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Showing 24,176 through 24,200 of 52,480 results

Integrating Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Addictive Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide (Clinical Topics in Psychology and Psychiatry)

by James MacKillop George A. Kenna Lorenzo Leggio Lara A. Ray

Integrating Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Addictive Disorders distills the complex literature on addiction, offering a curated toolbox of integrated pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments in chapters authored by leading experts. Introductory chapters on the epidemiology, etiology, and fundamentals of addiction treatment provide a concise overview of the state of the field. Subsequent chapters then focus on the treatment of specific substance use disorders and on gambling disorder. Finally, a chapter on the treatment of addiction in primary care addresses the opportunities for clinical care in non-specialist outpatient settings. Physicians, psychologists, social workers, and other mental health professionals will come away from the book with an essential understanding of evidence-based practice in treating addiction and the scientific foundations of those approaches. .

Integrating Psychotherapy and Psychopharmacology: A Handbook for Clinicians (Clinical Topics in Psychology and Psychiatry)

by Irismar Reis de Oliveira Thomas Schwartz Stephen M. Stahl

Integrating Psychotherapy and Psychopharmacology: A Handbook for Clinicians is a practical guide for the growing number of mental-health practitioners searching for information on treatments that combine psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, and psychosocial rehabilitation. Research shows that combined approaches are among the most effective ways to treat an increasing number of psychiatric disorders. However, though these combined treatments are becoming the everyday practice of psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental-health professionals, identifying the right treatment plan can be notoriously difficult, and clinicians are often left scrambling to answer questions about how to design and customize their treatment strategies. In Integrating Psychotherapy and Psychopharmacology, readers will find these questions fully addressed and the answers explained, and they’ll come away from the book with a toolbox full of strategies for helping their patients improve symptoms, achieve remission, and stay well using a combination of drug and psychological treatments.

Integrating Relational Psychoanalysis and EMDR: Embodied Experience and Clinical Practice (Relational Perspectives Book Series)

by Hemda Arad

Integrating Relational Psychoanalysis and EMDR: Embodied Experience and Clinical Practice provides contemporary theoretical and clinical links between Relational Psychoanalysis, attachment theory, neuroscience, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, all of which bring both the patient’s and analyst’s embodied experience into the forefront of clinical thinking and practice. The author grounds an in-depth view on the ways psychoanalysis and EMDR can be effectively integrated to complement each other through a presentation of fundamental concepts and an abundance of insightful and moving clinical vignettes. Hemda Arad outlines the theoretical and clinical concepts that allow the integration of Relational Psychoanalysis with EMDR’s unique contributions, specifically appreciating the neurological and embodied experience in an individual’s development in relation to the classic talking cure’s approach to dealing with "big T" trauma and with "small t" everyday attachment-related trauma. Arad describes a view of a modified EMDR approach capable of reaching many patients, beyond the trauma work for which it originally became known, in order to lend its more embodied approach to the advancement of the relational endeavor. Vivid clinical illustrations, chosen to elucidate theoretical concepts, make the complex theoretical ideas more accessible. The clinical portions illustrate a range of ways that EMDR and relational work, which may at first seem incompatible, may be integrated to help therapists navigate the two methods. Integrating Relational Psychoanalysis and EMDR: Embodied Experience and Clinical Practice will appeal to psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists and psychodynamic therapists who wish to learn about the relational tradition in theory and practice or are seeking a way to integrate their work with other versatile approaches such as EMDR, as well as advanced students studying across these areas and EMDR clinicians who would like to broaden the scope of their skills.

Integrating Sex And Marital Therapy: A Clinical Guide

by Gerald R. Weeks

The field of sex therapy has experienced tremendous growth in the last 20 years . The use of the term "sex therapy" for most clinicians brings several well-known therapists to mind and is associated with the treatment of a fairly limited number of sexual problems. The view of sex therapy as a profession has had both positive and negative consequences. The editor’s state that the purpose in writing and editing this book was to build on the work of individually oriented sex therapy by adding the systems perspective. This book, then, represents an attempt at the integration of sex and marital or systems therapy.

Integrating Social Cognition into Therapeutic Practice: Beneath and Beyond the Process of Therapy

by Louis H. Falik

This book presents a new model for conceptualizing and applying a social and cognitive perspective on therapeutic practice. Building on the micro-skills framework for training, the author adds cognitive modifiability theories to create a social cognition approach to training and practice. The material has been field tested in a graduate academic context and in consultation in mental health settings, and chapters contain didactic explications, illustrative examples, practice exercises, and graphic schemas to help readers integrate specific practices into a broader comprehensive theoretical framework. Mental health professionals and students in advanced counseling courses will find that this book broadens their perspectives beyond basic micro-skills approaches and provides an expansive and systematic framework for conceptualizing the therapeutic process.

