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Integrated Textbook of Geriatric Mental Health
by Donna Cohen Carl EisdorferAs the population ages, increasing numbers of older people require the attention and services of mental health professionals. Despite their prevalence, however, mental health problems in this population often go undiagnosed and therefore untreated. This textbook offers medical students and professionals the information they need to care for older people with mental disorders.Drs. Donna Cohen and Carl Eisdorfer, two internationally recognized experts in geriatric mental health, provide a comprehensive framework within which students and practitioners alike can address the salient issues of the field. These include the biopsychosocial aging processes, specific pathologies prevalent in later life, social issues common to the elderly, the delivery of care in various settings, and the economic policies affecting services for older people. The authors’ goal is not only to enhance clinical practice but also to urge physicians to develop and coordinate a more holistic care strategy that acknowledges the complex challenges of older patients. To this end, Cohen and Eisdorfer discuss essential principles of optimal care, the latest research findings, evidence- and consensus-based practice standards, resources to help professionals keep abreast of the changing mental health landscape, and ethical dilemmas of clinical practice and research. The signal strength of this book lies in its integrated approach, an approach that emphasizes the philosophy and principles of caring for older people along with clinical practices and issues. From this broader perspective, the authors describe the many factors that influence the lives, health, and well-being of older patients and their caregivers, making this an ideal text for psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, and social workers.
Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders: Personality Disorders and Addiction
by Sharon C. EkleberryIntegrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders addresses a complex client population, which presents service providers with significant professional challenges. Underlying personality disorders compromise treatment effectiveness for medical, other psychiatric, or trauma services, as well as the ability these individuals have in adhering to probation, parole, or court-ordered treatment requirements. A co-occuring substance use disorder amplifies the difficulties experienced by personality-disordered individuals, exacerbates the precarious nature of their relationships, and raises the skill level needed by service providers attempting to help them. There can be significant professional satisfaction in working effectively with the interplay of addiction and disorders of personality. The book brings focus to the specifics of assessment and treatment for this type of co-occurring disorder and suggests that greater adaptability, fewer self-sabotaging behaviors, and an abstinent lifestyle are all possible. Recovery from both disorders is the journey these individuals take toward greater maturation, reliable impulse control, and coping skills that are not dependent upon the evasion of the demands of living or use of substances to manage stress or uncomfortable affect. Recovery is possible, and service providers can assist these clients on their path to wellness.
Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders
by Jack KlottThe definitive guide to identify, assess, and create individualized treatment plans for high-risk clients who suffer from challenging co-occurring disorders"Treat the person and not the diagnosis. Respect that all behaviors are purposeful. Remain mindful that nobody changes behaviors without motivation. These essential guiding principles are the framework of this book. They will be repeated quite often as we examine the challenging population of men and women with co-occurring disorders." -From Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring DisordersAnnual studies reveal that 70 percent of men and women who died by suicide were diagnosed with a mental illness or personality disorder and used drugs to gain temporary relief from the symptoms. Until now, very little has been written about how to identify, assess, and treat this population. Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders: Treating People, Not Behaviors addresses that need.Respectful of the client and filled with practical advice, this book:Examines the guiding principles for treating clients with co-occurring disordersDetails the methods of formulating an evidence-based individualized treatment plan for the self-medicating mentally illExplores how to assess this population for suicide risk and vulnerabilityFocuses on the person and not a behaviorally defined diagnostic categoryReflects state-of-the-art knowledge for the treatment of co-occurring disordersIllustrates how Motivational Enhancement Therapy can be an effective treatment strategyWith numerous clinical case studies to illustrate key points and reinforce learning, Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders encourages a flexible, person-centered treatment approach that focuses on the individual rather than the diagnosis.
