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Showing 19,551 through 19,575 of 50,720 results

The Hand, an Organ of the Mind

by Zdravko Radman

Cartesian-inspired dualism enforces a theoretical distinction between the motor and the cognitive and locates the mental exclusively in the head. This collection, focusing on the hand, challenges this dichotomy, offering theoretical and empirical perspectives on the interconnectedness and interdependence of the manual and mental. The contributors explore the possibility that the hand, far from being the merely mechanical executor of preconceived mental plans, possesses its own know-how, enabling "enhanded" beings to navigate the natural, social, and cultural world without engaging propositional thought, consciousness, and deliberation. The contributors consider not only broad philosophical questions -- ranging from the nature of embodiment, enaction, and the extended mind to the phenomenology of agency -- but also such specific issues as touching, grasping, gesturing, sociality, and simulation. They show that the capacities of the hand include perception (on its own and in association with other modalities), action, (extended) cognition, social interaction, and communication. Taken together, their accounts offer a handbook of cutting-edge research exploring the ways that the manual shapes and reshapes the mental and creates conditions for embodied agents to act in the world.ContributorsMatteo Baccarini, Andrew J. Bremner, Massimiliano L. Cappuccio, Andy Clark, Jonathan Cole, Dorothy Cowie, Natalie Depraz, Rosalyn Driscoll, Harry Farmer, Shaun Gallagher, Nicholas P. Holmes, Daniel D. Hutto, Angelo Maravita, Filip Mattens, Richard Menary, Jesse J. Prinz, Zdravko Radman, Matthew Ratcliffe, Etiennne B. Roesch, Stephen V. Shepherd, Susan A. J. Stuart, Manos Tsakiris, Michael Wheeler

The Hand in Psychological Diagnosis (Collected Works of Charlotte Wolff #3)

by Charlotte Wolff

Originally published in 1951, this title looks at the study of the hand in relation to psychological diagnosis. This was at the time a new branch of psychology and the author is keen to point out it must not be viewed as perfect or indeed complete. Practical experience and a deeper understanding of psycho-motor phenomena had altered some of the author’s theoretical views since the earlier titles. This book builds on and extends her previous research, including new research studies particularly on children who were at the time termed ‘mentally defective’. It was designed to contribute some new diagnostic possibilities to psychology and psychiatry. Today we can enjoy it as part of psychology’s history.

The Hand of Addiction: A Transcontextual and Autoethnographic Becoming (ISSN)

by Weston Robins

The Hand of Addiction maps out addiction from an innovative and holistic perspective, challenging the pervasive discourses surrounding addiction in many fields. Using the metaphor of a hand, the author examines addiction through five conceptual lenses—biomedical, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual.The book successfully integrates Gregory Bateson’s understanding of the human hand, and further extends it to the study of addiction, studying the relationships between the different fingers (lenses) to reveal how the study of addiction so far has been myopic and compartmentalized. Using an autoethnographic approach, the author constructs a transcontextual mapping of the potential of addiction, and challenges what we claim to know about addiction, aiming to understand addiction from a novel perspective. The book also discusses practical strategies that can be used to support those with addiction in various forms.An important contribution to the literature on addiction studies, this book will be of great interest to academics and postgraduate students in the fields of psychology, sociology, cultural studies and other related disciplines. It will also be relevant for those interested in the philosophy and ethnography of addiction or those working in mental health.