Integrating Spirit and Psyche: Using Women's Narratives in Psychotherapy

by Mary Pat Henehan Harold G Koenig

In this extraordinary collection, the voices of women's experience ring out loud and true! The power of narrative in therapy for women is undeniable. Used well, other women's narratives can help us to understand and rewrite our own. Here, women bare their souls, reflecting on self-enhancement and growth, on discrediting negative family scripts, on seeing through demeaning cultural messages, on living in the modern world, on their wildness, wisdom, spirituality, and a great deal more! Each chapter includes questions for reflection to help readers incorporate these narratives into their own lives. From the author: “This book began with the women's groups I facilitate. Some themes arose many times: I feel bad about myself; I can't speak up at times; I don't feel like I have any rights; I feel stupid; I feel like I am bad. But as therapy progressed, new narratives were expressed: I do have a voice; I am knowledgeable; I like being who I am; and I can work through this conflict. “As a writer and therapist, I have taken a stance about ideas that are presented in sessions with clients and that exist in their culture. This book elaborates on those ideas and offers readers an opportunity to think about them in their own lives. Women can rewrite their lives as they become aware of their stories.” Some of the narratives that you'll find in Integrating Spirit and Psyche: Using Women's Narratives in Psychotherapy explore: women as second-class citizens putting the self in context women's spirituality in its many forms anger as it relates to gender societal pressure on women to bear terrible burdens in silence ways that various cultures have demeaned women-infanticide, foot binding, genital mutilation, dowry deaths, etc. societal messages that encourage feelings of helplessness, shame, anger, and inhibition in women ways to resolve conflicts, take credit where it’s due, and express ourselves mind-body connections women to look to for inspiration--Virginia Woolf, Marie Curie, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Margaret Thatcher, and many more aging and wisdom women's spiritual practices--meditation, T'ai Chi, Chakra Awareness, practices from the Judeo-Christian traditions, and more!

Integrating Spiritual Interventions in Islamic Psychology: A Practical Guide (Islamic Psychology and Psychotherapy)

by Juraida Latif Shaakirah Dockrat G. Hussein Rassool

This book provides Islāmic psychology practitioners a framework on integrating evidence-based approaches of spiritual interventions based on Islāmic jurisprudence (Shari’ah with therapy). Covering both the theoretical and theological underpinnings of religious coping from an Islāmic perspective while also serving as a practical guide, this text delivers an integrative approach which can be used in psychotherapy to ensure a more holistic process of healing and well-being. It outlines the positive and essential contributions that interventions rooted in Qur’ânic and Sunnah evidence can make in terms of prevention, treatment, and recovery, describing a wide variety of practices and beliefs. Chapters focus on highlighting the importance of daily supplications and prayers, as well as other Prophetic remedies as part of a comprehensive, encompassing therapeutic plan for not only psycho-spiritual, but also physiological afflictions. This book provides all Muslim mental health practitioners, trainees, and students as well as healthcare workers in Muslim communities with an accessible guide to using Islāmic spiritual interventions in therapeutic practice.

Integrating Spirituality and Religion Into Counseling: A Guide to Competent Practice

by Craig S. Cashwell J. Scott Young

In this book, experts in the field discuss how spiritual and religious issues can be successfully integrated into counseling in a manner that is respectful of client beliefs and practices. Designed as an introductory text for counselors-in-training and clinicians, it describes the knowledge base and skills necessary to effectively engage clients in an exploration of their spiritual and religious lives to further the therapeutic process. Through an examination of the 2009 ASERVIC Competencies for Addressing Spiritual and Religious Issues in Counseling and the use of evidence-based tools and techniques, this book will guide you in providing services to clients presenting with these deeply sensitive and personal issues. Numerous strategies for clinical application are offered throughout the book, and new chapters on mindfulness, ritual, 12-step spirituality, prayer, and feminine spirituality enhance application to practice. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website here.*Reproduction requests for material from books published by ACA should be directed to

Integrating Spirituality and Religion Into Counseling: A Guide to Competent Practice

by Craig S. Cashwell J. Scott Young

In this book, experts in the field consider how spiritual and religious issues can be successfully incorporated into counseling in a manner consistent with client beliefs and practices. Designed as an introductory text for counselors-in-training and clinicians, it describes the knowledge base and skills necessary to effectively engage clients in an exploration of their spiritual and religious lives to further the therapeutic process.

