a poststructuralist perspective, and the dangers inherent in taking reductionist approaches to public health and other social issues. As such, this book should be of particular interest to anyone working within the disciplines of psychology, sociology, and health studies, as well as those involved in the study of health, gender issues and appearance.

Fat! So?: Because You Don't Have To Apologize For Your Size

by Marilyn Wann

Fat? Chunky? Less than svelte? So what! <P><P>In this hilarious and eye-opening book, fat and proud activist/zinester Marilyn Wann takes on Americas' biggest fear--worse than the fear of public speaking or nuclear weapons--our fear of fat.Statistics tell us that about a third of Americans are fat, and common sense adds that just about everyone, fat or thin, male or female, has worried about their appearance. <P><P>FAT!SO? weighs in with a more attractive alternative: feeling good about yourself at any weight--and having the style and attitude to back it up. Internationally recognized as a fat-positive spokesperson, Wann has learned that you can be absolutely happy, healthy, and successful...and fat. <P><P>With its hilarious and insightful blend of essays, quizzes, facts, and reporting, FAT!SO? proves that you can be out-and-out fabulous at any size.

Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture

by Virginia Sole-Smith

By the time they reach kindergarten, most kids believe that “fat” is bad. By middle school, more than a quarter of them have gone on a diet. What are parents supposed to do?Kids learn, as we’ve all learned, that thinness is a survival strategy in a world that equates body size and value. Parents worry if their kids care too much about being thin, but even more about the consequences if they aren’t. And multibillion-dollar industries thrive on this fear of fatness. We’ve fought the “war on obesity” for over forty years and Americans aren’t thinner or happier with their bodies. But it’s not our kids—or their weight—who need fixing.In this illuminating narrative, journalist Virginia Sole-Smith exposes the daily onslaught of fatphobia and body shaming that kids face from school, sports, doctors, diet culture, and parents themselves—and offers strategies for how families can change the conversation around weight, health, and self-worth.Fat Talk is a stirring, deeply researched, and groundbreaking book that will help parents learn to reckon with their own body biases, identify diet culture, and empower their kids to navigate this challenging landscape. Sole-Smith draws on her extensive reporting and interviews with dozens of parents and kids to offer a provocative new approach for thinking about food and bodies, and a way for us all to work toward a more weight-inclusive world.

Father and Child: Developmental and Clinical Perspectives

by Stanley H. Cath, Alan R. Gurwitt and John Munder Ross

First published in 1982. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Father and Daughter: Patriarchy, Gender and Social Science

by Ann Oakley

Father and daughter provides an unique ‘insider perspective’ on two key figures in twentieth-century British social science. Ann Oakley, a highly respected sociologist and best-selling writer, draws on her own life and that of her father, Richard Titmuss, a well-known policy analyst and defender of the welfare state, to offer an absorbing view of the connections between private lives and public work. Using an innovative mix of biography, autobiography, intellectual history, archives, and personal interviews, some of which have not been previously available to the public, she provides a compelling narrative about gender, patriarchy, methodology, and the politics of memory and identity. This fascinating analysis defies the usual social science publications to offer a truly distinctive account which will be of wide interest.

Father Fiction

by Donald L. Miller

CHAPTERS FOR A FATHERLESS GENERATIONWith honest humor and raw self-revelation, bestselling author Donald Miller tells the story of growing up without a father and openly talks about the issues that befall the fatherless generation. Raw and candid, Miller moves from self-pity and brokenness to hope and strength, highlighting a path for millions who are floundering in an age without positive male role models. Speaking to both men and women who grew up without a father--whether that father was physically absent or just emotionally aloof--this story of longing and ultimate hope will be a source of strength. Single moms and those whose spouses grew up in fatherless homes will find new understanding of those they love as they travel along this literary journey. This is a story of hope and promise. And if you let it, Donald Miller's journey will be an informal guide to pulling the rotted beams out from our foundations and replacing them with something upon which we can build our lives.

Father Fiction: Chapters for a Fatherless Generation

by Donald L. Miller

With honest humor and raw self-revelation, bestselling author Donald Miller tells the story of growing up without a father and openly talks about the issues that befall the fatherless generation. Raw and candid, Miller moves from self-pity and brokenness to hope and strength, highlighting a path for millions who are floundering in an age without positive male role models. Speaking to both men and women who grew up without a father--whether that father was physically absent or just emotionally aloof--this story of longing and ultimate hope will be a source of strength. Single moms and those whose spouses grew up in fatherless homes will find new understanding of those they love as they travel along this literary journey. This is a story of hope and promise. And if you let it, Donald Miller's journey will be an informal guide to pulling the rotted beams out from our foundations and replacing them with something upon which we can build our lives.

Father Goose: One Man, a Gaggle of Geese and Their Real Life Incredible Journey South

by William Lishman Joseph Duff

Featured on an enormously popular 20/20 segment, this heartwarming story tells of William Lishman, a reclusive sculptor, who adopted a gaggle of geese, flew with them in an ultralight glider, and actually taught them to migrate--earning himself the nickname "Father Goose. "