Handboek generalistische ggz: Werken aan zelfregie: een bijzonder specialisme

by Bea Tiemens Giel Hutschemaekers Mirjam Nekkers

Dit handboek laat professionals binnen de generalistische ggz zien hoe ze de zelfregie van patiënten kunnen versterken. In het boek worden wetenschap en praktijk bij elkaar gebracht voor huisartsen, praktijkondersteuners, (GZ-)psychologen, artsen, psychiaters, verpleegkundig specialisten, en hulpverleners in onder meer de eerstelijn gezondheidszorg, de generalistische basis ggz, (algemene) ziekenhuizen en de gehandicaptenzorg. Het boek is gebaseerd op de praktijk van Indigo, een landelijke aanbieder van preventie, POH-ggz en basis ggz. In de generalistische ggz worden klachten primair begrepen als reactie op specifieke biologische, psychologische en sociale uitdagingen in het hier en nu van de patiënt. Kenmerkend is de focus op positieve gezondheid: niet de klachten zijn leidend, maar de oplossingen ervan. Generalistische ggz start bij de vraag wat de patiënt nodig heeft om die oplossing zelf te realiseren. Aan de hand van de oplossing van zijn huidige problemen worden de oplossingsvaardigheden van de patiënt versterkt. Handboek generalistische ggz werkt de generalistische werkwijze voor het eerst systematisch en consequent uit voor ggz-problemen. Allereerst wordt de generalistische werkwijze uitgelegd en vergeleken met de specialistische ggz. Vervolgens wordt de werkwijze in detail beschreven in hoofdstukken over diagnostiek, indicatiestelling, interventies en evaluatie. De auteurs geven veel voorbeelden uit hun eigen praktijk. Hiermee wordt duidelijk hoe zelfregie van de patiënt kan worden versterkt én hoe psychologische theorieën en psychotherapeutische referentiekaders en technieken hierbij gebruikt kunnen worden. Handboek generalistische ggz - Werken aan zelfregie: een bijzonder specialisme is geschreven door Giel Hutschemaekers, hoogleraar geestelijke gezondheidszorg aan de Radboud Universiteit en onder meer hoofd zorgprogramma GBGGZ Indigo-Pro Persona, Mirjam Nekkers, gz-psycholoog-gedragstherapeut werkzaam in de basis ggz, hoofdopleider bij Indigo en docent bij RINO, en Bea Tiemens, hoogleraar Evidence based practice in mental healt care aan de Radboud Universiteit, leider onderzoeksprogramma Indigo en senior onderzoeker bij Pro Persona.

Handboek muziektherapie (Methodisch werken)

by H. Smeijsters

Inclusief CD met muziekfragmenten Hét standaardwerk voor de muziektherapeut Evidence based practice voor de behandeling van psychische stoornissen, problemen en beperkingen Sinds de verschijning van de eerste editie van het Handboek muziektherapie in 1995 hebben de ontwikkelingen op dit vakgebied elkaar in hoog tempo opgevolgd. Zowel nationaal als internationaal zijn er veel nieuwe praktische en theoretische inzichten ontstaan. Dat heeft geleid tot deze geheel vernieuwde editie van het Handboek muziektherapie.Sinds de verschijning van de eerste editie van het Handboek muziektherapie in 1995 hebben de ontwikkelingen op dit vakgebied elkaar in hoog tempo opgevolgd. Zowel nationaal als internationaal zijn er veel nieuwe praktische en theoretische inzichten ontstaan. Dat heeft geleid tot deze geheel vernieuwde editie van het Handboek muziektherapie.Verscheidene muziektherapeuten, ieder met een specialisatie op het gebied van een bepaalde stoornis of binnen een bepaald werkveld, hebben aan het boek meegewerkt. Deze gebundelde kennis zorgt ervoor dat het Handboek muziektherapie een goed overzicht van theorie, praktijk en onderzoek biedt.Het boek is opgebouwd uit drie delen. Deel I bevat het model van indicatiestelling, gaat in op verschillende vormen van onderzoek en multidisciplinaire richtlijnontwikkeling en geeft een overzicht van theoretische modellen. Deel II heeft betrekking op de methodische kant van de indicatiestelling en bevat hoofdstukken over onder meer receptieve en actieve muziektherapie, doelen en werkvormen. Deel III, ten slotte, vormt de kern van het boek. De eerder behandelde theorie wordt hierin op de praktijk afgestemd. Aan de hand van cases die zijn ontleend aan de eigen praktijk van de auteurs, wordt telkens één stoornis, probleemgebied of werkveldcentraal gesteld.

