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Allgemeine Psychologie: Ein Überblick für Psychologiestudierende und -interessierte (Was ist eigentlich …?)

by Tilo Strobach Mike Wendt

Dieses Lehrbuch aus der Reihe „Was ist eigentlich …?“ gibt einen kurzen Überblick über das Fach „Allgemeine Psychologie“. Es will Psychologiestudierenden am Beginn des Studiums bei der Orientierung helfen, was wichtig ist und worauf es in dem Fach wirklich ankommt. Es bietet aber auch für Fachfremde, die an psychologischen Themen interessiert sind, einen ersten, gut verständlichen Einblick in die Denkweisen, Modelle und methodischen Herangehensweisen der Allgemeinen Psychologie.

Allgemeine Psychosomatische Medizin: Krankheiten des verkörperten Selbst im 21. Jahrhundert (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Peter Henningsen

In diesem Buch für Psychotherapeuten und psychosomatisch interessierte und tätige Ärzte werden die vielfältigen empirischen und konzeptuellen Entwicklungen, die sich seit der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts und seit den damals erarbeiteten psychosomatischen Konzepten ergeben haben, zusammengeführt und insbesondere auf ihre praktische klinische Bedeutung hin reflektiert. Es soll kein reines Theorie-, aber auch kein klassisches Lehrbuch sein, sondern für ein solches gewissermaßen den Hintergrund bieten, als (Selbst-)Verständigungshilfe. Das Buch wird damit relevant für theoretisch wie auch für praktisch an der Psychosomatik interessierte Ärzte, Psychologen, Psychotherapeuten. Aus dem Inhalt: Wo stehen wir heute? Wie orientieren wir uns künftig? Auf welche Grundprinzipien stützen wir unser Handeln? Wo wollen wir hin? Über den Autor: Prof. Dr. Peter Henningsen ist Direktor der Klinik für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie am Klinikum rechts der Isar der TU München. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Somatoforme/funktionelle Störungen; Neuro-Psychosomatik. Past Associate Editor, Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Sprecher der leitenden Hochschullehrer für Psychosomatische Medizin. Wissenschaftliche Leitung der Lindauer Psychotherapiewochen.

Allgemeine Psychotherapie: Schulenübergreifende Wirkprinzipien und gemeinsame Theorieaspekte (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Lotte Hartmann-Kottek

Dieses Buch erarbeitet die gemeinsamen Potentiale der verschiedenen Psychotherapieschulen. Es lädt Psychotherapeuten ein, die neurophysiologische, entwicklungspsychologische sowie beziehungsorientierte, zugrundeliegende Matrix (die Basisbedürfnisse und ihre Regulation, die Defizit-, Trauma- und Konflikt-Verarbeitungsmuster samt flankierenden Übungsangeboten) sowie die heilsamen Korrektur- und Stabilisierungschancen zu erkennen – und sie im Sinne des Klienten therapeutisch achtsam zu nutzen. In der neuen, universitären Psychotherapie-Ausbildung sollen angehenden Therapeuten alle vier psychotherapeutischen Grundrichtungen erlernen, also sowohl die bisherigen Richtlinienverfahren plus die systemischen und humanistischen. Die Zentrierung auf den gemeinsamen Boden baut Verständnisbrücken und regt Übersetzungsarbeit an. Diese erweiterte, neue Zugangsvielfalt zum Patienten wird sich als Vorteil auswirken und mittelfristig auch die Psychotherapiepraxis gestandener Kollegen beeinflussen. Geschrieben für … … Psychologische und Ärztliche Psychotherapeuten, psychosomatisch tätige Ärzte, Psychiater und andere Fachärzte mit psychotherapeutischer Zusatzbezeichnung, Studierende des Faches Psychotherapie. Über die Autorin: Prof. Dr. med., Dipl. Psych. Lotte Hartmann-Kottek, FÄ für Innere Medizin, Neurologie und Psychiatrie/Psychotherapie (Tiefenpsychologie und Gestalttherapie; jeweils mit Lehrbefugnis) – sowie FÄ für Psychosomatische Medizin. Über 40 Jahre Aus- und Weiterbildungserfahrung.