Integrated Treatment for Dual Disorders: A Guide to Effective Practice
by Kim Tornvall Mueser Robert E. Drake Lindy Fox Douglas L. Noordsy Kim T. MueserThis comprehensive clinical handbook provides virtually everything needed to plan, deliver and evaluate effective treatment for persons with substance abuse problems and persistent mental illness. From authors at the forefront of the dual disorders field, the book is grounded in decades of influential research. Presented are clear guidelines for developing integrated treatment programmes, performing state-of-the-art assessments, and implementing a wide range of individual, group and family interventions. Also addressed are residential and other housing services, involuntary interventions, vocational rehabilitation, and psychopharmacology for dual disorders. Throughout, the emphasis is on workable ways to combine psychiatric and substance abuse services into a cohesive, unitary system of care. The volume contains all needed assessment forms, treatment planning materials and client handouts, most of which include permission to photocopy.
Integrated Treatment for Personality Disorder
by W. John Livesley John F. Clarkin Giancarlo DimaggioRather than arguing for one best approach for treating personality disorder, this pragmatic book emphasizes the benefits of weaving together multiple well-established intervention strategies to meet each patient's needs. A framework is provided for constructing a comprehensive case formulation, planning treatment, and developing a strong therapeutic alliance. The clinician is guided to utilize techniques from all major therapeutic orientations to address transdiagnostic personality symptoms and problems involving emotion regulation, interpersonal functioning, and self and identity. Showing how to pick and choose from "what works" in a thoughtful, coordinated fashion, the book features rich clinical illustrations, including a chapter-length case example.
Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making
by Van-Nam Huynh Masahiro Inuiguchi Bac Le Bao Nguyen Le Thierry DenoeuxThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modeling and Decision Making, IUKM 2013, held in Beijing China, in July 2013. The 19 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 49 submissions and are presented together with keynote and invited talks. The papers provide a wealth of new ideas and report both theoretical and applied research on integrated uncertainty modeling and management.
An Integrated View of Health and Well-being: Bridging Indian and Western Knowledge (Cross-Cultural Advancements in Positive Psychology #5)
by A.N.Narayanan Nambi Antonio MorandiConcepts like Health and Well-being are not exclusive products of the Western culture. Research has widely demonstrated that the representation of the body and of its pathologies, as well as treatment and healing practices vary across cultures in relation to social norms and beliefs.The culture of India is a melting pot of nine main Darshanas, or philosophical systems, that share the common core of a realization of the self in society. India's traditional health system, Ayurveda, is a result of the practical application of the Darshanas to the observation of human nature and behavior. Ayurveda conceptualizes health, disease and well-being as multidimensional aspects of life, and it seeks to preserve a balance in individuals among their biological features, their psychological features and their environmental demands. The Ayurveda approach to health is remarkably similar to the eudaimonic conceptualization of well-being proposed by positive psychology, and the basic tenets of Ayurveda are deeply consistent with the latest developments of modern physics, which stresses the substantial interconnectedness among natural phenomena and their substrates. This text shows how the approach to health developed in Ayurveda can be fruitfully integrated in a general view of health and well-being that encompasses cultural and ideological boundaries. Specifically, it details the conceptualization of health as an optimal and mindful interaction between individuals and their environment.
Integratief opvoeden: Strategieën voor de opvoeding van kinderen met gehechtheidstrauma
by Debra Wesselmann Cathy Schweitzer Stefanie ArmstrongDit boek biedt specifieke opvoedstrategieën voor opvoeders van chronisch getraumatiseerde kinderen. Deze opvoedstrategieën zijn te gebruiken door ouders/pleegouders, familieleden en anderen die een kind verzorgen dat gehechtheidstrauma heeft meegemaakt. Ook kan het boek gebruikt worden door therapeuten om een behandeling te ondersteunen, waarbij EMDR en gezinstherapie wordt geïntegreerd (zoals IGT-K). Kinderen die nare gebeurtenissen hebben meegemaakt binnen hun gehechtheidsrelaties door mishandeling, verwaarlozing, medische ingrepen of uithuisplaatsingen ervaren intense pijn, angst en wantrouwen. Deze diepe gevoelens uiten zich vaak in ‘lastig’ gedrag, agressie en/of extreme geslotenheid, zelfs nadat de thuisomgeving is veranderd door adoptie, pleeggezinplaatsing, een voogdijmaatregel of het oplossen van problemen thuis. Integratief opvoeden geeft informatie over de invloed van gehechtheidstrauma op de hersenontwikkeling. Je krijgt vaardigheden en strategieën aangereikt die het functioneren van je kind kunnen verbeteren. Je zal leren hoe je benodigdheden om de gehechtheid te bevorderen (zoals affectie, emotionele afstemming en spel) kunt inzetten om de kloof tussen jou en je kind te overbruggen. Mindfulness en strategieën om de hersenen van je kind te kalmeren zullen je kind ondersteunen om te reflecteren op zijn eigen gedachten, gevoelens en keuzes. Hierdoor leert hij om op een effectievere manier beslissingen te gaan maken. Het oorspronkelijke boek Integrative Parenting werd geschreven door ervaren therapeuten uit de Verenigde Staten: Debra Wesselmann, Cathy Schweitzer en Stefanie Armstrong. Integratief opvoeden is de Nederlandse editie. De vertaling en bewerking is verzorgd door Nathalie Schlattmann, klinisch psycholoog, EMDR- en TF-CBT supervisor, Mara van der Hoeven, orthopedagoog en onderzoeker, en Irma Hein, kinderpsychiater en onderzoeker. Alle drie zijn zij verbonden aan Levvel, specialisten voor jeugd en gezin, te Amsterdam.