Handboek ontwikkelingspsychologie: Grondslagen en theorieën

by L. Verhofstadt-Denève P. Geert A. Vyt

Deze vijfde, grondig herziene druk van het Handboek ontwikkelingspsychologie geeft een volledig, geactualiseerd en geïntegreerd overzicht van de belangrijkste theorieën op het gebied van de ontwikkelingspsychologie. Alhoewel het boek is uitgebreid met de meest recente ontwikkelingen op dit vakgebied, blijven de klassieke modellen en onderzoeksgegevens een belangrijke plek innemen. Uitgebreide praktijkvoorbeelden geven het nut weer van de besproken theorieën voor opvoeding, onderwijs, klinisch–therapeutische situaties en interpretatie van dagelijks gedrag.Allereerst worden de uitgangspunten van de ontwikkelingspsychologie als wetenschap besproken. Vervolgens komen de voornaamste actuele stromingen aan bod, met bijzondere aandacht voor hun bijdragen aan de ontwikkelingspsychologie. Doordat deze theorieën vanuit verschillende gezichtspunten besproken worden, wordt duidelijk dat zij elkaar meer aanvullen dan tegenspreken. Het boek wordt afgesloten met een overzichtelijk syntheseschema, waarin de behandelde theorieën kritisch vergelijkend worden samengevat.Het Handboek ontwikkelingspsychologie is niet alleen geschreven voor psychologen en pedagogen in opleiding, maar is ook zeer geschikt als naslagwerk voor afgestudeerden. Om deze reden werd ook een uitgebreid register van kernbegrippen opgenomen. Het boek is geschreven in een stijl die geen expliciete voorkennis van de psychologie vereist, en is daarom ook zeer geschikt voor studenten van andere studierichtingen en de geïnteresseerde leek.

Handboek persoonlijkheidspathologie: Voor opleiding, onderzoek en klinische praktijk

by E.H.M. Eurelings-Bontekoe R. Verheul W. M. Snellen

Dit welbekende handboek biedt een brede en geïntegreerde kijk op (complexe) persoonlijkheidspathologie en –problematiek en gaat uitvoerig in op diagnostiek en behandeling ervan. Deze geheel herziene derde druk is aangepast aan de nieuwste ontwikkelingen en aan de DSM-5. Er is een hoofdstuk toegevoegd over het in de DSM-5 sectie III opgenomen alternatieve model voor het diagnosticeren van persoonlijkheidspathologie. De gewijzigde visie op 'somatoforme stoornissen' van de  DSM-5  is toegevoegd. Daarnaast is er aandacht voor de nieuwste ontwikkeling op het gebied van de netwerk- en symptoomtrajectbenadering van psychopathologie. Aan de orde komen ook neurofysiologische correlaten en de invloed van gen-omgevingstransactie op het ontstaan van persoonlijkheidspathologie. Er wordt ingegaan op de voorlopers van ernstige persoonlijkheidsproblematiek in de vroege ontwikkeling van het kind en de invloed van langdurige vroegkinderlijke negatieve ervaringen op de ontwikkeling van de borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis. Opnieuw hebben vele experts vanuit uiteenlopende referentiekaders, recente wetenschappelijke bevindingen en inzichten, en diagnostische en behandelmethodieken een bijdrage geleverd aan dit boek. Het is zowel een naslagwerk als praktisch boek voor psychologen, gz-psychologen, klinisch psychologen, psychiaters en zij die daartoe in opleiding zijn.  