Integrating Spirituality in Counseling: A Manual for Using the Experiential Focusing Method

by Elfie Hinterkopf

Elfie Hinterkopf describes the Experiential Focusing Method, a model to help clients work through religious and spiritual problems, deepen existing spiritual experiences, and bring about new, life-giving connections to spirituality. Focusing can be used in conjunction with any psychotherapeutic model and is an essential part of any mental health professional or counselor's repertoire. Through Focusing, the client learns to examine subtle, but concrete, bodily feelings that are a vital part of spiritual discovery and growth. Hinterkopf describes the Six Focusing Steps and illustrates the attitudes crucial to the Focusing process (receptive, expectant, patient, and accepting) with case examples, revealing how they help facilitate spiritual development. She also discusses how counselors can use Focusing to explore their own spirituality and outlines special considerations to ensure that sessions suit the individual client's religious tradition or spiritual orientation.

Integrating Spirituality into Counseling: Methods and Practices

by Andrzej K. Jastrzębski

Integrating Spirituality into Counseling uses the Christian tradition as a starting point for developing a universal frame of reference and is predominantly based on an existential approach to counseling, one that is applicable to several faith traditions as well as spiritual but nonreligious audiences. The chapters of this book proceed from the theoretical toward the more practical, in a logical fashion, allowing a clear distinction between different topics, starting from meta-reflection and finishing with practical applications. The design of the book allows students to focus on whatever is of importance to them; each chapter is self-contained and can be read independently of the others. Integrating Spirituality into Counseling is designed for students of counseling, pastoral care, spirituality, theology, and chaplaincy. It will provide readers with the tools they need to work with spiritual issues across traditions. Students will also find advice for when to refer clients to religious leaders or ministers, and they’ll also deepen their understanding of the ways in which spirituality influences one’s life.

Integrating Spirituality into Multicultural Counseling

by Mary A. Fukuyama Todd D. Sevig

This is a very helpful book for mental health professionals providing therapy, counselling and health and social care services, as it explores and integrates multicultural and spiritual perspectives in a practical and informative manner. It highlights the fact that spiritual dimension has an enormous relevance to multicultural counselling' - Transcultural Psychiatry This book challenges practitioners with the proposal that integrating spiritual values in multicultural counselling and exploring spirituality from multicultural perspectives are synergistic and mutually reciprocal processes. Chapter topics include: developmental models of the spiritual journey; integrating spiritual and mul

Integrating Technology into Modern Therapies: A Clinician’s Guide to Developments and Interventions

by Jessica Stone

Integrating Technology into Modern Therapies provides clinicians with an innovative, research-based foundation for incorporating technology into clinical practice. It offers an overview of current technological developments in therapy, such as the use of therapeutic texting, virtual reality programs, tablet apps, and online games. Chapters examine therapeutic applications of technology for those who have experienced trauma and a variety of conditions including autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and speech concerns. The book also offers suggestions for how technology can be used in hospitals, as well as with migrant, refugee, and homeless populations. Combining theory and research with a wealth of case studies and practical resources, this book will be relevant to all mental health, speech and language, and child life specialists.

Integrating the Mind: Domain General Versus Domain Specific Processes in Higher Cognition

by Maxwell J. Roberts

There are currently several debates taking place simultaneously in various fields of psychology which address the same fundamental issue: to what extent are the processes and resources that underlie higher cognition domain-general versus domain-specific? Extreme Domain Specificity argues that people are effective thinkers only in contexts which they have directly experienced, or in which evolution has equipped them with effective solutions. The role of general cognitive abilities is ignored, or denied altogether. This book evaluates the evidence and arguments put forward in support of domain specific cognition, at the expense of domain generality. The contributions reflect a range of expertise, and present research into logical reasoning, problem solving, judgement and decision making, cognitive development, and intelligence. The contributors suggest that domain general processes are essential, and that domain specific processes cannot function without them. Rather than continuing to divide the mind’s function into ever more specific units, this book argues that psychologists should look for greater integration and for people’s general cognitive skills to be viewed as an integral part of their lives. Integrating the Mind will be valuable reading for students and researchers in psychology interested in the fields of cognition, cognitive development, intelligence and skilled behaviour.