Integrating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Islamic Psychotherapy for Managing Chronic Pain (Islamic Psychology and Psychotherapy)
by Razia Bhatti-AliThis book proposes a psychotherapeutic intervention integrating Islāmic Psychology with Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Muslims with chronic pain conditions. The first part of the book provides an overview of the challenges of living with chronic pain and illness and explores the cultural expressions of pain and disease and a literature review on culturally adapted psychotherapies. An overview of the main components of ACT and their congruence with Islāmic tenets, including spirituality and contemplation, is provided to propose an Islāmic based ACT approach that aims not to reduce or eliminate pain but rather to help the client build a repertoire of behaviours that lead them towards value-based directions. The second part of the book outlines a session-by-session cultural adaptation of the six core processes of ACT interwoven with Islāmic teachings from the Quran and Sunnah. The book is supplemented with downloadable resources such as worksheets and handouts that professionals can use in practice. This book is intended as a pain management guide for therapists familiar with ACT and Islām. It will provide therapists with the tools to deliver a faith-adapted, evidence-based treatment for clients who follow the Islāmic faith.
Integrating Art Therapy and Yoga Therapy: Yoga, Art, and the Use of Intention
by Karen GibbonsThis dynamic approach to therapy combines yoga and art to heal the whole person - body, mind and spirit - through the use of intention. In this practical guide art therapists will learn how to incorporate yoga poses, mudras and meditation, and yoga therapists to introduce art directives, into individual and group clinical work for a more holistic healing process. Readers will discover the parallels that exist between the two modalities, and how to use a specific intention as a framework for structuring sessions, with the aim of reaching a deeper level of healing in their clinical work. Guidelines for staying within each modality's scope of practice and working ethically are included, as well as an extensive Practice Chart, which shows how to match treatment concerns with an intention, mudra meditation, yoga poses and art activity. Ideal for art therapists looking to expand and enhance their practice, this book will also appeal to yoga therapists and teachers with an interest in art-based techniques. Although primarily meant for therapists, it is also accessible for individuals looking for self-improvement.
Integrating Art Therapy and Yoga Therapy: Yoga, Art, and the Use of Intention
by Karen GibbonsThis dynamic approach to therapy combines yoga and art to heal the whole person - body, mind and spirit - through the use of intention. In this practical guide art therapists will learn how to incorporate yoga poses, mudras and meditation, and yoga therapists to introduce art directives, into individual and group clinical work for a more holistic healing process. Readers will discover the parallels that exist between the two modalities, and how to use a specific intention as a framework for structuring sessions, with the aim of reaching a deeper level of healing in their clinical work. Guidelines for staying within each modality's scope of practice and working ethically are included, as well as an extensive Practice Chart, which shows how to match treatment concerns with an intention, mudra meditation, yoga poses and art activity. Ideal for art therapists looking to expand and enhance their practice, this book will also appeal to yoga therapists and teachers with an interest in art-based techniques. Although primarily meant for therapists, it is also accessible for individuals looking for self-improvement.