Alltägliche Parallelwelten: Flow und andere außergewöhnliche Bewusstseinszustände analysieren und bewerten

by Lilo Endriss

Dieses Buch gibt Einblicke in alltägliche und nicht alltägliche Bewusstseinszustände unter dem Gesichtspunkt der psychologischen Dimensionen des Flow. Ausgehend von der Positiven Psychologie, insbesondere der Kreativitätsforschung und der Förderung des körperlichen und psychischen Wohlbefindens, empfehlen deren Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, möglichst viele Flow-Erlebnisse in das eigene Leben zu integrieren. Der Flow-Zustand wird im vorliegenden Werk als außerordentlicher Bewusstseinszustand bezeichnet und 14 seiner psychologischen Dimensionen als Vergleichs-Maßstab (Flow-Score) herangezogen, um damit andere außergewöhnliche Bewusstseinszustände auf ihre langfristige Tauglichkeit für ein erfülltes Leben hin zu untersuchen.Dafür hat die Autorin ein neues Bewusstseinsmodell entwickelt sowie ein umfangreiches Glossar mit alltäglichen und nicht alltäglichen außergewöhnlichen Bewusstseinszuständen zusammengestellt. Checklisten zur Gesundheit und Aufgaben zur Selbstreflexion runden das Werk ab.

Alltagscoaching 360°: Private und berufliche Selbststärkung von A - Z

by Anette Schunder-Hartung

Das Buch stellt in Essayform 85 sorgfältig aufbereitete Lebensthemen zum Selbststudium zusammen: von A – Z, zum Lesen, Nachschlagen und zum praktischen Nachvollziehen. Dabei kommen Herausforderungen aus unserer persönlichen Sphäre ebenso zum Tragen wie besondere Aspekte unseres Arbeitslebens.Um Ihnen einen raschen Überblick zu verschaffen, sind die einzelnen Abschnitte je nach Schwerpunkt als privat oder beruflich gekennzeichnet. Bestimmte Grundsatzfragen wie Liebe und Respekt, das männliche und weibliche Prinzip in Yin und Yang, der Umgang mit Krankheiten und schließlich das große Thema Zukunft werden besonders ausführlich erörtert. Für Motivationskrisen bekommen Sie eine leicht zu merkende Soforthilfe-Formel. Ein System von Verweispfeilen unterstützt Sie beim Vertiefen wiederkehrender Alltagsfragen. Kurze, prägnante Leitsätze können Sie am Schluss des Buches mit eigenen Anmerkungen verbinden. Ein umfangreiches Literaturverzeichnis aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen rundet Ihre Lektüre ab.

Alltagsintelligenz: 24 Tools für Ihren täglichen Erfolg

by Marion Lemper-Pychlau Sonja Schneider-Blümchen

Die üblichen Bewältigungsmechanismen reichen häufig kaum mehr aus, um den komplexen Anforderungen in Beruf und Gesellschaft gerecht zu werden und dabei die eigenen Ziele aktiv im Blick zu behalten Dieser Ratgeber bietet neue Impulse für ein ganzheitliches Selbstmanagement und gibt dem Leser 24 leicht umsetzbare Lösungen an die Hand, um mit den überbordenden Anforderungen des leistungsorientierten Informationszeitalters zurechtzukommen und sich die Regie über das eigene Leben zurückzuholen. Die Autorinnen begleiten das Buch mit einem interaktiven Blog. Die Leser sind eingeladen, Ihre Erfahrungen dort mitzuteilen und weitere Anregungen für ein bewusstes und selbstbestimmtes Leben zu erhalten

Alltagskreativität: Verstehen und entwickeln

by Martin Schuster

Dieses Werk ermutigt Sie dazu, Ihre eigene Kreativität zu entdecken und zu entfalten. Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen der Kreativitätsforschung zeigt Ihnen der Autor auf, dass nicht nur geniale Erï¬ nder und Entdecker kreativ und bedeutsam für unsere Kulturentwicklung sind. Ein jeder kann die eigene Kreativität im Rahmen der Alltagskreativität weiter entwickeln. Erfahren Sie am Beispiel von Erfindern und Entdeckern wie Ideen entstehen und was das kreative Werk begünstigt. Diese inspirierende Anregung wird durch praktische Übungen ergänzt, die Ihnen helfen, neue Schritte zu wagen und sich auf eine Entdeckungsreise zu begeben.