Handboek studievaardigheden voor het hbo: Activiteiten voor studenten

by Nicolien Van Halem Inge Müller

In Handboek studievaardigheden voor het hbo staan 74 verschillende leeractiviteiten opgenomen met de daarbij horende werkwijze. Hoe bereid je een project, presentatie, tentamen of een stage voor? Hoe geef je constructieve feedback? Iedere activiteit is uitgewerkt naar inhoud, met een doel en stappenplan. En geeft antwoord op tal van vragen over onder andere samenwerken, studeren en projectmatig werken. Verder krijg je bij het onderdeel Tips adviezen hoe je missers kunt voorkomen en hoe je variatie en diepgang in de activiteit kunt aanbrengen.Het handboek sluit aan bij actuele onderwijsontwikkelingen zoals de inzet van digitale toepassingen en competentiegericht opleiden. Daarnaast is er aandacht voor literatuurstudie en studeren voor een tentamen, maar ook voor werken in een elektronische leeromgeving, onderzoek doen en verzamelen van je portfolio. Individueel leren en samenwerken komen beiden aan bod.Met deze 2e herziene druk leer je op een actieve manier voor je toekomstige beroep. De speciaal voor deze druk ontwikkelde website biedt de daarbij horende digitale en gebruiksvriendelijke ondersteuning. Met alle kwaliteiten die daarvoor nodig zijn: gedegen vakkennis, praktische vaardigheden en een goede beroepshouding. Handboek studievaardigheden voor het hbo is tijdens je hele studie een waardevol hulpmiddel bij het uitvoeren van opdrachten op school en tijdens je stage. Kortom: een onmisbaar naslagwerk!

The Handbook for a Happy Cat: Speak Their Language, Decode Their Quirks, And Meet Their Needs--so They'll Love You Back!

by Liesbeth Puts

Give your best friend more purr and pounce with this whiskers-to-tail guide to the good life! One reason we’re wild for cats is that our cats are still wild at heart. On our laps, they’re purring lovebugs, but on the prowl, they’re fearsome hunters—with territorial instincts to match. The Handbook for a Happy Cat takes us inside the feline mind to decode what our cats really want in life and how they try to tell us. You’ll learn: Why a bigger water bowl does away with “whisker stress” How to move like a mouse for maximum fun at playtime Skills to teach your kitten for a lifetime of easy vet visits, grooming, and more Subtle signs of stress such as excessive scent-marking and lip-licking How to tell frolic from fighting in the multi-cat household (and how to give frenemies a fresh start) What makes a scratching post so tempting that your sofa will be spared How to reassure a spooked cat with the “slow blink” Why it’s pointless to “punish” a cat—but training is possible! Certified behaviorist Liesbeth Puts traces every feline mystery to cats’ natural behavior and needs. A happy cat is a cat who can be herself!

Handbook for Achieving Gender Equity Through Education

by Susan S. Klein

First published in 1985, the Handbook for Achieving Gender Equity Through Education quickly established itself as the essential reference work concerning gender equity in education. This new, expanded edition provides a 20-year retrospective of the field, one that has the great advantage of documenting U.S. national data on the gains and losses in the efforts to advance gender equality through policies such as Title IX, the landmark federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in education, equity programs and research. Key features include: Expertise – Like its predecessor, over 200 expert authors and reviewers provide accurate, consensus, research-based information on the nature of gender equity challenges and what is needed to meet them at all levels of education. Content Area Focus – The analysis of gender equity within specific curriculum areas has been expanded from 6 to 10 chapters including mathematics, science, and engineering. Global/Diversity Focus – Global gender equity is addressed in a separate chapter as well as in numerous other chapters. The expanded section on gender equity strategies for diverse populations contains seven chapters on African Americans, Latina/os, Asian and Pacific Island Americans, American Indians, gifted students, students with disabilities, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students. Action Oriented – All chapters contain practical recommendations for making education activities and outcomes more gender equitable. A final chapter consolidates individual chapter recommendations for educators, policymakers, and researchers to achieve gender equity in and through education. New Material – Expanded from 25 to 31 chapters, this new edition includes: *more emphasis on male gender equity and on sexuality issues;*special within population gender equity challenges (race, ability and disability, etc);*coeducation and single sex education;*increased use of rigorous research strategies such as meta-analysis showing more sex similarities and fewer sex differences and of evaluations of implementation programs;*technology and gender equity is now treated in three chapters;*women’s and gender studies;*communication skills relating to English, bilingual, and foreign language learning; and*history and implementation of Title IX and other federal and state policies. Since there is so much misleading information about gender equity and education, this Handbook will be essential for anyone who wants accurate, research-based information on controversial gender equity issues—journalists, policy makers, teachers, Title IX coordinators, equity trainers, women’s and gender study faculty, students, and parents.