Integrating the Rorschach and the MMPI-2 in Personality Assessment

by Ronald J. Ganellen

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI, MMPI-2, and MMPI-A) and the Rorschach are the two tests used most widely in clinical personality assessment to evaluate personality functioning, current emotional state, and the presence, nature, and severity of psychopathology, as well as to formulate treatment interventions. Psychologists' vigorous interest in and intense loyalty to the Rorschach and MMPI are reflected in the large and still growing theoretical and empirical literature concerning these tests. Given the enduring popularity of these two tests, it is surprising to find that only a small percentage of these numerous studies have examined the relationships between the two. Both tests provide valuable information about an individual's symptoms, behavior, emotions, interpersonal functioning, self-concept, defenses, and the dynamics underlying their behavior. Although much has been written about each test individually, little has been written about how to use the two tests together even though many psychologists use a battery of tests when conducting personality assessments in clinical practice. The basic premise of this book is that psychologists' armamentarium of assessment techniques can be strengthened by using the MMPI-2 and Rorschach together in a complementary fashion, and that essential information may be lost if one test is used to the exclusion of the other. The book examines interrelationships between the MMPI-2 and Rorschach on several different levels including empirical and research findings, conceptual relationships, and integrated interpretations using a series of in-depth case presentations. A balance is maintained between the foundation provided by research and by clinical theory for conceptualizing, understanding, and treating patients with a variety of psychological disorders. This volume illustrates the contribution psychological test findings make to clinical decision making and differential diagnosis, and discusses the links between test data, clinical judgment, and DSM-IV.

Integrating Theory and Practice in Clinical Neuropsychology (Psychology Library Editions: Neuropsychology #10)

by Ellen Perecman

The extent to which a brain injured individual can resume premorbid functioning depends on factors ranging from the physiological to the psychological. Originally published in 1989, the thesis of this volume is that atheoretical application of practical techniques in clinical neuropsychology is as ill-conceived as a neuropsychological theory that fails to acknowledge the role of historical or situational context in behaviour or task performance. The chapters that follow address this thesis as experimental psychologists join clinicians in an effort to bridge the gap between theoretical abstraction and practical reality.

Integrating Therapeutic Play Into Nursing and Allied Health Practice: A Developmentally Sensitive Approach to Communicating with Children

by Judi A. Parson Belinda J. Dean Natalie A. Hadiprodjo

This book helps support developmentally sensitive nursing and allied health practice by integrating the therapeutic powers of play into child and adolescent health care service provision. It is designed to link play, child development, neuroscience, biopsychosocial and attachment theories with the biomedical model of health. Nurses and allied health professionals work with children aged between 0-18 years and with diverse childhood illnesses, injuries, diseases, disorders, and conditions, and are therefore in a prime position to understand and support children through potentially painful and traumatic health care experiences. Understanding of the role of play and the application of the therapeutic powers of play in communicating with children and families has the potential to significantly optimise paediatric care. The theory and play based strategies, tools and techniques presented in this book assist nurses and health care professionals to engage with children in an age-appropriate manner and ‘speak’ with children through their natural language of play, to enhance comprehension, coping, resiliency, and healing. Play is recognised as a sequentially developing ability and can be aligned with the child’s age and stage of life. Play based approaches can be placed on a continuum from fully child led or non-directive play to adult facilitated educative play. Medical information can be tailored according to the various points along this continuum to inform clinical reasoning and to help children prepare for procedures, recover from medical interventions and / or make sense of their diagnosis. Whilst this book is directed at nurses and allied health professionals who work with children and their families, it may also be a valuable resource for medical and other professionals in community or educational settings to work systemically as a team. The book takes the reader on a journey to illustrate various professional and therapeutic roles in how to playfully engage children through a range of case vignettes.

Integrating Traditional Healing Practices Into Counseling and Psychotherapy

by Dr Roy Moodley Dr William West

Integrating Traditional Healing Practices Into Counseling and Psychotherapy critically examines ethnic minority cultural and traditional healing in relation to counseling and psychotherapy. Authors Roy Moodley and William West highlight the challenges and changes in the field of multicultural counseling and psychotherapy by integrating current issues of traditional healing with contemporary practice. The book uniquely presents a range of accounts of the dilemmas and issues facing students, professional counselors, psychotherapists, social workers, researchers, and others who use multicultural counseling or transcultural psychotherapy as part of their professional practice.