Allyn and Bacon Casebook Series: Substance Abuse

by Jerry L. Johnson George Grant

Each title in the Allyn & Bacon Johnson & Grant Casebook Series presents three to four in-depth cases in a different topic area, prefaced by an introduction to generalist social work practice. Allyn & Bacon Casebook Series for Substance Abuse, First Edition by Jerry Johnson and George Grant provides students with personal and intimate glimpses into the thinking and actions of experienced practitioners working with with substance abusing clients. The contributors to this casebook combined many decades of social work experience and teaching to create a one-of-a-kind tool for students to study and analyze how practitioners think about practice.

Almas em Provação

by Guido Galeano Vega Eliana Vitorio de Oliveira

Atualmente, o mundo goza da opção de superabundância, no entanto, ao mesmo tempo muitas pessoas estão sofrendo carências extremas. Este livro trata da experiência de um jovem que se viu obrigado a deixar seu lar pela primeira vez, e pela primeira vez sofrer de todas as carências que representa esta experiência, para a qual ninguém está preparado. É a história de milhares de pessoas no mundo, e o propósito deste livro é despertar em cada um que o leia a compaixão por estas pessoas, cujas almas estão passando as mais duras provações da experiência da existência humana.

Almost Addicted: Is My (or My Loved One's) Drug Use a Problem?

by Eric Metcalf J. Wesley Boyd

Almost Addicted will help you assess your or your loved one's drug use and evaluate its impact on relationships, work, and personal well-being.Do you think your pot smoking is hindering your relationships? Does it feel as if you're just a tad too dependent on the pills your doctor prescribed for pain? Almost Addicted will help you assess your or your loved one's drug use and evaluate its impact on relationships, work, and personal well-being.Most people who abuse illegal drugs don't fit the image of the dysfunctional, hustling addict who can't fit into normal society. Between the estimated 10 percent of the population who are true addicts and those who don't use drugs at all falls a group of regular drug users who oftentimes don't realize how much their use is affecting their daily lives.According to J. Wesley Boyd, MD, of Harvard Medical School, and Eric Metcalf, MPH, these people are almost addicted. Whether their drug of choice is legal or illegal, an upper or a hallucinogen, an almost addicts' drug use is negatively impacting their quality of life--but falls short of meeting the diagnostic criteria for substance abuse or dependence.For the first time, Boyd and Metcalf describe what it is to be almost addicted and provide almost addicts and their loved ones with the knowledge and guidance to address and evaluate their condition. In this book, readers will find the tools toidentify and assess their patterns of drug use;evaluate its impact on relationships, work, and personal well-being;develop strategies and goals for abstaining from or cutting back on drugs;measure the results of applying these strategies; andmake informed decisions about next steps, including getting professional help if needed.

Almost Anorexic: Is My (or My Loved One's) Relationship with Food a Problem?

by Jenni Schaefer Jennifer J Thomas

Determine if your eating behaviors are a problem, develop strategies to change unhealthy patterns, and learn when and how to get professional help when needed with this practical, engaging guide to taking care of yourself when you are not a full-blown anorexic.Millions of men and women struggle with disordered eating. Some stand at the mirror wondering how they can face the day when they look so fat. Others binge, purge, or exercise compulsively. Many skip meals, go on diet after diet, or cut out entire food groups. Still, they are never thin enough.While only 1 in 200 adults will struggle with full-blown anorexia nervosa, at least 1 in 20 (including 1 in 10 teen girls) will exhibit key symptoms of one or more of the officially recognized DSM eating disorders--anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Many suffer from the effects but never address the issue because they don't fully meet the diagnostic criteria. If this is the case for you, then you may be "almost anorexic." Drawing on case studies and the latest research, Almost Anorexic combines a psychologist's clinical experience with a patient's personal recovery story to help readers understand and overcome almost anorexia.Almost Anorexic will give you the skills to:Understand the symptoms of almost anorexic;Determine if your (or your loved one's) relationship with food is a problem;Gain insight on how to intervene with a loved one;Discover scientifically proven strategies to change unhealthy eating patterns;Learn when and how to get professional help when it's needed.