Handbook for Beginning Mental Health Researchers

by Charlotte Sanborn

In fulfilling the need for a beginner's manual in mental health research, the authors have written an insightful exposition of the fundamental factors essential to good research. This articulately written manual teaches how to formulate a clear hypothesis, select a representative population, conduct a valid study, and describe results in an intelligible manner. The experienced authors thoroughly explain the need for acquiring a research attitude--an inquiring and critical mind--and then discuss how mental health research is done, using anecdotal case reports, studies with only a few variables, and complex investigations of multiple variables as examples. A wide range of research possiblilities is explored, including those that require little or no financial support.

Handbook for Conducting Research on Human Sexuality

by Michael W. Wiederman Bernard E. Whitley

Human sexuality researchers often find themselves faced with questions that entail conceptual, methodological, or ethical issues for which their professional training or prior experience may not have prepared them. The goal of this handbook is to provide that guidance to students and professionals interested in the empirical study of human sexuality from behavioral and social scientific perspectives. It provides practical and concrete advice about conducting human sexuality research and addresses issues inherent to both general social scientific and specific human sexuality research. This comprehensive resource offers a unique multidisciplinary examination of the specific methodological issues inherent in conducting human sexuality research. The methodological techniques and advances that are familiar to researchers trained in one discipline are often unfamiliar to researchers from other disciplines. This book is intended to help enrich the communication between the various disciplines involved in human sexuality research. Each of the 21 self-standing chapters provides an expert overview of a particular area of research methodology from a variety of academic disciplines. It addresses those issues unique to human sexuality research, such as: * how to measure sexuality variables; * how to design studies, recruit participants, and collect data; * how to consider cultural and ethical issues; and * how to perform and interpret statistical analyses. This book is intended as a reference tool for researchers and students interested in human sexuality from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, family science, health communication, nursing, medicine, and anthropology.

A Handbook for Data Analysis in the Behaviorial Sciences: Volume 1: Methodological Issues Volume 2: Statistical Issues

by Gideon Keren Charles Lewis

Statistical methodology is often conceived by social scientists in a technical manner; they use it for support rather than for illumination. This two-volume set attempts to provide some partial remedy to the problems that have led to this state of affairs. Both traditional issues, such as analysis of variance and the general linear model, as well as more novel methods like exploratory data analysis, are included. The editors aim to provide an updated survey on different aspects of empirical research and data analysis, facilitate the understanding of the internal logic underlying different methods, and provide novel and broader perspectives beyond what is usually covered in traditional curricula.

Handbook for Human Sexuality Counseling: A Sex Positive Approach

by Angela M. Schubert Mark Pope

This award-winning text translates the theoretical foundations of solution-focused counseling into a brief, culturally responsive approach for school counselors, psychologists, social workers, and graduate students. As an experienced practitioner and international presenter on this topic, Dr. Murphy has organized the fourth edition to reflect content offered in a comprehensive workshop on solution-focused counseling to further enhance its usefulness and presents a straightforward process for building practical solutions to some of the most challenging cases experienced in school settings. Text features include a variety of real-life examples and dialogues with preschool–12 students, experiential activities and practice exercises, and appendixes with tools and templates for putting solution-focused counseling into immediate action. Chapters new to this edition cover developmental considerations and creative adaptations for working with children and adolescents, methods to explore progress in solution-focused work, and frequently asked questions. A complimentary test manual and PowerPoint slides for instructors are available by request. Requests for digital versions from ACA can be found on To purchase print copies, please visit the ACA website here Reproduction requests for material from books published by ACA should be directed to