Integrating Yoga and Play Therapy: The Mind-Body Approach for Healing Adverse Childhood Experiences

by Michelle Pliske Lindsey Balboa

This book presents the foundational knowledge to ethically and knowledgably integrate yoga into play therapy practice with children and families and create life-long change.The mind-body connection that underpins the approach taken by the authors helps children to integrate adverse experiences and find new meanings associated with the past, and allows healing to begin. The book covers infant toddler mental health, theories of attachment, learning and development, neurobiology and the pervasive effects of developmental adversity or trauma on a child. It offers adaptations with special populations including group work and family systems work, and provides next steps for future professional growth in this area.

Integration and Difference: Constructing a Mythical Dialectic (Philosophy and Psychoanalysis)

by Grant Maxwell

This groundbreaking work synthesizes concepts from thirteen crucial philosophers and psychologists, relating how the ancient problem of opposites has been opening to an integration which not only conserves differentiation but enacts it, especially through the integration of myth into the dialectic. Weaving a fascinating narrative that ‘thinks with’ the complex encounters of theorists from Baruch Spinoza, G. W. F. Hegel, Friedrich Nietzsche, and William James to Alfred North Whitehead, C. G. Jung, Gilles Deleuze, and Isabelle Stengers, this book uniquely performs the convergence of continental philosophy, pragmatism, depth psychology, and constructivist ‘postmodern’ theory as a complement to the trajectory culminating in Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction. This is an important book for professionals and academics working across the humanities and social sciences, particularly for continental theorists and depth psychologists interested in the construction of a novel epoch after the modern.

Integration and Inequality in Educational Institutions

by Michael Windzio

This volume addresses questions that lie at the core of research into education. It examines the way in which the institutional embeddedness and the social and ethnic composition of students affect educational performance, skill formation, and behavioral outcomes. It discusses the manner in which educational institutions accomplish social integration. It poses the question of whether they can reduce social inequality, - or whether they even facilitate the transformation of heterogeneity into social inequality. Divided into five parts, the volume offers new insights into the many factors, processes and policies that affect performance levels and social inequality in educational institutions. It presents current empirical work on social processes in educational institutions and their outcomes. While its main focus is on the primary and secondary level of education and on occupational training, the book also presents analyses of institutional effects on transitions from vocational training into tertiary educational institutions in an interdisciplinary and internationally comparative approach.

Integration and Self Healing: Affect, Trauma, Alexithymia

by Henry Krystal

First published in 1993. Aexithymia is the single most common cause of poor outcome or outright failure of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The reason that this problem has escaped recognition for so long is part of the mystique and paradox of emotions. Affects are familiar to everyone. They are part of our experiences, so ordinary and common that they are equated with being human. The first part of this book is devoted to those mysterious and much studied experiences: emotions. The second part of the book concerns psychic trauma. Certain aspects of these two subjects have to be established in order to give us a broad enough view to approach the third subject: alexithymia.

The Integration of Psychology and Christianity: A Domain-Based Approach (Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books)

by Mark A. Yarhouse William L. Hathaway

worldview integrationtheoretical integrationapplied integrationrole integrationpersonal integration

The Integration of Psychology and Theology: An Introduction

by John D. Carter Bruce Narramore

The Rosemead Psychology Series is a continuing series of studies written for professionals and students in the fields of psychology and theology and in related areas such as pastoral counseling. It seeks to present current thinking on the subject of the integration of psychology that grow out of the interface of psychology and theology. The data and theories of both theoretical and applied psychology are treated in this series, as well as fundamental theological concepts and issues that bear on psychological research, theory, and practice. These volumes are offered with the hope that they will stimulate further thinking and publication on the integration of psychology and the Christian faith.

Integration of Vocational Education and Training Experiences: Purposes, Practices and Principles (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects #29)

by Sarojni Choy Gun-Britt Wärvik Viveca Lindberg

This book draws on experiences from a range of vocational education systems in different nation states and re-examines the purpose of providing experiences outside educational institutions; the kinds and extent of those experiences; and efforts made to ensure the integration of students’ experiences across sites. Analyses of the various vocational education systems, their purposes and practices across nations, and challenges experienced by different stakeholders illustrate different approaches to the integration of learning at different sites. The book includes a consideration of what constitutes the integration and reconciliation of experiences, and their attendant educational implications. This extends an appraisal of the concepts of integration, reconciliation, curriculum and work readiness, each of which has a range of connotations. Integration or reconciliation is differentiated from transfer of learning, which is commonly based on simple assumptions that the educational institutions will provide theory and that the workplaces will provide practice from the workplaces, and that the two can be easily linked by students. The contributions from different nation states clearly demonstrate that integration is a collaborative process and requires the agency of stakeholders operating at global, national and specific learning site levels.

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