Almost Anxious: Is My (or My Loved One's) Worry or Distress a Problem?

by Eric Metcalf Luana Marques

Recognize obsessive thoughts that can cause worry and panic, and gain the skills to change unhealthy feelings of distress in everyday life.It is only human to worry about problems in our lives--but for some, obsessing for weeks and months, avoiding social events and situations due to feelings of panic can become a regular part of our lives. If any of these describe you or a loved one, then you or they may be almost anxious.Those of us who are almost anxious may never address the issue because we don't fully meet the diagnostic criteria for an anxiety disorder. In Almost Anxious, Luana Marques, PhD, describes the spectrum of almost anxiety symptoms, from normal situational anxiety on one end to a full-blown diagnosable anxiety disorder on the other. Drawing on case studies and the latest research, she gives you the tools to:Assess whether your or a loved one's worry is a problemGain insight on how to intervene with a loved oneDiscover proven strategies to change unhealthy feelings of distressGauge the physical, psychological, and social impact of your anxiety symptomsDetermine when and how to get professional help when needed.

Almost Depressed: Is My (or My Loved One's) Unhappiness a Problem

by Jefferson Prince Shelley Carson

Identify the negative thoughts that can cause sadness and worry, and gain the skills to face the stress and challenges of everyday life.We all experience unhappiness--but for some, sadness, stress, and negative thoughts can become a regular part of our lives, no matter how good things may be going. There is a place between basic sadness and diagnosed clinical depression called almost depression.Through engaging stories along with their professional experience, Jefferson B. Prince, MD, and Shelly Carson, PhD, outline the symptoms of depression, the role that stress plays in depression, as well as many of the physical conditions that can mimic depression. Then, based on the latest clinical research, they offer step-by-step guidance for making positive changes to help alleviate and reverse almost depression. Through this insightful and informative book, you will:Assess whether your or a loved one's unhappiness is a problemGain insight on how to intervene with a struggling loved oneDiscover proven strategies to change unhealthy feelings of sadnessGauge the physical, psychological, and social impact of your symptomsDetermine when and how to get professional help when neededThere are many pathways that can lead you out of almost depression toward brighter days ahead. Almost Depressed will show you the way.

Almost Home: A Brazilian Americans Reflections on Faith, Culture, and Immigration

by H. B. Cavalcanti

In Almost Home, H. B. Cavalcanti, a Brazilian-born scholar who has spent three decades working and living in the United States, reflects on his life as an immigrant and places his story within the context of the larger history of immigration. Due to both his family background and the prevalence of U.S. media in Latin America, Cavalcanti already felt immersed in U.S. culture before arriving in Kentucky in 1981 to complete graduate studies. At that time, opportunities for advancement in the United States exceeded those in Brazil, and in an era of military dictatorships throughout much of Latin America, Cavalcanti sought in the United States a nation of laws. In this memoir, he reflects on the dynamics of acculturation, immigrant parenting, interactions with native-born U.S. citizens, and the costs involved in rejecting his country of birth for an adopted nation. He also touches on many of the factors that contribute to migration in both the “sending” and “receiving” countries and explores the contemporary phenomenon of accelerated immigration. With its blend of personal anecdotes and scholarly information, Almost Home addresses both individual and policy-related issues to provide a moving portrait of the impact of migration on those who, like Cavalcanti, confront both the wonder and the disorientation inherent in the immigrant experience.

Alone: A Widow's Search for Joy

by Katie F. Wiebe

Katie Wiebe's husband died of a rare disease, only two months after they moved to a new community, far from relatives. Katie was thirty-eight. She had to support her four children and her business skills were rusty. She was alone. This book is the story of how Katie Wiebe found strength to survive her loneliness and loss of identity, moving beyond widowhood into a new life, a new profession, and a new assurance that God wanted her to make a contribution to life.