Father Hunger: Explorations with Adults and Children

by James Herzog

James M. Herzog's Father Hunger: Explorations with Adults and Children will quickly take its place both as a landmark contribution to developmental psychology and as an enduring classic in the clinical literature of psychoanalysis. We live in an era when a great many children grow up without a father, or, worse still, with fathers who traumatically abuse them. Yet, society continues to ignore the emotional price that children pay, and often continue to pay throughout their lives, for this tragic state of affairs. Father Hunger will change this situation. First drawn to his topic by observing the recurring nightmares of clinic-referred children of newly separated parents - nightmares in which the children's fear of their own aggression was coupled with desperate wishes for their fathers' return - Herzog went on to spend more than two decades exploring the role of the father in a variety of naturalistic settings. He discovered that the characteristically intense manner in which fathers engaged their children provided an experience of contained excitement that served as a necessary scaffolding to the children's emerging sense of self and as a potential buffer against future trauma. A brilliant observer and remarkably gifted, caring clinician, Herzog remains true to the ambiguities and multiple leves of meaning that arise in therapeutic encounters with real people. He consistently locates his therapeutic strategies and clinical discoveries within a sophisticated observational framework, thus making his formulations about father hunger and its remediation of immediate value to scientific researchers. A model of humane psychoanalytic exploration in response to a deepening social problem, Father Hunger is a clinical document destined to raise public consciousness and help shape social policy. And in the extraordinary stories of therapeutic struggle and restoration that emerge from its pages, it is a stunning testament to the resiliency of the human spirit.

Father Hunger

by Margo Maine Craig Johnson

"Father Hunger" is the emptiness experienced by women whose fathers were physically or emotionally absent-a void that leads to unrealistic body image, yo-yo dieting, food fears and disordered eating patterns. The term, which is now part of the psychology lexicon, originated with the first edition of this work in 1991. After having completed a decade's worth of further investigation, Dr. Maine has updated the information about men and their daughters in this second edition. She offers a new crash course on being a girl in today's culture, based on her expertise as a leading eating disorders prevention advocate. This edition describes the origins of father hunger and its effect on the family, with even more practical solutions to help fathers and daughters understand and improve their relationships. Also included is an expanded section for educators and therapists to help them more effectively prevent and treat the problems that occur between dads and daughters.

Father Involvement in Young Children’s Lives

by Jyotsna Pattnaik

This vital addition to Springer's 'Educating the Young Child' series addresses gaps in the literature on father involvement in the lives of young children, a topic with a fast-rising profile in today's world of female breadwinners and single-parent households. While the significant body of theoretical understanding and empirical data accumulated in recent decades has done much to characterize the fluidity of evolving notions of fatherhood, the impact of this understanding on policy and legal frameworks has been uneven at an international level. In a field where groups of fathers were until recently marginalized in research, this book adopts a refreshingly inclusive attitude, aiming to motivate researchers to capture the nuanced practices of fathers in minority groups such as those who are homeless, gay, imprisoned, raising a disabled child, or from ethnically distinct backgrounds, including Mexican- and African-American and indigenous fathers. The volume includes chapters highlighting the unique challenges and possibilities of father involvement in their children's early years of development. Contributing authors have integrated theories, research, policies, and programs on father involvement so as to attract readers with diverse interest and expertise, and material from selected countries in Asia, Australia, and Africa, as well as North America, evinces the international scope of their analysis. Their often interdisciplinary analyses draw, too, on historical and cultural legacies, even as they project a vision of the future in which fathers' involvement in their young children's lives develops alongside the changing political, economic and educational landscapes around the world.

Father Loss: Daughters Discuss Life, Love, and Why Losing a Dad Means So Much

by Elyce Wakerman

As Elyce Wakerman found in the scores of interviews she conducted, the loss of a father-- through death, divorce, or abandonment--is the event that shapes a girl’s life and all her future relationships. "In my fantasy,” one woman commented, "he remains the perfect, all-giving man”--a difficult role for any other man to fill. Based partly on the author’s experience, partly on her in-depth interviews, and partly on a questionnaire she developed with psychologist Holly Barrett to which almost six hundred women responded, Father Loss provides the clearest portrait yet of a very special group of women. As a group, they express their insecurities ("Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever be able to love a man totally . . . because that would mean I didn’t love my father anymore. ” --Leslie). Yet individually, many have become outstanding achievers, including Eleanor Roosevelt ("He dominated my life as long as he lived and was the love of my life for years after he died. ”), Helen Gurney Brown ("People in business, my bosses, I look to them all as fathers. ”), Barbara Streisand, Gloria Steinem, Geraldine Ferraro and many others. A bestseller when it was first published twenty-five years ago and now updated and revised, Father Loss gives information and insight to fatherless daughters, to widows and divorcees with daughters, and to every father who needs to understand the vital role he plays in his daughter’s life--as the first man she ever loves.

Father Therapy: How To Heal Your Father Issues So You Can Enjoy Your Life

by Doreen Virtue Andrew Karpenko Msw

Wounds from primal relationships, such as those with mothers and fathers, run very deep. If your childhood involved an absent, addicted, or abusive father, you may have these “emotional ghosts”: Low self-esteem People-pleasing, approval-seeking, neediness, and codependency Wishing and praying that your dad would change into the father you believe he should be Feeling frequently angry, including repressed anger Choosing romantic partners who remind you of your dad Intimidation surrounding male authority figures In this insightful and compassionate book, former psychotherapist Doreen Virtue and practicing clinical social worker Andrew Karpenko present a range of self-healing techniques to empower you to counsel your inner wounded child so that you can deal with men as a healthy functioning adult. Whether you are a man or a woman, they help you to choose thriving, balanced relationships with the males in your life; open your heart to feeling safe receiving love; and reconnect with both divine feminine and masculine energies. All of your painful experiences have happened for a reason. There are parts of your psyche calling out for attention. Healing your father wounds will free you from lingering feelings of emptiness and patterns of dysfunction with men—to pursue your passion and life purpose unfettered by the past.

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