Integrating Behaviorism and Attachment Theory in Parent Coaching
by Beth TroutmanThis practical guide provides a robust positive-parenting framework for professionals coaching parents of infants, toddlers, and primary school children. The first half of the book explains behaviorist and attachment theories of parenting, comparing, contrasting, and synthesizing them into an effective, research-informed approach to practice. The second half shows these guidelines in action, using play therapy as a means to improve disruptive child behaviors, correct harsh parenting practices, and address root causes of adversarial parent-child relationships. Throughout these chapters, vivid composite cases demonstrate not only common parent-child impasses but also therapist empathy, flexibility, and self-awareness. This innovative text: Makes a rigorous case for a combined behavioral/attachment approach to parent coaching. Reviews current data on behavioral and attachment-based parenting interventions. Details the use of an attachment-informed approach to providing behavioral interventions such as Parent-Child Interaction Therapy and Helping the Noncompliant Child. Illustrates how parent coaching can be tailored to match different patterns of attachment. Includes tools for evaluating coaching sessions. Integrating Behaviorism and Attachment Theory in Parent Coaching is an essential guide for professionals, graduate students, and researchers in clinical, child and school psychology, social work, pediatrics, mental health counseling, and nursing.
Integrating Body Self & Psychological Self
by David W. KruegerFirst published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Integrating CBT and Third Wave Therapies: Distinctive Features (CBT Distinctive Features)
by Fiona Kennedy David PearsonIntegrating CBT and Third Wave Therapies offers a thought-through approach to integrating evidence-based therapies. It provides help for all of us who are developing or have expertise in a variety of evidence-based approaches. The theoretical part of the book briefly reviews four therapies, namely: CBT, DBT, ACT and CFT. The authors identify core processes of change and examine how each therapy contributes to each core process, helping in the integration of all four. The text considers the influence of early adversity on later mental wellbeing, the theoretical underpinnings of mindfulness, behaviour analysis, reliving and re-scripting and dissociation. Theory and practice chapters are illustrated using case vignettes. The book will be useful for therapists to structure sessions with clients. It demonstrates how to follow a theoretical approach and offers a therapeutic structure for integrated clinical work. It will be useful in reflective practice and supervision, and for students learning about a variety of therapeutic approaches.
Integrating CBT with Experiential Theory and Practice: A Group Therapy Workbook
by Thomas W. TreadwellThis workbook elucidates the techniques clinicians will encounter using the cognitive experiential (psychodrama) group therapy (CEGT) model. This model incorporates cognitive behavioral and psychodramatic interventions to help identify and modify negative thinking, behavior, and interpersonal patterns. Beginning with a brief overview of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychodrama, the book highlights concepts and techniques that are most relevant to CEGT session content. The second half of the workbook provides a description of CEGT and what group members should expect through their engagement in this therapy. Featured throughout are tables and exercises that create pathways to challenge dysfunctional thinking along with blank worksheets to be used by group members located in the appendices. Readers will learn techniques to challenge negative thought patterns and increase engagement in positive and success-based experiences through clear guidelines for behavioral interventions to help move individuals from negativity to a more positive life space.
Integrating Content and Language in Multilingual Universities (Educational Linguistics #44)
by Slobodanka Dimova Joyce KlingThis volume provides conceptual syntheses of diverging multilingual contexts, research findings, and practical applications of integrating content and language (ICL) in higher education in order to generate a new understanding of the cross-contextual variation. With contributions from leading authors based in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, the volume offers comparison of contextualized overviews of the status of ICL across the geographic areas and allows us to identify patterns and advance the scholarship in the field. ICL in teaching and learning has become an important consideration in the endeavors to address linguistic diversity at universities, which has resulted from the growing teacher and student mobility around the world.