Alone among the Living: A Memoir of the Floyd Hoard Murder

by G. Richard Hoard

The son of a Georgia prosecutor killed by a car bomb offers a &“compelling&” account of the crime and its effect on his life (Booklist). When I was twenty I came face to face with the old man convicted of paying five thousand dollars for the murder of my father. From the gripping first line of this true story, you will follow a young man&’s journey through grief and despair to acceptance and forgiveness. On August 7, 1967, prosecutor Floyd &“Fuzzy&” Hoard was killed by a car bomb in his own front yard in Jackson County, Georgia. Summoning the memories of the events surrounding that day, Alone among the Living is G. Richard Hoard's remembrance of the father he lost on that day, and of his subsequent struggle to come to terms with the murder. &“A chronicle of grief and anger and confusion as Hoard tries to come of age without his father's help…A compelling story of loss, acceptance, and forgiveness.&”—Booklist &“He writes of the universal struggle to make sense of a world that often seems ruled by chaos and to find one&’s place in it.&”—Athens Banner-Herald

Alone in the Mirror: Twins in Therapy

by Barbara Klein

Alone in the Mirror: Twins in Therapy chronicles the triumphs and struggles of twins as they separate from one another and find their individuality in a world of non twins. The text is grounded in issues of attachment and intimacy, and is highlighted by Dr. Barbara Klein’s scholarly research, clinical experiences with twins in therapy, and her own identity struggles as a twin, all of which allow her to present insights into the rare, complicated, and misunderstood twin identity. She presents psychologically-focused real life histories, which demonstrate how childhood experiences shape the twin attachment and individual development, and she describes implications for twins in therapy, their therapists, and parents of twins. Unique to this book are effective therapeutic practices, developed specifically for twins, and designed to raise the consciousness of parents as well. Readers will find these practices and the insights within invaluable, whether they use them to communicate with twin patients, family members, or if they are part of a twinship themselves.

Alone Sometimes: Everybody Needs a Hole in the Ground

by Skylaar Amann

In Skylaar Amann’s gentle, beautifully illustrated picture book, two best friends learn that sometimes everyone needs a quiet, safe space to just be. Ren and Kit are the best of friends, always doing everything together. But when Ren needs some quiet time to herself, she chooses to hide away in an unlikely place. Kit doesn’t understand, but she’s willing to listen and learn. And in the end, they both realize that sometimes, everybody needs a hole in the ground. Alone Sometimes speaks directly to the need we all occasionally have for a safe space where we can hide away from the frustrations of the world.

Alone Time

by Sybil Geldart

Being alone gives you the chance to think about yourself and your needs and goals without undue pressure, distractions or interference.The importance of personal space in a changing world. In Alone Time, clinical psychologist and professor of psychology Sybil Geldart, PhD draws on personal anecdotes, case studies, and research to help you live well despite an ever-changing world. Taking time on your own allows you to take a slower, more deliberate pace and explore inner strengths, set goals and overcome problems. Practicing solitude is an age-old part of Eastern traditions of health and well-being, and ensuring some personal space and time alone – when self-initiated – will help you live a more fulfilled life. In Alone Time, Dr. Geldart shows how solitude allows us time for self-reflection, to gain self-knowledge, and to seek a better understanding of others. Perfect for all life stages, from school-leavers and young professionals on, Alone Time includes tips, advice and exercises to help boost mental health and attain that elusive work–life balance. Dr. Geldart also shows how voluntary distancing has numerous benefits in life – from work and study to overcoming stress and anxiety, and, most of all, in being emotionally healthy and inspired to work towards a healthy and happy future.

Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other

by Sherry Turkle

Consider Facebook—it’s human contact, only easier to engage with and easier to avoid. Developing technology promises closeness. Sometimes it delivers, but much of our modern life leaves us less connected with people and more connected to simulations of them.In Alone Together, MIT technology and society professor Sherry Turkle explores the power of our new tools and toys to dramatically alter our social lives. It’s a nuanced exploration of what we are looking for—and sacrificing—in a world of electronic companions and social networking tools, and an argument that, despite the hand-waving of today’s self-described prophets of the future, it will be the next generation who will chart the path between isolation and connectivity.

Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other

by Sherry Turkle

Consider Facebook--it's human contact, only easier to engage with and easier to avoid. Developing technology promises closeness. Sometimes it delivers, but much of our modern life leaves us less connected with people and more connected to simulations of them. In Alone Together, MIT technology and society professor Sherry Turkle explores the power of our new tools and toys to dramatically alter our social lives. It's a nuanced exploration of what we are looking for--and sacrificing--in a world of electronic companions and social networking tools, and an argument that, despite the hand-waving of today's self-described prophets of the future, it will be the next generation who will chart the path between isolation and connectivity.