Handbook for Online Learning Contexts: Policy and Practice

by Ann Marcus-Quinn Tríona Hourigan

This book addresses the gap in the literature concerned with global case studies of successful Digital, Mobile and Open Education. The book shares experiences from international teaching and learning projects at all levels of Education, and provides advice for future policy and investment in digital teaching and learning and Open Education projects. It also provides an expectation on the future capacity and sustainability of Open Education.

Handbook for Provisional Psychologists in Training: Psychological Practice and Supervision

by Alexa Kambouropoulos Connie Harris

This book provides provisional psychologists in training with a comprehensive and practical understanding of the specific skills and competencies required in the profession, during placement and beyond, in varied settings. Handbook for Provisional Psychologists in Training supports the personal and professional development of provisional psychologists undertaking the Master of Professional Psychology and brings together current research findings with practical insights and resources. It covers all aspects of practice for trainees, such as establishing professional relationships and maintaining professional boundaries, applying evidence-based theory to practice, utilisation of psychological treatments, communicating with clients about treatment, making referrals and self-reflective practice. It also enables provisional psychologists to prepare for psychological practice in varied settings, including working with children, adults, and diverse populations. This book will be helpful to all provisional psychologists but particularly those undertaking the Master of Professional Psychology 5+1 pathway.

A Handbook for Psychological Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations in Law Enforcement

by Cary D. Rostow Robert D. Davis

While some books about police psychology contain a chapter on the fitness-for-duty question, this is the first comprehensive publication focused exclusively on psychological fitness-for-duty evaluations (FFDEs) for law enforcement personnel. This handbook is ideal for professionals and for coursework designed to prepare individuals for careers as police or municipal officials, psychologists, students, behavioral science specialists, human rights advocates, and attorneys. A helpful glossary makes the book even more useful for students and those who do not have extensive academic or formal training in psychology or public administration. A Handbook for Psychological Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations in Law Enforcement describes in detail the mechanics of setting up a fitness-for-duty methodology and examines the effectiveness of FFDEs in law enforcement. You’ll find clear instructions for developing a FFDE system from the law enforcement executive’s viewpoint (valuable for attorneys, police psychologists, and civil service board members as well), and an extensive bibliography with particular emphasis on laws and cases that provide guidance to psychological and law enforcement professionals. Several appendices provide examples of documentation that can be used in the evaluation process. This book brings you reliable information on: legal precedents, with a review of legal cases (in language appropriate for law enforcement executives and psychologists) the interaction between police culture, psychological assessment, and therapy federal laws that impact FFDEs, including the HIPAA, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family Medical Leave Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act case law and FFDEs, with emphasis on civil rights laws, labor issues, professional ethical dilemmas, and the psychologist as a potential expert witness the proper uses—and the misuses—of the FFDE approach police departmental civil liability and the role that the FFDE plays in addressing legal risks In addition, this book contains a succinct review of psychological testing (psychometrics), and the technicalities of employing a professional psychologist to determine the fitness of commissioned officers. A Handbook for Psychological Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations in Law Enforcement proposes a model law that could be used to improve the utility and effectiveness of FFDEs, and presents a forward-looking discussion of FFDE issues that may become controversial in the near future.

Handbook for Social Justice in Counseling Psychology: Leadership, Vision, and Action

by Dr Rebecca L. Toporek Lawrence H. Gerstein Nadya Fouad Dean Gargi Roysircar-Sodowsky Dr Tania Israel

The Handbook for Social Justice in Counseling Psychology: Leadership, Vision, and Action provides counseling psychology students, educators, researchers, and practitioners with a conceptual "road map" of social justice and social action that they can integrate into their professional identity, role, and function. It presents historical, theoretical, and ethical foundations followed by exemplary models of social justice and action work performed by counseling psychologists from interdisciplinary collaborations. The examples in this Handbook explore a wide range of settings with diverse issues and reflect a variety of actions.