Integrating Counselling & Psychotherapy: Directionality, Synergy and Social Change
by Professor Mick CooperHow can therapists integrate theories and practices from across the psychological therapies? This book presents a framework for understanding distress and change that can unite different orientations, along with sociopolitical perspectives. Its starting point is that therapy aims to help clients move towards the things they most deeply want. It shows how the actualisation of these ‘directions’ leads to greater well-being, and how this can be brought about through the development of internal and external synergies. Using in-depth cases, the book provides detailed guidance on how this framework can be applied. After reading this book, you’ll feel better equipped to understand, and work with, your clients’ directions—tailoring the therapy to their unique wants.
Integrating Counselling & Psychotherapy: Directionality, Synergy and Social Change
by Professor Mick CooperHow can therapists integrate theories and practices from across the psychological therapies? This book presents a framework for understanding distress and change that can unite different orientations, along with sociopolitical perspectives. Its starting point is that therapy aims to help clients move towards the things they most deeply want. It shows how the actualisation of these ‘directions’ leads to greater well-being, and how this can be brought about through the development of internal and external synergies. Using in-depth cases, the book provides detailed guidance on how this framework can be applied. After reading this book, you’ll feel better equipped to understand, and work with, your clients’ directions—tailoring the therapy to their unique wants.
Integrating Emotions and Cognition Throughout the Lifespan
by Gisela Labouvie-ViefThis book synthesizes the literature on emotional development and cognition across the lifespan. The book proposes a core language by which to describe positive and problematic developmental changes by recourse to a parsimonious set of core principles, such as elevations or declines in tension thresholds and their relation to the waxing and waning of the cognitive system over the life course. It integrates, similarly, the lifelong consequences of the positive or damaging aspects of the social milieu in fostering increases in tension thresholds with their advanced capacity for maintaining equilibrium and warding off stress versus a lowering of tension thresholds with disturbances of equilibrium maintenance and heightened susceptibility to stress and deregulation.
Integrating Exercise, Sports, Movement, and Mind: Therapeutic Unity
by Kate F HaysRead Integrating Exercise, Sports, Movement, and Mind: Therapeutic Unity, and you’ll see how exercise and movement are actually the keys to achieving a harmonious equilibrium between thoughts and physical health. This unique collection of writing, a healthy and diverse montage in its own right, mirrors its topic, helping you see how a variegated array of body movements can lead to a healthier, happier mind.A kaleidoscope of theory and application, case study and abstraction, Integrating Exercise, Sports, Movement, and Mind spans the spectrum of relevant issues, including those revolving around gender, class, ethnicity, and family systems, and accomplishes its task through the medium of a wide assortment of activities, including gymnastics, soccer, horseback riding, archery, running, walking, and cycling. Your perspective on body movement and body-mind unity will be deepened as you read about these topics: family system perspectives and youth sports rehabilitation--“patient as athlete” contact Improvisation the concept of “flow” from within a gendered consciousness sport psychology and the coach/athlete/consultant triad clinical sport psychology sport trauma recoveryIt’s a unique but universal relationship--this prism of thoughts and physical locomotion. So open up Integrating Exercise, Sports, Movement, and Mind and let some of the top experts in the field of sport psychology open your mind and show you how to unlock the body’s potential on the athletic field.
Integrating Expressive Arts and Play Therapy with Children and Adolescents
by Athena A. Drewes Eric J. GreenPraise for Integrating Expressive Arts and Play Therapy With Children and Adolescents"With this book, Drs. Green and Drewes have filled an important void in the play therapy literature, namely the integration of the expressive arts in play therapy with children and adolescents. They have assembled the best theorists and practitioners of the expressive arts and given them an appropriate structure to write their chapters. The book is outstanding and provides readers with in-depth case studies, detailed methodologies, research findings and is a useful resource for further training options. I recommend this book most highly for trainers, practitioners, and graduate students."-John Allan, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Counseling Psychology, University of British Columbia, author, Inscapes of the Child's World"Brimming with chapters by 'oracles' from various disciplines, Green and Drewes' guidebook articulates essential competencies for the cross-disciplinary practice of play therapy and expressive arts therapies. Practical and timely, responsible and readable, it is an important resource for the mental health community and students who seek to work creatively with children. A significant contribution toward bringing professionals and professions together to learn from one another."-Barry M. Cohen, MA, ATR-BC, founder, Expressive Therapies Summit, cofounder, Mid-Atlantic Play Therapy Training InstituteInterventions and approaches from the expressive arts and play therapy disciplinesIntegrating Expressive Arts and Play Therapy With Children and Adolescents presents techniques and approaches from the expressive and play therapy disciplines that enable child and adolescent clinicians to augment their therapeutic toolkit within a competent, research-based practice.With contributions representing a "who's who" in the play therapy and expressive arts therapy worlds, Integrating Expressive Arts and Play Therapy With Children and Adolescents is the definitive bridge between expressive arts and play therapy complementarily utilized with children and adolescents in their healing and creative capacities.