Alpha God

by Hector A. Garcia

This book uses evolutionary psychology as a lens to explain religious violence and oppression. The author, a clinical psychologist, examines religious scriptures, rituals, and canon law, highlighting the many ways in which our evolutionary legacy has shaped the development of religion and continues to profoundly influence its expression. The book focuses on the image of God as the dominant male in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This traditional God concept is seen as a reflection of the "dominant ape" paradigm so evident in the hierarchical social structures of primates, with whom we have a strong genetic connection.The author describes the main features of male-dominated primate social hierarchies-- specifically, the role of the alpha male as the protector of the group; his sexual dominance and use of violence and oppression to attain food, females, and territory; in-group altruism vs. out-group hostility (us vs. them); and displays of dominance and submission to establish roles within the social hierarchy. The parallels between these features of primate society and human religious rituals and concepts make it clear that religion, especially its oppressive and violent tendencies, is rooted in the deep evolutionary past.This incisive analysis goes a long way toward explaining the historic and ongoing violence committed in the name of religion.From the Trade Paperback edition.


by Kathy Page

"Simply an epiphany."-Kirkus, starred reviewSimon Austen has the names people have called him tattooed all over his body. Waste of Space. Bastard. A Threat to Women. Murderer. Facing a lifetime behind bars and subjected to new therapies for sexual reprogramming, Simon finds himself plunged into a terrifying process of self-reconstruction. But how much, in the end, can a man really change? Darkly compelling and deeply moving, Alphabet is a psychological exploration of one man's uncertain and often-harrowing journey towards rehabilitation."Intense, revealing, challenging and above all riveting ... I kept saying to myself, how could she know this?"-Erwin James, convicted murderer, author of A Life Inside: A Prisoner's Notebook"Sometimes novelists go too far-and sometimes they manage to demonstrate that too far is the place they needed to go."-Time Out UKPraise for Kathy Page"Her unforgettable prose is moody, shape-shifting, provocative and always as compelling as a strong light at the end of a road you hesitate to walk down...but will."- Amy Bloom, author of Where the God of Love Hangs Out"Marvellously well-crafted ... I can't remember the last time I was so compelled, impressed and unsettled by the emotional world of a novel."- Sarah Waters, author of Tipping the Velvet

La alquimia de tus sueños

by Athena Laz

Desbloquea el poder de tus sueños para que estos te guíen en el viaje del autodescubrimiento y el crecimiento personal. Aproximadamente un tercio de nuestra vida la pasamos dormidos. Sabemos que el sueño es vital para el descanso y el rejuvenecimiento, pero ¿y si este tiempo pudiera usarse para algo más?, ¿qué pasaría si nuestros sueños realmente nos están diciendo algo? La psicóloga y experta en sueños Athena Laz ha dedicado su carrera a descubrir la sabiduría de nuestros sueños y a revolucionar lo que significa estar en contacto con nosotros mismos y el universo. Repleto de ejercicios e instrucciones paso a paso, La alquimia de tus sueños enseña a los lectores a interpretar el mundo onírico para lograr más durante la vida en vigilia. Desde un mejor bienestar mental hasta una mayor espiritualidad, este innovador libro proporciona una hoja de ruta para descifrar tus sueños, reavivar la conexión con tu mente inconsciente y subconsciente a través de ellos, comprender las figuras y los símbolos específicos de los sueños que aparecen en tus sueños, explorar el mundo de la conciencia y obtener claridad sobre quién eres realmente.

Already Free: Buddhism Meets Psychotherapy On The Path Of Liberation

by Bruce Tift Tami Simon

Why are more and more psychotherapists embracing meditation practice, while so many Buddhists are exploring psychology? "Both psychology and Buddhism seek to provide freedom from suffering," explains Bruce Tift, "yet each offers a completely different approach for reaching this goal. " In Already Free, Tift opens a fresh and provocative dialogue between these two profound perspectives on the human condition. Tift reveals how psychotherapy's "Developmental" approach of understanding the way our childhood wounds shape our adult selves both contradicts and supports the "Fruitional" approach of Buddhism, which tells us that the freedom we seek is always available. In this investigation, he uncovers insights for connecting with authentic experience, releasing behaviors that no longer serve us, enhancing our relationships, and more. "When we use the Western and Eastern approaches together," writes Bruce Tift, "they can help us open to all of life--its richness, its disturbances, and its inherent completeness. "

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