Handbook for Teaching Introductory Psychology: Volume Ii

by Ludy T. Benjamin Michelle Rae Hebl Charles L. Brewer

Like its predecessors, Volume III of the Handbook for Teaching Introductory Psychology provides introductory psychology instructors with teaching ideas and activities that can immediately be put into practice in the classroom. It contains an organized collection of articles from Teaching of Psychology (TOP), the official journal of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, Division 2 of the American Psychological Association. Volume III contains 89 articles from TOP that have not been included in other volumes. Another distinction between this volume and its predecessors is its emphasis on testing and assessment. The book is divided into two sections. Section One, "Issues and Approaches in Teaching Introductory Psychology," contains 52 articles on critical issues, such as: how to approach the course; understanding students' interests, perceptions, and motives; students' existing knowledge of psychology (including their misconceptions); a comparison of introductory textbooks and tips on how to evaluate them; test questions and student factors affecting exam performance; an overview of different forms of feedback; giving extra credit; and how to deal with academic dishonesty. Section Two consists of 37 articles that present demonstrations, class and laboratory projects, and other techniques to enhance teaching and learning in both the introductory, as well as advanced courses in the discipline. This section is organized so as to parallel the order of topics found in most introductory psychology textbooks. Intended for academicians who teach the introductory psychology course and/or oversee grad assistants who teach the course, all royalties of the book go directly to the Society for the Teaching of Psychology to promote its activities to further improve the teaching of psychology.

Handbook for Teaching Statistics and Research Methods

by Mark E. Ware Charles L. Brewer

This volume presents a collection of articles selected from Teaching of Psychology, sponsored by APA Division 2. It contains the collective experience of teachers who have successfully dealt with students' statistics anxiety, resistance to conducting literature reviews, and related problems. For those who teach statistics or research methods courses to undergraduate or graduate students in psychology, education, and the social sciences, this book provides many innovative strategies for teaching a variety of methodological concepts and procedures in statistics and research methods courses.

A Handbook for the Assessment of Children's Behaviours

by Peter D. Hill Jonathan O.H. Williams

This ground-breaking book takes a new approach to the assessment of behaviour in children and adolescents. Written by an expert author team, combining one (JW) with higher qualifications in general practice, child neuropsychiatry, and child and adolescent psychiatry, with one (PH) with higher qualifications in medicine, paediatrics and child and adolescent psychiatry, the book draws on many thousands of multidisciplinary case discussions, at Great Ormond Street Hospital, in the Children's Multispecialty Assessment Clinic in North London, and in private practice.The book is ideal for the busy mental health professional working in a small team. Organised to allow rapid look-up of behaviours with comprehensive lists of their possible causes, it synthesizes research evidence and clinical experience. The authors interpret behaviour broadly, including not just voluntary actions, but also actions whose voluntary nature is questionable (such as drop attacks, personal preferences, and pseudobehaviours). They also include problems that lead to referral through their behavioural manifestations (e.g. aggression, anxiety, or a poor relationship with mother). Overall, the book spans the behavioural, cognitive, social and emotional problems of children and adolescents.With the child and family in the room, and with detailed school reports and psychometric results available, it is usually possible to identify causes of symptoms that are specific to the child and his environment, and which can guide behavioural, cognitive, social, and family interventions.Purchasers of the book will also be entitled to a Wiley Desktop Edition--an interactive digital version featuring downloadable text and images, highlighting and note taking facilities, in-text searching, and linking to references and glossary terms.

A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health: Social Contexts, Theories, and Systems

by Wright Scheid Teresa L. Eric R.