Integrating Face and Voice in Person Perception
by Pascal Belin Thomas Ethofer Salvatore CampanellaThis book follows a successful symposium organized in June 2009 at the Human Brain Mapping conference. The topic is at the crossroads of two domains of increasing importance and appeal in the neuroimaging/neuroscience community: multi-modal integration, and social neuroscience. Most of our social interactions involve combining information from both the face and voice of other persons: speech information, but also crucial nonverbal information on the person's identity and affective state. The cerebral bases of the multimodal integration of speech have been intensively investigated; by contrast only few studies have focused on nonverbal aspects of face-voice integration. This work highlights recent advances in investigations of the behavioral and cerebral bases of face-voice multimodal integration in the context of person perception, focusing on the integration of affective and identity information. Several research domains are brought together. Behavioral and neuroimaging work in normal adult humans included are presented alongside evidence from other domains to provide complementary perspectives: studies in human children for a developmental perspective, studies in non-human primates for an evolutionary perspective, and studies in human clinical populations for a clinical perspective. Several research domains are brought together. Behavioral and neuroimaging work in normal adult humans included are presented alongside evidence from other domains to provide complementary perspectives: studies in human children for a developmental perspective, studies in non-human primates for an evolutionary perspective, and studies in human clinical populations for a clinical perspective. Several research domains are brought together. Behavioral and neuroimaging work in normal adult humans included are presented alongside evidence from other domains to provide complementary perspectives: studies in human children for a developmental perspective, studies in non-human primates for an evolutionary perspective, and studies in human clinical populations for a clinical perspective. Several research domains are brought together. Behavioral and neuroimaging work in normal adult humans included are presented alongside evidence from other domains to provide complementary perspectives: studies in human children for a developmental perspective, studies in non-human primates for an evolutionary perspective, and studies in human clinical populations for a clinical perspective.
Integrating Individual And Family Therapy
by Larry B. FeldmanFirst published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
integrating Marker Passing and Problem Solving: A Spreading Activation Approach To Improved Choice in Planning (Artificial Intelligence Series)
by James A. HendlerA recent area of interest in the Artificial Intelligence community has been the application of massively parallel algorithms to enhance the choice mechanism in traditional AI problems. This volume provides a detailed description of how marker-passing -- a parallel, non-deductive, spreading activation algorithm -- is a powerful approach to refining the choice mechanisms in an AI problem-solving system. The author scrutinizes the design of both the algorithm and the system, and then reviews the current literature and research in planning and marker passing. Also included: a comparison of this computer model with some standard cognitive models, and a comparison of this model to the "connectionist" approach.
Integrating Mindfulness into Anti-Oppression Pedagogy: Social Justice in Higher Education
by Beth BerilaDrawing from mindfulness education and social justice teaching, this book explores an effective Anti-Oppression pedagogy for university and college classrooms. Authentic classroom discussions about oppression and diversity can be difficult; a mindful approach allows students to explore their experiences with compassion and to engage in critical inquiry to confront their deeply held beliefs and value systems. This engaging book is full of practical tips for deepening learning, addressing challenging situations, and providing mindfulness practices in anti-oppression classrooms. In this fully revised edition, Dr. Berila positions discussion in the current context and expands exploration of power and implicit bias, transformative learning, and trauma. Integrating Mindfulness into Anti-Oppression Pedagogy is for all higher education professionals interested in and teaching Social Justice pedagogy that empowers and engages students in the complex unlearning of oppression.