The 2nd edition of A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health: Contexts, Theories, and Systems provides a comprehensive review of the sociology of mental health, with chapters written by leading scholars and researchers. The volume presents an overview of historical, social, and institutional frameworks for understanding mental health and illness. Part I examines social factors that shape psychiatric diagnosis and the measurement of mental health and illness, the theories that explain the definition and treatment of mental disorders, and cultural variability in mental health. Part II investigates effects of social context on mental health and illness. Individual chapters consider the role of social statuses including class, gender, race, and age. Several chapters focus on the critical role played by stress, marriage, work, and social support, with a concluding chapter focusing on terrorism. Part III focuses on the organization, delivery, and evaluation of mental health services, including a discussion of the criminalization of mental illness, the mental health challenges posed by HIV, and the importance of stigma in meeting the mental health needs of individuals. A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health is a key research reference source that will be useful to both undergraduates and graduate students studying mental health and illness from any number of disciplines.

A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health (2nd edition)

by Teresa L. Scheid Tony N. Brown

The 2nd edition of A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health: Contexts, Theories, and Systems provides a comprehensive review of the sociology of mental health, with chapters written by leading scholars and researchers. The volume presents an overview of historical, social, and institutional frameworks for understanding mental health and illness. Part I examines social factors that shape psychiatric diagnosis and the measurement of mental health and illness, the theories that explain the definition and treatment of mental disorders, and cultural variability in mental health. Part II investigates effects of social context on mental health and illness. Individual chapters consider the role of social statuses including class, gender, race, and age. Several chapters focus on the critical role played by stress, marriage, work, and social support, with a concluding chapter focusing on terrorism. Part III focuses on the organization, delivery, and evaluation of mental health services, including a discussion of the criminalization of mental illness, the mental health challenges posed by HIV, and the importance of stigma in meeting the mental health needs of individuals. A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health is a key research reference source that will be useful to both undergraduates and graduate students studying mental health and illness from any number of disciplines.

Handbook for the Treatment of Abused and Neglected Children (Haworth Social Work Practice With Children And Families Ser.)

by P. Forrest Talley

Practical solutions for difficult clinical situations!With many chapters written by some of the field's best known contributors, this handbook was developed for the practitioner who wants practical and effective guidance for helping abused children. Each major area of clinical practice is discussed by experienced professionals, providing you with new insights and ideas regarding: medical findings; clinical assessment; individual, group, and family therapy; testifying in court; the role of medication in treatment, and much more. To make the application from the written page to your practice even more compelling, every clinical chapter is followed by a patient vignette that demonstrates how the principles just described can be successfully applied in the working world of therapists. Whether abused children number only a few or many on your caseload, this is a handbook to which you will often refer over the years. The Handbook for the Treatment of Abused and Neglected Children pulls together a wide range of practical information for therapists on how to effectively work with abused and neglected children. Unlike other volumes on the subject, this book puts the information in context, with a &’big picture&’ overview of how the therapist fits into the larger system into which the child has been swept up-Child Protective Services, legal proceedings, medical issues, disputes regarding custody, etc. Inside, you&’ll find effective strategies for: conducting individual therapy with abused children-how to begin therapy, identify distortions, effectively challenge ingrained patterns of behavior, and constructively bring therapy to a close navigating the maze of Child Protective Services-knowing what resources are available, what obstacles are likely to arise, and how to work with social workers understanding the medical findings of maltreated children-how information from a child&’s physician can provide critical insights into the child&’s experience, and often into children&’s expectations of future relationships testifying in court as a therapist-how the court works and how to prepare to give effective testimony facilitating parent interventions-how to help mothers and fathers develop relationships with their children to the fullest and nurture each child&’s potential as his or her personality developsThe Handbook for the Treatment of Abused and Neglected Children will prove valuable for students and educators as well as novice and experienced therapists. Whether you see children only occasionally or focus your practice on maltreated children, this one-of-a-kind resource deserves a place in your professional collection.

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